Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egional climate"" "subject:"egional elimate""
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Risiken des Klimawandels für den Wasserhaushalt - Variabilität und Trend des zeitlichen Niederschlagsspektrums / Risks for the water budget due to climate change – variability and trend of the temporal spectrum of precipitationFranke, Johannes 29 December 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf der Grundlage begutachteter Publikationen als kumulative Dissertation verfasst. Ziel war hier, das zeitliche Spektrum des Niederschlages unter sich bereits geänderten und zukünftig möglichen Klimabedingungen zu untersuchen, um daraus risikobehaftete Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt ableiten zu können. Ausgehend von den für Sachsen bzw. Mitteldeutschland jahreszeitlich berechneten Trends für den Niederschlag im Zeitraum 1951-2000 wurde hier der Schwerpunkt auf das Verhalten des Starkniederschlages im Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz (Osterzgebirge) während der Vegetationsperiode gesetzt. Unter Verwendung von Extremwertverteilungen wurde das lokale Starkniederschlagsgeschehen im Referenzzeitraum 1961-2000 für Ereignisandauern von 1-24 Stunden und deren Wiederkehrzeiten von 5-100 Jahren aus statistischer Sicht beschrieben. Mittels eines wetterlagenbasierten statistischen Downscaling wurden mögliche Änderungen im Niveau des zeitlich höher aufgelösten Niederschlagspektrums gegenüber dem Referenzspektrum auf die Zeitscheiben um 2025 (2011-2040) und 2050 (2036-2065) projiziert. Hierfür wurden die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen für das IPCC-Emissionsszenario A1B angenommen. Mittels eines problemangepassten Regionalisierungsalgorithmus´ konnte eine Transformation der Punktinformationen in eine stetige Flächeninformation erreicht werden. Dabei wurden verteilungsrelevante Orografieeffekte auf den Niederschlag maßstabsgerecht berücksichtigt.
Die signifikanten Niederschlagsabnahmen im Sommer bzw. in der Vegetationsperiode sind in Sachsen mit einer Zunahme und Intensivierung von Starkniederschlägen kombiniert. Hieraus entsteht ein Konfliktpotenzial zwischen Hochwasserschutz auf der einen und (Trink-) Wasserversorgung auf der anderen Seite. Für die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen der Zeitscheiben um 2025 und 2050 wurden für das Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz zunehmend positive, nicht-lineare Niveauverschiebungen im zeitlich höher aufgelösten Spektrum des Starkniederschlages berechnet. Für gleich bleibende Wiederkehrzeiten ergaben sich größere Regenhöhen bzw. für konstant gehaltene Regenhöhen kleinere Wiederkehrzeiten. Aus dem erhaltenen Änderungssignal kann gefolgert werden, dass der sich fortsetzende allgemeine Erwärmungstrend mit einer Intensivierung des primär thermisch induzierten, konvektiven Starkniederschlagsgeschehens einhergeht, was in Sachsen mit einem zunehmend häufigeren Auftreten von Starkregenereignissen kürzerer Andauer sowie mit einer zusätzlichen orografischen Verstärkung von Ereignissen längerer Andauer verbunden ist.
Anhand des Klimaquotienten nach Ellenberg wurden Effekte des rezenten Klimatrends auf die Verteilung der potenziellen natürlichen Vegetation in Mitteldeutschland beispielhaft untersucht. Über eine Korrektur der Berechnungsvorschrift konnte eine Berücksichtigung der trendbehafteten klimatologischen Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere dem negativen Niederschlagstrend im Sommer, erreicht werden.
Insgesamt konnte festgestellt werden, dass die regionalen Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels massive Änderungen in der raum-zeitlichen Struktur des Niederschlages in Sachsen zur Folge haben, was unvermeidlich eine komplexe Wirkungskette auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt zur Folge hat und mit Risiken verbunden ist. / This paper was written as a cumulative doctoral thesis based on appraised publications. Its objective was to study the temporal spectrum of precipitation under already changed or possible future climate conditions in order to derive effects on the water budget which are fraught with risks. Based on seasonal trends as established for Saxony and Central Germany for precipitation in the period of 1951-2000, the focus was on the behaviour of heavy precipitation in the catchment area of the Weißeritz (eastern Ore Mountains) during the growing season. Using distributions of extreme values, the local heavy precipitation behaviour in the reference period of 1961-2000 was described from a statistical point of view for event durations of 1-24 hours and their return periods of 5-100 years. Statistical downscaling based on weather patterns was used to project possible changes in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of precipitation, compared with the reference spectrum, to the time slices around 2025 (2011-2040) and 2050 (2036-2065). The IPCC A1B emission scenario was assumed for expected climate conditions for this purpose. Using a regionalisation algorithm adapted to the problem made it possible to achieve a transformation of local information into areal information. In doing so, distribution-relevant orographic effects on precipitation were taken into consideration in a manner true to scale.
Significant decreases in precipitation in summer and during the growing season are combined with an increase and intensification of heavy precipitation in Saxony. This gives rise to a potential for conflict between the need for flood protection, on the one hand, and the supply of (drinking) water, on the other hand. For the expected climate conditions of the time slices around 2025 and 2050, increasingly positive, non-linear shifts in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of heavy precipitation were calculated for the catchment of the Weißeritz. Higher amounts of rain were found if the return periods were kept constant, and shorter return periods were found if the rain amounts were kept constant. It may be concluded from the change signal obtained that the continuing general warming trend is accompanied by an intensification of the primarily thermally induced convective behaviour of heavy precipitation. In Saxony, this is associated with an increasingly frequent occurrence of heavy precipitation events of short duration and with an additional orographic intensification of events of long duration.
Using the Ellenberg climate quotient, effects of the recent climate trend on the distribution of potential natural vegetation in Central Germany were studied by way of example. Underlying climatological conditions subject to a trend, in particular the negative trend of precipitation in summer, were taken into consideration by a modification of the calculation rule.
All in all, it was found that regional effects of global climate change bring about massive changes in the spatiotemporal structure of precipitation in Saxony, which inevitably leads to a complex chain of impact on the regional water budget and is fraught with risks.
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Risiken des Klimawandels für den Wasserhaushalt – Variabilität und Trend des zeitlichen Niederschlagsspektrums / Risks for the water budget due to climate change – variability and trend of the temporal spectrum of precipitationFranke, Johannes 02 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf der Grundlage begutachteter Publikationen als kumulative Dissertation verfasst. Ziel war hier, das zeitliche Spektrum des Niederschlages unter sich bereits geänderten und zukünftig möglichen Klimabedingungen zu untersuchen, um daraus risikobehaftete Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt ableiten zu können. Ausgehend von den für Sachsen bzw. Mitteldeutschland jahreszeitlich berechneten Trends für den Niederschlag im Zeitraum 1951-2000 wurde hier der Schwerpunkt auf das Verhalten des Starkniederschlages im Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz (Osterzgebirge) während der Vegetationsperiode gesetzt. Unter Verwendung von Extremwertverteilungen wurde das lokale Starkniederschlagsgeschehen im Referenzzeitraum 1961-2000 für Ereignisandauern von 1-24 Stunden und deren Wiederkehrzeiten von 5-100 Jahren aus statistischer Sicht beschrieben. Mittels eines wetterlagenbasierten statistischen Downscaling wurden mögliche Änderungen im Niveau des zeitlich höher aufgelösten Niederschlagspektrums gegenüber dem Referenzspektrum auf die Zeitscheiben um 2025 (2011-2040) und 2050 (2036-2065) projiziert. Hierfür wurden die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen für das IPCC-Emissionsszenario A1B angenommen. Mittels eines problemangepassten Regionalisierungsalgorithmus´ konnte eine Transformation der Punktinformationen in eine stetige Flächeninformation erreicht werden. Dabei wurden verteilungsrelevante Orografieeffekte auf den Niederschlag maßstabsgerecht berücksichtigt.
Die signifikanten Niederschlagsabnahmen im Sommer bzw. in der Vegetationsperiode sind in Sachsen mit einer Zunahme und Intensivierung von Starkniederschlägen kombiniert. Hieraus entsteht ein Konfliktpotenzial zwischen Hochwasserschutz auf der einen und (Trink-) Wasserversorgung auf der anderen Seite. Für die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen der Zeitscheiben um 2025 und 2050 wurden für das Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz zunehmend positive, nicht-lineare Niveauverschiebungen im zeitlich höher aufgelösten Spektrum des Starkniederschlages berechnet. Für gleich bleibende Wiederkehrzeiten ergaben sich größere Regenhöhen bzw. für konstant gehaltene Regenhöhen kleinere Wiederkehrzeiten. Aus dem erhaltenen Änderungssignal kann gefolgert werden, dass der sich fortsetzende allgemeine Erwärmungstrend mit einer Intensivierung des primär thermisch induzierten, konvektiven Starkniederschlagsgeschehens einhergeht, was in Sachsen mit einem zunehmend häufigeren Auftreten von Starkregenereignissen kürzerer Andauer sowie mit einer zusätzlichen orografischen Verstärkung von Ereignissen längerer Andauer verbunden ist.
Anhand des Klimaquotienten nach Ellenberg wurden Effekte des rezenten Klimatrends auf die Verteilung der potenziellen natürlichen Vegetation in Mitteldeutschland beispielhaft untersucht. Über eine Korrektur der Berechnungsvorschrift konnte eine Berücksichtigung der trendbehafteten klimatologischen Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere dem negativen Niederschlagstrend im Sommer, erreicht werden.
Insgesamt konnte festgestellt werden, dass die regionalen Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels massive Änderungen in der raum-zeitlichen Struktur des Niederschlages in Sachsen zur Folge haben, was unvermeidlich eine komplexe Wirkungskette auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt zur Folge hat und mit Risiken verbunden ist. / This paper was written as a cumulative doctoral thesis based on appraised publications. Its objective was to study the temporal spectrum of precipitation under already changed or possible future climate conditions in order to derive effects on the water budget which are fraught with risks. Based on seasonal trends as established for Saxony and Central Germany for precipitation in the period of 1951-2000, the focus was on the behaviour of heavy precipitation in the catchment area of the Weißeritz (eastern Ore Mountains) during the growing season. Using distributions of extreme values, the local heavy precipitation behaviour in the reference period of 1961-2000 was described from a statistical point of view for event durations of 1-24 hours and their return periods of 5-100 years. Statistical downscaling based on weather patterns was used to project possible changes in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of precipitation, compared with the reference spectrum, to the time slices around 2025 (2011-2040) and 2050 (2036-2065). The IPCC A1B emission scenario was assumed for expected climate conditions for this purpose. Using a regionalisation algorithm adapted to the problem made it possible to achieve a transformation of local information into areal information. In doing so, distribution-relevant orographic effects on precipitation were taken into consideration in a manner true to scale.
Significant decreases in precipitation in summer and during the growing season are combined with an increase and intensification of heavy precipitation in Saxony. This gives rise to a potential for conflict between the need for flood protection, on the one hand, and the supply of (drinking) water, on the other hand. For the expected climate conditions of the time slices around 2025 and 2050, increasingly positive, non-linear shifts in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of heavy precipitation were calculated for the catchment of the Weißeritz. Higher amounts of rain were found if the return periods were kept constant, and shorter return periods were found if the rain amounts were kept constant. It may be concluded from the change signal obtained that the continuing general warming trend is accompanied by an intensification of the primarily thermally induced convective behaviour of heavy precipitation. In Saxony, this is associated with an increasingly frequent occurrence of heavy precipitation events of short duration and with an additional orographic intensification of events of long duration.
Using the Ellenberg climate quotient, effects of the recent climate trend on the distribution of potential natural vegetation in Central Germany were studied by way of example. Underlying climatological conditions subject to a trend, in particular the negative trend of precipitation in summer, were taken into consideration by a modification of the calculation rule.
All in all, it was found that regional effects of global climate change bring about massive changes in the spatiotemporal structure of precipitation in Saxony, which inevitably leads to a complex chain of impact on the regional water budget and is fraught with risks.
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Influência do uso e cobertura do solo no clima de Piracicaba, São Paulo: análise de séries históricas, ilhas de calor e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto / Influence of land cover and land use on the climate of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo: analysis of historical series, heat island and remote sensing techniquesPriscila Pereira Coltri 30 June 2006 (has links)
As mudanças climáticas globais, regionais e locais representam, na atualidade, uma das maiores preocupações da humanidade. Essas mudanças podem ocorrer tanto a partir de causas naturais quanto a partir de causas antrópicas. As áreas das cidades se caracterizam por apresentarem temperaturas mais elevadas quando comparadas com as áreas rurais. Essa anomalia térmica causa a formação de ilhas de calor e esse fenômeno é reconhecidamente importante em estudos de clima urbano. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi, através de técnicas do sensoriamento remoto, identificar e analisar as ilhas de calor do Município de Piracicaba, SP verificando sua sazonalidade, intensidade e morfologia. Para tanto foi necessário realizar uma análise climática regional e verificar a possibilidade do uso do algoritmo de transformação termal do software IDRISI 3.2 nas imagens do satélite Landsat 7. Para validar o algoritmo foram aplicados dois métodos de transformação de temperatura aparente de superfície. Para a análise climática regional foram estudados os principais elementos climáticos do Município de Piracicaba, SP utilizando-se de dados da Estação Meteorológica da ESALQ/USP entre os anos de 1950 e 2005 e estes foram correlacionados com variáveis da urbanização. Concluiu-se, com os dados encontrados, que os elementos temperatura, precipitação, umidade relativa e evaporação tiveram tendência de aumento no período estudado e todos eles foram classificados como tendências climáticas. A temperatura apresentou tendência de aumento mais acentuada e se correlacionou positivamente com o aumento da urbanização. O algoritmo de transformação do software IDRISI 3.2 para o satélite Landsat 7 foi validado, sendo uma importante ferramenta para a utilização de imagens de melhor resolução. As ilhas de calor mais intensas do verão são representadas por locais com excesso de material de construção civil e pouca ou nenhuma área verde. A diferença entre a área urbana e a área rural da cidade ultrapassou 16°C no verão. O Parque da Rua do Porto é uma ilha de frescor e exerce um efeito oásis no centro e nos bairros vizinhos. O perfil das ilhas de calor do Município de Piracicaba não segue aquele delimitado por OKE (1974). As ilhas de calor variam sazonal e espacialmente e a intensidade destas, ao longo das estações do ano, está intimamente relacionada com a sazonalidade da cultura da cana-deaçúcar. As ilhas de calor da época da entressafra são, em média, 3.5°C mais intensas que as da época da safra. Por fim, pode-se afirmar que o uso e a cobertura do solo rural e urbano é um dos grandes agentes modificadores do clima local e regional. / Global, regional and local climate changes represent one of the greatest concerns of humanity. Climate changes can occur through natural or anthropogenic causes. Urban areas usually present higher temperatures than rural areas. This thermal effect is called heat-island phenomenon and has great importance on urban climate studies. In the present work, we identified and analyzed the heat-islands from Piracicaba, São Paulo using remote sensing techniques. The heat-islands were analyzed according to its seasonality, intensity and morphology using images from Landsat 7 satellite. We performed analysis on regional climate changes and investigated the use of the IDRISI thermal algorithm to convert Landsat 7 infrared thermal data on land surface temperature (LST). In order to transform Landsat 7 infrared thermal data we used two mathematical methods. Climate changes were analyzed by monitoring the climate elements for long periods of time, enabling the visualization of directional or periodical regional changes. The main climate elements were studied using data from ESALQ meteorological station for the last 55 years (1950-2005). Temperature, relative humidity, evaporation and precipitation variation were found to be correlated with urban growth parameters. The results indicated that temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and evaporation increased during the studied period and have been classified as climate trends. The temperature presented the more accentuated trend of increase and was positively correlated with the growing urbanization. The software IDRISI 3.2 can be used with Landsat 7 high resolution images, being a useful and rapid tool to study urban heat islands. The most intense summer heatislands were represented by regions with higher amounts of constructed areas and almost any green area. In fact, during the summer the difference between the urban and rural areas was greater than 10°C. The Rua do Porto park was identified as a fresh-island and showed the oasis effect to the Center and neighbouring regions. Heat-islands varied according to the season and space and its intensity is intimately related to the sugar-cane seasonality. During the intercrop period the heat-islands were 3.5°C more intense than during the crop period. In conclusion land cover and land use affect local and regional climates.
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Variabilités climatiques régionales et changement global : cas de l'évolution climatique récente au Maroc, en Mauritanie et sur leur proche océan / Regional climate variability and global change : case of recent global change in Morocco, Mauritania and their near oceanAmraoui, Laïla 29 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte du changement climatique contemporain, les analyses climatiques à l’échelle régionale présentent un intérêt majeur car elles permettent de rendre compte des hétérogénéités spatiales des évolutions climatiques. Notre étude propose une analyse de l’évolution climatique récente au Maroc et en Mauritanie et leur proche océan. Elle s’intéresse à cette évolution dans les basses couches de l’atmosphère en tenant compte des conditions thermiques (les températures de l’air à 2m), de la dynamique climatique côtière (TSM et upwelling), puis de la dynamique atmosphérique constituée des pressions atmosphériques et des vents de surface. Pour la totalité des paramètres météorologiques étudiés, la variabilité et l’évolution interannuelles sont analysées aux échelles annuelle et mensuelle / saisonnière. Les analyses statistiques basées principalement sur les régressions linéaires et la segmentation d’Hubert ont permis de monter que l’espace maroco-mauritanien a connu au cours des six dernières décennies (1950-2008), des évolutions climatiques contrastées tant à l’échelle spatiale qu’à l’échelle saisonnière. Les résultats les plus marquants se résument dans :•une évolution thermique contrastée avec un réchauffement plus marqué au Maroc et au Sahara qu’en Mauritanie, •augmentation de l’intensité de l’upwelling sur la côte marocaine et diminution de son intensité sur la côte mauritanienne,•une forte et dominante tendance à la hausse de la pression atmosphérique laissant apparaître notamment un renforcement de l’A.A méditerrano-saharienne et un affaiblissement de la dépression thermique saharienne en été,•une tendance générale à la baisse de la vitesse des vents, qui se produit parallèlement à une rotation de la rose des vents du nord au nord-est pour les alizés maritimes et du nord à l’est pour les alizés continentaux.La segmentation d’Hubert a permis de confirmer que les fluctuations climatiques majeures dans l’espace maroco-mauritanien et son proche océan se sont produites pendant les années 1970. Cela se vérifie à l’échelle des températures de l’air, de l’upwelling, et des PNM, tandis que pour les vents, la rupture qui a touché la vitesse et la fréquence des directions principales des alizés s’est produite entre les années 1960 et 1970. Une seconde période de rupture est mise en évidence par la segmentation d’Hubert. Elle concerne les années 1990 dans les séries chronologiques des températures de l’air et des PNM. / In the context of global contemporary climate change, regional climate analyses are of major interest as they allow accounting for spatial heterogeneity of climate change. Our study provides for an analysis of recent climate changes in Morocco and Mauritania and their nearby Ocean. It focuses on the evolution in the lower layers of the atmosphere, taking into account the thermal conditions (air temperature at 2m), the coastal climate dynamics (sst and upwelling), and atmosphere dynamics made of atmospheric pressures and surface winds. For all the studied meteorological parameters, the variability and inter-annual evolution are analyzed on monthly and annual / seasonal scales.Statistical analyzes based primarily on linear regressions and Hubert's segmentation helped show that the Moroccan-Mauritanian zone has experienced over the past six decades (1950-2008), contrasting climate changes both at the spatial and seasonal scales. The most significant results are hereunder summarized :•A contrasted thermal evolution with a more pronounced warming in Morocco and the Sahara than in Mauritania,•Increase the intensity of the upwelling on the Moroccan coast and decrease on the Mauritanian,•A strong and dominant upward trend in atmospheric pressure, resulting, in particular, in a Mediterrano-Saharan AA strengthening and lower Saharan thermal pressure during summer,•A general downward trend in wind speed, in parallel with a rotation of the compass rose from north to northeast for marine trade winds, and from north to east for the continental trade winds.Hubert’ Segmentation confirmed that the major climatic fluctuations in the Moroccan-Mauritanian area and their nearby ocean occurred during the 1970s. This is true at the level of air temperatures, the upwelling, and SLP, while the disruption that affected the wind speed and the frequency of the main directions of the trade winds occurred between 1960 and 1970. A second period of disruption has been demonstrated by Hubert’s segmentation. It relates to the 1990s in air temperature chronological series and SLP.
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Capacité d'une chaine de modélisation hydroclimatique haute résolution à simuler des indices de déficit hydrique : application aux douglasaies et hêtraies de Bourgogne / Capacity of a high resolution hydroclimatic modelling chair to simulate soil water deficit indexes for Douglas-fir and common Beeches over BurgundyBoulard, Damien 19 July 2016 (has links)
Durant l’épisode de canicule-sécheresse de 2003, les peuplements de douglas et de hêtres en Bourgogne ont été lourdement affectés, présentant des symptômes de dépérissement et de surmortalité. Cet épisode semble être la première occurrence d’aléas climatiques attendus dans un futur proche et remet en question leur pérennité en Bourgogne puisque leur vulnérabilité au climat est attribuable à l'amplitude et au cumul des contraintes hydriques exercées durant leur cycle de végétation. Dans le contexte du changement climatique et en réponses aux demandes des gestionnaires forestiers qui s’appuient partiellement sur une cartographie de l’évolution des contraintes climatiques jusqu’à la fin de ce siècle, ce travail explore la capacité d’une chaîne de modélisation hydroclimatique haute résolution couplant le modèle de climat régional WRF alimenté par les réanalyses ERA-Interim au modèle de bilan hydrique Biljou© ˆ simuler des indices de déficit hydrique pour ces deux essences. La première partie de ce travail propose une analyse de la capacité du modèle WRF à simuler chacune des variables atmosphériques de surface qui sont utilisées en entrée du modèle du bilan hydrique. L’analyse de la capacité du modèle à simuler ces variables repose (i) sur une approche comparative directe entre les données simulées par WRF et les observations enregistrées par le réseau de stations Météo-France et les réanalyses SAFRAN à l’échelle de la région, de la station, et du peuplement forestier, (ii) sur une approche indirecte utilisant l’évapotranspiration potentielle (ETP) et la relation entre les indices de croissance radiale et les indices de déficit hydrique calculés par le modèle d’impact pour les deux essences. Les résultats montrent une amélioration significative des données ERA-Interim par le modèle WRF pour chacune des variables ainsi qu’une capacité certaine à les spatialiser à haute résolution. Toutefois, la bonne reproduction de l’ETP par WRF, combinée à la faible corrélation entre la moyenne annuelle des indices de déficit hydrique estimés avec les données WRF et la moyenne annuelle des indices de croissance radiale montrent que les difficultés de WRF à simuler le déficit hydrique sont principalement imputables à ses biais de précipitations. La seconde partie propose l’application d’une post-correction statistique aux données de précipitations WRF. Bien que cette méthode améliore significativement la distribution spatiale des précipitations, leurs variabilités saisonnière et interannuelle et surtout les cumuls précipités, les données post-corrigées ne permettent pas de reproduire un indice de déficit hydrique suffisamment proche de celui estimé à partir des observations ou des analyses SAFRAN. Deux nouvelles simulations résolvant explicitement les processus convectifs et utilisant un guidage spectral ont permis de montrer à partir de deux années types que cette déficience est imputable à l’incapacité de la méthode de correction à résoudre les différences de timing de la variabilité climatique transitoire simulée par WRF. Deux types d’erreurs de modélisation climatique, survenant indépendamment, sont donc d'une importance primordiale pour les études d'impact: (i) la chronologie des événements pluvieux ; (ii) la distribution statistique des précipitations quotidiennes. La combinaison de ces deux éléments contrôle le nombre de jours franchissant le seuil de 40% de réserve relative en eau du sol et indirectement l’intensité des indices de déficit hydrique. / During the 2003 drought and heat wave event, douglas-fir and common beech stands in Burgundy have been heavily affected, and presented symptoms of dieback and mortality. This event seems to be the first occurrence of expected climatic changes in the near future and questions their sustainability in Burgundy since their climate vulnerability is mainly due to the amplitude and accumulated water constraints exercised during their growing cycle. In the context of climate change and in order to provide information to forest managers who partly rely on a mapping of the climatic constraints until the end of this century, this work explores the ability of a high resolution hydroclimatic modelling chain, coupling the regional climate model WRF to the daily lumped water balance model Biljou© in order to simulate soil water deficit indices for these two species. The first part of this paper analyzes the capacity of WRF model to simulate each surface atmospheric variable used as input for the water balance computation. The analysis of model's ability to simulate these variables is based on (i) a direct and comparative approach between WRF simulated data and observations recorded by the Météo-France stations network and SAFRAN reanalyses across the whole region, over stations and forest stands, (ii) on an indirect approach using the potential evapotranspiration and soil water deficit index calculated by Biljou©. Results show a significant improvement upon the ERA-Interim data for each variable and a strong ability to produce reliable data at high resolution. However, the WRF capability to estimate a realist potential evapotranspiration, combined to the the low correlation between the average annual soil water deficit and radial growth indexes, show that the WRF deficiencies in simulating water deficit are mainly attributable to its precipitation biases. The second part proposes to apply a statistical post-correction to the WRF precipitation data. Although this method significantly improves the spatial distribution of precipitation, their seasonal and interannual variability and precipitation amounts, post-corrected data do not produce a water deficit index sufficiently close to those ones estimated from observations or SAFRAN reanalysis. Two new simulations explicitly solving convective processes and using a spectral nudging have shown that this deficiency is mainly attributable to the inability of the correction method to solve timing differences of the transient climate variability simulated by WRF. This work showed that two types of climate modeling errors occurring independently, are major issues for impact studies: (i) the timing of precipitations events ; (ii) the statistical distribution of daily precipitation. Combined together, they control the number of days crossing the 40% threshold of relative extractable water and indirectly the soil water deficit index intensity.
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Temporal and Spatial Variability of Surface Solar Radiation over the South-West Indian Ocean and Reunion Island : Regional Climate Modeling / Variabilité temporelle et spatiale du rayonnement solaire à la surface sur le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien (SOOI) et à l’île de La Réunion : modélisation du climat régionalLi, Peng 08 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail documente la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du rayonnement solaire à la surface sur le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien (SOOI) et l'île de La Réunion à l'aide de deux modèles régionaux de climat (MRC) : les modèles RegCM et WRF. La première partie de ce travail est dédiée à l'analyse de la variabilité temporelle du rayonnement solaire à l'aide du modèle RegCM sur le SOOI avec une résolution spatiale modérée (50km). S'agissant du premier travail sur la modélisation régionale du climat pour l'étude du rayonnement solaire dans le SOOI, une première série de tests pour illustrer les performances du modèle et sa sensibilité au choix des paramétrisations physiques (transfert radiatif, convection), à la taille du modèle, et à la résolution spatiale, est effectuée. Le schéma radiatif par défaut, le schéma CCM, et le schéma convectif mixte : Grell sur les terres et Emanuel sur les océans, donnent les résultats les plus satisfaisants pour la région, comparés aux autres options disponibles. La variabilité climatique interannuelle, intrasaisonnière et jour-à-jour est ensuite examinée sur la base des indices climatiques. Dans un premier temps, plusieurs paramètres (vent horizontal, température, humidité relative) issus des réanalyses ERA-Interim et utilisés comme paramètres d'entrée pour le modèle RegCM, sont analysés en lien avec ceux correspondant fournis en sortie du modèle, pour vérifier l'aptitude du modèle à maintenir les signaux ENSO (El-Nino Southern Oscillation), IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole), MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) et les Talwegs Tropicaux-Tempérés (TTT). Dans un second temps, le rayonnement solaire à la surface simulé par le modèle RegCM est mis en lien avec ces différents modes de variabilité. La seconde partie du travail est consacrée à l'analyse de la variabilité spatiale du rayonnement solaire à la surface à La Réunion à l'aide du modèle WRF à très haute résolution spatiale (750m) pour différentes échelles de temps : interannuelle, intrasaisonnière, jour-à-jour. Une classification est appliquée sur les sorties de rayonnement produites par WRF, et le lien avec la circulation atmosphérique de grande échelle est analysé dans chacune des classes. Les résultats de la modélisation sont validés à l'aide des données d'observations du réseau Météo France et des produits satellite CM SAF. Les résultats indiquent que les MRC ont la capacité de représenter la variabilité temporelle et spatiale du rayonnement solaire à La Réunion. / This work documents the temporal and spatial variability of surface solar radiation (SSR) over the southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) and Reunion Island using two complementary Regional Climate Models (RCMs): RegCM4 and WRF. The first part of the work is dedicated to the analysis of the temporal variability of SSR based on RegCM4 over the SWIO at a moderate spatial resolution (50km). Because RegCM4 is the first RCM that focuses on the solar radiation research over the SWIO region, a first series of test experiments with this model to illustrate the model performance and its sensitivity to the choice of the physical parameterizations (radiation, convection), the domain size, and the spatial resolution, are performed. The default CCM radiative and the mixed convective scheme: Grell scheme over land and Emanuel scheme over ocean, give better performance over the SWIO compared to the other available options. The interannual, intraseasonal and synoptic climate variability is then examined through the climate indices and several ERA-Interim parameters (U, V, T and RH) are firstly analyzed along with the corresponding RegCM4 output data to check whether the RegCM4 model forced by ERA-Interim reanalyses is able to maintain the El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the Tropical Temperate Trough (TTT) signals. Secondly, simulated SSR in association with the different modes of variability is examined. In the second part, SSR spatial variability over Reunion Island is analyzed based on WRF simulations at very fine resolution (750m) for seasonal, intraseasonal, and daily time scales. Clustering classification is applied to WRF simulated SSR over Reunion and the effect from the atmospheric circulation is checked together. Météo France observations and CM SAF are used to validate the results of the model. The results indicate that regional climate models have the ability to present the temporal and spatial variability of SSR over Reunion.
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Les changements d'extrêmes de température en Europe : records, canicules intenses et influence anthropique / Changes in temperature extremes over Europe : record-breaking temperatures, severe heatwaves and anthropogenic influenceBador, Margot 21 January 2016 (has links)
En Europe, l'augmentation des températures moyennes de surface de l'air projetée au cours du 21ème siècle s'accompagne d'une augmentation des extrêmes chauds et d'une diminution des extrêmes froids. Dans les dernières décennies, des indices témoignent déjà de ces changements, comme l'établissement récurrent de nouveaux records de chaleur ou l'augmentation des canicules. Nous étudions l'évolution des extrêmes journaliers de température au cours du 20ème et du 21ème siècle en France et en Europe, et ce en termes d'occurrence et d'intensité. Un intérêt particulier est aussi porté aux mécanismes responsables de ces futurs extrêmes climatiques, ainsi qu'aux futures températures maximales. Nous nous intéressons tout d'abord à l'évolution des records journaliers de température à partir d'observations et de modèles de climat. Entre 1950 et 1980, l'évolution théorique des records dans le cadre d'un climat stationnaire représente correctement l'évolution observée des records chauds et froids. Depuis les années 1980, un écart à ce climat stationnaire est observé, avec respectivement une augmentation et une diminution de l'occurrence des records chauds et froids. Les modèles climatiques suggèrent une accentuation de ces changements au cours du siècle. L'occurrence moyenne des records chauds à la fin du siècle présente une forte augmentation par rapport aux premières décennies de la période observée. L'augmentation la plus importante des records chauds est projetée en été, en particulier dans la région méditerranéenne. Quant aux records froids, les modèles indiquent une diminution très importante de leur occurrence, avec une occurrence quasi-nulle dans les dernières décennies. Les variations observées d'occurrence de records sont, au début du 21ème siècle, toujours dans l'éventail des fluctuations de la variabilité interne du climat. Au cours du siècle, l'émergence de l'influence anthropique de ces fluctuations est détectable dans l'évolution des records chauds et froids en été, et ce respectivement autour des décennies 2030 et 2020. À l'horizon de la fin du siècle, les changements moyens d'occurrence de records ne peuvent pas être uniquement expliqués par des fluctuations naturelles. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux futures températures estivales extrêmes, ainsi qu'aux canicules intenses qui peuvent être à l'origine de ces extrêmes. Pour cela, l'utilisation de modèles climatiques globaux est associée à la modélisation climatique régionale et à des stations d'observations en France. Tout d'abord, l'augmentation maximale des valeurs maximales des records journaliers de température en été en France est estimée à partir d'une simulation régionale à haute résolution spatiale. À l'horizon 2100, les projections indiquent une augmentation maximale de ces valeurs extrêmes en été comprise entre de 6.6°C et 9.9°C selon les régions de la France. La comparaison de ces projections avec un ensemble de modèles climatiques indique que ces augmentations maximales pourraient être plus importantes. La médiane de la distribution des modèles indique en effet une augmentation maximale de ces valeurs maximales des records journaliers de température de 11.8°C en été et en France. Puis, des expériences de modélisation de canicules intenses du climat européen de la fin du 21ème siècle ont été réalisées à partir d'événements particuliers d'un modèle de climat. Ces expériences ont mis en évidence le rôle des interactions entre le sol et l'atmosphère dans l'amplification des températures extrêmes lors de futurs évènements caniculaire intenses. L'occurrence de telles canicules est d'abord dépendante de la circulation atmosphérique, mais l'intensité des températures peut ensuite être fortement amplifiée en fonction du contenu en humidité des sols avant la canicule, et donc des conditions climatiques des semaines et des mois précédents. / Over the 21st century, the mean increase in surface air temperatures is projected to be associated with an increase in warm temperature extremes and a decrease in the cold ones. Over the last decades, evidence already suggests these changes, as for example recurrent warm record-breaking temperatures or the increase in heatwave occurrence. We investigate the evolution of daily temperature extremes over the 20th and the 21st centuries in France and in Europe, their possible changes in frequency and intensity. We also focus on the mechanisms responsible for these projected climate extremes, as well as the maximum values of temperature extremes at the end of the century. First, we investigate the evolution of daily record-breaking temperatures in Europe based on the observations and an ensemble of climate models. From the 1950s to the 1980s, the theoretical evolution of the records in a stationary climate correctly reproduce the observed one, for both cold and warm records. From 1980, a shift from that theoretical evolution is observed, with an increase in the occurrence of warm records and a decrease in the occurrence of the cold ones. Climate models suggest an amplification of these changes over the century. At the end of the 21st century, the mean number of warm records shows a strong increase compared to the first decades of the observed period. The strongest increase in warm record-breaking temperatures is found in summer, and particularly over the Mediterranean edge. On the contrary, the occurrence of cold record-breaking temperatures is projected to strongly decrease, with almost no new records in the last decades of the century, for all seasons and over the entire European domain. Observed variations of daily record-breaking temperatures are still, at the beginning of the 21st century, consistent with internal climate variability only. Over the century, the anthropogenic influence emerge from these fluctuations in the summer record evolutions, around the 2030 and the 2020 for the warm and cold records respectively. By 2100, the mean changes in record occurrences cannot be explained by the internal climate variability solely, for all seasons and over the entire European domain. Then, we investigate future extreme temperatures at the end of the 21st century, as well as severe heatwaves leading to these extremes. Climate models analyses are associated with regional climate modeling and a French station-based dataset of observations. The summer 21st century evolution of the maximum values of daily warm record-breaking temperatures is first examined in the observations and the high resolution simulation of the regional model. By 2100, an increase of these values is projected, with maximum changes between +6.6°C and +9.9°C in summer among the French regions. These projections assessed from a regional model may underestimate the changes. The multi-model mean estimate of the maximum increase of these values is indeed around +11.8°C in summer over France. Finally, regional modeling experiments of severe heatwaves in the climate of the end of the 21st century in Europe are performed. These severe heatwaves are selected cases from a global climate model trajectory. The experiments results show the role of the soil-atmosphere interactions in the amplification of the extreme temperatures during such future severe warm events. The occurrence of the heatwave is first caused by the atmospheric circulation, but the temperature anomaly can then be amplified according to the soil moisture content before the event, and thus the climatic conditions of the preceding weeks and months.
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Regional Hydrologic Impacts Of Climate ChangeRehana, Shaik 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Climate change could aggravate periodic and chronic shortfalls of water, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas of the world (IPCC, 2001). Climate change is likely to accelerate the global hydrological cycle, with increase in temperature, changes in precipitation patterns, and evapotranspiration affecting the water quantity and quality, water availability and demands. The various components of a surface water resources system affected by climate change may include the water availability, irrigation demands, water quality, hydropower generation, ground water recharge, soil moisture etc. It is prudent to examine the anticipated impacts of climate change on these different components individually or combinedly with a view to developing responses to minimize the climate change induced risk in water resources systems. Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources essentially involves downscaling the projections of climatic variables (e.g., temperature, humidity, mean sea level pressure etc.) to hydrologic variables (e.g., precipitation and streamflow), at regional scale. Statistical downscaling methods are generally used in the hydrological impact assessment studies for downscaling climate projections provided by the General Circulation Models (GCMs). GCMs are climate models designed to simulate time series of climate variables globally, accounting for the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The statistical techniques used to bridge the spatial and temporal resolution gaps between what GCMs are currently able to provide and what impact assessment studies require are called as statistical downscaling methods. Generally, these methods involve deriving empirical relationships that transform large-scale simulations of climate variables (referred as the predictors) provided by a GCM to regional scale hydrologic variables (referred as the predictands). This general methodology is characterized by various uncertainties such as GCM and scenario uncertainty, uncertainty due to initial conditions of the GCMs, uncertainty due to downscaling methods, uncertainty due to hydrological model used for impact assessment and uncertainty resulting from multiple stake holders in a water resources system.
The research reported in this thesis contributes towards (i) development of methodologies for climate change impact assessment of various components of a water resources system, such as water quality, water availability, irrigation and reservoir operation, and (ii) quantification of GCM and scenario uncertainties in hydrologic impacts of climate change. Further, an integrated reservoir operation model is developed to derive optimal operating policies under the projected scenarios of water availability, irrigation water demands, and water quality due to climate change accounting for various sources of uncertainties. Hydropower generation is also one of the objectives in the reservoir operation.
The possible climate change impact on river water quality is initially analyzed with respect to hypothetical scenarios of temperature and streamflow, which are affected by changes in precipitation and air temperature respectively. These possible hypothetical scenarios are constructed for the streamflow and river water temperature based on recent changes in the observed data. The water quality response is simulated, both for the present conditions and for conditions resulting from the hypothetical scenarios, using the water quality simulation model, QUAL2K. A Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (FWLAM) is used as a river water quality management model to derive optimal treatment levels for the dischargers in response to the hypothetical scenarios of streamflow and water temperature. The scenarios considered for possible changes in air temperature (+1 oC and +2 oC) and streamflow (-0%, -10%, -20%) resulted in a substantial decrease in the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels, increase in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and river water temperature for the case study of the Tunga-Bhadra River, India. The river water quality indicators are analyzed for the hypothetical scenarios when the BOD of the effluent discharges is at safe permissible level set by Pollution Control Boards (PCBs). A significant impairment in the water quality is observed for the case study, under the hypothetical scenarios considered.
A multi-variable statistical downscaling model based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is then developed to downscale future projections of hydro¬meteorological variables to be used in the impact assessment study of river water quality. The CCA downscaling model is used to relate the surface-based observations and atmospheric variables to obtain the simultaneous projection of hydrometeorological variables. Statistical relationships in terms of canonical regression equations are obtained for each of the hydro-meteorological predictands using the reanalysis data and surface observations. The reanalysis data provided by National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) are used for the purpose. The regression equations are applied to the simulated GCM output to model future projections of hydro-meteorological predictands. An advantage of the CCA methodology in the context of downscaling is that the relationships between climate variables and the surface hydrologic variables are simultaneously expressed, by retaining the explained variance between the two sets. The CCA method is used to model the monthly hydro-meteorological variables in the Tunga-Bhadra river basin for water quality impact assessment study.
A modeling framework of risk assessment is developed to integrate the hydro¬meteorological projections downscaled from CCA model with a river water quality management model to quantify the future expected risk of low water quality under climate change. A Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) is used to quantify the risk of Low Water Quality (LWQ) corresponding to a threshold DO level, by considering the streamflow and water temperature as explanatory variables. An Imprecise Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (IFWLAM) is adopted to evaluate the future fractional removal policies for each of the dischargers by including the predicted future risk levels. The hydro-meteorological projections of streamflow, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed are modeled using MIROC 3.2 GCM simulations with A1B scenario. The river water temperature is modeled by using an analytical temperature model that includes the downscaled hydro-meteorological variables. The river water temperature is projected to increase under climate change, for the scenario considered. The IFWLAM uses the downscaled projections of streamflow, simulated river water temperature and the predicted lower and upper future risk levels to determine the fraction removal policies for each of the dischargers. The results indicate that the optimal fractional removal levels required for the future scenarios will be higher compared to the present levels, even if the effluent loadings remain unchanged.
Climate change is likely to impact the agricultural sector directly with changes in rainfall and evapotranspiration. The regional climate change impacts on irrigation water demands are studied by quantifying the crop water demands for the possible changes of rainfall and evapotranspiration. The future projections of various meteorological variables affecting the irrigation demand are downscaled using CCA downscaling model with MIROC 3.2 GCM output for the A1B scenario. The future evapotranspiration is obtained using the Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration model accounting for the projected changes in temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed. The monthly irrigation water demands of paddy, sugarcane, permanent garden and semidry crops quantified at nine downscaling locations covering the entire command area of the Bhadra river basin, used as a case study, are projected to increase for the future scenarios of 2020-2044, 2045-2069 and 2070-2095 under the climate change scenario considered.
The GCM and scenario uncertainty is modeled combinedly by deriving a multimodel weighted mean by assigning weights to each GCM and scenario. An entropy objective weighting scheme is proposed which exploits the information contained in various GCMs and scenarios in simulating the current and future climatology. Three GCMs, viz., CGCM2 (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan), MIROC3.2 medium resolution (Center for Climate System Research, Japan), and GISS model E20/Russell (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) with three scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 are used for obtaining the hydro-meteorological projections for the Bhadra river basin. Entropy weights are assigned to each GCM and scenario based on the performance of the GCM and scenario in reproducing the present climatology and deviation of each from the projected ensemble average. The proposed entropy weighting method is applied to projections of the hydro-meteorological variables obtained based on CCA downscaling method from outputs of the three GCMs and the three scenarios. The multimodel weighted mean projections are obtained for the future time slice of 2020-2060. Such weighted mean hydro-meteorological projections may be further used into the impact assessment model to address the climate model uncertainty in the water resources systems.
An integrated reservoir operation model is developed considering the objectives of irrigation, hydropower and downstream water quality under uncertainty due to climate change, uncertainty introduced by fuzziness in the goals of stakeholders and uncertainty due to the random nature of streamflow. The climate model uncertainty originating from the mismatch between projections from various GCMs under different scenarios is considered as first level of uncertainty, which is modeled by using the weighted mean hydro-meteorological projections. The second level of uncertainty considered is due to the imprecision and conflicting goals of the reservoir users, which is modeled by using fuzzy set theory. A Water Quantity Control Model (WQCM) is developed with fuzzy goals of the reservoir users to obtain water allocations among the different users of the reservoir corresponding to the projected demands. The water allocation model is updated to account for the projected demands in terms of revised fuzzy membership functions under climate change to develop optimal policies of the reservoir for future scenarios. The third level of uncertainty arises from the inherent variability of the reservoir inflow leading to uncertainty due to randomness, which is modeled by considering the reservoir inflow as a stochastic variable. The optimal monthly operating polices are derived using Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP), separately for the current and for the future periods of 2020-2040 and 2040-2060 The performance measures for Bhadra reservoir in terms of reliability and deficit ratios for each reservoir user (irrigation, hydropower and
downstream water quality) are estimated with optimal SDP policy derived for current and future periods. The reliability with respect to irrigation, downstream water quality and hydropower show a decrease for 2020-2040 and 2040-2060, while deficit ratio increases for these periods. The results reveal that climate change is likely to affect the reservoir performance significantly and changes in the reservoir operation for the future scenarios is unable to restore the past performance levels. Hence, development of adaptive responses to mitigate the effects of climate change is vital to improve the overall reservoir performance.
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Časová a prostorová variabilita v globálních a regionálních klimatických modelech / Spatiotemporal variability of global and regional climate modelsCrhová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Title: Spatiotemporal variability of global and regional climate models Author: RNDr. Lenka Crhová Department: Department of Atmospheric Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Eva Holtanová, Ph.D., Department of Atmospheric Physics Abstract: This thesis deals with variability of basic meteorological variables in global and regional climate models (GCMs and RCMs) outputs. Three different approaches were used in order to analyse climate models' ability to represent different aspects of variability of meteorological variables. The temporal variability with focus on its changes during a time and temporal scale components were studied. The relationship between air temperature and precipitation were employed in order to investigate the representation of spatiotemporal variability in climate models. Moreover, the influence of different characteristics of climate model simulations, such as the size of the RCM integration domain or differences between RCM and GCM simulations, were also considered. Two simulations of RCM ALADIN-Climate/CZ with different sizes of integration domain and their driving simulation of GCM ARPÉGE-Climat were used for analysis of the temporal changes in temperature mean and variability and selected simulations of RCMs and GCMs from the EURO-CORDEX and CMIP5 projects were employed for analyses of...
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Studium závislosti přízemní teploty na interakci a zpětných vazbách parametrizací fyzikálních procesů v numerických modelech počasí a klimatu. / Study of screen level temperature dependency on interactions and feedbacks of physics parameterizations in numerical weather prediction and climate models.Švábik, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Screen level temperature is measured at 2 meters above the ground. It is one of the most used atmospheric characteristics in various applications in meteorology and other fields related to weather prediction. Essential is not only the knowledge of its current state, but also its prediction. It is forecasted by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models from the atmospheric current state. Its long-term characteristics can be obtained from the integration of climate models. This text discusses fundamental parametriza- tions, mostly related to temperature forecast, used in the NWP model ALADIN and the regional climate model RegCM. Physical processes which influence temperature are studied using ALADIN in several cases which include the presence of low cloudiness, gravity waves and inappropriate thermic coefficient. A detailed description of the most relevant parametrization schemes is given and the results are studied in a form of indi- vidual feedback loops. Most dominant processes are also found. However, the level of 2 meters above the ground is not the model level, so temperature at 2 meters is obtained by interpolation from the surface temperature and the lowest model level temperature. Using RegCM, two differently complex interpolation schemes are compared to each other. 1
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