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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv pracovních režimů řidičů v silniční nákladní dopravě na bezpečnost dopravy / Impact of Drivers' Working Regimes in Freight Road Transport on Transport Safety

Máša, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
Working arrangements are restrictive limits for drivers important for both motor carriers and drivers. Have a major impact on the logistical arrangements of manufacturing companies that transport their goods by road. Failure to comply with these limits, is recently one of the major problems in road transport and leads to unfair competition between road hauliers. Carrier's failure to obtain such social legislation crucial competitive advantage. Recently the problem devoted much time from the perspective of politicians. States, violations of social legislation by the carrier and the driver severely punished and often the articles we read on the operating modes of drivers and their associated hazards of freight transport, road safety hazard, danger for drivers of cars. For 10 years devoted to the issue and participate in the creation of training materials on the subject of Logistics and. In my work I wanted to examine the issue of working arrangements drivers from professional point of view - how the limits are set and working arrangements whether they comply with road safety. Next, consider the statistics of accidents in the CR in relation to drivers' working arrangements and to propose changes that would contribute to the improvement of social legislation in relation to road safety.

Normativní požadavky na činnost zádržných systémů vozidel / Normative Requirements for Automotive Restraint Systems

Kučera, Jonáš January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the normative requirements on the activities of restraint systems. It includes biomechanical limits of the human body, restraint systems, description of the principle of their action and legislation. Legislation, particularly regulations of ECE and EC directives defines the normative requirements on the activity of restraint systems in the context of the approval process. There are described two types of restraint systems: seat belts and airbags in details. There are created simulations of crashtests and reviewed influence of using restraint systems on elimination of negative phenomenon of car accidents.

Oceňování nemovitých kulturních památek podle oceňovacích předpisů / Valuation of immovable cultural monuments according to valuation regulations

Vaculová, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my master´s thesis is the explanation of the terms which are in the connection with cultural monuments, the examples of the valuation of immovable cultural monuments according the valuation regulations, the description of the cultural monuments influence on the valuation methods. In my master´s thesis there are mentioned the valuation regulations since 1987 till present. The clear overview of declarations of cultural monuments was started in 1994. The first mention about the valuation of the immovable cultural monuments was written down in 1994. Before it all cultural monuments were valuated the same process as the buildings.

Porovnání ceny rozestavěné stavby RD v různých fázích výstavby s cenou provedených stavebních prací / Comparison of unfinished house prices in several stages of construction with the cost of finished construction works

Hanzlíček, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is compare the price unfinished house in various stages of construction with the cost of executed construction. The price unfinished house was identified by various calculation. The various calculation were compared each other. The chosen methods are develop construction budget, determine prices through technical-economic indicators and of price regulations. Price unfinished buildings and the value of construction works is determined in three separate phases, these phases are described in the thesis itself. Calculation results are processed in graphic form and at the end of this thesis are compared with each other. Assigned task is achieved by a complete itemized budget for a house with no exterior modifications and connections. From final itemized budget are created sub-budget containing structure according to specified stages of construction. In the same stages of construction are made calculations by price indicators and price regulations. Target set in the thesis is filled at the end, all the values are described and compared. The results suggest the use of computational methods is determined by the purpose for which prices are measured. Labor and accuracy while itemized budget is confirmed, the remaining calculations are mainly informative and preliminary pricing satisfactory. The benefit of the work is to verify the use of computational methods for the different phases of the construction process.

Etude des éléments régulateurs de l'expression des gènes chez l'humain / Study of regulatory elements on gene expression in humans

Bessiere, Chloé 27 November 2018 (has links)
L'expression des gènes est étroitement régulée par différentes régions régulatrices afin d'assurer une grande variété de types cellulaires et de fonctions. Identifier ces régions régulatrices actives, leurs caractéristiques et comprendre comment elles interagissent entre elles dans chaque type cellulaire est un enjeu majeur. Cette connaissance permettrait notamment de mieux comprendre l'impact des variants génomiques très souvent localisés dans les régions non-codantes. Par ailleurs, le développement de cancers et autres maladies est lié à des dérégulations des contrôles de l'expression des gènes. Pour pouvoir envisager des traitements ciblés et tendre vers une médecine de précision, il est important de comprendre comment toute cette machinerie est orchestrée.Plusieurs approches ont été développées pour répondre à cette question, la plupart basées sur des données expérimentales de modification d'histones, méthylation et facteurs de transcription (TFs). Cependant, ces données sont limitées à des échantillons spécifiques et ne peuvent pas être générées pour tous les régulateurs et tous les patients. Mes travaux de thèse ont porté, dans une première partie, sur la modélisation de l'expression des gènes uniquement à partir de l'information contenue dans la séquence ADN. Nous avons utilisé un modèle linéaire avec sélection de variables, équivalent en terme de performances à des méthodes non paramétriques et simple à interpréter. Ce modèle m'a permis de comparer plusieurs types de variables basées sur la séquence ADN, comme les motifs de fixation des TFs et la composition nucléotidique. Ces variables sont déterminées pour différentes régions du gène afin d'évaluer leur pouvoir régulateur et leur contribution. Les introns seuls, dont la composition nucléotidique reflète celle de l'environnement du gène, expliquent une part importante de la variation de l'expression des gènes. De plus, nous avons démontré que les domaines topologiques (TADs), dans lesquels les interactions sont favorisées, partagent une composition génomique similaire. Notre modèle de prédiction nous permet vraisemblablement de capturer, pour chaque individu, la composition des TADs actifs.Dans un second temps de mon travail, je me suis intéressée aux régulations pouvant survenir dans les introns. Le consortium international FANTOM a fourni un des atlas de sites de départ de la transcription (TSSs) les plus importants à ce jour et nous avons noté que la majorité d'entre eux sont détectés dans les régions non-codantes, notamment les introns. Nous avons donc entrepris un travail visant à explorer ces TSS introniques. Pour déterminer si ces TSSs sont fonctionnels, je me suis intéressée à la recherche de potentiels motifs régulateurs autour de ces signaux de transcription. Une fraction de ces signaux sont localisés 2 bases en aval d'une répétition de Thymidines (T). Des évidences biochimiques et génétiques suggèrent qu'au moins une partie de ces signaux correspondent à de longs ARNs non-codants sens-introniques exprimés de manière tissu-spécifique. Il semblerait également que la longueur des répétitions de Ts ait une influence sur la présence d'un signal de transcription au niveau de ces loci et, indirectement, sur l'expression du gène hôte. Ces observations offrent une possible base moléculaire à l'effet de ces courtes répétitions en tandem de T. / Genome expression is tightly controlled by different regulatory regions to provide a wide variety of cell types and functions. Identifying these regulatory regions, their characteristics and understand how they interact with each other in a tissue-specific manner is prime importance. This knowledge should help better understand the impact of genomic variants often located in non-coding regions. Besides, cancer development is invariably linked to deregulation of gene expression controls. To pave the way for targeted treatments and precision medicine, it is important to understand how all this machinery is orchestrated.To answer this question, several approaches were developed, most of them based on experimental data of histone modification, methylation and transcription factors (TFs). However, these data are limited to specific samples and cannot be generated for all the regulators and all the patients. First, my thesis research aimed at modeling gene expression based on DNA sequence only. We used a linear model with variable selection, equivalent in term of performances with non-parametric methods and easy to interpret. This model allowed me to compare several types of variables based on the DNA sequence, as TFs binding motifs and nucleotide composition. These variables are computed for various gene regions to estimate their regulatory power and contribution. Strikingly, introns, for which nucleotide composition reflects gene environment, appear to explain an important part of gene expression variation. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the topological domains (TADs), in which interactions are favored, share similar genomic compositions. Our prediction model presumably captures, for every individual, the composition of active TADs.A second aspect of my work studied the regulations occurring in introns. The international FANTOM consortium provided one of the most important transcription start sites (TSSs) atlas and we noticed that the majority of these TSSs are detected into non-coding regions, in particular introns. We thus investigated these intronic TSSs. To determine if these TSSs are functional, we searched for new potential regulatory motifs at the vicinity of these transcription signals. We found that a fraction of them is located 2 bases downstream of a repetition of Ts. Biochemical and genetic evidences suggest that at least part of these signals correspond to sense-intronic long non-coding RNAs, which are expressed in a tissue specific manner. The length of the T repetition also appears to govern the presence of a transcription signal at these loci and indirectly impact on host gene expression. These findings provide one possible molecular explanation for the effect of these short tandem repeats of Ts.

Autonomireformen : En analys av svensk högskolepolitik

Pedersen, Erik January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish system for higher education has its origin in the 15th century and the founding of Uppsala University. Until the 20th century the Swedish system for higher education was elitist and the education aimed to serve the state with qualified labor, but at this time the system started to transform into an education system available to all. Since the 1970’s until today the government has implemented three major reforms with different objectives. In addition to these major reforms minor changes have taken place continuously. The higher education system has become more and less regulated by the government with these reforms and minor changes. In the autumn of 2006 a new liberal government formed in Sweden, Reinfeldt cabinet, and soon after it decided to analyse how the institutions for higher education in Sweden were regulated. This led to the autonomy reform which took place January 1st 2010. With this thesis I want to analyse the history of the Swedish system for higher education and the implications of the autonomy reform from a perspective of governmental authority and regulations but also using the theories of Governance and New Public Management. Subject for my analysis are three official documents, the directive (Dir. 2007:158), the report (SOU 2008:104) and also the bill (prop. 2009/10:149). I will compare the proposed changes regarding regulations within these three documents and try to classify them relative to each other accordning to their degree of autonomy. The reform is influenced by the theories of Governance and New Public Management with creation of markets for higher education and a higher degree of competition of students, personnel and resources. There is also a difference in governmental regulations between the three subjects for my analysis.

Americký lobbying v EU: význam regulace lobbyingu země původu pro chování v méně regulovaném prostředí / US lobbyists in the EU: significance of home country regulation for lobbying behaviour in a less regulated environment

Vilimovská, Lucia January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis "US lobbyists in the EU: significance of home country regulation for lobbying behaviour in a less regulated environment" tackles the topic of lobbying in terms of comparing two differently regulated environments and the behaviour of lobbyists in these environments. In the introduction, the thesis analyses the current definitions and theoretical anchoring of the expert debate on lobbying, attempts to define this concept and to determine the basic research characteristics. The thesis attempts to describe why lobbying should be regulated and how is affected by lobbying transparency enhancement debate. Subsequently, the thesis describes and compares the regulation of lobbying in the United States and the European Union, while also taking into account international standards. The empirical part of the thesis is based on data provided by the American research center "Center for Responsive Politics". From this basic dataset, the companies and associations that lobby in the United States and the European Union, in particular, their basic documents and websites, are then researched based on established criteria. The aim of the thesis is to analyse whether companies and associations lobbying in a more regulated environment of the United States of America are transferring their 'taught'...

Legal aspects in road transport optimization in Europe

Goel, Asvin 24 September 2020 (has links)
Road freight transportation is subject to several legal requirements having direct impact on the practical applicability of routes and schedules. The vast majority of vehicle routing literature, so far, has largely focused on physical constraints such as capacity limits, or customer requirements such as time windows for pickups and deliveries. This paper studies legal requirements for long-distance haulage in the European Union, identifies some major gaps in the current state-of-the-art in vehicle routing, presents approaches for overcoming this gap, and analyzes the impact of the legal requirements studied.

Boendesprinkler : Hur ska boendesprinkler projekteras och installeras för att undvika vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella? / Residental sprinklers : How should residental sprinklers be designed and installed in order to avoid water damage and legionella growth?

Mohammadi, Adam, Asp, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
Rapporten är sammanställd av två kandidatstudenter vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan på högskoleingenjörsprogrammet Byggteknik och design, i samarbete med Säker Vatten AB. Efter tre års studier är detta en examinerande rapport för utbildningen. Rapporten är ämnad för alla typer av läsare, men utan byggingenjörsexamen likt vår, eller med motsvarande kunskapsnivå så kan läsare uppfatta rapporten som svårläst. Metoden för rapporten har varit så att författarna kontinuerligt intervjuat aktörer med olika intressen för hur branschen utvecklar sig. Aktörerna i fråga har alla mångårig erfarenhet eller en relevant utbildning bakom sig. Litteraturstudier har gjorts av föreskrifter, standarder, normer och rapporter som behandlar boendesprinkler, rörförläggningar, legionella och vattenskador. Tolkningar och utförande av detta baseras på kunskap som införskaffats som ingenjörsstudenter under utbildningens gång, allt för att så nyanserat som möjligt närma sig svaret på rapportens problemformulering: ”Hur ska boendesprinkler projekteras och installeras för att undvika vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella?” Som huvudsyfte har arbetet inneburit att fokusera på problemformuleringen. Problemformuleringen har i sin tur fördelats i tre frågor där varje fråga berört olika verksamheter och organisationer i branschen. Frågan specificerar vattenskadorna som kan      uppkomma i samband med boendesprinkler. För att besvara den frågan har      relevanta avsnitt i BBR, standarden SS 883001 samt branschregler Säker      Vatteninstallation studerats. Frågan hanterar tillväxten av legionella i      boendesprinkleranläggningar. Här har myndigheter och branschorganisationer      såsom Smittskyddsinstitutet, Svenskt vatten och Stockholm Vatten varit      till stor hjälp. Frågan har behandlat vilka krav som ställs på de      som projekterar och installerar boendesprinkler idag. Utgångspunkten för      fråga tre har varit normer från Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen som      behandlar boendesprinkler, samt VVS-Företagens och Sprinklergruppens      utbildning för sprinklermontörer. Förhoppningen är att den här rapporten ska fungera som underlag för skrivande av branschregler för projektering och installation av boendesprinkler. Branschregler som säkerställer att vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella undviks.  Med korrekta branschregler så bör förståelsen för boendesprinkler och dess effekt öka. Antalet boendesprinkleranläggningar bör då också öka, vilket skulle resultera i ett mer brandsäkert Sverige. / The report was compiled by two graduate students at the Royal Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science program Constructional Engineering and Design, in collaboration with Säker Vatten AB. After three years of study, this is a graded report for our education. This report is intended for all types of readers, but without education like ours, or equivalent level of knowledge, the report may be difficult to understand. The methodology for this report is that the authors continually interviewing actors with different interests in how the industry develops. The players in question all have many years of experience or relevant training behind. Studies of literature have been made of regulations, codes, standards, and reports dealing with residential sprinklers pipe laying, legionella and water damage. Interpretations and execution of this is based on the knowledge acquired as engineering students during their education, all to approach an answer so nuanced as possible to the problem report:" How should residential sprinklers be designed and installed in order to avoid water damage and legionella growth?” As the main work has meant to focus on the problem statement, which in turn is divided into three questions, each question touched on various businesses and organizations in the industry. This question specifies      the water damage which may arise in connection with residential      sprinklers. To answer that question, the relevant section of BBR, the      standard SS 883001, as well as industry regulations plumbing safety      studied. This question handles the      growth of legionella in residential sprinklers. Here are authorities and      industry organizations such as the Infectious Diseases Institute, Swedish      Water and Stockholm Water were a great help. This question has dealt      with the demands placed on the projecting and installing of residential      sprinklers today. The starting point for question number three were      standards from Swedish Fire Protection Association which deals with      residential sprinklers, and training for installers of sprinkler. This report will hopefully serve as a basis for the writing of industry regulations for design and installation of residential sprinklers. Industry regulations which will ensure that water damage and the growth of Legionella will be avoided. With proper industry regulations will the understanding of residential sprinklers and its effect increase. The number of residential sprinkler installations should then also increase, which would result in a more fireproof Sweden.

Regulations and unhealthy market strategies in High Frequency Trading / Regleringar och osunda marknadsstrategier inom högfrekvenshandeln

Hallstroem, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
High frequency trading, a version of algorithmic trading, has in recent years increased, and now represents a significant part of the trading. It has occasionally upset the public, due to its connections to events that brought negative publicity in media. Because of the complicated structure that high frequency trading have, it makes it difficult for the common man to fully understand its nature. My purpose of this work is to give a clearer picture of the various less desirable market strategies that is currently being used, and what the situation is regarding regulations. The focus is thus not on high frequency trading as a whole, nor, consequently, on the potential benefits it can bring. The approach has been to use qualitative information in the form of interviews combined with literature studies to generate a clearer picture of the current situation. The conclusion is that the development of technology has led to a situation which is not optimal regarding high frequency trading. Market confidence has been affected and its competitive neutrality has been questioned. Regulations are unfortunately lagging, relative to the market situation. Despite this, my assessment, drawn from the interviews, is that it will get better. / Högfrekvenshandel, som är en variant av algoritmhandel, har under de senaste åren ökat, och står numera för en betydande del av dagens handel. Med tiden har högfrekvenshandeln stundtals upprört allmänheten, i samband med händelser som givit negativt publicitet i media. På grund av högfrekvenshandelns komplicerade uppbyggnad har det dock varit svårt för mindre insatta att utläsa dess egentliga egenskaper. Mitt syfte med arbetet är att förmedla en tydligare bild av de olika mindre önskvärda marknadsstrategier som idag används, och hur situationen ser ut med regleringar. Fokus läggs således ej på högfrekvenshandel i sin helhet, det vill säga inte de potentiella fördelar den kan medföra. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att med kvalitativ information i form av intervjuer tillsammans med litteraturstudier skapa en tydligare bild av nuvarande situation. Slutsatsen som dras är att den tekniska utvecklingen som lett fram till dagens situation inte är optimal avseende högfrekvenshandeln. Marknadens förtroende har påverkats och dess konkurrensneutralitet ifrågasatts. Regleringarna är i förhållande till marknadssituation dessvärre eftersläpande. Trots detta är min bedömning utifrån gjorda intervjuer att det kommer att bli bättre.

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