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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis on the network access pricing rules

Sun, Weihao January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Adaptační proces sester pracujících na oddělení intenzivní péče / adaptation process of nurses working in intensive care unit

Plhoňová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the adaptation process in the intensive care units. The theoretical section analysed the adaptation process of nurses with particular focus on methodical instructions, legislation and other specific aspects of the adaptation process, including necessary education for the ICU nurses. The aim of the practical section was to examine, whether the adaptation processes are done properly and are long enough. We focused not only on the point of view of the management, but also on the feedback from the new employees. A survey was done among the employees of accredited and non-accredited healthcare facilities. By the evaluation of our data, we have managed to accept or deny various hypotheses that were included in our work. Our survey has shown that both executive nurses and new employees think the adaptation process usually proceeds correctly and thoroughly and they do not want to make any changes. Our data have also been used to compare adaptation processes of accredited and non-accredited healthcare facilities. Based on the data from our survey, we have been able to determine, that the adaptation process is significantly better at facilities which are accredited. On the contrary, the nurses working in non-accredited facilities are less satisfied and would welcome changes...

Právní úprava myslivosti / Legal regulation of hunting management

Tvrdá, Klára January 2014 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The first chapter - Historical developement of legal regulation of hunting management. There is mantioned the situation in this field since 18th century till 2001. It is important to know and understand all these questions because lots of problems appear in present time, too. To be able to understand it, it is necessary to know why and how the situation is like this. The second and third chapter - Basic International Agreements and Europian legislation. Historic developement is not the only source for forming the legal regulation of hunting management but there are other factors - rules based both on worldwide and European label. The fourth chapter - Valid legal regulation o hunting management. The most important role in this range form legal regulations which are interested in hounting as their main question. However, we can mention other laws which take part in forming the laws about hunting. The fifth chapter - Execution of the right of hunting in the Czech Republic. This part is the most important one of the whole work because there are given the rules of execution of this right in details. There is given the frame of breeding and care of game, hunting ground, rules of hunting and necessary documents for it. The sixth chapter - Question of damages in hunting management. This...

L'homme et la forêt dans la Haute-Vallée du Doubs à la fin du Moyen âge : modalités et paradoxes d'une anthropisation tardive / Man and the forest in the upper Doubs Valley at the end of the Middle Ages : modalities and paradoxes of a late human action

Carry Renaud, Elisabeth 18 March 2011 (has links)
Le fonctionnement de l’écosystème forestier dans la haute vallée du Doubs, attestant le rôle déterminant du climat, permet par l’examen des conséquences des fluctuations climatiques sur une forêt climacique, de connaître la nature de la couverture forestière médiévale. Le milieu forestier que l’homme doit détruire pour s’installer résulte de la conjugaison d’une dynamique naturelle engagée depuis l’ère quaternaire et d’un impact anthropique progressif. Le lent processus de la colonisation depuis les premières traces de fréquentation mésolithique jusqu’au Moyen Âge, se confond avec l’essor des défrichements. L’histoire du peuplement du Haut-Doubs et du recul de la forêt dont le rythme épouse les vicissitudes démographiques dues aux guerres et aux crises du bas Moyen Âge, présente des singularités dans sa chronologie, les modalités des défrichements et la mise en valeur du territoire. Pourtant, cette forêt que l’homme abat reste une ressource nourricière vitale, source de matières premières et réserve énergétique indispensables aux activités quotidiennes et à un artisanat en essor. S’impose alors à l’homme confronté aux conflits d’intérêt liés à l’usage de la forêt, la nécessité de résoudre ce paradoxe qui consiste à devoir à la fois exploiter et détruire. Les mesures restrictives et les réglementations qui s’instaurent révèlent une prise de conscience relative face aux dangers qui menacent un équilibre écologique fragile, et au nouvel impératif de protection. Cette réalité présage des conflits et des problèmes ultérieurs dont l’homme contemporain est encore à chercher les solutions / In the Upper Doubs Valley, at the end of the Middle Ages, man simultaneously destroys forests to extend his agricultural space and uses trees as necessary raw materials and a key source of energy. This represents a paradoxical situation for which he must find solutions. In the Middle Ages, woods are indeed both shaped by nature and by mankind. This study first describes the natural wood environment of this era and examines the effect of climate on a land that is the result of a long evolution from the Quaternary period. Then, it studies the impact of man from the Mesolithic era to the Middle Ages. It analyzes the chronology of deforestation and its link to demography in the context of wars and various crises in the lower Middle Ages. Deforestation is studied in its political, social, technical and ecological aspects and the way the newly created farmland is used is analyzed. The forests that man erases in the lower Middle Ages remain however, a vital resource for him, in particular for the growing manufacture. Therefore, man needs to solve this contradiction (i.e. to destroy and to build) for the following reasons: first, logging is a source of social and political conflicts, then it is about to destroy a fragile ecological balance. The consequences are the creation of restrictions and laws that are significant of a need for him to protect the environment. This situation is the precursor of problems and conflicts that contemporary man is now facing and which he still tries to solve

Státní podnik a jeho majetek / State-owned enterprise and its property

Karlík, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Over the last 20 years the number of state-owned enterprises has been steadily declining. At this point there are only about 40 active state-owned enterprises and even greater number of inactive state-owned enterprises which are currently in phase of liquidation. Despite the slim numbers of active state-owned enterprises their role in economy remains still important especially as way how to participate in business activities with state owned property. State-owned enterprises manage property in value of approximately 170 billion Czech crown and using this property they are able to achieve profit over 7.5 billion Czech crown every year. The most important source of legislation regarding state-owned enterprises is act. No. 77/1997 Coll., state-owned enterprises act, which has been amended eleven times. Very important amendment was act No. 213/2013 Coll. which introduced a mechanism that allows to transfer a part of state-owned enterprise profit to state budget. Nevertheless the most important amendment is act No. 253/2016 Coll. with effect from 01. 01. 2017 which in reaction to recodification of private law in Czech Republic and insufficient regulation of some areas introduces substantial chances. The biggest changes are introduced in the area of disposition with state property. The new amending act...

Implication fonctionnelle de l’interface hippocampo-corticale dans le processus de consolidation systémique de la mémoire associative non spatiale chez le rat : contribution du mécanisme d’étiquetage neuronal

Lesburgueres, Edith 18 December 2009 (has links)
La formation et le stockage à long terme des souvenirs mettent en jeu le processus de consolidation mnésique. S’il est maintenant bien admis que ce processus requiert une interaction entre la formation hippocampique et différentes régions corticales dépositaires des souvenirs, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce dialogue restent encore mal connus. En combinant chez le rat des approches comportementale, d’imagerie cellulaire et d’inactivations pharmacologiques des voies de signalisation intracérébrales impliquées dans l’épigenèse, nous avons cherché dans ce travail de thèse à élucider certains des mécanismes responsables de la formation des souvenirs au niveau cortical. Dans la perspective de pouvoir appréhender de façon temporellement précise le dialogue hippocampo-cortical au cours du processus de consolidation à l’échelle systémique, notre premier objectif a été de valider une épreuve comportementale adaptée à l’étude de ce processus, la transmission sociale de préférence alimentaire. Nos résultats ont montré que cette tâche, qui ne nécessite qu’une phase d’acquisition ponctuelle, induit une mémoire robuste et durable. Cette mémoire s’appuie sur des stimuli olfactifs de nature non spatiale. Son caractère associatif nécessite l’implication fonctionnelle de l’hippocampe et de régions corticales spécifiques comme le cortex orbitofrontal qui joue un rôle crucial dans le traitement d’informations de nature olfactive. Dans une deuxième série d’expériences, une approche d’imagerie cellulaire utilisant le facteur de transcription c-fos couplée à une approche pharmacologique d’inactivation transitoire région-spécifique a révélé le rôle crucial du cortex orbitofrontal dans le rappel d’informations anciennes (délai de 30 jours) mais pas récentes (délai de 1 jour). Nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence que la consolidation des informations dans cette structure s’accompagnait de changements progressifs de l’architecture des réseaux neuronaux comme la formation de nouvelles synapses (synaptogénèse) ou l’augmentation du nombre d’épines dendritiques. En accord avec le modèle standard de la consolidation mnésique, ce recrutement cortical était associé à un désengagement de l’hippocampe, confirmant le rôle transitoire de cette structure dans le rappel à long terme d’informations olfactives associatives. Dans une troisième série d’expériences, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes pouvant sous-tendre l’établissement de la mémoire à long terme au niveau cortical. Nos résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la dynamique des interactions hippocampo-corticales pendant la consolidation systémique en démontrant la nécessité d’un étiquetage des assemblées neuronales du cortex orbitofrontal dès l’encodage des informations. Un blocage de cet étiquetage par une inactivation de ce cortex au moment de l’interaction sociale (phase d’acquisition) a perturbé le rappel à long terme et empêché les modifications de l’architecture des réseaux neuronaux corticaux normalement associés au stockage à long terme des informations olfactives. Sur le plan cellulaire, cet étiquetage requiert l’activation des récepteurs NMDA et de la voie des MAPK, ainsi que l’acétylation des protéines histones impliquées dans la régulation de l’état transcriptionnel de la chromatine. En modifiant leur état d’acétylation, nous avons pu moduler positivement ou négativement le rappel à long terme des informations olfactives relatives à la préférence alimentaire. Ainsi, nos données soulignent l’importance du dialogue hippocampo-cortical dans l’établissement de la mémoire à long terme. / Abstract :

Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En kartläggande och jämförande studie av hur kommuner och Länsstyrelser tillämpar lagstiftningen / Countryside development in areas close to shores : An investigative and comparative study in county administrative boards' and municipalities' application of the law

Andersson, Henrik, Bosson, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
2009/2010 infördes i Miljöbalken och Plan- och Bygglagen ett nytt begrepp, landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS). Lagändringen genomfördes med motiveringen att områden med låg exploateringsgrad samt god tillgång till stränder skulle få en möjlighet till lättnader i strandskyddet, detta för att kunna erbjuda attraktiva lägen för boende och verksamhet inom kommunen. Sedan denna ändring infördes har kommunerna huvudansvaret för att pröva dispenser för strandskydd inom kommunen, Länsstyrelsen har huvudsakligen en granskande roll. När lagändringen 2009/2010 kom infördes det i Plan- och Bygglagen en möjlighet för kommunerna att sedan 1 februari 2010 peka ut LIS-områden inom kommunen i sin översiktsplan, tematiskt tillägg till översiktsplanen eller i en fördjupad översiktsplan. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra och kartlägga hur 44 kommuner runtom i landet använder sig av LIS. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga hur olika Länsstyrelser i olika län runtom i landet arbetar tillsammans med kommunerna i frågan om LIS. Studiens första del är kvantitativ för att sammanställa den statistik som ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Studien innehåller även en kvalitativ del som syftar till att analysera den statistik som framställts inom studien. Studien mynnar ut i slutsatsen att kommunerna och Länsstyrelsen har olika syn på LIS i helhet, vilket syns genom de synpunkter som Länsstyrelsen lämnar till kommunen via sitt granskningsyttrande. Ett mönster för vilka synpunkter som är vanligast att Länsstyrelsen lämnar har uppmärksammats inom studien. De vanligaste synpunkterna från Länsstyrelsen är att kommunerna inte tillgodosett syftet med LIS, syftet med strandskyddet samt ett eller flera riksintressen som påverkar tillämpningen av LIS. Studien visar att kommunerna följer den lagstiftning som reglerar var LIS-områden får pekas ut. Studiens fördjupande del visar att kommuner med olika politisk styrning arbetar med LIS på varierande sätt. De huvudsakliga skillnaderna i hantering av LIS-områden beroende av politisk styrning är antalet områden som pekas ut. Den politiska styrningen inom en kommun har större inverkan på utpekande av antalet LIS-områden än kommunens geografiska läge i Sverige, enligt den fördjupande delen i studiens resultat. / 2009/2010 a new concept was brought into Environmental code and Planning and Building Act, which was countryside development in areas close to shores (LIS). This amendment was motivated by that areas which have a low degree of exploited land area and high access to seaside areas would get an opportunity to reliefs in coastal protection regulations, in order to be able to offer attractive areas for living and establishing different activities within the municipality. Since the amendment came into force the main responsibility for approval of exceptions from costal protection regulations is on the county. The county administrative board main responsibility is to keep an eye on the granted approvals of the municipalities. The amendments in the Planning and Building Act resulted in the possibility for the municipalities to present areas in with a relief in coastal protection regulations, as a part of the comprehensive plan, an addition to the comprehensive plan or an extensive version for a part of the comprehensive plan. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare how the legislation about LIS is applied, by studying 44 municipalities including the documents of comments from the county administrative board. The first part of the study is the quantitative part which contains collecting and compile information and statistics in which the study will be founded. The study also contains a qualitative part of analyzing the results obtained in the quantitative part. Overall the study shows that there is a disagreement between the municipalities and the county administrative board regarding costal protection regulation. The conclusion is based on the results from the study presenting the comments from the county administrative board to the municipalities during the final examine before the comprehensive plan is adopted by the municipal council. The results in the study show a pattern in the most frequent comments from the county administrative board compiled. The most common comment from the county administrative board is that the municipality has not fulfilled the purpose of the legislation about LIS. Furthermore, the municipality has not considered national interests in the municipal areas meant for LIS. The study shows that different political ideology has an influence on the execution of the legislation about LIS in municipalities. The results in the study show that the political ideology has an impact on the numbers of areas which the municipalities present as LIS. As a matter of fact, the impact of political ideology is greater than the impact of geographical similarities between two municipalities, according to the results in the study.

“Health and safety culture on small residential construction sites: the case of Waterfall Country Estate, Midrand”

Shabangu, Nthumi Indira January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. Building (Project Management in Construction) to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, 2017 / The construction industry plays an important role in our lives, more specifically the residential sector, which serves to help people access their basic human right to housing. Housing is a basic human right which most South Africans are yet to realise. The high demand for housing and other forms of infrastructure by both the private and public sectors have attracted entrepreneurs who fall under the small and medium contractor categories, to venture into the residential construction mostly as sub-contractors. The construction industry is predominantly constituted of small, micro and medium enterprises. The construction industry is also unfortunately widely known to be a hazardous and accident prone sector; whereby workers are exposed to health and safety hazards on a daily basis, some which lead to loss of life. Literature has found that small and micro enterprises (SMEs) experience more occupational health and safety problems in comparison to their medium and larger counterparts. A positive safety culture is considered as an essential contributor to improved occupational safety performance in construction. Due to the highly reported health and safety challenges faced by construction SMEs, the study seeks to determine the existing safety culture of small and micro enterprises operating in private residential construction sector. The researcher explores the safety perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour of construction workers and management safety practices on small residential construction sites and therefore determine the existing safety culture. An existing safety climate assessment questionnaire was administered to workers employed at the Waterfall Country Estate, Midrand and the findings indicated that there generally exists a good safety culture on the affluent residential construction site. Unsafe worker behaviours have been blamed as the lead cause of accidents on construction work sites, but the current health and safety status of industry calls for more accountability instead of blame shifting amongst stakeholders. Interventions and strategies that seek to address the occupational health and safety of the construction industry should not be reactive, but should rather be a proactive and anticipatory process. It is therefore crucial to begin exploring proactive approaches towards the establishment of a positive health and safety culture, whereby more commitment and accountability is shown from all key stakeholders who collectively have the means to influence and contribute towards the creation of a positive safety culture in residential construction. / XL2018

Case study of health and safety in construction projects of the Electricity Supply Commission of South Africa

Grootboom, Funeka Arthur January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2016 / Eskom is a state owned enterprise that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to various sectors. Hence, it supports South Africa’s growth and development aspirations by constructing new electricity infrastructure. This can be achieved by adopting safety, health, environmental and quality (SHEQ) management as a business imperative. Presently, there have been a number of incidents and accidents at some construction sites of the Eskom distribution sector in the Mpumalanga province, which are mainly due to non-compliance with construction health and safety. This research project aims to determine the compliance of contractors servicing Eskom. This is achieved by checking the compliance of the health and safety file of contractors with the Safety, Health and Environmental specification checklist of Eskom. The study aims to investigate if the use of the checklist has improved contractors’ compliance by 2014. In order to achieve these aims, factors are addressed relating to the current state of construction health and safety legislation; the impact of construction health and safety on the economy; project parameters; roles and responsibilities of parties involved on construction sites; performance of small and emerging contractors. The study shows that established contractors always achieved higher compliance when compared to the emerging contractors. In 2014, 90% of contractors complied with the checklist, hence in 2015/16 the contractors can be expected to meet the 100% requirement, therefore complying with the Eskom value of “Zero Harm”.

Vývoj a komparace právní úpravy sociálního pojištění v České a Slovenské republice / Development and Comparison of Legal Regulations Concerning the Social Insurance Systems in the Czech and Slovak Republics

Kvočáková, Lucia January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation presented concerns the development trends in social security provision in the territory of the present-day independent states of the Czech and Slovak Republics, which, with only a short interruption in difficult Nazi occupation in World War II, made up the common state administration unit of Czechoslovakia, from 1918 to 1993. The dissertation continues tracing the evolution trends in the welfare system in each republic upon the dissolution of the federal state, and, finally, it focuses on the comparison of pension reforms implemented in both countries. Firstly, the developments in the legal regulations concerning social security schemes in the period preceding the First Czechoslovak Republic are studied. Both states were integral parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where a social reform was implemented in 1888 in its Austrian part, known also as Taaffe's Reform. It introduced mandatory public social insurance in three separate acts. The reform was inspired by Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the German Reich. In 1918, after World War I, the Austro-Hungarian legislation was fully adopted by the newly formed Czechoslovakia and the burden of responsibility for all problems regarding the previous social security system assumed. Social security contributions in the period of the First...

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