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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säkrare sjöfart? : - en processanalys av föreskrifter omläkarundersökning för sjöfolk. / Safer shipping? : – a process analysis of medical examinations for seafarers

Ekberg Collin, Camilla, Essén, Cathrine January 2011 (has links)
Arbetsuppgifterna på ett fartyg kan innefatta hård fysisk påfrestning samt arbete i mörker, påhög höjd och i slutna utrymmen vilket betyder att sjöfolk måste vara lämpliga för tjänstgöringen.De nationella reglerna för medicinsk lämplighet för sjöfolk skiljer sig trots att deninternationella standarden är densamma för alla. Syftet med denna rapport är att åskådliggöraskillnaderna mellan regelverken om läkarintyg för sjöfolk i de skandinaviska länderna ochundersöka historien bakom de svenska föreskrifterna.Vår slutsats är att det skulle gagna Sverige att återinföra Sjömansläkare, som troligtvis är merkompetenta än en icke specialiserad läkare vad gäller tjänstbarhetsbedömning för sjömän.Systemet med sjömansläkare är fortfarande i bruk och fungerar väl i både Danmark ochNorge.Slutligen sammanfattas rapporten av författarnas egna reflektioner kring ämnet i relation tillresultatet. Förslag till vidare forskning återfinns i slutet. / The duties onboard any ship include moments of hard physical labour, work in darkness, aloftand within enclosed spaces which means that a seafarer must be fit for duty. The nationalrequirements for medical fitness of seafarers differ between countries, although they are allbased on the same international standard. The aim of this report is to compare the differencesbetween the regulations concerning medical certificates for seafarers in the Scandinaviancountries and to investigate the history of the Swedish regulations.We conclude that Sweden would benefit from the reintroduction of the old system ofSeaman’s Doctors, who presumably are more competent than a doctor not specialized injudging the fitness of a seafarer. This system is still in operation and working well in bothDenmark and Norway.Finally this report consists of the authors’ own reflexions regarding the medical examinationsand certificates for seafarers. We also include a few suggestions for further research.

Bättre beslut : en studie av socialsekreterarnas handläggning av omhändertagande av barn / Better decisions : a study of social workers when taking children into care

Claezon, Ingrid January 1987 (has links)
This study treats the problems that the social worker (the child welfare worker) is faced with, when deciding to take a child into compulsory care. Empirical data (with particulars of the children and parents involved) covering the public child care at a local authority, was collected from its records and by means of interviews. Data concerning the social workers was obtained through observation, interviews and questionnaires. Out of 166 new child care clients during one year, 77%were teenagers, and nine out of ten children taken into care were adolescents.Taking up a position in child care cases and making decisions about courses of action were mostly difficult or even painful for the social worker. The decision to take a child into care was considered the hardest task in social work.The social worker's dilemma is created by the requirements of the law that any decision to take a child into care should be based on satisfactory predictions of the consequences for the child.The social worker's agony arises out of her attempts to motivate such predictions when in fact she is convinced, through experience,that very few, if any, of the consequences can be safely established.Empirical data showed that motivations of the decisions given in the investigation for the court were often vague and implicit. This may be explained by referring to the emotionally experienced conflict between prediction and subsumption.In other empirical data social workers described their anxiety when handling cases where children are taken into care. This may be analysed as 'the agony of decision-making', caused by their choice between alternative courses of action, and 'the agony of separation' brought about by the social worker's identification either with the child or with its parents.The proposed model for decision-making aims to reduce the social worker's agony, by shifting some of her burden of responsibility over to the society. This is achieved by letting the grounds for a decision to take a child into care rest explicitly on the principia of subsumption. The social worker's task is thereby limited to assessments of the child's present situation. Three criteria of assessment, child abuse, sexual abuse and 'Good-Enough Parenting' are suggested. The study points out the importance of specifying what is counted as 'Good-Enough Parenting'. / digitalisering@umu

Information för beslutsunderlag i trafiksituationer inom sjöfarten - hur hanterar vi den?

Arnold-Larsen, Kimmo January 2012 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har jag undersökt förmågan hos nautiker att ta fram och tillgodogöra sig information från radar och ARPA för sitt beslutsunderlag i trafiksituationer. Syftet var att få förståelse i om fartygsbefäl haft svårigheter att få fram denna mycket relevanta information. Detta gjordes med hjälp av förstudier i form av intervjuer med erfarna fartygsbefäl. Dessa intervjuer gav kriterier som möjliggjorde analyseringen av 13 olycksfallsrapporter, vilket utgjorde litteraturstudien. Dessa rapporter var författade av engelska Department of Transport, Marine Investigation Branch(MAIB), Statenshaverikommission(SHK) och  Sjöfartsverkets rapportserie(SjöfR). Dessutom användes både sjö- och luftfartsrelaterade artiklar för framtagning av fakta. Slutsatserna visade att man i hälften av fallen använt sig av väldigt låg nivå på funktionalitet för sitt beslutsunderlag, men att även i de fall man använt mer avancerad funktionalitet fann man brister i tolkning av informationen för att i tid ta beslut för att undvika olyckor. / This is a study about the Navigating Mariners ability to locate and use information from the Radar and ARPA, before taking important decisions in Trafic Situations. The purpose was to acquire an understanding if there are some difficulties in receiving this important information. This purpose was accomplished by a pre-investigation using two interviews with experienced deck officers. This pre-study produced criterias, that made it possible to compare 13 Accident Reports. These reports were used as a litterature for the investigation. The Department of Transport, Marine Investigation Branch(MAIB), The Swedish Accident Investigation Board(SHK) and The Swedish Maritime Safety Inspectorate(SjöfR) had produced these reports. In addition to these reports, the author used both maritime- and aeronautical based articles in order to find more facts about the issues around the investigation. The findings showed that in half of the investigated accidents the mariners involved had used a low level of functionality before making the final decisions. It was also shown, that the ones that had used a very high level of functionality, before the accident, misinterpreted the information and failed to take the right decision in ample time before the accident.

Ibland är det svårt : Varför specialpedagogen ibland nekas tillträde av lärarna till klassrum/lektion

Guldmar, Britt January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work has been to investigate how it is that it sometimes can be difficult for special educators to gain access by teachers to the classroom/lesson to make observations. A partial order has been to determine whether the special educator can curb the negative response from the teacher in question, concerning access to the classroom/lesson.   The survey has a phenomenological perspective as the basis of the test procedures and the analyses made. Phenomenology has as its starting point that the human does not perceive the world in the same way, and that she has different motives and intentions for her actions. In order to understand why the human act like she does, you have to create an image of the personal meaning behind this action. To create this image, I have implemented conversational interviews with five teachers at a high school, in central Sweden.   The investigation revealed that it is missing that the school's teachers are clearly informed of which laws and regulations the special educator is subordinate to. None of the teachers had been informed by their headmaster on the importance of cooperation with the special educator. This means that when the special educator visits and because of confidentiality has been unable to tell us why, the special educator could be perceived as checking the teacher.   To inform before the visit about how the visit should be done, and what the purpose of the visit is are very important factors to make the teachers in the study to feel comfortable with having a special educator in the classroom. There were teachers in the study who demanded answers as to why the visit would take place, in order to let in special educator in the classroom. It was, however, none of the teachers who denied the special educator access to the classroom/lesson due to unwillingness, but there were underlying factors such as to protect students and provide them with an environment conducive to work.   Based on the descriptions, given by the teachers in the study, it appears as if the cooperation between all concerned to create good conditions for the pupils fails.

Internationalization of a Health Care Organization : An Empirical Study on Gambro

Jech, Martin, Magnani, Federico, Freitas, Rute January 2007 (has links)
The international marketer is challenging new factors in the present globalized world. Such marketer has often to solve conflicts resulting from different laws, cultures and societies, and overcome a variety of constraints when entering or establishing foreign markets. Entering and establishing new markets is a complicated process affected by both, external and internal factors. To be successful in new markets, said marketers must formulate market entry strategy with regard to those factors. This paper was written with the purpose to investigate the relationship between relatedness of core business and business regarding the market in question, government policies and regulations, and entry strategy of companies entering the U.S. renal services market. We have carried out the exploratory research based mainly on secondary data obtained from annual reports from 1995 to 2005. The one case study on the Swedish health care company Gambro was conducted in order to formulate hypotheses, which can be proven in prospective research. The whole paper is written in the context of PSE market entry model developed by Anders Pehrsson. Based on the analysis we suggest that if the perception of barriers is low and the relatedness between core business and business regarding market in question is high, companies prefer a non-organic growth when entering the market.

Constitutional protection of personal genetic information¡ÐGenetic database to build and use

Huang, Yu-Ching 18 August 2010 (has links)

Förenklade regler i ABL : För små privata aktiebolag / Simplified regulations in the Swedish Companies Act : For small private limited liability companies

Martinsson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den som vill bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige kan välja mellan olika bolagsformer, däribland enskild firma, handelsbolag eller aktiebolag. Det finns två typer av aktiebolag, privata och publika, de regleras av bestämmelserna i aktiebolagslagen och aktiebolagsförordningen. Bestämmelserna i dessa författningar härstammar till viss del från de bolagsrättsliga direktiv som EU har beslutat ska gälla inom unionen.</p><p>Det sker ständiga förändringar på bolagsrättens område, både avseende de gemenskapsrättsliga reglerna från EU och de nationella bestämmelserna i Sverige. Europeiska kommissionen har ansett det som nödvändigt att även se över samtliga bolagsdirektiv för att underlätta det administrativa arbete som åligger, framförallt, mindre bolag inom unionen. Kommissionen ansåg även i samma utredning det angeläget att varje medlemsstat såg över deras nationella regelverk för att minska den administrativa bördan för små bolag.</p><p>Sveriges regering utfärdade i september 2007 ett direktiv till syfte att minska den administrativa bördan och skapa enklare regler för små privata aktiebolag. Utredningens resultat var färdigt i april 2009 och presenterades i SOU 2009:34. Resultatet av utredningen omfattar flertalet förändringar vad gäller såväl aktiebolagslagen som aktiebolagsförordningen. Det är målsättningen regeringen hade med utredningen och de förenklingar som föreslås som är föremål för denna uppsats. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera tre av förändringarna och förenklingarna. De tre områden som kommer att behandlas i denna uppsats är bolagets bildande, aktiebrev och aktiebok samt bolagets organisation. Uppsatsen kommer att utgå ifrån den målsättning regeringen hade när de tillsatte en utredning nämligen att minska små privata aktiebolags administrativa bördor och kostnader, att få ekonomisk tillväxt och ökad sysselsättning samt att de förenklingar som föreslås inte får sänka skyddet för borgenärer, arbetet mot ekonomisk brottslighet eller skattekontroll.</p><p>De slutsatser som presenteras i denna uppsats är att förenklingarna som utredningen har föreslagit uppfyller den målsättning som regeringen hade när de tillsatte en utredare. Enligt författarens mening finns det dock vissa andra områden som utredaren kunde ha undersökt då det finns en tydlig problematik avseende bland annat möjligheter till utträde ur ett privat aktiebolag. Det ska även nämnas att utredningen enbart behandlar de bolagsrättsliga reglerna, det finns andra regler som kan vara av intresse att utreda, till exempel skatteregler för privata aktiebolag.</p> / <p>A person who wants to run business in Sweden can choose between different types of associations, including sole trading, partnerships or limited liability companies. There are two types of limited liability companies in Sweden, private and public, which are governed by the provisions of the Companies Act and the Companies ordinance. Parts of the provisions in these two regulations are derived from directives on corporate law that the EU has decided shall apply in the union.</p><p>There are constant changes in corporate law regarding both the legal provisions from the EU and due to changes in the national legislation in Sweden. The European Commission has considered it necessary to review all corporate law directives in order to ease the administrative work for, in particular, smaller companies within the Union. The Commission also indicated in the same decision that it is necessary for each member state to review and reduce the administrative burden for small companies due to the national legislation.</p><p>The Swedish Government issued a directive in September 2007 with the aim to reduce the administrative burden and to create simpler rules for small private limited liability companies. The result of the directive was completed in April 2009 and was presented in SOU 2009:34. The investigations result included several changes both to the Swedish Companies Act and Companies Ordinance. It is the purpose that the Government had when they appointed an investigation that is the subject of this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze three of the changes that the investigation has presented. The three changes that will be subject to this thesis is the establishment of a company, the share certificates and share register and companies organization. The thesis will be based on three goals that the government had when they set up an investigation, to reduce the administrative burden and cost for small private limited liability companies, to establish economic growth and increase employment and finally not to reduce the protection for creditors and the work against economic crime.</p><p>The conclusion presented in this thesis is that the simplifications that the investigation had as purpose to fulfil, partially meets the goal the Government had. According to the author's opinion there are some areas that the investigation could have reviewed, such as the possibility for a shareholder to sell the shares in a private limited liability company.</p>

Changes in media consumption and file sharing : The impact of legislation and new digital media services

Lundström, Justus, Widriksson, Jonas, Zaunders, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this study we investigate how the attitude and behaviour concerning illegal file shar-ing have changed among the young population in Sweden. The study will analyze the impact of the IPRED law that was introduced in April 2008 and new digital media ser-vices that have emerged in the last couple of years. It is also evaluated which of these have had the most impact on the attitude and behaviour of the selected population.</p><p>The main part of our research consists of a quantitative survey handed out to a sample population among high school students (ages 16-20) in Jönköping, Sweden. This pri-mary data is later compared to secondary data from a similar study that was done on the same demographics two years prior to this research in order to measure the change in behaviour and attitude. The previous study was conducted prior to the IPRED law im-plementation by one of the authors. We also used prior research within this subject and related fields to further understand and interpret our data.</p><p>What we have discovered through our research is that there has been a decrease in ille-gal file sharing, especially when considering music, however this decrease is much more an effect of the adopting of new media services then it can be attributed to the IPRED law. Furthermore, the attitudes towards file sharing have remained unchanged and a large number of young adults do not feel that file sharing should be illegal.</p><p>It is also concluded that good legal alternatives to file sharing have a large market po-tential if these services can fulfil consumers demand on availability and price. Addition-ally we have found that good legal alternatives are important if the public is to refrain from returning to their old file sharing habits once the initial scare from new legislation has worn off.</p>

Internationalization of a Health Care Organization : An Empirical Study on Gambro

Jech, Martin, Magnani, Federico, Freitas, Rute January 2007 (has links)
<p>The international marketer is challenging new factors in the present globalized world. Such marketer has often to solve conflicts resulting from different laws, cultures and societies, and overcome a variety of constraints when entering or establishing foreign markets. Entering and establishing new markets is a complicated process affected by both, external and internal factors. To be successful in new markets, said marketers must formulate market entry strategy with regard to those factors. This paper was written with the purpose to investigate the relationship between relatedness of core business and business regarding the market in question, government policies and regulations, and entry strategy of companies entering the U.S. renal services market. We have carried out the exploratory research based mainly on secondary data obtained from annual reports from 1995 to 2005. The one case study on the Swedish health care company Gambro was conducted in order to formulate hypotheses, which can be proven in prospective research. The whole paper is written in the context of PSE market entry model developed by Anders Pehrsson. Based on the analysis we suggest that if the perception of barriers is low and the relatedness between core business and business regarding market in question is high, companies prefer a non-organic growth when entering the market.</p>

廠商回應環境管理規範之研究 / Firm Responses To Environmental Regulations

梁晉嘉, Liang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
許多環境管理績效研究顯示廠商會受到許多內外部利害關係人的影響而促使廠商採行環境管理作為以提高環境管理績效。影響廠商行為的利害關係人有不同的類型(Freeman, 1984),在環境管理議題方面,主要影響廠商行為的利害關係人有四種類型,分別為:規範性、組織性、社區和媒體(Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999)。其中規範性利害關係人對廠商環境管理行為的影響深遠(Cordano, Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010)。其次,股東也是對廠商環境管理行為具有影響力的利害關係人(Flammer, 2013)。再者,Kassinis and Vafeas (2006)發現在美國,社區型利害關係人壓力有助於提昇工廠的環境管理績效水準。然而,既有研究尚未清楚探討,利害關係人對新興經濟體廠商實際污染行為產生是否影響?據此,關於利害關係人與廠商實際環境污染行為的實證,本研究發現,本國大股東、國外法人股東,和已開發國家客戶等利害關係人的壓力皆會正向影響廠商實際環境污染行為。然而,設置獨立董事會導致廠商實際環境污染行為機率提高的實證結果,本研究將深入討論。 最後,本研究以微觀基礎架構去剖析廠商回應利害關係人要求,發展出符合環境管理規範的回應能力。本研究透過個案研究與內容分析等方式,區分出三種類型環境管理規範,分別是技術應用型環境管理規範、專業知識型環境管理規範,和跨領域專業知識型環境管理規範。針對不同類型的環境管理規範,廠商也發展出三種類型環境管理規範回應能力,分別是:單一部門整合回應能力、跨部門整合回應能力,和跨領域整合回應能力,並進一步討論不同環境管理規範和廠商環境管理規範回應能力的關係,以及說明研究限制和後續建議。 / There are many environmental management performance studies have shown that many firms will be affected by internal and external stakeholders, their pressures force firms to improve their environmental management performance as they adopt environmental management act. Different stakeholders’ pressures influence the behavior of firm (Freeman, 1984). To environmental management issues, there are four types of stakeholders may affect firm’s behavior, namely: normative, organizational, community and media (Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999). The normative stakeholder influence firm’s environmental management act deeply (Cordano , Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010) . In addition, shareholders also influence firm’s environmental management actions (Flammer, 2013). Kassinis and Vafeas (2006) found that in the United States, community-based stakeholders improve factory’s environmental management performance. However, the relationship between stakeholder’s pressures and emerging markets firm’s actual pollution behavior has not been clear. Relationships between Stakeholders and firm’s actual pollution behavior, our empirical findings show that home country’s major shareholders, foreign institutional shareholders, and developed country customers may positively improve actual pollution behavior of emerging market firm. However, firm with independent board directors may lead to increase firm’s actual pollution behavior; we also have intensely discussion to this empirical result. Finally, this study use the micro-foundation framework to demonstrate firm’s development of environmental management regulation’ responding capacities. This study uses case studies and content analysis to distinguish three types of environmental management regulations, which are technology applied environmental management regulation, professional knowledge-based environmental management regulation, and interdisciplinary knowledge-based environmental management regulation. With different types of environmental management regulations, firm developed three types’ capabilities to respond to those environmental management regulations, namely: single department's intergation ability to fit enrionmental management regulations, cross-department integration capability to fit emvironmental management resulations, and interdisciplinary integration capability to fit environmental management regulatuons, then we discuss the relationships between different types of environmental management regulations and firm’s integration capability to fit environmental regulations. Research limitations and future research issues also discussed.

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