Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egulations"" "subject:"legulations""
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Gebreke in die appèlprosedures van die Wet op die Ingenieursweseprofessie / A. FaulFaul, Anthony January 2008 (has links)
It is the aim with this paper, to research the shortcomings experienced in the appeal procedures as contained in the Engineering Profession Act ("EPA"), in order to determine whether the process should be revised or if only certain relevant sections of the EPA should be rewritten. Due to the administrative nature of certain duties of the Council as authorised by the EPA, it makes it inevitable that appeals will follow. It is therefore imperative that the procedures to appeal, must be both functional and effective.
The relevant sections of the EPA as well as the appeal procedures of the Health Professions Act's will be researched, taking into account the stipulations of the Constitution and the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act ("PAJA"). Relevant legal administrative principles and doctrines, court judgments, as well as the views of authors are also taken into account.
Two major areas of concern in certain sections of the EPA have been identified:
• The fact that the whole council has to decide on appeals, and
• the fact that such hearings have to take place within a very limited time frame.
Relevant court findings have made it clear that decisions made by authorities, have to comply with the requirements set out in the Constitution in coherence with PAJA.
In conclusion, based on the Constitutional and the legal administrative requirements, it is found to be necessary to rewrite the relevant sections of the EPA, as well as the rules of appeal, as these do not make the grade at present. / Thesis (LL.M. (Public Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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L'action de groupe est-elle une procédure adaptée à la responsabilité du fait des produits médicaux aux Etats-Unis?Edery, Betty January 2004 (has links)
The use of medical devices and drugs is constantly increasing in the United States. New techniques are developed, pharmaceutical companies manufactured thousands drugs and medical devices each year, these products are put on the market immediately; therefore, the consequences can be terrible. / In the US, thousands even millions of people suffer from personal injuries because they use a defective medical product; this is referred as a mass tort. The class action procedure is often used in order to repair these personal injuries. Plaintiffs always ask for the use of this procedure, but the federal American courts always refuse the certification of the class because the conditions of Rule 23(b)(3) are not fulfilled. This is what is called "the new trend of American courts". / The non application of the class action procedure leads to terrible results; victims of a defective medical product cannot receive compensation for the injury they are suffering from. These victims choose the class action procedure because of its advantages, if the class action is not certified they won't sue individually. If the real problem was the non respect of Rule 23(b)(3)'s conditions, a modification or a reform of the Rule would have been done. Unfortunately the laxity of the federal judges tends to influence the American Congress who ignores the need for a reform of this rule. This makes us wonder what the real justifications motivating this refusal of certification are.
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New Building In Historical Settlement As An Urban Conservation Problem: A Case Study In TarsusBilgic, Umut 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis develops around the theme of new building problem in historical settlements. Rapid and uncontrollable urbanization due to industrialization and over dense population is resulting in the demolishment of the existing historical settlements in our country. Despite this change, as the main goal of conservation is to provide historical continuity, the existence of the new buildings in historical settings as the products of this process come out to be an urban conservation problem. The current regulations for the new buildings in historical settings being applied in the norms of conservation plans are usually inadequate to bring out
successfully integrated new buildings with the traditional setting due to their standard approaches to the problem. In that sense within this thesis study, Kizilmurat district of Tarsus is selected as the study area and a methodology is referred that considers the identity of the settlement and comments on the current regulations for the introduction of a proposal new building principles. Within the light of these proposed principles existing new buildings as the latest layer of the settlement are also evaluated and several interventions are brought out.
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Alternative to low bid selection in Air Force reserve military construction: approach to best value procurementGarner, Birtice A. 01 July 2009 (has links)
Best value is becoming one of the most commonly used procurement methods in the facility construction industry. The Federal Government and the Air Force Reserve predominant project delivery approach has been via the low-bid award. This process has not been successful, documented by large numbers of construction modifications, as well as project cost and schedule growth over the past sixteen years. Recently, federal procurement agencies have attempted to move toward construction awards based upon best value principles relative to performance and price. The United States Army Corps of Engineers best value procurement vehicle known as Military Transformation fails to deliver true best value. This pseudo best value delivery process: (1) fails to objectively rate and apply contractor past performance; (2) lacks the means to monetarily quantify contractor proposal risks; and (3) provides no means of transferring control and responsibility for risks and risk minimization to the contractor. Only a true best value project delivery system can provide the urgently required increased efficiency necessary for Air Force Reserve Command to remain a dependable military institution capable of erecting facilities contributory to our nation's defense by perpetually adding value to the project delivery process.
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Competition and innovation in the Swedish pharmaceutical marketEkelund, Mats January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of four essays in economics related to the pharmaceutical market. The first essay, Pharmaceutical Pricing in a Regulated Market, compares the pricing of new pharmaceuticals in the Swedish market where prices are regulated, with the results of Lu and Comanor who studied the pricing of new pharmaceuticals in the US market. The results indicate that price regulation discourages the use of penetration strategies and decreases price competition between brand name drugs. The second essay, Innovativeness and Market Shares in the Pharmaceutical Industry, analyzes the pharmaceutical market in a model of horizontal and vertical product differentiation. The implications from the model are tested on data from the Swedish pharmaceutical market. Vertically differentiated drugs are found to gain larger market shares, command higher prices, and be less sensitive to substitutes than drugs that are only horizontally differentiated. The third essay, Generic entry before and after reference prices, examines the effect of the reference pricing system on generic entry in markets where brand name pharmaceuticals lose patent protection. The main result is that savings due to increased competition in markets affected by the reference pricing system may have been outbalanced by higher prices due to less competition in markets where the reference pricing system led to deterred entry. The fourth essay, Innovative Drugs and the Increase in Pharmaceutical Expenditures, seeks to establish the most important factors behind the growth in pharmaceutical expenditures. One important conjecture is that the change in the drug price index has little impact on the rate at which pharmaceutical expenditures grow. Instead, the introduction of new innovative drugs seems to be the most important driving force of the growth in pharmaceutical expenditures. / Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001
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Radioisotope laboratory safety auditing, compliance and associated problems in NSWBartolo, William Charles Francis, Safety Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis reports on the modification of the "Safecode" computer-program to monitor the safety of radio-isotope laboratories, and its application to 24 compliance audits in NSW during the period 1999 to 2006. Additionally, an attempt was made to predict the level of risk to persons working within those laboratories. Based on the current NSW radiation control legislation and the relevant Australian Standards a comprehensive audit checklist was developed for this project. Each safety requirement in those documents was used to develop a question, resulting in 187 questions in the checklist. The questions were grouped into the following seven Topic Elements: Licensing and Registration; Radiation Safety Administration; Personal and Area Monitoring; Dose Limit Compliance; Documentation/Records; RSO/RSC Qualifications and Duties; and Facilities. A novel feature was the allocation of "weighting factors" to individual questions and Elements. The computer program facilitated analysis of data and provided output in spreadsheet and graphical form. .The on-site physical audits were conducted using the project check-list, and were supplemented by discussions with the client's representative. The results showed significant variation between sites with overall compliance scores ranging from 37% to 94%. The reasons for this large variation stem from differences in local management regime; the appointment of an RSO at one site; variation in the extent of adoption of relevant codes of practice; and legislative weaknesses. Further analysis of the data presented legal, advisory and combined scores for each Element for each site; and variations over time. The graphic displays of the results were appreciated by client management. The formula developed to predict risk, based on the physical parameters alone, showed little relationship to the total audit scores. Statistical analysis of the two data groups by correlation coefficient confirmed this general finding. Development of the formula however served to indicate deficiencies in the Question Set, and the importance of human factors in achieving a high degree of safety.
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Mass Transportation for NPS: A Financial Feasibility Study.Bosco, Paul. 1992 June 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Master').
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Análise do processo de formulação de uma proposta de regulamentação de propagandas de alimentos: um estudo de caso / Analysis of the formulation for a regulation food advertisements process: a case studyBruna Pitasi Arguelhes 11 April 2014 (has links)
O consumo de alimentos processados tem crescido mundialmente e esse aumento tem sido relacionado em parte, pelas estratégias de marketing utilizadas pelas indústrias alimentícias que tem como objetivo aumentar as vendas e expandir o mercado consumidor. Segundo documento Recomendações da Consulta de Especialistas da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde sobre a Promoção e a Publicidade de Alimentos e Bebidas Não Alcoólicas para Crianças nas Américas, a publicidade televisiva é a forma mais utilizada de marketing de alimentos para crianças e está associada a maior preferência e aumentos nos pedidos de compra de alimentos e bebidas com elevado teor de gordura, açúcar e sal. No âmbito da discussão mais recente sobre a possível influência da propaganda de alimentos na epidemia mundial de obesidade e doenças crônicas, o governo brasileiro, por meio da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), formulou uma proposta de Regulamento Técnico que normatiza os termos das atividades publicitárias e que se concretizou na Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada n 24 de 2010 (RDC24/2010). Logo após sua publicação, grupos de interesse empresarial entraram na justiça e obtiveram diversas liminares que suspenderam a aplicação da RDC 24/2010 com base em parecer contrário da Advocacia Geral da União (AGU). O debate sobre ações regulatórias no campo da alimentação e nutrição como estratégia de controle e prevenção da obesidade envolve diversos atores sociais e opiniões bastante distintas e antagônicas, principalmente quando se trata dos argumentos do grupo de indivíduos que acredita na regulamentação da publicidade como uma forma de promover a saúde versus os argumentos contrários dos setores econômicos ligados ao tema a ser regulado. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve a intenção de descrever como e por que, neste processo, algumas práticas se estabeleceram no cotidiano das instituições e identificar os embates, argumentos e conflitos de interesses que apareceram nas discussões a respeito da formulação da resolução. Para isso, foi feita, primeiramente, análise documental de todo o processo de formulação, através de arquivos institucionais, documentos, pareceres, relatórios, entre outros. Posteriormente, foram identificados e caracterizados os sujeitos que participaram do processo e em seguida, realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores chaves. Foram encontradas duas teses centrais no debate em torno da formulação da resolução: a primeira, se o Estado deve estabelecer uma regulamentação sobre publicidade de alimentos e a segunda diz respeito à competência legal da ANVISA em exercer o papel regulador sobre a propaganda de alimentos. As disputas em torno destas duas teses e os argumentos que se apresentaram para defendê-las são evidentemente incomensuráveis entre si, não havendo esperança de acordo entre as partes. O caso descrito elegeu a ANVISA como o território da disputa e a aparente maioria no jogo democrático desta arena mostrou-se ineficaz diante da captura pelo questionamento da pertinência desta Agência para função de regular a publicidade de alimentos. / The consumption of processed foods has grown globally and this increase has been related in part to the marketing strategies used by the food industry that aims to increase sales and expand the consumer market. As document Recommendations from a Pan American Health Organization Expert Consultation on the Marketing of Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages to Children in the Americas, television advertising is the most widely used form of food marketing to children and is associated with greater preference and increases in orders for food and drinks high in fat , sugar and salt (PAHO, 2012). Within the most recent discussion on the possible influence of food advertising in the global epidemic of obesity and chronic diseases, the Brazilian government, through the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) , formulated a proposal for Technical Regulation that regulates the terms of advertising activities and which has resulted in Board Resolution No. 24 of 2010 (RDC24/2010). Soon after its publication, business interest groups filed a lawsuit and obtained several injunctions suspended application of RDC 24/2010 based on negative opinion of the Attorney General (AGU). The debate on regulatory actions in food and nutrition area as a strategy of control and obesity prevention involves several quite distinct and antagonistic social actors and opinions, especially when it comes to the arguments of the group who believe in the regulation of advertising as a way to promote health versus the counter arguments of economic sectors related to the subject to be regulated. Thus, this study was intended to describe how and why, in this process, some settled in the daily practices of institutions and identify conflicts, arguments and conflicts of interest that arose during the discussion about the wording of the resolution. To this, was first made documentary analysis of the entire formulation process through institutional archives, documents, opinions, reports, among others. Subsequently, we identified and characterized the subjects who participated in the process and then conducted semi -structured interviews with key actors. Two central theses were found in the debate over the wording of the resolution: the first, whether the state should establish rules on food advertising and the second concerns the legal competence of ANVISA in exercising regulatory role on the advertising of food. Disputes around these two theses and arguments presented to defend them are clearly incommensurate with each other, with no hope of agreement between the parties. The case described ANVISA elected as the territory of the dispute and the apparent majority in this democratic game arena was ineffective before the capture by questioning the relevance of this Agency to regulating food advertising.
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Three essays on the shadow banking system / Trois essais sur la finance de l'ombreSaid, Zeinab 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est la première tentative pour examiner empiriquement trois aspects différents liés au système bancaire parallèle. Nous cherchons à mieux comprendre le sujet de la finance de l'ombre.Le chapitre 1 se concentre sur la corrélation entre le système bancaire parallèle et les autres institutions financières ordinaires, principalement les banques, les compagnies d'assurance et les fonds de pension. Les résultats suggèrent que le système bancaire parallèle agit comme un complément et non comme un substitut à d'autres institutions financières régulières.Le chapitre 2 examine les déterminants des prêts bancaires parallèles. Ce chapitre étudie comment la réglementation et d'autres facteurs influencent le rôle du système bancaire parallèle dans l’offre de crédit. Les résultats de ce chapitre indiquent que le système bancaire parallèle n'est pas une réponse à une réglementation stricte.Le chapitre 3 montre qu'il y a un impact positif du système bancaire parallèle sur la stabilité et la rentabilité bancaires. Cependant, ces résultats sont inversés pendant les périodes de crise. Ces résultats indiquent que le système bancaire parallèle a un impact positif pendent les « bonnes » périodes et un impact négatif pendant les « mauvaises». / This PhD dissertation is the first attempt to empirically examine three different aspects related to the shadow banking system. We generally aim at providing a better understanding of the shadow banking topic.Chapter 1 focuses on the correlation between the shadow banking system and other regular financial institutions mainly banks, insurance companies, and pension funds. The results suggest that shadow banking system is acting as a complement and not a substitute to other regular financial systems.Chapter 2 examines the determinants of shadow banking loans. This study investigates how regulations and other factors impact the role of the shadow banking system in supplying credit. This chapter’s results indicate that shadow banking system is not an answer to high and severe regulations.Chapter 3 shows that there is a positive impact of the increased share of shadow banking system on banking stability and profitability. However, these results are inversed during crisis periods. These results indicate that shadow banking system makes good times better and bad time worse.
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Mécanisme d'adsorption des espèces en solution de l'uranium sur matériaux poreux à haute capacité / Adsorption mechanisms of uranium aqueous species on highly porous materialsHuynh, Jérémie 05 December 2017 (has links)
En France, les anciennes mines d'uranium et leurs eaux d'exhaure font l'objet d’une surveillance environnementale dû à la présence de stériles miniers qui peuvent modifier la chimie des eaux en augmentant leur concentration en uranium. Afin de pouvoir rejeter des eaux dans le milieu naturel dont les concentrations en U(VI) soient conformes aux normes, des stations de traitement ont été mises en place. Cependant, une future règlementation diminuera drastiquement la limite autorisée de rejet en uranium impliquant une révision des méthodes d'élimination de celui-ci. L'adsorption aqueuse est une méthode efficace et peu couteuse. Les matériaux à mésoporosité ordonnée présentent des propriétés d'adsorption intéressantes à cause de leurs propriétés texturales et leurs possibles fonctionnalisations. Plusieurs familles de matériaux mésoporeux (silices fonctionnalisées ou non, carbones, oxyde de magnésium) ont été synthétisées, caractérisées et utilisées pour adsorber U(VI). Des études en batch et en dynamique ont été réalisées à partir de solutions reconstituées et d'eaux d'exhaure issues du site de Bellezane (87) sur les différents matériaux choisis, et les mécanismes d'adsorption ont été étudiés en fonction de la spéciation aqueuse de l'uranium et de la présence d'ions compétiteurs. Les résultats ont montré que la SBA-15 greffée avec des fonctions aminopropyles, présentait les meilleures capacités d'adsorption à pH 6. Il a été montré que l'U(VI) s'adsorbait par formation de complexe de sphère interne dans la mésoporosité du matériau, et que la présence de complexes entre l'U(VI) et les carbonates dissous diminuait significativement la capacité d'adsorption du matériau en U(VI). / In France, former uranium mines and their draining effluents are kept under environmental monitoring due to the presence of mine tailings which can modify the chemistry of surface waters and increase their uranium concentration. In order to decrease the U(VI) concentration to the one set by the standards, water treatment facilities are used. However, an incoming regulation will drastically decrease the allowed U(VI) concentration in the released water, implying the changing of the current U(VI) removal methods. Aqueous adsorption is known to be an efficient and non expensive method. Ordered mesoporous materials have interesting adsorption properties due to their textural properties and their ability to be functionalized. Different types of mesoporous materials (functionalized or non functionalized silica, carbon, magnesium oxide) were synthesized, characterized, and experimented as U(VI) adsorbents. Studies made in batch and dynamic modes were achieved from reconstituted solutions and mine-water from the Bellezane's site (87), on the different materials, and adsorption mechanisms were studied in function of the aqueous uranium speciation and the presence of competitive ions. Results show that aminopropyl grafted SBA-15 displays the best adsorption capacities at pH 6. It is also shown that U(VI) adsorption proceeds through the formation of inner-sphere complex inside of the mesoporosity of the material, and that the presence of complexes involving U(VI) and dissolved carbonates significantly decrease the adsorption capacity of the material toward U(VI).
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