Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egulations"" "subject:"legulations""
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Da crise as incertezas : estado e agentes privados na industria brasileira de energia eletrica / From crisis to uncertainty : state and private in the Brazilian eletricityCamargo, Fernando Jose de 19 February 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Luciano Galvão Coutinho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T00:39:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2001 / Resumo: Em curso desde 1995, a reestruturação do setor elétrico brasileiro tem origem no grave estrangulamento financeiro das empresas públicas e paralisação dos investimentos. Esperava-se, então: (i) recuperar a capacidade de investimento das empresas; (ii) elevar os investimentos em novas usinas; e (iii) introduzir mecanismos de mercado no setor, via privatizações, concorrência na geração e no recém criado segmento de comercialização e a partir de um aparato regulatório que fosse sólido, ágil e independente. Com isso, esperava-se que os novos agentes privados assumissem os investimentos no setor. Após seis anos (1995-2000), questões como (a) indefinições no aparato regulatório; (b) descontinuidades no processo de privatização e a expectativa de venda de outros ativos públicos competitivos e de baixo risco; (c) incertezas no âmbito político-institucional; e (d) instabilidade no quadro macroeconômico, entre outras, vêm levando o governo ¿ que precisa urgentemente expandir a oferta e reduzir os riscos de déficit de falta de energia ¿ a reativar planos de investimento, além de buscar expedientes de política capazes de aplacar incertezas e estimular investimentos privados. Alguns dos objetivos da reestruturação foram cumpridos ¿ recuperação da capacidade de geração de caixa das empresas, basicamente via recomposição das tarifas reais e reestruturação das dívidas ¿, embora as privatizações tenham desencadeado um longo ciclo de ajustes patrimoniais e financeiros que ainda está longe de se encerrar, pois as empresas seguem definindo sua atuação estratégica nos diversos mercados e esperam ainda pelo restante dos ativos ainda a privatizar ¿, além de consumir recursos que poderiam ter sido destinados à expansão. A redefinição da participação do Estado é, assim, o principal dilema para o avanço da reestruturação nos próximos anos. Dado o elevado risco de falta de oferta de energia no curto e no médio prazos, não parece haver outra alternativa senão o Estado ¿ a partir das empresas que ainda controla no setor energético ¿ reassumir imediatamente, e sem mediações, os investimentos na expansão do sistema. Uma vez afastado o pesadelo da falta de energia, o Estado poderá buscar atrair capitais privados para novos investimentos e concentrar-se em duas frentes: consolidar e estabilizar o quadro regulatório e redesenhar, de forma consistente, o planejamento de longo prazo do setor / Abstract: Restructuring of the Brazilian electricity industry, in progress since 1995, originated with a severe financial crisis in the state-owned utilities and a paralysis of investment. It was intended to (i) recoup the utilities¿ capacity to invest; (ii) increase investment in new power plants; and (iii) introduce market mechanisms via privatization, competition in the generating segment, and via a newly created wholesale market. Another key aim was the creation of a regulatory framework supposed to be both strong and agile, with an independent regulator. All this was expected to attract new investment by private companies. After six years (1995-2000), issues such as (a) gaps and flaws in regulation, (b) discontinuity in the privatization process amid expectations that other low-risk and competitive public assets will be sold, (c) uncertainty in the political and institutional spheres, and (d) macroeconomic instability, among others, have led the government ¿ which urgently needs to expand supply and reduce the risk of shortages ¿ to reactivate investment plans, while also pursuing policy measures to mitigate uncertainties and attract private investment. Some aims have been achieved ¿ the state-owned utilities have regained the capacity to generate cashflow, for example, thanks mainly to hefty real increases in tariffs and debt restructuring ¿ but privatization triggered a long cycle of balance-sheet and financial adjustments that is far from complete, since the utilities are still working out their strategies for the various markets while waiting for privatization of the remaining state-owned assets and using up funds that could have been invested in expansion. Thus redefining the role of the state is the principal challenge to be addressed if the restructuring process is to move forward in the coming years. Given the high risk of a supply shortage in the near to medium term, there seems to be no alternative to an immediate resumption of direct investment in expansion of the system by the remaining state-owned enterprises. Once the nightmare of an acute shortage has been removed, the state can seek to attract private capital for new investment projects and concentrate efforts on two fronts: strengthening and stabilizing the regulatory framework; and redesigning the process of long-term planning for the sector along consistent lines / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciências Econômicas
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Exploring Strategies for Adapting Traditional Vehicle Design Frameworks to Autonomous Vehicle DesignMunoz, Alex 01 January 2020 (has links)
Fully autonomous vehicles are expected to revolutionize transportation, reduce the cost of ownership, contribute to a cleaner environment, and prevent the majority of traffic accidents and related fatalities. Even though promising approaches for achieving full autonomy exist, developers and manufacturers have to overcome a multitude of challenged before these systems could find widespread adoption. This multiple case study explored the strategies some IT hardware and software developers of self-driving cars use to adapt traditional vehicle design frameworks to address consumer and regulatory requirements in autonomous vehicle designs. The population consisted of autonomous driving technology software and hardware developers who are currently working on fully autonomous driving technologies from or within the United States, regardless of their specialization. The theory of dynamic capabilities was the conceptual framework used for the study. Interviews from 7 autonomous vehicle hard and software engineers, together with 15 archival documents, provided the data points for the study. A thematic analysis was used to code and group results by themes. When looking at the results through the lens of dynamic capability theory, notable themes included regulatory uncertainty, functional safety, rapid iteration, and achieving a competitive advantage. Based on the findings of the study, implications for social change include the need for better regulatory frameworks to provide certainty, consumer education to manage expectations, and universal development standards that could integrate regulatory and design needs into a single approach.
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Regulating informal trading in local government : the case of Polokwane Local MunicipalityMabitsela, Phuti William January 2017 (has links)
The study focuses on the regulation of informal trading, specifically street traders, within Polokwane Local Municipality. Municipalities required to manage street trading, and to deal with the challenge of increasing numbers of informal traders, which is affecting the formal trading economy.
A small income and the limited ability of the government and the formal business sector to provide sufficient employment opportunities to people in the economically active age categories are two of the main reasons for informal trading in South African cities. As a result, the informal street trading sector plays an important role in providing a security net for millions of unemployed in the South African economy. However, informal street trading is not without its problems (Willemse, 2011:7). Often people blame government for not creating employment. When government is unable to provide sustainable employment to all the people, informal jobs emerge. Thus informal trading has become the only option for survival. Informal trading is a major source of income for the majority of the urban poor and therefore requires a properly regulated environment to address issues of income and unemployment for the poor.
This study undertook to investigate how Polokwane Local Municipality regulates informal trading in the city of Polokwane. The research method employed in this study is qualitative. The main finding of the study is that because informal trading plays a significant role in creating employment, it must be well regulated and supported by the municipality in order to be organised. The main recommendation on the basis of this finding is that there should be a new approach, especially in terms of enforcement of by-laws. Most informal traders have applied for permits and have been waiting for a response from the Polokwane Local Municipality for years. In this regard, most of the informal traders are dissatisfied with municipal treatment of informal trading in the city. This dissatisfaction is also caused by lack of consultation.
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Innovativa företag i valet mellan K2 och K3 : En fallstudie om institutionella isomorfismers påverkan på redovisningsval hos innovativa SME:s i GävleborgLundberg, Jacob, Svensson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: I Sverige kan SME:s välja att redovisa enligt regelverken K2 eller K3. Tidigare forskning visar att redovisningsval styrs av olika institutionella påtryckningar på organisationer. Innovativa företag har en viktig roll i länders ekonomi, trots detta finns lite forskning kring dessa företag och deras redovisningsval. Vi har därför valt att titta närmare på innovativa företag och vad som påverkat deras val av k-regelverk. Detta med syftet att undersöka hur institutionella påtryckningar påverkar innovativa och kunskapsintensiva SME:s i valet mellan K2 och K3. Forskningsfrågan som ställts för att besvara detta är: hur upplever företagen att isomorfa faktorer påverkar dem i valet mellan K2 och K3? Metod: Studien utgår från ett induktivt angreppssätt. Studien består av en kvalitativ fallstudie av innovativa företag i inkubatormiljö inom Gävleborg. Det empiriska materialet består av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med företagsledare inom dessa företag som studieobjekt. Vidare analyseras företagen genom en tematisk analys med framework-synsätt utifrån egenutformad modell förknippad med isomorfa påtryckningar. Resultat & slutsats: Resultaten visar att företagen framförallt påverkas av tvingande isomorfism i form av regelverkens begränsningar. Möjligheten att kunna aktivera utvecklingskostnader med K3 visade sig vara den största faktorn till val av regelverk. Normativ isomorfism har också visat sig utgöra en påtryckning i form av revisorer och redovisningskonsulters deltagande i besluten om regelverk. Härmande isomorfism kan även föreligga i samverkan med andra påtryckningar men i begränsad omfattning. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till teoribildning om både NIS och SME:s. Studien skapar också praktisk kunskap till framtida företag som står inför samma val samt ger normgivare och redovisningsreglerare insikter om möjligheter och begränsningar i dagens valbara regelverk. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Begränsningar återfinns i studiens omfattning till antalet deltagande och geografiska omfång. Förslag till vidare forskning är därför att undersöka liknande företag med ett geografiskt bredare urval, studera utifrån andra kontextuella teorier eller ekonomiska aspekter. / Aim: In Sweden, SMEs can choose between the accounting regulations K2 or K3. Previous research shows that accounting choices are governed by various institutional pressures on organizations. Innovative companies play an important role in countries' economies, despite this there is little research on these companies and their accounting choices. We have therefore chosen to take a closer look at innovative SME:s and what influenced their choice of accounting method. This with the aim of examining how institutional pressures affect innovative and knowledge-intensive SMEs in the choice between K2 and K3. The research question asked to answer this is: how do companies feel that isomorphic factors affect them in the choice between K2 and K3? Method: The study is based on an inductive approach. The study consists of a qualitative case study of innovative companies in an incubator environment within Gävleborg. The empirical material consists of ten semi-structured interviews with business leaders within these companies as study objects. Furthermore, the companies are analyzed through a thematic analysis with a framework approach based on a self-designed model associated with isomorphic pressures. Result & Conclusions: The results show that companies are primarily affected by coercive isomorphism in the form of regulatory constraints. The possibility of being able to capitalize development costs with K3 proved to be the biggest factor in the choice of regulations. Normative isomorphism has also been shown to be a pressure in the form of the participation of auditors and accounting consultants in regulatory decisions. Mimetic isomorphism can also exist in conjunction with other pressures but to a limited extent. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to theory creation about both NIS and accounting standards choice. The study also creates practical knowledge for future companies that are facing the same choice. It also gives norm-setters and accounting regulators insights into opportunities and limitations in today's elective accounting choice in Sweden. Suggestions for future research: Limitations are found in the scope of the study to the number of participants and geographical scope. Suggestions for further research are therefore to examine similar companies with a geographically wider selection, study from other contextual theories or economic aspects.
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Standardizace znaleckých postupů při zjišťování vad projektové dokumentace vypracované do roku 1949 / Standardization of expert methods in detecting defects in design documentation developed by 1949Urbánek, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The work is focused on defining the methodology expert procedures for detecting defects in the project documentation in 1949. No legislation or literature this issue far more does not, it is a specific area that the project documentation defects generally are. The methods of the research study; analysis of documents; classification; Analysis - synthesis; induction - deduction; abstraction; comparison (comparison) case studies. Dissertation is focused on creating a systematic procedure for processing expertise, assessing defects in the design documentation in a limited period from 1880 to 1949.
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Audit BOZP v těžké laboratoři C1 / Health and Safety Audit in Heavy Laboratory C1Zavřel, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with OSH management and related audit. The research handles the requirements of national and international health and safety legislation. The risk analysis and its evaluation are performed. Corrective action is proposed in justified cases.
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Projektová dokumentace při návrhu datových sítí / Project documentation for the design of data networksGajdošík, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with project of blueprints for installation of data cabling in specific building following regulations. Theoretical part describes basic overview of used regulations and principles of data networks with focus on Ethernet and Wi-Fi standards. Separated chapters cover passive layer of data networks and computer-aided-design. Practical part contains implementational and architectural drawing of data network project in multipurpose building. According to these plans the project could be realized.
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Praktické dopady uplatňování DPH ve vybraných celních režimech / The Practical Impacts of the Application of VAT in Selected Customs RegulationsKomendová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This thesis contains an analysis of the activities of logistics research and development corporation Honeywell HTS CZ o. z., on an annual breakdown. It forms the basis for selection of individual consignments of customs regulations and practical application of VAT and other research organizations operating in various sectors. Forms section contains changes to the existing system of customs regulations and logistics department recommendation system settings for different types of organizations that will lead to financial savings.
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Stavebně technologický projekt přístavby OPS Chaloupky / Construction and technology project of the extension o.p.s CottagesŠkrdlová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis discusses the technological project for the reconstruction of school Chaloupky o.p.s in the countryside near Třebíče. Basic data about the building of the project are included in the technical report. The thesis deals in detail with the technological regulations Hurdis ceilings and reconstruction of arches. For these selected topics are made other documents which are needed for realization - building equipment, plan of health and safety, kontrol and test plans, draft of mechanization. The project also includes the time and financial plans and budgets for the main building. The project is supllied with selected structural details.
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Systém řízení BOZP / OH&SMSHäusler, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis is concerned to OH&SMS management system in cleaning company. It is analyzed as both national and international legal regulations of OH&SMS. Then analysis and risc rating of individual departments and suggestions of reformations are done. Based on choice, some supervisory documentation of OH&SMS were rewritten and completed.
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