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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El impacto de los controles sanitarios en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota durante el periodo 2016 – 2020 / The impact of sanitary controls on the process of the logistic chain for the export of squid during the period 2016 – 2020

Leonardo Principe, Eleni Zoila, Machuca Ordinola, Angela Valeria 30 October 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación consiste en determinar el Impacto de los controles sanitarios en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota durante el periodo 2016-2020. En los últimos años las exportaciones pesqueras tuvieron un crecimiento constante, representando el 52% de exportación del sector pesquero, según MINCETUR. Sin embargo, las medidas sanitarias aplicadas por el mercado de destino son exigentes y representan una limitación al comercio internacional. La investigación ha sido desarrollada bajo un enfoque mixto. En primer lugar, bajo el enfoque cualitativo se analizó las entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a los actores y expertos, quienes brindaron información relevante, así como de la aplicación de la legislación sanitaria vigente. En segundo lugar, bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, las bases de datos remitidas por SUNAT, SANIPES y VERITRADE. Así como, los resultados de las preguntas cerradas de las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Por lo tanto, se concluye que los controles e inspecciones sanitarias han impactado en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota. Porque las medidas sanitarias aplicadas por las entidades de control han permitido posicionar el producto en el mercado europeo generando oportunidades para el sector pesquero. Sin embargo, estas medidas han generado un aumento en los tiempos incurridos en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación, así como en los costos de exportación que son transferidos a los precios finales de exportación impactando en la competitividad de los exportadores peruanos de pota. / The research work consists of determining the Impact of sanitary controls in the process of the logistical chain for the export of squid during the period 2016-2020. In recent years, fishing exports had a constant growth, representing 52% of exports from the fishing sector, according to MINCETUR. However, the sanitary measures applied by the market are demanding and represent a limitation to international trade. The research has been developed under a mixed approach. In the first place, under the qualitative approach, the semi-structured interviews carried out with the actors and experts were analyzed, who provided relevant information, as well as the application of current health legislation. Second, under the quantitative approach, the databases submitted by SUNAT, SANIPES and VERITRADE. As well as the results of the closed questions of the semi-structured interviews. Therefore, it is concluded that sanitary controls and inspections have impacted on the process of the logistical chain for the export of squid. Because the sanitary measures applied by the control entities have made it possible to position the product in the European market, generating opportunities for the fishing sector. However, these measures have generated an increase in the time incurred in the process of the export logistics chain, as well as in the export costs that are transferred to the final export prices, impacting the competitiveness of Peruvian squid exporters. / Tesis

Internationalization Challenges of Sharing Economy Firms: An Emerging African Markets Perspective

Ochieng, Irene Achieng, Takawira, Simbarashe January 2020 (has links)
There has been an increase in research on the internationalization of sharing economy firms. However most of this research has largely focused on mature markets. Very little attention has been given to the internationalization of sharing economy firms in emerging markets particularly those from Africa. The African continent is different from mature markets and the internationalization challenges of sharing economy firms are therefore dissimilar.  This study seeks to fill the existing knowledge gap by exploring the internationalization challenges faced by sharing economy firms from an emerging African market perspective. We also seek to understand the internationalization process of African sharing economy firms. Finally we seek to provide solutions on how African sharing economy firms can manage the challenges they face. This research was conducted using qualitative case studies of eight companies. Two have internationalized within and beyond Africa. Four have internationalized within Africa while two are yet to internationalize. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with founders and operations managers of the different sharing economy firms.  The empirical findings show that African sharecoms can internationalize in a unique internationalization sequence, which starts with gradual internationalization to a “foreign gateway market” followed by rapid internationalization to other foreign markets. The study identified funding as the greatest challenge faced by African sharing economy firms while low adoption rates and mindset were the dominant psychic distance obstacles. The study also revealed that in Africa, technology is solely not enough by itself and extra effort needs to be undertaken to ensure successful internationalization of sharing economy firms. The research concluded that regulatory challenges are industry-specific rather than targeting sharing economy firms. Further, networks were an important combining factor facilitating the internationalization process and overcoming some challenges.

Analýza a srovnání dopravní nehodovosti České republiky, Norska a Finska / Analysis and Comparison of Traffic Accident Data in the Czech Republic, Norway and Finland

Zemánek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with accidents in road transport in the Czech Republic, Norway and Finland. It includes analysis and comparison of accident rates in those states, an overview of accidents in recent years, legislative requirements and trends in this area and then based on analysis of current proposals includes measures to increase safety in road transport.

Three Essays on Regional Economics

Chairassamee, Nattanicha January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

L'action de groupe est-elle une procédure adaptée à la responsabilité du fait des produits médicaux aux Etats-Unis?

Edery, Betty January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Conversion of buildings to student housing in Stockholm – A supplement to solve the lack of student homes? / Konvertering av lokaler till studentbostäder i Stockholm – Ett komplement för att lösa studentbostadsbristen?

Schultz, Anthon, Shaw, Tomas January 2014 (has links)
Stockholm is today one of the fastest growing regions in Europe and the demand for housing is increasing by the day. In order to achieve the target of becoming Europe's most attractive metropolitan region the city needs highly educated and skilled labour to satisfy the demand of companies today and in the future. However, the housing situation for students in the Stockholm area is at the moment very bleak. Stockholm is at least 7,000 student housings short and the quetime reaches as high as two years. Despite the lack of housing for students, we can’t see any increase in construction. This means that the students have a difficult time finding somewhere to live which results in that they choose to study elsewhere. In 2009 Boverket said that we must examine alternative solutions for resolving shortage of housing for students. In recent years a couple of projects can be seen in which existing buildings have converted its use from office or shops to student housing. An investigation of how the market views this option has been lacking. This essay aims to examine the student housing market in Stockholm in order to investigate whether conversion of existing buildings is an effective supplement when construction of new housing can’t meet the demand. We have furthermore examined a couple of restraining factors, in order to make the process more effective and finished of by drawing a couple of conclusions. The current planning process is considered to be one of the most restraining factors that leads to the fact that conversion can’t be utilized to its full extent. Lead times are said to be long and the fact that the plan is to detailed and precise makes it difficult to convert properties. With the help of more administrators and a more open plan, conversion could be used to its full extent. Building regulations are considered to be another reason why so few projects are being converted. The same rules apply when you build new buildings as when you convert. The market is looking for a change in the presentation of the current rules in order for these to be more applicable and beneficial for the market. Unpredicted expenses are always a risk when converting but with more experience the risk becomes lower. A system where you subsidize a part is not a market request since a lot of the answers suggest that this affects a market negatively in the long run. Rent control is not a factor that is considered to be restraining when converting buildings for student housing. / Stockholm är idag en av de snabbast växande regionerna i Europa och efterfrågan på bostäder i staden blir allt större för varje dag. För att uppnå de mål som finns om att bli Europas mest attraktiva storstadsregion behövs kompetent arbetskraft till staden för att fylla det behov som företagen efterfrågar nu och i framtiden. Den bostadssituation som råder för studenterna i Stockholmsområdet är dock väldigt dyster. Det saknas i dagsläget minst 7000 studentbostäder och kötiden för en studentbostad uppgår i dagsläget till minst två år. Trots detta ser vi inte någon större ökning av nyproducerade studentbostäder. När studenterna har svårt att hitta bostäder tenderar dessa att studera på annan ort och kunskap förloras, vilket hämmar Stockholms utveckling. Boverket kom 2009 med åsikten att man måste utreda alternativa lösningar för att lösa bostadsbristen för studenter. På senare år har man kunnat se projekt där befintliga fastigheter konverterats och ändrat användning från lokaler till studentbostäder. En utredning kring hur marknaden ser på detta alternativ har saknats. Denna rapport syftar till att studera studentbostadsmarknaden i Stockholm för att undersöka om konvertering av befintliga fastigheter är ett slagkraftigt komplement när nyproduktionen inte når upp till de mål som eftersöks. Genom att uppmärksamma ett antal återhållande faktorer har vi kunnat komma fram till ett antal slutsatser. Dagens system för planprocessen anses vara en faktor som gör att detta komplement inte kan utnyttjas till sin fulla grad. Ledtiderna uppges vara för långa och detaljplanens precisa och detaljerade utformning försvårar möjligheten att konvertera fastigheter. Med hjälp av fler handläggare och en mer öppen plan skulle detta komplement kunna tillämpas till sin fulla grad. Byggregler som tillämpas anses vara en annan anledning till att färre projekt genomförs. Samma byggregler som tillämpas för nyproduktion eftersträvas även vid konvertering. Marknaden söker en ändring av utformningen på dagens regler för att dessa ska vara mer tillämpbara och nyttiga för marknaden. Oförutsedda kostnader är en risk som alltid kommer vara ett orosmoln vid konverteringsprojekt men desto mer erfarenhet aktörerna har desto mindre blir risken. Subventionssystem är inte något som eftersträvas då resultatet pekar på att bidrag och investeringsstöd påverkar en marknad negativt i det långa loppet. Att hyresreglering för bostäder existerar anses inte vara en återhållande faktor för att detta komplement ska bli slagkraftigt

Konsekvenserna av (EU) 2017/746- förordningen på tillverkning och användning av medicintekniska produkter för in vitro-diagnostik inom Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset / The Consequences of The Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on Manufacture and Application of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices in the Karolinska University Hospital

Bamyr Hanssen, Soziar, Ohanyan, Rosemarie January 2021 (has links)
In collaboration with the Karolinska University Hospital, this research was carried out with the aim of executing a consequence analysis of the new regulation (EU) 2017/746. The consequences of the regulation regarding access, distribution, manufacturing and in-house production of in vitro diagnostic products were examined for various departments at the Karolinska University Hospital. This was investigated through an extensive literature study and interviews that were conducted digitally and through email. Of the departments examined, attention was drawn to the fact that only Lab & Primary Health Care and the Karolinska University Laboratory were affected by the new regulation. The availability of products may be affected as a consequence of the new requirements for risk classification and the notified bodies. If the manufacturer does not meet the new requirements, this may lead to a shortage of materials and products, which can affect Lab & Primary Care and the Karolinska University Laboratory. Lab & Primary Health Care will be affected by the requirements for distribution in the new regulation if they decide to distribute new in vitro diagnostic products to other businesses. The Karolinska University Laboratory has a production that they currently CE mark according to the old directive and an in-house production. In order for the Karolinska University Laboratory to continue its own production, it is required that they meet the requirements imposed on in-house production in the new regulation. With continued CE marking of the products, they will be classified as manufacturers and need to meet its requirements. In summary, it can be stated that both Lab & Primary Health Care and the Karolinska University Laboratory have three paths to go; distribute, produce in-house or manufacture in vitro diagnostic products. Depending on the decision they make, they are classified differently according to the new regulation (distributors, in-house manufacturers or manufacturers) and thus have different requirements to follow. / I samarbete med Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset utfördes denna studie med målet att genomföra en konsekvensanalys av det nya regelverket (EU) 2017/746. Regelverkets konsekvenser gällande tillgång, distribution, tillverkning och egentillverkning av in vitro-diagnostik produkter undersöktes för olika enheter inom Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Detta undersöktes genom en omfattande litteraturstudie och intervjuer som utfördes digitalt och via mail. Av de enheter som granskades uppmärksammades att endast Lab & Primärvård och Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet påverkades av den nya lagstiftningen. Tillgången på produkter kan komma att påverkas som en konsekvens av de nya kraven på riskklassificering och på de anmälda organen. Om tillverkaren inte uppfyller de nya kraven kan detta leda til brist på material och produkter, vilken kan påverka Lab & Primärvård samt Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet. Lab & Primärvård kommer beröras av kraven för distribution i den nya förordningen om de beslutar att distribuera nya in vitro-diagnostik produkter till andra verksamheter. Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet har en tillverkning som de i dagsläget CE-märker enligt det gamla direktivet samt en egentillverkning. För att Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet ska fortsätta sin egentillverkning krävs det att de uppfyller kraven som ställs på egentillverkare i nya regelverket. Vid fortsatt CE-märkning av produkterna kommer de att klassas som tillverkare och behöver uppfylla dess krav. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att både Lab & Primärvård och Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet har tre vägar att gå; distribuera, egentillverka eller tillverka in vitro-diagnostik produkter. Beroende på beslutet de fattar klassas de olika enligt det nya regelverket (distributörer, egentillverkare eller tillverkare) och har därmed olika krav att följa.

“Incidents and accidents” : implementing the safety regulations prescribed by the South African Schools Act

Eberlein, Eric 17 December 2009 (has links)
In the light of almost daily media reports of accidents and incidents of violence in South African schools, it can be assumed that most South African schools are unsafe. This study investigates the manner in which rural public schools implement the school safety regulations prescribed by the South African Schools Act to ensure learner safety. This qualitative study investigates the implementation of the Schools Act’s safety regulations at four public schools situated in the rural areas east of Pretoria in Gauteng. Data was gathered using interviews with the principals of these schools as well as by the observation and recording of the normal day-to-day activities at the school and by an analysis of each school’s school safety policy. The interviews with the principals focused on the manner in which each school implements the regulations for school safety in areas such as access to the school and the conducting of searches, the arranging of trips and excursion and the planning and managing water-based activities and the early release of learners. Observation at each of the four schools focused on the physical condition of the school and the schools’ procedures for playground duty, fire fighting and emergency drills. The analysis of each school’s safety policy aimed to determine the compliance of these policies with the Schools Act regulations and to determine the practicability and effectiveness of each policy. The researcher’s conclusions include the fact that none of four schools had an effective and practicable school safety policy in place and were not implementing their inadequate policies effectively. He suggests among other things a comprehensive compulsory school safety training programme including aspects such as information on the intent, content and aims of the school safety regulations, the concepts of liability and negligence and methods for drafting, adopting and implementing effective school safety policies. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Právní úprava zbraní a střeliva v ČR a implementace předpisů v EU / Legal regulation of weapons and ammunition in the Czech Republic and implementation of EU regulations

Mach, Jan January 2021 (has links)
in English The introduction of this thesis explains the basic concepts of the legislative regulation of weapons and ammunition in the Czech Republic and their use in specific cases. This part also briefly presents the legal history of selected institutes of weapons legislation in the Czech Republic with EU law, in particular conditions and possession of weapons, business in the field of weapons and categorization of weapons. The next part analyzes Act No. 288/1995 Coll. again focusing on selected institutes important in the context of the implementation of EU law. The following are comparisons of Council Directive 91/477 / EEC in its original version with Act No. 119/2002 Coll. in the original wording and Council Directive 91/477 / EEC as amended by Directive 2008/51 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with Act No. 119/2002 Coll. as amended by Act No. 222/2017 Coll., with an overlap into certain legal regulations. The thesis also describes and analyzes the reasons for the adoption of Directive (EU) 2017/853 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the process of its adoption and the Czech Republic's lawsuit for its invalidity and describes the subsequent proceedings in front of the EU Court of Justice. Due to the lawsuit rejection, Czech Republic was forced to adopt an...

Assessing the Repercussions of a Mass Departure of Building Inspectors from the Code Professional Industry in Utah

Williams, George Reese 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
National studies suggest that eighty percent of existing code professionals are expected to retire within the next fifteen years. As part of this research, it was determined that approximately half of all licensed building inspectors in the State of Utah will reach retirement age within the next ten years. As building inspectors make up a large part of the Code Professional Industry this demographic was selected as the focus of this research. The purpose of this research project was to assess the urgent need for new entrants into the Code Professional Industry in Utah. As part of this research, trends within the local industry over a 20 year period were evaluated. A statewide survey of over 300 licensed building inspectors was conducted to investigate the demographics of the industry, and gain first-hand insight from individual code professionals. This research was successful in quantifying the size of the Code Professional Industry in Utah, and numbering the populations of certified professionals in each individual code discipline. In addition, projected losses were established within each code discipline, discovering many disciplines in which over 50% of current professionals would be lost within a ten year period. In addition projections were made contrasting the number of code professionals leaving the industry versus the small anticipated number of individuals entering the industry. This research conclusively predicts a steady and dramatic decline in the number of licensed code professionals, unless the industry actively works toward addressing the issue. The group of aging code professionals possess a level of knowledge and experience not easily replaced. This study was based on an extensive statewide survey of licensed building inspectors in Utah, and collected opinions, concerns and insights directly from the Code Professional Industry. The findings of this study provide a unique look at this specialized industry within a single state. The lessons learned likely apply to populations of code professionals in other locations. This study concluded that a combination of phased retirement, modified work duties and mentoring programs would be of great benefit to the Code Professional Industry, by allowing the transfer of knowledge between the outgoing generation and the future generation of code professionals.

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