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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utredning av vattenskadetrender : Hur kan antalet vattenskador minskas? / Investigation of water damages : How can the number of water damages be reduced?

Hjalmarsson, Lovisa, Aydogdyeva, Ayna January 2015 (has links)
Vatten är en av de vanligaste skadeorsaken i Svenska byggnader. Det inträffar 100 000 vattenskador varje år och dessa kostar 5-6 miljarder att åtgärda. Detta problem har legat till grund för vårt arbete där vi frågar oss: ”Hur kan antalet vattenskador minskas?” Vi har försökt att besvara frågan med hjälp av statistik från Vattenskadecentrum, intervjuer med branschfolk och studier av branschregler. Det som framkommit är att badrum och kök är de mest drabbade utrymmen. Efter år 2011 har andelen skador i kök blivit fler än de i badrum. Orsaken till detta är ökningen av trycksatta vattenledningar i kök samt avsaknaden av krav på tätskikt och golvbrunn. Trots att vattenanvändningen i badrum, relativt sätt, har ökat har andelen skador minskat tack vare förbättrad teknik, strängare normer och bättre material. Vi tror att om antalet vattenskador ska minskas bör branschregler för kök kompletteras, utbilda och auktorisera fler företag samt upplysa fastighetsägare om vikten av fackmässigt byggande. / Water is one of the most common cause of injuries in Swedish buildings. It occurs 100 000 water damages every year and it costs 5-6 billions to repair. This problem has been the basis for our report with the question: “How can the number of water damages be reduced?” We have tried to answer the question using data from Vattenskadecentrum (Water damage center), interviews with professionals and studies of regulations. What has appeared is that the bathroom and kitchen are the most affected areas. After 2011, the quantity of water damages in the kitchen has passed the quantity of water damages in the bathroom. This is due to the increased number of pressurized water pipes in the kitchen and the absence of requirements for waterproofing and draining gutter. Despite the change of water usage in bathrooms, the percentage of water damages in bathrooms has decreased thanks to improved technique and materials. To reduce the number of water damages should regulations for the kitchen enlarge, train more in the industry and inform property owners about the importance of professionally-building.

Asset Allocation under Solvency II : The impact of Solvency II on the asset allocation of Swedish life insurance companies / Tillgångsallokering och Solvens II : Regelverkets effekt på svenska livbolags placeringar

Charpentier, Carl-Emil, Allenius Somnell, Erik January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of Solvency II on the asset side of Swedish mutual life insurers. With the help of a quantitative analysis and a qualitative examination of our results we find that there will be a significant change in demand for certain products. A substantial increase in demand for government bonds and interest rate swaps with long maturities should be expected. Furthermore, both corporate and covered bonds will be more attractive investments under the new regulatory framework. Another big impact is the lower risk-adjusted return for equity, which over time will lead to a reduction in Swedish life insurers’ relatively high exposure to equity and equity based products. Furthermore, we conclude that there are large gains to be made by incorporating an optimization with regard to the solvency capital requirements dictated by the legislative texts. / Denna uppsats har undersökt vilken inverkan Solvens II kommer ha på svenska ömsesidiga livbolags tillgångssidor. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ analys och en kvalitativ undersökning av våra resultat har vi funnit att det kommer ske en betydande förändring i efterfrågan av vissa instrument. En stor ökning på efterfrågan av statsobligationer och ränteswappar med långa löptider är att vänta. Dessutom kommer både företags- och säkerställda obligationer vara betydligt mer attraktiva investeringsalternativ under det nya regelverket. En annan stor inverkan är den lägre riskjusterade avkastningen för aktier och aktierelaterade produkter. Över tid kommer detta sannolikt leda till en reduktion av svenska livbolags relativt höga exponering har gentemot aktier. Därutöver finner vi att bolagen har mycket att vinna på att införliva en optimering med avseende på de av regelverket angivna kapitalkraven.

En studie i TSFS 2014:96, Föreskrifter och allmänna råd om tekniska krav för fartyg i inlandssjöfart / A study in TSFS 2014:96, Regulations and general advice on technical requirements for inland waterway vessels

Antti, Silvasti, Svanström, David January 2021 (has links)
Inom Europa har länge bedrivits en framgångsrik och attraktiv inlandssjöfart som ett led inom transportkedjan där gods framför allt har flyttats över från vägnätet till sjöfarten. Då sjöfarten som transportsätt är ett mycket miljövänligt alternativ finns det utöver miljövinster även samhällsekonomiska vinster att göra. Då den tunga trafiken på vägnätet avlastas minskas därmed risken för trafikolyckor. Vid transport av farligt gods minskar samtidigt risken för utsläpp av farliga ämnen i naturen. I Sverige har inlandssjöfarten inte haft samma genomslagskraft som i övriga länder med kanalsystem, trots att det finns ett stort behov av att avlasta det redan överbelastade vägnätet och ett uttalat mål från regeringen om att flytta över gods till sjöfarten. Genom att jämföra regelverken som finns för inlandssjöfarten inom Europa med de svenska reglerna är målet att ta reda på varför inlandssjöfarten inte har samma genomslagskraft i Sverige som i övriga Europa. Utöver reglerna som arbetet berör så analyseras även kostnaderna för inlandssjöfarten i Sverige kontra Europa och ytligt nämna andra faktorer som gör den mindre slagkraftigt. En av slutsatserna som framkom  ur detta arbete är att Sveriges tolkning och tillägg till det Europeiska regelverket inte är den största anledningen till att det inte finns någon ekonomiskt stabil inlandssjöfart i Sverige utan endast en av faktorerna. / Europe has a great history of successful and attractive shipping on the inland waterways as a part of the transport infrastructure, where a great amount of cargo has been transferred from the roads to the inland waterways. Shipping as a type of transportation is a very environmentally friendly alternative besides advantages for the society. As shipping decreases the heavy traffic on the public roads, the risk for traffic accidents and the risks in transporting dangerous cargo will be lower.In Sweden the shipping on the inland waterways has not been as successful compared to the european neighbours with inland waterways, and despite this there is a great need for transferring cargo from the roads to the sea and an official goal from the government for doing this. By comparing the swedish regulation regarding the shipping on inland waterways with the european regulations, the aim is to find out why  shipping on the inland waterways are not successful in Sweden. Besides the comparative of the regulations this report will also analyse the different costs and other factors making it less attractive. What the authors can conclude in this study is that the swedish adaptation and additions to the european rules is not the only factor why there is no  economically functioning traffic of the swedish inland waterways, it is just another brick in the wall.

Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En studie av LIS som planeringsverktyg i Norrbotten

Eriksson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning tool LIS, countryside development in areas close to shores has been applied in Norrbotten County. And what problems the municipalities experience in the planning process. Today's regulations for rural development in coastal locations have been criticized in investigations and by politicians for lacking geographical flexibility and that the planning tool isn’t adapted for sparsely populated areas. The study is a case study where the empirical evidence is mainly based on documents and investigations linked to rural development in coastal locations. The analysis has been carried out using broad thematic concepts. To get a greater understanding of how the planning tool is used in Norrbotten, interviews have been conducted with three municipalities with large rural areas. All those interviewed work with or have experience of the planning tool. The study shows that rural development in coastal locations has several problems with the enforcement and interpretation of the regulations. And that the planning tool itself does not contribute to rural development but that it can be seen as part of a larger context. However, two of the municipalities express that LIS is important to their municipalities to be able to offer attractive beach plots. A new report presented in December 2020, which aims to improve current regulations, has been received with some positive caution. The municipalities believe that the presented improvements are a step in the right direction towards a more geographically flexible regulatory framework. But that there are still major shortcomings in the enforcement of the regulations and that the municipalities need to have a greater influence in decisions regarding establishment in rural areas.

Sista sträckan av resan : hur arbetar dagens kommuner med elsparkcyklar i praktiken?

Säfström, Isac, Ibrahim, Nesma January 2021 (has links)
Den här rapporten diskuterar vilka utmaningar som idag finns med friflytande elsparkcykelsystem i trafiken. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i att jämföra Göteborgs stad, Linköpings kommun och Norrköpings kommuns arbete med elsparkcyklar i förhållande till den teoretiska referensramen; delad mobilitet, mikromobilitet samt smart mobilitet och hållbara transporter. Ett vidare syfte ligger även i att peka på likheter och skillnader mellan kommunernas arbete, samt undersöka elsparkcykelns potential i utvecklingen av städernas framtida transportsystem. Uppsatsens empiri grundar sig i intervjustudier med fem tjänstemän, samt en dokumentanalys av relevanta dokument inom ämnet. Resultatet påvisar att huvudsakliga utmaningar för kommunerna bland annat ligger i en vag lagstiftning, trängsel, inkludering av olika stadsdelar, felparkering och olovlig körning. I relation till detta har åtgärder som exempelvis avtal mellan kommunerna och uthyrningsföretagen upprättats. Vidare visar resultatet ett intresse från kommunernas sida att i framtiden dra nytt av elsparkcykeln i utveckling av hållbara och delade transporter. I koppling visar analysen att en viktig del i att möjliggöra denna utveckling, bland annat, ligger i att integrera elsparkcykeln med andra trafikslag samt tillgodose relevant information till användare. / This report discusses the challenges that exists today with free-floating electric scooter systems in traffic. The essay is based on comparing the City of Gothenburg, Linköping Municipality and Norrköping Municipality´s work with electric scooters in relation to the theoretical frame; shared mobility, micromobility and smart mobility and sustainable transport. A further point also lies in pointing out similarities and differences between the municipalities work and examining the potenital of the electric scooter in the development of the cities´ future transport systems. The essay´s empirical data is based on interview studies with five employees, as well as a document analysis of relevant policy documents in the subject. The results show that the main challenges for the municipalities lie in vague legislation, congestion, inclusion of different districts, incorrect parking and illegal driving. In relation to this, measures such as agreements between the municipalities and the rental companies has been drawn up. Furthermore, the results show an interest on the part of the municipalities to benifit from the electric scooter in the development of sustainable and shared transports in the future. In connection with this, the analysis show that an important part in enabling this development, among other things, lies in integrating the electric scooter with other modes of traffic and providing relevant information to users.

The sustainable banking inudstry : factors associated with sustainable innovation

Robin, Nikolausson, Kristoffer, Edin January 2021 (has links)
TITLE: The sustainable banking industry - factors associated with sustainable innovation. FINAL SEMINAR: 2021-05-26COURSE: Master thesis in Business & Management - Organization at Uppsala University. AUTHORS: Kristofer Edin & Robin Nikolausson. ADVISOR: Josef Pallas.KEYWORDS: Sustainable innovation, Internal factors, External factors, Regulations, Technology, Market demand, Organizational culture, Market opportunities, Internal collaborations, Managerial dedication, Knowledge management.PURPOSE: This thesis aims to study factors associated with the development of sustainable innovation in the banking industry. Moreover, the ambition is to bring relevant findings and support for previous findings related to the information gap about how factors are associated with sustainable innovation and how they correspond to each other.METHOD: This research is using a case study methodology where one specific case company is being scrutinized. The study has used an exploratory study approach consisting of qualitative data gathering. Moreover, it is based on an inductive approach. The data consist of both primary data in terms of interviews with employees from the case company and of secondary data from various internet sources.LITERATURE REVIEW: Sustainable innovation, Technology, Regulations, Market demand, Organizational culture, Market opportunities, Internal collaboration, Managerial dedication, Knowledge management.EMPIRICAL FINDINGS: This thesis uncovers that there are both internal and external factors associated with sustainable innovation in the banking industry. The empirical findings thus correspond to the theory as it illustrates that the different factors are associated with sustainable innovation in the case company. However, the correctness of the theoretical suggestions varies in terms of the level of importance concerning the different factors. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION:The analysis illustrates that even as the eight factors are associated with sustainable innovation, it is difficult to decide their relative importance as they are not mutually exclusive, but dependent on each other. However, there are some empirical indications that some factors, such as market demand and organizational culture, are more dominant in the relationships among the different factors.

Selfies, souvenirer och Djävulsbibeln : En kvalitativ fallstudie av biblioteksanställdas syn på biblioteksturism på Kungliga biblioteket och Stockholms stadsbibliotek / Selfies, souvenirs, and the Devil’s Bible : A qualitative study of tourism organization in National Library of Sweden and Stockholm Public Library

Granath, Otto January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to examine how two Swedish libraries approach library tourism. Library tourism is a growing phenomenon seen in libraries across the world. The case study has been made on the National Library of Sweden and Stockholm Public Library. The study was conducted through qualitative measures in which methodological techniques have been used, such as interviews and analysis of relevant documents from an organizational perspective. The study aims to determine how two libraries in Stockholm are used as tourist attractions and how the personnel perceive their workplace as being a tourist attraction. The analysis is based on Foucault’s theories primarily addressing the relationship between power and knowledge and the theories of economic, social, environmental, and cultural implications of tourist-related services by both John Urry and Jonas Larsen as well as the authors So-Min Cheong and Marc L Miller. The study shows that neither of the two examined libraries has special staff for dealing with tourists, nor guidelines for this activity. The study also shows that libraries can be viewed as important rising cultural tourist attractions during the last years. Having an increasing number of tourists has been disturbing for the locals and those employed at the libraries. Both libraries’ primary focus is being an indispensable part of community life as promoter of literacy, provider of a wide range of reading material for all ages and wide-ranging loan services based on systems of branch libraries. This study suggests that both libraries have a similar approach to tourism, but also that they could be more involved in the process in order to make tourism available on their own terms. Disclaimer: This subject was decided/chosen in November 2019 before the outbreak of Covid-19 which made future tourism development more uncertain. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

UTREDNING AV UPPHANDLINGSDOKUMENT VID OFFENTLIG UPPHANDLING MED FOKUS PÅ ÄTA-ARBETEN / Investigation of documents in public procurement with the focus on alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work

Axelsson, Alice, Johansson, Elinor January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: Today two of the biggest problems within the construction industry in Sweden is the exceeding of budgets and that the projects do not finish in time. One of the reasons is the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work that occurs during the project. The purpose is therefore to study the variations that can be related to the documents that are used during public procurement as well as provide some suggestions on how the procurement documents can be improved for future projects. Hence trying to decrease the use of variations in projects. Method: The study consists of a multiple case study with three similar projects. The methods that are used are a literature study that provides the base of the intended study. A study of documents is also a crucial element to be able to draw the connections between the procurement documents and the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work. There will also be semi structured interviews that will strengthen the case study and increase the knowledge within the area. Findings: the study shows that 60 percent of the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work can be connected to the procurement documents. There are a few causes that leads to the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work in a project for example coordination between the different technical areas within the projects that can lead to contradictions in the documents. Too much material in the procurement documents can leads to conflicting information which leads to the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work. With greater accuracy and greater coordination between the different technical areas, drawings, and other documents. Coordination between the areas would also improve if it is implemented in the early stages of design. It is important to be clear in the technical description which work is expected from the project which would lead to fewer the alterations, supplementaryand withdrawn work. Implications: the overall problem is in this study is how you can reduce the use off alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work connected to the procurement documents. Most of the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work in a project can be connected to these documents. To be able to reduce the cost there should be a system implemented regarding the review and coordination of the procurement documents. Limitations: This study is limited to three different projects from different municipalities, to secure a more certain result there should be more equivalent projects included in the study. The interviews are limited to the project managers that where responsible for the specific projects in this study. Keywords: alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work, procurement documents, public procurement, specifications, regulations, technical specifications

The Pitfalls of Communicating the Implementation of Environmental Regulations

Petersen, Sara, Lundin, Hilda January 2020 (has links)
In the light of a market that showcases increased hesitation and skepticism over green marketing and environmental communication, is the necessity of a well executed corporate communication greater than ever. What can be seen on the market is corporations that are unintentionally using motive greenwashing as a tool for attracting and persuading consumers to favour the corporations image. Prior research within green marketing has put a large focus on greenwashing in product context and the effects of it on consumer behaviour. In this study greenwashing is examined in a communication context and its effect on different aspects of consumer behaviour and attitude.

Implementation of Food Safety Regulations in Food Service Establishments

McAllister, Steve Randolph 01 January 2018 (has links)
Food service businesses in the United States have experienced millions of dollars in losses caused by foodborne illness outbreaks, which can lead to bankruptcy and business closures. More than 68% of all foodborne illness outbreaks occur in food service establishments. The purpose of this descriptive case study was to explore the strategies leaders of food service establishments use to implement food safety regulations. Force field analysis was the conceptual framework for this study. The population for the study consisted of 3 leaders of food service establishments located in the southeastern region of the United States. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and a review of the business policies and procedures that support compliance with critical food safety regulations. The methodological triangulation approach was used to assist in correlating the interview responses with company policies and procedures during the data analysis process. Yin's 5-step data analysis approach resulted in 3 themes: (a) organizational performance analysis for improvements in food safety, (b) strategies applied to improve food safety, and (c) stability of new strategies for food safety. The key strategies identified included adhering to the guidelines of food code and regulation, conducting employee training and awareness building, and working closely with food safety inspectors. The implications for positive social change include the potential to add knowledge to businesses, employees, and communities on the use of effective food safety strategies to minimize foodborne illnesses. Such results may lead to the improvement of service performance and long-term growth and sustainability of food service establishments.

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