Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egulations"" "subject:"legulations""
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Srovnání analýz dopravní nehodovosti České republiky, Dánska a Švédska / Analysis and Comparison of Traffic Accident Data in the Czech Republic, Denmark and SwedenChmelíček, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the analysis of traffic car-accidents in the Czech Republic, Sweden and Denmark. Excepting the analysis, it contains basic information and evaluation. Then in the final part is also given a proposal of measures to reduce car-accidents in the Czech Republic.
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Porovnání tržních cen nemovitostí s cenami zjištěnými porovnávacím způsobem podle oceňovacích předpisů / Comparasion of property market prices with prices discovered in a comparative way according to estimate regulationsKomosná, Milada Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with a comparison of the market prices of Brno family houses. The compared prices are estimated using the comparative way based on the price regulations and using the comparative method. A new coefficient for the comparative method is proposed in the thesis. This coefficient takes into account the influence of the distance of the estimate property from the city centre in the connection with the position. One of the main reasons to introduce this coefficient was to obtain the best result when estimating the price, the result which is the closest to the required market price. The use of the coefficient of the global position may lead to better results of the price estimate, especially in bigger cities where this influence is revealed the most.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce areálu textilní továrny / construction and technology project of reconstruction fo the textile factoryLorencová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis contains a construction and technology project of reconstruction of the textile factory nearby Jihlava. The technical report provides all the basic information about the construction to this project. Assembly of steel structure and demolition works are detailed processing in the technological regulations. Other documents are processed for these selected technological regulations which are needed for their implementation – ie. control and test plans, drawings of building equipment, draft of machinery and plans of health and safety and fire prevention. Time and financial plans are also component of this project. Another annex of this thesis is budget for a major building and selected structural details.
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Návrh systému OSD dat pro výcvik údržbového personálu malého dopravního letounu / OSD data system design of small transport aircraft for training of maintenance personnelPlačková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the area of operational suitability data that is established as part of the aircraft type certificate. The thesis first chapters are describing OSD, its origin and implementation. The thesis also analyzes all regulations that are connected with this matter and are focusing on the training of maintenance certifying staff. A part of this thesis deals with the description of aircraft Evektor EV-55 Outback, for which is created the educational material, and a description of its fuel system. The concept of educational material for maintenance certifying staff theoretical type rating training and an example of final test are at the end of the thesis.
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Evaluating the Compliance Re-Certification Efficiency Enabled by the AMASS Platform for Medical DevicesPulla, Aleksandër, Bregu, Antonela January 2020 (has links)
The certification of systems in the medical domain aims to ensure that a system is acceptably safein order to bear the CE mark. Such process is exhaustive, expensive, time-consuming and safety-critical.Medical devices shall be re-certified under Medical Device Regulations. The first de-facto platform for re-certification is delivered by AMASS project. This thesis is expected to fill the specific gap: evaluate the compliance re-certification efficiency of the platform in the medical domain during the re-certification effort required as a consequence of a change in the normative space. Due to the lack of demonstrations in this safety-critical domain, the standard for medical devices, ISO 14971 with its versions and the Notified Bodies Recommendation Group (NBRG) Consensus paper are considered. There are several differences among them, in terms of the normative part and the fact whether they are international or only applicable in Europe. The evaluation will be conducted on acase study and the research has followed best practicing in case study design/execution. The focus is on two changes. The first change in the normative space is represented by the introduction of the EU directives (EU Medical Device Directives (MDDs): 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC, and 98/79/EC.) in relation to ISO 14971:2007, which required the introduction of ISO 14971:2012 (which applies only to manufacturers placing devices on the market in Europe). The second change is represented by the introduction of ISO 14971:2019, an international standard. Through the tool-chain (EPF Composer-BVR Tool), the families of standards and processes are modeled. The reuse of components is assessed through the application of selected metrics creating the measurement framework.The aim is to increase evidence according to the usefulness of the tool-chain in other domains. This master thesis will contribute with a case study evaluation of the tool-chain (a subset of the platform), considering cross-jurisdictional challenges. This work could represent the starting point for an evaluation where not only reference-processes are considered, but also the processes actually modelled in industrial settings.
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In-house lawyer under the new German legislationMayer, Bernd R., Zeibig, Nicola January 2017 (has links)
Recently professional regulations regarding in-house lawyers have undergone a serious change that will profoundly change their occupational profile. This paper illustrates the legislative process that led to the new regulatory framework. It further discusses the potential problems arising from the cornerstones of professional conduct on the one hand and the typical daily tasks of in-house lawyers on the other hand.
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Rechtsschutz bei der Vergabe von Bauleistungen unterhalb der Schwellenwerte, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Praxis in SachsenPfau, Tilo 09 February 2011 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit dem vergaberechtlichen Primärrechtsschutz unterhalb der EU-Schwellenwerte, welcher in der Praxis als nicht vorhanden bzw. als unterentwickelt bezeichnet werden muss. Dabei werden insbesondere die vom Freistaat Sachsen entwickelten Regelungen des § 9 SächsVergabeDVO untersucht, die in der Literatur vereinzelt als „Rechtsschutz light“ bekannt sind. Es werden Regelungslücken aufgezeigt sowie Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für die sächsischen Regelungen vorgeschlagen. Für einen vollwertigen Rechtsschutz wäre aber eine Umsetzung auf Bundesebene notwendig und wünschenswert.
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Life Cycle Assessment of a Lithium-Ion Battery pack for Energy storage Systems : - the environmental impact of a grid-connected battery energy storage systemLiu, Lollo January 2020 (has links)
This thesis assessed the life-cycle environmental impact of a lithium-ion battery pack intended for energy storage applications. A model of the battery pack was made in the life-cycle assessment-tool, openLCA. The environmental impact assessment was conducted with the life-cycle impact assessment methods recommended in the Batteries Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules adopted by the European Commission (2016). The findings in this study showed that the most important parameter in the cradle-to-grave assessment was the use-stage losses, which can be reduced by using electricity grids with high sharesof renewable energy or by increase the round-trip efficiency of the battery system. However, for the cradle-to-gate assessment, five impact categories were found to be relevant. These categories were: climate change, acidification, fossil resource use, resource use (minerals and metals) and particulate matter. Furthermore, within these impact categories, four materials contributed to more than 65 % of all impact. These key materials were; nickel, aluminium, cobalt and graphite. Therefore, a recommendation to battery manufacturers is to prioritise sourcing these four key materials from sustainable suppliers to reduce the overall cradle-to-gate environmental impact. Lastly, by integrating recycling of the battery pack in the end-of-life-stage, it was possibleto achieve a net reduction of 9-20 % of the cradle-to-grave climate change, acidification and fossil resource use compared to not including recycling. Therefore, the development of efficient and large-scale recycling will likely play a major role in reducing the environmental impact from lithium-ion batteries in the future.
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Arsenic Exposure in US Drinking Water: Spatial Patterns, Temporal Trends, and Related MortalitiesNigra, Anne January 2020 (has links)
Reducing population exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs), a known carcinogen and highly toxic metalloid of great public health concern, remains an ongoing challenge worldwide and in the United States (US). In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total arsenic in public drinking water supplies through the Safe Drinking Water Act. In 2001, the US EPA implemented the Final Arsenic Rule, which lowered the MCL for arsenic in public drinking water supplies from 50 to 10 µg/L. Reductions in iAs exposure and subsequent related disease associated with this important regulatory change have not been quantified. Currently, no national-level exposure estimates of iAs drinking water exposure are available for US residents reliant on public drinking water. There is a critical need to identify susceptible subgroups of the US population who remain at risk for elevated iAs drinking water exposure. This dissertation aimed to quantify the reduction in drinking water iAs exposure resulting from the US EPA MCL regulatory change, to estimate drinking water iAs exposure for US residents reliant on public drinking water, to identify susceptible subgroups across the US whose water iAs remains high, and to determine if iAs exposure was associated with heart disease mortality in the general US population. Chapter 1 provides background information necessary to contextualize the work contained in this dissertation.
In Chapter 2, we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of dietary sources of iAs exposure in the Strong Heart Family Study, a cohort of American Indian adults followed primarily for cardiovascular disease, using a self-reported food frequency questionnaire and urinary iAs measurements. Self-reported intake of rice, organ meat, processed meat, and non-alcoholic drinks was associated with increased urinary iAs concentrations. Diet alone explained only 3% of total variability in urinary iAs concentrations, indicating that the majority of iAs exposure for SHFS participants occurs from drinking water.
Second, (in Chapter 3), we explored trends in water iAs exposure in the general US population associated with the EPA’s MCL change using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2003-2014, separately for participants reliant on public drinking water vs. private well water (which is not subject to US EPA regulation). We estimated that implementation of the new US EPA MCL was associated with a 17% reduction in drinking water iAs exposure for all participants reliant on public drinking water; the corresponding reduction was 32% for Mexican-American participants. No reduction was observed for participants reliant on private wells.
Third (in Chapter 4), we estimated drinking water iAs exposure at the community water system and county-level across the entire US from 2006-2011 using the US EPA’s Six Year Review of Contaminant Occurrence database. We estimated that nationwide public drinking water iAs concentrations decreased by 8.5% and 21.6% at the 80th and 99th percentiles of the water iAs distribution in accordance with the MCL implementation, with significant differences across US subgroups. Greater decreases in iAs concentrations were reported for systems reliant on groundwater, systems serving smaller populations, and systems in the Northeast, Central Midwest, and Southwestern regions of the US. Susceptible subgroups whose public drinking water iAs exposure remains high include populations served by small community water systems reliant on groundwater, communities in the Southwestern US, Semi-Urban, Hispanic communities, and Rural, American Indian communities.
Fourth (in Chapter 5), we assessed six-year average arsenic concentrations in community water systems exclusively serving correctional facilities in the US (e.g. prisons, jails, detention centers) compared to other community water systems. Average arsenic concentrations were twice as high in correctional facility community water systems located in the Southwest (6.41 µg/L, 95% CI 3.48, 9.34) compared to all other community water systems in the Southwest (3.11 µg/L, 95% CI 2.97, 3.24). Over a quarter of correctional facility systems in the Southwest reported a six-year average arsenic concentration exceeding the 10 µg/L MCL. Persons incarcerated in the Southwestern US were at disproportionate risk of drinking water arsenic exposure and related disease from 2006-2011.
Fifth (in Chapter 6), we multiply imputed urinary arsenic concentrations below the limit of detection (LOD) in NHANES 2003-2016 using a Bayesian Tobit regression model. Epidemiological analyses of urinary arsenic data in NHANES are limited by the relatively high analytical LODs and large proportion of participants with undetectable values. Distributions of urinary arsenic originally reported in NHANES, which replace values below the LOD with the LOD divided by the square root of two, likely overestimate iAs exposure at the lowest exposure levels and may introduce significant bias. Bayesian-multiply imputed datasets may improve the assessment of iAs exposure in cohorts with high analytical LODs for arsenic species.
Finally (in Chapter 7), we evaluated the association between urinary iAs concentrations (internal dose) and heart disease mortality as recorded in the National Death Index in NHANES 2003-2014 participants. We found a positive but non-significant prospective association between increasing iAs exposure and heart disease mortality for all participants (hazard ratio 1.15, 95% CI 0.77, 1.70), and a significant positive association for non-Hispanic white participants using flexible spline models. Geometric mean ratios of iAs exposure were higher among cases compared to non-cases, especially for Mexican-American participants (1.30, 95% CI 0.90, 1.88). These findings further support the potential association between low- to moderate- iAs exposure and cardiovascular disease in the US population, and indicate that further high-quality prospective studies of Hispanic and Latino Americans are needed to investigate the potential increased susceptibility of Mexican-Americans to iAs-related cardiovascular disease.
Taken together, these studies suggest that while the implementation of the US EPA’s 10 µg/L MCL has reduced drinking water arsenic exposure for many Americans reliant on public drinking water systems, these reductions were not uniform across all US populations. Populations who remain at risk of elevated drinking water arsenic exposure include those reliant on domestic wells, those located in the Southwest, persons incarcerated in the Southwest, tribal communities, and Hispanic communities. Further high-quality epidemiologic research is needed to evaluate the association between low- to moderate iAs exposure and cardiovascular disease in these populations. Stronger federal regulations, targeted compliance enforcement and technical assistance, and other public health interventions are needed to reduce drinking water arsenic exposure in these communities.
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Srovnání právní úpravy dovolené v České republice a ostatních členských státech EU s přihlédnutím k aktuální judikatuře soudního dvora Evropské unie / Comparison of legal regulation of the annual leave in the Czech Republic and other member states of the EU with respect to current judgements of the European Court of JusticeNovák, Matěj January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis with its subject on Comparison of legal regulation of the annual leave in the Czech Republic and other member states of the EU with respect to current judgements of the European Court of Justice offers a comparative view of legal regulations of the institute of annual leave in chosen member states of the European union and its comparison with the legal regulation of the institute of annual leave in the Czech Republic. In the first chapter this diploma thesis talks about the history and legal roots of legal regulation of annual leave in the Czech Republic with regards to legal regulation of annual leave in the legal documents of the European union. Furthermore, the first chapter of this diploma thesis provides a view of the current legal regulation of annual leave in the Czech Republic and describes individual types of the annual leave in the Czech Republic. The second chapter of this diploma thesis contains the main comparison between the legal regulations of annual leave of chosen member states and the legal regulations of annual leave of the Czech Republic. This diploma thesis seeks the similar and the different elements in the legal regulations of annual leave of the chosen member states of the European union and the legal regulation of annual leave of the Czech Republic....
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