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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korslimmat trä : Studie om delaminering vid brandexponering för olika brandskyddsbehandlingar

Engvall, Vera, Zanasson, Zinar January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: This work is based on the problem with the product cross-laminated timber and its properties in the event of fire. The reason for the problem is the glue used in the product and the lack of requirements for adhesion at high temperatures. Due to this, there is a risk of delamination in the event of a fire, i.e. that the wooden slats that constitute the largest component in the CLT wood fall off during the course of the fire and contribute to extra energy. Method: The work is built up of two different methods, first a literature study and then an experiment. The literature study focuses on the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations, the production of cross-laminated timber and what happens in the event of a fire. The experiment was carried out at Fågelbacken in Västerås, where help from the rescue service was available. The informative part of the report begins with a subject reference framework where the first part consists of information about the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's requirements and ordinances that are based on the Planning and Building Act and the Planning and Building Ordinance. This study describes the experiment, everything from the application of the fire protection treatment to the design of the fire test. The materials included in the fire test are described and any certifications they hold are mentioned. The results section presents the results of the literature study and the fire test. Results: The four pieces of wood showed different results after fire, as three out of four showed cracks between the slats on the fire-affected surface. No piece of wood delaminated or had loose slats, however, the cracks are interpreted as meaning that the glue did not withstand the temperature that the fire generated, and melted. The depths of the carbon layer, on the other hand, were significantly protected by the fire protection treatment as there was a maximum difference of 7 mm between one of the fire protection-treated pieces of wood and the untreated piece of wood. The burning time of the fuel pool varied. The course of fire for the pieces that were treated with fire protection was strong with large flames and large, black smoke pillars. Conclusion: The conclusion of the thesis is that the fire protection treatment has a good effect on the depth of the carbon layer, which delays the risk of delamination. The fire protection treatment also has a good effect on the adhesive in some of the cases when no or few cracks between the slats were seen.

Artificiell intelligens och maskinlärning i finansbranschen / Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the financial industry

Ekenstedt, Christian, Holmström, Gustaf January 2018 (has links)
För att alltid kunna erbjuda sina tjänster som ett finansiellt institut så är det viktigt att alltid vara informerad och uppdaterad när nya regelverk träder i kraft. Idag bidrar det till höga kostnader då det till stor del sker med humanitär kraft. För att se i vilken mån det går att effektivisera med hjälp av artificiell intelligens eller maskininlärning gjordes en litteraturstudie för att detta. Undersökningen visade att maskininlärning var den bäst lämpade metoden för denna problemställning. Arbetet hade inte de mest optimala förutsättningar för att få så säkert resultat som möjligt, trots detta visade resultatet på god förmåga att kunna klassificera produkter mot regelverk. Möjligheten till att applicera maskininlärning eller artificiell intelligens är god men det är viktigt med extremt stora mängder tränings- och testdata för att kunna effektivisera finansbranschen. / To always be able to offer their services as a financial institution, it’s important for them to always stay informed and updated when new regulations come into force. Today it contributes to high costs, largely due to humanitarian power. A literature study was performed to see as to what extent artificial intelligence or machine learning could be used to reduce the problem. The result of the study showed that machine learning was the best suited method for this problem. There were not the most optimal conditions to achieve the best possible result, despite that, the result gave promising ability to classify products to regulations. The possibility of applying machine learning and artificial intelligence is good but it is important to have extremely large amounts of training and test data in order to make the financial industry more effective.

The EU General Data Protection Regulations and their consequences on computer system design / EUs allmänna dataskyddsförordning och dess konsekvenser för programsystemteknik

Magnusson, Wilhelm January 2017 (has links)
As of writing this thesis, the EU’s new data protection laws (GDPR) will start to apply within one year. The new regulations are poorly understood by many and rumours of varying accuracy are circling the IT industry. This thesis takes a look at the parts of the GDPR concerning system design and architecture, clarifying what they mean and their consequences for system design. The new regulations are compared to the old data protection laws (Directive 95/46/EC), showing how companies must alter their computer systems in order to adapt. Using evaluations of the old data protection laws predictions are made for how the GDPR will affect the IT industry going forward. One of the more important questions are what tools are available for companies when adapting to privacy protection regulations and threats. This thesis aims to identify the most common processes for this kind of system modification and compare their effectiveness in relation to the GDPR. / Vid framställningen av denna avhandling är det mindre än ett år innan EUs nya dataskyddsförordning (GDPR) träder i kraft. Många har bristande förståelse av de nya förordningarna och rykten av varierande korrekthet cirkulerar inom IT industrin. Denna avhandling utför en kritisk undersökning utav de delar inom GDPR som berör system design och arkitektur och beskriver dess innebörd för system design. De nya lagarna jämförs med de föregående dataskyddslagarna (Direktiv 95/46/EC) för att påvisa de modifikationer som kommer krävas för att anpassa datorsystem till de nya förordningarna. Genom att undersöka de äldre dataskyddslagarnas effekt på industrin görs även förutsägelser kring hur GDPR kommer påverka IT industrin inom den närmaste framtiden. Än av de intressantare frågorna är vilka metoder som finns tillgängliga för att underlätta systemanpassningar relaterade till dataskyddsförordningar. Denna avhandling syftar att identifiera de mest etablerade av dessa typer av processer och jämföra deras lämplighet i förhållande till GDPR.

Modulbostäder som en permanent byggnad : En jämförelse av bostadsventilation och krav / Modular housing as a permanent building : A comparison of residential ventilation and regulations

Palm, Felicia, Hindersson Karlsson, David January 2018 (has links)
Sveriges befolkning ökar och i takt med detta behöver fler bostäder byggas. En flexibel lösning till problemet skulle kunna vara modulbostäder. Detta examensarbete undersöker i huvudsak två frågeställningar. Dels hur modulerna står mot de krav som ställts på den svenska byggnadsmarknaden. Dels hur valet av ventilation kan påverka modulbostäderna. Detta genomförs med en jämförelse av kostnader, energiberäkningar och krav mot en referensmodul. Tanken med modulbostäder är att bland annat minska byggtiden genom att producera modulerna i fabrik. Modulerna kan också byggas för att vara möjliga att flytta efter behov.   Studien har genomförts genom faktainsamling från litteratur samt intervjuer med ventilationsföretag och företag som jobbar med moduler. Avgränsningar har bland annat gjorts till att bara studera flerbostadshus.   Resultatet tyder på att modulbostäder i teorin uppfyller de krav som ställs från bland annat Boverket. Företag satsar mot hållbara byggnader och försöker bygga sina moduler mer som ett vanligt flerbostadshus. Detta ger en längre livslängd och energieffektivare byggnader.   Ventilationen visade ett resultat som var svårtolkat. Mycket beror på byggnadens utformning och valet av aggregat från leverantör. Detta tillsammans med vaga värden från ventilationsleverantörerna gjorde det svårt att avgöra vilket system som vore mest fördelaktiga. Val av system kan väljas från mjukare värden som för- och nackdelar. Beroende på om bostäderna behöver vara flexibla så är det att föredra med individuella system. Ser man till kostnad däremot så kan ett centralt system vara med fördelaktigt. / The Swedish population is growing and as well the demand for housing construction. A flexible solution to this problem could be modular houses. This thesis examines two main issues. Issue number one focuses on how modular houses can achieve compared to the Swedish standard building regulations. The other issue focuses on how the choice of ventilation system can affect the building. To achieve an answer, comparisons of costs, energy calculations and regulations against an reference housing. The idea with modular housing is to reduce the construction time by building the modules in a industry. A module can also be made portable depending on where it is most needed.   This study has been carried through by gathering information from literature and interviews with ventilation- and modular housing companies. Limitations has been made for instance, to apartment buildings.   Results show in theory that modular housing compares well to regulations put up by Boverket. Companies working with modular houses has focused more on building modules that can be compared to other types of housing buildings. This gives the modules a longer life span as well as more energy efficiency.   It is a bit more difficult to analyze the results from ventilation systems. A lot is depended on the modules design and also the choice of unit. This along with vague data from the ventilation companies made it difficult to choose which system would be more effective. To be able to choose a system from this thesis, softer values like pro and cons to be given in consideration. Depending on the need of the building, different choices could be made. If flexibility is important then a individual system may be preferred. While if cost is more important, then central system should be the choice.

Les pratiques de régulation des enseignants en arts plastiques au secondaire face aux questions sensibles abordées par leurs élèves

Pilote, Alexandra 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie la possibilité pour les enseignants d’arts plastiques au secondaire de permettre à leurs élèves de créer des oeuvres à partir de questions plus sensibles, comme le feraient de véritables artistes. Elle part de l’hypothèse que certains enseignants hésitent à approuver les intentions sensibles soumises spontanément par leurs élèves, allant même jusqu’à les interdire, ne sachant pas comment y répondre de façon satisfaisante. Elle souligne le fait que ce type de questions peut favoriser la création d’oeuvres pertinentes, authentiques et signifiantes, mais que cela exige des pratiques de régulation capables d ’amener les élèves à créer dans un contexte scolaire où le regard du public compte. Elle mise ainsi sur la possibilité de découvrir, de comprendre et de décrire le phénomène de la pratique de régulation des enseignants face aux questions sensibles soumises par leurs élèves afin de cibler les gestes susceptibles d’amener les élèves à développer une posture similaire à celle d’artistes professionnels. Elle s’appuie sur six composantes inhérentes à ce type de régulation : les questions sensibles, l ’enseignant, l’adolescent, la création, le contexte et le public. Il s’agit d ’une recherche descriptive, qui emprunte des éléments à la recherche phénoménologique et qui adopte un parcours en partie heuristique. Elle fait état de l’expérience de régulation des questions sensibles de la chercheure et de celle de cinq autres enseignants participants oeuvrant auprès d’élèves du secondaire dans un établissement scolaire du Québec. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en relief la nature et les finalités des gestes de régulation recensés par les participants et ils démontrent l ’importance de certains de ces gestes, dont ceux favorisant l’action conjointe ainsi que ceux servant à identifier les conditions favorables au travail des questions sensibles. La recherche prouve l’importance de la réflexion en continu dans le processus de régulation de ce type de questions, processus soutenu à la fois par les élèves et l ’enseignant qui travaillent de concert afin de faire progresser les intentions sensibles initiales qui s’actualisent et se précisent au fur et à mesure que progresse le travail de création. Elle montre également l ’importance de mettre en place une régulation qui tienne compte du public, de la diffusion des oeuvres sensibles faites en classe ainsi que des visées d ’exposition. / This research questions the possibility for secondary school visual arts teachers to allow their students to create artworks dealing with sensitive issues, the way real artists would. It is based on the hypothesis that some teachers are reluctant to accept sensitive intentions that are spontaneously submitted to them by their students, even going so far as to forbid them, because they do not know how to address these issues properly. The research emphasizes that exploring these issues can promote the creation of relevant, authentic and meaningful artworks, however, this requires regulatory measures capable of engaging students creating in a school context where public perception matters. The research is committed to the possibility of discovering, understanding and describing teachers’ regulatory measures when dealing with sensitive issues proposed by their students. It aims to identify actions that may help them develop a personal point of view, similar to those of professional artists. The study is based on six components that are inherent to these types of regulations: sensitive issues, teachers, teenagers, creation, context and audience. This research is descriptive, drawing from elements of phenomenological studies and adopting a partly heuristic approach. It reports on the researcher’s own experience addressing sensitive issues with these regulatory measures, as well as the experiences of five other participating teachers working with students in a secondary school in Quebec. The results of this research highlight the nature and purposes of the regulatory measures identified by the participants and reveal the significance of some of these measures, including those that promote joint action and those that help identify the most conducive conditions for working with sensitive issues. It proves that continuous reflection is essential during the process of regulating these types of questions. This process is carried out by both students and teachers, working together to develop the initial sensitive intentions that are actualized and clarified as the creative work progresses. The study also illustrates the importance of implementing regulations that consider the audience, the display of sensitive work in class and the objectives of the exhibit.

Разработка стандарта создания архитектурного раздела информационной модели для компании ООО «Альтек Проектирование» : магистерская диссертация / Development of a standard for creating an architectural section of an information model for the company «Altec Proektirovanie»

Шаламов, М. А., Shalamov, M. A. January 2022 (has links)
В исследовании рассматриваются подходы к разработке BIM-стандартов в России и заграницей. Описываются основные проблемы при моделировании и проектировании архитектурной части проектов; подход к разработке стандарта работы архитектурного отдела в Revit на примере отдельной проектной компании. / The study examines approaches to the development of BIM standards in Russia and abroad. The main problems in modeling and designing the architectural part of projects are described; approach to the development of a standard for the work of the architectural department in Revit on the example of a separate design company.

Kant Stop the Kidfluencers : Moral Considerations in Using Children as Social Media Influencers

Lenander, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The practice of "kidfluencing," or using children as social media influencers to promote commercial products and services, raises ethical concerns about the commodification of childhood, them being viewed as products, and their rights falling between the gaps. This essay critically examines the moral dilemmas and challenges in regulating kidfluencing practices from a Kantian and virtue ethics perspective, analyzing the implications of commodifying childhood and the potential harm it can cause. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is used as a framework for evaluating the moral interests of children in the context of kidfluencing practices. Arguments for and against regulating kidfluencing practices and the challenges and dilemmas in achieving effective and consistent regulation are presented. The essay concludes with a summary acknowledging the limitations and the need for further research.

The Effect of Natural Gas Well Setback Distance on Drillable Land in the City of Denton, Texas

Daniel, Michael 05 1900 (has links)
Municipalities protect human health and environmental resources from impacts of urban natural gas drilling through setback distances; the regulation of distances between well sites and residences, freshwater wells, and other protected uses. Setback distances have increased over time, having the potential to alter the amount and geographical distribution of drillable land within a municipality, thereby having implications for future land use planning and increasing the potential for future incompatible land uses. This study geographically applies a range of setback distances to protected uses and freshwater wells in the city limits of Denton, Texas to investigate the effect on the amount of land remaining for future gas well development and production. Denton lies on the edge of a productive region of the Barnett Shale geological formation, coinciding with a large concentration of drillable land in the southwestern region of the study area. This region will have the greatest potential for impacts to future municipal development and land use planning as a result of future gas well development and higher setback standards. Given the relatively high acreage of drillable land in industrially zoned subcategory IC-G and the concern regarding gas well drilling in more populated areas, future drilling in IC-G, specifically in IC-G land cover classes mowed/grazed/agriculture and herbaceous, would have the least impact on residential uses and tree cover, as well as decreasing the potential for future incompatible land uses.

Criminal and Conventional Liability in Environmental Law: Ecological Balance, Pollution and Envrionmental Damage

Diaconu, Luminita 28 November 2023 (has links)
A major problem of mankind is the continuous degradation of the environment. In order to protect the environmental components, it was necessary for the competent authorities to adopt specific legal norms, which could sanction the possible behaviors of the people towards the environment. Legal liability for the environmental law was necessarily established, due to the national ecological situation increasingly affected by the consequences of industrialization and automation, by the irrational exploitation of natural resources. It is necessary to mention certain shortcomings related to the effectiveness of criminal and contraventional law regulations in ensuring the goals of protecting the environment. Thus, examining the new criminal and contraventional law regulations in the chapter Environmental Crimes and Contraventions (ecological), we note certain circumstances that characterize them positively, just same as we note certain circumstances that characterize them negatively. The article tackles the aspects concerning ecological balance, pollution and effects on environmental damage. and refers to the differences in criminal and contravention liability, trying to offer some solutions to the current ecological situation.

Skolsköterskans roll i samverkan - En studie av samverkansdokument

Holst, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Varför är det så svårt att samverka när det egentligen är ganska lätt? Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap kring samverkan i relation till förväntan på skolsköterskan i kommunal verksamhet. Granskning av samverkansdokument på nationell-, kommunal samt yrkespecifiknivå analyserades. I Sverige har samverkan inom elevhälsans medicinska insats lyfts fram som en viktig faktor för att stärka elevhälsan och förbättra elevernas förutsättningar att nå sin fulla potential. Därför är det viktigt att förbättra samverkan mellan olika yrkesgrupper och samverkansparter. En av de främsta fördelarna med samverkan är att den kan leda till en helhetsbild av elevens hälsa och välbefinnande. Samverkan kan också leda till att eleverna får rätt stöd och insatser i rätt tid, vilket kan vara avgörande för att främja deras hälsa, välbefinnande och skolresultat. Studiens resultat visar enhetligt på flera framgångsfaktorer för en god och effektiv samverkan. / Why is it so difficult to collaborate when it is actually seen as quite easy?   The objective of this study is to contribute knowledge about collaboration in relation to the expectations placed on the school nurse in municipal operations. Examination of collaboration documents at the national, municipal, and professional levels was analysed.   In Sweden, collaboration within the medical intervention of student health has been emphasised as an important factor in strengthening student health and improving students' ability to reach their full potential. Therefore, it is important to improve collaboration among different professional groups and collaboration partners. One of the main advantages of collaboration is that it can provide a comprehensive understanding of students' health and well-being. Collaboration can also ensure that students receive the right support and interventions at the right time, which can be crucial in promoting their health, well-being, and academic performance.   The results of the study consistently demonstrate several success factors for effective collaboration.

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