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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of the application of international air cargo security regulations in South Africa

Nevo, Eitan Manuel Damian January 2015 (has links)
Text in English / This research project, within the context of security risk management in general and aviation security in particular, aimed to explore the impact of the application of international and local air cargo security regulations on South Africa, with specific reference to the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), as well as the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). In South Africa, since the early 2000s, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has been the lead agency for dealing with and managing the needs for air cargo security. This oversight by SACAA culminated in 2009 with the promulgation of the SACAA Regulation commonly known as Part 108. Accordingly the primary research focus was on the impact Part 108 has had on the air cargo industry in South Africa. In addition, it compared the South African regulations with those of the USA and EU regulations; explored the compliance of the various roleplayers; sought to understand the enforcement of the regulations; and examined the effectiveness of the available security and screening methods. Furthermore, the research attempted to determine whether these regulations had any effect on preventing or deterring crime in the air cargo sector. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

An investigation into the historical, cultural-religious, mystical and doctrinal elements of Paul's Christology and soteriology : a theoretical study of faith

Gibson, Jan Albert 03 1900 (has links)
Through his personal spiritual growth process and Jesus’ teachings and life, Paul became acutely aware of the vast differences between Prophetic Judaism and the Mystical Traditions in relation to the Temple Cult and Temple-ism in general. Paul’s own “history of religion” centred on Abraham’s Covenant as the first and preferred, unmediated, spiritual and universal model, against Moses’ priestly mediated cultic system designed basically for Jews. Therefore, Paul follows Jesus teachings and mission to “rip the dividing curtain” of the Jerusalem Temple (Heb 6:19, 20); so that all nations can be reconciled to God (Eph 2:11-18). Jesus re-negotiated “a new and better covenant” of God’s mercy through repentance to all. Cultic “regulations” and Jewishness as being a special “religious”, covenantal “qualification” is now outdated and rather were now dangerous myths in Paul’s new religion. Paul knew that bridging concepts and new interpretations of metaphors will have to be part of the transition. God did not need a final special blood cultic sacrifice; to the contrary, only some people needed one so that they can make the mental transition from a cultic religion to a spiritual and personal religion.To Paul, God was the unknown Father and the Essence of all creation and Jesus-Christ was their leader and master or lord. In the mystical sense however, “Christ” represented the real Spiritual essence of mankind; the image of God in mankind. The core of Paul’s soteriology is his growth and participational aspects which constitutes the salvation process and are closely linked. The salvific process starts in the first phase with conversion from cultic Temple-ism and weaning from cultic and ethnic “laws” through the teaching of, and participation in, the spiritual growth process of the “physical” Jesus while the Spirit within us is awakening. The latter heralds the start of the “second” mature spiritual phase of the resurrected and vindicated Christ; sensitising our conscience as our moral identity and source of internal motivation from the real Self; one lives intuitively from loving-kindness; you honour this Gift in your earthly vessel with a fitting response to life. The behavioural element is central and an absolute necessity in the salvific process and he never views it as being secondary. Christianity will have to revise simplistic “faith” to salvation dogmas and broaden its functional scope by again honouring the second personal and authentic spiritual growth phase to be able to manifest a better Kingdom with the aid of Human Beings. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

中國大陸醫療器材法規與監督管理制度之研究 / A Study on Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices in China

尹其言, Yin, Chi Yen Unknown Date (has links)
醫療器材法律規章與監督管理制度的探討,能夠教育社會大眾遵守法律、保障醫療器材產品品質、維持市場公平競爭、保障人們使用安全和身體健康。進而對於整體醫療器材產業,可以在面對法律問題之前的法律責任、行為規則、違法情形以及類推適用作為憑據和參考。 本研究目的是(1)檢視中國大陸醫療器材法律規章之起源與形成由來。(2)瞭解中國大陸醫療器材監督管理制度的發展情況。(3)探討中國大陸醫療器材監督管理相對人違法責任與違法處罰行為。 本研究主要以「內容分析法」,從中英文參考書籍、學術論文以及相關市場報告、期刊文章等,蒐集具有醫療器材相關的法學理論、法規制度、監督管理等關聯性資料加以歸納整理並進行討論。其次,採用「比較分析法」,將歐盟、日本、中華民國以及美國之醫療器材法規和監督管理制度與中國大陸進行對比分析。本研究以中國大陸醫療器材法律體系、法規制度和監督管理三項研究構面進行觀察,期許呈現符合學術標準的信度與效度之研究結果。 研究結果發現,中國大陸《醫療器械監督管理條例》屬於「行政法規」層級。監督管理的方式主要為「產品上市前審查」與「產品上市後監督」。其中「產品上市前審查」需要遵循:(a)醫療器材檢測管理、(b)醫療器材註冊管理、(c)醫療器材生產管理、(d)醫療器材說明書、標籤和包裝管理與(e)醫療器材經營管理;「產品上市後監督」必須恪守:(f)醫療器材使用管理、(g)醫療器材廣告管理、(h)醫療器材進出口管理、(i)醫療器材不良事件監測管理、(j)醫療器材召回管理、(k)醫療器材監督檢查和(l)醫療器材行政處罰等各項法規與條例。 研究結論歸納,2014年最新修訂的中國大陸《醫療器械監督管理條例》主要是:(1)風險管理分級、(2)審查制度精簡、(3)產品流向追蹤、(4)監管功能強化以及(5)明確法律責任。 / This study aimes to determine the regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices which is able to educate citizen to complying with the law, ensuring the quality of medical products, maintaining fair competition in the market, protecting the safety and health of people utilization. Furthermore, according to the breadth and complexity of the industry, this proposal can be directed rules as reference in case encountered juridic liability, legal issues or wrongful circumstances before acquired appreciable support from counsellor. The research topics of this article are (1) Examining the draft laws, regulations and rules and policy plots on the governance of medical devices in China. (2) Understanding the development of medical devices regulatory system in China. (3) Exploring the regulatory responsibility of medical devices and penalize illegal behavior in China. Content analysis methodology was conducted for this overview, this writings evaluated regulations of medical devices and administrative institution. Quality system regulations were also investigated by the comparative analysis along with China, European Union, Japan, Taiwan, R.O.C. and the United States. Results reveal that the regulations of medical devices are belong to administrative statute level, the supervision of meical devices is divided to pre-market review and post-market surveillance. Pre-market review contains (a) inspection management, (b) registered management, (c) production management, (d) manuals, labeling and packaging management and (e) advertisement management. Post-market surveillance embodies (f) the application of medical devices management, (g) medical devices advertising management, (h) medical devices import and export management, (i) medical devices monitoring and management of adverse events, (j) medical devices recall management, (k) supervision and inspection of medical dvices together with (l) medical devices regulations and administrative penalties, and other regulations. The findings were summarized as the following statements, the essentials on the latest revised regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices in China in 2014 are (1) risk based classification, (2) market notification and approval, (3) products sales tracking, (4) supervisory functions strength and (5) distinct legislative liability.

陸資赴台直接投資法制之研究 / A Study on the Regulation of Mainland China's Direct Investment in Taiwan

上官丹怡, Shang Guan, Dan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣開放陸資赴台直接投資已逾七年,相關投資法制體系初步形成,而法制環境對評估投資而言,一直都是最重要的影響因素。本文基於對陸資赴台投資直接適用之法令,並結合與之相關的其他法規範,通過研究,對陸資赴台直接投資之法制有較為清晰之認識。 由於台灣對陸資與僑外資採分別立法管轄,並將陸資經由第三地區公司赴台投資視為陸資間接投資,與陸資直接投資適用相同之法律規範。故本文首先對陸資的意涵進行分析,釐清其所指代的範圍,並說明主管機關在實務認定上的要點。其次,本文結合台灣公司法上涉及股東出資的相關規定,對陸資赴台直接投資可為之出資方式進行討論。最後,陸資投資業別項目的歷次開放說明,以及陸資可選擇之投資型態亦為本文論述的重點,目的在於明確現階段台灣市場對陸資的開放程度,以及陸資的相關投資待遇。 在對陸資赴台進行了法令結合實務的研究之後,本文進一步將其與外資赴台投資進行比較分析,並從開放投資業別項目、投資主體身分限制、申請程序、後續核查機制四個方面論述了二者投資台灣的差別待遇。兩岸雖然已經在逐步減少投資限制,促進投資便利化等方面達成協議,但台灣對陸資與外資在事實上的差別對待仍然較為明顯。 隨著陸資赴台投資逐漸顯現其正面效益,台灣同樣應該對現行的陸資政策進行檢討,適時作出調整,逐步放寬對陸資的限制,改善陸資投資環境。 / Taiwan has permitted Mainland China to make direct investment in the Island over seven years, and the relevant preliminary legal investment system has been formed. This thesis has made a research on the directly applicable laws for the direct mainland investment in Taiwan and other related laws and regulations, so as to give readers a clearer understanding of the law of direct investment in Taiwan. Considering that Taiwan has made different laws to manage mainland investment and overseas investment, firstly, this paper analyzes the connation of mainland investment and clarifies its meaning ranges. Secondly, combined with the part of contributions of shareholder stated on Taiwan company law, the paper also discussed what way the investors from mainland could choose to make direct investment in Taiwan.Finally, descriptions of all previous business categories that could be invested and investment patterns that could be chosen by mainland investors are also the important discussion points of the paper. After a research combining the practice with regulations, this thesis will make a further contrasting analysis of mainland investment with the foreign investment in Taiwan, as well as their treatment difference for aspects of opening investment projects, investment restrictions on the identity, application procedures and the subsequent verification mechanism. Although, the two sides have gradually reduced investment restrictions and promote to make agreements on investment facilitation, there are still obvious differences of Taiwan’s treatment on mainland investment and foreign investment. As mainland investment is gradually making positive effect on Taiwan’s development, Taiwan should also review the current policy on mainland investment and make timely adjustments, so as to slowly relieve its restrictions and improve the investment environment for mainland investors.

Normernas karaktär i K2 och K3 : Är principbaserade normer förenliga medlegalitetsprincipen? / Characteristic of the standards in K2 and K3 – Are principal-based standardsconsistent with the principle of legality?

Fors, Emma, Tälth, Natalie January 2016 (has links)
Principbaserade standarder ger vag vägledning om hur standarder ska följas och de lämnarstort utrymme för tolkning och bedömning. I inkomstskattelagens 14 kap. 2 § uttrycks det attresultatet ska beräknas enligt bokföringsmässiga grunder samt att beskattningstidpunkten skafastställas i enlighet med god redovisningssed. Skatterättens legalitetsprincip uttrycker iregeringsformen att det måste finnas stöd i lag för att ett brott ska ha begåtts och inget straffkan annars påvisas. Det uttrycks därmed att ingen skatt får tas ut om det inte finns lagliggrund. Då företag ska fastställa beskattningstidpunkten i enlighet med god redovisningssed,kan det ge upphov till redovisningsmässiga skillnader. God redovisningssed som begrepp, ärsvårtolkat och kräver kompletterande normgivning för att skapa dess innebörd.Problematiken som återfinns då principbaserade normer påverkar ett företags beskattningtydliggörs främst då ett materiellt samband råder mellan redovisning och beskattning. Ettmateriellt samband innebär att redovisningsregler görs gällande även vid beräkning av detskattemässiga resultatet. Det materiella sambandet återfinns i inkomstskattelagen dåhänvisning görs till god redovisningssed. Enligt bokföringslagen är det Bokföringsnämndensansvar att utveckla god redovisningssed. Bokföringsnämnden har därför tagit framallomfattande regelverk som ska ge vägledning åt företag som upprättar redovisning efter godredovisningssed. K-regelverken ska gälla för företag i olika kategorier, beroende på dessstorlek. Studien undersöker de två vanligaste regelverken, K2 och K3.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om principbaserade normer är förenliga medlegalitetsprincipen. För att besvara studiens syfte genomförs en komparativ innehållsanalys avBokföringsnämndens K-regelverk, K2 och K3. Vi ämnar avgöra till vilken grad normernaskaraktär i K2 och K3 bör anses vara regel- respektive principbaserade samt dess förenlighetmed legalitetsprincipen och regeringsformen. Vid inledningen av denna studie kunde interelevant och tillräcklig forskning hittas inom området, varpå studien syftar till att bidra medkunskap. Vi vill även uppmärksamma problematiken då skatterätten hänvisar tillredovisningens god redovisningssed när tidpunkten för redovisning av intäkter och kostnaderska ske.Genom en modell har vi tydliggjort vår analys avseende normernas karaktär i K2 och K3.Modellen innefattar två dimensioner, dels till vilken grad normerna anses regel- respektiveprincipbaserade och dels till vilken grad normerna bör anses förenliga medlegalitetsprincipen. För att besvara studiens syfte har vi undersökt följande normer somåterfinns i båda regelverken: grundläggande principer, definitioner av tillgångar, skulder,intäkter och kostnader, materiella anläggningstillgångar, immateriella anläggningstillgångar,varulager, avsättningar och periodiseringar. Studiens slutsats är att principbaserade normer tillstörre grad bör anses som icke förenliga med legalitetsprincipen då de tillåter att analogislutkan tillämpas i redovisningen. Principbaserade normer i redovisningen skapar storttolkningsutrymme, vilket kan medföra att likartade företag upplever skillnader iredovisningen och följaktligen även skattemässiga skillnader. Således ska normerna i K3 inteanses vara förenliga med legalitetsprincipen och därmed anses grundlagsstridiga. / Principal-based standards give few guidelines of how the standards should be followed andthey give room for interpretations. The income tax act expresses that the income statementshould be calculated through accrual basis and the taxation time should be determined bygenerally accepted accounting principles. On the other hand, the tax law expresses a principleof legality in the governmental law that states that there has to exist a legal support for a crimeto be committed and no penalty can otherwise be addressed. When generally acceptedaccounting principles should determine the time of taxation it generates accountingdifferences. The term of generally accepted accounting principles is difficult to interpret andrequires additional standards to create its meaning.The problem that exists when principle-based standards affect a company’s taxation, clarifieswhen there is a material relationship between accounting and taxation. A material relationshipmeans that the accounting rules are applicable even for the taxable income. The material linkexists when the income tax act refers to generally accepted accounting principles, when thetaxation time should be determined. The Swedish Accounting Standards Board has thereforeestablished comprehensive framework’s that aims to guide companies when accountaccording to generally accepted accounting principles. The K-regulations shall apply forcompanies in different categories depending on their sizes. The study examines the two mostcommon frameworks, K2 and K3.The purpose of this study is to examine if principle-based standards are consistent with theprinciple of legality. To achieve the purpose of this study, a comparative content analysis ofthe The Swedish Accounting Standards Boards K-regulations, K2 and K3, is conducted. Wewish to evaluate to what extent the standards characteristics are rule- or principle-based and toevaluate the extent of the standards consistency with the principle of legality and thegovernmental law. In the beginning of this study we did not find enough relevant literature inthe field of study and we therefore want to contribute with knowledge. We also want toobserve the problems that the tax law contributes when it refers to the term of generallyaccepted accounting principles.We have clarified our analysis of the standards in K2 and K3 in a model. The modelincorporates two dimensions, partly to what extent the standards should be considered as ruleorprinciple-based and partly to what extent the standards should be considered consistentwith the principle of legality. To achieve the purpose of this study we examined standards thatoccur in both frameworks: fundamental principles, definition of assets, liabilities, incomesand costs, tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, inventories, provisions and accruals. The conclusion of the study is that principle-based standards in a large extent should beconsider non consistent with the principle of legality due to that an analogy is permitted inaccounting. Principle-based standards create room for interpretation, which leads todifferences between similar companies both in accounting and in taxation. The standards inK3 should accordingly not be considered consistent with the principle of legality.This study is further on written in Swedish.

Untersuchungen zur Erprobung von geeigneten Betäubungsverfahren für die Schlachtung Afrikanischer Welse (Clarias gariepinus)

Gaede, Anna Luise 25 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Entsprechend der Tierschutz-Schlachtverordnung sind Wirbeltiere vor der Tötung grundsätzlich zu betäuben. Die für Fische zulässigen Betäubungsmethoden haben sich jedoch für die Betäubung Afrikanischer Welse (Clarias gariepinus) in der Praxis als problematisch erwiesen. Ziel der Untersuchungen Das Untersuchungsziel bestand in der Erprobung und Optimierung von Betäubungsverfahren für die Schlachtung Afrikanischer Welse. Verschiedene Varianten der Vorkühlung, Eiswasserbehandlung und Elektrobetäubung wurden einzeln oder in Kombination vergleichend geprüft. Materialien und Methoden Zur Beurteilung der Betäubungswirkung dienten klinische Tests: Atmung, Schwimmbewegungen, Reaktion auf Manipulation, Gleichgewicht mit und ohne Manipulation, Augendrehreflex, Schmerzreiz. Weiterhin erfolgten Blutuntersuchungen mit Bestimmung der Cortisol-, Glukose-, Laktat-, Natrium-, Kalium- und Chloridgehalte zur Beurteilung der Stressbelastung der Welse. Insgesamt wurden 378 Afrikanische Welse genutzt. Die Untersuchungen umfassten sechs Teilversuche: Im Vorversuch 0 fand die Prüfung der Untersuchungsmethoden statt. Versuch 1a diente dem Vergleich von drei Varianten der Eiswasserbehandlung: Variante 1: Eiswasser mit +0,1 ± 0,2 °C, Variante 2: Eiswasser mit zusätzlichem Crash-Eis bei gleicher Temperatur und Variante 3: Eiswasser mit Kochsalz bei -2,0 ± 0,5 °C. Im Versuch 1b wurden drei Vorkühltemperaturen getestet: 10 °C, 15 °C und 20 °C. Die Elektrobetäubung (Versuch 2 bzw. Versuche 3 und 4 als Kombinationsmethoden) erfolgte am Einzeltier per Kopfdurchströmung mit 250 bzw. 300 V und 1,3 bzw. 1,8 A Wechselstrom. Bei der Prüfung der Kombination von Elektrobetäubung und Eiswasserbehandlung wurden die Welse nach der Kopfdurchströmung unmittelbar in ein mit Eiswasser gefülltes Becken umgesetzt. Versuch 4 diente der Überprüfung der Kombinationsmethode auf Praxistauglichkeit in einer Kreislaufanlage an 50 schlachtreifen Welsen. Ergebnisse Die maximalen Reaktionszeiten im Eiswasser lagen in den drei Varianten des Versuches 1a zwischen 3,8 und 4,7 Minuten (arithmetische Mittel). Die Eiswasserbehandlung ermöglichte kein schnelles Erreichen der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungslosigkeit. Die Variante 1 – Eiswasser mit +0,1 ± 0,2 °C – war mit den geringsten Belastungen verbunden. Gleiches trifft auf die Vorkühltemperatur von 15 °C zu. Mittels elektrischer Kopfdurchströmung wurde im Versuch 2 eine Betäubung der Welse erreicht, verbunden mit einer 30 bis 60 Sekunden andauernden Wahrnehmungslosigkeit. Die Betäubung geschah am Einzeltier nach vorheriger Separierung. In den Kombinationsversuchen 3 und 4 wurde kein durchgängiger Zustand der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungslosigkeit beobachtet. Die Welse zeigten im Mittel 2,7 bzw. 3,3 Minuten nach Umsetzen in das Eiswasser zuletzt Reaktionen auf klinische Tests. Schlussfolgerungen Die Eiswasserbehandlung ermöglicht keine tierschutzgerechte Betäubung entsprechend der Tierschutz-Schlachtverordnung. Eine Vorkühlung vor der Betäubung scheint notwendig. Vor der Elektrobetäubung schränkt sie die Beweglichkeit der Welse ein und ermöglicht somit ein besseres Ansetzen der Elektroden. Die Einzeltierbetäubung ist zeitaufwendig und setzt von der durchführenden Person ausreichend Erfahrung voraus, um Fehlbetäubungen zu vermeiden. Die kurze Wahrnehmungslosigkeit erfordert eine sich unmittelbar anschließende Entblutung bzw. Dekapitation. Für kleine Schlachtzahlen bzw. als Alternative zur Betäubung per Kopfschlag erscheint die untersuchte Methode mit der verwendeten gerätetechnischen Ausstattung bzw. unter Beachtung der elektrischen Betäubungsparameter geeignet. Zur Validierung der Kombination von Vorkühlung, Elektrobetäubung und Eiswasserbehandlung sind weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich. Es ist zu prüfen, ob durch eine Veränderung der Betäubungsparameter eine bis zum Tod anhaltende Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungslosigkeit gewährleistet werden kann.

The regulation of mercenary and private security-related activities under South African law compared to other legislations and conventions

Neple, Pernille 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) have become increasingly important actors since the end of the Cold War. They provide a wide range of services and are therefore difficult to classify. Many view them as new front companies for mercenaries, which this thesis argues is not the case. Few states have put in place legislation to deal with the problems caused by these companies, and they are therefore generally not accountable to states. This is problematic because their services are within an area where states have traditionally had monopoly. This thesis studies the new South African legislation, the Prohibition of Mercenary Activities and Regulation of Certain Activities in Country of Armed Conflict Act of 2006, which was put in place in order to ban mercenaries and regulate the services offered by the private military and security companies based in the country. By comparing it to the older South African legislation, the thesis evaluates the extent to which the new legislation has been able to close loopholes inherent in the old legislation. The new South African legislation is also compared to the international conventions which bans mercenaries. By banning these actors, South Africa is very much in line with the international community when it designed the conventions. However, PNSCs are not mercenaries. The thesis then compares the new South African legislation to the domestic regulation in place in the United States of America. It finds that despite having many of the same weaknesses as the South African legislation, it is more likely that the American regulation will be abided by than the South African. This is due to the positive relationship between the US government and American PMSCs, and the fact that the government is a major client of the companies. South Africa does not enjoy the same positive relationship with its companies. Finally, the new South African legislation is compared to the UK Green Paper of 2002, which presented options of how to deal with the companies. The ban on mercenaries put in place by the new South African legislation was discouraged in the Green Paper. The licensing regime (as in the USA) that was proposed by the Green Paper, however, is similar to the authorisation scheme established in South Africa.

Financial regulation in South Africa : a case study on the implementation of the national credit act by the four big banks

Davids, Marlon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The banking industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. The majority of these regulations are drafted to provide protection to consumers and investors and to ensure the systemic stability of the economy. South African banks, like many of their international counterparts, face a plethora of financial regulation aimed at ensuring stability and protection. In addition to these regulations, South Africa's prior exclusionary policies have resulted in the post-democratic government prescribing additional regulation, in part to address the economic duality that exists within the South African economy and in part to offer adequate protection to the most vulnerable in the society. The National Credit Act (NCA) is one such piece of legislation that has introduced a new era of consumer credit regulation and practice, bringing about wholesale changes to the consumer credit industry. The NCA and more than 260 other financial regulations in South Africa have a significant impact on banks, with each piece of legislation resulting in banks having to adapt to the changing environment (Nyamakanga, 2007). Using the four big banks' implementation of the NCA as a case study, the present study aims to establish if an integrative change management strategy could assist banks in effectively implementing financial regulation. The following aspects of the banks' implementation of the NCA were researched: • Effectiveness of financial regulation. • Current barriers and challenges to the implementation process. • Effect of these challenges on banks. • Impact on staff and customers. • Methods used to overcome the challenges. • Future challenges of the NCA. • Support structures used during implementation. • Use of change management principles. • Recommended strategies for future regulatory changes. • Recommended changes to the NCA. Detailed interviews were conducted with the overall NCA project leaders of each of the four big banks, namely, Absa, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank. The method of content analyses was used to analyse the qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews and the outcomes thereof formed the basis of the conclusions drawn. The study found that there were numerous challenges that the banks faced during the implementation of the NCA, the most common and significant as recognised by the population include, the magnitude of the Act, difficulty in interpreting the Act, the process of debt counselling and the associated costs of implementation. The study further found that using the principles of change management enhanced the banks' ability to implement the NCA. Conclusions drawn on the present study are confined to desktop research and semi-structured interviews conducted with the participating banks. It might be useful for future studies on the subject to include a broader population base which focuses on additional pieces of financial legislation in order to further enhance the findings of the present study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bankwese is tans een van die mees gereguleerde industriee ter wereld. Die meerderheid van hierdie regulasies is ontwerp vir die beskerming van verbruikers en beleggers asook om die sistemiese stabiliteit van die ekonomie te handhaaf. Suid-Afrikaanse banke, soos talle van hul oorsese teenstukke, verduur talle finansiele wetgewing gemik op beskerming en stabiliteit. Die gewese uitsluitende Suid-Afrikaanse wette het veroorsaak dat die huidige demokratiese regering addisionele wetgewing voorskryf, gedeeltelik om die tweesydige Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie aan te spreek en gedeeltelik om genoegsame beskerming aan die kwesbaarste van die gemeenskap te bied. Die Nasionale Krediet Wet (NKW) bied 'n nuwe era van verbruikerswetgewing en -praktyk aan wat terselfdertyd grootskaalse veranderinge op die verbruikers krediet bedryf teweegbring. Die NKW tesame met meer as 260 ander Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele wetgewing het 'n groot uitwerking op banke, met elke wet wat veroorsaak dat banke moet aanpas by die veranderlike omgewing (Nyamakanga, 2007). Deur om die vier groot banke se uitvoer van die NKW as 'n gevallestudie te gebruik, is die doel van hierdie studie om vas te stel of 'n geintegreerde veranderingsbestuurstrategie banke kan help met die doeltreffende uitvoering van finansiele wetgewing. Die volgende aspekte van die banke se uitvoering van die NKW is ondersoek: • Doeltreffendheid van finansiele regulasie. • Huidige versperrings en uitdagings tot die uitvoeringsproses. • Uitwerk van uitdagings op banke. • Uitwerking op personeel en verbruikers. • Metodiek gebruik om uitdagings te bowe te kom. • Toekomstige uitdagings van die NKW. • Ondersteunende strukture gebruik tydens uitvoering. • Gebruik van veranderingsbestuurbeginsels. • Aanbeveling van strategiee vir toekomende wetgewende veranderings. • Aanbeveling van veranderings tot die NKW. 'n Volledige onderhoud is gevoer met die projekleiers van elk van die vier groot banke, naamlik, Absa, FNB, Nedbank en Standard Bank. Inhoudsanalise was gebruik om die kwalitatiewe data te analiseer en die uitkoms daarvan vorm die basis van die gevolgtrekkings. Die studie dui aan dat banke baie uitdagings getrotseer het gedurende die uitvoer van NKW, die gewigtigste en algemeenste SODS herken deur die bevolking sluit in, die grootte van die Wet, moeilikheid in vertolking van die Wet, die skuldberadingsproses en die begeleidende koste van wetstoepassing. Die studie dui verder dat die beginsels van veranderingsbestuur banke se vermoe om die NKW uit te voer verbeter. Gevolgtrekkings aangaande die huidige studie is beperk tot "desktop" navorsing en half-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die deelnemende banke. Dit mag van waarde wees vir toekomstige studies om 'n bree bevolkingsbasis in te sluit met addisionele finansiele wetgewing wat die bevindings van die huidige studie kan bevorder.

How to utilise marketing opportunities in a highly regulated environment : the veterinary industry

King, Philip Albert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The veterinary industry is operating in a highly regulated environment. Up till now these regulations prevented veterinarians to freely market veterinary services, especially professional services. Every business person in the biggest part of the world is subject to free-market economic pressures. However in the case of the professional, who is also a business person, these economic market-pressures could become very intense and unbalanced, and lead to what is called the “professional dilemma” (Du Preez, 2003: 8). Professional persons are governed by their respective codes of conduct. Those professionals who practice as entrepreneurs therefore need to be more business skilled and creative to successfully manage their businesses as they do not have the luxury of utilising the normal business strategies and options. The state of professionalism within the veterinary profession in South Africa in terms of entrepreneurship has been addressed in the past, but there is still a major gap in terms of providing business tools to managers in the veterinary industry. The biggest challenge in terms of the general business functions faced by veterinarians is the marketing function, thus the reason for this study. It is necessary that the highly regulated environments of professionals being understood. Therefore the research has been conducted by highlighting these environments. The researcher then continues to analyse the internal and external environment, client needs and customer profile in order to identify ways of optimising marketing opportunities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veeartseny industrie word bedryf in ‘n hoogs gereguleerde omgewing. Hierdie regulasies het veeartse tot nou toe verhoed om dienste, veral professionele dienste, vrylik te bemark. Besigheidspersone regoor die wêreld verkeer onder vryemark ekonomiese druk. In die geval van die professionele persoon, wat ook ‘n besigheidspersoon is, kan die ekonomiese druk baie intens en ongebalansseerd word. Daar word verwys na die “professionele dilemma” (Du Preez, 2003: 8). Professionele persone word gereguleer deur hul onderskeie kodes. Daardie professionele persone wat praktiseer as entrepreneurs moet dus oor meer besigheids- en kreatiewe vaardighede beskik om hul besigheid suksesvol te bestuur. Hulle het nie die luuksheid om die algemene strategiee te benut nie. Die stand van professionalisme in die veeartsenyprofessie in Suid- Afrika in terme van entrepeneurskap is al voorheen aangespreek, maar daar is nog steeds gapings ten opsigte van die beskikbaarstelling van besigheidsvaardighede aan bestuurders in die bedryf. Die grootste uitdaging in terme van besigheidsfunksies wat veeartse in die gesig staar, is die bemarkingsfunksie. Dit is dus die rede vir hierdie studieprojek. Dit is belangrik dat die hoogs gereguleerde omgewing van professionele persone verstaan word. Die studie begin dus deur hierdie verskillende omgewings te skets. Die studie skenk verder aandag aan die ontleding van die interne en eksterne omgewings, klientebehoeftes en –profiel om maniere te vind om bemarkingsgeleenthede binne regulasies ten volle te kan benut.

計算幾何學在選區劃分上之分析與應用 / Electoral Redistricting using Computational Geometry

謝長紘, Hsieh, Chang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
選舉是實行民主政治最有效的方法之一,而選區劃分的方式將直接或間接的影響投票結果與民主政治理念的施行。 然而在選舉法規或行政區域發生變動時,舊有的選區劃分方式需要隨之調整。而傳統人工的方式具有許多缺點,如:耗費人力資源、人口分配不均、難以兼顧形狀及行政區完整等等。若每次行政區域發生變動,都需要重新劃分,將花費許多不必要的人力、物力及時間,因此利用電腦以完成自動劃分的技術逐漸受到重視。 本論文中我們打破現有的政治與人文鴻溝,嘗試以系統化的方法對選區劃分作全面性的查驗。我們利用計算幾何學的特性與人工智慧搜尋的技巧,儘量找出可能的劃分方式再進行評估。我們依據中選會的建議採用村裡為劃分之最小行政區域,從數以十萬計之合理解中,根據形狀等客觀條件篩選出較佳之劃分方式,進而將歷史投票行為加入考量,以對篩選出的劃分方式作進一步評估與分析。 實作中我們以台南市為對象,在不同的人口限制及形狀條件下,分別比較所能找到的合理解數目。同時選出一部分的劃分方式,和中選會的劃分方式比較,結果顯示我們的方法可以全面性的分析選區劃分,不同的劃分方式可能產生不同的選舉結果。 / Election is one of the most effective way of conducting democratic politics, and mean of electoral redistricting shall post effect, either directly or indirectly, on electoral outcome as well as delivering ideas of democratic politics. As election regulations or administrational districts experience alterations, the present electoral districting is forcefully accompanied with adjustments. Electoral redistricting using traditional human labor works reveal several flaws such as: human resource wastage, uneven population distributions, hard to maintain shape contiguity and compactness, as well as the completeness of administration districts. Every single alteration experience in administration district requires redistribution, thus expensing on unnecessary human labor, resources and time. As such, it had brought great attention on techniques of automatic redistribution by means of modern computer technologies. In this thesis, we shall breakthrough a giant gap between politics and humanity; conduct a thorough examination on systematic approach on electoral redistricting. We are going to utilize characteristics of computational geometry and artificial intelligence searching techniques to find out every conceivable means of redistricting then evaluation the performance of them. By recommendation of Central Election Commission (hence CEM), we will adopt the classification of township as basic unit of administrational district, from counts of thousand adequate explanations, by objective factors of shape accordance and others, select the better means of redistricting methods, and afterward put into concern of historical voting behavior, conduct a further evaluation and analysis upon chosen redistricting method. In actual practices we had selected Tainan City as the experiment target, under different population limitations and factors of form, compare the searchable numbers of decent explanation respectively. We choose some redistricting outcomes, and put into comparison with redistricting method of the CEM. The results indicated our approach is able to conduct a thorough redistricting analysis, as well as more diversified comparing to CEM's outcome. The result of this experiment also reveals different election outcome with adoption of different redistricting methods.

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