Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egulations"" "subject:"legulations""
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Télévision, cinéma et pouvoirs en Egypte sour le règne de Moubarak / TV, cinema and authorities in Egypt under MoubarakEzzat Elborhamy, Shaimaa 14 December 2015 (has links)
Pas de résumé / No summary
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Direito intertemporal no âmbito do direito urbanístico / The inter rights in the field of urban lawsRocha, Rúsvel Beltrame 06 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-06 / The Main Purpose of this study is to discuss the acquired rights on the Urban Laws.
The Supremo Tribunal Federal rules that the rights on the urban law happens with the
start of the works, dully licensed by the local public office.
On the other hand, most cities in Brazil defines that this moment really happens when
the owner submitt the License Permit to the City Offices.
Based on the Constitutional Principles of Urban Planning, the intent of this paper is to
demonstrate that the the proper moment for the acquisition of the rights is exactily when
the license is granted by the local autorirty.
Is is also sugested that all the process of annalises of construction permits should be
suspended during the phases of alteration or revision of City Regulation Plans / A ideia central deste trabalho é discutir a questão do direito adquirido no âmbito do
direito urbanístico.
O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) entende que o direito adquirido no âmbito do direito
urbanístico se dá com o início da obra regularmente licenciada pelo poder público local.
No entanto, o ordenamento jurídico dos municípios brasileiros estabelece que esse
momento se consolida quando o proprietário protocola seu pedido de licença perante a
Administração Pública Municipal.
A partir da interpretação do princípio constitucional do planejamento urbano pretendese
demonstrar que o momento da constituição do direito adquirido se dá quando da
concessão da licença urbanística.
Defende-se, também, a necessidade de suspensão dos processos administrativos
tendentes à concessão de licenças urbanísticas no curso do processo de alteração ou
revisão de planos diretores
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Essays on international capital flows and macroprudential oversightOsina, Nataliia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents three essays on the main determinants and regulations of international capital flows. The essays contribute to an ongoing significant debate among scholars and practitioners on what determines international capital flows by examining the following issues: Global liquidity, market sentiment and financial stability indices; Global liquidity and capital flow regulations; and Global governance and gross capital flows dynamics. In the first essay, we explore the main determinants of global liquidity, measured using cross-border claims of banks, and establish the link between a variety of financial stability indices and global liquidity. For a sample of 149 countries between 2000 and 2016, we find that Bloomberg Financial Stability Indices are more powerful in explaining global liquidity than FRED Financial Stress Indices and the Euro Area Systemic Stress Composite Indicator (CISS). Moreover, both market sentiment indices, namely the US Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) and the US IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index are economically and statistically significant on cross-border bank flows. The research provides useful insights on what market sentiment and financial stability indices are better to employ for financial markets surveillance and as such practice of investment management. We argue that anyone interested in using financial stability indices as indicators of financial conditions and the level of financial stress would benefit from tracking several indices and not just one. The second essay examines the effectiveness of capital controls and macroprudential policies as ways to manage the volume of international capital flows, controlling for other determinants. The findings show that capital controls imposed on inflows generally prevail over controls imposed on outflows in reducing the magnitude of capital flows. The results are consistent with the pecking order theory on capital flows and are connected with the riskiness of different asset classes. For a sample of 112 countries over 2000 and 2016, we find that FX and/or countercyclical reserve (RR_REV) and general countercyclical capital buffer requirements (CTC), reserve requirement ratios (RR) and concentration limits (CONC) are the most effective macroprudential policies for managing countries' exposures to global liquidity fluctuations. Moreover, progress is being made to reduce the systemic risks created by systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) using macroprudential policies. The results reflect recent developments in Basel III regulations and shed light on the effective calibration of capital flow regulations to country-specific circumstances. The final essay examines the link between global governance indicators and patterns of gross capital flows, controlling for other determinants. For a sample of 67 countries between 2000 and 2016, we contribute to explain the existence of the Lucas paradox (1990) on "why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries" and the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle (1980). The findings show that institutional quality rather than the effect of diminishing returns of capital is a key explanation for the Lucas paradox. Finally, we provide new evidence on the relationship between the multidimensional nature of financial development and gross capital flows. The findings show the importance and predominance of financial institutions versus financial markets in the dissemination of international capital flows across counties.
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Análise da inserção de geração eólica com aerogeradores de indução / Grid integration analysis for wind power with induction generatorsZanchettin, Marcos Guilherme 25 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:11:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MARCOS GUILHERME ZANCHETTIN.pdf: 1368217 bytes, checksum: 2ad7e15a270a9abefc8d6f85f3ba01e0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-04-25 / The wind generation has stood out among the alternative sources and has experienced a high rate of penetration
through the years. Thus, the electrical connection of wind power generation must be analyzed in detail to avoid or minimize the problems inherent this type of source can cause in electric power systems (SEP) and thereby preserve the voltage quality indicators and reliability. This paper deal about the integration of wind farms in SEP, equipped with squirrel-cage induction generator based fixed speed wind turbines (AVV-SCIG) and doublyfed induction generator based variable speed wind turbines (AVV-DFIG). The limits of integration of wind energy generation, i.e., the amount of power that the wind farm can provide the point-of-common-connection (PCC) while complying with certain interconnections requirements, are obtained considering static and transient aspects of the connection of wind farms. The topology adopted to represent, in a simplified way, the local characteristics of the connection between the wind farm and the SEP, as well as characterize the integration of wind generation from the parameters of the PCC, is the single machine infinite-bus system (MBI). Throughout the text also are presents the models used to represent the wind turbine and wind farm in studies of power systems, the main criteria specified to connection of this type of source in SEP and the main issues dealing with the problem of integration of generation wind. The analyzes aim to assess how the wind energy generation is impacted by technical criteria that consider static and transient aspects of the connection of wind farms, the technology used in energy conversion, the control strategy/operation and the characteristics of PCC. The results obtained allow to define which the stricts conditions for the integration of wind energy generation. For these analyzes are considered the criteria of the maximum allowable voltage variation at the connection point of the wind farm, the power range for the maximum transferable power to the electrical system and the fault ride through capability. / A geração eólica vem se destacando entre as fontes alternativas e tem experimentado um elevado índice de pene-
tração ao longo dos anos. Assim, a conexão elétrica de parques eólicos precisa ser analisada detalhadamente a fim de evitar ou minimizar os efeitos que os problemas inerentes desse tipo de fonte, geração eólica, podem causar em sistemas elétrico de potência (SEP) e com isso preservar os indicadores de qualidade de tensão e confiabilidade. Este trabalho trata da integração de centrais eólicas em SEP, equipadas com aerogeradores de velocidade fixa com gerador de indução de rotor em gaiola (AVF-SCIG) e aerogeradores de velocidade variável com gerador de indução duplamente alimentado (AVV-DFIG). Os limites de inserção de geração eólica, i.e., a quantidade de potência que o parque eólico pode fornecer ao ponto comum de conexão (PCC) tendo que atender certos critérios da integração, são obtidos considerando aspectos estáticos e transitórios da conexão de centrais eólicas. A topologia adotada para representar, de maneira simplificada, as características locais de conexão entre o parque eólico e o SEP, assim como caracterizar a inserção de geração eólica a partir dos parâmetros do PCC, é o modelo máquina barra-infinita (MBI). Ao longo do texto também são apresentados os modelos empregados para representar tanto o aerogerador quanto o parque eólico em estudos de sistemas de potência, os principais critérios especificados para a conexão desse tipo de fonte em SEP e as principais questões que tratam do problema de inserção de geração eólica. As análises têm por objetivo avaliar como a inserção de geração eólica é impactada por critérios técnicos que consideram aspectos estáticos e transitórios da conexão de centrais eólicas, pela tecnologia empregada na conversão de energia, pela estratégia de controle/operação e pelas características do PCC. Os resultados obtidos permitem definir quais as condições mais severas à inserção de geração eólica. Para estas análises são considerados os critérios da máxima variação de tensão admissível no ponto de conexão da central eólica, a margem de potência relativamente à máxima potência transferível ao sistema elétrico e a capacidade de sustentação durante faltas.
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Brandskyddssituationen i bostäder som marknadsförs åt äldreHedberg, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige styrs det förebyggande brandskyddsarbetet sedan 2010 av en nollvision som lyder: ”Ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand”. Utvecklingen av antalet dödsbränder har stadigt minskat under lång tid och ligger nu på runt 100 dödsfall i brand varje år. För åldersgruppen 65+ har utvecklingen dock stagnerat och på senare tid sker inte längre någon minskning av antalet dödsfall i brand i denna grupp. Dessa står för drygt hälften av alla omkomna i brand årligen och med tanke på den kommande ökade andelen äldre i samhället finns det nu oro för hur detta kommer att påverka utvecklingen av äldre som omkommer i brand. Det brinner inte oftast hos äldre, men när det brinner omkommer de. Äldre bor främst i egna bostäder och på senare tid har bostäder som marknadsförs åt äldre (t.ex. senior-/trygghetsbostäder, 65+, 70+, etc.) upptagit en växande andel av dessa. Detta i takt med ett ökat bostadsbehov bland äldre och en kvarboendeprincip där individer så långt som möjligt ska beredas möjlighet att bo kvar i sina egna bostäder när de blir äldre. Problemet är att dessa bostäder trots att de marknadsförs som tryggare bara uppfyller det i social bemärkelse. Brandskyddsmässigt har de inte högre brandskydd än vanliga bostäder eftersom de tilldelats samma verksamhetsklass (Vk 3A). I denna studie har det nuvarande byggnadstekniska brandskyddet studerats i ett urval av projekt som marknadsförts åt äldre. Studien visar att projekten i urvalet alla möter Vk 3A och endast några få har högre ambitioner brandskyddsmässigt. I två av dessa fall handlar ambitionerna om förstärkt varseblivningssystem och i ytterligare två om installation av spisvakt i samtliga bostäder. Dessutom framkom det att fler än hälften av projekten dimensionerats med utgångspunkt i att räddningstjänsten ska bistå utrymning. Något som är bekymmersamt med tanke på att mer än hälften av landets räddningstjänster i en nylig studie uppgav att de har problem med att upprätthålla en kontinuerlig beredskap. Dessutom har studien sökt sakkunniga för att i en enkät redogöra för äldres förmåga att utrymma själva i bostadstypen och det individanpassade brandskyddsarbetet i kommunen. En enkät skickades även till räddningstjänster för att ta reda på deras perspektiv och deras erfarenheter av problemet. Sammantaget identifierar både tidigare studier, och respondenter till denna studie, verksamhetsklassificeringen som ett stort problem i bostadstypen. De vidhåller att individanpassat brandskyddsarbete aldrig kan ersätta individens förmåga att utrymma. Därtill arbetar bara hälften av landets kommuner med individanpassat brandskydd i någon form. Konsekvensen av detta är att brandskyddet äldre får är beroende på var i landet de bor och följaktligen blir inte brandskyddet jämlikt. Detta är inte ett problem utan lösning, snarare tvärt om. Det är ett problem som kräver en mängd lösningar på nationell och lokal nivå. En del av problemen kan lösas med relativt enkla medel genom ökat stöd från myndigheter till kommuner som kämpar med att få igång individanpassat brandskyddsarbete. Andra problem – som verksamhetsklassificeringen – kräver en översyn av utformningen av den existerande brandskyddslagstiftningen. Det är förståeligt att myndigheter, med tanke på den kommande demografiska utvecklingen, vill driva på byggnation av bostäder. Men det borde inte behöva vara på bekostnad av de boendes säkerhet och trygghet. / Since 2010 preventive fire-safety measures in Sweden are all based on a common zero vision that reads: “No one should die or be seriously injured because of fire”. For the past half-century there has been a steady decline in fire-related deaths and in recent years that number has been around 100 each year. However, for one group of individuals that decline has ceased. For individuals older than 65 the death toll has been a steady average of 50 fire-related deaths per year for some time. These represent half of all fire-related deaths each year and the predicted population-increase in this age-group has started to cause some concern about how this will affect the death-toll. Individuals older than 65 primarily live in their own homes. In recent years homes specifically marketed to the elderly (in terms of safety and comfort) have taken up a larger portion of those. This increase in homes marketed to the elderly has followed a greater need for homes for the elderly as well as a Swedish principle of “home-living”. The idea is that individuals should be afforded every possibility to remain in their own homes as they age. The problem with these marketed homes is that the safety and comfort they promise is so in no other way than socially. Current fire-safety regulation sets no higher standard for these homes than for regular homes. This study has examined what level of fire-safety a chosen group of build-projects for marketed homes has. The study shows that all the studied projects meet current regulations, only a few indicate higher safety-ambitions. In two of these those, the higher ambitions were enhanced warning-systems and in another two stove guards were installed in all apartments. What was more the study found that more than half of the projects were designed to require assistance from fire-rescue services in order to evacuate the building. This is particularly alarming since more than half of the fire-rescue services in Sweden reported not being able to maintain continuous service in a recent study. Additionally, this study has surveyed municipal-experts for information on what ability elderly in these marketed homes have to evacuate on their own and on how they work with individually adapted fire-safety in the municipality. Fire-safety services were also surveyed for their knowledge and experience with the issue. In conclusion, both previous studies and the respondents to this study identify the fire-safety regulations applied to these marketed homes as an issue of significance. They all conclude that individually adapted fire-safety cannot possibly replace the individual’s capability to evacuate. Furthermore, only half of Swedish municipalities have adapted the process of individually adapted fire-safety in some way or shape. The main consequence of this is that the level of fire-safety elderly are prepared varies across the country and consequently fails to be equal. The issue at hand requires a multitude of solutions on a local and national scale. Some issues are relatively easily solved by government agencies providing more support to struggling, smaller municipalities. Other issues – like the lacking regulations for the marketed homes – require a review of current fire-safety regulations. It is understandable for agencies to want to meet a housing deficit, especially considering the looming demographic changes. But it should not come at the cost of elderly individuals’ safety and comfort.
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Human Resource Local Content in Ghana's Upstream Petroleum IndustryBenin, Papa 01 January 2017 (has links)
Enactment of Ghana's Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations, 2013 (L.I. 2204) was intended to regulate the percentage of local products, personnel, financing, and goods and services rendered within Ghana's upstream petroleum industry value chain. Five years after the inception of Ghana's upstream oil and gas industry, a gap is evident between the requirements of L.I. 2204 and professional practice. Drawing on Lewin's change theory, a cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the extent of differences between the prevailing human resource local content and the requirements of L.I. 2204 in Ghana's upstream petroleum industry. The extent to which training acquired by indigenous Ghanaians seeking jobs in Ghana's oil fields affects the prevalent local content in its upstream petroleum industry was also examined. Survey data were collected from 97 management, technical, and other staff in 2 multinational petroleum companies whose oil and gas development plans have been approved by the Petroleum Commission of Ghana. To answer the research questions and test their hypotheses, one-way ANOVA was performed with staff category (management, technical, and other) as the independent variable and prevalent local content as the dependent variable. Results indicated that prevailing local content in Ghana's upstream petroleum industry meets the requirements of L.I. 2204. Further, training acquired by indigenous Ghanaians seeking jobs in Ghana's oil fields affects the prevalent local content in its offshore petroleum industry. Findings may encourage leaders within multinational oil companies and the Petroleum Commission of Ghana to organize educational seminars that equip indigenous Ghanaians with specialized skills for working in Ghana's upstream petroleum industry.
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Law and politics : Australia's war crimes trials in the Pacific, 1943-1961Pappas, Caroline, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1998 (has links)
This dissertation examines the trial of Japanese war crimes conducted by Australia between 1945 and 1951; although the study commences in 1943, when the Government first focussed on the issue, and ends in 1961, when the issue was closed. Beyond providing an overview of the trials the thesis addresses the major criticism of the trials by looking at whether the trails were fair and if they fulfilled Australian aims. This is addressed within the context of the two elements of international law, the political, and the legal, and examined in each of the three sections. The Policy section establishes the political context of the trials by examining the influence of the international community and the Australian Government. Both influenced structure and progress rather than the final application of the law. When Australian attitudes were incongruous with international views, a perception that Australia was harsh and repressive developed even though justice was an important part of the Government???s agenda. A study of legal aspects of the trials commences in the Procedures section. Australia???s legislation and regulations are explained with particular emphasis on the more controversial aspects, and a comparison is made with the war crimes instruments of other Allies trying the Japanese showing many similarities between the regulations used by other nations and Australia???s. Procedures also discusses the framework for the Australian trials, the procedures used to bring a case to trial, the process used in court, the review process and the carrying out of sentences. Such a thorough study of the procedural basis is necessary to evaluate the individual trials. Practical examples of some of the procedural problems are also discussed in the following section ??? Practice. This section reviews a number of trials and the various types of crimes and the claims made in defence to show how Australia applied and interpreted the law. The study finds many similarities between Australia???s application of the law and the practice of other nations, indicating that Australian courts were applying what was considered to be customary expectations of behaviour. Throughout the trials there was little evidence of vindictiveness or revenge, either by Government or in the courts. Both were faced with significant problems, which were not always dealt with well but overall the trials were fair and those involved were concerned that justice should not only be seen to be done, but actually be done.
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Responsiones Vadstenenses : Perspectives on the Birgittine Rule in Two Texts from Vadstena and Syon Abbey. A Critical Edition with Translation and IntroductionAndersson, Elin January 2011 (has links)
Syon Abbey, established as the first Birgittine monastery in England in 1415, quite soon became a powerful institution within the order. Although often asserting their own conceptions of the Rule, the English Birgittines still sought the advice of Vadstena, their mother house, when it came to certain important matters concerning monastic life. The present work contains editions of two Latin texts: Responsiones, a document consisting of 175 questions and answers on the Birgittine Rule and daily life in the monastery, and Collacio, a sermon reflecting similar matters. The first part of the Responsiones consists of answers to five questions, sent from Syon to Sweden by letter. An important issue concerns the leadership in the monastery and the role of the Birgittine brothers. Were they to be seen as monks, living in their own monastery, or as religious assistans to the sisters? The second part was written as a direct result of two English brothers visiting Vadstena in 1427 and contains 170 questions and answers dealing with various matters of importance: how to interpret certain Birgittine texts, regulations on food, silence and speech as well as questions on preaching, liturgy and introduction into the monastery. The Collacio, in the manuscript said to have been presented to the Swedish community, was probably written by Syon’s conservator, the Benedictine abbot John Whethamstede of St Albans. Written in a highly metaphorical language rich in references to the Bible and Classical authors, the message to the Birgittine order is clear: first, it is wrong to have two leaders (confessor general as well as abbess) in one community; second, the Birgittines should strive to dispose of later additions and explanations and seek the original and true intentions of the foundress, Saint Birgitta. The thesis contains an introduction, editions with translations, glossary, indices, bibliography and plates.
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建立有效的食品質量安全市場准入制度 : 以上海食品安全保障政策研究為案 / 以上海食品安全保障政策研究為案王曉誠 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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中國食品安全管理中政府監管的缺失分析 : 以三鹿事件為例 / 以三鹿事件為例王欣 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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