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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže a úloha poskytování státních podpor podnikům / The protection of the economic competition and the role of providing of state aid to enterprises

Paneš, Patrik January 2004 (has links)
State aid is the government intervention, which affects the economic competition because of the preference of certain market subjects. The European Union has concluded that if there exists any violation of competition in the international scale, it would be the reason for constitution of supranational regulation of its providing. The economic policy of subsidizing of chosen market subjects could be in principle taken into account as the subset of the industrial economic policy. Through it, the governments fulfill their miscellaneous structural intentions, from aborning industries helping till the declining industries saving. However, this type of the economic policy seems to be contrary to the protection of the economic competition, which has been declared as the one of key segments of the economic policy of the European Union. Selective privileges constitute anti-competition policy, so thus has been their control incorporated within the policy of the protection of competition. During the reviewing of the legality of provided state aid, we could see that the authorities prefer simpler, just legal review of the problem instead of the deeper economic testing of the given case. And that is the reason (together with the high recency of the theme), why this dissertation aims the generally neglected, economical aspect of the problem. I.a. it concentrates itself on the sight from the perspective of the Public Choice economic theory, which studies the interrelationship between the worlds of politics and economics. This important relation could not be marginalized and during the research work abstracted. Logical structure of exposed dissertation follows: first ordinary chapter focuses on the theoretical concepts of the state aids. It regards chosen questions from the point of view of different streams of the economic thoughts. It devotes itself especially to the effects of the state aids on the economy from the light of macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics. It contains also conclusions of some empirical analyses. Next chapter focuses on the legal environment of the branch of subsidizing. Primary it contains communitary regulations of the European Union, secondary the list of legislation relevant for the Czech Republic and within the World Trade Organization, which has constituted unique system of countervailing measures. Next part of the dissertation maps different possibilities of measurement of the extent of granted state aids. With the stipulation of calculation difficulty and resulting lower ability of comparability, it uses subsequently four sources of data. One part of the dissertation is especially devoted to the analytical statistical system of the European Union, which is called the Scoreboard. First, there is characterized its methodology, and further, there is -- with the use of this database -- analyzed the structure of state aid granting within the area of the European Union. Its development is compared with the aim of the Lisbon strategy from the year of 2000. Last ordinary chapter represents the attempt -- on the base of the enterprise data -- to elementary research of the existence of the link between state aid and final market. Analysis could be characterized as the contribution to the -- yet more likely occasionally -- research of the effects of subsidizing within the context of competitiveness of target industry. Tested hypotheses are: larger industries receive more subsidies and industries receiving subsidies do not improve their competitiveness. For the case study has been the combination of four data sources used. The goal of this dissertation is the description of the questions of state aid provision from the highest possible number of different points of view, of course with the accent on the economics and with the stipulation of constraint of (un)availability of relevant data. In the end of the dissertation there are submitted some practical economic policy suggestions. During its elaboration there was wide variety of specialized literature used and great number of relevant thought and data sources processed, after all as the enclosed list at the very end of this thesis could show. The value added of exposed dissertation and its contribution to the existing research of chosen theme is namely the complexity of analysis, the compilation of previously developed knowledge, and also empirical findings.

Nízkoenergetické stavby v České republice / Low-energy houses in Czech Republic

Svobodová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is building up low-energy houses in the Czech Republic, especially family houses. In my thesis, I describe the history of low-energy development in the Czech Republic, a possible future and some foreign experience. I compare the standard version of development, which is demanded by Czech laws, with the low-energy version by means of SWOT and financial analysis. I try to define a life cycle assessment of a building, its environmental impact during its construction and usage by means of LCA method. Based on the findings of LCA method I would like to draw attention to the necessity to focus more on the low-energy development. The results of financial analysis shows that it is necessary to implement some instruments of environmental policy in order to support the low-energy development and project, such as tax preferences for low-energy development etc.

Conversion of buildings to student housing in Stockholm – A supplement to solve the lack of student homes? / Konvertering av lokaler till studentbostäder i Stockholm – Ett komplement för att lösa studentbostadsbristen?

Schultz, Anthon, Shaw, Tomas January 2014 (has links)
Stockholm is today one of the fastest growing regions in Europe and the demand for housing is increasing by the day. In order to achieve the target of becoming Europe's most attractive metropolitan region the city needs highly educated and skilled labour to satisfy the demand of companies today and in the future. However, the housing situation for students in the Stockholm area is at the moment very bleak. Stockholm is at least 7,000 student housings short and the quetime reaches as high as two years. Despite the lack of housing for students, we can’t see any increase in construction. This means that the students have a difficult time finding somewhere to live which results in that they choose to study elsewhere. In 2009 Boverket said that we must examine alternative solutions for resolving shortage of housing for students. In recent years a couple of projects can be seen in which existing buildings have converted its use from office or shops to student housing. An investigation of how the market views this option has been lacking. This essay aims to examine the student housing market in Stockholm in order to investigate whether conversion of existing buildings is an effective supplement when construction of new housing can’t meet the demand. We have furthermore examined a couple of restraining factors, in order to make the process more effective and finished of by drawing a couple of conclusions. The current planning process is considered to be one of the most restraining factors that leads to the fact that conversion can’t be utilized to its full extent. Lead times are said to be long and the fact that the plan is to detailed and precise makes it difficult to convert properties. With the help of more administrators and a more open plan, conversion could be used to its full extent. Building regulations are considered to be another reason why so few projects are being converted. The same rules apply when you build new buildings as when you convert. The market is looking for a change in the presentation of the current rules in order for these to be more applicable and beneficial for the market. Unpredicted expenses are always a risk when converting but with more experience the risk becomes lower. A system where you subsidize a part is not a market request since a lot of the answers suggest that this affects a market negatively in the long run. Rent control is not a factor that is considered to be restraining when converting buildings for student housing. / Stockholm är idag en av de snabbast växande regionerna i Europa och efterfrågan på bostäder i staden blir allt större för varje dag. För att uppnå de mål som finns om att bli Europas mest attraktiva storstadsregion behövs kompetent arbetskraft till staden för att fylla det behov som företagen efterfrågar nu och i framtiden. Den bostadssituation som råder för studenterna i Stockholmsområdet är dock väldigt dyster. Det saknas i dagsläget minst 7000 studentbostäder och kötiden för en studentbostad uppgår i dagsläget till minst två år. Trots detta ser vi inte någon större ökning av nyproducerade studentbostäder. När studenterna har svårt att hitta bostäder tenderar dessa att studera på annan ort och kunskap förloras, vilket hämmar Stockholms utveckling. Boverket kom 2009 med åsikten att man måste utreda alternativa lösningar för att lösa bostadsbristen för studenter. På senare år har man kunnat se projekt där befintliga fastigheter konverterats och ändrat användning från lokaler till studentbostäder. En utredning kring hur marknaden ser på detta alternativ har saknats. Denna rapport syftar till att studera studentbostadsmarknaden i Stockholm för att undersöka om konvertering av befintliga fastigheter är ett slagkraftigt komplement när nyproduktionen inte når upp till de mål som eftersöks. Genom att uppmärksamma ett antal återhållande faktorer har vi kunnat komma fram till ett antal slutsatser. Dagens system för planprocessen anses vara en faktor som gör att detta komplement inte kan utnyttjas till sin fulla grad. Ledtiderna uppges vara för långa och detaljplanens precisa och detaljerade utformning försvårar möjligheten att konvertera fastigheter. Med hjälp av fler handläggare och en mer öppen plan skulle detta komplement kunna tillämpas till sin fulla grad. Byggregler som tillämpas anses vara en annan anledning till att färre projekt genomförs. Samma byggregler som tillämpas för nyproduktion eftersträvas även vid konvertering. Marknaden söker en ändring av utformningen på dagens regler för att dessa ska vara mer tillämpbara och nyttiga för marknaden. Oförutsedda kostnader är en risk som alltid kommer vara ett orosmoln vid konverteringsprojekt men desto mer erfarenhet aktörerna har desto mindre blir risken. Subventionssystem är inte något som eftersträvas då resultatet pekar på att bidrag och investeringsstöd påverkar en marknad negativt i det långa loppet. Att hyresreglering för bostäder existerar anses inte vara en återhållande faktor för att detta komplement ska bli slagkraftigt

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