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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Détection de changements entre vidéos aériennes avec trajectoires arbitraires / Change detection in aerial videos with arbitrary trajectories

Bourdis, Nicolas 24 May 2013 (has links)
Les activités basées sur l'exploitation de données vidéo se sont développées de manière fulgurante ces dernières années : nous assisté à une démocratisation de certaines de ces activités (vidéo-surveillance) mais également à une diversification importante des applications opérationnelles (suivi de ressources naturelles, reconnaissance etc). Cependant, le volume de données vidéo généré est aujourd'hui astronomique et l'efficacité de ces activités est limitée par le coût et la durée nécessaire à l'interprétation humaine des données vidéo. L'analyse automatique de flux vidéos est donc devenue une problématique cruciale pour de nombreuses applications. L'approche semi-automatique développée dans le cadre de cette thèse se concentre plus spécifiquement sur l'analyse de vidéos aériennes, et permet d'assister l'analyste image dans sa tâche en suggérant des zones d'intérêt potentiel par détection de changements. Pour cela, nous effectuons une modélisation tridimensionnelle des apparences observées dans les vidéos de référence. Cette modélisation permet ensuite d'effectuer une détection en ligne des changements significatifs dans une nouvelle vidéo, en identifiant les déviations d'apparence par rapport aux modèles de référence. Des techniques spécifiques ont également été proposées pour effectuer l'estimation des paramètres d'acquisition ainsi que l'atténuation des effets de l'illumination. De plus, nous avons développé plusieurs techniques de consolidation permettant d'exploiter la connaissance a priori relative aux changements à détecter. L'intérêt et les bonnes performances de notre approche a été minutieusement démontré à l'aide de données réelles et synthétiques. / Business activities based on the use of video data have developed at a dazzling speed these last few years: not only has the market of some of these activities widely expanded (video-surveillance) but the operational applications have also greatly diversified (natural resources monitoring, intelligence etc). However, nowadays, the volume of generated data has become overwhelming and the efficiency of these activities is now limited by the cost and the time required by the human interpretation of this video data. Automatic analysis of video streams has hence become a critical problem for numerous applications. The semi-autmoatic approach developed in this thesis focuses more specifically on the automatic analysis of aerial videos and enables assisting the image analyst in his task by suggesting areas of potential interest identified using change detection. For that purpose, our approach proceeds to a tridimensional modeling of the appearances observed in the reference videos. Such a modeling then enables the online detection of significant changes in a new video, by identifying appearance deviations with respect to the reference models. Specific techniques have also been developed to estimate the acquisition parameters and to attenuate illumination effects. Moreover, we developed several consolidation techniques making use of a priori knowledge related to targeted changes, in order to improve detection accuracy. The interest and good performance of our change detection approach has been carefully demonstrated using both real and synthetical data.

Vyhledávání v multimodálních databázích / Multimodal Database Search

Krejčíř, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The field that deals with storing and effective searching of multimedia documents is called Information retrieval. This paper describes solution of effective searching in collections of shots. Multimedia documents are presented as vectors in high-dimensional space, because in such collection of documents it is easier to define semantics as well as the mechanisms of searching. The work aims at problems of similarity searching based on metric space, which uses distance functions, such as Euclidean, Chebyshev or Mahalanobis, for comparing global features and cosine or binary rating for comparing local features. Experiments on the TRECVid dataset compare implemented distance functions. Best distance function for global features appears to be Mahalanobis and for local features cosine rating.

Building Renewed Relevance: Portraits of CEOs Rebranding Iconic Nonprofit Organizations

Lowman, Helen A. 18 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Utvärdering av sökmotorer i en svensk kontext / Evaluating search engines in a Swedish context

Adolfsson, Alexander, Ovesson, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
The focus of this study was to evaluate different search engines on Swedish text. Information retrieval is widely used by both people and organizations, and it is important to be able to efficiently retrieve needed information at the right time. The study determined that relevance and speed are the most important factors in search engines. The evaluation measures the precision and recall which are relevance measurements, and speed of two search engines, Elastic search and MarkLogic. The evaluation has determined that there is no significant difference in the relevance of the retrieved results between the engines. The evaluation has also determined that there is a statistically significant difference in speed between the engines, with Elastic search outperforming MarkLogic. Both search engines performed very well in terms of successful searches, meaning to return a relevant document in the first 20 results. Both engines succeeded in fulfilling the information need 96% of the time. / Fokus för denna studie var att utvärdera olika sökmotorer på svensk text. Informationshämtning används i stor utsträckning av både människor och organisationer, och det är viktigt att effektivt kunna hämta nödvändig information vid rätt tidpunkt. Studien fastställde att relevans och hastighet är de viktigaste faktorerna för sökmotorer. Utvärderingen mäter precision och recall som är relevansmätvärden och responstid som hastighetmätvärde för två sökmotorer, Elasticsearch och MarkLogic. Utvärderingen har visat att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad i relevansen av de hämtade resultaten mellan motorerna. Utvärderingen har också visat att det finns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i hastighet mellan motorerna, där Elasticsearch överträffar MarkLogic. Båda sökmotorerna presterade väldigt bra när det gäller lyckade sökningar, vilket innebär att returnera ett relevant dokument i de första 20 resultaten. Båda motorerna lyckas uppfylla informationsbehovet 96% av tiden.

A Study of the Definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its Theological Implications in Latter-Day Saint Literature

Perry, David Earl 01 January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis attempts to treat four problems: What is the gospel, as defined in Latter-day Saint literature? Do ancient and modern sources agree? Has there been an historical development of the definitions? Can any disagreements be rationalized? The results of this research reveal that the gospel is complex in that it is capable of handling all the problems of eternity, yet it is simple in that it is a plan of specific principles which lead man step by step to perfection. The author determined that ancient and modern sources do agree in placing six "first principles" at the beginning of man's gospel knowledge, but they then add many advanced principles of the gospel to aid man in his climb to eternal life. In the broad sense of the term, the gospel does include all truth, but all truth in a systematic structure. There has been an historical development of the definitions, for they gradually became more explicit in including all truths and principles. The differences in definitions are apparently due to the progressive revelation of principles, and to the authors' efforts to teach the principles needed by their audiences.

Algorithmic Trading and Prediction of Foreign Exchange Rates Based on the Option Expiration Effect / Algoritmisk handel och prediktion av valutakurser baserade på effekten av FX-optioners förfall

Mozayyan Esfahani, Sina January 2019 (has links)
The equity option expiration effect is a well observed phenomenon and is explained by delta hedge rebalancing and pinning risk, which makes the strike price of an option work as a magnet for the underlying price. The FX option expiration effect has not previously been explored to the same extent. In this paper the FX option expiration effect is investigated with the aim of finding out whether it provides valuable information for predicting FX rate movements. New models are created based on the concept of the option relevance coefficient that determines which options are at higher risk of being in the money or out of the money at a specified future time and thus have an attraction effect. An algorithmic trading strategy is created to evaluate these models. The new models based on the FX option expiration effect strongly outperform time series models used as benchmarks. The best results are obtained when the information about the FX option expiration effect is included as an exogenous variable in a GARCH-X model. However, despite promising and consistent results, more scientific research is required to be able to draw significant conclusions. / Effekten av aktieoptioners förfall är ett välobserverat fenomen, som kan förklaras av delta hedge-ombalansering och pinning-risk. Som följd av dessa fungerar lösenpriset för en option som en magnet för det underliggande priset. Effekten av FX-optioners förfall har tidigare inte utforskats i samma utsträckning. I denna rapport undersöks effekten av FX-optioners förfall med målet att ta reda på om den kan ge information som kan användas till prediktioner av FX-kursen. Nya modeller skapas baserat på konceptet optionsrelevanskoefficient som bestämmer huruvida optioner har en större sannolikhet att vara "in the money" eller "out of the money" vid en specificerad framtida tidpunkt och därmed har en attraktionseffekt. En algoritmisk tradingstrategi skapas för att evaluera dessa modeller. De nya modellerna baserade på effekten av FX-optioners förfall överpresterar klart jämfört med de tidsseriemodeller som användes som riktmärken. De bästa resultaten uppnåddes när informationen om effekten av FX-optioners förfall inkluderas som en exogen variabel i en GARCH-X modell. Dock, trots lovande och konsekventa resultat, behövs mer vetenskaplig forskning för att kunna dra signifikanta slutsatser.

Statistical Modeling of Dynamic Risk in Security Systems / Statistisk modellering av dynamisk risk i säkerhetssystem

Singh, Gurpreet January 2020 (has links)
Big data has been used regularly in finance and business to build forecasting models. It is, however, a relatively new concept in the security industry. This study predicts technology related alarm codes that will sound in the coming 7 days at location $L$ by observing the past 7 days. Logistic regression and neural networks are applied to solve this problem. Due to the problem being of a multi-labeled nature logistic regression is applied in combination with binary relevance and classifier chains. The models are trained on data that has been labeled with two separate methods, the first method labels the data by only observing location $L$. The second considers $L$ and $L$'s surroundings. As the problem is multi-labeled the labels are likely to be unbalanced, thus a resampling technique, SMOTE, and random over-sampling is applied to increase the frequency of the minority labels. Recall, precision, and F1-score are calculated to evaluate the models. The results show that the second labeling method performs better for all models and that the classifier chains and binary relevance model performed similarly. Resampling the data with the SMOTE technique increases the macro average F1-scores for the binary relevance and classifier chains models, however, the neural networks performance decreases. The SMOTE resampling technique also performs better than random over-sampling. The neural networks model outperforms the other two models on all methods and achieves the highest F1-score. / Big data har använts regelbundet inom ekonomi för att bygga prognosmodeller, det är dock ett relativt nytt koncept inom säkerhetsbranschen. Denna studie förutsäger vilka larmkoder som kommer att låta under de kommande 7 dagarna på plats $L$ genom att observera de senaste 7 dagarna. Logistisk regression och neurala nätverk används för att lösa detta problem. Eftersom att problemet är av en multi-label natur tillämpas logistisk regression i kombination med binary relevance och classifier chains. Modellerna tränas på data som har annoterats med två separata metoder. Den första metoden annoterar datan genom att endast observera plats $L$ och den andra metoden betraktar $L$ och $L$:s omgivning. Eftersom problemet är multi-labeled kommer annoteringen sannolikt att vara obalanserad och därför används resamplings metoden, SMOTE, och random over-sampling för att öka frekvensen av minority labels. Recall, precision och F1-score mättes för att utvärdera modellerna. Resultaten visar att den andra annoterings metoden presterade bättre för alla modeller och att classifier chains och binary relevance presterade likartat. Binary relevance och classifier chains modellerna som tränades på datan som använts sig av resamplings metoden SMOTE gav ett högre macro average F1-score, dock sjönk prestationen för neurala nätverk. Resamplings metoden SMOTE presterade även bättre än random over-sampling. Neurala nätverksmodellen överträffade de andra två modellerna på alla metoder och uppnådde högsta F1-score.

IFRS 9 och värderelevans : Har IFRS 9 medfört en ökad värderelevans? / IFRS 9 and value relevance : Has IFRS 9 resulted in increased value relevance?

Wetterberg, Lucas, Lundin, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Den första januari 2018 ersattes den kritiserade redovisningsstandarden IAS 39 av IFRS 9.Regelverksändringen medförde förändringar i hur kreditförluster ska redovisas och hanterasmed reservposter i balansräkningen. Syftet med denna studie är att studera omregelverksändringen har medfört en ökad värderelevans för faktiska kreditförluster ochavsättningar för kreditförluster. Studien undersöker värderelevansen under IAS 39 och IFRS9 genom att tillämpa regressionsmodeller. Studiens urval består av 97 banker medskatterättslig hemvist i Europa som rapporterat enligt både IAS 39 och IFRS 9. Studienresulterade i att värderelevansen avseende avsättningar för kreditförluster och faktiskakreditförluster ökat efter införandet av IFRS 9. Det innebär att redovisningsinformationenunder IFRS 9 har en bättre förmåga att förklara förändringar i aktiepris jämfört med IAS 39.Däremot kan studien behöva en längre tidshorisont för att fullt ut kunna utvärdera omvärderelevansen faktiskt har ökat i och med införandet av IFRS 9.

Modeling Information Seeking Under Perceived Risk

Shakeri, Shadi 12 1900 (has links)
Information seeking and information avoidance are the mechanisms humans natural used for coping with uncertainties and adapting to environmental stressors. Uncertainties are rooted in knowledge gaps. In social sciences, the relationship between knowledge gaps and perceived risk have received little attention. A review of the information science literature suggests that few studies have been devoted to the investigation of the role of this relationship in motivating information-seeking behavior. As an effort to address the lack of theory building in the field of information science, this study attempts to construct a model of information seeking under risk (MISR) by examining the relationships among perceived risk, knowledge gap, fear arousal, risk propensity, personal relevance, and deprivation and interest curiosity as antecedents to motivation to seek information. An experimental approach and a scenario-based survey method are employed to design the study. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was conducted to test the relationships in the proposed model. Perceived risk was found to be a highly significant predictor of information seeking in moderately high-risk situations. Similarly, personal relevant has a significant negative effect on perceived risk and its interaction with knowledge gap motivates information seeking.

Key Elements for Sustaining and Enhancing Influence for Fashion Bloggers

Rossi, Alison 05 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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