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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ukončení jednání o uzavření smlouvy bez spravedlivého důvodu / Breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable grounds

Janoušková, Anežka January 2016 (has links)
Breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable grounds Abstract The thesis at hand deals with Sec. 1729 of the Civil Code which governs the liability for breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable grounds. Its aim is to interpret the afore-said provision that forms an inherent part of the newly introduced regulation of pre-contractual liability. The thesis discusses both the conditions for establishing the liability for breaking-off contract negotiations and concurrently the legal consequences thereof. The difficulties in terms of interpretation, incidental to the introduction of this provision, are attempted to be solved by use of theological interpretative method and inspiration drawn from the comparative study of German and Austrian state of law. Finally, the thesis strives for analysing the case-law of the Czech Supreme Court related to the previous legislation and answering a question to which extent the conclusions previously arrived at by this court may be uphold following the recodification process. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter emphasizes the importance and role of the principles of freedom of contract and good faith which are crucial for better understanding of culpa in contrahendo. It also elaborates, albeit in general terms, on the matter of...

Interesse positivo e Interesse negativo: a reparação de danos no direito privado brasileiro / Expectation interest and reliance interest: damages compensation in the Brazilian Private Law

Steiner, Renata Carlos 11 April 2016 (has links)
Ainda que inexistente um mandamento legal expresso no Direito brasileiro, é intuitivo pensar a responsabilidade civil a partir da recondução da parte levada a um estado hipotético na qual estaria não fosse o evento que obriga à reparação. Esse pensamento, reiterado na afirmação de que a indenização deve reconstituir (mesmo que de maneira aproximativa) o status quo ante, corresponde à função compensatória da responsabilidade civil. Ocorre, porém, que no que toca ao dano patrimonial ocorrido no iter negocial (ou seja, na responsabilidade pré-negocial ou na negocial) haveria de se anotar que a situação hipotética sem o dano nem sempre é anterior ao evento lesivo, podendo ser posterior a ele. É o que se passa, com evidência, na indenização pelo equivalente ao descumprimento contratual, em que se confere ao credor lesado algo que ele não possuía antes, em lugar do cumprimento da obrigação. É essa dualidade de direcionamentos, vinculada a uma fórmula comparativa de obtenção do dano indenizável, que compõe o significado das expressões interesse (contratual) positivo e interesse (contratual) negativo. No primeiro caso, reconduz-se o lesado a uma situação positiva em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de ad quem. Ela corresponde à situação em que o lesado estaria se o contrato houvesse sido adequadamente cumprido. No segundo caso, reconduz-se a parte a uma situação negativa em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de a quo. Corresponde, por sua vez, à situação em que estaria não houvesse iniciado as negociações voltadas ao contrato. A dualidade representada por esse par de conceitos, proposto originalmente por Rudolf von Jhering em meados do século XIX, é ainda pouco explorada no Direito brasileiro, embora não se possa qualificá-la como desconhecida. Os conceitos mostram-se não apenas plenamente compatíveis com a regras de responsabilidade civil nacionais, como extremamente úteis à solução de problemas centrais localizados no diálogo entre esse ramo do Direito Civil e o Direito dos Contratos. É nesse locus que a tese se desenvolve, para sustentar a aplicabilidade dessa distinção ao Direito Privado brasileiro como, essencialmente, uma nova forma de pensar o dano in contrahendo e o dano contratual. A lógica da aplicação dos conceitos permite revisitar a forma pela qual usualmente se enxerga a relação jurídica de reparação e, não apenas, também reaviva a compreensão de aspectos essenciais da transformação do Direito das Obrigações, os quais compõem, em grande medida, o substrato da aplicação da distinção. Para tanto, buscou-se inicialmente fomentar a apresentação teórica do interesse positivo e do interesse negativo estudando seu significado, seus desenvolvimentos teóricos e sua adequação ao Direito brasileiro ao que se segue a proposição de sua aplicação. Dada as limitações do texto, essa depuração é realizada estritamente no âmbito da responsabilidade pela não formação do contrato (responsabilidade pré-negocial) e da responsabilidade negocial propriamente dita, compondo a segunda parte do trabalho. / Despite the absence of any express rule to this effect in Brazilian Law, it is nevertheless intuitive to think of civil liability as a commandment to restore the parties to the position each would have enjoyed if the event giving rise to liability had never occurred. This understanding of civil liability is frequently expressed as the idea that damages should bring the aggrieved party to the status quo ante, by way of compensating him for the damages suffered. In regards to material damages suffered during the contractual iter (i.e. in precontractual liability or in liability for breach of contract), one should notice that the hypothetical situation on which the party would be without the occurrence of damages is not always a situation that existed previous to its occurrence. That is exactly what occurs in damages in lieu of performance, by which the aggrieved party receives compensation for something he in fact never had before. This duality of directions can be understood by the expressions expectation interest and reliance interest. According to the former, the plaintiff must be placed in a positive situation vis-à-vis the contract, a status that can be called ad quem. In other words, the plaintiff will get his benefit of the bargain, and will obtain what he would have received if the contract had been correctly performed. According to the latter, the aggrieved party must be placed in a negative situation vis-à-vis the contract, which can be called an status a quo. This seeks to recreate the situation in which the plaintiff would have been if the contract had never even been formed or its negotiations had never been initiated. This way of thinking about damages or this pair of concepts was originally proposed by Rudolf von Jhering in the mid-nineteenth century. While its application is still little explored in Brazilian Law, it is not completely unknown to the Brazilian jurisprudence. Both of these theories as to the proper function of civil liability are compatible with Brazilian liability rules, and may indeed represent extremely useful solutions to some fundamental problems in modern discourse on civil liability rules and the law of contracts. It is precisely at here that this thesis is developed, advocating for the full applicability of the foregoing concepts in the Brazilian Private Law, thereby leading to a new way of thinking about damages, both in contrahendo and in contractu. The inherent logic of both concepts allows not only to revisit the usual framework by which the law of damages is considered and applied, but also underlines some major transformations in the Law of Obligations. In order to prove its suitability, this thesis initially presents the theoretical foundations of expectation interest and reliance interest, and reviews the meaning and development of these concepts in the context of examining their compatibility with Brazilian law. This is followed by an argument proposing the application of these theories in situations involving both precontractual liability and breach of contract.

Interesse positivo e Interesse negativo: a reparação de danos no direito privado brasileiro / Expectation interest and reliance interest: damages compensation in the Brazilian Private Law

Renata Carlos Steiner 11 April 2016 (has links)
Ainda que inexistente um mandamento legal expresso no Direito brasileiro, é intuitivo pensar a responsabilidade civil a partir da recondução da parte levada a um estado hipotético na qual estaria não fosse o evento que obriga à reparação. Esse pensamento, reiterado na afirmação de que a indenização deve reconstituir (mesmo que de maneira aproximativa) o status quo ante, corresponde à função compensatória da responsabilidade civil. Ocorre, porém, que no que toca ao dano patrimonial ocorrido no iter negocial (ou seja, na responsabilidade pré-negocial ou na negocial) haveria de se anotar que a situação hipotética sem o dano nem sempre é anterior ao evento lesivo, podendo ser posterior a ele. É o que se passa, com evidência, na indenização pelo equivalente ao descumprimento contratual, em que se confere ao credor lesado algo que ele não possuía antes, em lugar do cumprimento da obrigação. É essa dualidade de direcionamentos, vinculada a uma fórmula comparativa de obtenção do dano indenizável, que compõe o significado das expressões interesse (contratual) positivo e interesse (contratual) negativo. No primeiro caso, reconduz-se o lesado a uma situação positiva em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de ad quem. Ela corresponde à situação em que o lesado estaria se o contrato houvesse sido adequadamente cumprido. No segundo caso, reconduz-se a parte a uma situação negativa em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de a quo. Corresponde, por sua vez, à situação em que estaria não houvesse iniciado as negociações voltadas ao contrato. A dualidade representada por esse par de conceitos, proposto originalmente por Rudolf von Jhering em meados do século XIX, é ainda pouco explorada no Direito brasileiro, embora não se possa qualificá-la como desconhecida. Os conceitos mostram-se não apenas plenamente compatíveis com a regras de responsabilidade civil nacionais, como extremamente úteis à solução de problemas centrais localizados no diálogo entre esse ramo do Direito Civil e o Direito dos Contratos. É nesse locus que a tese se desenvolve, para sustentar a aplicabilidade dessa distinção ao Direito Privado brasileiro como, essencialmente, uma nova forma de pensar o dano in contrahendo e o dano contratual. A lógica da aplicação dos conceitos permite revisitar a forma pela qual usualmente se enxerga a relação jurídica de reparação e, não apenas, também reaviva a compreensão de aspectos essenciais da transformação do Direito das Obrigações, os quais compõem, em grande medida, o substrato da aplicação da distinção. Para tanto, buscou-se inicialmente fomentar a apresentação teórica do interesse positivo e do interesse negativo estudando seu significado, seus desenvolvimentos teóricos e sua adequação ao Direito brasileiro ao que se segue a proposição de sua aplicação. Dada as limitações do texto, essa depuração é realizada estritamente no âmbito da responsabilidade pela não formação do contrato (responsabilidade pré-negocial) e da responsabilidade negocial propriamente dita, compondo a segunda parte do trabalho. / Despite the absence of any express rule to this effect in Brazilian Law, it is nevertheless intuitive to think of civil liability as a commandment to restore the parties to the position each would have enjoyed if the event giving rise to liability had never occurred. This understanding of civil liability is frequently expressed as the idea that damages should bring the aggrieved party to the status quo ante, by way of compensating him for the damages suffered. In regards to material damages suffered during the contractual iter (i.e. in precontractual liability or in liability for breach of contract), one should notice that the hypothetical situation on which the party would be without the occurrence of damages is not always a situation that existed previous to its occurrence. That is exactly what occurs in damages in lieu of performance, by which the aggrieved party receives compensation for something he in fact never had before. This duality of directions can be understood by the expressions expectation interest and reliance interest. According to the former, the plaintiff must be placed in a positive situation vis-à-vis the contract, a status that can be called ad quem. In other words, the plaintiff will get his benefit of the bargain, and will obtain what he would have received if the contract had been correctly performed. According to the latter, the aggrieved party must be placed in a negative situation vis-à-vis the contract, which can be called an status a quo. This seeks to recreate the situation in which the plaintiff would have been if the contract had never even been formed or its negotiations had never been initiated. This way of thinking about damages or this pair of concepts was originally proposed by Rudolf von Jhering in the mid-nineteenth century. While its application is still little explored in Brazilian Law, it is not completely unknown to the Brazilian jurisprudence. Both of these theories as to the proper function of civil liability are compatible with Brazilian liability rules, and may indeed represent extremely useful solutions to some fundamental problems in modern discourse on civil liability rules and the law of contracts. It is precisely at here that this thesis is developed, advocating for the full applicability of the foregoing concepts in the Brazilian Private Law, thereby leading to a new way of thinking about damages, both in contrahendo and in contractu. The inherent logic of both concepts allows not only to revisit the usual framework by which the law of damages is considered and applied, but also underlines some major transformations in the Law of Obligations. In order to prove its suitability, this thesis initially presents the theoretical foundations of expectation interest and reliance interest, and reviews the meaning and development of these concepts in the context of examining their compatibility with Brazilian law. This is followed by an argument proposing the application of these theories in situations involving both precontractual liability and breach of contract.

Le concept d’autonomie dans les obligations privées : Aspects techniques et philosophiques / The concept of autonomy in the private law contracts : Technical and philosophical aspects

Guyet, Guillaume 03 October 2012 (has links)
On s’est habitué à adopter du concept d’autonomie une perception qui est celle d’un déclin, largement prophétisé dès le XIXème siècle chez les auteurs critiques du contrat. Tous les arguments ont contribué à cette interprétation et bien des choses semblent aller en ce sens. Ainsi, le concept laisse apparaître un bouleversement des distinctions classiques vérifiable du point de vue du langage définissant les sources ou autorités du droit (autonomie législative, judiciaire…). En réalité, la première autonomie de nature subjective n’a pas été contredite autant qu’on aurait pu le supposer. L’autonomie individuelle ou collective continue de définir la personne juridique en fonction d’une titularité plus ou moins étroite de ses droits, libertés, capacités ou pouvoirs. Elle contribue, en effet, à la promotion d’un cadre primordial et persiste dans une sorte de contrôle moral des volontés et des identités individuelles confrontées à des mécanismes exagérément objectifs. Une résurgence apparente du vocabulaire romaniste, sous prétexte d’équilibre des prestations, permet paradoxalement un déséquilibre entre les parties. C’est donc à une autonomie renouvelée, forte de nouvelles exigences, que l’on fait appel. Un plan moral succède au plan théorique sous l’angle de la protection des volontés. L’autonomie s’adapte tout en demeurant conforme à un sens subjectif originel. Elle pourrait devenir une référence de régulation, y compris pour les contrats internationaux. Le droit français aurait là une occasion de se rétablir, au moins du point de vue de l’interprétation. / We became used to adopt some concept of autonomy a perception which is the one of a decline, largely predicted from the XIXth century at the critical authors of the contract. All arguments contributed to this interpretation and many things seem to go this way. Actually, the concept uncovers a classical upheavel of distinctions whiches verifiable from the point of view of sources or authorities defining langage (legislative, judicial autonomy). In fact, the first autonomy of subjective nature was not as contradicted as it was supposed to. The individual or collective autonomy continues to define the legal person according to a more or less narrow tenure of its rights, liberties, capacities or powers. As a matter of fact it contributes to focus on an essential frame and persists in a kind of moral control of the wills and of the individual identities confronted to excessively objective mechanisms. A similar resurgence of the ancient roman law vocabulary, under the pretext of contractual balance, paradoxically allows a destabilization between the parts. So it is to the renewed autonomy strong on new requirements that we appeal. A moral plan succeeds the theoretical plan under the perspective of the protection of the wills. The autonomy adapts itself while remaining in compliance with an original subjective sense. She could become a reference of regulation, including for the international contracts. French law would then have an opportunity to recover, at least from the point of view of the interpretation.

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