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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modèles quasi-minimaux de matière noire électrofaible / Near-minimal models of electroweak dark matter

Ruffault, Ronan 16 November 2018 (has links)
Le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules est une théorie robuste à l'échelle électro-faible. Cependant, ce dernier possède des lacunes. Par exemple il ne permet pas d'expliquer la matière sombre, qui est une des problématiques majeures de la physique moderne. Près de 85% de la matière présente dans l'Univers n'est pas expliquée par le Modèle Standard. On l’appelle la matière sombre. Cette thèse présente une catégorie de modèles s'adressant à la problématique de la matière sombre. Ceux-ci s'appuient sur le paradigme du WIMP, qui nous enseigne qu'une particule neutre avec une section efficace électro-faible et une masse électro-faible explique à peu près l'abondance relique observée. Néanmoins, une analyse plus approfondie révèle que cette correspondance n'est en fait pas très précise puisque des masses multi-TeV pour la matière sombre sont nécessaires pour les modèles les plus simples, ce qui est 1-2 ordres de grandeur plus grand que l’échelle électro-faible. Cependant, avec un secteur sombre étendu, il est possible de maintenir la masse de la matière sombre proche de l’échelle électro-faible tout en gardant la densité relique observée. Ma thèse présente des modèles effectifs simples de matière sombre fermionique du type WIMP, ou le candidat de matière sombre est issu du mélange entre un singlet du Modèle Standard et d'un n-plet de SU(2)×U(1). La particule de matière sombre est supposée avoir une masse de l'ordre de l'échelle électro-faible, et le mélange est généré par des opérateurs de dimensions supérieures impliquant le doublet de Higgs. Lorsque la symétrie électro-faible est brisée, le boson de Higgs acquiert sa valeur moyenne dans le vide et des matrices de masse non-diagonales sont générées dans le secteur sombre. Cela engendre un mélange entre les états du secteur sombre, et les états physiques ainsi que leur masse sont obtenus en diagonalisant les matrices de masse. Pour des valeurs appropriées des paramètres, il est toujours possible d’accommoder le mélange afin de reproduire la densité relique mesurée. On parle de "well-tempered mixing" ou mélange correctement ajusté en français. Afin de stabiliser la particule de matière sombre, on doit ajouter une symétrie sous laquelle le secteur sombre est impair et le Modèle Standard est pair. Pour n impair, le n-plet est un multiplet de Majorana d'hypercharge nulle. Pour n pair, on considère un bi-multiplet d'hypercharge opposée ± 1/2 de sorte à ce qu'il forme un spineur de Dirac. On se focalise sur les contraintes liées à la densité relique et à la détection directe pour les configurations singlet-triplet, singlet-quadruplet et singlet-quintuplet. Notons que les contraintes de la détection indirecte sont moins fortes que celles issues de la détection directe. On impose une masse électro-faible pour la matière sombre afin qu'elle puisse être produite au LHC. Les résultats montrent qu'il est toujours possible de trouver un espace des paramètres, avec une masse électro-faible pour la matière sombre et redonnant la densité relique observée, qui passe les contraintes de détection directe et a fortiori indirecte. Dans la région de validité de la théorie effective, la détection directe est moins contraignante pour les grandes représentations du n-plet à cause du très faible mélange. / The Standard Model of particles physics is a well-tested theory at the electroweak scale. However this is not the end of the story. For instance, it does not solve the dark matter problem, which is one of the major issues of the modern physics. About 85% of the matter in the Universe is not describe by the Standard Model. It is called dark matter. This thesis presents a category of models responding to the dark matter problem. These models are based on the WIMP-paradigm, stating that a neutral particle with an electroweak cross-section and with an electroweak-scale mass roughly explains the observed relic abundance. Nevertheless, a closer look reveals that this correspondence is quantitatively not very precise since multi-TeV dark matter masses are required for the simplest models, which is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than the electroweak scale. However, with an extended dark sector, it is possible to maintain the dark matter particle mass close to the electroweak scale and to keep the observed relic density. My thesis discloses simple effective models of fermionic WIMP dark matter, where the dark matter candidate is a mixture of a Standard Model singlet and an n-plet of SU(2)×U(1). The dark matter is assumed to be aroundthe electroweak scale, and the mixing is generated by higher-dimensional operators involving the Higgs doublet. Upon electroweak symmetry breaking, the Higgs takes its vacuum expectation value and non diagonal mass matrices are generated for the dark matter sector. This causes mixing between dark matter sector states, and physical states and masses are obtained by diagonalising the mass matrices. For suitable parameters, it is always possible to adjust the mixing to reproduce the observed relic density. This is reffered to as a well-tempered mixing. In order to stabilise the dark matter particle, we need to add a discrete symmetry under which the dark matter sector is odd and the Standard Model is even. For n odd, the n-plet is a Majorana multiplet with zero hypercharge. For n even, we consider a bi-multiplet with opposite hypercharges of ± 1/2 such as to form a Dirac spinor. We focus on the observed relic density and the direct detection constraints for the singlet-triplet, singlet-quadruplet and singlet-quintuplet configurations. Note that bounds from indirect detection are less stringent than those from direct detection. We impose electroweak mass for the dark matter particle such that it could be produced by the LHC. Results show that it is always possible to find a choice of parameters reproducing the observed relic density with an electroweak dark matter mass which conforms to the direct and a fortiori indirect detection constraints. In the region of validity of the effective theory, direct detection is less constraining for higher representations of the n-plet due to the tiny mixing.

Ocorrência e significado paleoambiental do Horizonte A húmico em Latossolos / Occurrence and palaeenvironmental significance of humic horizon in Latosols (oxisols)

Calegari, Márcia Regina 17 February 2009 (has links)
A ocorrência de solos com horizonte A húmico (Ah) hiperdesenvolvido ainda é pouco entendida. Nos Latossolos com esse horizonte (Lh) ele freqüentemente é muito espesso, com baixa saturação por bases e cor escura advinda do relativamente grande acúmulo de matéria orgânica até profundidades superiores a 100 cm. Exceto para a região Sul, tais atributos estão em desconformidade com as atuais condições de clima e vegetação em que esses Lh se encontram. Objetivou-se definir variáveis ambientais que teriam influenciado na gênese desse horizonte em Latossolos, investigando-se dados de morfologia, textura, geoquímica, geomorfologia e evidências de paleoambientes. Realizou-se primeiro um estudo bibliográfico das principais características dos Lh no Brasil, em um conjunto de 39 perfis. Destes, 11 variáveis, representando atributos ambientais, químicos e granulométricos do solo foram submetidas a análises estatísticas multivariadas, para agrupá-los segundo similaridades. Três grupos foram definidos: G1 - Latossolos Brunos e Vermelhos em superfícies de cimeira da região Sul, com os mais altos teores de carbono orgânico e de Fe2O3, Ah menos espesso e mineralogia mais oxídica que os demais; G2- Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Amarelos em antigas superfícies geomorfológicas da região Sudeste, associados à vegetação e clima de altitude, com valores intermediários de carbono e de mineralogia; G3 - Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Amarelos com Ah mais espessos, encontrados nos níveis mais elevados de superfícies intermediárias (Depressão Periférica Paulista e Tabuleiros do Nordeste),com os menores teores de carbono e mineralogia caulinítica. Baseados nesses agrupamentos amostraram-se 30 pedons para fins de caracterização detalhada: análise total de Zr e Ti para identificar descontinuidades e técnicas isotópicas (13C,14C) aliadas a análises de fitólitos para inferir paleoambientes. Para esta análise procedimentos de extração de fitólitos foram adaptados. Nas regiões Sudeste e Nordeste o Ah teria se formado sob vegetação menos densa que a atual, como indicado pelos fitólitos e valor 13C que indicou mistura de plantas de ciclo C3 e C4 (~-22), que revelaram predomínio de plantas C3 e, na região Sul, vegetação mais aberta com predomínio de plantas C4 (~-16), indicando clima mais seco entre o Holoceno inferior e médio. A partir das datações 14C e dos valores 13C inferiu-se um empobrecimento isotópico (~-25) no Holoceno superior, sugerindo expansão da vegetação de floresta para todas as regiões, associada à clima mais úmido e quente, semelhante ao atual, nas regiões Sudeste e Nordeste e mais úmido e frio, na região Sul. Esses resultados indicaram que vegetação e climas pretéritos, associados aos materiais de origem e estabilidade do relevo, têm participação importante na geografia e nos processos de formação do material de origem e dos horizontes Ah. As relações Ti/Zr indicaram descontinuidades litológicas, fato que sugere a ação de processos de coluvionamento no espessamento dos Ah que, com isso, podem ser considerados como poligenéticos. O Ah constitui um importante registro das variações climáticas ocorridas durante o Quaternário sendo considerado como um paleossolo relictual. A integração da análise isotópica, de fitólitos, análise total de Zr e Ti, com a morfologia e análises de rotina foram bastante úteis para esclarecer a origem dos Ah desses Lh. / Thick humic A horizons (umbric epipedons) may be found in several Brazilian Latosols (well drained Oxisols - Lh). This dark colored horizon (Ah) is frequently more than 1m thick and has a large stock of soil organic matter (SOM) and differ from nearby Latosols without an Ah and on younger surfaces and do not conform with present climate and vegetation. Several hypothesis about their genesis had been raised but without a good pedogenetic understanding. This thesis aims to define environmental variables responsible for their formation. Several pedons were examined through their morphology and landscape position, and their soil materials were studied by geochemistry methods and paleoenviromental evidence by C isotope and phytolith assemblages. First, a bibliographic survey was performed to choose a set of 39 profiles were chosen to be studied on a data set where 11 noted chemical and granulometric attributes and one environmental variable were submitted to multivariate statistic analysis in order to group then according to similarities. Three groups were defined: G1 - Brown and Red Latosols from summit surfaces of the Brazilian Southern uplands (with the highest clay, organic carbon and iron oxide values, but with thinner epipedons than the others groups). G2 - Yellow-Red and Yellow Latosols, predominantly found in summit positions, remnant ancient geomorphic surfaces from the Southeast region and associated with the vegetation adapted to high altitudinal tropical climate. G3 - Red Yellow and Yellow Latosols from the Brazilian Southeastern piedmont upland surfaces and Northeastern coastal tablelands (with the thickest umbric epipedons, loamy to clayey textures, lower carbon contents, and a kaolinitic mineralogy). From this analysis 30 Lh representative pedons were field sampled to be characterized, including total Zr and Ti contents, stable carbon isotopes (13C, 14C) and phytolith analysis, in order to better understand paleo-environmental conditions they were subjected. For the phytolith extraction laboratory procedure were adapted in order to better separate and clean then from oxidic coatings. The SOM isotope data and phytolith assemblages indicated that these Ah were formed under a less dense vegetation than the present one: a probably mixture of C3 and C4 (~-22) plants, with more contribution of the C3 in the Southeast and Northeast regions, a more open (~-16, grassy), vegetation (with contribution of C4 plants) in the middle to medium Holocene indicating the presence of a drier climate in the Southern region. From the Late Holocene a more 13C depleted values (~-25) was observed, suggesting the expansion of the tropical and subtropical forests in this region, probably associate to a humid and warm climate in the Southeast and Northeast regions, and humid and cold in the Southern region. The combination of climate and vegetation late, parent material, and stability relief have played a major role in the geographic and formation of the parent material and pedogenetic horizons of these Lh, and thus they should be considered as polygenetic soils. The humic horizons constitute an important register of Holocene climate change and that they should be considered as relic paleosoils.

Ocorrência e significado paleoambiental do Horizonte A húmico em Latossolos / Occurrence and palaeenvironmental significance of humic horizon in Latosols (oxisols)

Márcia Regina Calegari 17 February 2009 (has links)
A ocorrência de solos com horizonte A húmico (Ah) hiperdesenvolvido ainda é pouco entendida. Nos Latossolos com esse horizonte (Lh) ele freqüentemente é muito espesso, com baixa saturação por bases e cor escura advinda do relativamente grande acúmulo de matéria orgânica até profundidades superiores a 100 cm. Exceto para a região Sul, tais atributos estão em desconformidade com as atuais condições de clima e vegetação em que esses Lh se encontram. Objetivou-se definir variáveis ambientais que teriam influenciado na gênese desse horizonte em Latossolos, investigando-se dados de morfologia, textura, geoquímica, geomorfologia e evidências de paleoambientes. Realizou-se primeiro um estudo bibliográfico das principais características dos Lh no Brasil, em um conjunto de 39 perfis. Destes, 11 variáveis, representando atributos ambientais, químicos e granulométricos do solo foram submetidas a análises estatísticas multivariadas, para agrupá-los segundo similaridades. Três grupos foram definidos: G1 - Latossolos Brunos e Vermelhos em superfícies de cimeira da região Sul, com os mais altos teores de carbono orgânico e de Fe2O3, Ah menos espesso e mineralogia mais oxídica que os demais; G2- Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Amarelos em antigas superfícies geomorfológicas da região Sudeste, associados à vegetação e clima de altitude, com valores intermediários de carbono e de mineralogia; G3 - Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Amarelos com Ah mais espessos, encontrados nos níveis mais elevados de superfícies intermediárias (Depressão Periférica Paulista e Tabuleiros do Nordeste),com os menores teores de carbono e mineralogia caulinítica. Baseados nesses agrupamentos amostraram-se 30 pedons para fins de caracterização detalhada: análise total de Zr e Ti para identificar descontinuidades e técnicas isotópicas (13C,14C) aliadas a análises de fitólitos para inferir paleoambientes. Para esta análise procedimentos de extração de fitólitos foram adaptados. Nas regiões Sudeste e Nordeste o Ah teria se formado sob vegetação menos densa que a atual, como indicado pelos fitólitos e valor 13C que indicou mistura de plantas de ciclo C3 e C4 (~-22), que revelaram predomínio de plantas C3 e, na região Sul, vegetação mais aberta com predomínio de plantas C4 (~-16), indicando clima mais seco entre o Holoceno inferior e médio. A partir das datações 14C e dos valores 13C inferiu-se um empobrecimento isotópico (~-25) no Holoceno superior, sugerindo expansão da vegetação de floresta para todas as regiões, associada à clima mais úmido e quente, semelhante ao atual, nas regiões Sudeste e Nordeste e mais úmido e frio, na região Sul. Esses resultados indicaram que vegetação e climas pretéritos, associados aos materiais de origem e estabilidade do relevo, têm participação importante na geografia e nos processos de formação do material de origem e dos horizontes Ah. As relações Ti/Zr indicaram descontinuidades litológicas, fato que sugere a ação de processos de coluvionamento no espessamento dos Ah que, com isso, podem ser considerados como poligenéticos. O Ah constitui um importante registro das variações climáticas ocorridas durante o Quaternário sendo considerado como um paleossolo relictual. A integração da análise isotópica, de fitólitos, análise total de Zr e Ti, com a morfologia e análises de rotina foram bastante úteis para esclarecer a origem dos Ah desses Lh. / Thick humic A horizons (umbric epipedons) may be found in several Brazilian Latosols (well drained Oxisols - Lh). This dark colored horizon (Ah) is frequently more than 1m thick and has a large stock of soil organic matter (SOM) and differ from nearby Latosols without an Ah and on younger surfaces and do not conform with present climate and vegetation. Several hypothesis about their genesis had been raised but without a good pedogenetic understanding. This thesis aims to define environmental variables responsible for their formation. Several pedons were examined through their morphology and landscape position, and their soil materials were studied by geochemistry methods and paleoenviromental evidence by C isotope and phytolith assemblages. First, a bibliographic survey was performed to choose a set of 39 profiles were chosen to be studied on a data set where 11 noted chemical and granulometric attributes and one environmental variable were submitted to multivariate statistic analysis in order to group then according to similarities. Three groups were defined: G1 - Brown and Red Latosols from summit surfaces of the Brazilian Southern uplands (with the highest clay, organic carbon and iron oxide values, but with thinner epipedons than the others groups). G2 - Yellow-Red and Yellow Latosols, predominantly found in summit positions, remnant ancient geomorphic surfaces from the Southeast region and associated with the vegetation adapted to high altitudinal tropical climate. G3 - Red Yellow and Yellow Latosols from the Brazilian Southeastern piedmont upland surfaces and Northeastern coastal tablelands (with the thickest umbric epipedons, loamy to clayey textures, lower carbon contents, and a kaolinitic mineralogy). From this analysis 30 Lh representative pedons were field sampled to be characterized, including total Zr and Ti contents, stable carbon isotopes (13C, 14C) and phytolith analysis, in order to better understand paleo-environmental conditions they were subjected. For the phytolith extraction laboratory procedure were adapted in order to better separate and clean then from oxidic coatings. The SOM isotope data and phytolith assemblages indicated that these Ah were formed under a less dense vegetation than the present one: a probably mixture of C3 and C4 (~-22) plants, with more contribution of the C3 in the Southeast and Northeast regions, a more open (~-16, grassy), vegetation (with contribution of C4 plants) in the middle to medium Holocene indicating the presence of a drier climate in the Southern region. From the Late Holocene a more 13C depleted values (~-25) was observed, suggesting the expansion of the tropical and subtropical forests in this region, probably associate to a humid and warm climate in the Southeast and Northeast regions, and humid and cold in the Southern region. The combination of climate and vegetation late, parent material, and stability relief have played a major role in the geographic and formation of the parent material and pedogenetic horizons of these Lh, and thus they should be considered as polygenetic soils. The humic horizons constitute an important register of Holocene climate change and that they should be considered as relic paleosoils.

The Crematorium of Hanga Hahave on Rapa Nui (Easter Island): What stories can the skeletal remains reveal. / Krematoriet i Hanga Hahave på Rapa Nui (Påskön): Vilka historier kan de skeletala kvarlevor berätta.

Navarro, Sigourney Nina January 2017 (has links)
This paper uses an osteological approach and applies the study of entanglement in an attempt to understand the crematoria on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), which represent a unique tradition within the ceremonial spheres of the Polynesian area. Skeletal remains from the crematorium of ahu Hanga Hahave, which consist of both cremated - and unburned remains, have been analysed to reveal the different practices that took part in the cremation process and to identify the individuals that were deposited in such structure. Ethnohistorical records were applied to interpret the osteological evidence and to discuss the circumstances surrounding the possible use of the crematorium, as either a site for sacrificial offerings or a site for burials.  This paper aims at creating an underlying basis for the study of crematoria on Rapa Nui and provides an overview of the processes central to the disposal of the dead and the usage and significance of this structure. The results of this study showed that the ancient Rapanui through the practice of cremation, followed an internalised structure within their society to complete each cultural act that constituted the crematorium, and these were divided in the construction of the crematorium, the making of fire, and the treatment of the dead. The complexity of each cultural act presents the possibility that an organised society, with at least one designated head, may have been in charge of the practice of cremation physically and spiritually. The skeletal remains could not be applied to determine whether the crematorium of Hanga Hahave was used for sacrificial offering or for burial since the analysed remains only represented one-fifth of the entire bone collection from the crematorium. However, the findings of this study have pointed towards a burial practice rather than a sacrificial one. / Denna uppsats använder ett osteologiskt tillvägagångssätt och Hodders’’entanglement’ studie i tolkningen av krematorierna på Rapa Nui (Påskön), som representerar en unik tradition inom Polynesien. Skelettmaterialet från krematoriet i ahu Hanga Hahave har analyserats för att upptäcka de olika metoder som deltog i kremeringsprocessen och identifiera vilka individer som deponerades här. Etnohistoriska källor användes också i tolkningen av det osteologiska materialet och för att behandla frågorna kring krematoriernas användning: antigen som en plats för offring eller en plats för begravning. Syftet är att skapa en underliggande grund för studiet av krematorierna på Rapa Nui för att ge en överblick på de centrala processerna. Resultatet visade att den forntida Rapanui följde en internaliserad struktur inom sitt samhälle för att slutföra varje kulturell handling som utgjorde kremerings praktik och var uppdelade i konstruktionen av krematoriet, bruken av eld och hantering av de döda. Komplexiteten hos varje handling möjliggör att ett organiserat samhälle, där minst en ledare har varit ansvarig i fysisk eller andlig form. Skelettmaterialet från krematoriet i ahu Hanga Hahave kunde inte användas för att bestämma krematoriets användning eftersom det analyserade materialet endast representerade en femtedel av den totala bensamlingen, dock pekar studiet på en begravningsritual snarare än en offer.

Memorials of endurance and adventure : exhibiting British polar exploration, 1819-c.1939

Murray, Katie January 2017 (has links)
Over eighty polar-themed exhibitions were held in Britain between 1819 and the 1930s, a time of intense exploration of both the Arctic and Antarctic. These varied from panoramas and human exhibits to displays of ‘relics', equipment, photographs and artwork, waxworks and displays shown as part of a Great Exhibition. This period also saw the creation of the first dedicated polar museums. These displays were visited by thousands of people throughout the country, helping to mediate the subject of exploration for a public audience. Despite this, the role exhibitions played in forming popular views of the polar regions has not been fully assessed. This thesis addresses this gap. It is the first to consider all the polar exhibitions held during this period as a collective body, making it possible to study how they developed over time and in response to changing circumstances. The thesis uses a variety of archival sources to both reconstruct the displays and place them in their historical and museological contexts. The study shows that exhibitions evolved in response to changes both in the museum sector and in exploration culture. It demonstrates that, while they were originally identified with the shows of the entertainment industry, polar exhibitions began to take on more of the characteristics of museum displays. At the same time their dominant themes changed; the natural world was relegated in favour of ideas relating to the human experience of the regions such as heroism, adventure and everyday life in an exotic environment. While other media may have been more effective in disseminating ideas about exploration, visitors could find the experience of visiting an exhibition more compelling. This thesis contributes to our understanding of this distinct role that exhibitions played in presenting the polar regions to the British public.

Eça De Queiroz, Leitor de Luciano de Samósata? A presença luciânica nos textos O mandarim, A relíquia e A cidade e as serras

Gamba, Ana Paula Foloni [UNESP] 30 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-06-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:04:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gamba_apf_dr_assis.pdf: 628179 bytes, checksum: 614a689fe06997476fcebee7a09a82c5 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A presente tese de doutorado visa a um estudo das obras de Eça de Queiroz O Mandarim, A Relíquia e A Cidade e as Serras e das obras do escritor Luciano de Samósata (sírio helenizado do século II d.C.) com o objetivo de verificar possíveis marcas deste no ideário estético de Eça. A escolha do corpus deve-se ao fato de os supracitados textos queirosianos apresentarem uma estrutura discursiva particular e produzirem certa estranheza no leitor e na crítica, uma vez que diferem do discurso realista-naturalista utilizado por Eça em obras como O Primo Basílio e O Crime do Padre Amaro. Eça de Queiroz criou, como Luciano em suas sátiras, um verdadeiro “hipocentauro”, causando no leitor e na crítica, além de estranheza, até mesmo certa dúvida quanto à qualidade estética desses textos, sendo, por isso, considerados obras menores e pouco críticas quando comparados às demais obras da fase predominantemente realista-naturalista do escritor. Como base de sustentação teórica deste trabalho, tomam-se, além do estudo de Jacyntho Lins Brandão A Poética do Hipocentauro: literatura, sociedade e discurso ficcional em Luciano de Samósata, textos de estudiosos da obra de Luciano como A. Peretti, E. Bignone, V. Longo, B. McCarthy, B. Baldwin, M. Caster, M. Croiset e outros, bem como textos sobre literatura comparada de autores como Wellek e Warren, T. Carvalhal, E. Coutinho, G. R. Kaiser, S. Nitrini e L. Perrone-Moisés. O capítulo 1 é dedicado a Luciano de Samósata. Nele, são abordadas a vida e a obra do escritor, além da apresentação e diferenciação... / The present PhD doctoral dissertation aims to study the novels of Eça de Queiroz, The Mandarin, The Relic and The City and the Mountains, as well as the works of Luciano de Samósata – Syrian writer from second-century a.C. – with the objective of verifying possible marks of the latter in Eça’s aesthethic system. The corpus was chosen due to the fact that Queiroz’s pieces present a particular discursive structure and produce some surprise in the reader and the critics, once they differ from the realistic-naturalistic discourse used by Queiroz in novels such as The Cousin Basílio and The Crime of Father Amaro. By adopting for the composition of such works a structure that is based on the unusual junction of apparently incompatible elements such as reality and fantasy, humor and philosophical seriousness, Eça de Queiroz created as Luciano in his satires, a true “hippocentaur”, provoking in the reader and the critics, beyond surprise, certain discomfort and even certain doubt about the aesthetic quality of these texts and about his intentions while critical of his time, for they would lack the explicit components of the acrid social criticism by the Portuguese writer, thus being considered minor and less critical novels when compared to others from the predominantly realistic-naturalistic phase of the writer. As basis for theoretical support of this dissertation there had been used, besides the precious study by Professor Jacyntho Lins Brandão - The Poetic of Hippocentaur: literature, society and fictional speech by Luciano de Samósata-, texts from Samósata’s novels’ researches such as A. Peretti, E. Bignone, V. Longo, B. McCarthy, B. Baldwin, M.Caster, M. Croiset and others... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Eça De Queiroz, Leitor de Luciano de Samósata? A presença luciânica nos textos O mandarim, A relíquia e A cidade e as serras /

Gamba, Ana Paula Foloni. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Rosane Gazolla Alves Feitosa / Banca: Suely Fadul Villibor Flory / Banca: Jacyntho Lins Brandão / Banca: Odil José de Oliveira Filho / Banca: Sílvia Maria Azevedo / Resumo: A presente tese de doutorado visa a um estudo das obras de Eça de Queiroz O Mandarim, A Relíquia e A Cidade e as Serras e das obras do escritor Luciano de Samósata (sírio helenizado do século II d.C.) com o objetivo de verificar possíveis marcas deste no ideário estético de Eça. A escolha do corpus deve-se ao fato de os supracitados textos queirosianos apresentarem uma estrutura discursiva particular e produzirem certa estranheza no leitor e na crítica, uma vez que diferem do discurso realista-naturalista utilizado por Eça em obras como O Primo Basílio e O Crime do Padre Amaro. Eça de Queiroz criou, como Luciano em suas sátiras, um verdadeiro "hipocentauro", causando no leitor e na crítica, além de estranheza, até mesmo certa dúvida quanto à qualidade estética desses textos, sendo, por isso, considerados obras "menores" e pouco críticas quando comparados às demais obras da fase predominantemente realista-naturalista do escritor. Como base de sustentação teórica deste trabalho, tomam-se, além do estudo de Jacyntho Lins Brandão A Poética do Hipocentauro: literatura, sociedade e discurso ficcional em Luciano de Samósata, textos de estudiosos da obra de Luciano como A. Peretti, E. Bignone, V. Longo, B. McCarthy, B. Baldwin, M. Caster, M. Croiset e outros, bem como textos sobre literatura comparada de autores como Wellek e Warren, T. Carvalhal, E. Coutinho, G. R. Kaiser, S. Nitrini e L. Perrone-Moisés. O capítulo 1 é dedicado a Luciano de Samósata. Nele, são abordadas a vida e a obra do escritor, além da apresentação e diferenciação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present PhD doctoral dissertation aims to study the novels of Eça de Queiroz, The Mandarin, The Relic and The City and the Mountains, as well as the works of Luciano de Samósata - Syrian writer from second-century a.C. - with the objective of verifying possible marks of the latter in Eça's aesthethic system. The corpus was chosen due to the fact that Queiroz's pieces present a particular discursive structure and produce some surprise in the reader and the critics, once they differ from the realistic-naturalistic discourse used by Queiroz in novels such as The Cousin Basílio and The Crime of Father Amaro. By adopting for the composition of such works a structure that is based on the unusual junction of apparently incompatible elements such as reality and fantasy, humor and philosophical seriousness, Eça de Queiroz created as Luciano in his satires, a true "hippocentaur", provoking in the reader and the critics, beyond surprise, certain discomfort and even certain doubt about the aesthetic quality of these texts and about his intentions while critical of his time, for they would lack the explicit components of the acrid social criticism by the Portuguese writer, thus being considered minor and less critical novels when compared to others from the predominantly realistic-naturalistic phase of the writer. As basis for theoretical support of this dissertation there had been used, besides the precious study by Professor Jacyntho Lins Brandão - The Poetic of Hippocentaur: literature, society and fictional speech by Luciano de Samósata-, texts from Samósata's novels' researches such as A. Peretti, E. Bignone, V. Longo, B. McCarthy, B. Baldwin, M.Caster, M. Croiset and others... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Observáveis de Matéria Escura como um Férmion de Majorana

Santos, Maíra Dutra Vasconcelos dos 30 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:14:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4811188 bytes, checksum: e6a9d4d69f963d42f294d99b19a7c9fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Dark Matter (DM) is a key piece for our understanding of the universe evolution. Its existence has been confirmed by gravitational effects on the known matter, and we do not know its constitution just yet. The assumption that DM is composed of particles demands an extension of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles (SM). There are many experiments searching for neutral, stable, weakly interacting particles so called WIMPs, but no conclusive positive signal has been observed so far. That being said, we propose a Majorana fermion to be our DM candidate in one of the simplest minimal extensions of the SM, which adds to the scalar sector a neutral scalar that mixes to the Higgs boson. Further, we study another model which supplements the former by adding a charged scalar, which mediates interactions between the DM particle and leptons. In both models, we compute the relic density, the scattering cross section off nucleon (Direct Detection), and its annihilation rate in Standard Model particles (Indirect Detection) using the numerical package micrOMEGAs. In conclusion, we interestingly find that such models have regions of the parameter space yielding the right abundance while compatible with direct and indirect detection limits. Lastly, we investigate the possibility having the Majoron risen in our extensions as dark radiation in the light of the recent CMB spectrum analyses. / A Matéria Escura (ME) é uma peça fundamental para nosso entendimento sobre a evolução do universo. Sua existência foi confirmada pelos efeitos gravitacionais que exerce sobre a matéria que conhecemos e até hoje não sabemos sua constituição. Assumir que ela seja constituída de partículas implica na necessidade de estender o Modelo Padrão das Partículas Elementares (MP). Há vários experimentos buscando partículas neutras, estáveis e pouco interagentes conhecidas como WIMPs, mas até agora nenhum sinal positivo é conclusivo. Em vista disso, propomos um férmion de Majorana como candidato à ME em uma das extensões mais simples do MP, adicionando ao setor escalar um escalar neutro singleto que se mistura com o bóson de Higgs. Em seguida, estudamos outro modelo que acrescenta ao anterior um escalar carregado singleto mediando interações entre as partículas de ME e os léptons. Nos dois modelos, computamos a abundância relíquia, a seção de choque de espalhamento com nucleons (detecção direta) e a taxa de aniquilação de ME em partículas do MP (detecção indireta) usando o pacote numérico micrOMEGAs. Em conclusão, mostramos que esses modelos têm uma interessante região de parâmetros que fornece a abundância relíquia correta estando de acordo com os limites das detecções direta e indireta. Finalmente, investigamos a possibilidade de o majoron que aparece em nossas extensões ser radiação escura, à luz de recentes análises do espectro da radiação CMB.

Inventário do artista: um pequeno relicário de grandes afetos.

Martins, Jordan Ávila, Martins, Jordan Ávila 27 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-18T14:55:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Jordan Ávila Martins_Dissertação.pdf: 7344252 bytes, checksum: d4f044f43f5873bbd2c9ef19b008c2c6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-05-18T20:55:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Jordan Ávila Martins_Dissertação.pdf: 7344252 bytes, checksum: d4f044f43f5873bbd2c9ef19b008c2c6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-05-18T20:56:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Jordan Ávila Martins_Dissertação.pdf: 7344252 bytes, checksum: d4f044f43f5873bbd2c9ef19b008c2c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-18T20:56:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Jordan Ávila Martins_Dissertação.pdf: 7344252 bytes, checksum: d4f044f43f5873bbd2c9ef19b008c2c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-27 / Sem bolsa / Lembranças movimentam e motivam a disserta-ção de Mestrado em Artes Visuais no PPGAV no Centro de Artes da UFPEL, intitulada Inventário do Artista: um pequeno relicário de grandes afetos. Esta investigação pensa a relação entre afetividade e poética, inventariando da memória os fragmentos-relíquias que, tão potentes para a criação e encontrados no percurso da minha formação enquanto artista, recompõem e reinventam minhas histórias e minha produção. Apresento, assim, em um relicário de si, o registro do passado revisitado como forma de aproximar arte e vida. A pesquisa é conduzida e direcionada a partir de determinados concei-tos operadores que estão presentes e se tornam peças fundamentais para o entendimento do meu trabalho: as memórias afetivas, as histórias, o cotidiano, o uso e a apropriação de objetos e suas materialidades. Todo percurso apresentado em Inventário do artista tem os relicários como fio condutor e os objetos e outros fragmentos, que são tratados como relíquias, integram e coexistem neste percurso. / Memories move and motivate the Visual Arts Master Degree at the PPGAV of the Centro de Artes of the UFPEL, dissertationentitled inven-tory of the artist: a small reliquary of great affec-tions. This investigation think the relationship between affectivity and poetic, inventorying the fragments-relics from memory which - so powerful for creation and found in the course of my formation as an artist - recompose and reinvent my stories and my production. I there-fore present in a reliquary from myself a record from the past revisited as a way to approximate art and life. The research is conducted and di-rected from certain operator concepts that are present and became fundamental pieces for understanding my work: the affective memo-ries, the stories, the use and appropriation of objects and their materialities. All course pre-sented in inventory of the artist have the reli-quaries as a conducting wire and the objects and other fragments, treated as relics, integrate and coexist in this course.

Beauty Without Pity, Ambition Without Remorse: Lucrezia Borgia and Ideals of Respectable Femininity

Rusconi, Gloria 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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