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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência da variação da umidade pós-compactação no comportamento mecânico de solos de rodovias do interior paulista / The influence of post-compaction moisture content variation on the mechanical behavior of soils from São Paulo state pavements

Marcelo de Castro Takeda 22 May 2006 (has links)
Na construção de rodovias, as condições de umidade e densidade observadas na compactação são, geralmente, próximas daquelas correspondentes ao pico da curva de compactação obtida no ensaio Proctor. É sabido que variações ambientais no decorrer da vida do pavimento podem alterar, de maneira significativa, a umidade do subleito e dos seus componentes e assim, as suas propriedades resilientes. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é avaliar a influência da variação da umidade pós-compactação no módulo de resiliência de solos de rodovias do interior paulista a partir de resultados de ensaios de laboratório. Foram coletados e caracterizados setenta e três solos, e, dentre estes, selecionados trinta para a etapa de estudo da variação da umidade pós-compactação, após a realização de ensaios MCT, difração de raios-x, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e azul de metileno para determinação da gênese. Os solos selecionados apresentam características distintas quanto à gênese, sendo metade laterítico e metade não-laterítico. Os corpos-de-prova foram compactados na umidade ótima e submetidos a processos de secagem e umedecimento e, posteriormente, realizados ensaios triaxiais cíclicos. Os resultados permitiram a modelagem do 'M IND.R' em função do estado de tensão para diferentes umidades e a avaliação da competência de alguns modelos matemáticos nesta representação. Estudou-se a influência da gênese e da granulometria sobre o valor do 'M IND.R' e avaliou-se a conseqüência da variação da umidade sobre este para solos lateríticos e não-lateríticos. Determinou-se uma expressão para estimar a variação do 'M IND.R' com a variação da umidade a partir do parâmetro k1, independentemente do estado de tensão. Pesquisou-se a existência de relações entre os parâmetros de regressão do modelo composto e os resultados dos ensaios de compressão simples e as propriedades físicas dos solos, de forma a permitir a estimativa do módulo de resiliência a partir do resultado de ensaios mais simples. Investigou-se a possibilidade de se utilizar as relações entre a variação do módulo tangente inicial com a variação da umidade para estimar os efeitos sobre o 'M IND.R'. / On road construction, the field compaction conditions are usually close to those determined from Proctor tests. Environmental variations may lead to changes in the pavement moisture and also changing its resilient properties. The main objective of this research is to study the influence of post-compaction moisture content variation on the resilient modulus of soils from São Paulo state pavements, using laboratory tests. To accomplish this objective, seventy three soils samples were collected and characterized. Among them, thirty samples were selected, after four different tests were carried out to determine the soils genesis, to study the post-compaction moisture content variation. Half of these selected soils are lateritic ones, and the other half are non-lateritic soils. The specimens were compacted at optimum moisture content and submitted to drying and moistening processes prior cyclic triaxial test to be carried out. The results allowed the resilient modulus modeling as a function at the stress state and the performance evaluation of five different models. The genesis and grain size distribution influence on the resilient modulus values were studied. The effects of moisture content variations on lateritic and non-lateritic soils were investigated. An expression to estimate the resilient modulus variations with the moisture variations was determined, independently of the stress state. The existence of relations of the compound model regression parameters with the results of unconfined compressive strength and soil properties were studied. The possibility of using the initial tangent modulus variations with the moisture variations to estimate the effects on the resilient modulus were also investigated.

Extension Of Stress-Based Finite Element Model Using Resilient Modulus Material Characterization To Develop A Theoretical Framework for Realistic Response Modeling of Flexible Pavements on Cohesive Subgrades.

Parris, Kadri 20 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Influência da temperatura e velocidade de operação no dimensionamento de pavimentos asfálticos de corredores de ônibus. / Temperature and traffic speed influence on evaluation of asphaltic pavements for bus lanes.

Daibert, Raphael Ferreira 16 March 2015 (has links)
No Brasil os pavimentos novos de rodovias e corredores de ônibus com tráfego pesado tem sido dimensionados empregando-se métodos empíricos e avaliados estruturalmente utilizando a análise mecanicista baseada na teoria da elasticidade. Nestes procedimentos as características de deformabilidade dos revestimentos de misturas asfálticas usualmente são consideradas fixas para uma determinada temperatura e uma velocidade de carregamento. Em campo, os pavimentos estão sujeitos a uma variedade de condições climáticas e operacionais diferentes daquelas preestabelecidas no dimensionamento. Considerando que os revestimentos asfálticos são constituídos de materiais visco-elásticos, dependentes das condições operacionais, o trabalho teve por objetivo, através de estudos paramétricos e utilizando modelos comportamentais constantes na bibliografia existente, verificar a influência da variação da temperatura e da velocidade dos veículos pesados no desempenho dos pavimentos dimensionados através dos procedimentos tradicionalmente adotados pelos principais órgãos rodoviários brasileiros. O trabalho verifica ainda, embasado na análise mecanicista, a adequabilidade estrutural das espessuras mínimas de revestimento asfáltico recomendadas pelos métodos empíricos para cada nível de solicitação do tráfego, em função de eventuais alterações nas condições climáticas e operacionais que possam ocorrer durante a vida útil do pavimento em campo. / In Brazil, the new highways pavements and bus lane with heavy traffics have been dimensioned by empirical methods and structurally evaluated using mechanistic elastic theory. In these procedures the characteristics of deformability of asphalt pavements courses are usually fixed to a specific temperature and loading speed. In the fields, the pavements are exposed to a variety of different climatic and operational conditions from those previous established. Considering that the asphalt layers are made from thermo-visco-elastic and depends on the operational conditions, the aim of this current study was to verify the influence of the temperature variation also the speed of heavy vehicles in the performance of pavements through procedures traditionally adopted by road agencies and parametric studies using behavioral models in existing literature. This academic work also notes, based on mechanistic criteria, structural adequacy of the asphaltic surface course minimum thickness recommended by empirical methods for each traffic demand, due to possible changes in climatic and operational conditions that may occur during the pavement area lifecycle.

Estudo sobre a aplicação de agregado reciclado de concreto em construção de pavimentos / Study on application of recycled concrete aggregate in pavement construction

Sousa, Wallace Fioravanti de 21 September 2011 (has links)
A exploração dos recursos naturais e a degradação do meio ambiente têm sido fonte de preocupação no âmbito mundial. A busca por soluções alternativas que não causem ou que diminuam os impactos ambientais tornou-se comum na sociedade. Nesse contexto, a pavimentação vem contribuindo significativamente com soluções alternativas para destinação final de diversos tipos de resíduos, principalmente os oriundos da indústria da construção civil que sempre foi uma das maiores geradoras. Os resíduos da construção e demolição (RCD) podem ser transformados em agregados reciclados de ótima qualidade e podem ser aplicados em diversos serviços de engenharia. Os agregados reciclados, segundo a NBR 15116 (ABNT, 2004), são separados em misto e de concreto (ARC). No Brasil existem poucas pesquisas com o ARC, no entanto, as que existem e as pesquisas internacionais relatam que uma característica marcante do ARC é a cimentação própria. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar o comportamento mecânico, ao longo do tempo de cura, do agregado reciclado de concreto proveniente da Usina de Reciclagem de São Carlos e de sua mistura com um solo laterítico, a fim de utilizá-los na construção de pavimentos. O estudo envolveu a análise dos resultados de resistência à compressão simples, módulo tangente, módulo de resiliência, deformação permanente e índice de suporte Califórnia (CBR) de corpos-de-prova de ARC e da sua mistura com solo laterítico, moldados em diferentes energias de compactação e ensaiados com tempos de cura variados. Ao final, concluiu-se que o agregado reciclado de concreto (ARC) é uma alternativa para construção de bases de pavimentos, podendo também substituir o agregado natural da mistura solo arenoso laterítico - brita descontínua, muito utilizada nas rodovias do interior de São Paulo. / Natural resources exploitation and the environmental degradation are a worldly problem nowadays. Searching for alternative solutions is something usual in most countries. Pavement systems are now contributing significantly with these alternative solutions by using the waste of construction demolition. This specific kind of waste can turn into mixed recycled aggregate or recycled concrete aggregate. There are just few researches in Brazil about the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), however international researches have shown that this aggregate has a very characteristic and positive mark: self cementation. This research has got the objective of studying the mechanic behavior of the recycled concrete aggregate and its mix with lateritic soil on the construction of base pavements with different analytic basis. The study involved the analysis of the laboratorial tests results of the unconfined compressive strength, tangent modulus, resilient modulus, permanent deformation and California Bearing Ration (CBR) of RCA specimens and its mix with lateritic soil, molded in different compaction energy and tested in different curing times. In conclusion, this kind of recycled aggregate has proved to be a sustainable alternative for the natural aggregate in the construction of many roads in small cities of the State of São Paulo - Brazil.

Estudo de misturas asfálticas tipo Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) à luz dos compactadores Marshall e Superpave / Study of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixtures in the light of Marshall and superpave compactors

Hage, Robert Becerra El 06 July 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar, do ponto de vista volumétrico, qual seria o número de giros necessário, no Compactador Giratório Superpave (CGS), para produzir corpos de prova com características similares aos produzidos com a energia 50 golpes no compactador Marshall, para misturas tipo Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) com volume de vazios igual a 4%. Como complemento, realizaram-se dosagens no CGS com 100 giros, visando avaliar o impacto do aumento da energia de compactação no teor de projeto, também para volume de vazios igual a 4%, em comparação aos CPs compactados com o número de giros equivalente à Marshall determinada anteriormente. Foram utilizadas duas faixas granulométricas de misturas SMA: a com Tamanho Máximo Nominal (TMN) 7,93 mm do DER-SP e a com TMN 12,5 mm da AASHTO. Para todas as misturas foram avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas de corpos de prova com 4% de volume de vazios. Dos resultados dos ensaios concluiu-se que o número de giros no CGS para produzir misturas com volume de vazios igual a 4% nos teores de asfalto de trabalho Marshall são similares para as duas faixas granulométricas utilizadas. Por outro lado, a dosagem com 100 giros no CGS reduziu significativamente o teor de asfalto de trabalho para as duas faixas estudadas em comparação com os teores de trabalho obtidos das dosagens Marshall e no CGS com os números de giros equivalentes. Com relação às propriedades mecânicas, as resistências à tração e os módulos de resiliência dos corpos de prova produzidos com 100 giros no CGS são, de uma maneira geral, um pouco menores que os valores obtidos nos corpos de prova compactados no compactador Marshall, independente da faixa granulométrica, porém maiores que os valores obtidos para a compactação giratória nas energias equivalentes. A vida de fadiga para a faixa mais fina é significativamente maior para os corpos de prova compactados com 100 giros em comparação com a compactação Marshall e para a faixa mais grossa manteve-se na mesma ordem de grandeza da obtida para a compactação Marshall. Para as misturas ensaiadas, não foi constatado influência da compactação no dano causado pela umidade induzida / The aim of the work was to investigate, in terms of volumes properties, which would be the number of gyrations required in the Superpave Gyrations Compactor (SGC), to produce samples with characteristics similar to the energy produced with 50 blows in the Marshall Compactor, for Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) mixtures with voids content equal to 4%. As a complement, samples designed in the SGC with 100 gyrations, were made to evaluate the impact of increased compaction energy in the binder content, also for voids content equal to 4%, compared to the samples compacted with a number of gyrations equivalent to Marshall, as previously determined. It was used two different aggregates gradations for SMA mixtures: Nominal Maximum Size (NMS) 7,93 mm of the DER and the NMS 12,5 mm of the AASHTO. The mechanical properties of all samples were evaluated with voids content of 4%. The number of gyrations in the SGC to produce mixtures containing voids content equal to 4% for the Marshall`s binder content are similar for both aggregates gradations used. On the other hand, the SMA mixture design with 100 gyrations reduced the binder content for both gradations in comparison with the binder content obtained from Marshall Compaction and SGC with the equivalent number of gyrations. Concerning mechanical properties, the tensile strength and resilient modulus of the samples produced with 100 gyrations in the SGC are, generally, slightly lower than the values obtained with the samples compacted in the Marshall compactor, independent of the aggregate gradations, but higher than the values obtained with the samples compacted with a equivalent energy in the SGC. The fatigue life for the fine gradation (NMS=7,93mm) is significantly higher for the samples compacted in the SGC with 100 gyrations compared with the Marshall compaction, and for the coarse gradation (NMS=12,5 mm) remained in the same order of magnitude that of the Marshall compaction. It was not observed any influence of the compaction method in the induced damage caused by moisture

Estudo laboratorial de misturas asfálticas a quente utilizadas em Goiás / Laboratorial study of hot mix asphalt used in middle west region of Brazil

Prudente, Carolina Queiroz Arantes 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-03-02T21:02:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Carolina Queiroz Arantes Prudente - 2015.pdf: 2676423 bytes, checksum: 95fa022b3853b805c569eb33d3d481e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T12:08:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Carolina Queiroz Arantes Prudente - 2015.pdf: 2676423 bytes, checksum: 95fa022b3853b805c569eb33d3d481e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-03T12:08:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Carolina Queiroz Arantes Prudente - 2015.pdf: 2676423 bytes, checksum: 95fa022b3853b805c569eb33d3d481e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Flexible or asphalt pavements compose the Brazilian highway network, which have to promote security on traffic on the highways, to support the effects of changes in climate and to resist the traffic of vehicles. By this reasons, the structure of the pavement is particularly important and must be constituted by layers, which can distribute the loads into the structure, reducing the vertical load produced by the action of traffic and, consequently, providing protection to the subgrade. In the middle western Brazil, in the state of Goiás, there is not advanced studies on asphalt mixtures used in highways and in urban pavements, and there is not a technical scientific proofing that the local aggregates available in the region, is the best option considering the local conditions. Forward better conditions of infrastructure, it is proposed to develop more efficient asphalt mixtures for pavements, by submitting the mixtures through analysis of mechanical strength and performance test, analyzing if the most used asphalts mixtures are satisfactory or not. The hot asphalt mixture are composed by aggregates and asphalt binders that are design in order to attend the parameters set in the projects according to demand and traffic types. In this research, it was proposed the study of six asphalt mixture design with different types of asphalt binders with the same aggregates origin in a different grain size range (Bands B and C). The binders used in this study are the conventional cement asphalt in the region, CAP 30/45 e 50/70 (Brazilian penetration grade), with low and medium penetration, respectively, and the polymer modified asphalt (AMP). The CAP 50/70 is the most used conventional binder in the region, followed by CAP 30/45. Tha AMP binder is not often used. The characterization tests of the materials that composed the mixture are presented and their selection and characterization attended the standardized procedures and requirements by the brazilian department responsible for highway structures (DNIT). In a second stage, the design tests were performed, combining aggregates and binders in different rates, by the Marshall Mix Design Method using manual compression, until the great design was obtained The laboratory tests were realized with this great design to analyze the mass loss and obtain its mechanical properties, given by the tensile strength (RT). Performance tests were realized to obtain its resilient modulus (MR) and, using wheel tracking test, to obtain the permanent deformation (DP). The results showed that the common hot mixture asphalt used in the region (range C and CAP 50/70), is not a good option, because its performance is not satisfactory. Therefore, the range to be used, and the binder, must be analyzed for each traffic level. It is also recommended to evaluate the Marshall methodology for design mixtures, considering mainly the compression way and the determination of the maximum densities. / A malha rodoviária brasileira é composta, principalmente, por pavimentos do tipo flexível ou asfáltico, que devem, para promover a segurança ao tráfego nas rodovias, suportar os efeitos das mudanças de clima e resistir ao fluxo de veículos. Para isso, a estrutura do pavimento é particularmente importante e deve ser constituída por camadas que distribuam as cargas a que estão submetidas, minimizando os esforços verticais produzidos pela ação do tráfego e, consequentemente, oferecendo proteção ao subleito. Em busca de melhores condições de infraestrutura no estado de Goiás, propôs-se avaliar se as misturas asfálticas mais utilizadas na região são consideradas satisfatórias ou não, visto que inexistem estudos desenvolvidos sobre o assunto. As misturas asfálticas a quente são compostas de agregados e ligantes, que são dosados de forma a atender os parâmetros determinados nos projetos de acordo com a demanda e tipos de tráfego. Nesta pesquisa, foi proposto o estudo da dosagem de seis projetos de misturas, com diferentes tipos de ligantes asfálticos para agregados de mesma origem nas faixas granulométricas mais utilizadas na região (Faixas B e C). Foram utilizados ligantes convencionais CAP 30/45 e 50/70, com baixa e média penetração, respectivamente, e asfalto modificado com polímero (AMP). Dos ligantes convencionais, o CAP 50/70 é o mais utilizado na região, seguido do CAP 30/45, já o AMP ainda não é frequentemente utilizado. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização dos materiais que compõem as misturas, que seguiram os procedimentos e requisitos normatizados pelo Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT). Em uma segunda etapa, foram realizados ensaios de dosagem, combinando agregados e ligantes em diferentes taxas até que, por meio da metodologia Marshall com compactação manual, fosse obtida a dosagem considerada ótima para cada mistura estudada. Com essas dosagens, foram realizados ensaios em laboratório, para análise de desgaste, de desempenho das misturas e de suas propriedades mecânicas, por meio da determinação da resistência à tração por compressão diametral, do módulo de resiliência e da deformação permanente. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a mistura asfáltica mais comum de ser utilizada como camada de rolamento na região (Faixa C e CAP 50/70) não apresenta comportamento satisfatório. Dessa forma, a faixa granulométrica a ser utilizada deve ser repensada, bem como o tipo de ligante a ser utilizado para cada nível de tráfego. Recomenda-se, também, a reavaliação da utilização da metodologia Marshall para dosagem das misturas, principalmente na questão da forma de compactação e na determinação das densidades máximas.

Estudo em laboratório e em campo de misturas asfálticas SMA 0/8S. / Study in laboratory and field of asphalt mixtures SMA 0/8S.

Silva, Patricia Barboza da 29 August 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi baseada em um projeto de Stone Matrix Asphalt - SMA na faixa 0/8S com asfalto CAP 20, feito para a execução de revestimento delgado em trecho experimental na Rodovia Presidente Dutra, ligando São Paulo ao Rio de Janeiro. A ocorrência de alguns defeitos neste trecho experimental motivou o estudo de misturas SMA 0/8S alternativas empregando dois asfaltos convencionais: CAP 20 e CAP 50/60, e dois modificados por polímeros: um com 3,0% de SBS e outro com 6,5% de SBS. Foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais para a verificação da dosagem das misturas asfálticas e determinação de propriedades mecânicas em laboratório por meio de ensaios de deformação permanente em trilha de roda, de resistência à tração por compressão diametral e de módulo de resiliência. Observou-se que o uso de asfalto modificado por polímero e do asfalto convencional CAP 50/60 acarreta uma redução significativa de afundamentos em trilha de roda. O módulo de resiliência a 25°C também apresenta redução de valor nas amostras com asfalto modificado por polímero e com CAP 50/60, em comparação com o convencional CAP 20. A resistência à tração sofre pouca variação quando se comparam os asfaltos empregados, considerando-se ensaios realizados na mesma temperatura. Foram feitos ensaios em campo para a avaliação funcional e de aderência no trecho experimental da Rodovia Presidente Dutra, tendo sido realizados monitoramentos logo após a execução do trecho e decorridos 2 anos e 7 meses de operação. Os resultados demonstraram que o revestimento do trecho experimental apresenta atualmente poucos defeitos de superfície, com fechamento da macrotextura nas trilhas de roda e pequena diminuição do conforto ao rolamento. / This research was based on a Stone Matrix Asphalt SMA in the band 0/8S design made with asphalt binder AC 20, used as a thin wearing course of a test section on the Presidente Dutra Highway, that connects São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. The occurrence of some distresses in the test section motivated the study of alternative SMA 0/8S mixtures using two conventional asphalt binders: AC 20 and AC 50/60, and two modified by polymer: one with 3.0% of SBS and other with 6.5% of SBS. Laboratory tests were conducted to verify the mix design and to determine their mechanical behavior such as the resistance against rutting, the indirect tensile strength and the resilient modulus. It was observed that the use of SBS polymer modified binders and asphalt binder AC 50/60 causes a significant reduction of rutting. The resilient modulus at 25°C also presents a reduction in the samples with SBS polymer modified binders and AC 50/60 in comparison with AC 20. The indirect tensile strength suffers little variation across the different types of asphalt binders, tested at the same temperature. Field tests related to functional evaluation and skid-resistance of the test section were carried out. The test section was monitored immediately following the construction and after 2 years and 7 months of continuous use. The results showed that the wearing coarse presented a few distresses in the surface, in particular a reduction of the macrotexture at the wheel tracks and a slight worsening of the riding quality.

Moisture Influence on Structural Behaviour of Pavements : Field and Laboratory Investigations

Salour, Farhad January 2015 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavements in cold regions can considerably be affected by seasonal variation in environmental factors such as temperature and moisture content. Along with the destructive effect of heavy traffic loads, climatic and environmental factors can considerably contribute to pavement deterioration. These factors can influence the structural and functional capacity of the pavement structures which, as a result, can trigger and accelerate pavement deterioration mechanisms. Studies on the influence of variation of the environmental factors on the response and behaviour of pavement materials have shown that proper consideration to these factors must be given in realistic pavement design and analysis. In flexible pavement structures, particularly with a thin hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer, unbound materials and subgrade soil largely contribute to the overall structural behaviour of the pavement system. In unbound materials, moisture content and its variation can significantly affect pavement layer stiffness and permanent deformation characteristics. Therefore, the moisture condition of pavements and its influence on the mechanical behaviour of pavement materials has been of interest among the pavement research community. A proper understanding of moisture transformation in pavement systems and its effects on pavement performance are important for mechanistic pavement design. The present summary of this doctoral thesis is based on four main parts. The first part of the thesis covers field measurements and findings from a test section along county road 126 in southern Sweden and consists of two journal papers (paper I and II) tackling different aspects of the research topic. This test section is located in a relatively wet ground condition and consists of a thin flexible pavement structure with a deep drainage system. It is instrumented with subsurface temperature, volumetric moisture content and groundwater probes. The mechanical response of the pavement structure was investigated using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurements. The second part of the thesis (paper III and IV) are based on laboratory experiments and investigates different recent approaches that have been proposed to apply principles of unsaturated soil mechanics for incorporating seasonal variation of moisture content into the resilient modulus models using matric suction. The third part of the thesis (paper V) builds a bridge that spans between the laboratory and field investigations with an attempt to evaluate one of the predictive models presented in Paper III. The fourth part of the thesis (paper VI) mainly focuses on the laboratory-based investigation of the permanent deformation characteristic of subgrade soils. In this part, the permanent deformation characteristics of two different silty sand subgrade soils were investigated and modelled using the data obtained from repeated load traxial tests. Paper I mainly focuses on the spring-thaw weakening of the pavement structure. The environmental data collected using different sensors and the FWD tests were used to investigate variations in moisture content with thaw penetration and its influence on the stiffness of unbound layers and the pavement’s overall bearing capacity. Using the backcalculated layer stiffness and corresponding in situ moisture measurements in the unbound layers, a degree of saturation-based moisture-stiffness model was developed for the granular material and the subgrade. In Paper II, the drainage system of the structure was manually clogged during a three month period in summer to raise the groundwater level and increase the moisture content of the layers. Along with the subsurface groundwater level and moisture content monitoring, the structural response of the pavement was studied. In this research work, the FWD tests were conducted at three different load levels. The stress dependent behaviour of the unbound granular layer and the subgrade soil were further studied using the multilevel loads FWD test data. Additionally, parameters of a nonlinear stress-dependent stiffness model were backcalculated and their sensitivity to in situ moisture content was studied. In Paper III and IV, series of suction-controlled repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests were conducted on two silty sand (SM) subgrade materials. Several resilient modulus prediction models that account for seasonal moisture content variation through matric suction were summarized and after optimizing the model parameters, the capability of the prediction models in capturing the material response were evaluated. In Paper V, an attempt was made to evaluate the proficiency of one of the suction-resilient modulus models using the field moisture content and FWD measurements from the Torpsbruk test site. The backcalculated subgrade stiffness dataset at different moisture contents were compared with resilient modulus models obtained from the suction-resilient modulus predictive model. Paper VI presents an evaluation of several permanent deformation models for unbound pavement materials that incorporate the time-hardening concept using a series of multistage repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests conducted on silty sand subgrade materials. The permanent deformation tests were conducted at four different moisture contents with pore suctions measurement throughout the test. The effect of moisture content (matric suction) on the permanent deformation characteristics of the materials and the predictive model parameters were further investigated. / <p>QC 20150324</p>


Haque, Rizwana 14 March 2014 (has links)
Inadequate financial allocation for road maintenance is a threat to the impaired rural highways in Atlantic Canada. The conventional means of pavement rehabilitation has been to place a hot mix asphalt concrete overlay on the existing worn out pavement which is only a short term adjustment. The purpose is to provide a smooth wearing surface at a low cost. This traditional way of pavement repair does not fix the damage embedded within the pavement structure. After a certain extent of time the cracks in the original pavement start to reflect to the smooth new wearing surface, causing deterioration on the overlay. The advanced approach which is becoming more popular is the application of Full Depth Reclamation (FDR). This technique helps to repair the extensively defective roads by pulverizing the flexible pavement along with a fraction of the underlying damaged base layer. Thus a damage free base layer can be obtained by stabilizing and recompacting the pulverized materials. FDR is a sustainable and an environmentally beneficial repair method as it re-uses the in-situ materials. FDR process has been used around the world for over 25 years yet confronts some difficulties regarding the fluctuation in the strength of materials in various projects. It is inferred that some of these difficulties are due to the variability and poor quality in the restored materials. The variability in the recycled base layer is a result of currently utilizing a retroactive depth control method to attain a specific blend of asphalt concrete to granular base for the pulverized materials. Two FDR projects applying two different pulverization control methods (conventional retroactive and GPR depth control methods) were analyzed to investigate the improvements in consistency of the restored materials by using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). A wide range of asphalt concrete/base layer blend ratio was detected in retroactive control section, while consistent blend ratio was maintained in GPR survey by mapping the variability in the depth of pavement and sub-dividing the test sections accordingly. A GPR controlled constant blend ratio during pulverization displayed improvements in consistency of materials, physical and mechanical properties and performance as anticipated. The materials obtained by using the conventional retroactive depth control method exhibited higher variability in grain size distribution, optimum moisture content, optimum density, California Bearing Ratio, resilient modulus and shear strength. All materials from both projects exhibited excessive air voids and inadequate fines content as the as-obtained particles acted as conglomerated particles and enough fines were not generated after the pulverization. It is recommended that efficient quality control, precise specifications and appropriate pulverization methods will provide more reliable and impressive FDR pavements. / This thesis contains research on unstabilized full depth reclaimed aggregates properties

Estudo da deformação permanente de três solos típicos de subleitos rodoviários de Santa Maria - RS / Permanent deformation study about trhee typical road subgrade soils from Santa Maria

Zago, João Paulo 24 November 2016 (has links)
Studies conducted in 2016 show that 58% of the highways in Brazil presents any deficiency in the pavement, signaling or in its geometry. These deficiencies are, on average, the cause for about 6% of the accidents and for the increase of the operational cust by 91,6%. Among them we can stress the permanent deformation, the so called wheel tracks, which is harmful to the dynamic of the loads, to the comfort provided by the pavement, increasing its risk. To the correct design of the pavement it is very important to better know the characteristics of the materials to be used. In this context, stands out the subgrade, the foundation for the whole structure of the pavement, which one is studied in the present reseach by considering three typical soils used as highway subgrade in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, and having the permanent deformations as the main focus. The metodology aplied in this work consisted in the location, sampling and characterization of the soil fields, lab tests and empirical machanistic design. Besides the physical, chemical and mechanical characterizations, it was performed the repeated triaxial load test aiming to obtain the resilient modulus and the permanent deformation parameters, according to the Brazilian Petroleum Corporation Manual (PETROBRAS). The Resilient Modulus model presented the better results with frequencies of 1 Hz and 2 Hz, and the presence of silt in one of the soils affected its resilient behaviour. The permanent deformation tests were performed with the frequency of 2 Hz and 150.000 load cicles. The average statistic correlation, according to Guimaraes (2009)´s methodology, was 0.91, bigger than the one provided by the Monismith and Barksdale´s models. However, the dominance of fine grained soils, along with low compactation energy, lead to a higher deformation rates, motivating the use of intermediate energy. With this new approach the permanent deformation was reduced 40% and the resilient modulus increased 78,8%. However, the numerical simulation according to the mechanistic approach, and using the layer thickness obtained from the Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) method, under 8,2 ton standard axle load, showed that the wheel tracks deeping would be small, based on the low stresses observed in the subgrade. On the other hand, the fatigue behaviour presented an inferior performance, reducing the project´s useful life. It was observed the presence of shakedown in the ranges A, B and C. / Pesquisas realizadas no ano de 2016 mostram que 58,2 % das rodovias de todo o país apresentam alguma deficiência no pavimento, na sinalização ou na geometria da via. Em média, esses defeitos são responsáveis por cerca de 6% do número de acidentes, além de aumentar o custo operacional das vias em até 91,6%. Dentre essas anomalias, destaca-se a deformação permanente denominada de afundamento na trilha de roda (ATR), que prejudica a dinâmica das cargas, afeta o conforto ao rolamento e causa risco à segurança. Para o adequado dimensionamento de um pavimento, é fundamental o conhecimento dos materiais que o compõem. Neste contexto, destaca-se o subleito, por ser a fundação sobre a qual são assentes todas as camadas, motivo pelo qual o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é analisar três solos típicos de subleitos rodoviários de Santa Maria, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em especial quanto aos parâmetros de deformação permanente. A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho consistiu na localização, coleta e caracterização das jazidas de solos, realização de ensaios laboratoriais e dimensionamento mecanístico - empírico. Assim, além da caracterização física, química e mecânica, foram realizados ensaios triaxiais de cargas repetidas para obtenção do módulo de resiliência e dos parâmetros de deformação permanente, segundo recomendações do manual de execução de trechos monitorados da empresa Petróleo Brasileiro Sociedade Anônima (PETROBRAS). O modelo composto do módulo de resiliência apresentou os melhores resultados, a partir de ensaios com frequência de 1 Hz e 2 Hz, sendo que a presença de silte em um dos solos afetou seu comportamento resiliente. Os ensaios de deformação permanente foram conduzidos a 2 Hz, com 150.000 ciclos de aplicação de carga, cuja correlação estatística média, empregando a metodologia de Guimarães (2009), foi de 0,91 – superior a dos modelos de Monismith e Barksdale. Entretanto, a predominância de materiais finos, aliada à baixa energia de compactação (normal), resultaram em elevadas taxas de deformação, o que motivou o estudo de um dos solos também com uso da energia intermediária. Esse procedimento reduziu a deformação permanente em 40% e elevou o módulo de resiliência em 78,8%. Entretanto, a simulação numérica do pavimento sob a ótica mecanicista, a partir das espessuras calculadas pelo método do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT), aplicando-se a carga padrão de 8,2 toneladas, mostrou que o ATR seria pequeno, em face das baixas tensões atuantes no subleito, em contraposição ao desempenho à fadiga, que reduziu sensivelmente a vida útil de projeto. Constatouse a ocorrência de shakedown nos domínios A, B e C.

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