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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Product development sourcing strategies over technology life cycle in high-tech industry

Shahmarichatghieh, M. (Marzieh) 21 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract The main objective of this study is to observe product development sourcing strategies over technology life-cycle stages, including assessing evaluation conditions and strategy formulating models. This dissertation approaches product development sourcing from the perspectives of 1) main concepts of product development and technology life-cycles, 2) mapping product development activities over technology life-cycles, 3) mapping product development sourcing over technology life-cycles, and 4) a decision making flowchart. The individual findings are further synthesised and a three dimensional view to analyse the strategic positioning of technology, product and market development as a core context of the organisation is presented. This as it is proposed that the product development sourcing strategies should be analysed and decided according to strategic positioning of the technologies, products and markets and based on the related life-cycle phases. Different product development sourcing strategies can increase the competitiveness of the company by effectively managing critical knowledge of the technology and product development resources. The dissertation is qualitative and inductive in nature and is based on both, reviewing the literature and interviewing experienced industrial managers. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with R&D managers and meetings with R&D directors. The study was realised by investigating historical data on product development activities and sourcing strategies of one of the high-tech industry leaders over four technology generations. The technology evolution of all the generations are considered and the collected data is analysed to understand if there are any significant relationships with the literature based findings. The analysis consists of five individual publications and related synthesis in this compilation. The principal results of this study is a product development sourcing framework (PDSF) proposing how product development sourcing strategies could be managed according to technology maturity levels by considering the specific needs and motivations of each prevailing situation. This necessitates the understanding of the characteristics of different technology life-cycle stages, and evaluating product development activities. This study points out how different models can be utilised to support the evaluation. As a result, various factors can be used to support the product development sourcing decisions for each specific situation, whereas strategy formulating theories are also beneficial as a support for these decisions. The main implications include providing a structure, PDSF, to support managers in their decisions on product development activities and sourcing strategies. The created PDSF is an amalgam of seven technology life-cycles that enable cross-functional investigations over each technology with market penetration situation, manufacturing capabilities, product development factors, and sourcing capability factors of all technology products. Aside providing support for selecting suitable product development sourcing strategies, this study may also ease the considerations over killing unproductive projects and unprofitable product lines. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioita teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien eri elinkaarivaiheissa. Väitöskirja lähestyy tuotekehityksen hankintaa seuraavista näkökulmista: 1) tuotekehityksen ja teknologioiden elinkaarien pääkonseptit, 2) tuotekehitystoiminnat teknologianelinkaarien vaiheissa, 3) tuotekehityksen hankinnat teknologianelinkaaren vaiheissa, ja 4) päätöksenteon vuokaavio. Yksittäiset löydökset on edelleen syntetisoitu ja kolmiulotteinen näkemys teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kehittymiseen on esitetty keskeisenä kontekstina organisaatioille. Väitöstutkimus esittää että tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat pitäisi analysoida ja päättää perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden strategiseen positioon elinkaarivaiheissa. Erilaiset tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat voivat parantaa yritysten kilpailukykyä teknologioihin ja tuotekehitysresursseihin liittyvän kriittisen tiedon tehokkaan johtamisen ansiosta. Väitöskirja on luonteeltaan laadullista tutkimusta hyödyntäen induktiivista päättelylogiikkaa perustuen sekä aiemman kirjallisuuden tarkasteluun, että empiirisesti puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin kokeneiden tuotekehityspäälliköiden ja -johtajien kanssa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkastelemalla neljään eri teknologiasukupolveen liittyviä tuotekehityksen ja hankintastrategioiden historiatietoa ja aineistoa yhdessä johtavassa korkeanteknologian yrityksessä. Tarkasteltujen teknologiasukupolvien teknologiaevoluutiota on pohdittu ja kerättyä dataa on analysoitu mahdollisten merkittävien yhteyksien tunnistamiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi suhteessa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen. Suoritettu analyysi sisältää viisi erillistä osajulkaisua ja tässä kokoomaosassa esitetyn synteesin. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on kehitetty tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys (PDSF) joka esittää tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioiden muodostamisen ja valitsemisen perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kypsyysasteisiin, elinkaarivaiheisiin. Tämä edellyttää eri teknologiaelinkaarivaiheiden erityispiirteiden ymmärtämistä ja tuotekehitysaktiviteettien strategista arviointia. Tutkittuja strategisia tekijöitä voidaan hyödyntää tukemaan tuotekehityksen hankintamallin valitsemista ja päätöksiä. Tutkimuksen keskeiset implikaatiot sisältävät struktuurin luomisen, tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehyksen (PDSF) muodossa tukemaan tuotekehitysjohtajia heidän päätöksenteossaan liittyen tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioihin. Luotu tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys mahdollistaa poikkiorganisaatiollisen tarkastelun tuotekehityksen strategisista hallintamalleista huomioiden teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien elinkaaret ja niiden vaikutukset strategiseen päätöksen tekoon. Lisäksi, tämä tutkimus voi myös osaltaan helpottaa tuottamattomien tuotteiden ja tuotelinjojen lakkauttamiseen liittyvää analyysia ja päätöksentekoa.

Le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d'alliances stratégiques / The role of Private Equity-firms in the formation of strategic alliances

Burkhardt, Kirsten 27 February 2014 (has links)
Ce travail analyse le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques sur le marché français du capital-investissement. Après nous être fait une idée de l’importance du phénomène à l’aide des informations nouvelles que nous avons générées par notre propre enquête, nous apportons une explication au phénomène observé. L’analyse théorique se fait sous l’angle de la création de valeur actionnariale, en recourant conjointement aux théories contractuelles et cognitives. Les théories sociologiques des réseaux viennent compléter les principaux arguments de ces deux cadres théoriques. Le modèle explicatif qui en découle est ensuite mis à l’épreuve empirique à l’aide d’une étude multi-méthodes à visée infirmationniste, combinant une analyse économétrique et une étude de cas multiples. Nos résultats permettent de conclure que les sociétés françaises de capital-investissement jouent un rôle tant intentionnel que non intentionnel dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques pour leurs participations. Ces rôles mettent en avant une intervention tant passive qu’active des sociétés françaises de capital-investissement. Bien que l’argumentation cognitive trouve, dans son ensemble, plus de support que l’argumentation contractuelle, l’analyse fait ressortir l’intérêt de recourir à une utilisation conjointe des théories contractuelles et cognitives qui se révèlent complémentaires. / This research analyses the role of Private Equity firms in the formation of strategic alliances within the field of the French Private Equity market. We start to provide evidence of its importance from new survey information, before offering an explanation of the organizational phenomenon. The study addresses the questions of how and why Private Equity firms act as relational intermediaries to help their portfolio companies form alliances. Both questions are investigated in the light of the Private Equity firms’ contribution to the value creation process that comes with alliance formation. Answers are provided by means of three jointly used theoretical frameworks: (1) mainstream theories (transaction cost theory and the positive theory of agency); (2) the knowledge based view; and 3) social network theories to complement the resulting from jointly use of the previous two theories. The theoretical construct is then tested empirically by means of a multi-method study with explanatory design, based on the pattern of joint evidence from both statistical tests and a multiple case study. Results show that French Private Equity firms do play a role in alliance formation. This role can be intentional as well as non-intentional. Furthermore, although arguments from the knowledge-based perspective finds more support in explaining this behavior than from the mainstream theories, our study highlights the benefits of the joint use of these theories and the complementary nature of them to better explaining the phenomenon as a whole.

L'éducation, fondement et avenir des politiques de ressources humaines et de développement du leadership dans les sociétés de services professionnels / Fostering education-based innovative HR and leadership development strategies in professional service firms

Choain, Laurent 05 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse, au travers d’une étude croisée d’un secteur – les firmes de services professionnels – et d’un champ fonctionnel global – l’éducation au management – traite en réalité d’une question principale: comment vont diriger les leaders issus de la génération Y ? Les systèmes actuels d’éducation au management sont-ils en état d’aider à préparer l’émergence d’une génération dont les codes ne pourront plus être ceux – stables – de ces soixante dernières années ? De nouveaux acteurs sont déjà en émergence, prêts à accompagner le développement exponentiel de la classe moyenne mondiale ; mais les entreprises ne pourraient-elles pas, au travers de vingt ans d’expériences innovantes dans leurs universités internes, autant que d’une emprise réelle sur des terrains de recherche opérationnelle, baliser la voie de nouveaux modes d’apprentissage, voire d’organisation, pour peu qu’elles réalisent un effort d’ouverture ? De structures de production à forte concentration capitalistique, n’ont-elles pas vocation à devenir ces lieux de management et de développement de savoir que recherchent les membres les plus talentueux et convoités de cette génération Y ? Les sociétés de services professionnels, confrontées avant toutes autres à ces phénomènes de transformation, sont une avant-garde originale de ces questions, jusque dans leur gouvernance associative et la place centrale des ressources humaines dans leur modèle économique. / This work sits at the crossroads of an industry – professional services – and a global functional field – management education, and seeks to answer one question: how are millenials going to lead? Are current management education systems, which proved robust and effective for the past sixty years, capable of adapting to this new generation, helping them create their own leadership codes? New players in the field of education are emerging to take advantage of the rise of a massive middle class around the world. With their vast bodies of empirical research and their innovative practices in the design and delivery of management education through their corporate universities, can companies, provided they open up, pioneer new formats of executive education? Can these corporations shift from capital-intensive organisations to knowledge-intensive campuses, the latter seemingly favoured by the most talented and sought-after Millenials? If a shift is underway, Professional Service Firms are at the forefront of the transformation: based on a purely people-intensive business model, selling only knowledge, and governed through partnerships, PSFs have long had management education at the heart of their operations. Moreover, a large majority of their staff belong to the Y generation. This work therefore examines how to foster education-based innovative HR and leadership development strategies in Professional Service Firms, and draws lessons for the larger corporate world.

Estruturação e desenvolvimento de uma joint venture em busca de maior competitividade : o caso de uma empresa gaúcha do setor metal-mecânico

Bernardi, Flávia Camargo 31 March 2011 (has links)
As alianças estratégicas são uma das alternativas de estratégias de cooperação estabelecidas entre duas ou mais empresas com objetivos comuns, visando o estabelecimento de uma vantagem competitiva, sendo que a joint venture, dentre as possibilidades, é a mais frequente. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa buscou analisar a estruturação, o desenvolvimento e a evolução da joint venture JOST Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda., empresa localizada em Caxias do Sul (RS), resultado da parceria entre a empresa brasileira Randon S.A. e a empresa alemã JOST-Werke. Como metodologia de pesquisa, foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, com caráter exploratório, a partir do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso, aliado à análise documental e à aplicação de entrevistas individuais em profundidade, com uma abordagem semi-estruturada, considerando-se, como sustentação teórica, a literatura relacionada à estratégia, alianças estratégicas, joint ventures e a Teoria VBR (Visão Baseada em Recursos). A pesquisa permitiu identificar os motivos dos parceiros de negócio para a implementação da joint venture relacionando-os com a Teoria da Visão Baseada em Recursos, as principais etapas de implementação, os fatores críticos de sucesso, os mecanismos de governança adotados, bem como a evolução da JOST Brasil, resultando em considerações teóricas e empíricas que servem como suporte para a compreensão do processo de estruturação, desenvolvimento e evolução de joint ventures. Entre os principais resultados encontram-se a existência de objetivos comuns entre os sócios, a complementariedade de recursos e o desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. / Strategic alliances are one of the choices for strategies of cooperation established between two or more companies with common goals in order to gain a competitive strategy. Joint ventures, among such possibilities, are the most frequent ones. In this sense, this research has sought to examine the structure, development and evolution of the joint venture JOST Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda., a company based in Caxias do Sul (RS), and the result of a partnership between the Brazilian company Randon S.A. and the German company JOST-Werke. As research methodology, the qualitative research with exploratory nature has been used from the development of a case study, combined with documentary analysis and in-depth individual interviews using a semi-structured approach. As theoretical support, literature related to strategy, strategic alliances, joint ventures and RBV (Resource-Based View Theory) has been likewise used. The research made it possible to identify the reasons why business partners have decided to set up a joint venture, relating them to the Resource-Based View Theory, main implementation phases, critical success factors, adopted mechanisms of governance, as well as the evolution of JOST Brasil, resulting in theoretical and empirical considerations that serve as support to understand the structuring process, development and evolution of joint ventures. Among the main results are the partners` common goals, complementary resources and development of competitive edges.

Interkulturelles Lernen als organisationale Fähigkeit international tätiger Unternehmen: ein ressourcenorientierter Ansatz

Bergmann, Rainer 27 January 2000 (has links)
International tätige Unternehmen werden durch ihre grenzüberschreitenden Tätigkeiten mit zunächst fremden Kulturen konfrontiert. Die Diskussion über die Konzentration der Unternehmen auf ihre Kernkompetenzen führt zu der grundsätzlichen strategischen Überlegung, ob nicht auch die Kulturelle Diversität eine Quelle für die Generierung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen sein kann, und zu der Frage, in welchen Organisationsstrukturen sie proaktiv genutzt werden kann. Es wird ein Organisationsansatz für die wettbewerbsrelevante organisationale Fähigkeit Interkulturelles Lernen entwickelt. Der ressourcenorientierte Ansatz des strategischen Managements dient hierbei als Bezugsrahmen. Die Prozesse organisationalen Lernens bilden die dynamische Komponente, um von der Ebene der Ressourcen zu organisationalen Fähigkeiten zu gelangen. Die Kollektivierung organisationaler Lernprozesse bedarf dabei der Mechanismen von Reflexion und Sozialisation grundlegender Normen und Werte sowie Basisannahmen. Damit überhaupt Interkulturelles Lernen (i.S. von Lernfähigkeit) entstehen kann, werden Gestaltungselemente entwickelt, welche Kulturelle Diversität nicht unterdrücken, sondern explizit in der Organisationsstruktur berücksichtigen. Die organisationstheoretischen Basis hierfür bildet der systemorientierte Ansatz des entwicklungsorientierten Managements. Vor dem Hintergrund einer transnationalen Strategie werden die folgenden Gestaltungselemente entwickelt und kritisch diskutiert: - der Abbau von Lernbarrieren, - interkulturelle Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen, um die individuelle Lernfähigkeit - als Voraussetzung organisationaler Lernfähigkeit - zu erhöhen, - kulturell gemischte überlappende Arbeitsgruppen, - die heterarchische Konfiguration als integriertes Netzwerk, um Interaktionsräume zwischen Organisationseinheiten aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen zu schaffen, - synergetische Unternehmenskultur, da mit einer hohen Differenzierung der erforderliche Grad an Integration steigt, und um die vielfältigen landeskulturellen Orientierungen zu einer Ganzheit zu integieren, - Organizational Slack, um dysfunktionale Effekte interkultureller Interaktion im langfristigen Gestaltungsprozeß zu überbrücken. Abschließend erfolgt die Diskussion der Kulturabhängigkeit und der Probleme im Anwendungszusammenhang von Interkulturellem Lernen.

Návrh strategie rozvoje SBU / Proposal of Strategy of SBU Development

Šebesta, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Bývalý americký prezident prohlásil: “Plány jsou nic, plánování je všechno”. V tomto duchu lze říci, že dobře fungující systém strategického řízení je svým způsobem důležitější než samotné dokumenty, které produkuje. V tomto duchu se nese i celá tato práce, která zachycuje určitý stav strategie jedné strategické obchodní jednotky (SBU) firmy GlobSol CZ a její posun kupředu od původních abstraktních cílů k naprosto jasným a konkrétním krokům, které bude třeba v budoucnosti udělat pro rozvoj této obchodní jednotky. Po zhodnocení současného stavu teorie, je provedena analýza současného stavu strategie obchodní jednotky vzhledem k jejím okolím. Ze závěrečné SWOT analýzy jsou pak pro jednotlivé její prvky určovány cíle směřující ke strategickému rozvoji. Každý cíl je rozvinut do jednoho, či více kroků, které jasně determinují jak a kdy lze daného cíle dosáhnout. Na závěr je zhodnocen přínos této obchodní strategie, její předpoklady a rizikové faktory. Nejcennějším na celém dokumentu je však samotná činnost tvorby strategie, která rozvíjí zcela nové pohledy na možnosti rozvoje strategické obchodní jednotky.

Budoucnost svobodná a společná: Spor The Zeitgeist Movement a Freedomain Radio jako konflikt vědeckých paradigmat / Future free and shared: Dispute of The Zeitgeist Movement and Freedomain Radio as a Scientific Paradigm Conflict

Kaleta, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses a dispute of two anarchist movements promoting Anarcho-Capitalism and an automated non-monetary economy. It asks the question whether the dispute can be explained in terms of paradigm conflict and not exclusively in political terms . The goal is to search for signs of scientific paradigm in an apparently ideological dispute. The thesis also examines the reasons why did the debate deteriorate into a personal and moral conflict of the representatives. The method of analysis is Grounded Theory, with reference to authors who interpret Kuhn's paradigm conflict as the consequence of an unconscious language barrier. Paradigm was operationally defined as a hierarchy of concepts with physical reference, theoretical network of the concepts and the scientific field objectives. The field objectives are the only reliable reference points between paradigms. The thesis sums up the debate between Anarcho-Capitalists and proponents of Resource-Based Economy and recovers the scientific answers and field objectives which were demanded yet missing in the debate. The thesis concludes that the debate can legitimately continue and that the ideological differences were mostly caused by a different scope of technical instruments and their describing paradigms, regardless of historical origin and...

Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector

Adetoyinbo, Ayobami 20 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Impacts of COVID-19: Funding Business Operations and Adapting Marketing Strategies

Hahn, Sejin, Hossain, Sarafat January 2021 (has links)
Purpose -- Given the enduring COVID-19 pandemic, this thesis set out to reveal an updated perspective of the service-oriented small business experience, particularly in their access and choice of financial resources to fund operations and adapt marketing strategy. By the time this study started, it was clear which businesses had been rising with the new tides of swelled categorical demand vs. those that were persevering like embers in a 'slow burn' state of low income against persistent expenses. Therefore, the research sought to compare the results of marketing experimentation with current plans for increasing resiliency, or enabling robust growth, coming out of the pandemic.  Methodology / Design / Approach -- As the quantitative understanding of the business impacts had been generalized, a closer look was needed into what entrepreneurs and small business leaders were thinking about in the present moment, by reflecting on factors for survival / thriving, until this point and going forward. To capture this wide range of perspectives and strategies in formulation, qualitative methods with a diverse set of businesses were selected. Theoretically, customer-centric marketing principles were employed, focusing on three intangible firm resources (of the resource-based view): 1) Stakeholder Relationships; 2) Brand Equity and 3) Knowledge / Capabilities. Findings -- With the realization that adequate financing is inaccessible and government support perceivably unreliable, small businesses naturally tested several emergent strategies within the limits of their available resources. During times of crisis and radical change, as entire industry ecosystems are reassuming their fundamentals, companies have the opportunity to maximize and develop their resources, in alignment with differing and changing customer demands.  Practical Implications -- While the recommendations are tailored for small business and optimistically many, cities are also suggested to take a resource-based VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability and Organizability) approach to supporting the economic value and potential of their retail, restaurant and service-oriented business communities.  Originality / Value -- Applying a modern customer-centric view for the small business resources most potentially valuable and developable, this research contributes a unique crisis-borne framework, which may be conceptually used as a hotbed -- by both internal and external (i.e. municipalities, partners and customers) stakeholders -- for ideating novel marketing strategies and supporting business growth / resilience.  Keywords: Adaptation, Crisis Management, Financial Liquidity, Access to Capital, Government Aid, Alternative Finance, Marketing Strategy, Resource-based View (RBV), Customer-Centric, Stakeholder View, Brand, Authenticity, Knowledge, Capabilities, Marketing Management, Marketing-Finance Interface, Paid Marketing, Organic Marketing, Customer Loyalty, Community and Decision-Making

Scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms

Brands, Christian 18 September 2013 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation covers the concepts of scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms over five articles. The first article gives an overview of the cumulative dissertation explaining the research gap, approach and contribution of the dissertation. The paper highlights the two research areas covered by the dissertation with two articles focusing on scenario-based strategic planning and two on strategic management in family firms. The second article is the first of two focusing on scenario-based strategic planning. It introduces and describes a set of six tools facilitating the implementation of scenario-based strategic planning in corporate practice. The third paper adapts these tools to the financial management and controlling context in private companies highlighting the tools’ flexibility in managing uncertain and volatile environments. The fourth article is the first of two focusing on strategic management in family firms. It analyzes organizational ambidexterity as a factor explaining family firm performance. The article shows that a high level of organizational ambidexterity in family firms leads to a higher family firm performance. The final paper concludes the dissertation examining the tendency of family firms to focus on capability exploration or resource exploitation over different generations managing the family firm.:I. SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN FAMILY FIRMS … 1 1. Research question and goal of the dissertation … 2 2. Summary of papers … 8 2.1. Contribution … 12 2.2. Implications and further research … 16 II. SIX TOOLS FOR SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND THEIR APPLICATION … 25 1. Introducing tools one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 27 1.1. The framing checklist … 27 1.2. Description of the framing checklist … 29 1.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 36 1.3.1. Existing perceptions, blind spots and weak signals … 37 1.3.2. Description of 360° stakeholder feedback … 38 1.4. Evaluation of the framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 44 2. Applying frameworks one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback in the European airline industry … 46 2.1. Introduction … 46 2.2. The framing checklist … 46 2.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 48 3. Introducing tools three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 53 3.1. The impact/uncertainty grid … 53 3.2. Description of the impact/uncertainty grid … 55 3.3. The scenario matrix … 57 3.4. Description of the scenario matrix … 62 3.5. Evaluating the impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 67 4. Applying frameworks three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix in the European airline industry … 69 4.1. Introduction … 69 4.2. The impact/uncertainty grid … 69 4.3. The scenario matrix … 71 5. Introducing tools five and six: The strategy manual and the monitoring cockpit … 87 5.1. Introduction … 87 5.2. The strategy manual … 87 5.3. Description of the strategy manual … 91 5.4. The scenario cockpit … 95 5.5. Description of the scenario cockpit … 96 5.6. Evaluating the strategy manual and the scenario cockpit ..................... 99 6. Applying frameworks five and six: The strategy manual and the scenario cockpit in the European airline industry … 102 6.1. The strategy manual … 102 6.2. The scenario cockpit … 105 III. SZENARIOBASIERTE STRATEGISCHE PLANUNG IN VOLATILEN UMFELDERN … 111 1. Einführung: Unternehmen agieren in einer zunehmend volatilen Umwelt … 112 2. Volatilität als Herausforderung für die strategische Planung … 112 3. Szenariobasierte strategische Planung als Lösungsansatz für Planung unter Volatilität …114 3.1. Grundlagen der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 114 3.2. Prozess der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 115 4. Zusammenfassung ... 122 IV. ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY AND FAMILY FIRM PERFORMANCE … 125 1. Introduction … 126 2. Theory and Hypotheses … 127 3. Methodology … 131 3.1. Research Design and Sample Generation … 131 3.2. Measures … 133 4. Analysis and Results … 135 5. Discussion and Conclusion … 139 V. THE IMPACT OF SUCCESOR GENERATION DISCOUNT IN FAMILY FIRMS: EXAMINING NONLINEAR EFFECTS ON EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION … 150 1. Introduction … 151 2. The RBV and the importance of exploration and exploitation … 154 3. The importance of exploration and exploitation in family firms … 156 4. The impact of generational involvement on exploration and exploitation in family firms … 159 5. Methodology … 164 5.1. Constructs … 165 5.2. Results … 167 6. Discussion … 172 6.1. Implications for theory and practice … 175 6.2. Study limitations and future research … 176 6.3. Conclusion … 177

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