Spelling suggestions: "subject:"resveratrol."" "subject:"resveratrolu.""
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Perfil metabòlic del resveratrol dietètic i influència de la matriu de l’aliment en la seva biodisponibilitat en humans.Validació de la metodologia per espectrometria de masses (UPLC-MS/MS)Rotchés Ribalta, Maria 19 March 2013 (has links)
L’interès creixent de la població general per la “medicina natural”, juntament amb els efectes beneficiosos que s’han demostrat per al resveratrol, ha incrementat la presència en els mercats d’aliments funcionals o nutracèutics basats en la seva composició. Per a poder fer al•legacions nutricionals i de propietats saludables en aquests tipus de productes és necessari un suport científic que recolzi, amb la màxima evidència, els efectes que es pretenen declarar, tenint en compte els paràmetres relacionats amb la biodisponibilitat i l’efecte de la matriu de l’aliment.
La biodisponibilitat del resveratrol és baixa, donat el seu elevat metabolisme, de manera que els seus efectes beneficiosos es troben, actualment, en una certa controvèrsia. Les futures investigacions s’estan enfocant cap a la possible activitat dels metabòlits del resveratrol. Abans, però, es requereix informació més concreta sobre la biodisponibilitat del resveratrol i, sobretot, del seu metabolisme després del consum de quantitats moderades d'aliments que el continguin, per tal de conèixer les concentracions dels diferents metabòlits que es poden assolir en l’organisme. Per a dur a terme aquest tipus d’estudis es requereixen tècniques analítiques d’elevada sensibilitat i selectivitat que permetin una clara identificació del perfil metabòlic del resveratrol en mostres biològiques.
L’objectiu principal d’aquesta Tesi Doctoral és conèixer el perfil metabòlic del resveratrol quan és administrat en dosis dietètiques en humans i la influència de la matriu de l’aliment en la seva biodisponibilitat, així com desenvolupar la metodologia adient per cromatografia líquida acoblada a espectrometria de masses (UPLC-MS/MS).
Per a assolir aquest objectiu i gràcies a la disponibilitat d’estàndards purs dels metabòlits pròpiament, ja sigui per la seva recent disponibilitat comercial o expressament sintetitzats, s’ha desenvolupat una metodologia òptima per a l’anàlisi del perfil metabòlic del resveratrol, que ha estat validada segons els criteris establerts per la FDA. Amb aquesta metodologia, s’ha definit el perfil metabòlic del resveratrol més complet de tota la literatura actual, constituït per 21 compostos que engloben als metabòlits de fase II del resveratrol i el piceid i els derivats de l’acció microbiana, proposant les estructures químiques d’aquells dels quals no es disposa estàndard. La quantificació d’aquest perfil, excretat 4 hores després de la ingesta d’una beguda funcional a base d’extracte de raïm, ha demostrat diferències interindividuals significatives.
El coneixement de la biodisponibilitat i el metabolisme del resveratrol al llarg del temps s’ha dut a terme amb un estudi farmacocinètic, en el qual s’ha demostrat que, després d’un consum moderat de vi negre i d’un nutracèutic a base d’extracte de raïm, el piceid pot ser absorbit ràpidament en la seva forma intacte, però assolint baixes concentracions; mentre que la formació de metabòlits de resveratrol requereix un temps major, que encara s’allarga més per als d’origen microbià. L’excreció més lenta dels sulfats de resveratrol ha aportat més evidència a la possible saturació de les vies de glucuronidació del resveratrol.
Pel que fa a l’efecte de la matriu alimentària, s’ha demostrat que l’alcohol no afecta al metabolisme del resveratrol, estudiant-ne el perfil metabòlic excretat. A més a més, l’excreció urinària global del perfil metabòlic del resveratrol no s’ha vist afectada per la matriu que constitueixen uns comprimits a base d’extracte de raïm, com a producte nutracèutic, en comparació amb la del vi negre; tot i que la dissolució del comprimit implica una absorció retardada dels compostos d’aquest, que fa augmentar la quantitat de metabòlits microbians excretats. / The beneficial effects reported for resveratrol have aroused interest in its consumption, and thus a lot of functional foods or nutraceuticals based on their composition have been developed. Before making nutritional and health claims about these products, more information is required on the resveratrol bioavailability and metabolism after moderate doses consumed and with a special regard on the effect of the food matrix. In such studies, high sensitivity analytical techniques are necessary to allow clear identification of the metabolic profile of resveratrol in biological samples.
The aim of this thesis is to determine the metabolic profile of resveratrol when administered at dietary doses in humans and the influence of the food matrix on its bioavailability, as well as to develop a suitable methodology by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS).
With the pure metabolite standards now available, an optimized methodology was developed and validated for analysis of the resveratrol metabolic profile. This method defined the widest profile until now available, consisting of 21 compounds which include resveratrol and piceid phase II metabolites and those derived from microbiota, for whose chemical structures were suggested. The quantification of this profile, excreted 4 hours after ingestion of a grape extract functional beverage, demonstrated significant interindividual differences.
The behaviour of resveratrol metabolism after the post-ingestion of natural products was studied in a pharmacokinetic study, which showed that, after a moderate consumption of red wine and a grape extract nutraceutical, piceid can be quickly absorbed in its intact form, but achieving low concentrations. Metabolites’ formation required more time and even though for the microbial ones. The slow excretion of resveratrol sulfates provided more evidence to the possible saturation of the glucuronidation pathway.
Regarding the food matrix effect, it was demonstrated that alcohol does not affect resveratrol metabolism. In addition, overall urinary excretion of the resveratrol metabolic profile was not affected by the tablet matrix of the grape extract nutraceutical, compared to red wine. However, dissolution of the tablet delayed absorption of their compounds, which increases the amount of microbial metabolites excreted.
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Grape Juice Filtration, Thermopyhsical Properties Of Clear Fruit Juices And Pressurized Low Polarity Water (plpw) Extraction Of Polyphenolic Compounds From Grape CanesKaracabey, Erkan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Filtration of grape juice was investigated. Effects of process parameters of filtration were examined. The usage of precoating material and filter aid were found to be necessary to prolong the filter life. Filter cake was found to be incompressible with the effect of increasing pressure. Increase in temperature caused increase in flow rate due to the reduction in viscosity. The influences of depectinization and clarification on filtration process were also examined. Depectinization and clarification decreased the resistance and increased the flow rate. Improvement in the quality of the grape juice was observed when these pretreatments were employed.
The effects of temperature and soluble solid concentration on physical properties of clarified fruit juices were investigated. High temperature and soluble solid content dependencies of density, viscosity and heat capacity were detected. Experimental data were fitted as a function of temperature and soluble solid content. Models being valid for studied clarified fruit juices were achieved for density and viscosity with the regression coefficients (R2) higher than 0.90.
Optimization of the solid-liquid extraction conditions for trans-resveratrol, trans-& / #949 / -viniferin, ferulic acid, and total phenolics from milled grape canes has been investigated. Temperature and ethanol concentration were found to be major process variables for all responses. Maximum yields of trans-resveratrol, trans-& / #949 / -viniferin, ferulic acid, and total phenolics were predicted as 4.25 mg/g dw, 2.03 mg/g dw, 1.05 mg/g dw, and 9.28 mg/g dw, respectively.
Optimization of extraction conditions for antioxidant activity of grape cane extracts measured by the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACFL) assays was carried out using solid-liquid extraction and response surface methodology. Ethanol concentration and temperature employed for the extraction of antioxidant agents from grape cane samples were found to be statistically significant process variables affecting antioxidant activity measured by the TEAC and ORAC methods.
trans-Resveratrol and trans-& / #949 / -viniferin were extracted from milled grape canes using pressurized low polarity water (PLPW). The extraction temperature was significant for both compounds: extraction at 160oC resulted in a 40% loss of trans-resveratrol compared to 95oC while reduction of trans-& / #949 / -viniferin at both temperatures remained at 30%. Increasing ethanol concentration from 0 to 25% increased the extraction of total phenolics and trans-& / #949 / -viniferin by 44% and 489%, respectively. Solvent flow rate also influenced trans-& / #949 / -viniferin extraction. Effective diffusivities of trans-resveratrol increased by three times with increasing temperature. The modified Gompertz equation satisfactorily explained the extraction of the stilbenes investigated.
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Phytochemical study of Rhoicissus tomentosa.Nqolo, Nandipha Lucia. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This investigation focused on Rhoicissus tomentosa, belonging to the family, Vitaceae in an attempt to assess the phytochemistry of this plant which is widely used by traditional healers in South Africa to ensure the safe delivery during pregnancy and childbirth (Hutchings et al., 1996).</p>
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Efeito protetor do resveratrol sobre alterações nas vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β no modelo de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao ácido valproicoPaz, André Vinícius Contri January 2017 (has links)
Transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por perturbações na comunicação social e pela manifestação de comportamentos, interesses e atividades repetitivos e restritos. Embora a etiologia do autismo ainda seja desconhecida, fortes evidências mostram que a causa pode residir em uma complexa interação de fatores genéticos e ambientais durante o desenvolvimento. A exposição pré-natal ao ácido valproico (VPA) é um dos fatores de risco ambiental mais bem estabelecidos. Por isso, o VPA é comumente utilizado para desencadear um fenótipo do tipo autista em animais. Estudos prévios do nosso grupo demonstram que o tratamento com resveratrol (RSV) aplicado a ratas prenhes foi capaz de prevenir os prejuízos no comportamento social induzidos na prole do grupo VPA. As vias de sinalização CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β estão relacionadas a processos de plasticidade celular e conectividade neuronal, que são processos que exercem grande impacto em diversos parâmetros, incluindo o comportamento social. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) avaliar o impacto da exposição pré-natal ao VPA sobre as vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β, nas regiões da amígdala e do hipocampo de ratos machos adultos de 120 dias e 2) avaliar o possível efeito protetor da exposição intra-útero ao RSV sobre as alterações causadas pelo VPA nas vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β. O tratamento com RSV combinado com o VPA induziu uma inibição da PTEN e GSK-3β na amígdala, e o RSV teve um efeito per se, inibindo a GSK-3β nesta mesma estrutura. Além disso, O VPA induziu um aumento de atividade da AKT e redução dos níveis proteicos totais de AKT e PTEN no hipocampo. O RSV foi capaz de prevenir estas alterações, com exceção aos níveis proteicos de AKT. Portanto, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição pré-natal ao VPA altera vias de sinalização importantes durante o desenvolvimento neural, e o tratamento com RSV foi capaz de prevenir alguns de seus efeitos. Estes resultados são muito promissores para estudos futuros e contribuem para uma maior compreensão sobre os processos relacionados com a indução de comportamentos do tipo autista pelo VPA e o possível mecanismo de prevenção do RSV sobre o comportamento social. / Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by disabilities in social communication and repetitive and stereotyped behaviour, interests and activities. Although the etiology is still unknown, there is growing evidence suggesting that the cause lies on a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors during the development. The pre-natal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) is one of the most well established environmental risk factors. Therefore, the VPA is commonly used to induce an autistic-like phenotype in animals. Previous studies from our group shows that the treatment of pregnant rats with resveratrol (RSV) prevented the social behavior deficits induced in the male offspring of the VPA group. The CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways are related to processes of cellular plasticity and neuronal connectivity, which are processes that exert a huge impact in several parameters, including the social behavior. Thus, the objectives of this work were: 1) to evaluate the impact of the pre-natal exposure to VPA in the CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways, in amygdala and hippocampus of adult male rats with 120 days old and 2) to evaluate the possible protective effect of the intra-womb exposition to RSV on VPA-induced changes in CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways. The treatment with RSV combined with VPA induced an inhibition of PTEN and GSK-3β in amygdala, and the RSV had an effect per se, inhibiting GSK-3β in the same structure. Furthermore, the VPA induced an increase in activity of AKT and a reduction in total protein levels of AKT and PTEN in hippocampus. The RSV prevented these effects, with exception of the protein levels of AKT. Thus, our results indicate that the pre-natal exposition to VPA changes important signaling pathways during the neural development, and the treatment with RSV prevented some of its effects. These findings are very promising for future studies and contribute for a better understanding about processes related to the induction of autistic-like behaviors by VPA and the possible mechanism of prevention by RSV on the social behavior.
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Avaliação dos efeitos do resveratrol sobre o tecido ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadasFabricio, Victor 06 May 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-05-06 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Resveratrol (trans 3,5,4 'trihydroxystilbene) is a polyphenol found in some plants and fruits. There are indications that it may be associated with the prevention of osteoporosis due to its action similar to a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators), a substance used to treat osteoporosis (among other diseases) in women whose use of hormone replacement therapy does not is indicated. However, more specific information about their effect in various quotas of bone tissue is still scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of resveratrol to protect against bone changes characteristics of estrogen deficit in young adult ovariectomized rats. Were utilized 30 animals (Wistar rats) distributed into 3 groups: intact group (INT) with 10 intact animals, ovariectomized group (OVX) with 10 ovariectomized animals treated with a saline and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solution, ovariectomized + resveratrol group (OVX + RES) with 10 ovariectomized animals treated with a resveratrol, saline and DMSO solution [0.7 mg/kg BW (body weight)], 7 times a week, for 12 weeks. Biometric, biophysical, biomechanical, microtomographical and radiographic density parameters were analyzed from bones with higher cortical (femur) and trabecular quota (vertebrae). The biomechanical properties of femurs were obtained by the three-point bending test and the lumbar vertebrae obtained by bone compression test. Lumbar vertebrae were used to perform the microtomographical analysis and radiographic density analysis. The ovariectomized rats gained more body weight and had lower bone density and radiographic density, and also showed reduction of microtomographical parameters when compared to the intact group. The biomechanical parameters of femurs did not change in neither group. The animals treated with resveratrol did not shown decrease in microtomographical parameters and bone density of the vertebrae as the untreated group. Therefore, the results suggest resveratrol as a potential protector of ovariectomy induced spoliation of bone tissues with greater trabecular quota. / Resveratrol (trans 3,5,4 -trihidroxiestilbeno) é um polifenol encontrado em algumas plantas e frutos. Há indícios de que ele possa ser associado à prevenção da osteoporose devido a sua ação similar a de um SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators), substância utilizada para tratamento da osteoporose (entre outras doenças) em mulheres cujo o uso da Terapia de Reposição Hormonal não é indicado. Entretanto, informações mais específicas sobre o seu efeito em diferentes contingentes do tecido ósseo ainda são escassas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade do resveratrol de proteger contra as alterações ósseas características da deficiência de estrógeno em ratas adultas jovens ovariectomizadas. Foram utilizados 30 animais (ratas Wistar) distribuidos em 3 grupos: grupo intacto (INT) com 10 animais intactos, grupo controle ovariectomizadas (OVX) com 10 animais ovariectomizados tratados com uma solução de salina e Dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), grupo ovariectomizadas + resveratrol (OVX + RES) com 10 animais ovariectomizados tratados com uma solução de resveratrol, salina e DMSO intraperitonealmente [0,7 mg/kg MC (massa corpórea)], 7 vezes por semana, por 12 semanas. Foram analisados os parâmetros biométricos, biofísicos, biomecânicos ósseos, microtomográficos e de densidade radiográfica de ossos com maior contingente cortical (fêmures) e trabecular (vértebras). As propriedades biomecânicas dos fêmures foram obtidas pelo teste de flexão a três pontos e das vértebras lombares obtidas pelo teste de compressão óssea. Foram utilizadas vértebras lombares para a realização da análise microtomográfica e de densidade radiográfica. As ratas ovariectomizadas apresentaram maior ganho de massa corporal e diminuição da densidade óssea e densidade radiográfica, além de redução dos parâmetros microtomográficos quando comparadas ao grupo intacto. Os parâmetros biomecânicos dos fêmures não sofreram alteração em nenhum dos grupos. Os animais tratados com resveratrol não apresentaram a diminuição dos parâmetros microtomográficos e de densidade óssea das vertebras como os não tratados. Portanto, os resultados apontam o resveratrol como potencial protetor do tecido ósseo com maior contingente trabecular da espoliação induzida pela ovariectomia.
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Efeito protetor do resveratrol sobre alterações nas vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β no modelo de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao ácido valproicoPaz, André Vinícius Contri January 2017 (has links)
Transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por perturbações na comunicação social e pela manifestação de comportamentos, interesses e atividades repetitivos e restritos. Embora a etiologia do autismo ainda seja desconhecida, fortes evidências mostram que a causa pode residir em uma complexa interação de fatores genéticos e ambientais durante o desenvolvimento. A exposição pré-natal ao ácido valproico (VPA) é um dos fatores de risco ambiental mais bem estabelecidos. Por isso, o VPA é comumente utilizado para desencadear um fenótipo do tipo autista em animais. Estudos prévios do nosso grupo demonstram que o tratamento com resveratrol (RSV) aplicado a ratas prenhes foi capaz de prevenir os prejuízos no comportamento social induzidos na prole do grupo VPA. As vias de sinalização CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β estão relacionadas a processos de plasticidade celular e conectividade neuronal, que são processos que exercem grande impacto em diversos parâmetros, incluindo o comportamento social. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) avaliar o impacto da exposição pré-natal ao VPA sobre as vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β, nas regiões da amígdala e do hipocampo de ratos machos adultos de 120 dias e 2) avaliar o possível efeito protetor da exposição intra-útero ao RSV sobre as alterações causadas pelo VPA nas vias CK2/PTEN e AKT/GSK-3β. O tratamento com RSV combinado com o VPA induziu uma inibição da PTEN e GSK-3β na amígdala, e o RSV teve um efeito per se, inibindo a GSK-3β nesta mesma estrutura. Além disso, O VPA induziu um aumento de atividade da AKT e redução dos níveis proteicos totais de AKT e PTEN no hipocampo. O RSV foi capaz de prevenir estas alterações, com exceção aos níveis proteicos de AKT. Portanto, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição pré-natal ao VPA altera vias de sinalização importantes durante o desenvolvimento neural, e o tratamento com RSV foi capaz de prevenir alguns de seus efeitos. Estes resultados são muito promissores para estudos futuros e contribuem para uma maior compreensão sobre os processos relacionados com a indução de comportamentos do tipo autista pelo VPA e o possível mecanismo de prevenção do RSV sobre o comportamento social. / Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by disabilities in social communication and repetitive and stereotyped behaviour, interests and activities. Although the etiology is still unknown, there is growing evidence suggesting that the cause lies on a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors during the development. The pre-natal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) is one of the most well established environmental risk factors. Therefore, the VPA is commonly used to induce an autistic-like phenotype in animals. Previous studies from our group shows that the treatment of pregnant rats with resveratrol (RSV) prevented the social behavior deficits induced in the male offspring of the VPA group. The CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways are related to processes of cellular plasticity and neuronal connectivity, which are processes that exert a huge impact in several parameters, including the social behavior. Thus, the objectives of this work were: 1) to evaluate the impact of the pre-natal exposure to VPA in the CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways, in amygdala and hippocampus of adult male rats with 120 days old and 2) to evaluate the possible protective effect of the intra-womb exposition to RSV on VPA-induced changes in CK2/PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β pathways. The treatment with RSV combined with VPA induced an inhibition of PTEN and GSK-3β in amygdala, and the RSV had an effect per se, inhibiting GSK-3β in the same structure. Furthermore, the VPA induced an increase in activity of AKT and a reduction in total protein levels of AKT and PTEN in hippocampus. The RSV prevented these effects, with exception of the protein levels of AKT. Thus, our results indicate that the pre-natal exposition to VPA changes important signaling pathways during the neural development, and the treatment with RSV prevented some of its effects. These findings are very promising for future studies and contribute for a better understanding about processes related to the induction of autistic-like behaviors by VPA and the possible mechanism of prevention by RSV on the social behavior.
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Génomique fonctionnelle de la biosynthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne (Vitis vinifera) / Functional genomic of stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine (Vitis vinifera)Parage, Claire 10 January 2013 (has links)
Les stilbènes sont les métabolites de défense majeurs de la vigne, qui sont également connus pour leurs nombreuses propriétés pharmacologiques. Tirant parti du récent séquençage du génome de la vigne, l’objectif de ce travail est de caractériser les familles de gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne, et de préciser leur rôle dans les défenses contre le mildiou (Plasmopara viticola). La première étape de la biosynthèse des stilbènes est catalysée par la stilbène synthase (STS), pour former le resvératrol. L’analyse détaillée du génome de la vigne a permis d’identifier 48 gènes STS, dont 32 gènes potentiellement fonctionnels. La caractérisation fonctionnelle d’une sélection de gènes représentatifs de la diversité de la famille suggère que l’ensemble des 32 gènes STS code pour des protéines ayant réellement une activité stilbène synthase. L’analyse évolutive des gènes STS montre que la famille est très contrainte, sans trace de néo-fonctionnalisation. La famille des STS de la vigne représente donc un exemple unique d’une famille de plus de 30 gènes codant pour des protéines de fonction identique, et la signification biologique de cette expansion est discutée. Une seconde enzyme importante du métabolisme des stilbènes est la resvératrol O-méthyltransférase (ROMT). La ROMT est impliquée dans la méthylation du resvératrol pour former le ptérostilbène, un composé hautement fongitoxique qui pourrait jouer un rôle important dans les mécanismes de défenses de la vigne. Notre analyse de la famille ROMT montre qu’elle est constituée de 17 gènes, dont deux seulement (VvROMT1 et VvROMT2) semblent impliqués dans la synthèse de ptérostilbène. L’expression de ces deux gènes est induite suite à une infection par P. viticola au niveau des feuilles de vigne. Deux autres gènes de la famille, VvROMT12 et VvROMT13, sont exprimés constitutivement au niveau des racines, et ne semblent pas répondre au stress. Des analyses métabolomiques sur des plants de Nicotiana benthamiana transgéniques exprimant ces deux ROMT ainsi que des tests enzymatiques in vitro ont été réalisés afin de déterminer la fonction des gènes ROMT12 et 13. L’ensemble de ces résultats fait apparaître une amplification remarquable des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne et ouvrent la voie à l’étude détaillée de la régulation de cette voie importante du métabolisme de défense de la vigne. / Stilbenes are major defense metabolites in grapevine (Vitis vinifera), which are known for their many pharmacological properties. Taking advantage of the recent sequencing of the grapevine genome, the aim of this work is to characterize genes families involved in stilbene biosynthesis, in order to clarify the role of these defense compounds in the interaction with downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). The first step of stilbene biosynthesis is catalyzed by stilbene synthase (STS), to yield resveratrol. Our annotation of the STS gene family identified 48 STS genes, including at least 32 potentially functional ones. This unusual expansion of the STS family is original, since it is not found in other stilbene-producing plants. Functional characterization of a selection of STS proteins indicates that all STS genes are likely to encode enzymes with STS activity. Evolutionary analysis of the STS gene family revealed that STS evolution is dominated by purifying selection, with no evidence for neofunctionalization. STS family then represents a unique example a family of more than 30 genes encoding proteins with identical function, and the biological significance of this amplification is discussed. A second important enzyme in stilbene metabolism is resveratrol O-methyltransferase (ROMT), involved in the methylation of resveratrol to yield pterostilbene. This highly fungitoxic compound is believed to play an important role in grapevine defense metabolism. Our analysis of the ROMT family identified 17 genes, two of them only (VvROMT1 and VvROMT2) being involved in pterostilbene biosynthesis. qPCR analyses have shown an induction of the expression of these two genes after an inoculation of P. viticola on grapevine leaves. Two others genes, VvROMT12 and VvROMT13, are constitutively expressed in grapevine roots, and do not seem to respond to stress. Metabolomic analysis on transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing these two ROMT genes, together with in vitro enzymatic assays, have been performed in order to determine the function of ROMT12 and ROMT 13. All together, these results show a remarkable amplification of genes involved in stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine. This work paves the way for detailed analyses of the regulation of this important pathway of grapevine defense metabolism.
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Insulino-résistance et vieillissement cardiovasculaire : un traitement chronique par le resvératrol peut-il les améliorer ? / Insulin resistance and cardiovascular aging : could a chronic treatment with resveratrol improve them ?Baron, Stéphanie 27 November 2013 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population est le résultat de l’amélioration de la prise en charge des individus, en particulier des sujets âgés, conduisant à l’apparition d’une nouvelle catégorie démographique, le quatrième âge avec les plus de 75 ans. Cette population polypathologique présente de nombreuses spécificités, avec entre autres, une intolérance au glucose, un état de dénutrition et une altération des fonctions cardiovasculaires, les maladies cardiovasculaires restant la première cause de mortalité dans cette tranche d’âge. Comme évoqué dès les années 50 par Harman, le stress oxydant pourrait jouer un rôle important dans l’ensemble de ces comorbidités. Le resvératrol, un polyphénol anti-oxydant connu pour ses biens-faits cardiovasculaires pourrait ainsi être une molécule d’intérêt dans ce contexte. Nos objectifs dans ce travail ont donc été d’évaluer les effets d’un traitement chronique par le resvératrol accompagné ou non d’une prise en charge nutritionnelle chez la souris très âgée. Ces effets du resvératrol ont été étudiés aussi bien sur le plan métabolique que sur le phénotype cardiovasculaire. Nos résultats montrent qu’un régime riche en protéines et pauvre en glucides a des effets variables en fonction de l’âge. Sans effet sur la souris jeune, il devient délétère chez la souris adulte et très âgée avec une majoration de l’altération de l’homéostasie glucidique associée à une détérioration du bilan lipidique. Ces dysrégulations métaboliques ont pour conséquence une dégradation accrue des fonctions artérielles et cardiaques. Chez la souris très âgée, un traitement par le resvératrol amplifie les dommages liés à ce régime en accentuant les altérations métaboliques et cardiovasculaires, soulignant, et ce pour la première fois, de potentiels effets délétères du resvératrol dans le cadre du vieillissement. En revanche, chez la souris âgée dénutrie en l’absence de prise en charge nutritionnelle, le resvératrol présente des effets bénéfiques avec une amélioration de l’insulino-sensibilité et des fonctions artérielles, associée à une modification d’expression de TXNIP, protéine à l’interface de la régulation de l’homéostasie du glucose et de la balance oxydative, faisant d’elle une piste à explorer tant pour expliquer certains mécanismes impliqués dans le vieillissement que dans les effets du resvératrol. / The aging of the population is the result of the improvement of the care of individuals, especially the elderly, leading to the emergence of a new demographic category, the « fourth age » with people more than 75 years old. This polypathological population has many specificities, with among other things, glucose intolerance, a state of malnutrition and impaired cardiovascular function. Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in this age group. As mentioned in the 50s by Harman, oxidative stress may play an important role in all of these diseases. Resveratrol, an antioxidant polyphenol known for its properties on cardiovascular events could thus be a molecule of interest in this context. Our objectives in this study were therefore to assess the effects of chronic treatment with resveratrol with or without a nutritional care in the very old mice. These metabolic and cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been studied. Our results show that a high protein and low carbohydrate diet has different effects depending on age. Despite no effect have been observed on young mice, this diet becomes deleterious in adult and very old mice with an increase of impaired glucose homeostasis associated with a deterioration of the lipid profile. These metabolic dysregulations result in a further deterioration of arterial and cardiac function. In the very old mice, treatment with resveratrol boosts the damage related to this plan by increasing the metabolic and cardiovascular alterations, highlighting, for the first time, potential deleterious effects of resveratrol in aging. However, in elderly malnourished mice in the absence of nutritional care, resveratrol has beneficial effects with improved insulin sensitivity and arterial functions associated with altered expression of TXNIP, protein regulating glucose homeostasis and oxidative balance, making it worth exploring as to explain some of the mechanisms involved in aging and in the effects of resveratrol.
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Impact d’une restriction calorique modérée ou d’un mimétique potentiel, le resvératrol, sur les marqueurs du vieillissement et sur la longévité chez un primate non-humain / Impact of a chronic calorie restriction or a potential mimetic, the resveratrol, on the evolution of biomarkers of aging and on longevity in a primate (Microcebus murinus)Marchal, Julia 26 October 2012 (has links)
Aujourd’hui la restriction calorique modérée et chronique (RC) est la seule intervention non génétique capable de ralentir l’apparition de pathologies liées à l’âge et d’accroître la longévité chez plusieurs espèces animales. Le resvératrol (RSV), un composé appartenant au groupe des polyphénols, présente des propriétés thérapeutiques intéressantes et constitue un candidat prometteur comme mimétique des effets d’une RC. Afin d’évaluer l’impact de tels protocoles nutritionnels à long terme, une étude longitudinale a été menée sur une cohorte de 53 mâles microcèbes (Microcebus murinus), modèle primate pertinent pour les recherches sur le vieillissement normal ou pathologique au vue de sa longévité maximale de 12 ans en captivité. Depuis l’intégration des animaux dans l’étude (3 ans d’âge) à l’avancement actuel du projet (8 ans d’âge), des paramètres physiologiques et comportementaux ont été évalués régulièrement au sein de la cohorte, partagée en trois groupes: un groupe soumis à une RC (-30%) et un groupe supplémenté en RSV (200 mg.kg-1.jour-1), comparés à un groupe contrôle (CTL). Avec l’âge, chez les microcèbes CTL, des perturbations sont apparues : diminution de la sensibilité à l’insuline, accumulation de dommages cellulaires, déclin moteur et cognitif (mémoire spatiale de reférence) et déclin de certains marqueurs prédictifs du vieillissement chez cette espèce. La RC a permis une amélioration de la sensibilité à l’insuline et a limité l’accumulation de certains marqueurs du stress oxydant, elle n’a pas entraîné d’amélioration des capacités cognitives, mais a diminué l’anxiété, amélioré les performances motrices et augmenté l’activité locomotrice spontanée. La RC a aussi induit une réponse adaptative métabolique avec une perte de masse corporelle sans réduire les dépenses énergétiques, un abaissement des taux hormonaux d’IGF-1 et de la testostérone suggérant un compromis entre reproduction et survie. Le RSV a mimé une partie des effets bénéfiques démontrés sous RC. Cependant il a permis une amélioration de la mémoire spatiale de travail, absente chez les animaux restreints. Le RSV a également montré des effets opposés à ceux de la RC comme un maintien de la masse corporelle et des taux d’hormones par rapport aux CTL, une augmentation des dépenses énergétiques et des niveaux de testostérone pendant la période de jours longs. Finalement les données de survie actuelles sont prometteuses ; moins de 50% de l’effectif de départ des animaux CTL a survécu, alors que plus de 50% des animaux RC et RSV sont encore vivants, présentant de surcroît un âge moyen à la mort plus élevé d’environ 1 an par rapport aux CTL. Malgré des effets hétérogènes et pourtant bénéfiques, la RC et le RSV sont capables de ralentir l’apparition de certains déclins intrinsèques au vieillissement et d’améliorer la survie des microcèbes, soutenant l’hypothèse selon laquelle ces effets pourraient être induits par des mécanismes différents mais permettant d’atteindre les mêmes issues favorables notamment au niveau de l’espérance de vie. Ces résultats constituent un véritable outil pour la compréhension future des mécanismes sous-jacents au processus du vieillissement mais aussi des voies de régulation cellulaires mises en jeu par la RC et le RSV à moyen et long terme chez un primate / Nowadays moderate and chronic calorie restriction (CR); is the only non-genetic intervention known to slow the onset of age-related diseases and to increase longevity in several animal species. Resveratrol (RSV), a natural compound belonging to the polyphenols group, has therapeutic properties and is a promising candidate as CR effects mimetic. To assess the impact of such long-term nutritional protocols, a longitudinal study was conducted on a cohort of 53 males grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), a relevant primate model for normal and pathological aging research as regards to its high longevity in captivity, up to 12 years. Since the integration of the animals in the study (3 years old) to the current status of the project (8 years of age), physiological and behavioral parameters were assessed regularly in the cohort divided into three groups: a group submitting to a -30% CR and a group supplemented with RSV (200 mg.kg-1.day-1), compared to a control group (CTL). With age, disturbances appeared in CTL mouse lemurs: decreased insulin sensitivity, accumulation of cellular damage, motor and cognitive decline associated with particular type of memory and a decline of certain predictive biomarkers of aging in this species. CR has improved insulin sensitivity and limited the accumulation of markers of oxidative stress, it has not resulted in improved cognitive abilities but in a decreased anxiety, improved motor performances and an increased spontaneous locomotor activity. CR also induced an adaptive metabolic response with body weight loss without lowering energy expenditure, lower hormone levels of IGF-1 and testosterone, supporting a probable trade-off between reproduction and survival. RSV mimicked some of the beneficial effects demonstrated in CR. However, it has improved the spatial memory task, which was not observed in restricted animals. RSV also showed opposite effects to those of CR, as maintained body weight and hormone levels compared to CTL, an increase in energy expenditure and in testosterone levels during the long day’s season. Finally, the current survival data are promising; less than 50% of the CTL animals survived, while more than 50% of CR and RSV animals are still alive, with in addition a mean age at death about 1 year higher compared with CTL animals. Despite heterogeneous, but yet beneficial effects, CR and RSV were able to slow the appearance of some intrinsic age-related declines and to improve the lemurs’ survival, supporting the hypothesis that these effects may be mediated by different mechanisms achieving the same positive outcomes including enhanced life expectancy. These evidences are a real tool for the future understanding of the mechanisms underlying the aging process but also of cellular regulatory pathways that are involved in long term CR and RSV treatment in a primate
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Strategies towards the synthesis of 4-(3-methyl-but-1-enyl)-3,5,3',4'-tetrahydroxystilbene (arachidin-1) and resveratrol analoguesOlusegun-Osoba, Elizabeth Oluwakemi January 2015 (has links)
Stilbene phytoalexins such as resveratrol, 1, and the arachidins, including arachidin-1,2, are naturally synthesised by peanut (Arachis hypogaea) plants. The peanut phytoalexins are polyphenolic compounds consisting of a stilbene backbone, with a number of derivatives also possessing a prenyl moiety. These distinctive phytoalexins have gained attention, as they exhibit various biological activities, for instance arachidin-1, 2, has been reported to be more potent than resveratrol, 1, in the inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and COX-2 mRNA, in vitro at doses that were low in cytotoxicity. Additionally the various arachidins have recently been shown to exhibit their anti-inflammatory properties, through the inhibition of a number of inflammatory mediator pathways. In this work, various routes into the synthesis of arachidin-1, 2, are described, via use of the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction. Three different methodologies were explored, the first approach involving silyl ether (TIPS or TBDMS) protected benzaldehydes, proved unsuccessful due to cleavage of the silyl ether protecting groups, in basic and/or acidic conditions. This led to an alternative approach, whereby formation of the stilbene backbone proceeded via the regioselective demethylation of an acetal in the presence of sodium metal, subsequent electrophilic substitution using iodomethane and finally acetal hydrolysis of the acetal, gave the isolated aldehyde in moderate yield (52 %). Coupling of the aldehyde with the substituted benzylphosphonate, via the HWE reaction gave the desired trans-stilbene in good yield (86 %), however incorporation of the prenyl side chain proved to be challenging via the Wohl-Ziegler bromination. Further adaptation of the aforementioned route, whereby alkylation using diethyl iodomethylphosphonate, enabled the incorporation of the prenyl moiety and the subsequent construction of the trans-stilbene backbone, gave the 4-(3-methyl-but-1- enyl)-3,5,3',4'-tetramethoxystilbene, 3, albeit in poor yield (47 %). The final step involving demethylation using BBr3 gave arachidin-1, 2, also in poor yield (30 %), nevertheless this approach has been proved to be a successful route for the total synthesis of arachidin-1, 2, however optimised studies are required in order to obtain the desired compound in quantitative yields. Synthetic analogues of resveratrol, 1, are also known for their biological activities, including anti-inflammatory and chemopreventative properties. Recently, the anti-proliferative activity of a number of stilbenesulfonamides, against the National Cancer Institute's 60 (NCI-60) human tumour cell line has been reported. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effects of novel heterocyclic methylsulfone and sulfonamide analogues, via inhibition of the COX-2 protein have also been published, however both synthetic routes described require a total of six or seven steps, from the sulfanilamide and are limited to the synthesis of primary sulphonamides (SO2NH2). In this work, an efficient three step synthesis has been designed and successfully implemented, proceeding via chlorosulfonation of diethyl benzylphosphonate, to form the sulfonyl chloride intermediate. Aminolysis of the sulfonyl chloride intermediate was then performed, using a range of primary, secondary and cyclic alkyl amines, as well as aromatic amines; including ammonia, dimethylamine, morpholine and diphenylamine. Finally, formation of the stilbene backbone with various substituted aldehydes, via the HWE reaction offered a short, versatile and alternative route to the synthesis of novel primary, secondary and tertiary trans-stilbene benzenesulfonamides and heterocyclic analogues, in yields of 42 - 100 %. The activity of a selection of the synthesised stilbene benzenesulfonamides was evaluated against the human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A549). Amongst the compounds tested, analysis of the data showed that the novel analogue, 4, was found to be the most potent compound, with a GI50 of 0.1 μM. Comparison with the previously published data found analogue, 4, to be approximately 500-fold more potent than the lead compound resveratrol, 1, (GI50 = 51.64 μM) and approximately twice as potent than 5-fluorouracil (GI50 = 0.189μM), a chemotherapy drug used to treat various forms of cancer 8. Overall, these results demonstrate that the total synthesis of trans-arachidin-1, 2, can be achieved via a five step methodology. A versatile route to the synthesis of novel stilbene benzenesulfonamides has also been successfully achieved, amongst the compounds synthesised one appears to show promising anticancer activity, and warrants further investigation (i.e. in vitro studies using other cancer cell lines, and the synthesis of additional compounds using analogue, 4, as a lead compound).
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