Spelling suggestions: "subject:"retrospective"" "subject:"etrospective""
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Exenteração pélvica e preservação dos esfíncteres: análise de 96 casos / Pelvic exenteration and sphincter preservation: an analysis of 96 casesPoletto, Antonio Henrique Oliveira 15 April 2005 (has links)
A exenteração pélvica é método efetivo no tratamento de tumores pélvicos localmente avançados. As cirurgias mais conservadoras, com preservação funcional dos esfíncteres e reconstrução continente dos tratos intestinal e urinário podem melhorar a qualidade de vida e estimular os pacientes a aceitar a cirurgia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados da exenteração pélvica no tratamento dos tumores pélvicos localmente avançados em relação à preservação dos esfíncteres e fatores associados ao prognóstico. Analisou-se retrospectivamente os fatores relacionados à preservação dos esfíncteres bem como os fatores associados ao prognóstico em pacientes submetidos à exenteração pélvica. Dos 96 pacientes submetidos à exenteração pélvica, preservou-se pelo menos um dos esfíncteres em 36 (37,5%). Na década de 1990 a taxa de preservação esfincteriana foi significativamente maior do que na década de 1980 (47,6 versus 18,2%) (p = 0,005). As variáveis independentemente relacionadas à preservação de esfíncter foram tratamento realizado na década de 1990 e tumor de origem coloproctológica. A taxa de complicação pós-operatória não foi influenciada pela preservação dos esfíncteres (p = 0,276). Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa nas taxas de morbidade entre as décadas de 1990 e 1980 (55,6% versus 75,8%; p = 0,075). Na década de 1990 houve redução da taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória em relação à década de 1980 (9,5% versus 27,3%; p = 0,023). Em nove pacientes, as margens de ressecção estavam microscopicamente comprometidas (R1) e, em cinco macroscopicamente comprometidas (R2). As margens de ressecção não foram influenciadas pelo tipo de cirurgia (p = 0,104), nem pela preservação dos esfíncteres (p = 0,881). A taxa de sobrevida livre de doença em cinco anos foi de 40,5%. Observou-se associação da recorrência com perda de peso (p = 0,006), índice de Karnofsky (p = 0,035) e a topografia do tumor (p = 0,027). No modelo multivariado, a perda de peso e os tumores de origem ginecológica foram as variáveis independentes para recorrência. Pacientes portadores de tumores ginecológicos ou com perda de peso foram considerados de alto risco para recorrência e os pacientes portadores de tumores não ginecológicos e sem perda de peso, de baixo risco. O grupo de alto risco apresentou chance de recorrência cerca de sete vezes maior do que o de baixo risco. A sobrevida livre de doença em 5 anos para os grupos de baixo e de alto risco foram, respectivamente, de 78,0% e 21,2%. As variáveis associadas ao óbito foram a idade superior a 60 anos (p = 0,007), a perda de peso (p = 0,004), radioterapia pré-operatória (p = 0,043), década de trata mento (p = 0,050) e preservação de esfíncter (p=0,026). No modelo multivariado as variáveis associadas ao óbito foram tratamento realizado na década de 1980, a idade superior a 60 anos e a perda de peso. Com os resultados deste estudo podemos concluir que houve aumento significante da preservação dos esfíncteres na década de 1990 sem aumento da freqüência de margens cirúrgicas comprometidas nem prejuízo na sobrevida dos pacientes submetidos à exenteração pélvica com preservação dos esfíncteres / Pelvic exenteration (PE) is an effective method for treating locally advanced pelvic tumors. More conservative surgeries, preserving sphincters and continent reconstruction of the intestinal and urinary tract, which could contribute to a better quality of life and encourage patients to accept this procedure. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of PE in the treatment of locally advanced pelvic tumors, mainly considering sphincter preservation and factors associated to the prognosis. Between 1980 and 2000, 96 PE were performed. Factors related to sphincter preservation as well as factors associated to prognosis were respectively analyzed. Of the 96 patients treated with pelvic exenteration, at least one sphincter in 36 patients was preserved (37.5%). In the 1990\'s, the sphincter preservation rate was significantly higher than in the 1980\'s (47.6 vs. 18.2 %) (p = 0.005). Independent variables related to the sphincter preservation were decades from the realization of surgery 1990\'s and coloproctological tumors. The postoperative complication rate was not influenced by sphincter preservation (p = 0.276). Statistically, there was no differentiation between the morbidity rates during the 1980\'s and 1990\'s (55.6% versus 75.8%, p = 0.075). In the 1990\'s, there was a reduction in the post-operative mortality rate compared to the 1980s\' rate (9.5% versus 27.3%; p = 0.023). In nine patients, the resection margins were compromised microscopically (R1) and in five patients, macroscopically compromised (R2). The resection margins were not influenced by the type of surgery (p = 0.104), nor by the preservation of sphincters (p = 0.881). Disease free survival at five years was 40.5%. Among the clinical variables, there was an association between recurrence and weight loss (p = 0.006) and the Karnofsky index (p = 0.035). The topography of the tumor showed links with recurrence (p = 0.027). In the multivariable model, the independent variables related to recurrence were weight loss and gynecological tumors. Patients with gynecological tumors or with weight loss were considered high risk for recurrence, while patients with no gynecological tumors and without weight loss were considered low risk. The high risk group showed 7 times more chance of recurrence than the low risk group. Survival rates of patients, who remained disease-free, after 5 years, for the low and high risk group were 78.0% and 21.2% respectively. Death was linked to ages over 60 (p = 0.007), weight loss (p = 0.004), pre-surgery radiotherapy (p = 0.043), decades from the realization of surgery (p = 0.050) and the sphincter preservation (p = 0.026). The independent variables related to death were treatments in the 1980\'s, ages over 60 and weight loss. Taking into account the results in this research, we conclude that there was a significant increase of sphincter preservation during the 1990\'s and neither the type of surgery nor sphincter preservation were associated to a higher number of surgeries with compromised margins allows pelvic exenteration to be performed with sphincter preservation, without harming survival rates
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La préposition entre structure syntaxique et résolution sémantique : le cas des compléments prépositionnels de verbes construits avec la préposition à / Preposition "à" between syntactic structure and semantic resolution : the prepositionnel complements case of verbs with the preposition "à"Mekannez, Leila 18 December 2017 (has links)
L'objectif est de déterminer si le sens attribué à la préposition provient d’un sémantisme initial, stable en langue mais susceptible de diversement se décliner en discours, ou s’il est constitué à partir de son environnement, par conséquent à partir des combinaisons opérées dans le discours lui-même. La réflexion est, dans la présente étude, centrée sur la relation de la préposition avec le verbe qui la sélectionne. Néanmoins, d'autres éléments environnants doivent être pris en considération dans la mesure où ils interviennent dans l’interprétation du sens. L'hypothèse est que la préposition possède une identité fondamentale qui fait qu'elle est choisie par le verbe en l'une des acceptions de ce dernier, afin de véhiculer un certain sens, et que, réciproquement, l'ensemble ainsi formé détermine la distribution du complément syntaxique de la préposition. Cette hypothèse repose sur l'adoption du principe, dans le point de vue retenu sur le fonctionnement de la langue, selon lequel la forme et le sens varient concomitamment. Autrement dit, une similitude de forme (par exemple la présence de la préposition à) est supposée intrinsèquement liée à une similitude de sens (il y a donc à rechercher un point commun sémantique à tous les verbes qui se construisent avec la préposition à) et, réciproquement, une différence de forme (par exemple la présence de la préposition à opposée à son absence) est supposée intrinsèquement liée à une différence de sens. L'adoption de ce principe heuristique impose, par le lien étroit que notre hypothèse institue entre le verbe et la préposition d’un côté, et entre le verbe et le syntagme prépositionnel de l’autre, d’envisager ces différents types de relations aussi bien dans des configurations formelles (syntaxiques) que dans des configurations sémantiques. Sur le plan formel, nous étions amenée à distinguer les différents types de groupes prépositionnels en fonction de leur lien plus ou moins proche avec le verbe. Notre hypothèse est que l’on peut rendre compte de la relation du verbe avec le syntagme prépositionnel qu’il régit au moyen d’un classement scalaire L’approche de la préposition à introduisant un groupe prépositionnel impose de séparer le complément de verbes des autres types de groupes prépositionnels(GP) dont les dénominations sont variés et contestables puisque les critères de définition fixés par la grammaire dite traditionnelle comme la suppression et le déplacement caractérisant habituellement le complément circonstanciel et la pronominalisation typique du complément sont insuffisamment distinctifs. Comme on trouve des compléments supprimables par exemple,elle chante (une chanson), dans l’emploi absolu du verbe, on trouve aussi des circonstants pronominalisables comme (il mange dans la cuisine, il y mange). Pour cela, le chapitre II présente deux contributions renouvelant ce que nous avons précédemment appelé « les théories classiques » : l'article de Lavieu (2006), s'affronte précisément aux difficultés que nous avons soulevées, et propose une reconfiguration terminologique et taxinomique distinguant entre « constituants » (où se rangent les « compléments » et les « ajouts ») et « incidents »Pour résoudre le problème de la distinction entre les différents types syntaxiques régis par à, nous avons opté pour un classement scalaire (idée inspirée de la théorie de l’actance de Lazard) qui détermine le degré de relation des verbes avec les différents actants régis par cette préposition. Ce classement a été fait au regard des mêmes tests syntaxiques sur un corpus illustrant la complémentation en à d’abord dans une structure simple et ensuite dans une structure double.Ainsi, nous avons tenté de caractériser formellement les GP en à régis par le verbe dans les différentes structures dans lesquelles ils figurent. Notre classement scalaire a montré qu’il y a une graduation dans le rapport du verbe avec le complément allant du degré le plus fort au degré le plus faible... / The objective of this thesis is to determine whether the meaning attributed to the preposition is primarily semantic or not. The aim is then to prove that though it is grammatically fixed, it can vary since it is shaped by its context, thereby assembled by multiple discourse combinations. In the present research, the focus is then centred on the study of the relationship between the preposition and the verb it determines. Accordingly, several other related elements will be studied as they intervene in the act of interpreting meaning itself. The thesis of this Ph.D dissertation suggests that the preposition has a given core identity which is determined by the verb itself and which by implication determines the meaning and the nature of the syntactic complement as well.This thesis contends then that form and meaning do vary considerably but still simultaneously. In other words, what determines form determines by implication meaning as well. The present thesis seeks then to study the different aspects and mechanics of the relationship between the verb and its preposition.In the present thesis, the study of the preposition requires all verb complements to remain separate from the different types of prepositional groups. The second chapter attempts then to re-examine the contentions of classical theories, particularly with reference to Laview’s article (2006). In order to effectively study the multiple differences and distinctions between the different syntactic classes, a scalar approach is adopted. The findings demonstrate in fact that the relationship between the verb and its complement is constantly varying. Actually, the fifth chapter of the second part includes the corpus needed to attest the research questions.The semantic research part of the present thesis, seeks in fact to further elaborate the principle that relates meaning to form. In order to demonstrate that, the approach has been based on the characteristics of the syntactic complements which are actually the main target of the analysis in the first part of the thesis.Conducting then a comparative analysis of different types of verbs which are all related by their respective preposition complement “à”, the following findings are deduced:- The nature of the verb is determined by the type of the preposition- The preposition introduces its complement meanwhile identifying the nature of the verb itself- Regardless of the nature or the type of the verb, what the preposition adds to meaning remains the sameThe main objective of this research work is then to offer new and pertinent assumptions concerning the role and function of the preposition “à”, meanwhile still taking into consideration former critical assumption advocated by Grévisse, Gougenheim, Guillaume, Pottier and Cadiot°. Since the main focus of this research work is to study the semantic identity of the preposition “à”, the approach has been based on an attempt to validate or refute all former semantic assumptions presented by former writers, exploring then the different aspects of the relationship between the verb and the preposition based of the corpus of LVF. The analysis of the different examples studied required also that a nominalisation test and a telicity test should be conducted. The following are the main findings:- There is no definite syntactic difference between the verb and the nominalised structure- The empirical study of LVF which seeks to distinguish the different dative cases reveals that the idea of interchangeability is not at the very basis of the meaning of the verb itself- The lexical dative does not automatically entail deletion of the GP since the idea of interchangeability is primarily expressed by the meaning of the verb itself- The preposition “à” designates both the origin and the recipient as well. It is a in fact linear retrospective movement which allows the process of interchangeability
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Avaliação do índice de sucesso de osseointegração em reabilitações tipo protocolo : análise retrospectiva em Cursos de Especialização em Implantodontia /Monteiro, Ricardo Luís Prado. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Vagner Raldi / Banca: Rodrigo Dias Nascimento / Banca: Fábio da Silva Matuda / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o índice de sucesso de Osseointegração por meio de uma revisão retrospectiva, dos prontuários de pacientes que receberam tratamento cirúrgico para a colocação de implantes em reabilitações totais do tipo protocolos maxilares e mandibulares, com carga tardia, realizados em cursos de pós-graduação em Implantodontia no Sindicato de Santo André - SP, ABO Regional de Barra Mansa - RJ e ABO Regional de Volta Redonda - RJ, no período de 2007 a 2013. Foram avaliados 2.208 implantes (Implacil®- São Paulo, Brasil), instalados em 398 pacientes (231 mulheres e 167 homens), com 1.323 implantes mandibulares e 885 implantes maxilares, com idade média de 59.2 anos, analisando: gênero, arcadas, tipo de implante, diâmetro e insucessos, no período de Osseointegração. Os resultados mostraram índice de insucesso em 19 mulheres (8%) e 11 homens (6,5%) com 36 implantes perdidos (1,7%), divididos em 18 perdas mandibulares (1,4%) e 18 perdas maxilares (2,1%). Com base na literatura, podemos concluir que o índice de sucesso de 98,3% obtido no estudo em cursos de especialização em implantodontia por nós ministrados foi satisfatório / Abstract : The objective of this study was to evaluate the success rate of Osseointegration by means of a retrospective review of the medical records of patients who received surgical treatment for the placement of implants in maxillary and mandibular late loading mandibular restorations performed in courses of post-graduation in Implant Dentistry at the São André Union - SP, ABO Regional of Barra Mansa - RJ and ABO Regional of Volta Redonda - RJ, from 2007 to 2013. Two hundred and twenty implants (Implacil®-São Paulo, Brazil) were evaluated, (231 women and 167 men), with 1,323 mandibular implants and 885 maxillary implants, with a mean age of 59.2 years, analyzing: gender, arches, type of implant, diameter and failures in the period of Osseointegration. The results showed failure rates in 19 women (8%) and 11 men (6.5%) with 36 implants lost (1.7%), divided into 18 mandibular losses (1.4%) and 18 maxillary losses (2,1%). Based on the literature, we can conclude that the success rate of 98.3% obtained in the study in specialization courses in implantology given by us was satisfactory / Mestre
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Tumor glômico subungueal: estudo epidemiológico e retrospectivo, no período de 1991 a 2003 / Glomus Tumor: epidemiologic and retrospective study, from 1991 to 2003Vanti, Adriana Amorim 30 November 2004 (has links)
O tumor glômico é uma neoplasia benigna de células glômicas, de ocorrência incomum, observado como lesão solitária na falange distal dos quirodáctilos, representando de 1% a 4,5% das neoplasias das mãos. Foram estudados 20 casos de tumor glômico ocorridos no período de 1991 a 2003, nos ambulatórios de Dermatologia do Hospital das Clínicas e do Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo. Analisaram-se os prontuários, avaliando-se os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e exames complementares, dando ênfase ao exame histopatológico e métodos de imagem. Os achados epidemiológicos deste estudo não diferiram significativamente do levantamento bibliográfico pesquisado, confirmando tratar-se de um tumor raro e pouco conhecido. A tríade clássica do tumor glômico \"dor paroxística, sensibilidade local e hipersensibilidade à alteração de temperatura\" esteve presente em 15 dos 20 casos examinados. Confirmou-se, na casuística analisada, a preferência pelos quirodáctilos e maior acometimento do sexo feminino. Histologicamente, os dados obtidos foram similares aos existentes na literatura, houve predominância do padrão arquitetural celular e a presença de cápsula tumoral, foi encontrada em apenas três casos. Os métodos de imagem não foram utilizados de maneira sistemática como auxiliares diagnóstico do tumor glômico, embora sejam de grande auxílio na confirmação e delimitação do tumor, especialmente a ressonância magnética que nesse estudo foi realizada em quatro dos 20 casos estudados, mostrando lesão evidente e não deixando dúvidas quanto ao diagnóstico. As recidivas, consideradas raras, ocorreram em 15% dos casos, por isso há a necessidade de um acompanhamento cirúrgico prolongado / The glomus tumor is a benign neoplasia of glomus cells, of uncommon occurrence, observed as a solitary lesion on distal phalanx of the chirodactyls, representing from 1% to 4,5% of the hand neoplasias. 20 cases of glomus tumor, occurred from 1991 to 2003, have been studied in the ambulatories of Dermatology of Hospital das Clínicas and of Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal of São Paulo. The medical registers had been analyzed and the epidemiologic and clinical aspects and complementary examination such as histopathologic examination and methods of images had been evaluated. The epidemiologic findings of this study did not differ significantly from the bibliographic research realized, confirming that it is an unfrequent and poorly studied tumor. The classical triad of glomus tumor symptoms: \"paroxysmal pain, local sensitivity and hypersensitivity to the fluctuation of temperature\" was present in 15 of the 20 studied cases. In the analyzed casuistry, the preference for chirodactyls and the greater number of manifestation on female sex had been confirmed. Histologically, the achieved data were similar to the ones presented in the literature, there was prevalence of the cellular architectural pattern and the presence of tumorous capsule was found in just 3 cases. The image methods were not used in a systematic way as a glomus tumor diagnosis aid, although they were a great help on the confirmation and delimitation of the tumor, especially the magnetic resonance imaging. The reincidences were considered sporadic and occurred in 15% of the studied cases, for this reason there is necessity of an extended surgical attendance
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Tratamento ambulatorial da neutropenia febril / Outpatient therapy for patients with febrile neutropeniaBellesso, Marcelo 23 March 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A neutropenia febril (NF) é uma complicação freqüente e potencialmente fatal no manejo do paciente onco-hematológico. Estudos recentes demonstram que a NF consiste em um grupo heterogêneo de pacientes com riscos variados. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a taxa de falência ao tratamento de primeira linha, taxa de internação e óbito. Além disso, estudamos as variáveis clínico-laboratoriais em relação aos desfechos, a validação do índice Multinational Association for Supportive Care of Cancer (MASCC) modificado e a taxa de positividade de hemocultura e urocultura, como também o perfil de sensibilidade ao cefepima. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Estudo retrospectivo unicêntrico. Os dados foram obtidos através dos prontuários do Hospital-Dia no período de Julho de 2001 a Junho de 2006. Foram avaliados eventos com NF tratados com cefepima 2g (2x/dia), associado ou não, a teicoplamina 400mg/dia. RESULTADOS: Em 128 pacientes, estudamos 178 eventos de NF. A taxa de falência ao tratamento de primeira linha foi de 36,5%, taxa de internação 20,7% e óbito em 6,2% entre os eventos de NF. Na análise multivariada do estudo das categorias clínico-laboratoriais e dos desfechos encontramos como dados significantes em relação ao risco da falência ao tratamento de primeira linha: Idade < 60 anos (OR: 2,11 IC95%: 1,71-2,51, p = 0,004) e creatinina sérica > 1,2mg/dL (OR: 7,19, IC95%: 1,81 30,71 p= 0,005). Os dados significantes para o risco de internação foram: Ausência do diagnóstico de Linfoma não - Hodgkin (OR: 2,42 IC95%: 2,04 2,8, p= 0,011) Tabagismo (OR: 3,14, IC95% 1,14 8,66, p=0,027) e creatinina sérica > 1,2mg/dL (OR: 7,97, IC95% 21,19 - 28,95, p=0,002). Em relação ao óbito, o único dado de risco significante foi a saturação de oxigênio < 95% (OR: 5,8, IC95% 1,50 - 22,56, p = 0,011). Em relação ao índice MASCC modificado e seu impacto sobre os desfechos obtivemos os seguintes resultados: Falência do tratamento de primeira linha e (baixo risco versus alto risco): 35,2% x 53,8%, p=0,232; Internação (baixo risco versus alto risco): 18,2% x 53,8%, p = 0,006; óbito (baixo risco versus alto risco): 4,3% x 30,8%, p=0,004. As taxas de hemocultura e urocultura positivas foram respectivamente: 13% e 8%. O agente isolado mais freqüente nos dois exames foi Eschericia coli. Em relação ao perfil de sensibilidade dos agentes isolados e testados, 100% foram sensíveis ao cefepima. CONCLUSÕES: Os eventos de NF em tratamento ambulatorial apresentaram taxas satisfatórias em relação aos desfechos. Os dados sugerem que os riscos como: Ausência de Linfoma não - Hodgkin, tabagismo, creatinina sérica > 1,2mg/dL e oximetria de pulso < 95% merecem ser considerados como fatores de riscos para desfechos indesejáveis. O índice MASCC modificado mostrou-se eficaz para classificar os eventos classificados como alto risco na nossa população. Em relação aos agentes isolados e testados, 100% são sensíveis ao antibiótico de primeira linha cefepima. / BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Febrile Neutropenia (FN) is a frequent adverse event and potentially lethal in patients with haematologic malignancies. Nowadays, FN represents a heterogeneous group with different risk for serious complications and death. We studied the first line antibiotic failure, hospitalization rate and death. In addition, it was compared clinical and laboratory data with outcomes, validation of the usefulness of Modified Multinational Association for Supportive Care of Cancer (MASCC) and blood culture and urine culture rate identification. DESIGN AND METHODS: We elaborated a retrospective study. It was evaluated patients with haematologic malignancies who were treated with Cefepime 2g intravenous (IV) twice a day, with or without Teicoplanin 400mg (IV) once a day. RESULTS: Of the 178 FN events, it was observed: first line antibiotic failure 36,5%, hospitalization rate 20,7% and deaths 6,2%. In multivariate analyses, it was evidenced with risk to first line antibiotic failure: Age < 60 years (OR: 2,11, CI95%: 1,71-2,51, p =0,004), serum creatinine > 1,2mg/mL (OR: 7,19, CI95%: 1,81 30,71 p= 0,005). In hospitalization the risks were: Without diagnosis of Non- Hodgkin Lymphoma (OR: 2,42, CI95%: 2,04 2,8, p= 0,011), smoking (OR: 3,14, CI95% 1,14 8,66, p=0,027), serum creatinine > 1,2mg/dL (OR: 7,97, CI95%21,19- 28,95, p=0,002). Relating to death, the risk was transcutaneous oximetry < 95% (OR: 5.8, CI95%: 1.50 22.56, p = 0.011). Analyzing MASCC index, 165 events were classified as low-risk and 13 as high-risk. Outpatient treatment failures were reported in connection with 7 (53.8%) high-risk episodes and 30 (18.2%) low-risk, p=0.006. In addition, death in 7 (4.2%) low-risk and 4 (30.8%) high-risk events, p=0.004. Microbiological infection documented was identified in 13% and 8% in blood cultures and urine cultures, respectively. The most common agent isolated was E. coli and 100% were sensitive to cefepime. INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: The outpatient treatment with intravenous antibiotic was satisfactory. The risks: Haematologic malignancies other than Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, smoking, serum creatinine elevated and oximetry < 95% should be considered in FN evaluation. It was validated MASCC index in the Brazilian population. Relating to microbiological agents studied 100% were not resistant for cefepime.
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Survivors' Perceptions of Support Following a Parent's SuicideBennett, Suzanne Nicole 01 July 2017 (has links)
Children who experience a parent's death by suicide are a vulnerable population at risk for emotional and mental health issues as well as suicide attempts (Cerel, Fristad, Weller, & Weller, 1999; Kuramoto et al., 2010; Wilcox et al., 2010). Yet, in spite of the knowledge that effective postvention is in reality prevention (Cerel et al. 2008), relatively little is known about these children and adolescents, particularly regarding their experiences following the suicide. The current research study investigated which resources, assistance, and actions of those around the child were perceived as most helpful and unhelpful following the parental suicide. Through semi-structured qualitative interviews using the hermeneutic approach, the researcher interviewed 17 adults who, as children or adolescents, were bereaved by parent suicide. Helpful experiences and support included assistance processing the suicide and an openness in the face of stigma. Unhelpful experiences included judgment and blame, silence regarding the suicide and deceased parent, and a heightened awareness of the surviving parent's challenges. Individuals who were perceived as helpful generally had pre-existing relationships with the children and helped meet their practical and emotional needs. It is recommended that customized and varied support be offered, along with the message that it is important to talk about suicide and memorialize the deceased parent. Additional research is needed to further explore the complex experiences of children of parent suicide; this will aid in the development of evidence-based interventions to better support them.
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Justification for Use of the Pre-Test then Retrospective Pre-then-Post-Test Evaluation in Couple and Relationship Education.Harris, Victor W., Visconti, Brian, Sengupta, Prami, Hinton, Ginny 10 March 2018 (has links)
A retrospective pre-then-post survey instrument design was intentionally used as a good fit for the SMART programming in order to evaluate learning outcomes both before and after the program for several reasons (see Marshall, Higginbotham, Harris, & Lee, 2007; Moore & Tananis, 2009) summarized below. The experimental pretest-posttest design using a control or comparison group is considered to be one of the most respected methods that can be used to measure change in individuals (Campbell & Stanley, 1966; Kaplan, 2004). This design is highly regarded because of its control over internal validity concerns and ability to compare results from the same people or groups of people at multiple time points.
While there are advantages to using the pretest-posttest method, there are some limitations with this research method as well. One limitation comes with finding an adequate comparison group, which can be difficult or impossible for the researchers to locate. Another limitation concerns the possible lack of resources and time available for community-based programs to complete comprehensive pretest-posttest comparisons (Brooks & Gersh, 1998). Also, in order for the pretest-posttest comparisons to be meaningful, participants must attend the complete program from start to finish (Pratt, McGuigan, & Katzey, 2000). Due to the nature of community education programs, attrition and sporadic attendance are common issues (Pratt, McGuigan, & Katzev, 2000).
While the pretest-posttest information must be complete for comparisons to be made, it may be challenging for researchers to see the actual changes in attitudes, behaviors, or skills if the participants overstate their original attitudes, behaviors, or skills when completing the pretest (Howard & Daily, 1979; Moore & Tananis, 2009). This overestimation may occur when the participants do not have a clear understanding of the attitudes, behaviors, or skills that the program is targeting (Pratt, McGuigan, & Katzev, 2000). A lack of knowledge on certain topics (e.g., attitudes, behaviors, skills) often supports the initial need for a program intervention, but this same issue may show participants during the program that they actually knew much less than they thought when they completed the pretest. Thus, one must be aware of the potentially misleading information from pretest-posttest comparisons due to the participants’ change in perspective (Howard & Daily, 1979). “Response shift bias,” first referred to by Howard and Daily (1979), explains the “program-produced change in the participants’ understanding of the construct being measured” (Pratt, McGuigan, & Katzev, 2000, p. 342). Response shift bias was assessed in this study by administering a pre-test at the beginning of programming and a pre-then-post test at the end of programming. Results indicate that response shift bias was present in a majority of the variables studied and that the design of administering a pre-test and then a retrospective pre-then-post test is a good fit for exposing response shit bias. Specific results will be discussed.
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Exploring reading with a small group of fourth grade readers and their teachers through collaborative retrospective miscue analysisPoock, William Henry 01 May 2017 (has links)
Literacy educators hold different beliefs about the best approaches to teach students how to read and about the reading process including a skills view of reading and learning to read versus a transactional, sociopsycholinguistic view of reading and learning to read (Weaver, 2002). Reading for understanding is an important skill to develop in students to promote overall success (Keene, 2008). When orally reading, readers occasionally say something differently than what is printed—which is called a miscue. Goodman, Martens, and Flurkey (2014) defined a miscue as “any response during oral reading that differs from what a listener would expect to hear” (p. 5).
The purpose of this study was to teach a small group of fourth grade readers a process called Collaborative Retrospective Miscue Analysis, or CRMA (Costello, 1996), to help readers learn how to notice and analyze miscues during oral reading through small group collaborative discussions about their miscues and understanding during reading. In this CRMA study, the students’ teachers viewed video recorded student small group reading sessions to understand how students changed over the course of 14 weeks.
A reading survey called the BIMOR, or Burke Interview Modified for Older Readers (Goodman, Watson, & Burke, 2005) was used before and after the study and student and teacher CRMA sessions were video-recorded to study what students thought about themselves as readers and keep track of changing views about reading. In addition, students orally read two different texts to determine if there were any changes in readers’ miscues over time through the use of the Miscue Analysis In-Depth Procedure Coding Form (Goodman et al., 2005). This analysis allowed a deeper understanding of the readers’ usage of the three cueing systems during reading including the syntactic (grammar) system; the semantic (meaning) system; and the graphophonic (letters and sounds) system (Goodman & Marek, 1996).
As a result of the CRMA process, three themes emerged from the analysis of the data collected. Readers moved to a more meaning-based orientation to reading although the CRMA study students still employed the use of other less emphasized reading strategies such as sounding it out, using a dictionary, and asking for help. Students developed more self-efficacy as readers as they became more confident and aware of their reading process as they participated in the CRMA student sessions. Finally, teachers revalued readers through observing their students as readers with strengths, effectively using problem-solving strategies during reading, and by noticing, “what the reader’s smart brain does during the reading process” (Goodman, Martens, & Flurkey, 2014, p. 29).
Implications for both classroom instruction and teacher professional learning are explored as useful applications of Collaborative Retrospective Miscue Analysis in schools and classrooms to help readers move to a more meaning-based orientation to reading and to help readers become more self-efficacious and aware of their own reading process, as well as revaluing readers.
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An Outcome Study of Spinal Cord Stimulation Implants in a Retrospective Cohort of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome PatientsBrowning, Anthony Davis 01 May 2006 (has links)
The current study was designed to test the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in a retrospective group of 43 failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) patients. A medical record review was conducted on study participants to capture · relevant presurgical biopsychosocial variables deemed to be of potential prognostic value. In addition, a multidimensional approach to outcome assessment was undertaken along three general domains: general health status, disease specific outcomes, and surgical outcomes. Descriptive statistics of presurgical variables and outcome measurements are provided as well as a model of outcome prediction based on these prognostic variables. Results suggest that the use of neurostimulation may help to reduce low back and/or leg pain in some patients with FBSS; however, a large number of patients reported continuing pain, physical disability, and inability to work despite treatment. The current study calls into question the efficacy of SCS for FBSS. Recommendations for future studies are presented.
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Global Health Competency Skills: A Self-assessment for Medical StudentsAugustincic Polec, Lana 19 September 2012 (has links)
Global health is an emerging concern in a rapidly changing world in which health issues transcend international borders. This study developed and validated a new self-report questionnaire to assess self-perceived global health competencies among international medical students and how they are influenced by international clinical experiences. A tool consisted of two scales and four subscales with moderate internal consistency. Comparisons between participants who completed retrospective pretest (after the intervention retrospectively) and those who completed traditional pretest (before the intervention) revealed that those participants who completed the questionnaires retrospectively provided lower pretest scores, suggesting that response-shift bias had occurred. Significant increases in scores after international clinical experience were reported for the majority of global health competency measures in IFMSA group. Linear regression identified participant’s age, gross national income (GNI) of country of medical studies, GNI of the country visited, duration of international clinical experience and years of medical school completed, as significant predictors of global health scores. This study contributes valuable information about the newly developed global health competencies measurement tool.
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