Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ett"" "subject:"sett""
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Charakterisierung und experimentelle Therapien eines neuen Mausmodells für das Rett Syndrom / Characterization and experimental therapies of a new mouse model for Rett syndromeWegener, Jan Eike 12 October 2015 (has links)
Für das Rett Syndrom, eine der häufigsten genetischen Ursachen für mentale Retardie-rung bei Frauen, gibt es bisher keine kausale Therapie, obwohl gentherapeutische Studi-en mit konditionellen knockout Mäusen gezeigt haben, dass es sich um eine therapierbare Erkrankung handelt. Um neue Therapien entwickeln zu können, werden Mausmodelle benötigt, die auf den beim Menschen am häufigsten gefundenen Mutation beruhen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Mausmodell mit der häufigsten humanen Nonsense-Mutation R168X im Mecp2 Gen charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe dieses Mausmodells wurden dann die Therapieansätze der „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ und einer Knochenmarktransplantation auf ihre Wirksamkeit in vitro und in vivo untersucht.
Die Charakterisierung der Mauslinie zeigte, dass männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse im Gegensatz zu anderen MeCP2-Mausmodellen kein verkürztes MeCP2 Protein exprimieren. Desweiteren weisen männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse einen Phänotyp, inklu-sive der drastisch verkürzten Lebenspanne, auf, wie er bei bereits etablierten Mausmo-dellen für das Rett Syndrom beschrieben wurde. Dagegen zeigten weibliche, heterozy-gote MeCP2R168X-Mäuse nur einen sehr mild ausgeprägten Phänotyp verglichen mit bereits etablierten MeCP2-Mauslinien.
Für die „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ wurde die Effizienz der Aminoglykoside Geniticin, Gentamicin und Neomycin, der Komponenten NB54, NB84 und NB124, sowie der niedermolekularen Substanz PTC124 auf ihre Wirksamkeit bei der Induktion eines Readthroughs mit transfizierten HeLa-Zellen und MeCP2R168X/y-Mausohrfibroblasten in vitro untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich eine deutliche Steigerung der Readthrough-Effizienz der NB-Komponenten, gemessen an der detektierbaren Menge an MeCP2, mit zunehmender Generation (NB54 --> NB84 --> NB124) und gegenüber dem klinisch angewandten Gentamicin. Während die Behandlung mit Neomycin zu einem minimalen Readthrough-Produkt führte, zeigte die Behandlung mit PTC124 kei-nen messbaren Readthrough.
Anschließend wurden männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse mit den in vitro getesteten Sub-stanzen, mit Ausnahme von Geniticin, behandelt. Die Expression eines MeCP2-Proteins voller Länge konnte durch keine der applizierten Substanzen induziert werden. Auch bei Behandlungen über einen längeren Zeitraum mit hohen Dosierungen, im Fall von Gentamicin nahe der LD50-Dosis und nachweisbarer intrazellulärer Aufnahme, konnte in den behandelten Tieren weder ein verkürztes noch ein MeCP2 Protein nativer Länge detektiert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass für die „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ für das Rett Syndrom neue Komponenten entwickelt werden oder andere Applikationswege gewählt werden müssen, da mit den derzeit verfügbaren Substanzen kein therapeutischer Erfolg erzielt werden kann.
Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Theorie einer gestörten Phagozytose MeCP2-defizienter Mikroglia, sowie die Therapie von MeCP2-defizienten Mäusen durch eine Knochenmarktransplantation überprüft. Dabei konnte weder in vitro noch in vivo eine Veränderung der Phagozytoseaktivität der MeCP2-defizienten Mikroglia nachgewiesen werden, wie sie von Derecki und Kollegen publiziert wurde.
Die Transplantation von gesundem Knochenmark führte bei männlichen MeCP2R168X-Tieren zu keiner Verlängerung der Überlebensspanne oder einer allgemeinen Abmilde-rung der Symptomatik, wie sie ebenfalls von Derecki und Kollegen publiziert wurde. Bei weiblichen Tieren führte die Transplantation gesunden Knochenmarks zu einer Verschlechterung der motorischen Fähigkeiten.
Diese Ergebnisse sind im Einklang mit denen Ergebnissen der Arbeitsgruppen von An-drew Pieper, Antonio Bedalov und Jeffrey Neul, die in anderen Mausmodellen die Wir-kung der Knochenmarktransplantation untersuchten.
Die Ergebnisse aller beteiligten Arbeitsgruppen legen daher nahe, dass eine Knochen-marktransplantation nach einer Ganzkörperbestrahlung keine geeignete Therapie für das Rett Syndroms darstellt.
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Identifying Target Genes related to Respiratory Network Dysfunction in a Mouse Model for the Rett SyndromeVogelgesang, Steffen 19 November 2012 (has links)
Das Rett Syndrom (RTT) gehört zu den tiefgreifenden Entwicklungsstörungen des Gehirns von dem fast ausschließlich Mädchen betroffen sind (ICD-10, F84.10). Ursächlich für die Pathogenese sind Mutationen im X-chromsomalen MECP2-Gen, welches für den Transkriptionsfaktor Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) kodiert. Unterschiedliche neurologische Symptome treten zwischen 6 und 18 Monaten nach der Geburt auf, wobei schwere Rhythmussstörungen der Atmung für ein Viertel plötzlicher Todesfälle bei Rett-Patientinnen verantwortlich gemacht werden. Der neuronale Atmungsrhythmus bei Säugern wird in verschieden Regionen des ponto-medullären Hirnstammes generiert, wobei der Prä-Bötzinger Komplex als essentiell für die Rhythmogenese der Atmung angesehen wird.
Mittels Genexpressionsstudien in der Ventralen Respiratorischen Gruppe (VRG), die den Prä-Bötzinger-Komplex einschließt, zeigte sich eine massiv erhöhte, pathologische Expression des Serotoninrezeptor 5B sowohl auf mRNA-, als auch auf Proteinebene bei MeCP2-defizienten Mäusen zum postnatalen Entwicklungstag P40. Der Serotoninrezeptor 5B (5-HTR5B) gehört zur Klasse der G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren. Durch detaillierte Analysen des 5-HTR5B-Proteins konnte eine natürliche Trunkierung des Rezeptors nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren wurde eine ungewöhnliche intrazelluläre Lokalisierung in Membranen von vesikulären und tubulären Kompartimenten beobachtet. Trotz dieser ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften besitzt der Rezeptor weiterhin die Fähigkeit, das inhibitorische G-Protein Gαi3 konstitutiv zu aktivieren und somit den Anstieg von cAMP zu verhindern. Durch genetisches Ausschalten des 5-HTR5B Proteins (knockout) konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch 5-HTR5B-verminderte cAMP-Konzentration in der VRG ursächlich für den gestörten Atmungsrhythmus MeCP2-defizienter Mäuse ist. Die sich aus diesen Ergebnissen ableitende pharmakologische Strategie, die cAMP Konzentration zu erhöhen, führte zu einem deutlich verbesserten Atmungsrhythmus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit implizieren neue Therapieansätze zur Behandlung der Atmungs-störungen von Rett-Patienten.
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Calcium and cAMP homeostasis determine network organisation of respiratory pre-Bötzinger neurons in Mecp2 null mice in vitro.Skorova, Ekaterina 27 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Glutamate receptors potentiate single K-ATP channels through intracellular ATP changesMollajew, Rustam 24 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Pharmacotreatment of a mouse model of Rett syndrome with the radical scavenger Trolox: Detailed assessment of potential merits in vitro and in vivoJanc, Oliwia Alicja 16 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Altered morphology of YFP-expressing neurons in a Rett Syndrome mouse modelStuss, David P. 16 November 2010 (has links)
Rett Syndrome (RTT, OMIM 312750) is a pervasive autism spectrum disorder affecting
1 in 10,000 females. The majority of cases are caused by mutations in the X-linked gene
MECP2. The RTT phenotype appears to be caused by impaired synapse maturation or
maintenance, resulting in disrupted autonomic nervous system function, mental
retardation, ataxia, apraxia, and movement stereotypies. While not a neurodegenerative
disorder RTT is marked by region-specific reductions in brain volume. We examined the
morphology of YFP-expressing Layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the motor cortex of a
MeCP2 mutant RTT mouse model. Mutant mice exhibited smaller somata and reduced
dendritic lengths in both the apical tuft and basal arbor. Basal dendritic branching was also reduced proximal to the soma. These changes are consistent with the motor deficits observed in mutant mice and in human RTT patients. Altered expression of a Thy-1-YFP reporter transgene in MeCP2 mutant mice is also described.
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Maintenance of Neuron Activity by Homeostatic Alterations in Receptors and Ion Channels in a Rett Syndrome Mouse ModelOginsky, Max 18 December 2014 (has links)
Rett Syndrome (RTT) is a developmental disorder that affects numerous neuronal systems that underlie problems with breathing, movement, cognition and sleep. RTT is caused by mutations in the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (Mecp2) gene. MeCP2 is a ubiquitous protein that is found in all mature neurons and binds to methylated DNA to repress transcription; thus regulating protein expression levels in neurons. The mutations in Mecp2 affect a large number of proteins that are crucial for regulating neuronal activity. Despite the abnormal expression of many of these proteins, mice with a total loss of MeCP2 can live to adulthood and some people with RTT can live to a very late age as well. It is possible that mutations in the Mecp2 gene not only cause widespread defects, but also elicit neuroadaptive processes that may limit the impact of the MeCP2 dysfunction. To test this hypothesis we performed these studies in which we focused on how synaptic and membrane currents were altered to maintain normal neuronal activity in Mecp2-null mice. We show two examples from different neurons where neuroadaptations of ion channel expression allowed the neuron to remain viable. First, the properties of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) current were altered in LC neurons in Mecp2-null mice. This was caused by changes in the nicotinic receptor subunit expression. Despite the changes in the nAChR current, the cholinergic modulation of LC neuron activity in WT and Mecp2-null mice were similar. Secondly, we show that the fast Na+ voltage-gated and the hyperpolarization-activated currents were altered in mesencephalic trigeminal V (Me5) propriosensory neurons. The changes in the hyperpolarization-activated current caused a smaller sag and post-inhibitory rebound. Opposite to what we expected, these cells were hyperexcitable. The hyperexcitability was due to changes in the fast Na+ voltage-gated current causing a decreased action potential threshold. Alterations in the ionic currents in Me5 neurons seem to be due to changes in subunit expression patterns. These results indicate that despite the complications caused by defects in the Mecp2 gene, neurons respond by rearranging receptor / ion channel expression. This reorganization allows neurons to remain viable despite the MeCP2 deficiency.
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Influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais nos transtornos do espectro autistaLongo, Dânae January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Os transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) são condições que atingem o desenvolvimento cerebral prejudicando o estabelecimento da interação social recíproca e da comunicação verbal e não verbal e são acompanhados por comportamentos repetitivos e padrões anormais de interesses e atividades. Os TEA incluem três condições: transtorno autista, transtorno de Asperger e transtorno global do desenvolvimento não especificado. A ampla heterogeneidade clínica apresentada pelos indivíduos afetados prejudica as pesquisas que visam a identificar as origens etiológicas dos TEA. Cerca de 10% dos casos de TEA são secundários a condições genéticas e neurológicas conhecidas. Dentre essas condições, a investigação de mutações no gene MECP2, associado à síndrome de Rett, é de especial interesse devido à sobreposição fenotípica com TEA. A grande maioria dos pacientes com TEA, no entanto, é classificada como TEA idiopático, uma condição multifatorial influenciada de forma complexa por diversos fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco. O polimorfismo de inserção/deleção localizado na região promotora do gene transportador de serotonina (5-HTTLPR) é um dos fatores mais investigados em estudos de associação com TEA. Esses estudos, no entanto, não avaliaram a estrutura funcional trialélica do polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR recentemente descrita. Além disso, poucos estudos investigaram a influência desse polimorfismo, bem como de fatores ambientais de risco, na variabilidade fenotípica de pacientes com TEA. Objetivo: Investigar a influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco na manifestação clínica de pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA. Métodos: Inicialmente, 184 pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente, dos quais 168 foram confirmados com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. A associação entre o polimorfismo 5- HTTLPR e TEA foi testada através de estudo caso-controle com 151 pacientes e 179 crianças controle, bem como através de teste de associação baseado em famílias (FBAT) em uma amostra de 105 trios (pacientes juntamente com seus pais biológicos). Além disso, foi testada a influência da interação entre 5-HTTLPR e exposição pré-natal a fumo na manifestação de agressividade em pacientes com TEA. Por fim, foram investigadas mutações no gene MECP2 em 38 meninas com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. Resultados: Não houve associação entre 5-HTTLPR e TEA em ambos os estudos casocontrole e FBAT, mas o genótipo LaLa foi associado com instabilidade de humor nos pacientes (P=0,006). Além disso, pacientes com o genótipo LaLa concomitantemente expostos a fumo pré-natal apresentaram maior risco de desenvolver agressão (P=0,02) e auto-agressão (P=0,02). A exposição pré-natal a drogas potencialmente neuroteratogênicas foi associada com epilepsia (P<0,001). Por fim, duas pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático apresentaram mutações patogênicas em MECP2: p.R255X e dois eventos inserção/deleção ainda não descritos no éxon 4. Conclusões: Todos os estudos sobre a etiologia dos TEA idiopáticos deveriam iniciar com uma avaliação clínica adequada. Essa abordagem é fundamental tanto para a identificação de TEA secundários quanto para distinguir fenótipos clínicos mais informativos para estudos de associação. Levando em consideração as características fenotípicas das duas pacientes portadoras de mutações patogênicas em MECP2, bem como em resultados de estudos prévios, sugerimos que o sequenciamento desse gene seja cogitado nas menunas com TEA que apresentem atraso no desenvolvimento social e comunicativo. O polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR não parece influenciar o risco para TEA em si, mas parece contribuir para a variabilidade fenotípica dos pacientes. Da mesma forma, a exposição pré-natal a substâncias potencialmente neuroteratogênicas também pode influenciar o quadro clínico de pacientes com TEA. / Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders of brain function which impair reciprocal social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communications and are accompanied by restricted educational activities, abnormal interests, and stereotypic behaviors. ASD include three conditions: autistic disorder, Asperger disorder and pervasive development disorder-not otherwise specified. The broad clinical heterogeneity of affected individuals impairs research on identification of ASD etiological origins. About 10% of ASD are secondary to known genetic or neurological conditions. Among these conditions the investigation of mutations in MECP2, the gene associated with Rett syndrome, is of great interest due to phenotypic overlapping with ASD. The remaining majority of cases is classified as idiophatic ASD, a multifactorial condition influenced by complex sets of genetic and environmental factors. Among genetic risck factors, the polymorphic region on promoter of serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is one of the most investigated in association studies with ASD. The previous studies, however, have not evaluated 5-HTTLPR functional triallelic structure recently described. Moreover, few studies have assessed 5-HTTLPR and environmental risk factors influence on phenotypic variability of ASD patients. Objective: Investigate the influence of genetic and environmental risk factors in clinical presentation of patients with ASD. Methods: Initially, 184 were clinically evaluated and 168 were confirmed with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. The association between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and ASD was tested by case-control study with 151 patients and 179 control children, as well as by family-based association test (FBAT) in a sample of 105 trios (patients and their parents). Moreover, it was tested the influence of interaction between 5-HTTLPR prenatal smoking exposure on aggressive behavior in patients with ASD. Finally, mutations in MECP2 gene were investigated in 38 girls with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. Results: There was no evidence of association between the 5-HTTLPR with ASD in both case-control and FBAT tests, but the LaLa 5-HTTLPR genotype was associated with mood instability in patients (P=0.006). Additionally, patients with the LaLa genotype concurrently exposed to prenatal smoking had an increased risk of presenting aggression (P=0.02) and selfinjury (P=0.02). The pre-natal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic drugs was associated with epilepsy in ASD patients (P<0.001). Finally, two girls with diagnostic of idiopathic ASD were detected with pathogenic mutations in MECP2: p.R255X and two no described insertion/deletion events inside forth exon. Conclusions: The studies addressing etiology of idiopathic ASD should begin with appropriate clinical evaluation. This is an essential approach for identification of secondary ASD cases as well for discriminate more informative clinical phenotypes for association studies. Considering the phenotypic characteristics of the two patients carried pathogenic mutations in the MECP2 gene, along with results of previous papers, we suggest that the sequencing of the gene should be considered for girls with ASD who present delayed development of social and communicational skills. The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism seems not influence risk for ASD per se, but contributes to phenotypic variation in patients. In the same way, prenatal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic substances may also influence clinical presentation of ASD patients.
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Influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais nos transtornos do espectro autistaLongo, Dânae January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Os transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) são condições que atingem o desenvolvimento cerebral prejudicando o estabelecimento da interação social recíproca e da comunicação verbal e não verbal e são acompanhados por comportamentos repetitivos e padrões anormais de interesses e atividades. Os TEA incluem três condições: transtorno autista, transtorno de Asperger e transtorno global do desenvolvimento não especificado. A ampla heterogeneidade clínica apresentada pelos indivíduos afetados prejudica as pesquisas que visam a identificar as origens etiológicas dos TEA. Cerca de 10% dos casos de TEA são secundários a condições genéticas e neurológicas conhecidas. Dentre essas condições, a investigação de mutações no gene MECP2, associado à síndrome de Rett, é de especial interesse devido à sobreposição fenotípica com TEA. A grande maioria dos pacientes com TEA, no entanto, é classificada como TEA idiopático, uma condição multifatorial influenciada de forma complexa por diversos fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco. O polimorfismo de inserção/deleção localizado na região promotora do gene transportador de serotonina (5-HTTLPR) é um dos fatores mais investigados em estudos de associação com TEA. Esses estudos, no entanto, não avaliaram a estrutura funcional trialélica do polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR recentemente descrita. Além disso, poucos estudos investigaram a influência desse polimorfismo, bem como de fatores ambientais de risco, na variabilidade fenotípica de pacientes com TEA. Objetivo: Investigar a influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco na manifestação clínica de pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA. Métodos: Inicialmente, 184 pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente, dos quais 168 foram confirmados com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. A associação entre o polimorfismo 5- HTTLPR e TEA foi testada através de estudo caso-controle com 151 pacientes e 179 crianças controle, bem como através de teste de associação baseado em famílias (FBAT) em uma amostra de 105 trios (pacientes juntamente com seus pais biológicos). Além disso, foi testada a influência da interação entre 5-HTTLPR e exposição pré-natal a fumo na manifestação de agressividade em pacientes com TEA. Por fim, foram investigadas mutações no gene MECP2 em 38 meninas com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. Resultados: Não houve associação entre 5-HTTLPR e TEA em ambos os estudos casocontrole e FBAT, mas o genótipo LaLa foi associado com instabilidade de humor nos pacientes (P=0,006). Além disso, pacientes com o genótipo LaLa concomitantemente expostos a fumo pré-natal apresentaram maior risco de desenvolver agressão (P=0,02) e auto-agressão (P=0,02). A exposição pré-natal a drogas potencialmente neuroteratogênicas foi associada com epilepsia (P<0,001). Por fim, duas pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático apresentaram mutações patogênicas em MECP2: p.R255X e dois eventos inserção/deleção ainda não descritos no éxon 4. Conclusões: Todos os estudos sobre a etiologia dos TEA idiopáticos deveriam iniciar com uma avaliação clínica adequada. Essa abordagem é fundamental tanto para a identificação de TEA secundários quanto para distinguir fenótipos clínicos mais informativos para estudos de associação. Levando em consideração as características fenotípicas das duas pacientes portadoras de mutações patogênicas em MECP2, bem como em resultados de estudos prévios, sugerimos que o sequenciamento desse gene seja cogitado nas menunas com TEA que apresentem atraso no desenvolvimento social e comunicativo. O polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR não parece influenciar o risco para TEA em si, mas parece contribuir para a variabilidade fenotípica dos pacientes. Da mesma forma, a exposição pré-natal a substâncias potencialmente neuroteratogênicas também pode influenciar o quadro clínico de pacientes com TEA. / Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders of brain function which impair reciprocal social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communications and are accompanied by restricted educational activities, abnormal interests, and stereotypic behaviors. ASD include three conditions: autistic disorder, Asperger disorder and pervasive development disorder-not otherwise specified. The broad clinical heterogeneity of affected individuals impairs research on identification of ASD etiological origins. About 10% of ASD are secondary to known genetic or neurological conditions. Among these conditions the investigation of mutations in MECP2, the gene associated with Rett syndrome, is of great interest due to phenotypic overlapping with ASD. The remaining majority of cases is classified as idiophatic ASD, a multifactorial condition influenced by complex sets of genetic and environmental factors. Among genetic risck factors, the polymorphic region on promoter of serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is one of the most investigated in association studies with ASD. The previous studies, however, have not evaluated 5-HTTLPR functional triallelic structure recently described. Moreover, few studies have assessed 5-HTTLPR and environmental risk factors influence on phenotypic variability of ASD patients. Objective: Investigate the influence of genetic and environmental risk factors in clinical presentation of patients with ASD. Methods: Initially, 184 were clinically evaluated and 168 were confirmed with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. The association between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and ASD was tested by case-control study with 151 patients and 179 control children, as well as by family-based association test (FBAT) in a sample of 105 trios (patients and their parents). Moreover, it was tested the influence of interaction between 5-HTTLPR prenatal smoking exposure on aggressive behavior in patients with ASD. Finally, mutations in MECP2 gene were investigated in 38 girls with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. Results: There was no evidence of association between the 5-HTTLPR with ASD in both case-control and FBAT tests, but the LaLa 5-HTTLPR genotype was associated with mood instability in patients (P=0.006). Additionally, patients with the LaLa genotype concurrently exposed to prenatal smoking had an increased risk of presenting aggression (P=0.02) and selfinjury (P=0.02). The pre-natal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic drugs was associated with epilepsy in ASD patients (P<0.001). Finally, two girls with diagnostic of idiopathic ASD were detected with pathogenic mutations in MECP2: p.R255X and two no described insertion/deletion events inside forth exon. Conclusions: The studies addressing etiology of idiopathic ASD should begin with appropriate clinical evaluation. This is an essential approach for identification of secondary ASD cases as well for discriminate more informative clinical phenotypes for association studies. Considering the phenotypic characteristics of the two patients carried pathogenic mutations in the MECP2 gene, along with results of previous papers, we suggest that the sequencing of the gene should be considered for girls with ASD who present delayed development of social and communicational skills. The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism seems not influence risk for ASD per se, but contributes to phenotypic variation in patients. In the same way, prenatal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic substances may also influence clinical presentation of ASD patients.
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Influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais nos transtornos do espectro autistaLongo, Dânae January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Os transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) são condições que atingem o desenvolvimento cerebral prejudicando o estabelecimento da interação social recíproca e da comunicação verbal e não verbal e são acompanhados por comportamentos repetitivos e padrões anormais de interesses e atividades. Os TEA incluem três condições: transtorno autista, transtorno de Asperger e transtorno global do desenvolvimento não especificado. A ampla heterogeneidade clínica apresentada pelos indivíduos afetados prejudica as pesquisas que visam a identificar as origens etiológicas dos TEA. Cerca de 10% dos casos de TEA são secundários a condições genéticas e neurológicas conhecidas. Dentre essas condições, a investigação de mutações no gene MECP2, associado à síndrome de Rett, é de especial interesse devido à sobreposição fenotípica com TEA. A grande maioria dos pacientes com TEA, no entanto, é classificada como TEA idiopático, uma condição multifatorial influenciada de forma complexa por diversos fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco. O polimorfismo de inserção/deleção localizado na região promotora do gene transportador de serotonina (5-HTTLPR) é um dos fatores mais investigados em estudos de associação com TEA. Esses estudos, no entanto, não avaliaram a estrutura funcional trialélica do polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR recentemente descrita. Além disso, poucos estudos investigaram a influência desse polimorfismo, bem como de fatores ambientais de risco, na variabilidade fenotípica de pacientes com TEA. Objetivo: Investigar a influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais de risco na manifestação clínica de pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA. Métodos: Inicialmente, 184 pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente, dos quais 168 foram confirmados com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. A associação entre o polimorfismo 5- HTTLPR e TEA foi testada através de estudo caso-controle com 151 pacientes e 179 crianças controle, bem como através de teste de associação baseado em famílias (FBAT) em uma amostra de 105 trios (pacientes juntamente com seus pais biológicos). Além disso, foi testada a influência da interação entre 5-HTTLPR e exposição pré-natal a fumo na manifestação de agressividade em pacientes com TEA. Por fim, foram investigadas mutações no gene MECP2 em 38 meninas com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático. Resultados: Não houve associação entre 5-HTTLPR e TEA em ambos os estudos casocontrole e FBAT, mas o genótipo LaLa foi associado com instabilidade de humor nos pacientes (P=0,006). Além disso, pacientes com o genótipo LaLa concomitantemente expostos a fumo pré-natal apresentaram maior risco de desenvolver agressão (P=0,02) e auto-agressão (P=0,02). A exposição pré-natal a drogas potencialmente neuroteratogênicas foi associada com epilepsia (P<0,001). Por fim, duas pacientes com diagnóstico de TEA idiopático apresentaram mutações patogênicas em MECP2: p.R255X e dois eventos inserção/deleção ainda não descritos no éxon 4. Conclusões: Todos os estudos sobre a etiologia dos TEA idiopáticos deveriam iniciar com uma avaliação clínica adequada. Essa abordagem é fundamental tanto para a identificação de TEA secundários quanto para distinguir fenótipos clínicos mais informativos para estudos de associação. Levando em consideração as características fenotípicas das duas pacientes portadoras de mutações patogênicas em MECP2, bem como em resultados de estudos prévios, sugerimos que o sequenciamento desse gene seja cogitado nas menunas com TEA que apresentem atraso no desenvolvimento social e comunicativo. O polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR não parece influenciar o risco para TEA em si, mas parece contribuir para a variabilidade fenotípica dos pacientes. Da mesma forma, a exposição pré-natal a substâncias potencialmente neuroteratogênicas também pode influenciar o quadro clínico de pacientes com TEA. / Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders of brain function which impair reciprocal social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communications and are accompanied by restricted educational activities, abnormal interests, and stereotypic behaviors. ASD include three conditions: autistic disorder, Asperger disorder and pervasive development disorder-not otherwise specified. The broad clinical heterogeneity of affected individuals impairs research on identification of ASD etiological origins. About 10% of ASD are secondary to known genetic or neurological conditions. Among these conditions the investigation of mutations in MECP2, the gene associated with Rett syndrome, is of great interest due to phenotypic overlapping with ASD. The remaining majority of cases is classified as idiophatic ASD, a multifactorial condition influenced by complex sets of genetic and environmental factors. Among genetic risck factors, the polymorphic region on promoter of serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is one of the most investigated in association studies with ASD. The previous studies, however, have not evaluated 5-HTTLPR functional triallelic structure recently described. Moreover, few studies have assessed 5-HTTLPR and environmental risk factors influence on phenotypic variability of ASD patients. Objective: Investigate the influence of genetic and environmental risk factors in clinical presentation of patients with ASD. Methods: Initially, 184 were clinically evaluated and 168 were confirmed with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. The association between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and ASD was tested by case-control study with 151 patients and 179 control children, as well as by family-based association test (FBAT) in a sample of 105 trios (patients and their parents). Moreover, it was tested the influence of interaction between 5-HTTLPR prenatal smoking exposure on aggressive behavior in patients with ASD. Finally, mutations in MECP2 gene were investigated in 38 girls with diagnosis of idiopathic ASD. Results: There was no evidence of association between the 5-HTTLPR with ASD in both case-control and FBAT tests, but the LaLa 5-HTTLPR genotype was associated with mood instability in patients (P=0.006). Additionally, patients with the LaLa genotype concurrently exposed to prenatal smoking had an increased risk of presenting aggression (P=0.02) and selfinjury (P=0.02). The pre-natal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic drugs was associated with epilepsy in ASD patients (P<0.001). Finally, two girls with diagnostic of idiopathic ASD were detected with pathogenic mutations in MECP2: p.R255X and two no described insertion/deletion events inside forth exon. Conclusions: The studies addressing etiology of idiopathic ASD should begin with appropriate clinical evaluation. This is an essential approach for identification of secondary ASD cases as well for discriminate more informative clinical phenotypes for association studies. Considering the phenotypic characteristics of the two patients carried pathogenic mutations in the MECP2 gene, along with results of previous papers, we suggest that the sequencing of the gene should be considered for girls with ASD who present delayed development of social and communicational skills. The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism seems not influence risk for ASD per se, but contributes to phenotypic variation in patients. In the same way, prenatal exposure to potential neuroteratogenic substances may also influence clinical presentation of ASD patients.
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