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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parametrisk Design / Parametric Design

Zakhoy, Solin, Safeen Butros, Diana January 2019 (has links)
I samband med digitaliseringens intåg har nya förbättrade BIM-verktyg börjat användas för att effektivisera konstruktörens arbete. Med hjälp av implementering av grafiska tredjepartsprogram kan BIM verktygen bidra med ökat funktionalitet. Ett exempel på ett sådant program är tredjepartsprogrammet Grasshopper kopplat till BIM-verktygen Tekla Structures som skapar parameterstyrning, vilket innebär att modellens data styrs och nås av de externa programmen. På Rambolls Bro- och Tunnelavdelning vill man idag, som många andra konsultföretag bli mer BIMorienterade. Dock saknas en uppskattning av den totala tidsbesparingen och nyttjande av tredjepartsprogrammen. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att komma fram till en slutsats som ger stöd i beslutsfattande kring vilka typer av projekt som parameterstyrda modeller kan vara lämpliga för. Genom uppbyggnad av ett automatiserat skript för en stödmur har denna studie visat kopplingen mellan programvarorna Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper och Tekla Structures. Med denna tillämpning har man lyckats skapa ett lätthanterligt användargränssnitt. Vidare har man jämfört det färdiga skriptet i Grasshopper med en modellering i Civil 3D där man har kommit fram till att man kan vinna tid på att ha ett optimalt skript. Man har även kunnat dra slutsatser under vilka förhållanden det lämpar sig att använda parametrisk modellering och automatisering som pekar mot tidiga skeden i projektering och standardkonstruktioner. / In connection with the digitalization's entry, the companies has begun to apply new improved BIMtools to streamline the constructor's work. With the help of the implementation of graphical thirdparty applications, the BIM-tools can achieve increased functionality. An example of such a program is the third party applications Grasshopper linked to the Tekla Structure, which creates so called computational design, which means that the model's data is controlled and accessed by the external programs. The Bridge and Tunnel department at Ramboll wants to become, like many other consulting firms, more BIM oriented. However, there is no estimate of total timesaving and utilization of the implementation today. The purpose of this thesis project has been to come at a conclusion that provides support in decision-making regarding which types of projects that parameter-controlled models may be suitable for. By building an automated script for a retaining wall, this study has shown the connection between the software Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper and Tekla Structures. With this application, one has succeeded in creating an easy-to-use interface. Furthermore, one has compared the finished script in Grasshopper with a model in Civil 3D where the assumption that one can gain time by having a finished script. It has also been possible to draw conclusions under which conditions it is suitable to use parametric modeling and automation that points to early stages in design and standard constructions.

Habitat use and diet selection of reintroduced white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in Pafuri, Kruger National Park

Pedersen, Gayle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 2005, six white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) were reintroduced into Pafuri, in the far northern section of Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, as part of a large mammal reintroduction project. All six individuals were fitted with horn radio transmitters. Rhinos have been absent from Pafuri for over a century, and this project aimed to establish a breeding nucleus in the area. The aim of this study was to monitor post-release movement and habitat use of these animals within the 203 km2 study area and assess the short term success of the re-introduction project as well as the suitability of the five landscape types in Pafuri as a habitat for white rhinoceros. Habitat suitability and selection was assessed at two ecological hierarchical scales: 1) landscape system, analysed further down to the spatial scale of range and territory establishment, and 2) feeding station for diet selection. Rhinos were tracked for 12 months and a database of 719 sighting records was compiled. These data were used to determine the utilisation of and preference between the Pafuri landscape types, using preference indices that compare utilisation versus availability. An a-LoCoH nonparametric kernel method was used to calculate home ranges and utilisation distributions of each rhino. Feeding surveys were attempted by backtracking along fresh rhino feeding paths and recording the grass species present and eaten in 0.7 m x 0.7 m quadrats. Faecal samples were collected and analysed using microhistological techniques and dietary composition was assessed for each rhino. Landscape preference analyses showed that the rhinos favoured Colophospermum mopane Shrubveld on calcrete in the dry season, and the Punda Maria Sandveld in the wet season. The territory establishment of the dominant bull was substantially larger (44.8 km²) than those of adult male rhinos in the rest of KNP. Ranging areas of the mature females (17 – 25.4 km²), were consistent with sizes of previous studies. The two sub-adults ranged far more extensively, establishing an 84.1 km² annual range during the study period. The annual diet consisted of mostly perennial grass species, with moderate grazing value species dominating for most of the year. Dietary analyses showed that Schmidtia pappophoroides, Eragrostis superba, Enneapogon cenchroides, Cenchrus ciliaris and Stipagrostis uniplumis were the primary grass species consumed. vii This study demonstrated that the Pafuri rhinos are behaving similarly to rhinos established in other areas, with movements around the landscapes being primarily influenced by rainfall and permanent water sources, and the high quality grazing that is more abundant in the wet season. Their range and territory sizes were inevitably large, for a low density area, but not uncommonly so. The most significant outcome of this study was the preference shown for the Colophospermum mopane Shrubveld on calcrete landscape that is classed as unique within South Africa, and was also ranked as ‘avoided’ by the earlier KNP studies into landscape preferences of rhinos. The grass cover in Pafuri, although sparse and very dry, contained a diversity of low to high grazing value grasses that the rhinos appeared to exploit to the best of their ability. The abundance of moderate grazing value species in their diets, and the low number of low grazing value species suggests that they are maximising the opportunities to graze on nutritious grasses when they are available. Our findings suggest that the Pafuri area is suitable for the establishment of a small breeding nucleus of white rhinos. The abundance of permanent water, in the form of springs, is a great advantage however, the potential for bush encroachment into grasslands in areas of such low rainfall needs to be considered if the population continues to grow at the current rate. The birth of two new calves in 2008 confirms that these rhinos have settled and adapted to their new habitat, and is a very promising sign for the future of this increasing subpopulation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 2005 is ses wit renosters (Ceratotherium simum) hervestig in Pafuri in die noordelike gedeelte van die Kruger Nasionale Park (KNP), Suid-Afrika, as deel van ‘n groot soogdier hervestigings projek. Al ses individue is gemerk met horing radioseintoestelle. Renosters kom vir al meer as ‘n honderd jaar nie meer in Pafuri voor nie en hierdie projek was daarop gemik om ‘n teel-nukleus in hierdie gesied te vestig. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verspreiding van die renosters na loslating en habitat-gebruik binne die 203 km2 studie-omgewing te monitor, om die korttermyn sukses van die hervestigings program te evalueer en ook te kyk na die gepastheid van die vyf landskap-tipes in Pafuri as ‘n geskikte habitat vir die wit renosters. Habitatgepastheid en seleksie is geëvalueer volgens twee ekologiese hiërargiese skale: 1) landskapsisteem, wat in meer resolusie tot die ruimtelike skaal van reikwydte en omgewingsvestiging geanaliseer is, en 2) voedings-stasie vir dieet-seleksie. Renosters is vir 12 maande gevolg en ‘n databasis wat 719 waarneming-rekords bevat, is opgestel. Laasgenoemde data is gebruik om die gebruik en voorkeur vir die Pafuri landskap tipes te bepaal met behulp van voorkeur-indikators wat die gebruik met beskikbaarheid vergelyk het. ‘n a-LoCoH nie-parametriese kern metode is gebruik om die reikwydte en gebruiksverspreidings van elke renoster te bereken. Voedingsopnames is gedoen deurdat vars renoster voedings-paadjies terugwaarts gevolg is en die grasspesies teenwoordig en waarop gevoed is, in 0.7 m x 0.7 m kwadrante te bepaal. Mismonsters is versamel en geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van mikro-histologiese tegnieke en voedingswaarde-samestellings is vasgestel vir elke renoster . Landskapsvoorkeur analises dui daarop dat die renosters in die droë seisoen Colophospermum mopane struikveld wat op kalkreet groei verkies en die Punda Maria Sandveld in die reën seisoen. Die terrein vestiging van die dominanate bul was aansienlik groter (44.8 km²) in vergelyking met die volwasse bul renosters in die res van die KNP. Reikwydte van die volwasse koeie (17 – 25.4 km²) was ooreenstemmend met dié van vorige studies. Die reikwydte van die twee subvolwassenes het baie meer gevarieer, deurdat ‘n 84.1 km² jaarlikse reikwydte gedek was binne die studie periode. Die jaarlikse dieet het meestal bestaan uit meerjarige ix grasspesies, met spesies met matige weidingswaarde wat oorheers vir meeste van die jaar. Voedingswaarde analises dui daarop dat Schmidtia pappophoroides, Eragrostis superba, Enneapogon cenchroides, Cenchrus ciliaris en Stipagrostis uniplumis die primêre gras spesies was waarop gewei word. Die studie het bewys dat die Pafuri renosters soortgelyke gedragspatrone vertoon het as renosters in ander gevestigde gebiede, deurdat bewegings binne die landskap hoofsaaklik beïnvloed word deur reënval en permanente waterbronne, asook die hoë gehalte weidingsbronne beskikbaar gedurende die reën seisoen. Hulle reikwydte- en terrein-groottes was uiteraardelik groot vir ‘n lae-digtheid areas, maar dit is nie buitengewoon nie. Die mees betekenisvolle gevolgtrekking van die studie was die voorkeur vir die Colophospermum mopane struikveld op kalkreet landskappe wat beskou word as uniek aan Suid-Afrika, en wat ook beskou was as ‘vermy’ deur vroër KNP studies tov. landskap voorkeure spesifiek vir renosters. Die grasbedekking in Pafuri, alhoewel yl en baie droog, het tog oor ‘n verskeidenheid grasse beskik wat van lae tot hoë weidings waarde het, en wat die renosters tot die beste van hulle vermoë benut het. Die oorvloedige teenwoordigheid van beide spesies met matige weidingswaarde in hulle dieët en die lae hoeveelheid van spesies met lae weidingswaarde, impliseer dat hulle die geleentheid om op voedingsryke grasse te voed ten volle benut wanneer dit beskikbaar is. Ons resultate dui daarop dat die Pafuri omgewing geskik is vir die vestiging van ‘n klein teel-nukleus van wit renosters. Die oorvloedige teenwoordigheid van permanente waterbronne in die vorm van fonteine is ‘n groot voordeel, maar die kans vir bosindringing in hierdie grasveld-gebiede met lae reënval moet oorweeg word sou die populasie aanhou toeneem teen die huidige tempo. Die geboorte van twee nuwe kalfies in 2008 staaf die moontlikheid dat die renosters gevestig en aangepas het in hulle nuwe habitat, wat ‘n baie belowende teken is vir die toekoms van die groeiende subpopulasie.

Rhinonomics: a biodiversity center in the cradle of human kind in support of a legalised rhino horn trade

McCormack, Duane Allan 07 October 2014 (has links)
A fading legacy Through the intensive investigation of the rhino trade, the thesis proposes the development of a biodiversity center to serve as a research, education, training and enforcement facility which will support a legalized rhino horn trade. The relationship between architecture and nature. In so doing, it questions whether architecture can effectively facilitate the conservation of our spectacular wildlife through and ecological approach to brief, site and context. The thesis promotes and architecture that is respectful of its natural surroundings. An architecture that provides occupants with facilities that are conducive to the conservation of endangered species.

我國野生動物保育政策執行之研究-犀牛角事件個案分析 / The Policy Implementation of Wildlife Conservation in Taiwan, R. O.C. : A Case Study of Rhinoceros

宋吉德, Sung, Chi Te Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究問題在於瞭解:1、現行我國野生動物保育政策之執行情形為何﹖2、如果政策執行情況良好,為何會發生犀牛角事件﹖3、存在於個案之間的關係,例如政策內容、執行體系、第三部門、標的團體,甚至我國與國際間的互動情況為何﹖4、取締持有犀牛角是否為政策執行的主要目標﹖如果不是的話,那麼,真正的政策目標為何及如何落實野生動物保育政策﹖5、事件之後的政策執行幅度及所造成的政策變遷為何﹖   為了對上述之研究問題能有充分的瞭解及論述,本文首先整理政策執行文獻所有的研究變數,並歸納為政策內容、執行主體、標的團體、及環境因素等四項;此外另從環境變項中提出第三部門(本文乃專指以保育為主要議題之國內外保育團體或基金會)加入政策關係人間的互動。   最後,為求建立一個解釋性較廣的分析架構,乃融合了林水波等三位教授之「強化執行力」模式,亞歷山大(Alexander)之「政策─方案─執行過程」(PPIP)模式,以及保羅、伯曼(Paul Berman)之「總體個體」執行模式,成為本文之分析架構。並且,基於此一架構,顯示了本文與其他碩士論文不同之特點,包括:1、注重內外環境的剌激。2、提昇第三部門的執行地位。3、兼論總體及個體執行。4、蘊含對結果的評估及政策變遷。

Semen characteristics of free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) using Computer-aided sperm analysis, Electron microscopy and Genomics as diagnostic tools

Luther, Ilse January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The survival of free-ranging (in situ) African elephant and Southern white rhinoceros populations are currently being challenged on a daily basis in Africa. Reproductive health is considered a vital component of species conservation. Conservation of the last mega land mammals may ultimately require intervention by breeding management or combined with assisted reproductive technologies (ART). There is a strong case for gathering baseline information, both physiological and biological, of any species, as opportunities arise. During this study a total number of 21 ejaculates collected over two seasons from 12 free-ranging African elephant bulls were characterised, as well as 10 ejaculates collected from 10 free-ranging Southern white rhinoceros bulls from two populations. Ejaculates were collected from adult bulls by means of electroejaculation under anaesthesia. Routine semen analysis was combined with Computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA), Computer-aided sperm morphology analysis (CASMA), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Genomics as diagnostic tools. Additionally, sperm functionality within different media was investigated and sperm subpopulation classification according to the motion pattern displayed. The results presented is based on the evaluation and classification of ≈ 45 000 individual African elephant spermatozoa and ≈ 18 000 individual Southern white rhinoceros spermatozoa. The average elephant ejaculate contained a total number of 47 x 10⁹ spermatozoa (volume of 56 ± 38mL x concentration of 818 ± 750 x 10⁶/mL) that recorded a total motility of 81 ± 29% of which 62 ± 26% were progressively motile. CASA recorded velocities for curvilinear velocity (VCL 241 ± 58μm/s), straight-line velocity (VSL 173 ± 181μm/s) and average path velocity (VAP 201 ± 54μm/s), and kinematics at straightness of track (STR 86 ± 85%), linearity of track (LIN 67 ± 16%), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH 4 ± 0.75μm) and beat cross frequency (BCF 21 ± 3Hz). Structural analysis revealed 68 ± 11% of the spermatozoa were viable (intact plasma membrane) and 77 ± 11% maintained acrosome integrity. Ejaculates contained 55 ± 14% morphologically normal spermatozoa, CASMA measured sperm head lengths at 6.83 ± 0.26μm and width 3.32 ± 0.18μm (total head area of 20.17 ± 1.96μm²) of which 38.95 ± 0.92% is covered by an acrosomal cap. The average rhinoceros ejaculate contained a total number of 1.1 x 10⁹ spermatozoa (volume of 24 ± 24mL x concentration of 83 ± 96 x 10⁶/mL) that recorded a total motility at 82 ± 8% of which 28 ± 23% were progressively motile. CASA recorded velocities for VCL (85 ± 29μm/s), VSL (44 ± 25μm/s) and VAP (69 ± 30μm/s, and kinematics at STR (63 ± 14%), LIN (51 ± 16%), ALH (2 ± 0.16μm) and BCF (16 ± 6Hz). Structural analysis revealed 73 ± 10% of the spermatozoa were viable (intact plasma membrane) and 76 ± 4% maintained acrosome integrity. Ejaculates contained 62 ± 14% morphologically normal spermatozoa, CASMA measured sperm head lengths at 5.5 ± 0.17μm and width 2.9 ± 0.19μm (total head area of 14.8 ± 1.43μm²) of which 36.3 ± 0.59% is covered by an acrosomal cap. Based on a Boolean argument and CASA data exploration it was possible to derive elephant and rhinoceros CASA cut-off criteria to sort between activated and hyperactivated motile spermatozoa. For the genomic component of this study, the CatSper1 (Loxodonta africana) gene was identified,sequenced and verified in a free-ranging (natural) African elephant population. Multivariate analysis(MVA) was applied to examine the associations between the semen and sperm parameters and the traits they accounted for in this study. Our understanding of wildlife reproductive sciences can substantially progress as the analytical techniques applied and the combination thereof is expanded. This investigation presents a new set of comprehensive semen and sperm threshold values for future investigations.

Analysis of the One-Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Unicornis) Habitat in the Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal.

Thapa, Vivek 12 1900 (has links)
This study analyzes the remaining suitable habitat of the one-horned rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, in Royal Chitwan National Park of Nepal. An April 2003 Landsat image was classified into eight land cover types: wetland, sand, water, mixed forest, sal forest, agriculture, settlement, and grassland. This image was converted into habitat suitability maps using cover, food, and water. The rhinoceros prefers grassland habitat with oxbow lakes and closed canopy during the monsoon season. Nominal values of five parameters were used to create a map of habitat suitability index. The map was categorized into four habitat classes: highly unsuitable, unsuitable, moderately suitable habitat, and suitable. Landscape metrics, patch metrics and class metrics associated with habitat were determined through the use of FRAGSTATS.

An analysis of enforcement of laws on rhino poaching in South Africa

Mogoshi, Malesela Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (LLM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Rhinoceros (Rhinos) are poached at an alarming high rate in South Africa. The 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), prohibited the trade of rhino horns amongst its member states. Even though there are existing pieces of legislation in South Africa to curb the killing and illegal trade of rhino horns, compliance authorities rarely impose stringent sentences on culprits caught poaching rhinos. There should be stringent enforcement of laws on poachers and if caught, perpetrators should be brought to justice in order to deter aspiring or ambitious would-be perpetrators. Amendment of legislation currently used in South Africa on rhino poaching cases, if applied vigorously, would be more developmental in curbing the scourge. The syndicate are highly skilled and well equipped for the execution of illicit poaching. It is in few instances that perpetrators are arrested and prosecuted. Even if arrested and prosecuted, lenient sentences are imposed upon conviction. The most noticeable lacuna in South African Criminal Justice System, is the lack of capacity and skills in investigations and successful prosecutions of rhino poachers. Worst still, despite frequent media reports on the alarming rate of rhino poaching cases, few arrests and convictions are reported. This mini dissertation looks at rhino poaching as an organised crime, and focuses on literature review, legal framework and regulations, as well as comparative study on legislation which can be used to prosecute the perpetrators of this organised crime. The discourse recommends amendment of legislation presently used to prosecute rhino poaching offenders, and advocates that they should be stringently applied in order to curb the scourge.

Epidemiology of black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) in captivity in the United States

Dennis, Patricia Marie 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Behavioral-ecology of the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in the Willem Pretorius Game Reserve

Jordaan, Hermanus Lukas 06 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to classify and describe the plant communities in the home range of white rhinoceros in order to understand the animal seasonal foraging ecology. To provide a detailed habitat description, forty sample plots were stratified randomly. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, was carried out on the Viewpoint section of the reserve. Ten plant communities, grouped into five major community types, were identified. The veld condition and ecological carrying capacity in these communities were measured, stating an abundance of food on long grass while the short grass equal the number of short grass feeders. A number of behavioural aspects such as activity data, home range utilization and dietary usage were examined. Statistical methods such as the Spearman rank-order correlation, Wilcoxon sign test and Student T-test were used on rhino data. The difference in usage of the home range during wet and dry seasons was insignificant. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Behavioural-ecology of the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in the Willem Pretorius Game Reserve

Jordaan, Hermanus Lukas 06 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to classify and describe the plant communities in the home range of white rhinoceros in order to understand the animal seasonal foraging ecology. To provide a detailed habitat description, forty sample plots were stratified randomly. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, was carried out on the Viewpoint section of the reserve. Ten plant communities, grouped into five major community types, were identified. The veld condition and ecological carrying capacity in these communities were measured, stating an abundance of food on long grass while the short grass equal the number of short grass feeders. A number of behavioural aspects such as activity data, home range utilization and dietary usage were examined. Statistical methods such as the Spearman rank-order correlation, Wilcoxon sign test and Student T-test were used on rhino data. The difference in usage of the home range during wet and dry seasons was insignificant. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

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