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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právo na informace o životním prostředí v kontextu svobodného přístupu k informacím / The Right to Information on the Environment in the Context of Freedom of Information

Pochobradská, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes an issue of the constitutionally guaranteed right to information on the environment. The aim is to provide an overview of an effective international and especially national legislation, compare both fundamental acts on information and highlight the insufficiency of the Czech regulation. Apart from the introduction and conclusion thesis contains four chapters. Preliminary presentation of fundamentals and principles of the legislation is followed by summary of sources of law. Attention is given to Aarhus Convention and two acts on information. Following chapters deal with the effective legislation and determine differences in the providing general information and environmental information. An overview of selected judicial decisions is included before final chapter. Particular attention is paid to the obligations arising under the Aarhus Convention and its implementation into legislation. Mentioned are main drawbacks of the regulation and related difficulties in application of law; possible legislation de lege ferenda is outlined as well.

Right to information and local governance: An exploration.

Anand, Prathivadi B. 02 1900 (has links)
This paper attempts to explore issues related to right to information (RTI) and RTI laws, in the context of local governance. The paper focuses on four case studies¿namely, India, Indonesia, Uganda, and Nicaragua¿to highlight some of the complexities in campaigning for RTI laws and in implementing them. Based on these, a framework is developed as a tool to map alternative approaches to making local governance more effective and accountable. At present, there are two schools of thought: one focusing on supply-led or state-led mechanisms such as public expenditure tracking surveys, and the other focusing on a human rights-based approach with RTI law at its centre. The framework developed here suggests that these alternative approaches need not be considered mutually exclusive approaches but can be seen in terms of Dreze and Sen¿s argument of democratic institutions and democratic practice. Thus, activists can choose approaches that best suit a context at a given point in time as intermediate steps in the journey towards developing just and inclusive institutions.

Právo na informace obchodních korporací / Right to information of business corporations

Novotný, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Right to information of corporations The master thesis is focused on corporations as liable subjects to the right to information. The thesis also deals with a conflict of constitutional laws during the proces of requesting the information from corporations. There is a dynamic development of constitutional right to information from year 2000 on in the Czech Republic. A brief Right to Information Act and not so many amendments made it possible to complete the information law by using extensive judicature. The amount of case law in that field of law is unusual in continental law system. However, the judicature of a few last months indicates that extensive interpretation of the right to information already reached its height and further extension of information law stopped for some time. In some cases we witness even the limitation of information rights. Nevertheless the right to information of corporations is still a very turbulent field of law with its unresolved constitutional conflict. Many kinds of informations still stay behind the curtain, out of a public surveillance. Thus the main premise of this thesis is a dominance of the right to information over other constitutional rights in cases of corporations owned solely by public authorities whether directly or through other public or private...

Da opacidade à publicidade: atores e ideias na construção das políticas de acesso à informação governamental no Brasil / From opacity to publicity: actors and ideas in the construction of access to governmental information policies in Brazil

Resende, João Francisco 09 May 2018 (has links)
Em 2011 foi promulgada no Brasil a Lei 12.527/11, conhecida como Lei de Acesso à Informação LAI, regulamentando somente após 23 anos um direito fundamental reconhecido na Constituição de 1988. A LAI estabeleceu o normativo legal que orienta a efetivação do direito de amplo acesso à informação detida pelo Estado, promovendo inovações de políticas de transparência governamental, controle social da administração pública e governo aberto no Estado brasileiro em seus vários poderes e níveis de governo. Diversos trabalhos vêm buscando analisar a implementação da LAI, mas poucos estudos se dedicaram a estudar a formação da agenda política que produziu a Lei de Acesso, e nesses há maior ênfase na identificação de atores, interesses, arenas decisórias e estratégias envolvidas neste processo. Este estudo busca avançar o conhecimento sobre a formação dessa agenda numa outra perspectiva, a abordagem pós-positivista ou cognitiva de análise de políticas públicas, investigando as diversas ideias, sentidos e discursos presentes nas discussões sobre o direito à informação pública que atravessam as últimas décadas e que colaboraram na construção da Lei de Acesso à Informação brasileira / In 2011, a Right to Information Act (Law 12,527/2011), was enacted in Brazil, regulating only after 23 years a fundamental right recognized in the countrys 1988 Constitution. The LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação, Access to Information Act, in Portuguese) established the legal norms that guide the implementation of the right of broad access to information held by the State, promoting innovations of government transparency policies, social control of public administration and open government in the Brazilian State in its various institutions and jurisdictions. Several studies have sought to analyze the implementation of the Brazilian Right to Information Act, but few studies have studied the agenda-seting process of the Right to Information Act, and in these studies, there is a greater emphasis on the identification of actors, interests, decision-making arenas and strategies involved. This study seeks to advance the knowledge about the formation of this agenda in another perspective, the post-positivist or cognitive approach of public policy analysis, investigating the diverse ideas, meanings and discourses present in the discussions about the right to information in the last decades in Brazil and that collaborated in the construction of the Brazil\'s Law on the Right to Information

Da opacidade à publicidade: atores e ideias na construção das políticas de acesso à informação governamental no Brasil / From opacity to publicity: actors and ideas in the construction of access to governmental information policies in Brazil

João Francisco Resende 09 May 2018 (has links)
Em 2011 foi promulgada no Brasil a Lei 12.527/11, conhecida como Lei de Acesso à Informação LAI, regulamentando somente após 23 anos um direito fundamental reconhecido na Constituição de 1988. A LAI estabeleceu o normativo legal que orienta a efetivação do direito de amplo acesso à informação detida pelo Estado, promovendo inovações de políticas de transparência governamental, controle social da administração pública e governo aberto no Estado brasileiro em seus vários poderes e níveis de governo. Diversos trabalhos vêm buscando analisar a implementação da LAI, mas poucos estudos se dedicaram a estudar a formação da agenda política que produziu a Lei de Acesso, e nesses há maior ênfase na identificação de atores, interesses, arenas decisórias e estratégias envolvidas neste processo. Este estudo busca avançar o conhecimento sobre a formação dessa agenda numa outra perspectiva, a abordagem pós-positivista ou cognitiva de análise de políticas públicas, investigando as diversas ideias, sentidos e discursos presentes nas discussões sobre o direito à informação pública que atravessam as últimas décadas e que colaboraram na construção da Lei de Acesso à Informação brasileira / In 2011, a Right to Information Act (Law 12,527/2011), was enacted in Brazil, regulating only after 23 years a fundamental right recognized in the countrys 1988 Constitution. The LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação, Access to Information Act, in Portuguese) established the legal norms that guide the implementation of the right of broad access to information held by the State, promoting innovations of government transparency policies, social control of public administration and open government in the Brazilian State in its various institutions and jurisdictions. Several studies have sought to analyze the implementation of the Brazilian Right to Information Act, but few studies have studied the agenda-seting process of the Right to Information Act, and in these studies, there is a greater emphasis on the identification of actors, interests, decision-making arenas and strategies involved. This study seeks to advance the knowledge about the formation of this agenda in another perspective, the post-positivist or cognitive approach of public policy analysis, investigating the diverse ideas, meanings and discourses present in the discussions about the right to information in the last decades in Brazil and that collaborated in the construction of the Brazil\'s Law on the Right to Information

Pacientų požiūris į jų teisių užtikrinimą gaunant odontologinės priežiūros paslaugas / Patients’ attitude towards assurance of their rights in provision of dental care services

Ralytė, Giedrė 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pacientų požiūrį į teisę gauti informaciją įstaigose, teikiančiose odontologinės priežiūros (pagalbos) paslaugas. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimui atlikti buvo panaudotas apklausos tipas - anketinė respondentų apklausa raštu. Pagal Kaune esančių odontologinių įstaigų dydį (pacientų apsilankymų skaičius per metus) buvo atrinkta 1 Kauno miesto privati odontologijos klinika ir 1 Kauno miesto valstybinė gydymo įstaiga. Per šešis mėnesius nuo 2009 metų liepos mėnesio iki 2009 metų gruodžio mėnesio šiose gydymo įstaigose viso buvo išdalintos 860 anketos, grąžintos 798 anketos, iš jų 58 buvo atmestos dėl netinkamo užpildymo. Atsako dažnis buvo 92,8 proc. Analizuotos 740 odontologijos kabinetų pacientų anketos (389 užpildytos privačios gydymo įstaigos pacientų ir 351 - valstybinės gydymo įstaigos pacientų). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 13.0 ir MS Excel programą. Rezultatai. Dauguma respondentų teigė, kad jiems odontologas vizito metu pakankamai dėmesio ir laiko skyrė informavimui (apie burnos ir dantų būklę, gydymą, profilaktiką ir pan.). Taip pat dauguma pacientų teigė, jog odontologas suteikė išsamią informaciją apie jų sveikatos būklę, ligos diagnozę, sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje taikomus ar gydytojui žinomus kitus gydymo ar tyrimo būdus, galimą riziką, komplikacijas, šalutinį poveikį. Beveik pusė respondentų teigė, kad informuoto sutikimo forma skirta pacientams, kad pareikštų savo apsisprendimą susijusį su jų gydymu ar kitomis gydymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate patients’ attitude towards the right to information in the institutions providing dental care (assistance) services. Methods of the study. A questionnaire-based survey was carried out. Based on size of the dental institutions in Kaunas city (number of patient visits per year), one private dental clinic and one public dental clinic of Kaunas city were selected. During the 6-month period from July 2009 till December 2009, 860 questionnaires were distributed in these institutions; 798 were returned and 58 were excluded because of inadequate filling them out. The response rate was 92.8%. A total of 740 questionnaires, completed by patients visiting dental institutions, were analysed (respectively, 389 and 351 questionnaires were completed by patients visiting private or public dental institutions). Statistical analysis of the data was conducted by applying SPSS 13.0 and MS Excel programme. Results. The majority of respondents stated that during the visit to an odontologist, they were given sufficient attention and time for the provision of information on oral health status, treatment, prevention, etc. by their odontologist. Also, the vast majority of patients reported having been provided with comprehensive information on their health status, diagnosis of disease, treatment or examination methods having been applied in health care institutions or other approaches known by their odontologist, possible risk, complications and side effects by their... [to full text]

Pacientų nuomonių vertinimas apie teisės į informaciją užtikrinimą stacionarinėse asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose / Evaluation of patients’ opinions about their right to information assurance while receiving hospital treatment

Guogytė, Agnė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pacientų nuomones apie teisės į informaciją užtikrinimą stacionarinėse asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Tyrimo metodika. Atliekant tyrimą naudotas duomenų rinkimo metodas buvo anoniminė anketinė pacientų apklausa. Naudojant anoniminę anketą apklausti atsitiktinės atrankos metodu atrinkti keturių Kauno apskrities ligoninių pacientai. Buvo apklausiami tyrimo dieną Vidaus ligų ir Chirurgijos profilių skyriuose hospitalizuoti pacientai. Iš viso apklausti 264 pacientai (atsako dažnis 69,1 proc.). Statistinei duomenų analizei panaudoti 261 tinkamai užpildytos anketos duomenys. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant „IBM SPSS Statistics 21“ programą. Rezultatai. Dauguma pacientų (70,5 proc.) teigė, kad jiems buvo suteikta informacija apie jų ligą. 64 proc. apklaustųjų atsakė, jog jiems buvo suteikta informacija apie medicininių tyrimų rezultatus. Apie savo ligos gydymo metodus buvo informuoti kiek daugiau nei pusė pacientų (52,5 proc.). Su galimomis teigiamomis ir neigiamomis gydymo pasekmėmis buvo supažindinta taip pat tik pusė (50,6 proc.) pacientų. Net penktadaliui (20,3 proc.) apklaustų pacientų nebuvo suteikta informacija apie gydymo pasekmes. Didelė dalis (65,5 proc.) respondentų supranta visą pateiktą informaciją apie gydymą, tyrimus ir pan. Iš 34,5 proc. apklaustųjų, kurie iš dalies suprato arba visai nesuprato jiems pateiktos informacijos, tik 62,2 proc. pasakė gydytojui ko nesuprato. Savo nuomonę gydytojui, kai priimami gydymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study – to analyze patients’ opinions about their right to information assurance while receiving hospital treatment. Methods. Data for the study was collected by getting patients to fill out anonymous questionnaires. Four randomly selected Kaunas region hospitals were picked by probabilistic selection. Hospitalized patients from Internal medicine and Surgical departments were questioned. Total of 264 patients were questioned (response rate – 69.1%). 261 questionnaires were filled out correctly and were used in statistical analysis. Data analysis was performed with „IBM SPSS Statistics 21“ package. Results. Most of the patients (70.5%) claimed that they had received all information about their disease. 64% stated that they were informed about medical test results. 52.5% were informed about the methods of treatment. Only half of the patients (50.6%) were informed about health risks and benefits of their treatment. 20.3% were not informed about possible outcomes of the treatment. 65.5% of the patients reported that they understand all provided information about the treatment. Out of 34.5% of patients, who partially understood or did not understand the information given to them, only 62.2% informed the doctors about the lack of understanding. Only 28% of patients expressed their opinion about the treatment to the doctor when decisions are made. 54.4% did not participate in the decision making at all. Out of those, who participated in the decision making, 59.7%... [to full text]

Comunicação pública e democracia digital : a qualidade da informação sobre políticas públicas para as mulheres nos portais web governamentais /

Giorgi, Bruna Silvestre Innocenti. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Danilo Rothberg / Banca: Caroline Kraus Luvizotto / Banca: Mariângela Furlan Haswani / Resumo: O acesso à informação pública é reconhecido como direito fundamental capaz de desenvolver outros direitos e está regulamentado pela Lei de Acesso à Informação. A possibilidade de as mulheres conhecerem os seus direitos e fazerem escolhas baseadas em informações plurais e confiáveis, principalmente por meio das novas tecnologias, fortalece uma sociedade democrática. A comunicação pública digital, baseada na informação de qualidade, pode ampliar o espaço público e consolidar a democracia. Esta pesquisa verificou a potencial contribuição da comunicação pública digital para o atendimento do direito à informação, através da caracterização da qualidade da informação disponível em 22 portais web de nível municipal, estadual e federal, no ano de 2015, por meio da análise de conteúdo baseada em 11 categorias de avaliação. Segundo os resultados e conforme o contexto teórico-metodológico da pesquisa, a amostra analisada possui cerca de um quarto da informação considerada necessária para a caracterização abrangente de uma política pública. A pesquisa sugere, a partir dos dados coletados, a insuficiência da qualidade da informação sobre políticas públicas para as mulheres disponíveis nos portais web da amostra, o que indica a necessidade de aprimoramento da comunicação pública digital / Abstract: Acess to public information is recognized as a fundamental right be able to develop other rights and is regulated by the Access to Information Act. The possibility for women to know their rights and make choices based on plurals and reliable information, particularly through new technologies, strengthening a democratic society. The public communication is based upon a quality of information, which expands the public dimension and has the ability to strengthen the digital democracy. The following research project has demonstrated contribution towards public digital media as a result of attendance in the right to access information. This is achieved through the characterisation of information quality being available in 22 web portals on either municipal, state and federal levels. Within the year of 2015, the content was analysed based on 11 assessment categories in correspondence to results and the theoretical and methodological context of the research. The analysed sample is extimated to have a quarter of the information judged and classified as necessary to the comprehensive characterization of the public policy. The following research suggests that from the collected data found there is an insufficient quality of information in relation to the public policies for women found within the web portals of a sample. As a result of this it is necessary that there is improvement within the public digital media / Mestre

Právo na internet / Right to Internet

Lexová, Alžběta January 2013 (has links)
The Internet is one of the phenomenons of our time. As of speed and reach it surpasses all media on the world and unlike every other medium it actively engages all people to the process of creating the news. Basic attributes of the Internet make it a power standing above states -- it crosses national borders and doesn't have any direct owner -- and at the same time these attributes make it a power that is practically almost unregulatable. The Internet is regulated on a national level, but there are attempts to pay attention to it on the international level as well. The UN, Human Rights Council especially, examines the issue of the access to the Internet as a human right. This thesis examnies the effort of international community to formulate right to Internet as a human right. The right to Internet can be observed in two ways -- as a right to the content of the Internet and as a right to the technology of the Internet. This thesis observes both these dimensions and examines the international community's stance to their incorporation in the catalogue of human rights.

Fumbling under the veil : access to information and democracy : the Zambian case

Mwananyanda, Muleya January 2006 (has links)
"The references above are illustrative of the fact that an effective right to information is significant to democracy and has an unequivocal basis in international and comparative human rights law. Although international jurisprudence in this area has been ambivalent, in this essay, a mounting body of evidence is produced in support of the proposition that Zambia, as part of the global village is under an obligation to gaurantee citizens a right to access information. ... The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the subject and provides a general overview of the study. Chapter two addresses the theoretical framework and international standards in the area of access to information. Chapter three focuses on the South African context in detail and touches on the Ugandan freedom of information regime. The fourth chapter focuses on the situation in Zambia looking at the obvious gaps in relation to global trends as well as what Zambia could borrow from the South African experience and avoid from the Ugandan regime. The practice in terms of accessibility of public information is discussed, and chapter five is the concluding chapter with a summary of the findings in the foregoing chapters, as well as recommendations." -- Introduction. / Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Frederick Juuko at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2006. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

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