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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Species Biology, Riverine Architecture and Flow Regime upon Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow in Three Species of Northern Australian Freshwater Fish

Huey, Joel Anthony, na January 2008 (has links)
Understanding patterns of dispersal, the movement of individuals or propagules, among populations of riverine species is imperative to their management and conservation. However, directly estimating dispersal can often be difficult. Therefore, estimates of gene flow, the movement of genes, are often used to infer dispersal among natural populations. In riverine species, gene flow is determined by species biology, riverine architecture and flow regime. While many studies investigate the role of species dispersive strategies by comparing patterns of genetic structure in different species across the same geographic range, few also attempt to investigate the role of the non-biotic influences on gene flow in a comparative manner. Instead, studies regarding landscape processes (river architecture and hydrology) are based upon observations in a single riverine environment and not compared to other catchments that may differ in riverine architecture or hydrology. This study attempts to investigate all three factors influencing gene flow and genetic diversity using a comparative approach. This is done by contrasting two species of freshwater fish in two riverine systems that differ in their hydrological and structural makeup. By comparing patterns of genetic structure for each fish species, the role of species biology (behavioural and physical adaptations) can be explored. Then, by comparing patterns of genetic structure for each species, between riverine systems that differ in their landscape processes, the role of hydrology and riverine architecture in determining genetic structure can be explored. This study employed three different genetic markers to elucidate patterns of genetic structure and genetic diversity. These were, direct sequencing and screening of the control region of the mitochondrial DNA genome, microsatellite loci and allozymes...

Sítio Moraes, uma biografia não autorizada: análise do processo de formação de um sambaqui fluvial / The Moraes site, an unauthorized biography. Formation process analysis of a riverine shellmound

Plens, Cláudia Regina 15 February 2008 (has links)
Pesquisas recentes apontam para o fenômeno construtivo de sambaquis fluviais na região do médio Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, mais precisamente em três regiões, Itaoca, bacia do rio Jacupiranguinha e bacia do Juquiá, durante, pelo menos, o período de 9000 anos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo definir o perfil de um sambaqui fluvial, sítio Moraes (6000-4000 anos a.P.), no município de Miracatu, SP, com a finalidade de criar a compreensão intra-sítio dos processos formativos envolvidos para a elevação desta estrutura monticular, através de diferentes abordagens: distribuição espacial intra-sítio, tecnologia, subsistência, isótopos estáveis, estudo sedimentológico e análise de proporção componencial volumétrico. Os resultados destas análises associados aos dados advindos de outras pesquisas nos permitiram ampliar a discussão sobre o processo formativo do sítio Moraes e abordar a questão sobre as relações genética e cultural entre sambaquieiros fluviais e os demais grupos vizinhos. / Previous research at the Ribeira de Iguape valley, at the southern part of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, has revealed a long cultural sequence (ca. 11 to 1,2 kyBP) characterized by small shellmound sites generally designated as riverine, or fluvial, sambaquis. Besides the conspicuous presence of a terrestrial gastropod (Megalobulimus sp.) shells, these little mounds also share relevant amounts of human burials and similar technological patterns as regards lithic and bone industries, among other compositional elements. The principal aim of this thesis is to describe one of these mounds, Moraes, investigating the cultural and post-depositional formation processes implied on the long duration (6 to 4 kyBP) construction phase of such mound structure and after its abandonment, by means of zooarchaeological, technological, geochemical and isotopic analysis of its various deposits and cultural components therein, as well as their spatial distribution and articulation. This thesis also discusses the cultural and historical relationships of this fluvial shellmound culture with other cultural patterns and populations found at the same and nearby areas.

Fatores abióticos definidores da distribuição dos diferentes tipos florestais (floresta paludícula, floresta estacional semidecídua ribeirinha e cerradão), nos municípios de Batatais e Restinga, SP / Abiotic factors determining the distribution of different types of forests (swamp forest, semi-deciduous riverine forest and forested savanna) in the cities of Batatais and Restinga, northeast of São Paulo State, in Brazil.

Korman, Vânia 13 October 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de compreender quais fatores abióticos determinam a ocorrência das diferentes formações florestais na região de Batatais, entre as coordenadas 20038S e 20058S e 47037W e 47028W, foram escolhidas três propriedades agrícolas (Fazenda Monte Belo, em Restinga, SP e Fazenda Magnólia e Sítio Pratinha, em Batatais, SP), que apresentavam remanescentes florestais representativos da região (floresta ribeirinha paludícula, floresta estacional semidecídua ribeirinha e cerradão). Para descrever a composição florística e a estrutura da comunidade arbórea foram amostradas 05 parcelas de 10 x 10 m ao redor de cada estação tensiométrica. Para o estudo dos fatores abióticos foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e químicos dos solos e as curvas de retenção de água nos solos e piezometria. A discriminação das variáveis abióticas e de vegetação foi feita através da análise de componentes principais (PCA) e, na correlação entre a abundância de espécies e fatores abióticos, foram feitas análises diretas de gradiente por meio de Análise de Correlação Canônica (CCA). A textura dos solos (teores de argila, silte e areia) e a posição no terreno (cota), foram as variáveis ambientais mais importantes na distribuição das espécies e nas variações das fisionomias florestais, com influência na retenção hídrica e nos índices de fertilidade dos solos. Essas diferenças nos teores de argila em profundidade ao longo do declive, com influência direta na retenção de umidade dos solos ou mesmo na formação de ambientes paludículos, determinaram grupos distintos de espécies e fisionomias florestais: (i) um grupo de espécies de ocorrência típica nas fisionomias de Cerrado e fortemente associado às cotas mais elevadas (solos menos férteis, bem drenados e porcentagens mais baixas de argila e silte nas camadas mais profundas), entre as quais: Matayba juglandifolia, Trichilia pallida, Lithraea molleoides, Anadenanthera falcata, Myrcia tomentosa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Erytrhoxylum pelleteranum, Platipodium elegans, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Luehea divaricata, entre outras e (ii) um grupo com espécies indicadoras de Florestas Paludículas ou de ocorrência comum nestas fisionomias, associado aos solos das cotas mais baixas (Gleissolos), com porcentagens altas de argila e silte nas camadas superficiais, mais férteis e maior retenção hídrica: Cecropia pachystachya, Citronella gongonha, Rapanea guianensis, Talauma ovata e Tapirira guianensis. Pode-se considerar um terceiro grupo de transição entre Floresta Estacional Semidecídua e Cerradão, nas cotas intermediárias e menos úmidas (espécies amostradas em parcelas localizadas nas bordas das Florestas Paludículas), onde ocorreram espécies tanto de ambiente de Cerradão, como de Floresta Estacional Semidecídua, e algumas poucas de ambiente paludículo. As porcentagens mais elevadas de Areia nos solos do Sítio Pratinha, com influência na menor retenção hídrica e também nos índices de fertilidade (solos álicos, com maior acidez e os menos férteis), podem explicar algumas diferenças na composição e abundância das espécies entre fisionomias florestais iguais. O Cerradão da Fazenda Monte Belo, mostrou-se diferente floristicamente do Cerradão do Sítio Pratinha. Esta mesma diferença ocorreu em relação às Florestas Paludículas da Fazenda Magnólia e a do Sítio Pratinha. As poucasespécies de ocorrência comum tiveram populações diferentes. A CCA evidenciou também correlações de algumas espécies com determinadas variáveis de solo. / In order to understand what abiotic factors determine the occurrence of different forest formations in the region of Batatais, coordinated between 20038\'S and 20058\'S and 47037\'W and 47028\'W, three agricultural properties were chosen (Monte Belo, in the city of Restinga, SP and Magnolia and Pratinha in Batatais, SP, Brazil), which had forests representative of the region (swamp forest, semi-deciduous riverine forest and forested savanna). To describe the floristic composition and structure of the arboreal community, 05 plots of 10 x 10 meters around each tensiometric station were sampled. For the study of abiotic factors, the physico-chemical characteristics of the soils, the soil-water-retention curves and the groundwater fluctuation were determined. The discrimination of the environmental variables and arboreal species were made through the Principal Components Analysis (PCA), and in the correlation between the abundance of species and abiotic factors, direct analyses of gradient through Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were made. The texture of the soil (levels of clay, silt and sand) and the position on the ground (altitude) were the most important environmental variables in the distribution of species and variations of forest physiognomies, with influence in the retention rates of water and soil fertility. These differences in levels of clay in depth along the slope, with direct influence on the retention of soil moisture and even in the development of swampy environment, determined distinct groups of species and forest physiognomies: (i) a group of species of typical occurrence in physiognomies of Forested Savanna and strongly associated with higher altitude (less fertile, well-drained soil and lower percentages of clay and silt in the deeper layers), including: Matayba juglandifolia, Trichilia pallida, Lithraea molleoides, Anadenanthera falcata, Myrcia tomentosa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Erytrhoxylum pelleteranum, Platipodium elegans, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Luehea divaricata, among others, and (ii) a group with indicator species of Swamp Forests or common occurrence in these physiognomies, associated with lower altitude (Gleisoil), with high percentages of clay and silt in the upper and more fertile layers, and greater water retention: Cecropia pachystachya, Citronella gongonha, Rapanea guianensis, Talauma ovata and Tapirira guianensis. A third group of transition between Semi-deciduous Forest and Forested Savanna, in intermediate altitude and soils less humid (species sampled in plots located at the edges of Swamp Forests), occurred both in the Forested Savanna and in Semi-deciduous Forest and a few in swampy environment. The highest percentages of sand in the soil of Pratinha, with less influence on water retention and also on the rates of fertility (alic soils, with greater acidity and less fertile), may explain some differences in the composition and abundance of species of forest physiognomies equal. The forested Savanna of Monte Belo, has proved floristically different from the Forested Savanna of Pratinha. This same difference occurred in swamp forests of Magnolia and Pratinha. The few species of common occurrence had differentpopulations. The CCA also revealed correlations of some species with certain variables of soil.

Estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de crianças de duas comunidades ribeirinhas amazônicas, na cidade de Porto Velho - RO / Nutritional status on the zinc of children from two Amazonian riverines communities, in Porto Velho RO.

Bueno, Rafael Barofaldi 09 April 2009 (has links)
Estudos epidemiológicos na Região Amazônica são escassos, principalmente aqueles que fazem diagnósticos do estado nutricional relativo a micronutrientes populações que vivem em comunidades ribeirinhas isoladas. Portanto, este estudo objetivou avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de crianças em duas comunidades ribeirinhas da Cidade de Porto Velho RO: Gleba do Rio Preto e Demarcação. Foram avaliadas 39 crianças entre 3 e 9 anos, destas 29 da Demarcação e 10 da Gleba do Rio Preto. O perfil sócio-econômico mostrou que todas as famílias avaliadas não tinham destino adequado para os dejetos, as únicas fontes de água eram os rios ou poços cacimba e a principal fonte de renda era a cultura de subsistência, fornecendo renda mensal inferior a um salário mínimo. A avaliação do consumo alimentar mostrou que 39% das crianças avaliadas tinham ingestão de zinco inferior a EAR, a adequação calorica mostrou que 50% das crianças avaliadas tinham ingestão calórica inferior a 90%, no entanto, 92% das crianças tinham ingestão adequada de proteínas. A avaliação antropométrica, de acordo com o escore Z, mostrou que 92%, 84% e 86% das crianças estavam eutróficas para os padrões Estatura/Idade, Peso/Estatura e Peso/Idade, respectivamente. Na avaliação da concentração de zinco no plasma foi observada uma prevalência de deficiência em 90% dos casos e a concentração do zinco eritrocitário mostrou 71% de deficiência. Assim, pode-se concluir que o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco é grave, visto que a ingestão e as concentrações deste nutriente nos parâmetros avaliados estão reduzidas na maioria da população avaliada. / Epidemiological studies in Amazon Region are rarely, especially those that evaluated micronutrients nutritional status on isolated communities. This study aimed to evaluate zinc nutritional status from children who lives in two riverine communities from Porto Velho City RO; Gleba Rio Preto and Demarcação. We carried out of 39 children (3 to 9 years old). The economical and social profile showed that all families had no appropriate dejections destination, the waters sources were from well and rivers and the main source income were from subsistence culture. The food assessment showed 39% from evaluated children had no adequate zinc intake according EAR, the calorie intake was inadequate on 50% from evaluated children. The anthropometrics evaluation showed, according Z score, 92%, 84 e 86% of children were eutrophics to the standards Height/Age, Weight/Height and Weight/Age, respectively. The assessment of zinc concentrations on serum showed a prevalence of deficiency in 90% of the evaluated cases, and the zinc concentration on erythrocytes showed 71% of deficiency and 21% of normality in the evaluated children. Thus, we can conclude the nutritional status is severe, therefore the zinc intake and zinc concentrations are reduced in majority assessed population.

Avalia??o da recupera??o natural de ?reas degradadas pelo garimpo de diamante no Vale do Rio S?o Jos? em Len??is/BA

Silva, Edmilson Alves da 27 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-09-16T22:20:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o finalpdf.pdf: 1860889 bytes, checksum: ee87b81fe0a21430df0bad836a2fe39f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-16T22:20:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o finalpdf.pdf: 1860889 bytes, checksum: ee87b81fe0a21430df0bad836a2fe39f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present work examined the floristic compositions and structures, and the similarities between seven areas degraded by mechanized diamond mining along the S?o Jos? River Valley (12o34? to 12?36? S - 41o22? to 41?35? W), in the municipality of Len??is, Bahia State, Brazil, after 23 years of abandonment and natural regeneration and compared them to an area of intact gallery forest along the same river. The collections were made between the months of April and December/2011 along 1 x 100 m transects established in each of the seven areas, applying the point method. A previously compiled species list was used to compare the seven recovering areas with an intact riverine forest site. A total of 62 species were encountered, distributed among 53 genera and 26 families. The families demonstrating the greatest species richness were Leguminosae (16), Poaceae (11), Cyperaceae (7), Melastomataceae (6), Malvaceae (4), and Lycopodiaceae (2). The sum of the richnesses of these families represented fully 74% of the total number of species recorded in the present study. In terms of the plant habits, 11 species (15%) were arboreal, 17 (26%) shrubs, 28 (42%) herbaceous, 07(11%) sub-shrubs, and 04 (6%) vines. The species demonstrating the greatest Relative Vigor and Cover were Sebastiania corniculata, Aristida setifolia, and Homolepis aturensis. The slow natural regeneration of these areas was apparently due to the modification of the soil structure by the mechanized mining, as judged by the greater similarity (although low) between the areas regenerating for the longest periods and the intact gallery forest site along the same river as performing solo one little more structured.c / Este trabalho verificou a composi??o flor?stica, estrutura e similaridade entre sete ?reas degradadas pelo garimpo de diamantes no vale do rio S?o Jos? (12o34? e 12?36? S - 41o22? e 41?35? W), munic?pio de Len??is, Bahia, ap?s decorridos 13 anos de registros sobre a regenera??o natural, e comparou com a floresta ciliar do mesmo rio. As coletas foram realizadas entre abril a dezembro de 2011 ao longo de um transecto de 1m x 100m em cada uma das ?reas onde foi aplicado o m?todo de pontos em cada uma das ?reas. Para comparar com o remanescente florestal do entorno, foi usada a lista de esp?cies da floresta ciliar elaborada previamente. Foram amostradas 62 esp?cies distribu?das em 53 g?neros e 26 fam?lias. As fam?lias com maior riqueza de esp?cies s?o Leguminosae (16), Poaceae (11), Cyperaceae (7), Melastomataceae (6), Malvaceae (4), Lycopodiaceae (2). O somat?rio da riqueza destas fam?lias representa 74% do total das esp?cies levantadas neste estudo. Em termos de h?bito foram encontradas 11 (15%) esp?cies arb?reas, 17 (26%) esp?cies arbustivas, 28 (42%) herb?ceas, 07(11%) subarbustivas e 04 (6%) trepadeiras. As esp?cies que mais se destacaram por Vigor Relativo e Cobertura foram Sebastiania corniculata, Aristida setifolia e Homolepis aturensis. A lenta regenera??o natural das ?reas se deve ?s m?s condi??o do solo que apresenta-se modificado pelas a??es do garimpo, tendo sido evidenciada uma maior similaridade, embora baixa, entre as ?reas de maior tempo de abandono que apresentam solo um pouca mais estruturado e o remanescente florestal ciliar do rio S?o Jos?.


McGinness, Heather M., n/a January 2007 (has links)
Riverine landscapes are complex. More than just a single channel, they comprise a shifting mosaic of hydrogeomorphic patches with varying physical and biological characteristics. These patches are connected by water during flows of varying magnitude and frequency, at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Combined, landscape complexity and hydrological connectivity create biological diversity that in turn maintains the productivity, ecological function, and resilience of these systems. This thesis investigates the ecological importance of spatial heterogeneity and temporal hydrological connectivity in a dryland floodplain river landscape. It focuses on anabranch channels, and uses major carbon sources in these and adjacent landscape patches as indicators of ecological pattern and process. A conceptual model was proposed, describing the potential effects upon the distribution and availability of major carbon sources of: a) a spatial mosaic of hydrogeomorphic patches in the landscape (e.g. anabranches, river channel, and wider floodplain); and b) four primary temporal phases of hydrological connection during flow pulses (disconnection, partial connection, complete connection, and draining). This was then tested by data collected over a three year period from a 16 km reach of the lower Macintyre River (NSW/QLD Australia). Results were examined at multiple spatial scales (patch scale � river channel vs. anabranches vs. floodplain; between individual anabranches; and within anabranches � entry, middle and exit sites). The data indicate that spatial heterogeneity in the lower Macintyre River landscape significantly influences ecological pattern. Carbon quantity was greater in anabranch channels compared to adjacent river channel patches, but not compared to the floodplain; while carbon quality was greater in anabranch channels compared to both adjacent river channel and floodplain patches. Stable isotope analysis indicated that carbon sources that were predominantly found in anabranch channels supported both anabranch and river organisms during a winter disconnection phase. Other carbon sources found in the main river channel and the wider floodplain appeared to play a comparatively minimal role in the food web. Different phases of hydrological connection between anabranch channels and the main river channel were associated with differences in the availability of carbon sources. In the river channel, draining of water from anabranches (the draining phase) was associated with relatively high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and low concentrations of phytoplankton. Conversely, the disconnection phase was associated with relatively low concentrations of DOC and high concentrations of phytoplankton in the river channel. In anabranch channels and their waterbodies, the disconnection and draining phases were associated with high concentrations of both DOC and phytoplankton. Concentrations of these carbon sources were lowest in anabranches during the partial and complete connection phases. Different hydrological connection phases were also associated with changes in trophic status in the aquatic components of the landscape. On the riverbanks, relatively low rates of benthic production and respiration during the complete connection phase were associated with heterotrophy. The remaining phases appeared to be autotrophic. Benthic production on riverbanks was greatest during the disconnection phase, and respiration was greatest during the partial connection phase. In the anabranch channels, rates of production and respiration were similar during the disconnection phase, and were associated with heterotrophy in the anabranch waterbodies. The remaining phases appeared to be autotrophic. Respiration was greatest in anabranches during the disconnection phase, and production was greatest during the draining phase. Both production and respiration were lowest during complete connection. These differences and changes varied according to the landscape patch examined. At a landscape scale, anabranch channels act as both sinks and suppliers of carbon. High rates of sediment deposition facilitate their role as sinks for sediment-associated carbon and other particulate, refractory carbon sources. Simultaneously, anabranch channels supply aquatic carbon sources from their waterbodies, as well as via processes such as inundation-stimulated release of DOC from surface sediments. Modelled data indicated that water resource development reduces the frequency and duration of connection between anabranch channels and the main river channel. This loss of landscape complexity via loss of connectivity with anabranches has the potential to reduce the total availability of carbon sources to the ecosystem, as demonstrated by a modelled 13% reduction in potential dissolved organic carbon release from anabranch sediments. This thesis has demonstrated the importance of spatial heterogeneity in riverine landscapes, by documenting its association with variability in the distribution and quality of primary energy sources for the ecosystem. It has shown that this variability is augmented by different phases of hydrological connectivity over time. Spatial heterogeneity and hydrological connectivity interact to increase the diversity and availability of ecological energy sources across the riverine landscape, at multiple spatial and temporal scales. This has positive implications for the resilience and sustainability of the system. Anabranch channels are particularly important facilitators of these effects in this dryland floodplain river system. Anabranch channels are �intermediate� in terms of spatial placement, temporal hydrological connection, and availability of carbon sources; of high value in terms of high-quality carbon sources; and relatively easy to target for management because of their defined commence-to-flow levels. Further research should be directed toward evaluating other ecological roles of anabranch channels in dryland rivers, thereby providing a more complete understanding of the importance of connectivity between these features and other patches. This knowledge would assist management of floodplain river landscapes at larger regional scales, including amelioration of the effects of water resource development.

Nitrogen land-sea fluxes in the Baltic Sea catchment : Empirical relationships and budgets

Eriksson Hägg, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis empirical relationships and modeling tools are used to describe the relationship between human activities and meso- and large scale riverine N fluxes from land to sea. On a large scale Paper I showed that by only having knowledge about human population size and runoff one can estimate the riverine export of DIN (r2= 0.76). In Paper II we included two other important anthropogenic N inputs, i.e. atmospheric deposition and primary emission (PE) from animals. In most of the catchments the PE from animals were larger than the PE from humans. Hence, development of livestock is important and increased animal protein consumption by humans might increase the riverine N export. Scenario analysis (Paper II) show that climate change is expected to both decrease and increase the riverine N export depending on which part of the catchment is modeled. In the southern and eastern parts of the Baltic Sea catchment there is large potential for N reductions from point sources (Papers III & V). The diffuse sources are more difficult to decrease and a reduction of mineral fertilizer does not always lead to reduced N loadings because the agricultural systems can buffer even a slight surplus (Paper III). There is inertia in the catchments which can be seen in for example in the northern part of the catchment. Here atmospheric N deposition is almost as high as in the southern part but the nitrogen flux from these rivers is not elevated. These northern river catchments have N exports of the same magnitude as the natural background (Paper IV), indicating that the atmospheric N deposition is retained in the system and probably taken up by N limited boreal forests. However, important reductions can be achieved in the agricultural sector by detailed management of the planted land and animal manure. The highest sensitivity is in catchments with high animal density and high specific discharge, primarily draining to Kattegat and Danish Straits (Paper II & IV). / At the time of doctoral dissertation the following publications were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript

Asma e doenças alérgicas em escolares de população ribeirinha da região leste da Amazônia / Asthma and allergic diseases in schoolchildren from riverine population in east side of Amazon

Freitas, Marly Sarmanho de Souza [UNIFESP] 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:49:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-25 / Introdução: a prevalência de doenças alérgicas tem aumentado no mundo, particularmente nas populações urbanas de países em desenvolvimento. Objetivos: determinar a prevalência de asma e doenças alérgicas, identificar fatores de risco a elas associados, avaliar a relação entre asma e helmintíase, assim como a relação entre a cicatriz vacinal do BCG e sensibilização atópica em escolares ribeirinhos de Ilhas da Amazônia. Métodos: estudo transversal em 400 escolares (5 a 8 anos) cujos pais responderam os questionários escritos (padrão e complementar) do International Study of Asma and Allergies in Childhood, entre 2007 e 2009. As crianças também foram avaliadas quanto a: medição da cicatriz vacinal do BCG, coletas de fezes (parasitológico) e sangue para dosagem de IgE total e específica séricas. Foram utilizados testes não paramétricos e os fatores de risco foram identificados por regressão logística (stepwise forward) tendo-se como nível de significância 5%. Resultados: prevalência de asma atual e rinoconjuntivite atual foram significantemente maiores entre as crianças vivendo na ilha de Outeiro do que nas da Ilha do Combú (30,5% X 16,5%; 18% x 6%, respectivamente). Nas duas ilhas, ter relato de asma ou rinite nos pais, ter antecedentes pessoais de rinite e tosse noturna no último ano estiveram associados à maior expressão de asma. A regressão logística identificou os riscos de ter asma: na ilha do Combú foram antecedente familiar de asma, ter gato na atualidade e tosse noturna no último ano. Na do Outeiro foram: antecedente familiar de asma, antecedente pessoal de eczema, ter dois ou mais irmãos mais velhos e tosse noturna no último ano. Conjuntamente para as duas ilhas os riscos foram: tosse noturna no último ano e antecedente familiar de asma. Não houve diferença significante entre parasitados e não por helmintos em relação à expressão da asma, exceto ter diagnóstico médico de asma, mais frequente entre as crianças parasitadas. Níveis séricos de IgE total e de IgE específica a A.lumbricoides foram mais elevados nas crianças parasitadas. Correlação entre os níveis séricos de IgE sérica total e as específicas aos alérgenos mostrou significância para Periplaneta americana e A.lumbricoides entre os parasitados e entre os não parasitados foi com B.germanica e B.tropicalis. Correlação entre o diâmetro médio da pápula induzida pelos aerolérgenos e o nível de IgE sérica específica para D.pteronyssinus e B.tropicalis foi significante entre os não parasitados. Diâmetro médio da cicatriz vacinal do BCG das crianças com asma não diferiu das sem. Não houve correlação significante entre os níveis séricos de IgE total e específica e o diâmetro médio da cicatriz vacinal do BCG. Conclusões: houve variação na prevalência de asma e rinite entre as ilhas, sendo mais elevada na do Outeiro, que possui características de zona urbana. Os fatores de risco de ter asma foram diferentes para as duas ilhas refletindo as características individuais de cada ilha e conjuntamente foi o antecedente familiar de asma, enfatizando a participação da genética como importante fator de risco. Os helmintos não foram associados à expressão da asma nem da sensibilização alérgica. É importante criar medidas preventivas mais apropriadas contra o desenvolvimento de asma para cada uma das ilhas. Mais estudos são necessários para clarificar o papel dos helmintos sobre a asma e doenças alérgicas. / Background: epidemiological studies have focused on possible association between helminth infection and the development of asthma and/or allergies. Objectives: to evaluate the association between helminth infection and asthma and its relation to serum levels of total and specific IgE for A. lumbricoides and aeroallergens, besides evaluating possible relation between BCG scar and allergic sensitization. Methods: cross sectional study in 400 schoolchildren from two Amazon Islands. A standardized written questionnaire (asthma module) from International Study of Asthma, Allergies in Childhood protocol was administered and asthmatic children were those with current wheezing. The following procedures were done: skin prick test (positive test with papule mean diameter > 3mm); blood samples for assessment of serum levels of total and specific IgE for A. lumbricoides and aeroallergens (positive those with levels > 0.36 kU/L); feces samples for helminths examination (positive = infected with at least one helminth); mean diameter of BCG vaccine scar measurement. Analyses were assessed for both islands together and non-parametric tests were applied obtaining 5% of significance level. Results: there was no significant difference between infected and non-infected children with helminths related to asthma expression, save for having physician-diagnosed asthma that was more frequent in helminths infected children. Serum levels of total and specific IgE for A. lumbricoides were higher in infected children. Significant correlations between serum levels of total and specific IgE for aeroallergens to Periplaneta americana and Ascaris lumbricoides among those infected and among those non-infected was for B. germanica e B. tropicalis. Significant correlation between papule mean diameter and serum level of specific IgE for D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis among those not infected. Mean diameter of BCG vaccine wasn´t different among children with asthma and those without, as well as there was no correlation between serum levels of total and specific IgE. Conclusions: parasite infections are not associated with either asthma expression or to allergic sensitization, but positive association was verified between physician-diagnosed asthma and helminth infection. More studies are necessary to clarify helminth infection role on asthma and allergic diseases. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Fatores abióticos definidores da distribuição dos diferentes tipos florestais (floresta paludícula, floresta estacional semidecídua ribeirinha e cerradão), nos municípios de Batatais e Restinga, SP / Abiotic factors determining the distribution of different types of forests (swamp forest, semi-deciduous riverine forest and forested savanna) in the cities of Batatais and Restinga, northeast of São Paulo State, in Brazil.

Vânia Korman 13 October 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de compreender quais fatores abióticos determinam a ocorrência das diferentes formações florestais na região de Batatais, entre as coordenadas 20038S e 20058S e 47037W e 47028W, foram escolhidas três propriedades agrícolas (Fazenda Monte Belo, em Restinga, SP e Fazenda Magnólia e Sítio Pratinha, em Batatais, SP), que apresentavam remanescentes florestais representativos da região (floresta ribeirinha paludícula, floresta estacional semidecídua ribeirinha e cerradão). Para descrever a composição florística e a estrutura da comunidade arbórea foram amostradas 05 parcelas de 10 x 10 m ao redor de cada estação tensiométrica. Para o estudo dos fatores abióticos foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e químicos dos solos e as curvas de retenção de água nos solos e piezometria. A discriminação das variáveis abióticas e de vegetação foi feita através da análise de componentes principais (PCA) e, na correlação entre a abundância de espécies e fatores abióticos, foram feitas análises diretas de gradiente por meio de Análise de Correlação Canônica (CCA). A textura dos solos (teores de argila, silte e areia) e a posição no terreno (cota), foram as variáveis ambientais mais importantes na distribuição das espécies e nas variações das fisionomias florestais, com influência na retenção hídrica e nos índices de fertilidade dos solos. Essas diferenças nos teores de argila em profundidade ao longo do declive, com influência direta na retenção de umidade dos solos ou mesmo na formação de ambientes paludículos, determinaram grupos distintos de espécies e fisionomias florestais: (i) um grupo de espécies de ocorrência típica nas fisionomias de Cerrado e fortemente associado às cotas mais elevadas (solos menos férteis, bem drenados e porcentagens mais baixas de argila e silte nas camadas mais profundas), entre as quais: Matayba juglandifolia, Trichilia pallida, Lithraea molleoides, Anadenanthera falcata, Myrcia tomentosa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Erytrhoxylum pelleteranum, Platipodium elegans, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Luehea divaricata, entre outras e (ii) um grupo com espécies indicadoras de Florestas Paludículas ou de ocorrência comum nestas fisionomias, associado aos solos das cotas mais baixas (Gleissolos), com porcentagens altas de argila e silte nas camadas superficiais, mais férteis e maior retenção hídrica: Cecropia pachystachya, Citronella gongonha, Rapanea guianensis, Talauma ovata e Tapirira guianensis. Pode-se considerar um terceiro grupo de transição entre Floresta Estacional Semidecídua e Cerradão, nas cotas intermediárias e menos úmidas (espécies amostradas em parcelas localizadas nas bordas das Florestas Paludículas), onde ocorreram espécies tanto de ambiente de Cerradão, como de Floresta Estacional Semidecídua, e algumas poucas de ambiente paludículo. As porcentagens mais elevadas de Areia nos solos do Sítio Pratinha, com influência na menor retenção hídrica e também nos índices de fertilidade (solos álicos, com maior acidez e os menos férteis), podem explicar algumas diferenças na composição e abundância das espécies entre fisionomias florestais iguais. O Cerradão da Fazenda Monte Belo, mostrou-se diferente floristicamente do Cerradão do Sítio Pratinha. Esta mesma diferença ocorreu em relação às Florestas Paludículas da Fazenda Magnólia e a do Sítio Pratinha. As poucasespécies de ocorrência comum tiveram populações diferentes. A CCA evidenciou também correlações de algumas espécies com determinadas variáveis de solo. / In order to understand what abiotic factors determine the occurrence of different forest formations in the region of Batatais, coordinated between 20038\'S and 20058\'S and 47037\'W and 47028\'W, three agricultural properties were chosen (Monte Belo, in the city of Restinga, SP and Magnolia and Pratinha in Batatais, SP, Brazil), which had forests representative of the region (swamp forest, semi-deciduous riverine forest and forested savanna). To describe the floristic composition and structure of the arboreal community, 05 plots of 10 x 10 meters around each tensiometric station were sampled. For the study of abiotic factors, the physico-chemical characteristics of the soils, the soil-water-retention curves and the groundwater fluctuation were determined. The discrimination of the environmental variables and arboreal species were made through the Principal Components Analysis (PCA), and in the correlation between the abundance of species and abiotic factors, direct analyses of gradient through Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were made. The texture of the soil (levels of clay, silt and sand) and the position on the ground (altitude) were the most important environmental variables in the distribution of species and variations of forest physiognomies, with influence in the retention rates of water and soil fertility. These differences in levels of clay in depth along the slope, with direct influence on the retention of soil moisture and even in the development of swampy environment, determined distinct groups of species and forest physiognomies: (i) a group of species of typical occurrence in physiognomies of Forested Savanna and strongly associated with higher altitude (less fertile, well-drained soil and lower percentages of clay and silt in the deeper layers), including: Matayba juglandifolia, Trichilia pallida, Lithraea molleoides, Anadenanthera falcata, Myrcia tomentosa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Erytrhoxylum pelleteranum, Platipodium elegans, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Luehea divaricata, among others, and (ii) a group with indicator species of Swamp Forests or common occurrence in these physiognomies, associated with lower altitude (Gleisoil), with high percentages of clay and silt in the upper and more fertile layers, and greater water retention: Cecropia pachystachya, Citronella gongonha, Rapanea guianensis, Talauma ovata and Tapirira guianensis. A third group of transition between Semi-deciduous Forest and Forested Savanna, in intermediate altitude and soils less humid (species sampled in plots located at the edges of Swamp Forests), occurred both in the Forested Savanna and in Semi-deciduous Forest and a few in swampy environment. The highest percentages of sand in the soil of Pratinha, with less influence on water retention and also on the rates of fertility (alic soils, with greater acidity and less fertile), may explain some differences in the composition and abundance of species of forest physiognomies equal. The forested Savanna of Monte Belo, has proved floristically different from the Forested Savanna of Pratinha. This same difference occurred in swamp forests of Magnolia and Pratinha. The few species of common occurrence had differentpopulations. The CCA also revealed correlations of some species with certain variables of soil.

Politicas públicas e conservação dos recursos naturais: os aspectos socioambientais do Programa Bolsa Floresta no modo de vida das comunidades ribeirinhas de Maués - AM

Silva, Mayara Pereira da 06 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-11T13:41:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mayara Silva.pdf: 2300567 bytes, checksum: 769af954c8118a268172a3f70e27f215 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-06 / The research aims to analyze the environmental aspects of PBF in the livelihoods of coastal communities in Maués/AM. In contemporary times has been growing and gaining centrality the theoretical debates about the environmental issue. Thus arose the need to reflect on the model of social and technical transformations and their implications on the ways to use and appropriation of natural resources. Regarding the relevance of the academic and scientific work, this is expressed through this study: 1) production of new knowledge about the modus vivendi of traditional communities in the Amazon, 2) ability to obtain qualified training to act together to Amazonian peoples; 3 ) production subsidies opportunity to formulate environmental policies that consider the traditional communities as an active agent; 4) contribution to the discussions in different at regional, national and international on that theme. The study appears as a case study of analytical nature, which set three phases methodological procedural different but interlinked and complement each other, namely: Phase I: Preliminary - performing procedures preliminary to the implementation phase itself actual research, with the following activities: literature review; institutional contacts; definition of research subjects, documentary research with institutions, development of data collection instruments; signing the Consent by community leader; approval of the project by the CEP. Phase II: Field Research - Data collection via institutional visits for application interview, presentation of the research project with technical group approach in the community; application Interviews with representatives of domestic groups and institutional managers. Phase III: Articulation Theory-Practice - processing and data analysis. Regarding the results obtained, it was observed that the riverine community of Mount Sinai have a particular way of life and a relationship of respect and synergy with nature. The creation of the Bolsa Floresta in Maués caused major impacts on the modus vivendi of riparian already in the process of implementation. In terms of impacts on productive activities, the riverine suffered restrictions on their usual activities in the communities, such as hunting, gathering, fishing and agriculture. Regarding impacts on political organization, analyzed that there was a decrease of political organizations in Monte Sinai, as is only recognized by the managers of the Forest Maués, organizations formally organized. The study aims at the production of technical and scientific knowledge in line with the social, cultural and political riverine communities to support the formulation of public policies compatible with the Amazon reality; advocacy to the territory of these peoples and thereby contributes to socio-cultural sustainability in the Amazon and effective citizenship of people bordering. / A pesquisa realizou uma analisar dos aspectos socioambientais do PBF no modo de vida das comunidades ribeirinhas no município de Maués/AM. Entende-se que na contemporaneidade vem crescendo e ganhando centralidade os debates teóricos acerca da questão socioambiental. Surge, assim, a necessidade de refletir sobre o modelo de transformações sociais e técnicas e suas implicações sobre os modos de uso e de apropriação dos recursos naturais. No que concerne a relevância acadêmico-científica do trabalho, esta se expressa nesse estudo através da: 1) produção de novos conhecimentos sobre o modus vivendi das comunidades tradicionais da Amazônia; 2) possibilidade de obter formação qualificada para atuar junto aos povos amazônidas; 3) oportunidade de produção de subsídios para formulação de Políticas Ambientais que considerem as comunidades tradicionais como um agente ativo; 4) contribuição para os debates em diferentes fóruns em âmbito regional, nacional e internacional sobre a referida temática. O estudo configurou-se como um estudo de caso de natureza analítica, no qual foram definidas três fases metodológicas processuais diferenciadas, porém interligadas e que se complementam entre si, quais sejam: Fase I: Preliminar execução de procedimentos preliminares à fase de implementação propriamente dita da investigação, com as seguintes atividades: revisão bibliográfica; contatos institucionais; definição dos sujeitos da pesquisa, pesquisa documental junto às instituições; elaboração dos instrumentos de coleta de dados; assinatura do Termo de Anuência pelo líder da comunidade; aprovação do projeto junto ao CEP. Fase II: Pesquisa de Campo - coleta de dados através de visitas institucionais para aplicação de entrevista e formulários; apresentação do projeto de pesquisa com técnicas de abordagem grupal na comunidade; aplicação de Entrevistas junto aos representantes dos grupos domésticos e gestores institucionais. Fase III: Articulação Teórico-Prática tratamento e análise dos dados. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, observou-se que os ribeirinhos da comunidade Monte Sinai possuem um modo de vida particular e uma relação de respeito e sinergia com a natureza. A criação do Programa Bolsa Floresta em Maués causou grandes impactos sobre o modus vivendi dos ribeirinhos desde o processo de implementação. Destacando entre estas, os impactos nas atividades produtivas, os ribeirinhos sofreram restrições em suas atividades habituais nas comunidades, como caça, a coleta, a pesca e a agricultura. Quanto aos impactos na organização política, analisou-se que houve uma diminuição das organizações políticas em Monte Sinai, uma vez que são reconhecidas pela gestão da FAZ apenas as organizações formalmente organizadas. O estudo possibilitou a produção de conhecimentos técnicos e científicos em consonância com as necessidades sociais, culturais e políticas das comunidades ribeirinhas para subsidiar a formulação de políticas públicas compatíveis com a realidade amazônica; a defesa de direitos ao território desses povos contribuindo, dessa forma, para a sustentabilidade sóciocultural na Amazônia e a efetivação da cidadania dos povos ribeirinhos.

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