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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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綠色品質風險管控模型之研究 / Green Quality Risk Management Model

王昭珷, Wang,Chao Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在利用風險管控的方式,來協助電子製造業建立一套可有效的維持產品的綠色品質並降低產品的綠色風險的綠色品質風險管控模型,使得企業不致因產品在出貨後,被檢測出違反RoHS指令而使企業被罰以巨額款項並損失商譽。 回顧1997年12月聯合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)參加國第三次會議在日本京都舉行,並簽定了[京都議定書]之後,各國陸續制定出其各自的環保法令,其中又以歐盟於2003年2月通過並於2006年7月1日起實施限制鉛,鎘,汞,六價鉻,多溴聯苯,多溴聯苯醚等六項有害物質的RoHS指令的影響範圍最大且最為直接的影響到我國的產業,從而引發起了本研究的動機。 本研究透過與訪談個案的合作,實際從分析個案的產品研發生產的作業中,由影響RoHS的角度從作業一直剖析到管控內容,進而找到會影響RoHS品質不良的16個風險因子,並透過建立的監控系統來進行風險因子的資料採樣,最後經由羅吉斯迴歸模型,建立出一套風險計算模型,以連接RoHS風險因子的監控系統而成為一套綠色品質風險管控模型。 / The objective of this research is to help electronic manufacturers to establish a Green Quality Risk Management Model, which can effectively keep green quality and decrease green quality risk of products. Consequently, companies can prevent huge amount of fine and goodwill impairment caused by RoHS violation of their shipments. After the participants of UNFCCC held the third meeting in Kyoto, Japan and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in December 1997, every country created its environmental regulations in secession. Among those regulations, the RoHS directive, which prohibits the usage of Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)and Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), adopted in February 2003 and activated in January 2006 by the European Union resulted in most pervasive and direct impact on Taiwanese industry, consequently creating the incentive for this research. By the cooperation of case interview, this research analyze the research and development operations of interviewees with the perspectives from primary operations to floor control in order to identify sixteen risk factors of RoHS quality, and sample the data of risk factors with established control system. Finally, a green quality risk management model was created by the establishment of a risk computation model in connection with RoHS risk factor control system was established using Logistic Regression model.


謝成章 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的經濟蓬勃發展下,環保事件層出不窮,地球環境遭受重大破壞,各種環保議題引起國際矚目與熱烈討論。歐洲議會在2003年初公布了針對十項電機電子設備的兩個環保相關規範,分別是歐盟電機電子設備有害物質限制使用指令(RoHS)與歐盟電機電子設備廢棄物指令(WEEE),另外,歐盟能源使用產品生態化設計指令(EuP)也已在2005年8月11日公布,這些指令對相關產業的營運與發展將造成重大衝擊,其影響深遠供應鏈上下游成員無一倖免。 產業界為因應此一環保規範限制,將環境因素納入到傳統供應鏈管理當中,而形成了所謂「綠色供應鏈管理」的熱門議題。其主要差異乃是後者將生命週期思維融入產品設計、製造、使用與最終的廢棄回收處理的整個範疇。 本研究嘗試由資訊製造業的個案公司實際發展綠色供應鏈的過程中,以個案分析的方式收集其產品發展流程的各種資料,包括綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色資訊平台建置等,並予以整理分析,建立個案公司的綠色供應鏈管理策略架構與協同運作模式。 本研究結果顯示綠色供應鏈管理策略的核心是「源頭管理」,源頭管理落實之後,加上其所衍生出來的綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色產品管理系統、綠色資訊整合等各項活動,始能達到符合環保規範的目標,做到完整的風險控管,讓企業穩健發展。同時,本研究也顯示,建立協同設計機制及PDM資訊平台可以有效分析處理供應鏈上下成員間流通的資料,譬如,原物料、零組件等源頭綠色資料被有效地整合於綠色資訊平台,企業因應環保法規落實到資訊管理裡,營運風險因而獲得保障。 / Accompanying the vigorous economic development, the environment of the earth has been impacted tremendously. There are so many environmental issues that occurred in past decades turning into hot topics among nations. European Parliament published RoHS, and WEEE Directives in early 2003 that mandate ten categories of electric and electronic equipments to be restricted in the use of hazardous substances and wastes disposal respectively. Also, the setting of ecodesign requirement for Energy-Using Products newly announced in August of 2005. All the three mandatory EU Directives has definitely influenced significantly the foregoing development of the related industries. To react to the environmental regulations, the industries try to put environmental element into conventional Supply Chain Management, SCM. Thus, come out with Green SCM. The key differences are the latter mingling life cycle thought through out the whole scope of product life span. This research attempt to establish a collaborative structure and strategy for Green Supply Chain Management, by means of analyzing the information collected from the real developing process, including green design, green procurement, green suppliers’ appraisal, building up green information platform, of an information manufacturing firm. The research revealed that the core strategy of Green SCM is “Source Management”. Only if source management has fully implemented at the site of raw materials and component manufacturers, the environmental regulations can compliant thoroughly. Thus, the risk management is well controlled, so that the firm would operate soundly. Meanwhile, the research also showed that building up collaborative mechanism to link with PDM platform may process effectively the flowing data between the parties of supply chain. As a result, the restricted hazardous substances data of raw material and components are integrated into the green information platform and well managed. The operation risk of enterprise would be secured because of the entire implementation of information management for the environment regulations.

應用6 Sigma 導入EuP 綠色專案之個案研究 / Six Sigma Management for EuP Green Program - A Case Study

許瑞鵬, Hsu, Juey Peng Unknown Date (has links)
今 (2008) 年,全球規模排名前三大的電腦展,從1月開始美國拉斯維加斯的CES展、3月的德國漢諾威的CeBiT展,到6月在台北的Computex展,數千家之參展廠商,數十萬之買主與參觀人士,不約而同,大家的主訴求都是「綠色」與「節能」。向來,三大電腦展都是未來產品的風向球,加上從美國前副總統高爾的紀錄片「不願面對的真相」看到地球暖化現象日益嚴重,石油價格也不斷再創歷史新高,的確讓人感到這個世界將變得更為綠色,當人們愈來愈重視自己居住的這個環境與資源,也宣告「綠色產品、綠色消費」的時代正式來臨。 近年來一波波的綠色浪潮,如同過去十餘年間的網路興起,所產生巨大的改變一般。全球環保意識覺醒,尤以歐盟一向以高環保標準為最,陸續在2005年8月起推行的三大環保指令:WEEE(回收化)、RoHS(無毒化)、EuP(節能化),超過80%的環境衝擊都跟產品設計有緊密關聯;是故,整合環境考量因素而成綠色產品的生態化設計作法,將會是企業最有效的方法。 上述WEEE 及RoHS兩項已於2006 年7月1日後,正式對輸出到歐盟各國的產品中全面實施管制,而日本、韓國、中國等國及美國(部分州)等,亦在2007年初立法通過並已實施,此股全球化之綠潮,已是勢不可擋;第三項的EuP (Energe using Product)「耗能使用產品之生態化設計指令」,歐盟各國已大多立法制定完成,部分國家還一併通過違規罰則,預計在2009年第一季起開始啟用,屆時勢必又將再度啟動第三回合的環保大挑戰。 我國對歐盟之貿易額佔了總體的比重極大,於2007年,我國出口到歐盟各國之電機、電子產品等金額超過逾NT$3,000億,企業也決不容忽視這廣大的市場商機。本研究的個案公司向來對環保意識相當重視,亦積極地關注在永續發展與環保議題上,所設計製造的綠色產品也行銷全球;現今的設計趨勢都以綠色、節能為導向,身處電子、電機產業的一員,面臨這項嚴峻之挑戰,更需即早因應,通過這些環保規範檢測,才能確保產品順利銷往歐盟。 本研究乃透過個案公司於過去三、四年中,利用 6 Sigma 的DMAIC循環改善手法,搭配ISO 9000/14000品質/環境管理系統以有效整合,組成專案團隊運作,成功導入6 Sigma WEEE / RoHS等專案,且比2006年7月1日的法定實施期限日,提早一季的時間完成歐盟WEEE及RoHS所有綠色產品之設計,並在符合法定時程/品質要求/客戶滿意等情況下順利出貨。 爰此,以綠色設計為整體考量因素,建置成一套標準化的流程機制,應用到EuP新環保規範中,進行產品節能、生命週期等多項評估,提升生態化設計能力。EuP雖與RoHS/WEEE的指令訴求內容互異,但本著6 Sigma RoHS過去分析及改善等手法,藉由嫻熟運作之科學管理模式,來縮短研發時程;目標為:提早一季時間完成產品設計,且品質符合環保規範驗證之出貨準備;期間雖會遭遇諸多問題與困難,但以6 Sigma經驗豐富之優秀成員組成的團隊,將採絕佳默契、合作無間的精神,順利於今年底達成任務,也為個案公司大幅提升環保戰力之全球競爭優勢。 關鍵字:限用有害物質指令、耗能使用產品指令、生態設計、國際標準組織、六標準差專案管理。 / In the world’s top three exhibitions of the electronic industry this year - namely CES of Las Vegas in January, CeBIT of Hanover in March, and Computex of Taipei in June, the main theme is the same: Green Technology and Energy Saving Products. Mr. Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ has unfolded future disasters caused by global warming, together with recent oil price hikes over US$140 a barrel, all these environmental and energy crisis have hastily ushered in the ‘Green Product Epoch.’ The European Union led the wave of Green Products by issuing the WEEE (Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment) directives in August 2005 which aimed at reducing E/E waste disposal through reuse, recycle and recovery, followed by the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance) directives enforced on July 1, 2007. EuP (Energy using Product) is the latest set of directives which will be implemented in 2009. Since more environmental impacts relate to product design, the green product ecological design incorporating environmental factors is most effective method. These regulations will greatly affect members of global E.E product supply. Taiwan had a big trade count with EU in the past time, so it will be caused more impacted as well. Therefore, many countries have regulated new national standards, many Taiwanese firms are making great efforts on the issues of Eco Design for energy saving to meet the trend on environment protection as earlier as possible and to provide operational producers for the business toward green global supply chain. For enterprises to implement environmental management system and to establish green product design and production by ISO9000 / ISO 14000 systems, and there are many procedures, validation and testing need to by 6 Sigma DMAIC improvement methodology. This case study proposes a model to include the RoHS green product into quality system successfully in 2 years ago, next case is provided to verify the model and justify how a firm can efficiently use the proposed model and empirical experience to meet product certification requirement into the system. The findings of this research can support other enterprises to implement appropriate model to integrate green product with framework of ISO9000/14000 quality/environment management system by 6 Sigma process. This is also suitable for a firm to upgrade its management system to meet various green requirements as WEEE, RoHS and EuP. The study is still enphasised many Taiwan manufacturers are tempted by the success of 6 Sigma in the western world and are now in the process of introducing 6 Sigma into their organizations. The push to further reduce costs has urged the firms to use 6 Sigma to regain their competitive positions in the global economy. Keywords: RoHS, EuP, Eco Design, ISO, 6 Sigma Managment

A plan-do-check-act framework for WEEE and RoHS : a model for implementing WEEE and RoHS by integrating eco-design factors and activities into business operation and strategy.

El-Gomla, Randa A.M. January 2011 (has links)
Eco-design is relatively new and fast growing field of research due to its vital importance to the manufacturing industry and its related environmental issues such as reducing waste, and CO2 emission. A major EU programme relating to the environment is the waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive. The (WEEE) directive specifies ten categories and a voltage range which is up to 1.000 volts AC or 1.500volts DC. The developed framework came for the implementation of Eco-design principles that helps to take into account the adaption of the (WEEE) directive and the restriction of hazard substances (RoHS) used in electrical and electronic equipments. As a result of identify gaps and needs such as a lack of a comprehensive Eco-design framework and the need to integrate it to the normal business operation. In this research the PDCA framework for Eco-design and WEEE directive will be discussed. The framework will encompass all of the Eco-design¿s implementation and integration factors and activities such as WEEE and RoHS directives, Eco-design management, Environmental legislations, Eco-design tools and considerations. The literature review covers the topic of Eco-design¿s related issues, and WEEE and RoHS directives rules. Based on comprehensive questionnaire survey of Eco-design, WEEE and RoHS issues and activities among a sample of environmentally aware companies, statistical analysis is carried out using SPSS software. Then the findings of the survey triangulated with the findings of the literature review formed the basis of the design and implementation plan of the proposed framework

協同產品研發生命週期管理之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research of Collaborative Product Development Lifecycle Management:A Case Study

粘平吉, Nian,Pyng Jyi Unknown Date (has links)
由微笑曲線理論(施振榮1992年提出)知道企業應該朝高附加價值領域發展,而其中上游智財權(Intelligent Property)、知識經濟(Knowledge Economics)是我國OEM、ODM製造業將生產基地移到大陸後,為避免國內產業空洞化,必須在國內深耕的核心競爭力領域。要強化智財權、知識經濟則必須強化產品研發與創新能力,而產品研發與創新能力的提升必須藉助良好的「協同產品研發生命週期管理解決方案」(Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution) ;但是此解決方案尚在發展初期,不論企業或是個人對於它皆了解不夠,也不知如何利用此解決方案來提升產品研發能力。 因此本研究透過文獻的收集與探討,整理出PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)解決方案的定義、演進,並對PLM解決方案的架構進行探討,再針對市場上PLM解決方案系統廠商所提供的PLM系統產品進行說明,讓有意導入PLM解決方案的公司企業可以參考。另外由於知識管理可以讓PLM系統所收集的產品資料與產品研發經驗與知識得以分享、流通與再創造與加值,因此對於知識管理(Knowledge Management)與PLM的關係進行探討。2003年歐盟立法通過兩大環保法規—WEEE(Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment)及RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances),要求製造廠商從設計開始即需考慮整個產品生命週期的環境保護觀念,此法規讓產品生命週期觀念有了具體的落實實施,因此本研究亦對綠色環保法規與PLM解決方案的關係進行探討與說明。 本研究為協助企業在導入PLM解決方案前,能夠深入了解PLM解決方案,因此以個案研究方式深入分析個案公司在協同研發產品生命週期中所面臨的問題,並針對這些問題提出PLM系統解決方案的建構策略,也提出PLM系統整合應用架構做為PLM企業策略方法施行的基礎;此PLM系統整合應用架構的特色包括以產品為核心,重視人員、流程及產品資訊;涵蓋從產品觀念的構思開始一直到產品生命結束為止的全生命期間的管理與支援;支援涵蓋跨部門、客戶、設計夥伴與供應夥伴等跨企業間的協同合作。並說明此整合應用架構在協同產品研發生命週期管理中的運作情境,最後再對導入PLM系統解決方案提出規劃重點與想法。 本研究在研究過程中有底下幾點重要發現,特別整理如下: 一、 因為綠色環保法規的規定而使得產品生命週期觀念能落實執行。 二、 PLM是一種企業策略方法,要成功導入必須從人員、流程、資訊科技三方面同時規劃。 三、 由於PLM系統架構的定義不同,且PLM系統廠商所提供的PLM系統解決方案亦有不同功能,企業必須根據自己的需求選擇適當的解決方案。 四、 PLM理念一直不斷變化與延伸,PLM系統已成為製造業不可或缺的系統。 對於後續研究者,本研究建議的未來研究方向如下: 一、 建議對於導入PLM要如何進行變革管理進行研究。 二、 建議對於如何利用知識管理來協助研發創新進行研究。 三、 建議對於PLM解決方案所帶來的協同產品研發績效的影響進行研究。 / Referring to the Smiling Curve Theory (Shih Chen-Rong, 1992), it is realized that enterprise should gradually lead the “High Value-Added” concept to its management system. Since recent years, Taiwan local OEM and ODM factories widely moved their production base to Mainland China, and so in order to avoid domestic industries being emptied, “Intelligent Property” and “Knowledge Economics” must be cultivated deep into our country. On the other hand, prior to strengthen Intelligent Property and Knowledge Economics, the premise is to strengthen the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation. In addition, to enhance the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation must follow by good “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”. However, the solution is still at initiation phase, therefore so far as now, either the enterprises or the individuals are not acquainted with it, and also do not know well how to utilize the solution to reinforce the Product Development competency. By means of the concept mentioned above, literatures are collected and investigated by this study to work up the definition and evolution of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Solution. In advance, the framework of PLM solution is discussed; and the PLM system, provided by supplier, is introduced by this research as well, in order to allow businessmen, who would like to lead PLM Solution into their organizations, to adopt them as a reference for developing their enterprises. Moreover, considering of that Knowledge Management enables the experience and knowledge of Product Development and Product Information, collected by PLM system, to be shared, circulated, recreated and value-added, the relation between Knowledge Management and PLM system is examined in this study. Also, the relation between the legislated rules of Green Environmental Protection and PLM Solution is researched and reported in response to the two regulations of WEEE (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), which were legislated by European Union (EU) in 2003. In accordance with the two statutes, manufacturers are requested to think of the concept of environmental protection for the entire Product Lifecycle, starting from product design begins. For the sake of assisting enterprises in understanding deeply about the PLM Solution, before introducing it into their organization, “case study” access is therefore adopted by the study to analyze in deep the problems on “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”, which might be incurred in each individual case. In line with the problems, a constructional strategy for PLM system as well as a framework of the application and integration of PLM system are proposed as a base of executing business strategic approach. Characteristics of the framework of the application and integration of PLM system include “strategic core by product”; “to value personnel, operation flow and product information”; “to manage and support the entire lifecycle from product concept to product lifespan being ended”; “the support covers collaboration between the divisions, customers, designing coworkers, suppliers. In addition, the running situation of this framework, which runs under the “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution” is presented in the study. In the final part of the research, the key-points and strategies are presented for the proposal of introducing PLM systemic solution. During the researching process, some important conceptions are discovered, and are summarized as follow: 1. Owing to the rules of Green Environmental Protection is legislated, it therefore enables the concept of product lifecycle be executed accurately. 2. PLM is a business strategic approach, so to introduce into enterprise successfully must through a proposal with the factors of personnel, operation flow and information technology simultaneously. 3. Since PLM system has varied system as well as different solution function from different suppliers, enterprises should choose a proper PLM systemic solution based on actual needs. 4. PLM concept varies and extends consecutively, so today PLM has become to the only system for option. Hereunder suggestions from researcher to the latter in future as the researching direction reference. 1. Suggest proceeding study with how to run Reformation Management after the adoption of PLM system. 2. Suggest proceeding study with how to utilize Knowledge Management for assisting in developing innovation. 3. Suggest proceeding study with the subject of “Influence on the results of collaborative product development by PLM systemic solution”.

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