Spelling suggestions: "subject:"robinson"" "subject:"kobinson""
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[pt] O setor da refrigeração possui um papel essencial e crescente na economia
global, com um aumento na quantidade de sistemas operantes. A necessidade de
desenvolver novos refrigerantes tem sido cada vez mais frequente, a fim de atender a legislações ambientais cada vez mais rigorosas. Igualmente, medidas envolvendo a introdução de novos materiais, como os nanofluidos, tem sido uma constante. Neste trabalho, um sistema de refrigeração usando uma mistura nanolubrificante POE-diamante e refrigerante R410A foi simulado. Dados experimentais cedidos pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) foram usados para a elaboração e validação do modelo. O simulador utiliza a equação de Peng-Robinson para o cálculo das propriedades termodinâmicas e o método de fronteira móvel para a modelagem dos trocadores. O impacto das nanopartículas em relação aos parâmetros críticos foi avaliado a partir do princípio do isomorfismo e da natureza de ambos os materiais: fluido base e nanopartículas. A convergência da simulação do ciclo de refrigeração foi obtida com o método do simplex modificado, que mostrou-se adequado para tal aplicação, apresentando convergência satisfatória em todos os casos. As temperaturas de evaporação, condensação e de descarga do compressor são obtidas a partir das condições de operação do compressor, dos dois fluidos de transferência de calor, do grau de superaquecimento no evaporador e também do grau de subresfriamento no condensador. Superfícies de resposta foram criadas a fim de avaliar o efeito de cada uma das variáveis (temperatura de evaporação, frequência do compressor e concentração de nanopartículas) utilizadas no estudo do coeficiente de performance (COP), da capacidade frigorífica e da potência do compressor. A temperatura de evaporação possui um impacto significativo sobre a capacidades frigorífica e o COP, enquanto que a potência é mais afetada pela frequência do compressor. A concentração de nanopartículas, apesar de possuir um efeito marginal, não deve ser desprezada, devido à modificação que causa sobre as propriedades termofísicas da mistura. / [en] The refrigeration sector has an essential and growing role in the global
economy, with an increase in the number of operating systems. The need to
develop new refrigerants has been increasingly frequent, in order to meet
increasingly stringent environmental legislation. Equally, measures involving the
introduction of new materials, such as nanofluids, have been a constant. In this
work, a cooling system using a POE-diamond nanolubricant mixture and R410A
refrigerant was simulated. Experimental data provided by the Federal University
of Uberlândia (UFU) were used for the elaboration and validation of the model.
The simulation uses the Peng-Robinson equation to calculate thermodynamic
properties and the moving-boundary method for modeling the heat exchangers.
The impact of the nanoparticles in relation to critical parameters was evaluated
based on the principle of isomorphism and the nature of both materials: base fluid and nanoparticles. The convergence of the refrigeration cycle simulation was obtained with the modified simplex method, which proved to be adequate for such application, presenting satisfactory convergence in all cases.
Evaporation,condensation and discharge temperatures are obtained from the operating
conditions of compressor and both heat transfer fluids, the degree of superheating in the evaporator and also the degree of subcooling in the condenser. Response surfaces were created in order to evaluate the effect of each of the variables (evaporation temperature, compressor frequency and nanoparticle concentration) used in the study of the performance coefficient (COP), refrigeration capacity and compressor power. Results have shown that the evaporation temperature has a significant impact on the cooling capacity and the COP, while the power is mainly affected by the compressor frequency. The nanoparticles concentration, despite having a more attenuated effect, should not be neglected, due to the change it causes to the mixture thermophysical properties.
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[pt] A determinação de parâmetros de interação precisos para equações de estado
(EdE) em sistemas aquosos de aminas são cruciais para desenvolver modelos
termodinâmicos em processos da engenharia química. O sistema binário de Nmetildietanolamina (MDEA) e água na purificação do biogás foi avaliado usando as
abordagens 𝜑 – 𝜑 e 𝛾 – 𝜑, EdE de Peng–Robinson clássico com a regra de mistura
não aleatória e EdE Peng–Robinson com a regra de mistura Wong-Sandler, para
otimizar o fator acêntrico, ω, de componentes puros, e os parâmetros de interação
binária, 𝑘𝑖𝑗. Os parâmetros de interação 𝑢𝑖𝑗 das EdE que incorporam o modelo
UNIQUAC, como a abordagem γ – φ e a regra de mistura de Wong-Sandler também
foram otimizados. Esses parâmetros foram avaliados usando um algoritmo de pressão
de bolha reativa, codificação MATLAB e minimização de funções objetivas
relacionadas ao desvio médio absoluto, AAD, entre dados experimentais e calculados
em diferentes temperaturas. Os ω calculados de água, CO2 e MDEA foram 0,3275,
0,2039 e 1,0133, respectivamente, com AAD inferior aos valores da literatura. A
abordagem 𝜑 − 𝜑 com EdE clássica de Peng–Robinson com regra de mistura Wong–
Sandler foi mais adequada para o binário MDEA – H2O, resultando em 𝑢12
0 =
−234.2841, 𝑢12
𝑇 = 1.0499, 𝑢21
0 = 266.4326, 𝑢21
𝑇 = 0.1966, 𝑘𝑖𝑗 = −0.0715, com
pressão de vapor AAD% = 6,57% e composição AAD% = 17,51%. Devido à natureza
altamente não ideal do sistema binário CO2 – H2O, nem as abordagens φ – φ ou γ – φ
usando as EdE selecionadas resultaram em diagramas precisos de pressão de ponto de
bolha para o equilíbrio vapor – líquido (VLE). / [en] Determining interaction parameter for equations of state (EOS) of water – amines systems are crucial to develop accurate models in chemical engineering processes. The binary system of N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) and water in biogas purification was evaluated using both φ – φ and γ – φ approaches, classic Peng–Robinson with the empirical “non-random” mixing rule and Peng–Robinson with the Wong-Sandler mixing rule EOS to optimize pure components acentric factor, ω, and binary interaction parameters, 𝑘𝑖𝑗. The interaction parameters 𝑢𝑖𝑗 from EOS that incorporate UNIQUAC model, such as γ – φ approach and Wong-Sandler mixing rule were optimized as well. These parameters were evaluated using a bubble pressure algorithm, MATLAB coding and minimization of objective functions related to absolute average deviation, AAD, between experimental and calculated data at different temperatures. The calculated ω of water, CO2 and MDEA were 0.3275, 0.2039 and 1.0133 respectively with lower AAD than literature values. The 𝜑−𝜑 approach classic Peng–Robinson with Wong – Sandler mixing rule EOS was better suited for the MDEA – H2O binary, resulting in as 𝑢120=−234.2841, 𝑢12𝑇=1.0499, 𝑢210=266.4326, 𝑢21𝑇=0.1966, 𝑘𝑖𝑗=−0.0715, with vapor pressure AAD% = 6.57% and composition AAD% = 17.51%. Due to the highly non-ideal nature of the CO2 – H2O binary system, neither φ – φ or γ – φ approaches using the selected EOS resulted in accurate vapor – liquid equilibrium (VLE) bubble point pressure diagrams.
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The viceroyalty of Lord Ripon, 1880-1884Gopal, Sarvepalli January 1951 (has links)
No description available.
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From Ground to Ocean: Robinson and Keller at the Beginnings of DivinityBasden, Stuart Jeffrey January 1900 (has links)
Observing the movement in recent Christian theology, I examine the change in depth metaphors and theological works, as they move from tendencies of solidity and proposition-forming, to more fluid imaginations in their substance and style. I conduct an indirect comparison between John A.T. Robinson and Catherine Keller, engaging Buber, Tillich and Virginia Mollenkott, specifically focusing on themes of depth and working through a filter of social and ecological justice.Throughout the essay I acknowledge the importance of the continuing re-articulation of theology, the necessity of exploring the roots of Christianity, and I affirm the need for new language for the task of articulating an appropriate image of divinity and humanity. I contend that while Keller is well able to continue Robinson's theological project for the next generation, his work is still valuable in contributing Christology and New Testament studies, both of these being somewhat absent from Keller's work.
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Condiciones de sedimentación de secuencias sedimentarias holocenas en la isla Robinson Crusoe y sus implicancias en el alzamiento debido al crecimiento del hot-spotSepúlveda San Martín, Pablo Andrés January 2013 (has links)
Geólogo / La presencia de depósitos sedimentarios arenosos en el sector de El Puente y el Aeródromo en la parte SO de la isla Robinson Crusoe, demuestra una variación en la monotonía litológica de la isla. Estas se componen de arenas bioclásticas de origen marino con gran contenido de fragmentos líticos volcánicos y minerales ferro-magnesianos provenientes de las secuencias volcánicas del sector, y que se encuentran sobreyaciendo una planicie de depósitos sedimentarios finos de color rojizo (Qs) con características supramareales que forman la actual superficie de erosión.
Un estudio granulométrico de los sedimentos y un análisis de las estructuras y morfologías de los depósitos permiten inferir que las arenas bioclásticas fueron depositadas por el medio eólico formando dunas costeras, debido principalmente al tamaño, redondeamiento y buena selección de los granos, y por su expresión de morfologías sedimentarias (estratificación cruzada y gran presencia de rizocreciones). Estas dunas se presentan estabilizadas e inactivas, observándose capas carbonatadas de tipo calcreta por la precipitación de calcita en períodos secos, confiriéndoles una mayor cementación. Son identificadas como eolianitas (Qe) por su gran aporte de material calcáreo (>50%). Su composición y ubicación permiten correlacionarlas con los Estratos de Bahía Tierra Blanca , en tanto que las arenas bioclásticas no estabilizadas y en continuo movimiento fueron reconocidas como dunas activas (Qd) correlacionadas con las arenas eólicas activas ubicadas en el sector. Las gravas arenosas (Qa) representarían depósitos aluviales indiferenciados y los sedimentos de color violeta fueron identificados como tobas de ceniza (Qt) altamente meteorizadas, las que corresponderían a los niveles superiores tobáceos de la Secuencia de Bahía del Padre . Por otro lado, se piensa que los depósitos Qs pertenecerían a facies de trasplaya gradando a facies de dunas eólicas (Qe) evidenciando una regresión del nivel del mar.
La ubicación de estas eolianitas sobre acantilados por sobre los 40 msnm sin conexión aparente (ausencia de pendiente suave) con el suministro calcáreo marino permite inferir la acción de algún mecanismo que impidió este transporte. Se descarta una variación del nivel del mar como causa, debido a la edad de 8.320 años del gasterópodo marino Nerita sp., asociada a un bajo nivel del mar, lo que permite inferir que la causa corresponde a un alzamiento de la isla, que presentaría un ritmo elevado que iría desde los 2,4 mm/a hasta los ~4,8 mm/a dependiendo del caso estimado. Este alzamiento puede ser explicado por una suma de factores, de las cuales se manejan algunas hipótesis de importancia. Principalmente, se considera que este alzamiento pudo responder a la presencia de un bulge flexural cerca de la isla, asociado a la actual ubicación del hot-spot, el que se estima no debiese estar a una distancia mayor de ~250 km de la isla para producir tal efecto. La segunda hipótesis considera que deslizamientos significativos junto a descargas de material desde el interior de la isla por efectos fluviales provocarían un ajuste isostático de la placa oceánica levantando la zona que ha perdido carga. Estudios al respecto en otras localidades, permiten inferir que para levantar el sector de la isla unos 40 m, sería necesaria una descarga de 2.000 km3. Al mismo tiempo, la erosión del acantilado pudo cortar la pendiente de unión. Sin embargo, no existe a priori evidencia alcaratoria sobre el mecanismo causante de este fenómeno, por lo que otras teorías no pueden ser descartadas tajantemente.
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What Is America Reading?: The Phenomena of Book Clubs and Literary Awards in Contemporary AmericaWinget, Lindsay January 2008 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Judith Wilt / Experience as an English major, a bookseller, a publishing intern, and a reader has formed questions in my mind about why people read what they do. My interest is focused in two particular "categories" of literature that vie for readers' attention: book clubs and literary awards. Because my skills are in literary interpretation and not societal or industrial analysis, I explored this supposed dichotomy by reading and comparing books from each category. In the "book club" books (My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult and The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards), I found a remarkable familial structure at the core: a daughter with a medical condition; a mother struggling to cope emotionally; a father who distances himself through work and offers profound symbolism via a hobby; an older brother who rebels; an outside couple, professionally involved in the action and romantically involved in each other. The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction-winning books, Gilead by Marilynne Robinson and Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri, stretch farther with voice, style, and imagery. I found them intellectually and personally more satisfying. In addition pursuing academic interests, I also grew to better understand the variety of purposes for which we read. Though I concluded that if all four novels were to be labeled, they should simply be named "middlebrow," I came to appreciate different writers' strengths — research, personal experience, mastery of language — even when they do not match my personal criteria as a reader. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2008. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: English. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Hjärnan är för förnuftet vad hjärtat är för känslan : En redogörelse för hur begreppen förnuft och känsla har gestaltats i romanerna Robinson Crusoe samt Den unge Werthers lidanden / To the sense, the brain is what the heart is for the feeling : A report on how the concepts of reason and sentiment have been portrayed in the novels Robinson Crusoe and The sorrows of young WertherViktorin, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
En redogörelse för hur begreppen förnuft och känsla har gestaltats i romanerna Robinson Crusoe samt Den unge Werthers lidanden / A report on how the concepts of reason and sentiment have been portrayed in the novels Robinson Crusoe and The sorrows of young Werther
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La Focalización en Robinson Crusoe (1719) de Daniel Defoe: La visión sobre el indígenaFaúndez Morán, Pablo January 2007 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Hispánica mención Literatura / [...] Ahora bien, la intención de este informe no es referir este amplio marco de estudio, sino centrarnos en una de sus manifestaciones más representativas durante el siglo XVIII, el Robinson Crusoe , escrito y publicado el año 1719 por Daniel Defoe en Inglaterra. La imagen del náufrago inglés es hoy casi universal, dada la fuerza de la metáfora de la sobrevivencia del hombre solo en una isla. Sin embargo, la lectura atenta de la novela y la investigación en torno a ella, han ido revelando cada vez con mayor detalle múltiples elementos dentro de ésta, que permiten identificar ciertas problemáticas que aquí queremos abordar. La primera motivación que fundamenta esta investigación es la de reconocer la obra de Daniel Defoe en un contexto de producción y dilucidar las redes que conectan al texto y su época. Sin embargo, esta resultaría una tarea demasiado extensa, dado que las posibilidades son múltiples: relación con un contexto religioso, relación con un contexto político, relación con un contexto social, económico, filosófico o incluso estrictamente literario. Pero la mejor solución para enfrentar este primer problema es simple: ceñirse a lo que la misma obra dice, a los elementos de la realidad que ésta desarrolla. Y el reconocimiento de estos, es el reconocimiento de la focalización. Los diccionarios de retórica consultados definen ésta fundamentalmente como el punto de vista desde el cual se narra. Ese es entonces nuestro primer objetivo: ¿quién y cómo narra Robinson Crusoe? ¿De qué herramientas se vale para ello? ¿Qué cosas son las que priman en esta relación? ¿Cómo se construye la perspectiva narrativa y de enunciación en la obra de Defoe?
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Aerosol hygroscopic properties : a laboratory approach for single and multi-component inorganic particles of atmospheric relevance / Propriétés hygroscopiques des aérosols : études en laboratoire de particules inorganiques pures et mélangées d'intérêt atmosphériqueEl Hajj, Danielle 05 March 2019 (has links)
Les aérosols atmosphériques jouent un rôle essentiel sur l’équilibre énergétique de la planète et ont également un impact important sur la santé humaine. Le dernier rapport d’évaluation du Groupe d’Experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat (GIEC) souligne que le niveau d’incertitude du forçage radiatif des aérosols est particulièrement élevé. Ceci est principalement dû aux effets complexes et mal quantifiés des propriétés chimiques, physiques et optiques des aérosols. En particulier, une humidité relative élevée (RH) augmente la quantité de vapeur d’eau captée par les particules d’aérosol atmosphériques, ce qui modifie leurs tailles, leurs morphologies et leurs composition chimiques et donc leurs propriétés optiques. Les mesures in situ des propriétés des aérosols (coefficients de diffusion et d’absorption, distribution en taille) sont généralement obtenues dans des conditions sèches (RH <40%). Or dans l’atmosphère les aérosols existent à humidité plus importante. Il est donc essentiel de connaı̂tre l’évolution des propriétés physico-chimiques et optiques des particules d’aérosol à différentes humidités relatives, afin d’améliorer les estimations des forçages radiatifs de l’aérosol. Le but de ce travail est d’étudier l’évolution des propriétés optiques (diffusion et absorption), physiques (taille) des aérosols à différentes humidités, en s’appuyant sur des mesures de laboratoire à humidité contrôlée. Des aérosols purs ont été générés, tels que des particules de silice amorphe (SiO2 ), de chlorure de sodium (NaCl), de sulfate d’ammonium ((NH4)2SO4), de nitrate de sodium (NaNO3 ) et le chlorure de potassium (KCl). L’étude est d’abord réalisée à faible humidité relative (≈ 35% RH), ensuite, les mesures sont effectuées à une RH plus élevée (de 40 à 90%) en utilisant deux dispositifs expérimentaux différents. La vapeur d’eau captée par l’aérosol, calculée à l’aide du modèle thermodynamique E-AIM, provoque un changement de sa taille et de son indice de réfraction (RI) qui influence directement ses propriétés optiques . La relation de Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) est appliquée aux mélanges d’aérosols et comparée aux mesures expérimentales. Les écarts constatés seront présentés et devraient être utilisés pour mieux comprendre l’influence de la vapeur d’eau captée par les aérosols sur le forçage radiatif estimé par les modèles climatiques. / Aerosols play vital roles in energy balance of the Earth and also have a significant impact on human health. The last assessment report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), states that the uncertainty in the total radiative forcing is mainly dominated by the high uncertainty in the aerosol radiative forcing. This is mainly caused by the poorly understood and quantified aerosol effects. Indeed, high relative humidity (RH), promotes water uptake by atmospheric aerosol particles, which modifies their size, morphology and chemical composition and therefore their optical properties. In-situ measurements of aerosols properties (scattering and absorption coefficients, size distribution) are usually performed at dry conditions (RH <40%). However, aerosols are present in a humid atmosphere. Knowing the physical, chemical and optical properties of the aerosol particles at ambient RH is thus crucial in order to improve the estimation of the aerosol direct radiative forcing. The aim of this work is to study the evolution of aerosols optical (scattering and absorption) and physical (size) properties at different RH. Our study is based on laboratory measurements at controlled humidity. Pure aerosols were generated, such as amorphous silica (SiO2), sodium chloride (NaCl), ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4 ), sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and potassium chloride (KCl). The study was first conducted under dry conditions (≈ 35% RH), then measurements were performed at higher RH (from 40 up to 90%) using two different experimental setups. The exchange of water vapor that causes a change in size and refractive index (RI) of aerosol particles and therefore directly influences their optical properties is computed using E-AIM thermodynamic model. Zdanovskii–Stokes Robinson (ZSR) approach is applied on aerosols mixtures and compared with the experimental measurements. The discrepancies found will be presented and should be used to better understand the influence of water uptake on the aerosol radiative forcing estimated by climate models.
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Geographers of writing : the authorship of Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe in Oroonoko and Robinson CrusoeKlinikowski, Autumn 12 June 2001 (has links)
Themes of authorship in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko and Daniel Defoe's Robinson
Crusoe highlight locations in the stories that expose the author's concerns with their
responsibilities and contributions to society. In order to frame a discussion of authorship
in Oroonoko and Robinson Crusoe, it is essential to position Behn and Crusoe as
travelers who write autobiographies of their involvement in exotic circumstances.
Oroonoko and Robinson Crusoe betray the tensions that arise from the barriers separating
travel and colonial objectives, individual agency and social action. Although the stories
may incorporate truth and fiction, writing enables the authors to present, with symbolic
images, concerns with their participation in situations that hinder the free expression of
their will. I refer to Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe as "geographers" of writing because
they identify tenuous boundaries that organize social views concerning gender,
responsibility and behavior in contrast to individual desires. Aphra Behn's narrative role
in Oroonoko charts the tragic outcomes of Oroonoko's rejection of slavery and also
draws attention to the reception of a female author. Behn's identity as an author, as it is
constructed within Oroonoko, is intertwined with the murder of a slave prince, and with a
woman's freedom to write and publish in the 1680s.
Although Defoe is the author of the text, he manipulates the presentation of the
story to convince readers that Crusoe wrote an authentic account of his years as a
castaway on an unnamed island. In his journal, Crusoe discusses his position in his
culture and the resulting circumstances that result from his rejection of family and
economic position in search of adventure. With limited resources, Crusoe uses writing to
redefine his agency in contrast to the threats of the island and his responsibilities to God,
family and society.
Although there may be discrepancies that blur the "true" identity and involvement
of the author in autobiography, these narratives raise discourses concerning the balance
between the individual's desires and society's expectations for behavior. Attention to
authorship identifies the discourses and contradictions faced by Behn's and Crusoe's
participation in travel and the subsequent translation, resolution and apology enabled by
authorship. / Graduation date: 2002
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