Spelling suggestions: "subject:"romanian"" "subject:"lomanian""
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The Ideological Construction of a Second Reality: A Critical Analysis of a Romanian EFL TextbookCamase, Greta 14 December 2009 (has links)
Drawing on the assumptions that old ideologies persist over a long period of time, impact on intercultural communication, and can be identified in texts, this study is a critical analysis of the content of an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbook, which was published between 1983 and 1988 in communist Romania. Specifically, the research questions of the present study are: 1) How do the EFL textbook‘s readings represent the relationship between Romanian and non-Romanian people?, and 2) What are the sociopolitical implications of these representations? Based on critical discourse analysis (CDA), as well as content analysis and literary theory, the method of analysis of this study builds on central concepts such as ideology and intertextuality, and delivers a multilayered framework of analysis that comprises the historical and ideological context of the texts, as well as the context of other texts. The findings show that the communist ideology was legitimated and transmitted in language textbooks, and, compared to the Romanians, non-Romanians were unequally represented.
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The Ideological Construction of a Second Reality: A Critical Analysis of a Romanian EFL TextbookCamase, Greta 14 December 2009 (has links)
Drawing on the assumptions that old ideologies persist over a long period of time, impact on intercultural communication, and can be identified in texts, this study is a critical analysis of the content of an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbook, which was published between 1983 and 1988 in communist Romania. Specifically, the research questions of the present study are: 1) How do the EFL textbook‘s readings represent the relationship between Romanian and non-Romanian people?, and 2) What are the sociopolitical implications of these representations? Based on critical discourse analysis (CDA), as well as content analysis and literary theory, the method of analysis of this study builds on central concepts such as ideology and intertextuality, and delivers a multilayered framework of analysis that comprises the historical and ideological context of the texts, as well as the context of other texts. The findings show that the communist ideology was legitimated and transmitted in language textbooks, and, compared to the Romanians, non-Romanians were unequally represented.
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Symptomatology, Stress Responses and Coping Resources in School-age Romanian AdopteesTitle, Patricia Ann 23 February 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine symptomatology; stress responses for everyday academic and social stressors; and cognitive coping resources among 11-year-old children adopted from Romanian orphanages. Two groups were established by the amount of time spent within the institutional system. Early adoptees (EAs, n=25) spent less than 6 months while late adoptees (LAs, n=14) endured 6 months or more of institutionalization. A comparison group of non adopted, same-age peers (Canadian Born (CBs), n=25) was included.
The first goal was to investigate whether there were differences between EAs and LAs in ratings of symptomatology and stress responses. The second goal was to compare all Romanian adoptees (RAs) to CBs on the same set of factors. The third goal was to identify predictors of symptomatology and predictors of stress responses for RAs only. The main findings were as follows. EAs and LAs did not differ in any symptom ratings or stress responses, showing a lack of evidence for duration of deprivation as a grouping factor. Significant differences were detected by adoption status. Ratings were higher for RAs than CBs in parent-rated symptomatology, including the rate of RAs who exceeded the borderline clinical cut-off. RAs reported less secondary control coping for social stressors than CBs. Models to predict symptoms from stress responses were not supported, with one exception. More disengagement coping for social stress and less involuntary disengagement for academic stress predicted less externalizing and generalized symptoms by teacher report. Models to predict stress responses from cognitive coping resources were significant except for disengagement coping. One of the main findings was that predictors of secondary control coping varied by stressor domain.
In conclusion, the findings were important in demonstrating that duration of deprivation does not differentiate between post-institutionalized preadolescents in aspects of psychosocial adjustment. Adoption status is a significant factor. Stress responses do not contribute to models of symptoms. The cognitive coping resources of perceived academic competency and social-support contribute to models of stress responses, yet with room to improve the predictive power of the models. Implications of the findings are discussed along with limitations and directions for future research.
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Identități hibride în comunitatea imigranților români / Hybridity in the Romanian diaspora in ParisDischer, Christian January 2013 (has links)
In articolul cu titlul "Identități hibride în comunitatea imigranților români" sunt prezentate rezultate parțiale precum și anumite analize a citatelor vorbitorilor din proiectul meu de doctorat cu titlul Sprachkontakt, Migration und Variation: Die frankophone Integration von Rumänen in Paris nach 1989. Lingvistica migratoare observă mișcările migranților români după căderea cortinei de fier. Aceștia au fost nevoiți să suporte consecințele managementului eronat al sistemului comunist. Între 1989 și 2012 mii de români au pǎrǎsit țara. Începând de atunci numărul imigranților români în Paris a crescut în mod significant. Scopul acestei contribuții este ilustrarea identității sociale a comunității migrante. În centrul lucrării se află descrierea procesului cultural și integrării lingvistice prin observarea dezvoltării a noi identități hibride. / In this article are partial results from selected quotes from Romanians used in my dissertation titled “Sprachkontakt, Migration und Variation: Die frankophone Integration von Rumänen in Paris nach 1989.”
A branch of linguistics that accounts for the movements of migrants observes that after the fall of the Iron Curtain the Romanian people had to face the consequences of the communists’ mismanagement.
Between 1989 and 2012, thousands of people in formerly Soviet-controlled countries left their homes to move west. Since then, the number of Romanian immigrants in Paris has risen significantly. In order to retrace the process of cultural and linguistic integration, the aim of this work is to illustrate the social identity of the migrant community in which hybrid identities have evolved.
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Mobilizing an immigrant congregation for ministry to immigrantsTalpesh, TeofiI D. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (D.Min.)--South Florida Center for Theological Studies, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references.
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The Transnistria's ethnic Germans and the Holocaust, 1941-1942 /Steinhart, Eric Conrad. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-103). Also available via the World Wide Web.
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La contribution des écrivains roumains de Moldavie (Grigore Vieru, Nicolae Dabija, Dumitru Matcovschi, Ion Hadârcă, Leonida Lari) à l’affirmation de l’identité nationale : 1989-2000 / The Moldova's Romanian writers' contribution to national identity assertion from 1989 to 2000Hîncu, Maria 01 April 2017 (has links)
Mon choix s'est porté sur l’activité de ces écrivains qui, de par leur contribution majeure sur le plan littéraire, mais aussi civique, se sont impliqués dans la vie politique et sociale en Moldavie a la fin du siècle dernier. Ce questionnement qui nous interpelle et qui fera la matière de la préoccupation centrale de notre sujet : être écrivain en Moldavie, implique-t-il un engagement quelconque ? Quant a l'engagement, relève-t-il d'une culture, d'une psychologie, d'une mentalité d'un peuple ? / My choice fell upon the movement of these writers who, from their major contribution, on the literary map as well as civic, got involved in Moldova's political and social life at the end of the last century. This questioning which interpellates us shall constitute the core matter of the main concern of our subject: being a writer in Moldova really does imply some involvement? As regards involvement: does it stem from a nation's culture, psychology or state of mind?
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Bâtir un nouveau cinéma : figures et participations des femmes dans le cinéma roumain contemporain / Building a new cinema : female characters and women's participation in contemporary romanian cinemaBento Ribeiro, Ana Carolina 08 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la représentation des femmes dans le cinéma roumain en tant que lieu révélateur des enjeux sociaux, économiques et institutionnels qui façonnent le renouvellement de la filière cinématographique roumaine au XXIe siècle. Notre recherche est axée sur l'époque postcommuniste, moment où la production filmique du pays atteint son état le plus critique, avant de connaître une reconnaissance internationale inouïe. Notre analyse s'articule en trois temps, afin de comprendre les ruptures et les permanences sociohistoriques manifestes dans le traitement des personnages féminins à l'écran et dans la participation des femmes à l'industrie. A partir d'une analyse détaillée de la généalogie du « nouveau cinéma roumain », nous nous concentrons sur les figures des femmes dans les productions du cinéma d'auteur et du cinéma commercial du pays. Enfin, nous illustrons les principaux enjeux et contraintes pratiques de l'émergence - et de l'affirmation - de ce nouveau cinéma à travers l'examen des parcours des femmes cinéastes. / This PhD dissertation centers on women's participation and representation in Romanian cinema, as a means of understanding the multiple social, economic and institutional stakes intervening in the renewal of the Romanian film industry in the early 21st century. Our research focuses on the post-communist era, when the Romanian film production falls into its most critical state, before achieving unprecedented international recognition. We articulate our analysis around three chronological moments, aiming to perceive how social and historical ruptures and continuities pervade the treatment of female characters on screen and the women's presence in the film industry. We aim our attention at the New Romanian cinema of the 2000's. By tracing the genealogy of this « new cinema », we concentrate on the shaping of female characters in both auteur and commercial Romanian cinema. We illustrate the primary grounds conducing to the rise and consolidation of this renewed film industry by observing the career paths of Romanian female filmmakers.
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Acquisition de la grammaire d'une langue étrangère apparentée par l'observation directe des marques morphosyntaxiques à partir de textes authentiques : le cas du roumain dans le cadre du programme InterCompréhension Européenne / Acquisition of the grammar of a related foreign language by direct observation ofmorphosyntactic marks based on authentic texts : the case of Romanian within the framework of The European InterComprenhension ProgramConstantin, Felicia 18 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre du programme InterCompréhension Européenne (ICE) développé à l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, les apprenants intercompreneurs acquièrent des compétences stratégiques transdisciplinaires qui leur permettent d'accéder à la compréhension de textes dans une langue étrangère a priori inconnue. Le déchiffrement de textes communique à l'intercompreneur novice non seulement des compétences lexicales, mais aussi un premier ensemble de compétences grammaticales de base, accumulé en l'absence d'une description de la grammaire fournie par l'enseignant moniteur.Cette recherche pose la question de l'acquisition de la grammaire d'une langue étrangère proche (idéalement apparentée et voisine) par un repérage et une interprétation adéquate des marques morphosyntaxiques, à partir de l'observation d'un corpus de textes authentiques.Notre premier objectif est de démontrer qu'au terme d'un parcours de type ICE suivi avec assiduité, l'intercompreneur novice opère des substitutions semi-automatiques entre, d'une part, les marques grammaticales saillantes du roumain repérées dans les textes grâce aux effets de fréquence et/ou de transparence formelle, et les substituts qu'il estime leur correspondre en français d'autre part. Il capitalise voire acquiert ainsi un savoir grammatical pratique qui devient un facteur d'accélération de la compréhension et de l'apprentissage.Notre second objectif consiste à établir que l'émergence « naturelle » de cette grammaire pratique est tout à fait plausible et qu'elle est vraisemblablement compétitive par rapport à une grammaire proposée dans un contexte d'apprentissage-enseignement classique.Les résultats obtenus, qui sont affectés par la limitation aux phénomènes grammaticaux effectivement observés dans les textes proposés, montrent qu'une grammaire pratique du roumain appréhendé en ICE fournit aux intercompreneurs un savoir qui couvre au moins 50% du savoir conseillé par des objectifs réglementaires conçus pour le roumain comme langue étrangère. / Within the framework of the European InterComprehension program (ICE) developed at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, learners intercomprehenders acquire transdisciplinary strategic competences that allow them to get to the comprehension of texts in an a priori unknown foreign language. The deciphering of texts communicates to the novice intercomprehender not only lexical competences but also a first set of basic grammatical competences, accumulated in the absence of a description of the grammar provided by the teacher monitor.This research deals with the question of the acquisition of the grammar of a similar (ideally related or neighbouring) foreign language, by detecting and adequate interpretation of morphosyntactic marks, based on the observation of a corpus of authentic texts.Our first objective is to demonstrate that at the end of a course of the ICE type regularly attended, the novice intercomprehender makes semi-automatic substitutions between, on one hand, the outstanding grammatical marks of Romanian detected in the texts thanks to frequency and/or formal transparency effects and the substitutes that he/she thinks to be their French equivalents on the other hand. Thus he/she capitalizes or even acquires practical knowledge which becomes a factor that accelerates comprehension and learning.Our second objective is to establish that the “natural” emergence of this practical grammar is quite plausible and that it is probably competitive in comparison with a grammar provided in a classical learning-teaching context.The results obtained, which are affected by the limitation to the grammatical phenomena actually observed in the texts suggested, show that a practical grammar of Romanian apprehended in ICE provides the intercomprehender with knowledge that covers at least 50% of the knowledge recommended by the regulation objectives for Romanian as a foreign language.
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Étude diachronique et psychosystématique des possessifs et de la représentation spatiale en italien, français et roumain / Diachronic and psychosystematic study of possessives and the spatial representation in Italian, French and RumanianCuloma Sauva, Virginie 08 November 2014 (has links)
La présente étude, faisant l’objet d’une thèse de doctorat, a trait à l’analyse diachronique et psychosystématique des possessifs et de la représentation spatiale en italien, français et roumain. Ce travail s’assigne l’objectif d’étudier et d’aider à mieux comprendre l’expression de l’appartenance dans les langues italienne et, par contraste, française et roumaine, en nous intéressant aux implications que cela peut avoir sur la représentation de la personne dans chacune de ces trois langues romanes. L’étude que nous nous proposons de mener a pour objet l’analyse des systèmes de langue considérés, systèmes cohérents et clos, préalables à tout emploi que les individus qui, naturellement en disposent, pourraient en faire. L’analyse des effets de sens dans le discours, rendue possible par l’élaboration d’un corpus dont certains items déroutent parfois l’initié, sont autant d’occasions de mieux comprendre la cohésion du système de langue considéré. / This study as a doctoral thesis, deals with the analysis of diachronic and psychosystematic possessives and with spatial representation in the Italian, French and Romanian languages. The goal of this work is to study and to better understand the expression of membership in the Italian language opposing to French and Romanian ones, while focusing on the implication that they may have on the representation of the person in each of the three languages. This work focuses on a system analysis of language considered as a coherent and closed one, prior to any uses which is inner to each person that could deal with it. The analysis of meaning effects in speeches, which was made possible by the development of a corpus that some items can sometimes confuse the initiate, provides opportunities to better understand the cohesion of the language system considered.
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