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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’agriculture face aux défis de élargissement européen [Pologne, Roumanie, Turquie] / Agriculture and the challenges of european enlargement (Poland, Romania, Turkey)

Tastan, Kadri 17 February 2011 (has links)
Les cas polonais, roumain et turc constituent d’excellents exemples de l’évolution de l’agriculture paysanne dans un contexte d’intégration au marché européen et mondial. Tout l’enjeu de l’intégration de la Pologne et de la Roumanie, aujourd’hui effective, et d’une hypothétique adhésion de la Turquie, est de pouvoir intégrer une paysannerie numériquement forte et peu performante [caractérisée par des rendements agricoles relativement faibles], à une agriculture européenne très productive. Ces pays,par les volumes de leur production, par l’étendue de leurs terres cultivées, et par l’importance de leur main-d’œuvre, sont les puissances agricoles les plus importantes des trois vagues successives de l’élargissement de l’Union européenne. Les trois pays compte le plus de paysans parmi les pays membres et candidats à l’UE. Ces élargissements de l’UE à ces pays concernent un problème social de transition. Les campagnes polonaises, roumaines et turques se trouvent donc devant le défi d’une modernisation de leur agriculture et de leurs structures sociales. Pour les trois pays, les possibilités de suivre le modèle européen de modernisation ! agricole, et plus particulièrement le modèle français, restent limitées et son application est porteuse de problèmes multiples. Des voies alternatives permettant la survie des petites et moyennes exploitations familiales dans ces pays sont indispensables face aux dangers de l’agriculture productiviste en termes d’exclusion sociale et de « paupérisation »rurale et urbaine. Il faudra inventer des voies de sorties pour les agriculteurs des trois pays, en particulier pour ceux qui sont les plus vulnérables face à ce processus de modernisation / The cases of Poland, Romania and Turkey constitute excellent examples for the evolution of peasantfarmer-driven agricultures in the context of integration into the European and the world markets.Today, the challenge of Poland and Romania’s integration, and a possible membership of Turkey arein fact to be able to integrate an agricultural system numerically strong but inefficient [characterized by relatively low yields] into a highly productive European agriculture. These countries, by their production volumes, by the extent of their croplands and by the size of their labours are the most important agricultural powers among the three successive waves of the enlargement of the European Union. The three countries contain the most farmer numbers among the member countries and the candidates. The enlargement of the EU to these countries is associated with a social problem relative to the transition process. The integration of these countries is therefore faced with the challenge of modernizing their agricultures and the related social structures. For these countries, the possibilities to follow and apply the European model of agricultural modernization, particularly the French model, remains limited and associated with the multiple problems. Alternative solutions wh! ich allow the survival of small and medium family farming in these countries are indispensable face to the dangers of productivist agriculture as social exclusion and rural and urban pauperization. New solutions and suitable models must be invented to protect the farmers of these countries, especially those who are most vulnerable to this process of agricultural modernisation

O debate parlamentar em português (Portugal, Brasil) e romeno : abordagem pragmático-discursiva / Le débat parlementaire en portugais (Portugal, Brésil) et en roumain : approche pragmatico-discursive / Parliamentary debate in portuguese (Portugal, Brazil) and romanian : a pragma-discursive approach

Manole, Veronica 01 December 2015 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l’analyse comparative des débats parlementaires portugais, brésiliens et roumains, dans l’optique de l’organisation interactionnelle et de l’usage des formes d’adresse (Carreira 1997). Du point de vue théorique, notre étude s’appuie sur la linguistique interactionnelle (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1990), sur l’analyse du discours politique (Charaudeau 2005) et du discours parlementaire (Ilie 2006; Marques 2000). Après un préambule juridico-politique, qui présente le fonctionnement des parlements dans les trois pays choisis (Portugal, Brésil, Roumanie), nous analysons, dans la première partie de la thèse, les transcriptions officielles des réunions parlementaires en tant que corpus pour l’étude linguistique. Ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur les particularités de la structure séquentielle des débats – ouverture, corps, clôture –, la négociation du tour de parole et les stratégies d’éviter les réponses aux questions. La deuxième partie de la thèse se penche sur les usages de formes d’adresse dans la construction des auto-images et hétéro-images et dans la configuration de la distance interlocutive. Cette approche nous a permis de dégager quelques particularités de chaque sous-corpus: les débats portugais sont plus proches du protocole parlementaire (structure micro-séquentielle plus rigide, usage quasi exclusif des formes nominales d’adresse institutionnelles), alors que dans les débats brésiliens et roumains il y a plus de flexibilité dans la construction micro-séquentielle (les actes rituels sont plus fréquents) aussi bien que dans l’usage des formes d’adresse plus variées (relationnelles, académiques, professionnelles, génériques). / The subject of this thesis is the comparative analysis of Portuguese, Brazilian and Romanian parliamentary debates, from the point of view of interactional organization and address terms uses (Carreira 1997). Our theoretical framework is interactional linguistics (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1990), political discourse analysis (Charaudeau 2005) and parliamentary discourse analysis (Ilie 2006; Marques 2000). After a legal and political preamble that presents how parliaments in the three selected countries (Portugal, Brazil, Romania) work, we analyse, in the first part of the thesis, the official transcripts of parliamentary sittings as a corpus for linguistic studies. Then we focus on the characteristics of the sequential structure of the debates – opening, body, closing –, negotiation of turn taking and evasion strategies in answering questions. The second part of the thesis focuses on the uses of address terms in constructing images of the self and of the others and the configuration of interlocutive distance. This approach has allowed us to identify a few characteristics of each sub-corpus: Portuguese debates are closer to the parliamentary protocol (the micro-sequential structure is more rigid, nominal institutional address forms are used almost exclusively), while in Brazilian and Romanian debates there is more flexibility both in the micro-sequential construction (ritual acts are more frequent) and in the wider range of address forms used (relational, academic, professional, generic).

Lingua madre e lingua target come fonti di errori nei temi in inglese scritti dagli studenti rumeni delle medie: un'analisi dell'errore / Mother Tongue and Target Language as Sources fo Errors in Written Compositions of Lower Secondary Romanian Students of English: an Error Analysis

COZMA, CLARA 07 April 2008 (has links)
La ricerca prende le mosse dalla constatazione che gli studenti di madrelingua romena delle medie commettono molti errori nell'inglese scritto. Anche facendo tesoro della esperienza condotta come insegnante d'inglese in Romania, ho scelto come tema della Tesi di Dottorato un'analisi dell'errore con lo scopo di scoprirne le ragioni e di proporre dei miglioramenti per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento. La ricerca si propone due obiettivi: 1) la messa a punto di un quadro teorico relativo all'analisi contrastiva, all'analisi dell'errore e i modelli di analisi dell'errore; 2) la ricerca sulle origini dell'errore, identificando, descrivendo, classificando e diagnosticando gli errori nell'inglese scritto in cui incorrono solitamente gli studenti romeni. Lo studio ha preso in esame terminologie relative a errori interlinguistici, transfer negativo/interferenza, interlanguage , errori intralinguistici, gravità degli errori e valutazione degli errori. Lo scopo ultimo è di dimostrare fino a che punto il transfer negativo/interferenza sia la causa di errori nella comunicazione scritta degli studenti romeni e fino a che punto questi errori siano causati dalla lingua target. I risultati hanno dimostrato che gli errori interlinguistici e quelli intralinguistici sono piuttosto bilanciati. Trova altresì conferma l'ipotesi dell'utilità di stabilire una gerarchia degli errori basata sulla loro frequenza, così da suggerire agli insegnanti contromisure mirate. l'unico fattore che incide. Trova altresì conferma l'ipotesi dell'utilità di stabilire una gerarchia degli errori basata sulla loro frequenza, così da suggerire agli insegnanti contromisure mirate. / As lower secondary school students commit many errors in writing when English is the target language and Romanian is the native language, I have decided to conduct an error analysis in order to find out what the sources of their errors are, and to suggest improvements for teaching and learning. The present study is intended to provide a theoretical background for contrastive analysis, error analysis, models for error analysis and sources of errors by identifying, describing, categorising, and diagnosing Romanian students' errors in English written compositions. It will also examine related terms such as interlingual errors, negative L1 transfer/interference, interlanguage errors, intralingual errors, error gravity and error evaluation. The ultimate goal of this paper is to demonstrate to what extent negative L1 transfer/interference is the cause for errors in my students' English writing and to what extent these errors are caused by the target language. The findings have demonstrated that interlingual (negative transfer) errors and intralingual (developmental) errors are quite balanced; while interference from the mother tongue plays a role, it is not the only interfering factor. The hypothesis regarding the importance of establishing an error hierarchy based on error frequency has also been validated.

Divergences et convergences dans la terminologie médicale vétérinaire pour les vertébrés domestiques entre le roumain et le français / Divergences and convergences in the veterinary medical terminology for domestic vertebrates between Romanian and French

Barna, Corina 18 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de préparer un dictionnaire de médecine vétérinaire français-roumain et roumain-français. A cette fin, dans une première étape, nous avons étudié les méthodes employées au fil du temps par les maîtres de la terminologie. Nos méthodes de travail ont été offertes par nos collègues plus expérimentés et par les normes ISO de terminologie. Ainsi, nos recherches se sont constituées dans un essai de modélisation du travail terminologique, au cours de la recherche des meilleures méthodes. Dans une deuxième étape, nous avons constitué un corpus de recherche, en se basant sur les méthodes de la linguistique de corpus. Nous avons constitué un corpus de 2193 thèses de doctorat vétérinaires VeThèses des 11 années (1998-2008) des quatre écoles vétérinaires françaises, des thèses disponibles en format numérique, autour du thème des vertébrés domestiques. L’étape de dépouillement terminologique a compris aussi un essai de systématisation des termes. Les résultats de ce travail sur le corpus se sont constitués dans une nomenclature et la base de données VeTerm. / The purpose of this thesis is to prepare a French-Romanian / Romanian-French dictionary of veterinary medicine. In order to achieve this purpose, a first step was to study the methods used over time by the masters of the language. Our work methods have been offered by our more experienced colleagues and the ISO terminology norms. Thus, our research consisted in an essay to modeling the terminology work, on the way to find the best methods. In a second step, we established a research corpus, based on the methods of corpus linguistics. We have assembled a corpus of 2193 veterinary theses from 11 years (1998-2008) of the four French veterinary schools - VeThèses, on the theme of domestic vertebrates, theses available in digitized format. The term extraction step includes an essay to systematize the terms. The results of this work on the corpus formed a nomenclature and the VeTerm database. We plan to continue the researches in the direction of creating an ontology of the veterinary field, in order to create a dictionary of veterinary medicine that covers this field as best possible.

Community, women and selfhood in the writings of Michel Leiris and Carlo Emilio Gadda

Weavil, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
This study sets out to uncover the thus far unexplored affinities between the works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and Michel Leiris, two key figures of twentieth-century literature whose place within the broader European literary panorama has been largely overlooked. Through an inquiry into three interconnected areas – the question of 'community'; the relationship between male self and female other; and writing as a space in which a fractured experience of subjectivity is both played out and exposed – I argue that their works are underpinned by a parallel tension, between a nostalgia for a lost experience of unity and a recognition of its impossibility within a fractured modernity. Chapter One examines the relationship between the individual and the communal. With a focus on Gadda's Giornale di guerra e di prigionia, and Leiris's involvement in a series of key intellectual, literary and political societies of the 1930s and 1940s, it argues that while both authors were drawn to a form of communal integration, both were ultimately thwarted in their attempts to reinstate it. Chapter Two continues this inquiry into the relationship between self and other through an examination of the dysfunctional relationship between individual (male) self and (female) other. With a focus on Leiris's L'Age d'homme and Gadda's Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana, it questions the extent to which any authentic relationship between male self and female other is ruled out, and examines the association between sexuality and fear that underpins their approach to the sphere of the female at large. The final chapter examines the implications of the authors' shared loss of faith in the notion of a unified, authentic experience of selfhood for their approach to the literary act itself. Through a study of these three key areas, this study thus sets out to respond to the need for further contextualisation of these two key figures of the twentieth-century European literary panorama, in the conviction that a comparative examination will shed new light both on their individual works and on their shared affinity with a number of key tenets of twentieth-century European thought.

Cosma, Octavian Lazár: The Romanian Music Chronicle vol. I (1973) - vol. IX (1991) [Rezension]

Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universität Leipzig January 1997 (has links)
The nine volumes of the "Romanian Music Chronicle", printed by the Music Publishing Hause, Bucharest, in 20 years (1973-1991) are the fruit of an extremely elaborated investigation, that broke all the walls that tried to hide this real patrimony of spirituality. The author, Octavian Lazar Cosma, shouldered the responsibility of a difficult cultural mission to establish the main points of the Romanian music evolution during these two millennia.

Eugen Ionescu/Eugène Ionesco - život a dílo / Eugen Ionescu/Eugène Ionesco - Life and Works

Našincová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to prove the author's deep roots in the Romanian literary tradition (Urmuz, I. L.Caragiale), to try to prove that the poetics of his famous plays is actually contained in his work from the 30's and echoes of his personal and artistic experience from Romania can be also found in his French mature creative period. Therefore, Ionesco's writings will be compiled for the first time in our country in its wholeness since Czech and Occidental interpreters and comentators have mostly ignored the author's Romanian period of creation. Key Words Eugen Ionescu, Eugène Ionesco, Romanian literature 20th century, French literature 20th century, The Theatre of the Absurd, Romanian literaly exile

Sino-Romanian ties before and after 1989: A special relation revisited

Osiac, Alina Floriana 28 August 2019 (has links)
The study deals with the Sino-Romanian political, diplomatic, economic, technological and cultural ties from the very beginning in 1880, to this day. It precisely attempts to illustrate how, following Romania's bitter transition to democracy in 1989 and during its process of Westernisation and presence in a global context for internationalisation, the Sino-Romanian bilateral relationship has undoubtedly deteriorated, in comparison to the period prior to the revolution when the two countries’ constantly expanding bilateral political and economic partnership, as well as their public support, enabled Bucharest to attenuate the Soviet economic pressure, to improve its autonomous policy towards the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and to undergo processes that resulted in the Romanian Communist Party sharing brotherly relations with the Communist Party of China in the 1970s. The research investigated the Romanian anti-communist revolution of December 1989 as the watershed for the Sino-Romanian relationship as, in the wake of those events, China embarked on the road of becoming a global superpower while the government in Bucharest, struggling economically, politically and socially to cope with the reverberations of the regime change, utterly disregarded the Asian capital’s economic and military potential as well as diplomatic influence in the international arena, and eventually turned its eyes to the West. The work emphasised that, when compared to other CEECs trade with China, Romania only ranked 5th, preceded by Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, suggesting that previous academic research - that placed emphasis on the traditional friendly relations which the two countries have shared since the 1960s and that has yielded, beginning with the 2000s, to a steady development of the Sino- Romanian pragmatic cooperation - and statements of (former) diplomats or experts working in the field - that tend to overemphasise the outcomes of the bilateral ties between Romania and China in the 2000s - are either too optimistic, or unfounded. The research established that the lessening of the Sino-Romanian collaboration after 1989 resides in Bucharest leadership’s inefficiency in developing a strategic partnership with Beijing subsequent to Romania’s accession to NATO (2004) and the EU (2007) and in their hesitation in capitalising on the rising Chinese economic presence in CEE since the beginning of the new millennium.:I. Introduction II. Historical background and Sino-Romanian earliest ties III. Sino-Romanian relations 1949-1969 IV. Sino-Romanian relations 1969-1989 V. Sino-Romanian relations 1989-2004 VI. Sino-Romanian relations 2004-2016 VII. Conclusion Annexes Bibliography

A Stage Approach to Transnational Migration. Migrant Narratives from Rural Romania

Ciobanu, Ruxandra Oana 30 July 2010 (has links)
If one takes a snapshot of Romanian migration, the first observation might be that the home villages or communities are very different. This is also the conclusion that Massey et al. (1994) first reach when comparing Mexican communities. However, if one compares migrant communities in a longitudinal manner, it can be seen rather that they are converging towards similar migration patterns rather than diverging. To explore this, I conducted fieldwork research in two villages from different socio-cultural regions of Romania, and for the second phase of the research followed the migrants to their destinations in Spain. In total I conducted more than 50 biographical narrative interviews with migrants and fifteen in-depth interviews with representatives from local authorities and other key informants on rural Romanian life. The biographical narrative interviews allowed me to take a longitudinal perspective on the migration from the two villages. The aim in comparing the two villages was to understand the internal logic of migration and examine to what extent two different villages showed any syncretism through cumulative structural effects. Analysing migrants’ projects, the family migration and the general migration from the two villages – each accounting for different levels of analysis – allowed me to specify the stages of migration. In the thesis, firstly I explain the socio-economic, cultural and geographical context in the origin community which shapes migration. Secondly, I compare the migration patterns of two families from the two villages, and thirdly I abstract three migration projects specific to the two communities. All these allow me to show that the two villages are at different stages in the migration process (Massey et al. 1994) and also to explain the mechanism of passing from one stage to the next. So far, the literature on migration policies has looked at the receiving countries. Few references are made to the origin countries, and these refer to Mexico, the Philippines and some of the Northern African countries, countries which have an active policy of promoting migration. Literature with regard to the European cases – for example Serbia, which has a Ministry of the Diaspora, or Poland, a country with a very long history emigration – is absent. Moreover, topics such as grounded migration policy making or the local dimension of policy making are still new in the reflexion of scholars. The thesis fills this gap with respect to migration policies of bonding migrants and involving them in development in the home community. The theory that holds together all these components is Luhmann’s systems theory (1995), in the way it was adapted to migration research by Bommes (2005) and Bommes and Tacke (2006a, 2006b). Using systems theory allows me to perform a critique of concepts like migration networks and transnationalism, which are very often used in the analysis of migration.

Is it a scandal that around 8 million Roma fall just outside the healthcare system? : A qualitative study exploring access to the health insurance and health care for Roma staying in Sweden

Tsekhmestruk, Nataliia January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: The Roma is the largest ethnic minority in Europe, estimated to be over 11 million (1.35% of Europe’s total population). At the same time, it is the most vulnerable and marginalized community, facing many challenges in everyday life, such as low levels of education, unemployment, poverty, limited access to information, social and health services as well as racial discrimination. Roma people have great health needs and lack access to the European Health Insurance scheme. Efforts by governments across Europe to address these health inequities have been relatively weak and Roma suffer poorer access to health care, health insurance, education and employment in every country that they inhabit in comparison to the majority population. There are studies exploring the health situation of the Roma, but very limited information is available about the availability of the European Health Insurance for Roma and access to health care in Sweden. The general aim of this study is to explore access to the health insurance and health care for Roma staying in Sweden. Methods: A qualitative design methodology has been applied in this thesis. Four non-government organizations in Sweden were contacted and six in-depth interviews were done with professionals and volunteers from those organizations. Questions were asked about experience of working/volunteering and assisting Roma people in accessing health care in Sweden. The interviews also addressed barriers faced by Roma to obtain the European Health Insurance in Romania. The data was analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Four themes were developed during the data analysis. The first theme “A bureaucratic and unfriendly system makes it hard for Roma to get insured in Romania” is about the role of the Romanian government in maintaining the (disadvantaged) situation of Roma people. The second theme “Difficult to access the health care services in Sweden, without active European Health Insurance” explains the situation of Roma people, when they seek medical care in Sweden and the importance of having an active European Health Insurance. The third theme “European Union policies do not respond to the health care needs of Roma” elaborates on the governance of the whole health insurance scheme from the EU level and how it is not designed to fit the needs of the Roma. The fourth theme “The history of racism and discrimination of Roma is the root of this situation” is about how society perceives Roma people and how they have been treated for a long time as slaves, with labels including discrimination and racism. Conclusion: This study highlights that access to health care for Romanian Roma people staying in Sweden cannot be seen as a separate issue from that of the situation of access to the health insurance scheme - the National Health Insurance and the European Health Insurance - for Roma in Romania. The study highlights that access to health care and the European Health Insurance for Roma in Romania is often determined by the (dis)functionality of the health system in Romania, corruption and bureaucracy. Without an active European Health Insurance, Roma cannot access health care in Sweden. As an additional burden, they are requested to prove that they can access health care as undocumented people. European Union regulations and laws make it difficult for people who do not have official work to obtain European Health Insurance. The history of racism and discrimination is, potentially the root of the situation. Even today Roma are judged with prejudices, stereotypes and pre-existing beliefs that makes access the health insurance and health care for Roma staying in Sweden even more difficult.

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