Spelling suggestions: "subject:"romanian"" "subject:"lomanian""
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L’image de la Roumanie et des roumains dans les écrits français de 1770 à 1900 / The image of Romania and romanians in french writings from 1770 to 1900Grigori, Mirela-Cristina 19 November 2013 (has links)
Le domaine de l’imagologie est défini, par les comparatistes, comme un domaine de frontière, entre littérature comparée, histoire, ethnopsychologie. Nous nous sommes situés dans une perspective imagologique dans le cadre de cette recherche, pour décrire les étapes de la formation de l’image des Roumains dans des écrits français du XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Ces étapes sont marquées par des textes de référence dans l’histoire des relations franco-roumaines, nous mentionnons ici le premier grand livre sur les Moldo-Valaques de Jean-Louis Carra, en passant par le livre de Stanislas Bellanger, jusqu’aux écrits d’Abdolonyme Ubicini, sans oublier ceux des divers consuls français, ou historiens, amis des Roumains.La Roumanie ne s’est pas faite en un jour. L’image des Français sur les Roumains s’est cristallisée durant le XIXe siècle. Il est vrai, dès le XIIIe siècle, des militaires français, des commerçants étaient arrivés sur les terres habités par les ancêtres des Roumains. Mais l’attraction vers l’Orient, cultivée surtout par le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècle, tout comme l’inquiétude qu’exerçaient en Europe les Empires Ottoman et Russe ont fait que de plus en plus de Français, aventuriers, révolutionnaires, exilés, hommes politiques, militaires voyagent vers l’Est européen.Même s’ils sont rédigés durant un séjour en pays roumain, au début, les écrits français sur les Roumains sont influencés par les chroniques moldo-valaques et par les textes antérieurs. Au fur et à mesure que les moyens de transport s’améliorent et que le kéroutza est remplacé par le train ou le bateau sur le Danube, les ouvrages sont beaucoup plus personnels, sans ignorer les textes antérieurs. Nous avons démontré que cette reprise des mêmes fragments d’images, faisant référence à des domaines récurrents (histoire, habits, logements, moeurs, organisation, ressources naturelles, paysage, ethnies), a abouti à composer une image qui est loin de la touche négative du cliché. Les enregistrements scripturaux sur les Roumains du XIXe siècle allaient préparer le terrain pour la naissance de la nation roumaine. Ce moment, ouvrant la voie à la grande amitié France-Roumanie, coïncide avec l’apparition dans les textes officiels des mots Roumain, Roumanie.Nous nous sommes intéressés aux écrits français sur les Roumains d’une période mal connue, sinon pas du tout, mais ce n’est pas une analyse exhaustive, notre recherche ne fait que commencer un travail qui pourra déboucher sur l’étude des textes d’ambassade, des échanges de messages entre les consuls français et le gouvernement français, avant même que la première ambassade française s’installe en Roumanie au XIXe siècle. L’étude des écrits sur lesquels nous nous sommes arrêtés se constitue en analyse de divers documents, essais historiques, mémoires, récits de voyage, statistiques. Notre analyse opère avec les concepts d’image (au sens de représentation), de8 stéréotype, d’ethnotype, en termes de réception de l’Autre, avec tout ce que l’altérité a de caractéristique. L’image finale ressort des récurrences des mêmes éléments sur lesquels les auteurs insistent (stéréotypes). / The field of imagology is defined by comparatists as a frontier domain, somewhere in between comparative literature, history and ethnopsychology. We have approached the subject matter from an imagological perspective in order to describe the image formation stages of the Romanians in several French writings in the 18th and 19th century. These stages are marked by several reference texts along the history of the French-Romanian relations, we mention here the first great work on the Moldo-Vlachs by Jean-Louis Carra, following Stanislas Bellanger’ book to Abdolonyme Ubicini’s writings, without forgetting those of various French consuls or historians, friends of the Romanians.Romania has not come into being within a single day. The French people’s image on the Romanians crystallized along the 19th century. True, in the 13th century French military men and merchants arrived in the lands inhabited by the ancestors of the Romanians. But the attraction of the Orient, cultivated especially in the 18th and 19th century, as well as the apprehension exerted in Europe by the Ottoman and Russian Empires determined more and more adventurers, revolutionaries, exiles, politicians and soldiers to travel towards Eastern Europe. Even if they were written during a stay in the Romanian countries, at first, the French writings about the Romanians bear the influence/ mark of the Moldo-Vlach chronicles and earlier texts. As transport is getting better and the keroutza is replaced by train or ship along the Danube, later works become increasingly personal without disregarding previous writings. We have demonstrated that this resuming of the same fragments of images referring to recurring domains (history, habits, dwellings, morals, organization, natural resources, landscape and ethnic groups) resulted into composing an image which is far from the touch of the negative cliché. The scriptural records about Romanians in the 19th century would prepare the ground for the foundation of the Romanian nation. This point coincides with the appearance in the official texts of the words Romanian, Romania, everything preparing the ground for the great France-Romania friendship. We are mainly interested in the period when the writings are scarce, as compared with the French books appearing in the 20th century. The study of these writings constitutes in the analysis of various documents, historical essays, memoirs, travel narratives and embassy reports. This analysis operates with concepts of image (meaning representation), stereotype, ethnotype in the terms of perceiving the Other with everything Alterity has characteristic. The finale image is appearing of recurrence of the same elements which the authors insist on (stereotypes).
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Vliv Indie na Mirceu Eliadeho / The influence of India on Mircea EliadeHojná, Estela January 2020 (has links)
Keywords Mircea Eliade, the influence of India, Romanian literature Abstract The thesis deals with the influence of indian culture and philosophy on the Romanian writer, religionist and philosopher Mircea Eliade. He studied in Calcutta and after his return from India he graduated his doctoral studies of philosophy with thesis called Yoga. This master thesis is defining Indian aspects in Eliade's books. The first part of the thesis focuses on details from Mircea Eliade's life, his relationship to India and on Indian philosophy which is reflected in his writing. That includes the cyclic concept of time which doesn't explain death as the end of life. We talk about reincarnation. The quality of the next life is conditioned by the deeds of the previous life. Eliade is supporting yoga as a way how to separate the spirit from the material world and from the body. The second part of this thesis has an aim to describe some of the Eliade's books which are influenced by India, and to analyze those Indian aspects (The Secret of Dr. Honigberger, Isabel şi apele diavolului and 50 de conferinže radiofonice (1932 - 1938)).
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The Impact of Pre-Adoption Stress on the Romanian Adoptees' Transitions to Adulthood and Adult Attachment: Perspectives of the Adoptees and the Adoptive ParentsNedelcu, Cristina 01 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A machine learning approach to the identification of translational language : an inquiry into translationese learning modelsIlisei, Iustina-Narcisa January 2012 (has links)
In the world of Descriptive Translation Studies, translationese refers to the specific traits that characterise the language used in translations. While translationese has been often investigated to illustrate that translational language is different from non-translational language, scholars have also proposed a set of hypotheses which may characterise such di erences. In the quest for the validation of these hypotheses, embracing corpus-based techniques had a well-known impact in the domain, leading to several advances in the past twenty years. Despite extensive research, however, there are no universally recognised characteristics of translational language, nor universally recognised patterns likely to occur within translational language. This thesis addresses these issues, with a less used approach in the eld of Descriptive Translation Studies, by investigating the nature of translational language from a machine learning perspective. While the main focus is on analysing translationese, this thesis investigates two related sub-hypotheses: simplication and explicitation. To this end, a multilingual learning framework is designed and implemented for the identification of translational language. The framework is modelled as a categorisation task, the learning techniques having the major goal to automatically learn to distinguish between translated and non-translated texts. The second and third major goals of this research are the retrieval of the recurring patterns that are revealed in the process of solving the task of categorisation, as well as the ranking of the most in uential characteristics used to accomplish the learning task. These aims are ful lled by implementing a system that adopts the machine learning methodology proposed in this research. The learning framework proves to be an adaptable multilingual framework for the investigation of the nature of translational language, its adaptability being illustrated in this thesis by applying it to the investigation of two languages: Spanish and Romanian. In this thesis, di erent research scenarios and learning models are experimented with in order to assess to what extent translated texts can be diff erentiated from non-translated texts in certain contexts. The findings show that machine learning algorithms, aggregating a large set of potentially discriminative characteristics for translational language, are able to diff erentiate translated texts from non-translated ones with high scores. The evaluation experiments report performance values such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure on two datasets. The present research is situated at the con uence of three areas, more precisely: Descriptive Translation Studies, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, justifying the need to combine these elds for the investigation of translationese and translational hypotheses.
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Les films étaient en couleur mais la réalité était grise… : la censure dans la cinématographie roumaine sous Nicolae Ceaușescu (1965-1989) / The films were in color, but reality was grey… : The Censorship of Romanian Cinema during Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime (1945-1989)Popescu, Alina-Georgiana 23 June 2015 (has links)
Ce projet de thèse est centré sur l’étude de la censure en tant que processus socio-politique, révélateur des logiques individuelles et institutionnelles qui se conjuguent dans la réalisation d’un film. Cette recherche est axée sur la période 1965-1989, « l’époque Nicolae Ceaușescu », remarquable par la quantité de films censurés. Pour ce faire, nous avons consacré la première partie du travail à l’analyse de l’organisation de la cinématographie roumaine, considérée dans le contexte politique, social et économique d’après la 2de Guerre Mondiale et jusqu’à la chute du régime. Une attention particulière est accordée ici à l’évolution des institutions de contrôle de la culture ainsi qu’aux discours qui façonnent les normes de la création cinématographique. Pour comprendre les différentes formes que peut revêtir la censure, nous nous situons ensuite à un niveau intermédiaire d’analyse, celui des institutions. Nous avons ainsi identifié et analysé plusieurs structures, comme les studios de production, l’Association des Cinéastes, la Radio Europe Libre, la Securitate, dont les fonctions censoriales vont du guidage à la répression. Dans la dernière partie de cette analyse, nous nous penchons sur des cinéastes et des films importants de la période. Nous avons fait le choix d’analyser les trajectoires des réalisateurs les plus représentatifs de la période, par le prisme de leurs dossiers de surveillance établis par la police politique. La Securitate les surveille parce qu’ils ont en commun une vision « non-conforme » de la réalité socialiste ; ce faisant, celle-ci révèle ce qui était (in)désirable dans la réalité socialiste. Enfin, pour illustrer comment la censure affecte la matière des films, nous proposons l’analyse de quelques cas notoires de film interdits, mais aussi de films qui permettent d’exemplifier en détail différents tabous, diverses formes d’intervention ou les réactions des réalisateurs à toute sorte de pressions. Le fait de choisir la censure comme un angle d’analyse privilégié est utile pour comprendre les contraintes, les servitudes et les espaces de liberté des cinéastes, les contradictions, les dits, et les non-dits du régime. / This PhD project focuses on the study of censorship as a socio-political process, revealing the individual and institutional logics that conjugate in the process of filmmaking. The research analyzes the period 1965-1989, which is the "Nicolae Ceauşescu era", remarkable for the amount of censored films.In conducting my research, I dedicated the first part of the work to the analysis of the Romanian cinematography organization, considered in the political, social and economic context, from the 2nd World War until the fall of the Communist regime. Particular attention is paid here to the evolution of culture control institutions and to the discourses, especially those of the Communist Party leaders, which shape the standards of the film production. In order to understand various possible forms of censorship, I then approached an intermediate level of analysis, that of institutions. Thus, I identified and analyzed several structures such as production studios, the Filmmakers’ Association, Radio Free Europe and the political police, whose censorial functions varied from guidance to repression.In the last part of this work, I looked into filmmakers’ biographies and important films of the period. I chose to analyze the trajectories of the period’s most representative filmmakers through the lenses of their surveillance files made by the political police. The Securitate monitored them because they shared a "non-compliant" vision of the socialist reality; while doing so, the political police revealed what was acceptable or undesirable in that reality. Finally, in order to illustrate how censorship affects films, I propose the analysis of some notorious cases of banned film, but also of films that exemplify various taboos, detailed forms of intervention or reactions of the filmmakers to any kind of pressure. Choosing censorship as a main angle of analysis is useful for the comprehension of the filmmakers’ constraints, servitudes and liberties, but also the understanding of contradictions, of what is made visible or kept silently hidden by the regime.
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Let Music Speak Day and Night: A Performance Guide for George Enescu's "Impressions D'enfance for Violin and Piano"Huang, Chenshayang 12 1900 (has links)
In the world of chamber music, programmatic suites are more rarely composed and consequently more rarely presented in recital than other musical forms. Perhaps partially for this reason, George Enescu's Impressions d'enfance for violin and piano, his last chamber piece written in the tumultuous year of 1940, has been overlooked for a long time; even the composer himself did not make a recording of this seldom performed piece. This dissertation examines Impressions d'enface in order to explore the relationship between the underlying Romanian folk rhythmic and melodic patterns, to provide an analysis, as well as to serve as a performance guide to assist performers in surmounting the technical challenges and thus create a more effective ensemble. I hope this dissertation will encourage more duos to experiencing the joy of George Enescu's richly fulfilling Impressions d'enfance for themselves.
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Poetics of Denial: Expressions of National Identity and Imagined Exile in English-Canadian and Romanian DramasManole, Diana Maria 26 July 2013 (has links)
After the change of their country’s political and international statuses, post-colonial and respectively post-communist individuals and collectives develop feelings of alienation and estrangement that do not involve physical dislocation. Eventually, they start imagining their national community as a collective of individuals who share this state. Paraphrasing Benedict Anderson’s definition of the nation as an “imagined community,” this study identifies this process as “imagined exile,” an act that temporarily compensates for the absence of a metanarrative of the nation during the post-colonial and post-communist transitions.
This dissertation analyzes and compares ten English Canadian and Romanian plays, written between 1976 and 2004, and argues that they function as expressions and agents of post-colonial and respectively post-communist imagined exile, helping their readers and audiences overcome the identity crisis and regain the feeling of belonging to a national community. Chapter 1 explores the development of major theoretical concepts, such as nation, national identity, national identity crisis, post-colonialism, and post-communism. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 analyze dramatic rewritings of historical events, in “1837: The Farmers’ Revolt” by the theatre Passe Muraille with Rick Salutin as dramaturge, and “A Cold” by Marin Sorescu, and of past political leaders, in “Sir John, Eh!” by Jim Garrard and “A Day from the Life of Nicolae Ceausescu” by Denis Dinulescu. Chapter 4 examines the expression of the individual and collective identity crises in “Sled” by Judith Thompson and “The Future Is Rubbish” by Vlad Zografi. Chapter 5 explores the treatment of physical and cultural borders and borderlands in Kelly Rebar’s “Bordertown Café”, Guillermo Verdecchia’s “Fronteras Americanas”, Petre Barbu’s “God Bless America”, and Saviana Stanescu’s “Waxing West”. The concluding chapter briefly discusses the concept of imagined exile in relation to other investigations of post-colonial and post-communist dramas and reviews some of the latest perspectives of national identity, reassessing this study from a diachronic perspective.
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Writing for freedom : body, identity and power in Goliarda Sapienza's narrativeBazzoni, Maria Alberica January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the theme of freedom in Goliarda Sapienza's narrative, focusing in particular on three works: Lettera aperta (1967), L'arte della gioia (1998, posthumous) and Io, Jean Gabin (2010, posthumous). The analysis concentrates on the interplay between body and power in processes of identity formation; the main aspects taken into consideration are gender, sexuality and political ideology, with specific attention to the power involved in human relationships. This thesis comprises four chapters. The first three develop a close textual analysis of individual works, each one progressing from the exploration of the internal composition of the self to the analysis of identity in its interpersonal and socio-political dimension. The fourth chapter engages with a comparative analysis of the same works’ narrative structures, accounting for the role of writing in the evolution of Sapienza’s narrative. I identify the pivotal tension of Sapienza's works in the ideal of freedom, and propose to define her narrative as Epicurean and anarchic, characteristics that place it at the intersection of post-structuralist and Marxist-feminist discourses. Overall, I argue in favour of Sapienza's originality and significance within the context of 20<sup>th</sup>-century Italian literature. I suggest an affinity between Sapienza's works and the literary legacy of Pirandello and Svevo, as well as certain tenets of postmodern fiction, but also a significant difference, concerning the presence of a tension towards agency and subjectivity, extraneous to the trajectory of the modern and postmodern subject. From a position of marginality and ex-centricity, Sapienza gives voice to a radical aspiration to individual and social transformation, in which writing and literary communication are granted a central role. Her works trace the parable of a strenuous deconstruction of oppressive norms and structures, aimed at retrieving a space of powerful bodily desire, which constitutes the foundation of the process of becoming a subject.
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Les relations culturelles franco-roumaines de 1878 à 1965 / The Franco-Rumanian cultural relations between 1878 and 1965Ciszek, Océane 11 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de recherches dans divers centres d‟archives (Paris, Nantes, Bucarest, Genève) réalise une synthèse des relations culturelles franco-roumaines de 1878 à 1965. Il s‟agit de comprendre, comment la France affaiblie après 1870 est plus que jamais considérée par l‟élite roumaine comme sa « grande soeur latine ». Puis, forte de cette reconnaissance, comment elle institutionnalise sa propagande culturelle dans la Grande Roumanie (1919-1939) pour oeuvrer aux côtés des Roumains à la latinisation des territoires annexés, et parvient à la signature de l‟accord culturel de mars 1939 dans l‟environnement hostile des régimes fasciste et nazi. La dernière période de 1940 à 1965 traite des aléas de ces relations : maintien difficile des OEuvres françaises durant la guerre, renouveau espéré des échanges de 1944 à 1947, jusqu‟à la dénonciation de l‟accord en 1948 par la Roumanie sous tutelle soviétique. Suit une traversée du désert qui aboutit avec peine au nouvel accord de 1965. Tout au long de cette période, la culture française s‟enrichie au contact des intellectuels et artistes roumains dont les oeuvres entrent dans le patrimoine français. L‟auteure de la thèse fait découvrir son trisaïeul roumain, le peintre Mihai Simonidi (1872-1933), à partir des archives familiales. Arrivé en France en 1892, il acquiert une certaine renommée auprès du Tout-Paris à l‟occasion de l‟Exposition Universelle de 1900 ainsi qu‟auprès de l‟élite bucarestoise. Peintre de nus, de marines et de fresques magistrales dont certaines décorent encore l‟intérieur de bâtiments bucarestois, il réalise également des portraits de célébrités françaises du monde artistique et littéraire et de politiques roumains. / This study of Franco-Rumanian cultural relations between 1878 and 1965 is the fruit of research carried out in a number of archive centres (Paris, Nantes, Bucharest and Geneva). Its objective is to understand why France, in its weakened state after the 1870 war, was nevertheless considered by the Romanian elite as its „older sister‟. The author then examines how France used its position to institutionalise its cultural propaganda in „Grand Romania‟ (1919-1939), working alongside Romanians to spread its influence to the annexed territories, and how a cultural agreement was signed in March 1939 despite the hostile environment created by the fascist and Nazi regimes. Relations were unsettled during the final period (1940 to 1965), with the struggle to retain French works of art during the war, the promising exchanges in the immediate after-war years, and the termination of the agreement in 1948 by Soviet-controlled Romania. After a barren period a new agreement was signed in 1965. Throughout the period French culture was enriched by its contact with Romanian intellectuals and artists whose works were integrated into France‟s cultural heritage. The author uses family records to tell the story of her Romanian ancestor, the artist Mihai Simonidi (1872-1933). After arriving in France in 1892, he exhibited at the Universal Exhibition of 1900 and gained a certain reputation amongst the Paris and Bucharest elite. Well-known for his nudes, marine scenes and murals, some of which can still be seen in buildings in Bucharest, he also painted the portraits of famous French artists and writers and Romanian politicians of the time.
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Historie překladů z rumunské literatury do češtiny / History of literary translations from Romanian to CzechŠeflová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with Czech translations from Romanian with emphasis on the translatological aspect of the topic. The theoretical part analyzes a list of translations created by the combination of a number of sources according to the original authors, the publishers of the translations, the year of publication of the Czech translation and the translators. The theoretical part also includes the outline of the development of Czech translation theories and a brief summary of modern directions in translatology. The practical part shows, using an analysis of the Czech translation of Țiganiada (Gypsiliad) by Ion Budai-Deleanu, how should look the analysis of the translation before the translator starts translating, or during his work. This part includes a practical analysis model with a division into individual segments. Each segment includes examples of potential problems and suggests a way to deal with them from a theoretical point of view.
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