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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test et apports d’outils de phénotypage racinaires directs (imagerie des racines) et indirects (méthode électrique capacitive) pour une utilisation en sélection variétale au champ : application au blé / Evaluation and contribution of direct (root imaging) and indirect (electrical capacitive method) root phenotyping tools for plant breeding : an application to wheat culture

Postic, François 13 December 2016 (has links)
Pour soutenir la demande en denrées alimentaires d’une population mondiale croissante, les rendements des productions en céréales, notamment du blé, doivent être améliorés par sélection végétale. À cause du changement climatique et de l’épuisement des ressources fossiles, les systèmes racinaires des futures variétés de blé devront être adaptés aux épisodes de sécheresse et aux sols peu fertiles. Il est donc crucial de développer des outils de mesure de traits racinaires au champ répondant aux exigences de la sélection variétale. Ainsi, la pertinence des minirhizotrons et de l’impédance électrique des plantes a été évaluée en essai agronomique sur des variétés de blé, conçu pour obtenir un panel varié d’enracinement. Nous avons montré que les minirhizotrons fournissent une quantification dynamique et pertinente de la longueur de racines profondes, qui jouent rôle majeur dans les rendements obtenus en conditions pluviales. Malgré une sous-estimation de la partie superficielle des systèmes racinaires, la conversion volumétrique des données issues des minirhizotrons basée sur une profondeur de champ, et à l’aide de prélèvements pour les horizons de surface, a permis une estimation du ratio de masse racinaire sur masse aérienne.À travers une étude méthodologique en laboratoire, nous avons déterminé le montage optimal de mesure d’impédance électrique sur des plants de blé. Son application au champ montre que la qualité de l’estimation diminue au cours de la croissance et dépend de l’humidité du sol.Nous avons montré que l’impédance des plants de blé est décrite par un modèle de condensateur plan, les tissus végétaux formant un diélectrique imparfait. Ainsi, la réactance est un prédicteur de la masse racinaire, uniquement dans les couches superficielles et sèches du sol. / Ensuring the food supply of an increasing world population could be achieved by improvingcrop yields through plant breeding. Due to the climate change and the rarefaction of fossilresources, the root systems of the future wheat cultivars should be adapted to low soilmoisture and low soil fertility. Developing tools for in situ root traits measurements fulfilling the high through put requirement of modern breeding is crucial. For this purpose, anagronomic trial was conducted on wheat cultivars to evaluate the relevance of minirhizotrons and plant electrical impedance on assessing varied rooting architecture.We showed that minirhizotrons provide dynamic and relevant quantifications of deep rootlengths, which was a key factor in crop yield under rainfed conditions. In spite ofunderestimated lengths in the shallow part of the root systems, a volumetric conversion ofminirhizotron data using a depth-of-field criterion, coupled with auger sampling for surfacelayers, allowed fairly estimation root to shoot ratio at different growth stages.We determined the optimal setup of plant impedance measurements by a methodological study performed under laboratory conditions. The application of this optimal set up to an in situ survey showed that the quality of the predictions decreased at later growth stages andunder low soil wetness. The plant impedance was described by an imperfect parallel-platecapacitor mode, where plant tissues acted as the separating medium. Consequently, electrical reactance is a root biomass sensor, but only in surface soil layers at low water content.

Quantitative, non-destructive estimates of forest coarse root biomass using 3-D ground-penetrating radar (GPR)

Molon, Michelle M. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>We evaluated 3-D imaging of coarse root structure and biomass using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). GPR surveys were conducted in a white pine forest in southern Ontario, Canada. GPR profiles were obtained across two test plots (6 and 17 m<sup>2</sup> area), using 1-GHz GPR and a MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) accelerometer. Test plot surveys evaluated the effects of micro-topography, soil moisture content, and root diameter and spacing. In addition, with the aid of the outcome of the control test plots two other plots (25 and 400 m<sup>2 </sup>area) were surveyed with varying line sample spacing to investigate the restraints on resolution brought about by line sampling density.</p> <p>Accounting for antenna tilt is necessary to determine an accurate and more precise position of root mass. The antenna tilt was >45<sup>o</sup> pitch, >28<sup>o</sup> roll and up to 10<sup>o</sup> yaw due to surface micro-topography of the forest floor. Vector 3-D imaging enhanced the diffraction amplitude (15.5% increase) and centralized the position of the root. Radial surveys provided root continuity and produced better root imaging.</p> <p>GPR largely underestimates coarse root biomass when a line spacing of 25 cm is used. However similar results are found with smaller line spacing (12.5 cm). A maximum line spacing of 10 cm provided continuous root structure and differentiation of roots spaced 10 cm apart and greater. A sampling line spacing of 5 cm and an inline sampling interval of 0.5 cm in low soil moisture conditions provided the detection of roots that were a minimum of 1.4 cm in diameter.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Examining the competitive abilities of cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) in a growth chamber experiment. / Studie av den relativa konkurrensförmågan hos blåklint (Centaurea cyanus) odlad i växtkammare.

Karlsson, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Competition between different species (interspecific competition) is an important factor to consider when estimating population trends, geographic distributions, and management options of species. Many historically common vascular plant species found in agricultural environments have been negatively affected by changes in community composition and in turn, changes in competition pressures. Even so, the relative importance of plant competition in an ecological context is still unclear. In this study I examine the competitive ability of the meadow plant cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.) when grown together with common oat (Avena sativa) and common poppy (Papaver rhoeas), during a seven-week long growth chamber experiment. Seeds were sown in pots in four different setups; 1) C. cyanus control, 2) C. cyanus + P. rhoeas, 3) C. cyanus + A.sativa, 4) All three species. Six different growth parameters were measured (aboveground dry-weight, belowground dry-weight, root length, leaf area, number of leaves and above/belowground dry-weight ratio). I found that growth rates of C. cyanus were significantly inhibited according to all six growth parameters when C. cyanus competed solely with A. sativa. Competition from P. rhoeas had an insignificant effect on C. cyanus growth in five out of six growth parameters. Finally, I discuss the possibility that historically common meadow plants have declined in abundance in part because of weak competitive abilities, and that rare vascular plant species are negatively affected by growing in proximity with cereal crops.

Effects of tree species composition on fine root biomass and dynamics in the rhizosphere of deciduous tree stands in the Hainich National Park (Thuringia) / Effects of tree species composition on fine root biomass and dynamics in the rhizosphere of deciduous tree stands in the Hainich National Park (Thuringia)

Jacob, Andreas 21 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.


CHIMENTO, CARLO 28 January 2015 (has links)
L'obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di identificare la coltura bioenergetica con il maggior potenziale di sequestro del carbonio (C); sono state considerate tre colture perenni arboree (pioppo, robinia e salice) e tre colture erbacee perenni (canna comune , miscanto e panico ) al sesto anno dal loro impianto e coltivate nello stesso ambiente. In primo luogo sono state misurate le variazioni dei tassi del C organico del suolo (COS) per il primo 1 m, mentre per i primi 30 cm di suolo è stato stimato il grado di stabilita del COS valutando sette frazioni di COS che presentano differenti gradi di stabilizzazione; in secondo luogo, sono stati caratterizzati gli apparati radicali delle sei specie per la stessa profondità di suolo, per valutare dove le specie accumulano la biomassa radicale lungo il profilo di suolo. I risultati confermano che l’impianto di colture bioenergetiche perenni su superfici precedentemente dedite a colture annuali gestite convenzionalmente rappresenta una opzione valida per sequestrare C nel soulo. Tuttavia, è stata osservata una diversa capacità di sequestro di C tra specie arboree ed erbacee: le specie arboree hanno dimostrato aumentre il contenuto di COS nel primo strato di suolo ( 0-10 cm di suolo), ma la loro capacità di allocare biomassa radicale negli strati profondi del suolo è limitata; mentre, la specie erbacee allocano un’alta quantità di biomassa radicale negli strati profondi del suolo, ma solo il panico ed il miscanto hanno aumentato il contenuto di C nel primo strato di suolo. / The objective of the present research was to identify the bioenergy crop with the greatest carbon sequestration potential among three perennial woody crops (poplar, black locust and willow) and three perennial herbaceous crops (giant reed, miscanthus and switchgrass) at the sixth year from plantation and in the same location. First of all the SOC stock variations for the first 1 m soil depth and the quantification of seven soil C fractions related to SOC stabilization level of the first 30 cm of soil were assessed; secondly, a characterization of the root system and the traits which affect the carbon allocation in soil were considered. The results confirm that the establishment of perennial bioenergy crops in previous arable fields can be a suitable option to sequester carbon (C) belowground. However, a different C sequestration capacity was observed between woody and herbaceous crops: woody species showed the greatest SOC sequestration potential in the first soil layer (0-10 cm of soil) but their ability to allocate root biomass in the deeper soil layers was limited; while, the herbaceous species allocated a high amount of root biomass in the deeper soil layers, but only switchgrass and miscanthus sequester C in the first soil layer.

The role of the fine root system in carbon fluxes and carbon allocation patterns of tropical ecosystems along a climate and land-use gradient at Mount Kilimanjaro

Sierra Cornejo, Natalia 19 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Furnitura multipla di servizi ecosistemici da culture energetiche poliennali / MULTIPLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES PROVISION FROM PERENNIAL BIOENERGY CROPS / Multiple ecosystem services provision from perennial bioenergy crops

FERRARINI, ANDREA 17 March 2016 (has links)
La sfida nel 21esimo secolo è quella di fornire cibo e energia ad un mondo in continua crescita demografica e allo stesso tempo conservare l’ambiente. In questa tesi uno scenario alternativo di uso del suolo per la produzione di bioenergia è stato testato: le fasce tampone bioenergetiche. Considerate le problematiche ambientali legate al trilemma “cibo-energia-ambiente”, la struttura del Millennium Ecosystem Assessment sui servizi ecosistemici (SE) fornisce l’opportunità di esaminare l’impatto ambientale di questo nuovo scenario bioenergetico. In questa tesi ho mirato a determinare in che misura le colture bioenergetiche poliennali influenzino la fornitura multipla di SE quando coltivate come fasce tampone. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, ho combinato una revisione sistematica della letteratura sui SE forniti da colture energetiche poliennali (CEP) con una prova sperimentale su fasce tampone bioenergetiche. Applicando una metodologia di attribuzione di punteggi agli impatti sui SE estratti dal materiale bibliografico raccolto, ho mostrato come coltivando le CEP lungo i margini dei campi coltivati esista una grande opportunità per sostenere la fornitura multipla di SE. La coltivazione delle CEP come fasce tampone adiacenti a campi agricoli può migliorare i SE di regolazione del clima, dell’acqua e della biodiversità, sostenere la salute del suolo e fornire biomassa dedicata alla produzione di bioenergia. Al contrario, la conversione di margini di campo di prati stabili ha mostrato un impatto netto negativo sulla fornitura multipla di SE. Tuttavia, due sono i principali svantaggi che sono stati individuati relativamente alla creazione e alla gestione delle fasce tampone bioenergetiche. Primo, diversi sono i fattori sito-specifici di tipo idro-pedologico lungo i margini dei campi che devono essere tenuti in considerazione poiché possono avere un impatto negativo sull’affrancamento delle colture e la loro produttività a medio-lungo termine. Secondo, riguardo la catena di approvvigionamento della biomassa, uno spazio di lavoro limitato per le macchine agricole è stato riconosciuto come principale inconveniente per le fasce tampone bioenergetiche rispetto alle CEP coltivate in pieno campo. Questo limite logistico di natura spaziale può inevitabilmente incrementare i tempi e le operazioni di taglio e raccolta della biomassa e quindi in ultima il consumo di combustili fossili. Grazie ad una prova sperimentale su fasce tampone bioenergetiche condotta in un terreno sabbioso-limoso con falda acquifera poco profonda contaminata da nitrati di origine agricola, si è dimostrato come fasce tampone coltivate con miscanto e salice siano in grado di intercettare e rimuovere i nitrati in falda (>60%) tanto quanto fasce tampone con specie avventizie. CEP come miscanto e salice, grazie ai loro apparati radicali profondi, hanno mostrato essere in grado di promuovere delle relazioni pianta-suolo-microorganismi lungo l’intero profilo del suolo utili ai fini ambientali delle fasce tampone bioenergetiche. Infatti, negli strati più profondi, una maggiore biomassa radicale ha portato le CEP a superare le specie avventizie in termini di rimozione biologica dei nitrati dal suolo e mitigazione potenziale dei gas serra. Inoltre, i risultati relativi alla produzione di biomassa e le asportazioni di N legata alla fase di raccolta hanno confermato ulteriormente come la coltivazione di CEP lungo i corsi d’acqua sia una strategia win-win: produzione di biomassa e protezione dell’ambiente. In conclusione, il potenziale rivelato dalle CEP in termini di fornitura multipla di SE suggerisce che la loro coltivazione, come elementi paesaggistici perenni in posizioni strategiche all'interno di paesaggio agricolo, è un'opzione promettente per promuovere l'intensificazione ecologicamente sostenibile degli agroecosistemi. / The 21st century will challenge agriculture to feed and fuel a growing world while conserving the environment. In this thesis an alternative bioenergy land use scenario to the conversion of marginal land has been tested: the bioenergy buffers. Given the environmental issues related to “food-energy-environment” trilemma, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework on ES provides an opportunity to examine the environmental impacts of this new bioenergy land use scenario. In this thesis I aimed to determine to what extent do the perennial bioenergy crops affect the delivery of multiple ES when cultivated as bioenergy buffers. To reach this aim, I combined a systematic revision of literature on ES provided by perennial bioenergy crops with a field experiment on bioenergy buffers. Applying an impact scoring methodology to the effects on ES extracted from literature, I showed that, cultivating perennial bioenergy crops along field margins of former croplands offer a great opportunity to sustain the provision of multiple ES. The cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops on field margins can improve climate, biodiversity and water regulation services, sustain soil health and provide biomass for energetic purposes. On the contrary, grassland conversion showed a net negative impact on multiple ES provision. Nevertheless, I found two main shortcomings related to bioenergy buffers establishment and management. First, several site-specific factors along field margins must be taken into account, because they can affect crop establishment and buffers long-term productivity. Second, regarding to biomass supply chain, a limited working space for the farm machinery operations has been recognized as the main disadvantages of bioenergy buffers compared to large-scale bioenergy plantations. This spatial logistics constraint may inevitably increase harvest and collection operation times and fossil fuel consumption. Conducting a field experiment with bioenergy buffers in a nitrate-enriched shallow groundwater, I showed that miscanthus and willow buffers are able to efficiently intercept and remove from groundwater the incoming NO3-N as much as buffer strips with spontaneous species. Yet, due to their deep rooting systems, bioenergy buffers promote significant plant-microbial linkages along the soil profile. At deeper soil layers, a higher fine root biomass led perennial bioenergy crops to outperform patches of adventitious vegetation in terms of biological N removal from soil and belowground GHG mitigation potential. The results on biomass production and N removal via harvesting further confirmed that the cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops along watercourses is an effective win-win strategy: biomass production and protection of the environment. In conclusion, the revealed potential of perennial bioenergy crops on multiple ES provision implies that their cultivation as perennial landscape elements in strategic locations within landscape is a promising option to promote the ecological sustainable intensification of agroecosystems.

Elevation Effects on Key Processes of Carbon Cycling in South Ecuadorian Mountain Forests / Der Einfluss der Meereshöhe auf Schlüsselprozesse des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs in Südecuadorianischen Bergregenwäldern

Moser, Gerald 24 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production

Abou Rajab, Yasmin Joana Monna 10 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Aboveground and belowground response of European beech to drought: field studies and experiments / Ober- und unterirdische Reaktion der Rotbuche auf Trockenheit: Freilandstudien and Experimente

Meier, Ina Christin 03 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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