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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse expérimentale et numérique de la plasticité à l’échelle des grains individuels dans un polycristal d’aluminium déformé en traction uniaxiale / Experimental and numerical analysis of single grain plasticity in an aluminium polycrystal deformed in uniaxial tension

Renversade, Loïc 17 October 2016 (has links)
Ce travail vise à améliorer la compréhension de la déformation locale des matériaux polycristallins. Pour cela, les comportements des grains individuels d'un polycristal d'aluminium déformé plastiquement sont étudiés par une approche couplant expériences in situ en synchrotron et simulation par élément finis.Dans l'expérience, la microstructure initiale est cartographiée par tomographie en contraste de diffraction (DCT). L'éprouvette est déformée en traction uniaxiale et 466 grains sont suivis par microscopie 3D par diffraction des rayons X (3DXRD) jusqu'à une déformation de 4.5%. De nouvelles méthodes d'analyse originales donnent accès aux orientations, déformations élastiques et contraintes, en moyenne par grain, et permettent de déterminer les distributions d'orientations intragranulaires à partir des données 3DXRD.Dans la simulation, la microstructure réelle (DCT) est modélisée par une partition de Laguerre, maillée finement et soumise au chargement expérimental. Les champs mécaniques et les champs d'orientations résultants peuvent être comparés aux données expérimentales.La comparaison entre expérience et simulation révèle un accord au premier ordre. Les rotations expérimentales montrent une forte variabilité associée à l'interaction intergranulaire et bien reproduite dans la simulation. Les distributions d'orientations ont des directions d'étalement privilégiées perpendiculaires à la direction de traction, ce qui est relié aux mécanismes de déformation du matériau. Les contraintes montrent un bon accord, dans la limite de la précision de mesure. Ces données, très riches, fournissent des pistes d'amélioration pour les modèles de plasticité cristalline. / This work aims to improve our understanding of the local deformation of polycrystalline materials. To this end, in situ synchrotron experiments and finite element simulations are coupled to study the individual grain responses in an aluminium polycrystal during plastic deformation.In the experiment, the initial microstructure is mapped by Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT). The specimen is deformed in uniaxial tension and 466 grains are followed by 3D X-Ray Diffraction (3DXRD) up to 4.5% plastic strain. New original analysis methods provide the grain average orientations, elastic strains and stresses, and allow determining the intra-grain orientation distributions from the 3DXRD measurements.In the simulation, the real microstructure (DCT) is modeled by a Laguerre tessellation, finely meshed and submitted to the experimental loading. The resulting mechanical and orientation fields can be compared to the experimental data.The comparison reveals a first-order agreement between experiment and simulation. The experimental rotations exhibit a high variability, associated to grain interaction and well reproduced in the simulation. The orientation distributions exhibit preferential spread directions perpendicular to the tensile direction, which can be related to the deformation mechanisms. Lastly, the stresses are found to be in agreement within the measurement accuracies. Such a rich dataset provides routes to improve crystal plasticity models.

Can the availability of mineral nutrient be an obstacle to the development of organic agriculture at the global scale ? / La disponibilité en éléments minéraux pourrait-elle contraindre le développement de l'Agriculture Biologique à l'échelle mondiale ?

Barbieri, Pietro 18 December 2018 (has links)
L’agriculture biologique (AB) est souvent présentée comme une alternative prometteuse à l’agriculture conventionnelle, permettant des systèmes alimentaires durables tout en minimisant les impacts environnementaux. La capacité de l’AB à satisfaire la demande alimentaire mondiale reste néanmoins fortement débattue. Plusieurs études ont conclu que l’AB pourrait satisfaire la demande alimentaire globale à condition de réduire simultanément la consommation de produits animaux et les gaspillages. Cependant, ces études n’ont pas pleinement pris en compte les changements d’assolement et de choix d’espèces lorsque les systèmes conventionnels sont convertis en AB. Surtout, ils ont ignoré le rôle clé de la disponibilité en azote (N) dans le maintien des rendements en AB. Dans cette étude, nous avons d’abord réalisé une méta-analyse comparant les rotations de cultures en agriculture biologique et conventionnelle à l’échelle mondiale. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous avons développé une cartographie des espèces cultivées à l’échelle globale sous un scénario de fort développement de l’AB. Nous avons ensuite estimé la production alimentaire grâce au développement de GOANIM (Global Organic Agriculture NItrogen Model), un modèle biophysique et spatialement explicite d’optimisation linéaire simulant le cycle de l’azote (N) et ses effets sur la production alimentaire globale. GOANIM est adapté au cas de l’AB et simule les flux d'azote entre les terres cultivées, les animaux d'élevage et les prairies permanentes, ainsi qu’entre les systèmes agricoles biologiques et conventionnels. Le modèle optimise les populations d’élevage à l’échelle locale afin de maximiser l’approvisionnement en N provenant du fumier, ce qui maximise la production issue des terres cultivées, tout en minimisant la concurrence exercée par les animaux pour les ressources alimentaires. GOANIM a été utilisé pour simuler l’offre alimentaire sous plusieurs scénarios de conversion à l’AB. Ces résultats ont été comparés à différentes estimations de la demande alimentaire mondiale. Nous montrons que la carence en N risque d’être un facteur limitant majeur de la production en AB, entraînant une réduction de -37% de la disponibilité alimentaire à l’échelle globale sous un scénario de conversion à l’AB de 100%. Nous montrons que des taux de conversions inférieurs (jusqu'à 60% des terres agricoles), en coexistence avec l'agriculture conventionnelle, permettent de satisfaire la demande alimentaire mondiale si cette conversion est associée à une évolution conjointe de la demande, telle que la réduction de l'apport énergétique par individu ou du gaspillage alimentaire. Ces travaux contribuent de manière substantielle à mieux comprendre le rôle que l’AB peut jouer dans la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires équitables et durables. Ils indiquent également des voies à suivre pour parvenir à la sécurité alimentaire mondiale. / Organic agriculture is often proposed as a promising approach to achieve sustainable food systems while minimizing environmental impacts. Its capacity to meet the global food demand remains, however, debatable. Some studies have investigated this question and have concluded that organic farming could satisfy the global food demand provided that animal product consumption and food waste are reduced. However, these studies have not fully considered the changes in the type of crops grown that occur when conventional farming systems are converted to organic farming. Most importantly, they also have missed a critical ecological phenomenon by not considering the key role that nitrogen (N) cycling plays in sustaining crop yields in organic farming. In this study, we first carried out a global meta-analysis comparing organic vs conventional crop rotations. Based on these results, we developed global spatial explicit maps of the type of crop grown if organic farming was to drastically expand. We then estimated organic global food production using GOANIM (Global Organic Agriculture NItrogen Model), a spatially explicit, biophysical and linear optimization model simulating N cycling in organically managed croplands and its feedback effects on food production. GOANIM explores N flows between croplands, livestock animals and permanent grasslands, and with conventional farming systems. The model optimizes livestock populations at the local scale in order to maximize N supply from livestock manure – hence maximizing cropland production –, while minimizing the animals’ competition for grain food resources. We used GOANIM to simulate several supply-side scenarios of global conversion to organic farming. We then compared the outcomes of these scenarios with different estimates of the global demand, thus leading to complete exploration of the global production-demand options space. We show N deficiency would be a major limiting factor to organic production in a full organic world, leading to an overall -37% reduction in global food availability. Nevertheless, we also show that lower conversion shares (up to 60%) would be feasible in coexistence with conventional farming when coupled with demand-side solutions, such as reduction of the per capita energy intake or food wastage. This work substantially contributes to advancing our understanding of the role that organic farming may play to reach fair and sustainable food systems, and it indicates future pathways for achieving global food security.

Le microbiome fongique de la rhizosphère du canola : structure et variations

Floc'h, Jean-Baptiste 06 1900 (has links)
Les champignons de la rhizosphère ont une grande influence sur le développement et la croissance des plantes. Certains de ces micro-organismes protègent les plantes contre les pathogènes, atténuent l'impact des stress abiotiques ou facilitent la nutrition des plantes. Ces organismes s'influencent mutuellement et forment des réseaux complexes d'interactions. Déterminer le fonctionnement du microbiome fongique de la rhizosphère des plantes cultivées est une étape nécessaire pour optimiser l'efficacité de la production végétale. Nous avons testé les hypothèses suivantes : (1) la diversification des systèmes de culture influe sur le microbiome fongique de la rhizosphère du canola; (2) le canola a un core microbiome, soit un ensemble de champignons toujours associés au canola quelles que soit les conditions du milieu; et (3) que certains de ces taxons ont une influence déterminante sur la structure des communautés (taxons nodaux) dans le core microbiome. Pour ce faire, en 2013 et 2016, nous avons échantillonné à la floraison, la phase de canola (Brassica napus) du système de culture, qui est l'un des deux types de canola (Roundup Ready® et Liberty Link®), utilisés dans le cadre d'une expérience de terrain à long terme (6 ans). Lacombe (Alberta), Lethbridge (Alberta) et Scott (Saskatchewan). En utilisant le séquençage d’amplicon par illumina, nous avons obtenus des résultats qui montrent que la diversification des cultures a un impact significatif sur la structure des communautés fongiques de la rhizosphère. Nous avons également découvert et décrit un core microbiome constitué de 47 OTU (Unité Taxonomique Opérationnelle) en 2013 et identifié Preussia funiculata, Schizothecium sp., Mortierella sp., Nectria sp. ainsi que deux taxons inconnus (OTU12 et OTU298) comme taxons nodaux parmi ce core microbiome. Cependant ce core microbiome s’est montré variable, et nous n’avons pu identifier qu’un OTU y appartenant en 2016 : Olpidium Brassicae. Nos résultats permettent de confirmer l’impact de la diversité culturale sur le microbiome fongique du canola et sont présentés comme une base pour le développement de stratégies d'ingénierie écologique pour l'amélioration de la production de canola. / The fungi in the rhizosphere have a large influence on plant development and growth. Some of these micro-organisms protect plants against pathogens, mitigate the impact of abiotic stress, or facilitate plant nutrition. These organisms influence each other and form complex webs of interactions. Deciphering the structure and function of the fungal microbiome of crop plant rhizosphere is a necessary step toward optimizing the efficiency of plant production. We tested the hypotheses that (1) the diversification of cropping systems influences the fungal microbiome of canola rhizosphere, (2) canola has a fungal core microbiome, i.e. a set of fungi that are always associated with canola, and (3) that some taxa have a determining influence on the structure of the communities (hub-taxa) within the core microbiome. In 2013 and 2016 we used the canola (Brassica napus) phase of five cropping system at blooming stage, from the less to the most diversified, that included one of two types of canola (Roundup Ready® and Liberty Link®), in an existing long-term (6 years) field experiment. The experiment has a randomized complete block design with four blocks, and is replicated at three locations: Lacombe (Alberta), Lethbridge (Alberta) and Scott (Saskatchewan). Our results show that crop diversification has significant impact on the structure of rhizosphere fungal communities. We also discover and described a canola core microbiome made of 47 OTUs in 2013 and identified Preussia funiculata, Schizothecium sp., Mortierella sp., Nectria sp. and two other unidentified taxa (OTU12 and OTU298) as the hub-taxa among this core. However this core microbiome was variable and could identify only one member in 2016 : Olpidium brassicae. Our results confirmed the effect of crop diversification upon the fungal microbiome of canola and are presented as a basis for the development of ecological engineering strategies for the improvement of canola production.

Nanofabrication de boîtes quantiques latérales pour l'optimisation de qubits de spin

Camirand Lemyre, Julien January 2012 (has links)
On présente dans ce travail un nouveau type de qubit de spin dont les performances reposent sur les propriétés d'un seul électron dans une double boîte quantique. Le fort moment dipolaire de la double boîte combiné à une large variation du champ magnétique entre les deux boîtes permettrait de réaliser des opérations logiques plus rapidement que dans une seule boîte quantique. Pour maximiser les variations du champ magnétique, on utilisera un micro-aimant placé le plus près possible d'une des deux boîtes. À cette fin, une hétérostructure de GaAs/A1GaAs sur laquelle sont déposées des grilles d'aluminium a été utilisée pour former une double boîte quantique latérale. L'occupation par un seul électron de la double boîte est confirmée par des mesures de transport électrique à basse température ainsi que par l'observation du blocage de spin. De plus, un procédé d'oxydation des grilles par plasma d'oxygène a été développé. Une étude des propriétés de l'oxyde formé par cette méthode montre qu'il est possible de placer un micro-aimant directement sur la surface de l'hétérostructure sans affecter l'isolation électrique entre les grilles. Cette nouvelle approche permet de produire des champs magnétiques encore plus intenses que dans les expériences antérieures, pour lesquelles le micro-aimant est placé beaucoup plus loin de la surface. L'ensemble du procédé de fabrication, de la photolithographie à l'électrolithographie, a été développé au cours de ce travail dans les salles blanches du département de génie électrique et dans les salles propres du département de physique de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Ce travail est une étape importante dans la réalisation de qubits de spin plus performants dans les boîtes quantiques latérales.

Generalisation of Clairaut's theorem to Minkowski spaces

Saad, A. January 2013 (has links)
The geometry of surfaces of rotation in three dimensional Euclidean space has been studied widely. The rotational surfaces in three dimensional Euclidean space are generated by rotating an arbitrary curve about an arbitrary axis. Moreover, the geodesics on surfaces of rotation in three dimension Euclidean space have been considered and discovered. Clairaut's [1713-1765] theorem describes the geodesics on surfaces of rotation and provides a result which is very helpful in understanding all geodesics on these surfaces. On the other hand, the Minkowski spaces have shorter history. In 1908 Minkowski [1864-1909] gave his talk on four dimensional real vector space, with asymmetric form of signature (+,+,+,-). In this space there are different types of vectors/axes (space-like- time-like and null) as well as different types of curves (space-like- time-like and null). This thesis considers the different types of axes of rotations, then creates three different types of surfaces of rotation in three dimensional Minkowski space, and generates Clairaut's theorem to each type of these surfaces, it also explains the analogy between three dimensional Euclidean and Minkowskian spaces. Moreover, this thesis produces different types of surfaces of rotation in four dimensional Minkowski spaces. It also generalises Clairaut's theorem for these surfaces of rotations in four dimensional Minkowski space. Then we see how Clairaut's theorem characterization carries over to three dimensional and four dimensional Minkowski spaces.

Long-term weed dynamics and crop yields under organic and conventional cropping systems in the Canadian prairies

2016 April 1900 (has links)
Differences in cropping practices, including tillage, inputs and crop rotations are the driving factors affecting weed dynamics (weed abundance, composition and crop-weed competition), which can ultimately affect crop yields. Several experiments were carried out to assess the impact of long-term organic and conventional cropping systems on weed abundance, weed community composition, crop yield and yield loss using a long-term (18 year) alternative cropping systems study (ACS) at Scott, Saskatchewan, Canada. The ACS study consisted of three input systems, namely high (conventional tillage), reduced (no-till conventional) and organic input systems and three crop rotation diversities (low diversity, diversified annual grains and diversified annual-perennials). A statistical analysis of the 18-year rotation revealed that the organic rotations have four and seven times higher weed density and 32% and 35% lower crop yields than the reduced and the high input systems respectively. Weed community composition was consistently different in organic rotations compared to the two conventional rotations throughout the years, but year to year random variations were more profound. All cropping systems showed an increase in weed density, weed biomass and crop yields over time, probably due to an increase in rainfall over time. Increasing the crop rotation diversity with annual and perennial crops did not reduce weeds, but decreased crop yields in all systems. A two-year micro-plot experiment with four additional weed competition treatments on the ACS study revealed that the wheat yields were lower in the organic rotations even in the absence of weeds, implying that lower crop yields were due to soil fertility related factors. A greenhouse pot experiment from soils obtained from both organic and reduced rotations revealed that wheat yields were still lower in organic compared to the reduced input systems, even after excess mineral N and P were added. Furthermore, no differences in crop yield loss due to weed competition among cropping systems were identified. Overall, this study revealed that eliminating tillage and reducing inputs are possible without long-term changes in weed abundance, weed community composition or affecting crop yields. However, eliminating synthetic inputs as was done in the form of organic crop rotations resulted in increased weed abundance, changed community composition and decreased crop yields.

Rotações tridimensionais em biomecânica via quatérnions : aplicações na análise dos movimentos esportivos /

Santiago, Paulo Roberto Pereira. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Augusto Cunha / Banca: Margarida Pinheiro Mello / Banca: Luciano Allegretti Mercadante / Banca: Dirce Kiyomi Hayashida Mochida / Banca: Anizio Perissinotto Junior / Resumo: Algumas abordagens matemáticas são utilizadas para descrever o componente rotacional das articulações durante o movimento humano, como por exemplo, as matrizes de rotação do tipo 3x3, ângulos de Euler e Cardan, os eixos helicais e os quatérnions, sendo este último o menos difundido na biomecânica. O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar e aplicar o método dos quatérnions como ferramenta biomecânica para a análise de rotação em movimentos esportivos. Para isso, o trabalho foi subdivido em três capítulos. No primeiro, são apresentadas e discutidas as definições e propriedades básicas dos quatérnions e também os cálculos matemáticos para as conversões entre três métodos utilizados para descrever rotações no espaço tridimensional (matriz de rotação, ângulos de Euler e quatérnions). No segundo, são apresentados os procedimentos para o cálculo dos quatérnions e dos ângulos de Euler através de variáveis cinemáticas. No terceiro, foram apresentadas três aplicações dos quatérnions. A primeira trata-se de um estudo no qual a representação dos quatérnions foi empregada com a finalidade de descrever e analisar as rotações ocorridas no joelho durante a aterrissagem unipodal (single leg drop landing); na segunda os quatérnions e os ângulos de Euler foram utilizados para representar os movimentos de rotação que ocorrem na articulação do tornozelo do membro de apoio durante o chute no futebol; e na terceira foram realizadas simulações para o estudo dos quatérnions. Conclui-se que a representação do movimento de rotação das articulações de humanos através dos quatérnions é uma abordagem nova e alternativa, pois possibilita representar o eixo instantâneo de rotação com cálculos matemáticos mais simples quando comparado com outras representações. Este é um tópico relevante uma vez que os movimentos humanos são gerados por ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Mathematical approaches have been utilized to describe joint rotational components during human movement, such as the rotational matrices, Euler angles, Cardan angles, helical axis, and quaternions, in which the last one is the least employed in biomechanics. The objective of the present study was to present and apply the quaternions method as a biomechanical tool to analyze rotation in sport movements. Thus, the thesis was divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the basic quaternion definitions and properties are presented and discussed, along with the mathematical calculations for the conversion among the three most used methods to describe rotations in three-dimensional space (rotational matrices, Euler angles, and quaternions). In the second chapter, the procedures to calculate the quaternions and Euler angles are presented by means of kinematic variables. The third chapter submitted three applications of quaternions. The first the quaternions were used to describe the rotational movement of the human knee joint during a landing task; the second the quaternions and Euler angle were used to describe the rotational movement of the ankle joint of the foot of support during a soccer kick; In the third application opted-to implement simulations of movements for the study of quaternions. It was conclude that the representation of rotational movements observed in human joints by means of the quaternions is an interesting alternative because it is possible to represent the joint rotational axis with fairly simple mathematical calculations when compared to other forms of representation. The quaternions provide a more adequate representation system to operate rotations without constraints. This is a relevant topic once movements are product of internal and external forces that result in rotations through axis (quaternions), which naturally occurs repeatedly in human joints. / Doutor

Rotações tridimensionais em biomecânica via quatérnions: aplicações na análise dos movimentos esportivos

Santiago, Paulo Roberto Pereira [UNESP] 06 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:00:59Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santiago_prp_dr_rcla.pdf: 2163510 bytes, checksum: 5a3d88f241b63eecc316abda948bc85a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Algumas abordagens matemáticas são utilizadas para descrever o componente rotacional das articulações durante o movimento humano, como por exemplo, as matrizes de rotação do tipo 3x3, ângulos de Euler e Cardan, os eixos helicais e os quatérnions, sendo este último o menos difundido na biomecânica. O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar e aplicar o método dos quatérnions como ferramenta biomecânica para a análise de rotação em movimentos esportivos. Para isso, o trabalho foi subdivido em três capítulos. No primeiro, são apresentadas e discutidas as definições e propriedades básicas dos quatérnions e também os cálculos matemáticos para as conversões entre três métodos utilizados para descrever rotações no espaço tridimensional (matriz de rotação, ângulos de Euler e quatérnions). No segundo, são apresentados os procedimentos para o cálculo dos quatérnions e dos ângulos de Euler através de variáveis cinemáticas. No terceiro, foram apresentadas três aplicações dos quatérnions. A primeira trata-se de um estudo no qual a representação dos quatérnions foi empregada com a finalidade de descrever e analisar as rotações ocorridas no joelho durante a aterrissagem unipodal (single leg drop landing); na segunda os quatérnions e os ângulos de Euler foram utilizados para representar os movimentos de rotação que ocorrem na articulação do tornozelo do membro de apoio durante o chute no futebol; e na terceira foram realizadas simulações para o estudo dos quatérnions. Conclui-se que a representação do movimento de rotação das articulações de humanos através dos quatérnions é uma abordagem nova e alternativa, pois possibilita representar o eixo instantâneo de rotação com cálculos matemáticos mais simples quando comparado com outras representações. Este é um tópico relevante uma vez que os movimentos humanos são gerados por... / Mathematical approaches have been utilized to describe joint rotational components during human movement, such as the rotational matrices, Euler angles, Cardan angles, helical axis, and quaternions, in which the last one is the least employed in biomechanics. The objective of the present study was to present and apply the quaternions method as a biomechanical tool to analyze rotation in sport movements. Thus, the thesis was divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the basic quaternion definitions and properties are presented and discussed, along with the mathematical calculations for the conversion among the three most used methods to describe rotations in three-dimensional space (rotational matrices, Euler angles, and quaternions). In the second chapter, the procedures to calculate the quaternions and Euler angles are presented by means of kinematic variables. The third chapter submitted three applications of quaternions. The first the quaternions were used to describe the rotational movement of the human knee joint during a landing task; the second the quaternions and Euler angle were used to describe the rotational movement of the ankle joint of the foot of support during a soccer kick; In the third application opted-to implement simulations of movements for the study of quaternions. It was conclude that the representation of rotational movements observed in human joints by means of the quaternions is an interesting alternative because it is possible to represent the joint rotational axis with fairly simple mathematical calculations when compared to other forms of representation. The quaternions provide a more adequate representation system to operate rotations without constraints. This is a relevant topic once movements are product of internal and external forces that result in rotations through axis (quaternions), which naturally occurs repeatedly in human joints.

Troca de Emaranhamento e Teletransporte Controlado no contexto de rotações de Faraday fotônicas / Entaglement swapping and controlled teleportation in the context of photonic Faraday rotations

Bastos, Wellison Peixoto 04 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-09-05T19:52:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Bastos, Wellison Peixoto - 2011.pdf: 686060 bytes, checksum: ca3480442dd033c3262ee9c2c3216240 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-05T19:52:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Bastos, Wellison Peixoto - 2011.pdf: 686060 bytes, checksum: ca3480442dd033c3262ee9c2c3216240 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Taking advantage of the Faraday rotations that occur in a photonic cristal placed in an optical cavity with low quality factor, we proposed two schemes to obtain the swapping of entanglement of atomic states, useful in quantum communication and quantum computation. They employ three-level atoms in a -configuration, a linearly polarized photon source, a single detector, and a quarter wave plate. Three (four) cavities are used in the first (second) scheme. An additional scheme was also proposed to obtain controlled teleportation of superposition states, partial controlled teleportation of entangled states and controlled teleportation of entanglement. In all schemes we have included the imperfections that affect the system, such as transmission and coupling of photons in optical components, the fraction of photons with a desired polarization, the quantum efficiency of single photon detection, the effective solid angle where the photon are collected, and the rate of emitted photons by the source. Under these realistic conditions we estimate the success probability of each proccess, including the time spent for its realization. / Aproveitando as rotações de Faraday que ocorrem em um cristal fotônico colocado em uma cavidade óptica com baixo fator de qualidade, propusemos dois esquemas para obter a troca de emaranhamento de estados atômicos, útil em comunicação quântica e computação quântica. Eles empregam átomos de três níveis em uma configuração, uma fonte de fótons com polarização linear, um único detector, e uma placa de quarto de onda. Três (quatro) cavidades são usadas no primeiro (segundo) esquema. Um método adicional foi também proposto para obter teletransporte controlado de estados de superposição, teletransporte parcial controlado de estados emaranhados e teletransporte controlado de estados emaranhados. Em todos os esquemas incluímos as imperfeições que afetam o sistema, tais como a transmissão e acoplamento de fótons em componentes ópticos, a fração de fótons com uma polarização desejada, a eficiência quântica da detecção de um único fóton, o ângulo sólido efetivo em que o fótons são coletados e a taxa de fótons emitidos pela fonte. Sob estas condições realistas, estimamos a probabilidade de sucesso de cada processo, incluindo o tempo gasto para sua realização.

Exploring the mitigation potential role of legumes in European agriculture : a modelling approach

Angelopoulos, Nikolaos G. January 2015 (has links)
The increasing atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) has direct consequences on humans and threatens the sustainability of natural and managed ecosystems. The European Union has set high targets for reducing their emissions by 80‐95% of the 1990 levels by 2050 and is working progressively to achieve these reductions. Legumes are an important group of crop species as they have the potential to reduce N2O emissions. Biogeochemical modelling can provide a valuable tool to explore options for mitigating GHG emissions and especially N2O from European agriculture by simulating novel legume based rotations. UK‐DNDC is a process based, biogeochemical model that can be used towards that goal. The model was tested for various regions in Europe and showed that it can simulate the N dynamics within crop rotations across a range of pedoclimatic zones. It is a useful tool in 1) identifying where and when high emissions occur, 2) highlighting the effects of the management practices on emissions and 3) exploring the impact of alternative managements on emissions. New rotations, which include legumes, have been proposed in order to assess the sustainability of the legumes in European agriculture and the effect that they will have on N2O production. Five regions in Europe, namely Sweden, Germany, Italy, Scotland and Romania, were selected in order to test the differences between legume based rotations and non‐legume based. These regions represent a wide range of pedo‐climatic zones in Europe. In most case studies, legumes showed that they can make an important contribution to mitigating N2O emissions. However, there were cases in which legumes enhanced the production of N2O. Modelling can help to understand system dynamics and it can also help to explore mitigation options for European agriculture in terms of N2O production. An important element of environmental modelling is to understand the uncertainty and sensitivity of model parameters in relation to the model outputs. The sensitivity testing of the model showed that clay content, initial soil organic carbon content and atmospheric background CO2 concentration are three key input parameters Nitrous oxide emissions were one of the results that showed great uncertainty in all the analyses. That highlights the challenges of the modelling activity for accurate N2O simulations in a dynamic ecosystem.

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