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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evaluation of ultrasonographic findings in the management of plantar fasciitis in runners and the association with clinical findings

Dunn, Shoshanna Lee January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005. Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005 xiv, 99 leaves / Plantar Fasciitis (PF), also called ‘the painful heel syndrome’, is a common cause of heel pain (Barrett and O’Malley, 1999:2200), accounting for between 7% and 10% of all running injuries (Batt and Tanji, 1995:77; Chandler and Kibler, 1993:345). Primarily an overuse injury, resulting from tensile overload, it involves inflammation and micro-tears of the plantar fascia at its insertion on the calcaneus (Lillegard and Rucker, 1993:168; Barrett and O’Malley, 1999:2200). The body’s attempt to heal these micro-tears leads to chronic inflammation and the formation of adhesions (Ambrosius and Kondracki, 1992:30). Transverse friction massage has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of PF (Hyde and Gengenbach, 1997:478,481; Hertling and Kessler, 1996:137). Cyriax (1984) and Prentice (1994) state the effect of frictions to include the breakdown of adhesions (scar tissue), as well as preventing the formation of further adhesions. Graston Technique Instrument-assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (GISTM), based on the principles of frictions, aims to break down adhesions, realign collagen fibres and aid in the completion of the inflammatory process (Carey-Loghmani, 2003:31, 51-62; Hammer, 2001). Enabling us to see changes on ultrasonography, which has been found to be an objective, non-invasive way of evaluating PF (Wall and Harkness, 1993:468; Tsai et al, 2000:259; Cardinal et al, 1996:258). These changes include decreased thickness of the fascia. The aim of the study was to see the effect of GISTM on PF in runners, in terms of ultrasonography, and identify any correlation between these findings and other objective and subjective findings. / M

Musikens påverkan på fysisk prestation, subjektivt skattad ansträngning och upplevd koncentration : - en studie beträffande musik kontra tystnad vid Coopertest gjord på 32 ungdomar och unga vuxna mellan 15-30 år

Melin, Sofie, Samnell, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Musik påverkar muskelspänning, hjärtfrekvens, blodtryck och känslor. En ökning av positiva känslor kan ge en bättre prestation. Syfte: Att undersöka musikens påverkan på fysisk prestation mätt i tid, subjektivt skattad ansträngningsgrad och upplevd koncentration. Samt om musikens påverkan på prestation skiljer sig mellan kön och hur fysisk prestation samverkar med subjektivt skattad ansträngningsgrad. Metod: Studien var en kvasiexperimentell engruppsstudie med komparativ och korrelerande design. Urvalet bestod av 32 individer med varierande löpvana. Könsfördelningen var 17 kvinnor och 15 män och åldersspannet var 15-30 år. Resultat: En prestation mätt i tid vid ett Coopertest var signifikant bättre med musik än utan (p=0,002). Det gällde hos både kvinnor (p=0,017) och män (p=0,032). Det visades däremot ingen signifikant skillnad inom subjektivt skattad ansträngningsgrad eller upplevd koncentration vid löpning med och utan musik. Ett lågt till måttligt negativt samband fanns mellan subjektivt skattad ansträngningsgrad och uppmätt tidsresultat vid Coopertest med (Spearmans rho = -0,37) och utan musik (Spearmans rho= -0,43). Konklusion: Musik tenderar att prestationshöja individers fysik. Detta gäller individerna i denna studie och är inte direkt överförbart till andra grupper. Inom fysioterapi kan musik vara ett alternativ för patienter som har svårt att motiveras till att träna med önskad intensitet. / Background: Music affect the muscle tension, heart rate, blood pressure and emotions. An increase of positive emotions may result in a better performance. Aim: To explore the impact of music on physical performance measured in time, perceived exertion and perceived concentration and also if the impact differs between the sexes and how physical performance interacts with perceived exertion level. Method: The study was a quasi-experimental single-group study with comparative and correlating design. The sample consisted of 32 individuals with varying experience of running. They were 17 women and 15 men in the age of 15-30 years old. Results: A performance measured in time at the Cooper Test was significantly better with music than without (p = 0.002). It was shown in both women (p = 0.017) and men (p=0.032). There was no significant difference in perceived exertion or perceived concentration in running with and without music. A low to moderate negative correlation was found between perceived exertion and the measured time results at the Cooper Test with (Spearman's rho = -0.37) and without music (Spearman's rho = -0.43). Conclusion: Music tends to increase a performance based on individual physics. This is related to the individuals in this study and can not be directly transferable to other groups. In physiotherapy, music can be an option for patients who find it difficult to train with the desired intensity

Altering a Runner’s Foot strike using a Modified Elliptical Trainer

Shull, Daniel 01 January 2017 (has links)
One possible solution to common running related injuries is to transition runners from a rearfoot strike during initial contact to a midfoot strike. Natural rearfoot strike runners were studied to see if a modified elliptical trainer could be used to alter their running pattern to that of a midfoot strike runner. Their results were compared to subjects who ran on a non-modified elliptical trainer. After training on the modified elliptical trainer, subjects demonstrated a decrease in foot angle at initial contact when attempting to run with a midfoot strike. Training did not affect all kinetic metrics or stride frequency. However, the kinematic change suggests that there may be an impact on running energetics. Training on the modified elliptical trainer resulted in improved midfoot strike kinematics in natural rearstrike runners when they attempted run in a midfoot strike pattern.

An investigation into the effectiveness of dry needling of myofascial trigger points on total work and other recorded measurements of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles in patellofermoral pain syndrome in long distance runners

Weyer-Henderson, Donna January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005. / According to Wood (1998), patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) refers to a syndrome that comprises of the following signs and symptoms: anterior knee pain, inflammation, imbalance, instability, or any combination thereof. Prevailing literature suggests that the presence of myofascial trigger points (MFTP’s) in quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle could result in a combination of the following signs and symptoms: - Retro- or peripatella pain, - Weakness of the quadriceps muscle (Chaitow and DeLany, 2002) - Loss of full lengthening (Travell and Simons, 1983:248-250) The aetiology of PFPS is poorly understood (Kannus et al. 1999). The current trend in literature suggests an extensor mechanism dysfunction as the most probable aetiology (Galantly et al., 1994; Juhn, 1999). There appears to be a clinical overlap between the two syndromes, in terms of an extensor mechanism dysfunction and of signs and symptoms. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the role of active myofascial trigger points in the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle as perpetuating, causative or concomitant factors in the alteration of VL/VM Total Work (TW) in PFPS in distance runners.

The relationship between myofascial trigger points, total work and other recorded measurements of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, in long-distance runners with patellofermoral pain syndrome

Daly, Gail January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, 2005. / To document the relationship between total work and myofascial trigger points in the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis portion of the quadriceps femoris muscle, whilst providing baseline graphs of these muscles with the use of a Cybex 700 Isokinetic Dynanometer in long distance runners both with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome. Methods: A quantitative, non-intervention clinical exploratory study. Fifty participants were divided into two groups, Group A (40 symptomatics) and Group B (10 asymptomatics). Both groups were screened for vastus lateralis and vastus medialis trigger points. Subjective data was obtained from Group A only, using the Numerical Pain Rating Scale and the Patient Specific Functional Scale. Objective data was obtained from both groups using the algometer, Myofascial Diagnostic Scale, and the Cybex 700 Isokinetic Dynanometer. For descriptive analysis frequency tabulations, box and whisker plots were used to display distributions graphically. Comparisons of categorical and quantitative variables between independent groups were run using chi square and Mann-Whitney testing consecutively. Finally Spearman’s correlation, multivariate generalized linear modelling and repeated measures ANOVA were also used. All statistical analysis was completed at the 95% (p<0.05) level of confidence. / M

Acute effect of continuous running or cycling exercise on subsequent strength performance : A Concurrent training study

Divljak, Gordan January 2016 (has links)
Aim Aerobic exercise may interfere with subsequent responses to strength training. The aim of this research was to examine the acute effects of cycling or running on subsequent leg strength performance. It was hypothesized that eccentric contractions induced by running would impair strength performance more than the cycling mode of exercise, which consist mainly of concentric muscle actions. Method In order to investigate if continuous running or cycling affected following strength performance, 6 healthy individuals (5 males, 1 female) were subjected to a randomized cross-over design. Subject characteristics were age (year) 25,5 ± 2,1, height (cm) 180,5 ± 6,4, and body weight (kg) 83 ± 3,4. The experimental sessions included three protocols: strength protocol (S) which included 3 repetitions measuring peak power followed by 3 sets to muscular failure at 80% of 1RM in the squat exercise; and continuous running (RS) and cycling (CS) conditions (40 minutes at 80% of maximal heart rate), followed by the S protocol. Peak power performance and total work volume was measured. Results Average peak power attained between the three protocols were CS = 1639± 444Watts (W), RS = 1633± 422 and S = 1565 ± 349. No significant differences were observed between the three conditions (P = 0,817). No differences across the three protocols was observed for highest peak power attained by each subject (P = 0,619). Total work volume performed (main effect P = 0,027) revealed a significant difference between CS = 2559 kg and S = 3715 kg (P=0,037), and CS and RS = 3345 kg (P=0,037) due to the lower loads lifted in CS.  Conclusions There were no differences observed between the three training protocols regarding peak power performance. When cycling exercise was performed prior to the strength session, the total volume lifted was lower than when performing the strength test alone. Thus, it is concluded that cycling exercise, but not running, interferes with subsequent strength training performance. / Syfte och frågeställningar Uthållighetsträning kan leda till försämrad styrkeprestation. Syftet med denna forskning var att undersöka de akuta effekterna från cykling eller löpning på efterföljande benstyrka. Hypotesen var att löpning, som omfattar excentriska muskelaktioner, skulle leda till en större försämring av efterföljande styrkeprestation jämfört med cyking, som främst omfattar koncentriska muskelaktioner. Metod För att undersöka om kontinuerlig cykling och löpning påverkade efterföljande benprestation, undersöktes 6 deltagare (5 män, 1 kvinna) i en randomiserad cross-over design. Försökspersonernas karakteristika var ålder (år) 25,5 ± 2,1, längd (cm) 180,5 ± 6,4, vikt (kg) 83 ± 3,4. Försökspersonerna utförde tre experimentella protokoll: styrka (S), vilket bestod av 3 repetitioner av maximal kraftutveckling efterföljt av 3 set till muskulär utmattning på 80% av 1RM i benböj; och löpning (RS) samt cykling (CS) protokoll (40-minuter på 80% av maximal hjärtfrekvens), efterföljt av S protokollet. Data för maximal kraftutveckling och total arbetsvolym samlades in.  Resultat Den genomsnittliga maximala effekten som uppnåddes mellan de tre protokollen var: CS = 1639 ± 444 Watt (W), RS = 1633 ± 422W och S = 1565 ± 349W. Inga signifikanta skillnader observerades mellan de tre förhållandena (P=0,817). Högst uppnådda effekten för varje deltagare mellan de tre förhållandena visade ingen skillnad (P=0,619). Totala arbetsvolymen (tidseffekt: P=0,027) visade signifikanta skillnader mellan CS = 2559 kg och S = 3715 kg (P=0,037), och CS och RS = 3345 kg (P=0,037) på grund av lägre vikt lyft vid CS. Slutsats Ingen skillnad observerades mellan de tre förhållandena angående maximal styrkeprestation. Den totala vikt volymen som kunde lyftas var dock lägre när cykling utfördes innan styrketestet. Slutsatsen är därför att cykling, men inte löpning, hindrar maximal träningsprestation vid ett efterföljande styrkepass.

Running Bodies: Contemporary Art's Histories

Jackson, Megan Renee, Jackson, Megan Renee January 2016 (has links)
The basic, universal movement of the running body has been repeated and made visible in aesthetic, scientific, and political debates. Such debates of the body may depend on live movements in real space-time, movements articulated by motion capture devices, or movements that exercise in imagination: a head of state who uses the running body to manipulate his political subject, for example, or a series of images taken from an optical motion capture system that simultaneously represents and dissects movement patterns of the body in its swiftest motions, or a sound art installation that voices the familiar dynamics of running steps and heavy breathing. In each instance, the bodily practice of running is extracted from its seemingly unmediated everyday, placed instead within aesthetic methodologies and technologies to scrutinize the movement and its complex of meanings. This action is meant to reveal that real experience-that nonfictional movement, as it were-of the body running, to see into the rhetorical, cultural productions of our public, bodily realities. I begin this inquiry by defining the term "running body" and examining the manner in which that body was scientifically observed and aesthetically codified in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Then, the running body is investigated in experimental choreography, visual arts, and political demonstrations in the 1960s and 1970s. Thirdly, I will address the use of the actual running body within contemporary art exhibitions, as either an intervention or interruption to accustomed meaning-making within traditional spaces for art. At the dissertation's end will be an exploration of the running body as a critical method for reorienting the narrative of contemporary history with image technologies, art installation devices, and the moving body. This study demonstrates that if, at the very base of our existence, our bodies move the world and, in turn, the world around us moves our body, this same reciprocity can hold true in shaping historical consciousness and self-consciousness.

The biomechanics of patellofemoral pain syndrome in distance runners

Leitch, J. R. January 2011 (has links)
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common injury in runners. This thesis investigates the theory that prolonged eversion at the rear-foot causes prolonged tibial internal rotation and excessive femoral internal rotation, and predisposes female, distance runners to PFPS. Since eversion occurs at the subtalar joint, the morphology of the talus and calcaneus were also assessed. The study was a case-control investigation between female runners with a history of PFPS (n = 9) and normal controls (n = 10). Gait analysis was used to measure lower-limb joint angles during barefoot, treadmill running. It was hypothesised that runners with PFPS would demonstrate prolonged rearfoot eversion and tibial internal rotation, and increased hip internal rotation compared to normal controls. Computed tomography was used to image the foot and ankle in simulated weight-bearing using a custom-built loading rig. Three-dimensional models of the talus and calcaneus were generated and their shapes were quantified using principal axis lengths and orientations. The results did not support the theory that prolonged eversion and rear-foot structure predispose to PFPS during running, and attributing PFPS to these factors should be done with discretion. However, runners with a history of PFPS exhibited increased rear-foot eversion, reduced rear-foot dorsiflexion and increased knee internal rotation compared to normal controls during running, walking and squatting. Subjects with PFPS also demonstrated increased dorsiflexion at the mid-foot. It was proposed that increased eversion was secondary to reduced rear-foot dorsiflexion as this enabled compensatory dorsiflexion at the mid-tarsal complex. Due to the tight articulation of the ankle mortise, increased knee internal rotation corresponds well with excessive rear-foot eversion. A prospective study is required to establish whether these kinematic alterations are a cause or an effect of PFPS.

The Effects of Shoe Modification on Transverse Tibial Rotation

Trudelle, Elaine 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount of change in transverse tibial rotation at the knee achieved through the use of shoe modification. In addition, an attempt to evaluate the Q-angle dynamically through the stance phase to reflect changes in transverse tibial rotation was made. Ten male subjects were filmed as they ran on a treadmill at a 2.82 m/sec pace and transverse tibial rotation data was collected simultaneously from an affixed electrogoniometer at the knee joint. The subjects were tested under three conditions: 1) barefoot, 2) running shoe, and 3) shoe plus standard orthotic. The results of the study showed that an unprescribed, standard orthotic was ineffective in changing foot pronation and transverse tibial rotation at the knee. It also showed that there was no relationship between leg-heel alignment measurements of pronation and electrogoniometric measurements of transverse tibial rotation. Q-angle measurements could not be obtained from the film date due to difficulty in visualizing body landmarks.

Hodnocení běžecké lokomoce u žáků mladšího školního věku / Evaluation of running by children young school age

Skoumal, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of running by children young school age Objectives: The thesis aims to determine the level of running locomotion and the educational evaluation of techniques of running by children young school age on the basis of predetermined certain criteria. The results of the thesis were compared with the study of Pojezdalová (1995). Methods: Considering the thesis character I used the standard educational methods of evaluations to affect the individual differences in technique of running deliberately chosen files that consisted of children of third and fourth grade elementary school. I took a video of the running of selected group of children on a quick stretch by digital camera. I was processing a qualitative analysis of the technique of running on the computer by Dartfish software, whereas I used a digitizing of movement, which this program enables. I diagnosed the individual differences in the implementation of chosen skills and by description I pointed out the greatest and the most frequent faults in the technique of running in the monitored children young school age. I wrote the results of evaluation to the pre-created categories and I described the frequency of the individual monitored effects in the result part by basic statistical process. Results: The most frequent fault in the...

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