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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mendicité des élèves coraniques en milieu urbain au Sénégal / Begging Koranic students in urban Senegal

Niang, Pape Momar 23 September 2013 (has links)
Historiquement, les écoles coraniques sénégalaises (Daaras) sont majoritairement rurales. Les dégradations environnementales et la faillite des politiques agricoles ont appauvri le monde paysan et causé le déplacement de ces écoles vers les villes. Idéologiquement, un parent confie son enfant, l’élève (Talibé) à un maître coranique (Marabout). Ce dernier détient une autorité inconditionnelle sur l'enfant qui doit vivre humblement et se soumettre à une discipline rude. Cette interprétation coranique ajoutée à la valeur de l’aumône (Zakât) légitimise la mendicité des Talibés. Elle devient très urbaine à partir de la découverte par les maîtres coraniques d’une offre d’aumône monétaire citadine. Ce marché de l’aumône urbain, du don religieux, de l’offrande, du sacrifice résulte d'une grande offre d’aumône de citadins aux rapports sociaux monétarisés ; et aux religiosités incluant plus largement la dimension du don matériel. La thèse explore cette dimension marchande du don. Elle part du postulat que la mendicité des Talibés résulte de cette offre d’aumône urbaine à laquelle vient s’ajuster une demande. On retrace un processus migratoire superposant 4 logiques : Un don 1 immatériel et symbolique qu’est le « confiage » au maître coranique d’un enfant par ses parents ; un don 2 matériel et temporaire , sous forme de prêt foncier, qui met en relation un donateur propriétaire en ville d’une maison en chantier ou d’un terrain, et un maitre coranique donataire en quête d’hébergement pour ses Talibés ; un don 3 matériel où des citadins prennent en charge les besoins primaires des enfants ; enfin un don 4 purement monétaire où à travers l’obligation de l’enfant de rapporter une somme quotidienne d’argent au maître coranique (Sass), le Marabout le désigne donataire-intermédiaire . Cette dernière logique cristallise beaucoup plus les enjeux de la mendicité infantile. Un second système de don institutionnel vient se superposer à ce premier religieux. Il s’agit de la mobilisation de moyens par la société civile et l’État, pour éradiquer le problème. Ce marché parallèle de l’aide humanitaire au-delà des considérations sur les nombreuses actions concrètes d’aide qu’il produit, peut aussi quelque fois se coconstruire avec le marché de l’aumône religieux. C’est là où apparait un don 5 qui est l’aide internationale aux organismes de lutte contre cette mendicité ; et un don 6 constitué par l’aide de ces organismes aux écoles coraniques. En analysant un modèle de démantèlement des écoles coraniques par ces organismes qui financent un retour à l’agriculture des maîtres coraniques par exemple, on se rend compte très vite que le don 6 peut pervertir le don 1 initialement désintéressé matériellement, d’un parent qui confie son enfant symboliquement : une dimension de trafic et d’exploitation des enfants tend à supplanter celle éducative. Cette recherche a été menée dans quatre villes et six villages entre le Sénégal et la Guinée-Bissau. Une enquête par questionnaire a été effectuée auprès des enfants mendiants ; l’approche qualitative a été privilégiée concernant les acteurs ruraux et les enquêtés adultes. La thèse montre globalement que la non-résolution du problème résulte de différentes stratégies des acteurs concernés qui tendent à l’alimenter (volontairement et involontairement) et maintenir deux systèmes de donation qui s’auto-régulent. Cette analyse systémique , semble beaucoup mieux pertinente que celles causales linéaires qui amputent le phénomène de plusieurs de ses dimensions immergées : Une genrée et démographique étant donné la condition de la femme rurale et les forts taux de natalité ; une crise agricole et environnementale qui impose des logiques de survie de groupe ; ainsi qu’une frilosité Étatique à éradiquer le problème, entre injonctions internationales, impuissance budgétaire et considérations électoralistes vis-à-vis des pouvoirs musulmans. / Historically, Senegalese Quranic schools (Daaras) are predominantly rural. Environmental degradation and the collapse of agricultural policies have impoverished the peasant world and caused the schools to move to the cities. Ideologically, a parent entrusts his child, the student (Talibé) to a Koranic teacher (Marabout). The latter has unconditional authority over the child who must live humbly and submit to harsh discipline. This koranic interpretation added to the value of the alms (Zakât) legitimizes the begging of the Talibés. It becomes very urban from the discovery by the Koranic teachers of a supply of urban monetary alms. This market of urban alms, religious gift, offering, sacrifice, results from a large offer of alms from townspeople to monetarized social relations; and to religiosities including more broadly the dimension of the material gift. The thesis explores this market dimension of the gift. It is based on the assumption that the begging of the Talibés results from this offer of alms to which a demand has been adjusted. We retrace a migratory process superimposing 4 logical: A symbolic and intangible gift 1, that a parent gives his child to a Koranic teacher; a material and temporary gift 2, in the form of a land loan, which connects a donor who owns land in the city of a house under construction or a piece of land, and a Quranic master who has made a home in search of accommodation for his Talibés; a material donation 3, where city dwellers take care of the primary needs of children. And finally a purely monetary gift 4, where by the obligation of the child to bring a sum of money daily to the Quranic master (Sass), the Marabout designates him as intermediary-beggar. This last logic crystallizes much more the stakes of infant begging. A second system of institutional donation is superimposed on this first, religious. It is the mobilization of means by the civil society and the State, to eradicate the problem. This parallel market of humanitarian aid, beyond considerations of the many concrete aid actions it produces, can also sometimes be co-constructed with the market of religious alms. This is where a donation 5 comes which is international aid to the organizations fighting against this begging; and a gift 6 constituted by the help of these agencies to Koranic schools. By analyzing a model of the dismantling of Koranic schools by these organizations that finance a return to agriculture of Koranic masters for example, we realize very quickly that the gift 6 can pervert the gift 1 initially disinterested materially, a parent who entrusts his child symbolically: a dimension of trafficking and exploitation of children tends to supplant the educational one. This research was conducted in four towns and six villages between Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. A questionnaire survey was conducted among begging children; the qualitative approach was favored for rural actors and adult respondents. The thesis shows globally that the non-resolution of the problem results from different strategies of the actors concerned who tend to feed it (voluntarily and involuntarily) and maintain two systems of donation that self-regulate. This systemic analysis seems much more relevant than the linear causal ones, which reduce the phenomenon of several of its immersed dimensions: A gender and demographic given the condition of the rural woman and the high birth rates; an agricultural and environmental crisis that imposes group survival logics; as well as a reluctance of the state to eradicate the problem, between international injunctions, budget impotence and electoral considerations vis-à-vis the Muslim powers.


Pinheiro, Daiane 30 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to analyze the meanings produced by deaf subjects over a rural community in the municipality of Agudo - RS. The research interest is focused on cultural crossings which appear in this space, considering the deaf subject in their political, cultural and linguistic differences. The rural school is also understood as a production space of deaf subjects, questioning the education of these people in political and cultural aspects. In this order, it raises questions about the circulation of discourses produced, nowadays, about language, culture and identity of deaf subjects. We start from the understanding of culture from the perspective of Cultural Studies, considering that the exercise of power / knowledge within this discursive arena produces meanings about things, also instituting modes of being and acting in a particular context, i.e., in the struggle for meaning, relations of power move down on the mat by producing discursive truths about the subject. It is this theoretical understanding of meaning production, this research questions the cultural crossings of deaf subjects in rural environment, as well as the constitution of what is to be deaf in that space. Thus, we discuss how these processes of signification and production are invented. The theoretical affiliation, which we aim to subsidize this study, provides a different view of the methodological dimensions and, therefore, allows us to deconstruct some metanarratives. In that sense, this work does not follow ready methods, structured in models to be applied in the investigative process. We understand that each researcher creates her/ his own analytical devices giving a flexible character, but no less committed to the research. We undertook the concepts here discussed as tools, which operate methodologically in developing this work. / Esta pesquisa propõe analisar os significados produzidos sobre os sujeitos surdos por uma comunidade rural localizada no município de Agudo- RS. Direciona-se o interesse de pesquisa aos atravessamentos culturais que se manifestam nesse espaço, considerando o sujeito surdo em sua diferença política, cultural e linguística. Entende-se a escola rural também como um espaço de produção de sujeitos surdos, problematizando a educação dessas pessoas sob aspectos políticos e culturais. Nessa ordem, levantam-se questões acerca da circulação de discursos produzidos, na atualidade, sobre a língua, a cultura e a identidade de sujeitos surdos. Partimos do entendimento de cultura sob a perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais, considerando que o exercício do poder/saber dentro dessa arena discursiva produz significados sobre as coisas, instituindo também modos de ser e agir em determinado contexto, ou seja, na disputa pela significação, as relações de poder movimentam-se na esteira discursiva produzindo verdades sobre os sujeitos. É sobre esse entendimento teórico, de produção de significados, que essa pesquisa problematiza os atravessamentos culturais dos sujeitos surdos no cenário rural, bem como a constituição do que é ser surdo nesse espaço. Desse modo, discute-se como esses processos de significação e produção são inventados. A filiação teórica a qual nos direcionamos, para subsidiar esse estudo, conferem um outro olhar sobre as dimensões metodológicas e, com isso, permite desconstruir algumas metanarrativas. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho não segue métodos prontos, estruturados em modelos a serem aplicados no processo investigativo. Entendemos que cada pesquisador cria os seus próprios artifícios analíticos dando um caráter flexível, porém não menos comprometido à pesquisa. Empreendemos os conceitos, aqui, discutidos como ferramentas, as quais operam metodologicamente no desenvolvimento desse trabalho.

Employment decisions: The case of Peruvian rural youth / Decisiones de inserción laboral: el caso de los jóvenes rurales peruanos

Boyd, Chris 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper identifies the determinants of employment for rural young people aged 15 to 29 from the National Survey of Youth (Enajuv 2011), the first such survey representative of Peruvian rural youth. Data from this survey shows that rural unemployment is half of the urban rate, and that participation rates in labor markets are higher for rural youth. The pattern is different for rural young women, only 62.1% of whom provide labor to the market. The results, from a logit model, show that the decision to enter the labor market is closely linked to the decision to study and to undertaking unpaid family work. Moreover, the high percentages of youth engaged in unpaid family work (39% for men, 42% women) seem to show that the decision to participate in the labor market is made at the household level and not individually. / Este documento identifica los determinantes de la inserción laboral para los jóvenes rurales de 15 a 29 años a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de la Juventud (Enajuv, 2011), la primera encuesta representativa de los jóvenes rurales peruanos. Esta encuesta evidencia que el desempleo rural es la mitad del desempleo urbano y las tasas de actividad son mayores para los jóvenes rurales, pero el patrón es diferente para las mujeres jóvenes rurales, de las cuales solo el 62,1% ofrece mano de obra al mercado. Los resultados, a partir de un modelo logit, muestran que la decisión de insertarse en el mercado laboral se encuentra muy ligada a la decisión de estudiar y a la realización de trabajo familiar no remunerado (TFNR). Sin embargo, los altos porcentajes de jóvenes que realizan TFNR (39% para los varones, 42% para las mujeres) parecen mostrar que la decisión de inserción laboral es tomada a nivel del hogar y no individualmente.

Self-Rated Health, Healthcare Satisfaction, Healthcare Adherence, and Medical Mistrust: The Moderating Role of Rurality

Alu, Stephanie 01 May 2019 (has links)
The current study is part of a broader study called the Women’s Reproductive Health Survey (WRHS) which aimed to examine various aspects of women’s life experiences. This study examined the moderating effect of rurality on several factors of healthcare in a sample of women between the ages of 18 and 50. Self-rated health (SRH) was hypothesized to predict healthcare satisfaction, healthcare adherence, and medical mistrust. Furthermore, rurality was hypothesized to weaken the relationships between SRH and healthcare satisfaction and adherence; it was further hypothesized to exacerbate the relationship between SRH and medical mistrust. A survey containing a single-item measure of SRH and rurality, a seven-item measure of medical mistrust, and an exploratory measure of both healthcare satisfaction and adherence, was uploaded to the Internet forum Redditt. Participants received informed consent and monetary compensation for their time. Bivariate correlations and moderation analysis was conducted on the resulting data. Self-rated health was found to be a significant predictor of healthcare satisfaction, healthcare adherence, and medical mistrust. Rurality was a nonsignificant moderator. Healthcare systems may consider enhancing patient portfolios with a measure of SRH. This may have implications for improved quality of care and health outcomes. Limitations within the study included the participant demographics, which were mostly White and of a high socioeconomic status, as well as the broader survey from which this study originated. Future studies may consider comparing populations from a high socioeconomic status to populations from a low socioeconomic status.

Nueva ruralidad : perspectivas y enfoques desde la geografía, aplicadas a la comuna de Santa Cruz, Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins

Aguilera Valdivia, Cristóbal January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafo / El fenómeno de la Nueva Ruralidad derivado de la globalización existente en el sector rural de Chile central desde principios de la década del 90 ha producido una serie de efectos y consecuencias en las distintas esferas que componen el territorio. Es analizado el caso de la comuna de Santa Cruz, ubicada en la Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, siendo seleccionada por su historia rural y por ser considerada una de las comunas con mayor desarrollo en los últimos años. Con la finalidad de obtener datos sobre los cambios existentes, en terreno se realizó encuestas a la población de la comuna y entrevistas a funcionarios municipales obteniendo información referente a crecimiento, desarrollo económico y migración, tópicos relevantes para el mundo rural actual. De esta manera es posible concluir las consecuencias de la globalización en áreas rurales y cómo sus efectos pueden transformar el paisaje y territorio. / The phenomenon of New Rurality derived from the globalization existing in the rural sector of Chile since the early 90s has produced a series of effects and consequences in the different spheres that make up the territory. The case of the community of Santa Cruz, located in the Region of Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, is analyzed, being part of its rural history and as part of the communities with greater development in recent years. In order to obtain data on the existing changes, the races are published in the area to the population of the commune and interviews with municipal officials obtaining information regarding growth, economic development and migration, topics relevant to the current rural world. In this way it is possible to conclude the consequences of globalization in rural areas and how their effects can transform the landscape and the territory.

Rurality as a Moderator of Perception of Need for Medical Care and Patient Satisfaction

Grammer, Kyndal 01 May 2021 (has links)
Many individuals experience barriers to accessing medical care, especially in rural areas. Some barriers are attitudinal and represent perceptions of quality care. Patient satisfaction and perceived need for medical care are two such attitudinal barriers related to health care utilization, yet the relationship between these variables has not been explored. Using data from an online survey, the current study examined the association between these variables, and further, whether rurality status moderated this association. Results indicated a significant correlation between patient satisfaction and perception of need. Although the overall moderation model was significant, perception of need was not significantly associated with patient satisfaction, and rurality status did not significantly moderate the relationship. However, the covariates of sexual orientation and income did significantly predict patient satisfaction. This study highlights the complex associations of patient satisfaction, as well as the importance of social determinants of health in patients’ perceptions of quality of care.

Televisionens Hemvändare och platsen de återvänder till : En analys av Public Service-televisionens skildring av landsbygden och karaktärerna som vänt tillbaka till den

Söderman, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Denna C-uppsats analyserar den narrativt skildrade hemvändaren i tre olika tv-serier som sänts på Sveriges Television och ställer frågan: På vilka sätt kan hemvändaren så som den skildras i dessa tre tv-serier identifieras? Serierna som undersökts är Hem till Byn, Skärgårdsdoktorn och Möbelhandlarens Dotter. Alla tre är fiktiva. Syftet med denna uppsats är alltså sammanfattat att undersöka hur hemvändarrollen skildras i dessa Public Service-serier och se hur samhällets bild av landsbygden påverkat detta. Detta har uppnåtts via kvalitativa metoder, med inslag av kultur- och samhällshistoriska perspektiv. Begreppet hemvändare har definierats som en karaktär som återkommer till hembygden den har bakgrund i efter en lång antingen resa eller flytt därifrån. Analysen har åstadkommits genom att undersöka de konnotativa betydelserna i bilderna hemvändaren blir skildrad genom, examinera hur mediekanalerna de kommuniceras genom påverkar, undersöka hur den hegemoniska bilden av maskulinitet har ett inflytande på karaktären, analysera vad karaktärerna egentligen vänder hem till, och tillslut även fråga vad denna narrativa trend säger om hur samhället känner för det rurala ursprunget. Det som framkommit i resultatet är att hemvändaren ses som avvikande enligt de karaktärerna som stannat kvar i det rurala samhället den lämnat. Platsen hemvändaren återvänder till är i dessa fall alltid ett ruralt landsbygdssamhälle med olika högt ansedd kulturell status. Målet karaktären i slutändan strävar efter är att inte längre klassas som just en hemvändare. / This paper analyzes the narratively depicted character called “hemvändare” in Swedish and asks the question: in what way can the “hemvändare” as it is depicted in the Swedish television channels Sveriges Television be identified? The analysis is based on three television shows produced for the Swedish Public Service. The shows are Hem till Byn, Skärgårdsdoktorn and Möbelhandlarens Dotter, all three are based on fiction. The examination of this character through the lens of the Public Service and how society’s view of Sweden’s rural areas has affected it is the summation of the papers meaning. This is achieved through qualitative methods, as well with elements of cultural and social historical perspectives. The term “hemvändare” in this text will be defined as a character who returns to the rural area in which the character grew up in, or had a previously strong connection to, after a move or a long trip away from there. The analysis is accomplished through examining the connotative meanings in the pictures through which they are depicted, inspecting how the media channels they are communicated through affect the end result, studying how the hegemonic ideal of masculinity has an influence on the character, examining what the “hemvändare” actually returns to, and finally ask what this narrative trend says about how Swedish society really feels about is rural origins. The result achieved tells that the “hemvändare” is seen as someone deviant by those who stayed in the rural area. The community the character returns to is in all of the examined series always a rural one with differently respected cultural statuses. In the end however the goal of the analyzed character is to no longer be a “hemvändare”.

Memory and Continuity Amidst Irreversible Decline in the Texas Big Empty

Underwood, Robert Reed 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis interrogates sense of place and place attachment in the Big Empty on the north central Texas plains. The region stretches from the Red River on the north to the Colorado River basin on the south and from the Cross Timbers on the east to the Caprock escarpment on the west. Since 1930, the Big Empty has seen sustained and severe population decline such that some counties there now register less than a quarter the population they did at their peaks during the interwar years. Through in-depth field interviews, I examine sense of place and place attachment amidst apparently irreversible decline. I also describe conditions of postindustrial rurality arising from rolling reconfigurations of economic and social relations, particularly changes in scale in farming and the diminished centrality of productivist agriculture in local economies and culture, and how these conditions become legible through the study of place.

Rural Trajectories: Investigating the Relationship between Space, Resources and University Enrollment

Whiteside, Jasmine L., Whiteside January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The post pandemic future of Folkets hus as a social meeting point in Swedish small towns

Sköld, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Many people in Sweden live in displacement, from refugees, migrants, unemployed, homeless, lonely elderly or other socially vulnerable groups. The current built environment in Sweden, especially the rural environment, is segregating different social classes including people of different ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. On top of that there is a lack of social meeting points where these different types of people can meet for interaction. A vicious circle of segregation with invisible borders is created. This obstacle makes social sustainability weak. There should be more places like Folkets hus where people are naturally interacting with people of other backgrounds during an activity. This would strengthen Swedish integration and social sustainability. However today most of the Folkets hus are “sleepy” due to the results of Swedish individualism and the aftermath of the pandemic. A new post-pandemic Folkets hus is needed. The question is “how can Folkets hus work as an architectural social meeting point within rural Swedish contexts and contribute to improved integration and help displaced people?” and “what is the future of the post pandemic Folkets hus in Swedish small towns?” Today’s Folkets hus still represents the previous interests from the second epoch of Folkets hus with buildings adjusted for activities based on culture and art through dances, concerts and parties. A change is needed. Folkets hus should reflect the interests of today’s population, not the interests of the people livingin the past. More current interests are nature based due to the results of the pandemic but also health and work-out based due to the Swedish individualism which is representedin the Inglehart- Welzel cultural map. We are currently living in an important tipping point to soon go into the fourth epoch of Folkets hus, the post-pandemic version Folkets hus.

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