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Avaliação da incerteza de medição no levantamento de curvas de fadiga S-N de materiais metálicos a temperatura ambienteCosta, Leandro Pereira January 2010 (has links)
Vem se tornando cada vez mais importante o conhecimento e avaliação da incerteza de medição em todos areas de ensaios experimentais. Este trabalho visa estudar a incerteza de medição no levantamento do comportamento em fadiga de materiais metálicos utilizando-se de curvas S-N. Embora existam diversas normas e códigos sobre a análise estatística dos resultados obtidos em fadiga, eles avaliam apenas a dispersão no número de ciclos para a falha, não considerando fatores como as fontes incerteza das tensões aplicadas, da máquina de ensaios utilizada, entre outros. / The knowledge and evaluation of measurement uncertainty is becoming more and more important in all areas of experimental tests. The goal of this work is to study the measurement uncertainty in the fatigue tests of metalic materials using the S-N curve approach. Although there are various standards and codes on statistical analysis of the fatigue results, they only assess the dispersion in the number of cycles to failure, not taking into account uncertainty sources of aplied load, test machine, among others.
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Vývoj teorie modernizace: od univerzální teorie k pluralitě modernit / The Development of Theory of Modernization from the Universal Theory to Plurality of ModernitiesGarajová, Stanislava January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the concept of modernization. Through the analyzing the works of T. Parsons, S. N. Eisenstadt and A. Martinelli, the thesis is focusing on the change of perception regarding the concept of modernity and modernization in the sense of "westernization". The special emphasis is put on the realm of political modernization and the way, how has been during the time different theories of political modernization reevaluated.
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Dynamické vlastnosti lepeno – nitovaných spojov / Dynamic Properties of Combined Rivet and Adhesive Bonded JointsUrík, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The improvement of static properties of combined rivet and adhesive bonded joints have been proven by several authors [1, 2]. On the other side, dynamic properties of joints (for example fatigue and corrosion) significantly affect final function of structures during their service life. In this thesis, the combine joints created by blind rivets and hyper elastic sealant are solved. Complex description of dynamic properties of this particular combined joining technology has not been publicised, yet. Description of sealant layer influence on stress concentration in rivet hole regions is one of the main goal of this work. The next stage of the thesis is focused on the influence of above mentioned sealant layer on fatigue properties of combined blind rivet and solid countersunk rivet joints. Stress strain analysis of rivet and combined joints done by FE analysis and by experimental optical measurement of strain field proved that hyper elastic sealant layer has a positive effect on decreasing of stress peaks in rivet hole regions. This findings are in direct compliance with fatigue measurement of combined joint (AAPL). The influence of applied sealant in this combined joints improved fatigue properties by twenty percentage increasing of stress to failure in comparison with rivet joints.
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Produktutveckling av Dog-bone fästeMohammed, Iqbal January 2022 (has links)
I det här projektet har en produktutveckling gjorts av en befintlig konstruktion vid namn “Dog-bone”. Projektet har utförts i samarbete med Hitachi Energy AB vilket är ett världsledande företag inom kraft- och automationsteknik och som ligger beläget i Ludvika. Konstruktioner som transporteras under en längre period riskerar att uppleva utmattningsskada. I detta fall sker leveransen till havs, vilket innebär att konstruktionen påverkas av accelerationer och krafter från havet. I dagsläget är fästet “Dog-bone” konstruerad för att klara av en veckas transport vilket motsvarar 70 000 cykler. Syftet med projektarbetet var att ta fram ett konceptförslag på den befintlig konstruktionen ”Dog-bone” samt förbättra dess utmattningsegenskaper för att kunna hantera tio veckors transport vilket motsvarar 700 000 cykler. Material som skulle kunna bidra till minskning av utmattningsbrott skulle även undersökas. ”Dog-bone” sitter på flertal ställen i en 25-ton tung HVDC-ventil och utsätts för höga utmattningsspänningar vid leverans av ventilen. Det finns fem olika lager på ventilen där en “Dog-bone” sitter vid varje lager för att spänna fast stativet på ventilen med lagret. Detta för att minska spänning i ventilen vid transport. HVDC-Ventilens ursprungliga syfte är att överföra stora mängder ström med en lång räckvidd till minimala förluster. Projektet har följt en designprocess som består av en förstudie, analytisk fas, kreativ fas samt en genomförande fas. Projektet inleddes med en förstudie för att få en bättre förstålse om företagets arbete och problemställning, samt undersöka utmattning, spänningskoncentration och dess påverkan på konstruktioner. I den analytiska fasen upprättades kravspecifikation i samråd med handledaren på Hitachi energy. Efter den analytiska fasen påbörjades den kreativa fasen där tre olika koncept togs fram utifrån brainstorming. Dessa koncept ritades sedan upp som CAD-modeller i genomförandefasen. Sedan gjordes det en hållfasthetsanalys med av hjälp finita elementmetoden i programmet NX för att få en bild om hur spänningskoncentrationer lokaliserar sig. Av den maximala spänning som finita elementmetoden resulterar i gjordes ett S-N diagram med givna accelerationer vid givna antal cykler för att representera hur de koncept som tas fram förhåller sig till utmattning. Sedan utvärderades koncepten med hjälp av en elimineringsmatris för att se hur väl de uppnår kravspecifikationen. Det koncept som fick bäst resultat från utvärderingen blir det slutliga konceptet för projektet. Resultet blev ett koncept där storleken av radier ökades. Det material som ansågs skulle öka utmattningsstyrkan i konstruktionen är ett utmattningståligare aluminium t.ex aw7075-t6 eller ett stål i kategorin “Low-carbon steel”. Dessa resultat känns rimliga eftersom de var faktabaserade lösningar men det hade varit intressant att implementera i verkligheten och se om det stämmer överens med det resultat som tagits fram.
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Comportamento em fadiga da liga Al-Li AA 2050 / Fatigue behavior of Al-Li alloy AA 2050Bonazzi, Luís Henrique Camargo 10 July 2013 (has links)
As novas ligas de alumínio que contém lítio são atraentes devido à sua baixa densidade, alto módulo elástico, elevada resistência mecânica e por terem boa resistência à corrosão em comparação com ligas similares que não contém lítio. A degradação do material devido à fadiga e corrosão são os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o envelhecimento de uma aeronave. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a resistência à fadiga de uma nova liga de Al-Li, denominada de AA 2050-T84, considerando os estágios de nucleação e de propagação. No primeiro caso são avaliados o efeito da variação do concentrador de tensão (kt) e o efeito da razão de tensões (R), enquanto que no segundo caso são estudados os efeitos da direção de laminação e da razão de tensões (R) na taxa de propagação da trinca por fadiga. Para o estágio de iniciação é possível observar que quanto maior o valor de R, menor é a vida em fadiga. Para um R constante, o concentrador de tensão reduz significantemente a vida em fadiga. Considerando a vida de propagação de trinca por fadiga, observa-se que, independente da direção de laminação, quanto maior o valor de R, para um mesmo ΔK, maior foi a taxa de propagação de trinca. Para um mesmo R, o expoente m da equação de Paris é maior na direção TL indicando maior velocidade de crescimento de trinca. Independentemente da direção tomada, quanto maior o valor de R maior o valor de m. O modelo matemático utilizado previu muito bem o efeito de R na taxa de propagação de trinca. A liga AA 2050 apresenta resistência à fadiga similar ligas das famílias 2XXX e 7XXX e similar a da liga Al-Li AA 2198 T8. / The new Al-Li alloys are very attractive due to its low density, high elastic modulus, increased mechanical strength, as well as good corrosion resistance in comparison with similar alloys that don\'t contain lithium. The material\'s degradation due to fatigue and corrosion are the main factors of aircrafts aging, and it is quite important to take them in account to guarantee the aircraft structural integrity. The aim of this work is to study the fatigue strength of a new Al-Li alloy, denominated as AA 2050 T84, considering both nucleation and propagation fatigue lives. In the first case were evaluated the effect of the variation of the stress concentrator (kt) and the effect of the stress ratio (R), while in the propagation life were considered the effect of the rolling direction and the stress ratio (R). From the initiation life results, it is possible to observe that as higher was R, lower is fatigue life and that the intensity of the stress concentrator reduces fatigue life significantly, independent of the R value. The results from the propagation life shows that in both LT e TL directions and for a constant ΔK, higher R induces larger fatigue crack propagation rates. Considering a constant R, the TL direction presents a larger exponent m of Paris equation, which is an indicative of higher larger crack propagation rate. Also, larger R causes larger m, independently of the rolling direction. The mathematical model used was able to take in account the R effect on the crack propagation rate. Considering the more traditional Al alloys from 2XXX and 7XXX families, and the Ali-Li alloys AA 2198 T8, the AA 2050 presented a quite similar fatigue behavior.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a vida-fadiga de
dois ferros fundidos
nodulares modificados metalurgicamente, sendo uma classe
predominantemente ferrítica e
outra.perlítica. Inicialmente, amostra dos dois ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico
foram fundidas adotando-se moldação em areia na geometria
padrão Y-block. Em
seqüência, corpos de prova para ensaios mecânicos e de
fadiga foram usinados das
amostras ferríticas e perlíticas. Após os ensaios de tração
e dureza, realizaram-se análises
metalográficas qualitativas e quantitativas em ambos os
materiais, com o intuito de se
determinar suas características metalúrgicas, tais como
contagem, distribuição e classe dos
nódulos de grafita, bem como quantidade da matriz ferrítica
e perlítica. Dando
continuidade a etapa experimental, as curvas tensão versus
número de ciclos para a falha do
ferro fundido nodular ferrítico e do ferro fundido nodular
perlítico foram levantadas por
meio de ensaios de flexão rotativa. A vida útil em fadiga
dos dois materiais foi relacionada
com as suas características metalúrgicas. Quanto a
resistência à fadiga, as amostras do ferro
fundido nodular perlítico tiveram um melhor comportamento
sob carregamento cíclico do
que as amostras do ferro fundido nodular ferrítico. Tal
comportamento superior foi
atribuído a maior microdureza da matriz e a presença da
estrutura olho-de-boi.
Finalmente, as curvas experimentais tensão versus número de
ciclos para a falha dos ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico foram modeladas
pela equação de Coffin-Manson,
que se mostrou eficiente no tratamento de dados
experimentais da vida em fadiga de ambos
os materiais. / [en] The objective of the present work was to evaluate the
fatigue life of two nodular cast
irons with metallurgical modifications and resulting in
ferritic and perlitic different classes of
material. Initially, samples of both materials were cast in
sand moulds adopting the
standard Y-block geometry. In the sequence, tensile and
fatigue specimens were
machined from the ferritic and perlitic samples. After the
tensile and hardness tests, the
microstructure of the both materials were analyzed by
qualitative and quantitative
metallography, aiming to characterize their metallurgical
aspects as content, distribution
and class of graphite nodules, as well as the contents of
the ferritic and perlitic matrix.
Following the metallurgical characterization, rolating bend
fatigue tests were performed in
order to estabilish the stress-life curves of the ferritic
and perlitic nodular cast irons.
Regarding the fatigue resistance, the specimens machined
from the perlitic nodular
sample showed a longer fatigue life than that related to
the ferritic nodular specimens. The
longer fatigue life of the perlitic nodular specimens was
associated with a higher
microhardness of the perlitic matrix and the preserve of
the bull`s-eye structure. Finally,
the experimental stress-life curves of the ferritic and
perlitic nodular cast irons were
modeled adopting the Coffin-Manson law, which was
considered efficient in fitting
experimental fatigue life data of both materials.
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Energétique dans les dispositifs à un seul électron basés sur des îlots métalliques et des points quantiques / Energetics in metallic-island and quantum-dot based single-electron devicesDutta, Bivas 19 November 2018 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, nos appareils électroniques sont de plus en plus densément composés de composants nanoélectroniques. En conséquence, la dissipation de chaleur produite dans ces circuits augmente également énormément, provoquant une déperdition d’énergie considérable, en pure perte. Les effets thermoélectriques entrent en jeu ici car ils permettent d'utiliser cette chaleur perdue pour produire un travail utile. Par conséquent, l’étude du transport thermique et de l’effet thermoélectrique dans les nanostructures revêt une importance significative du point de vue scientifique et technologique.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons nos études expérimentales du transport thermique et thermoélectrique dans différents types de dispositifs à un seul électron, où le flux électronique peut être contrôlé au niveau de l'électron unique.Tout d’abord, nous montrons la mesure du transport de chaleur contrôlé par la grille dans un transistor à un seul électron (SET), agissant comme un commutateur thermique entre deux réservoirs. Nous déterminons la conductance thermique à l’aide d’un bilan thermique en régime permanent prenant en compte les différents chemins du flux de chaleur. La comparaison de la conductance thermique du SET avec sa conductance électrique indique une forte violation de la loi de Wiedemann-Franz.Deuxièmement, nous étendons l’étude du transport thermique dans les dispositifs à un seul électron dans le régime de boîte quantique, où, outre les interactions de Coulomb, il faut également prendre en compte les différents niveaux électroniques discrets. Nous discutons du bilan thermique entre deux réservoirs de chaleur couplés par un seul niveau de point quantique, et de la dissipation des électrons tunnel dans les contacts. Cela produit des formes de diamant de Coulomb dans la carte de température électronique de la source, en fonction de la polarisation et de la tension de grille.Enfin, nous présentons la mesure du transport thermoélectrique dans une jonction à boîte quantique unique, du régime de couplage faible au régime de couplage fort Kondo. Nos expériences introduisent une nouvelle façon de mesurer le pouvoir thermoélectrique en réalisant une condition de circuit ouvert quasi-parfaite. Le pouvoir thermoélectrique dans une boîte faiblement couplée montre le comportement e-périodique avec la charge induite par la grille, alors qu’il montre une période distincte de 2e en présence de corrélation Kondo. L’étude de la dépendance thermique révèle que la résonance de Kondo n’est pas toujours au niveau de Fermi, mais qu’elle peut être légèrement décalée, en accord avec les prédictions théoriques.Cette étude ouvre la porte à l’étude de transistors à une boîte quantique unique dont les propriétés thermodynamiques sont régies par les lois de thermodynamique quantique. / At this age of technologically advanced world, the electronic devices are getting more and more densely packed with micro-electronic elements of nano-scale dimension. As a result the heat dissipation produced in these microelectronic-circuits is also increasing immensely, causing a huge amount of energy loss without any use. The textit{thermoelectric effects} come into play here as one can use this wasted heat to produce some useful work with the help of thermoelectric conversion. In order to achieve such a textit{heat engine} with a reasonably high efficiency, one needs to understand its thermal behavior at the basic level. Therefore, the study of thermal transport and thermoelectric effect in nano-structures has significant importance both from scientific and application point of view.In this thesis we present the experimental studies of thermal and thermoelectric transport in different kinds of single-electron devices, where the electronic flow can be controlled at the single electron level.First, we demonstrate the measurement of gate-controlled heat transport in a Single-Electron Transistor ($SET$), acting as a heat switch between two heat reservoirs. The measurement of temperature of the leads of the $SET$ allows us to determine its thermal conductance with the help of a steady state heat-balance among all possible paths of heat flow. The comparison of thermal conductance of the $SET$ with its electrical conductance indicates a strong violation of the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law away from the charge degeneracy.Second, we extend the study of thermal transport in single-electron devices to the quantum limit, where in addition to the Coulomb interactions the quantum effects are also need to be taken into account, and therefore the individual discrete electronic levels take part in the transport process. We discuss the heat-balance between two heat reservoirs, coupled through a single Quantum-Dot ($QD$) level, and the dissipation of the tunneling electrons on the leads. This produces Coulomb-diamond shapes in the electronic-temperature map of the `source' lead, as a function of bias and gate voltage.Third, we present the measurement of thermoelectric transport in a single $QD$ junction, starting from the weak coupling regime to the strong coupling-Kondo regime. The experiments introduces a new way of measuring thermovoltage realizing a close to perfect open-circuit condition. The thermopower in a weakly coupled $QD$ shows an expected `$e$' periodic behavior with the gate-induced charge, while it shows a distinct `$2e$' periodic feature in the presence of Kondo spin-correlation. The temperature dependence study of the Kondo-correlated thermopower reveals the fact that the Kondo-resonance is not always pinned to the Fermi level of the leads but it can be slightly off, in agreement with the theoretical predictions.This study opens the door for accessing a single $QD$ junction to operate it as a $QD$-heat engine, where the thermodynamic properties of the device are governed by the laws of textit{quantum thermodynamics}.
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[pt] Estudos recentes têm mostrado que para muitos materiais de Engenharia não existe um limite de fadiga. Numa análise convencional, se admite uma vida infinita em fadiga de alto ciclo quando o material atinge 10(6) - 10(7) ciclos sem a incidência de falhas. Entretanto, em função do desenvolvimento tecnológico atual, a vida-fadiga de inúmeros componentes mecânicos e estruturais pode ultrapassar a fronteira da fadiga de alto ciclo, fazendo com que a avaliação do comportamento em fadiga de altíssimo ciclo (10(7) – 10(12)), tenha se tornado extremamente importante para projetos, por ter estabelecido que uma tensão limite de fadiga não existe em muitos casos. Pesquisas recentes demonstram que a maioria dos materiais, incluindo ligas ferrosas, apresentam falhas em até 10(10) ciclos, com um decréscimo contínuo do limite de fadiga após 10(6) ciclos, o que torna a resistência à fadiga associada com um número de ciclos mais importante do que o próprio limite de fadiga. No regime de altíssimo ciclo de fadiga as trincas se iniciam a partir de defeitos internos do material, como inclusões, gerando mecanismos de iniciação de trincas caraterísticos das superfícies de fratura, tais como olho de peixe (fish-eye), ODA (Optically Dark Area) e FGA (Fine Granular Area). Neste estudo foram usinados corpos de prova do aço DIN 34CrNiMo6, que foram ensaiados entre 10(6) e 10(9) ciclos, sob fadiga ultrassônica do tipo tração-compressão, com frequência de 20 kHz e razão de carregamento -1. Os resultados mostraram que o material tem uma tendência maior a vida-fadiga sob valores baixos de tensão e na superfície de fratura de alguns corpos de prova formação de fish-eye. / [en] Recent studies have shown that for many engineering materials there is no fatigue limit. In a conventional analysis, infinite life in high cycle fatigue is allowed when the material reaches 10(6) - 10(7) cycles without the occurrence of failures. However, due to the current technological development, the fatigue life of several mechanical and structural components can exceed the boundary of high cycle fatigue, making the evaluation of ultra high cyle fatigue behavior (10(7)-10(12)), or fatigue of very high cycle, has become extremely important for projects, because it has established that a stress of fatigue limit does not exist in many cases. Current research has shown that most materials, including ferrous alloys, exhibit failures in up to 10(9) cycles, with a continuous decrease in the fatigue limit after 10(6) cycles, which makes strength fatigue associated with a number of cycles most important than own fatigue limit. In the very high fatigue cycles regime, cracks start from internal defects of the material, such as inclusions, generating a feature mechanisms of crack initiation on the fracture surfaces, such as fish-eye, ODA (Optically Dark Area) and Fine Granular Area (FGA). This study, specimens of DIN 34CrNiMo6 steel were machined and were tested between 10(6) and 10(9) cycles, under ultrasonic fatigue, with a frequency of 20 kHz and a loading ratio of -1. The results showed that the material has a tendency to fatigue life under low stress values and in some fracture sufaces of the specimens the fish-eye formation.
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The detective story in Venda : an analysis with special reference to Bono la mboni and Nwana wa mme angaMaungedzo, Avhurengwi Edward 06 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / The purpose of this research is to make a literary appreciation of the detective story in Tshivenda. Chapter 1 is the introductory chapter which discusses the aim of study, the definition of detective story, methodology, detective noels in Tshivenda, background information regarding the authors, summaries regarding selected novels and the scope of research. Chapter 2 is devoted to the plot structure of the two detective novels, and outlines the diegetic and meta-diegetic stories. The elements of mystery and dramatic irony are also discussed. Chapter 3 concentrates mainly on the setting of the two selected detective novels and its influence on the crimes committed, the lives of the characters and the tools that are used. Chapter 4 deals with the depiction of the victims, suspects and detectives in the selected detective stories. Chapter 5 concludes the study and summarises the main findings of the appraisal. / African Languages / M. A. (African Languages)
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Comportamento em fadiga da liga Al-Li AA 2050 / Fatigue behavior of Al-Li alloy AA 2050Luís Henrique Camargo Bonazzi 10 July 2013 (has links)
As novas ligas de alumínio que contém lítio são atraentes devido à sua baixa densidade, alto módulo elástico, elevada resistência mecânica e por terem boa resistência à corrosão em comparação com ligas similares que não contém lítio. A degradação do material devido à fadiga e corrosão são os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o envelhecimento de uma aeronave. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a resistência à fadiga de uma nova liga de Al-Li, denominada de AA 2050-T84, considerando os estágios de nucleação e de propagação. No primeiro caso são avaliados o efeito da variação do concentrador de tensão (kt) e o efeito da razão de tensões (R), enquanto que no segundo caso são estudados os efeitos da direção de laminação e da razão de tensões (R) na taxa de propagação da trinca por fadiga. Para o estágio de iniciação é possível observar que quanto maior o valor de R, menor é a vida em fadiga. Para um R constante, o concentrador de tensão reduz significantemente a vida em fadiga. Considerando a vida de propagação de trinca por fadiga, observa-se que, independente da direção de laminação, quanto maior o valor de R, para um mesmo ΔK, maior foi a taxa de propagação de trinca. Para um mesmo R, o expoente m da equação de Paris é maior na direção TL indicando maior velocidade de crescimento de trinca. Independentemente da direção tomada, quanto maior o valor de R maior o valor de m. O modelo matemático utilizado previu muito bem o efeito de R na taxa de propagação de trinca. A liga AA 2050 apresenta resistência à fadiga similar ligas das famílias 2XXX e 7XXX e similar a da liga Al-Li AA 2198 T8. / The new Al-Li alloys are very attractive due to its low density, high elastic modulus, increased mechanical strength, as well as good corrosion resistance in comparison with similar alloys that don\'t contain lithium. The material\'s degradation due to fatigue and corrosion are the main factors of aircrafts aging, and it is quite important to take them in account to guarantee the aircraft structural integrity. The aim of this work is to study the fatigue strength of a new Al-Li alloy, denominated as AA 2050 T84, considering both nucleation and propagation fatigue lives. In the first case were evaluated the effect of the variation of the stress concentrator (kt) and the effect of the stress ratio (R), while in the propagation life were considered the effect of the rolling direction and the stress ratio (R). From the initiation life results, it is possible to observe that as higher was R, lower is fatigue life and that the intensity of the stress concentrator reduces fatigue life significantly, independent of the R value. The results from the propagation life shows that in both LT e TL directions and for a constant ΔK, higher R induces larger fatigue crack propagation rates. Considering a constant R, the TL direction presents a larger exponent m of Paris equation, which is an indicative of higher larger crack propagation rate. Also, larger R causes larger m, independently of the rolling direction. The mathematical model used was able to take in account the R effect on the crack propagation rate. Considering the more traditional Al alloys from 2XXX and 7XXX families, and the Ali-Li alloys AA 2198 T8, the AA 2050 presented a quite similar fatigue behavior.
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