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Transition to secondary school for young people with autism spectrum disorderHannah, Elizabeth Fraser Selkirk January 2008 (has links)
The transition to secondary school is important for all students. For students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who have difficulty with changes in routine (WHO, 1992), it is especially important that the transition is carefully managed. This report aims to contribute to the understanding of this process. The first study involved a systematic investigation and critique of literature on this transition with a specific focus on students with ASD. The second study comprised the development, implementation and evaluation of a transition programme for nine students with ASD. All were in their final year at mainstream primary schools in a Scottish city. The final study followed up the progress of eight of these students during their first year at secondary school. The empirical studies utilised a range of process and outcomes measures, including questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and discussion activities. There was a paucity of scholarly literature on the transition of students with ASD indicating the need for further research. The programme received positive student and parent evaluations and there was some evidence of impact using outcome measures. Feelings of anxiety mixed with excitement were associated with the transition. Students reported higher than normal anxiety levels before and after transfer, although there was evidence of a slight reduction over this period. Students and parents provided a positive evaluation of the students’ social functioning in secondary school, in contrast to the mixed perspective of secondary school staff. Findings are discussed with reference to the literature. Limitations of the present research are considered. Finally, implications for practice and possible areas for future research are proposed.
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<p>Students need to be in attendance at school in order to learn. One concern for schools is when students refuse to attend school on a regular basis. School refusal behavior encompasses all subsets of problematic absenteeism, such as truancy, school phobia, and anxiety. Students dealing with school refusal is a behavior that is multi-faceted. Often times, these students are experiencing psychological matters that are presenting as the symptom of school refusal. The purpose of this study was to survey general education and special education secondary teachers on their perceptions of student absences and to ascertain how they motivate students to attend their classes. The study was centered on two research questions: (1) ‘What are the perceptions of secondary teachers on student absences?’and (2) ‘Are students who exhibit school refusal behavior more likely to be identified as students with special education needs?’ The sample size for this study was 78 certified teachers at an urban high school in the Midwest. The high school had 1,834 students enrolled for the 2020/2021 school year in 9th through 12th grade, with 238 students designated as having special education services. An online survey was created using Google Forms. The survey was designed to not collect respondents’ email addresses to ensure anonymity and was limited to one response per unique email address. The survey did not ask any identifying information such as number of years teaching, subjects taught, etc. Twenty-six completed surveys were returned, for a return rate of 33%.</p>
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Middle School Teachers' Knowledge and Training Regarding Anxiety IdentificationHiatt, Sara Renee 20 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Mikčiojimo stiprumo ir mokyklinio nerimo ryšys / Relation between stuttering intensity and school anxietyRadavičienė, Sandra 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė mikčiojimo įvertinimo ir mikčiojančių moksleivių nerimo faktorių analizė. / This research which is presented in master’s work had a goal to analyze theoretically the as-sessment of stuttering and stuttering pupils’ anxiety factors.
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VI – IX klasių mokinių saugumo mokykloje ir patiriamo nerimo ryšys / The relationship between school safety and shool anxiety among 6 th and 9 th class studentsAlaunis, Ramūnas 25 February 2010 (has links)
Mokyklos aplinką, jos įtaką vaiko asmenybės brendimui bei tiesioginiams mokymo rezultatams tyrinėjo nemažai lietuvių ir užsienio autorių.
Mokinių nesaugumas mokykloje gali turėti labai neigiamas pasekmes fizinei ir psichinei sveikatai, mokymosi rezultatams, mokymosi motyvacijai, prastėja socialiniai įgūdžiai. Visa tai gali sukelti kliūtis tokių mokinių sėkmingai adaptacijai visuomenėje, socialinei integracijai. Mokinių psichologinei savijautai turi įtakos patiriamas smurtas, patyčios. Kadangi smurto apraiškų mokykloje pasitaiko gana dažnai, susiduriama su problema, kad mokyklose mokiniai pasijunta nesaugūs dėl bendramokslių smurto, tai savo ruožtu daro įtaką jų mokymosi motyvacijai, savirealizacijai, socializacijai. Patyrę smurtą mokiniai dažniausiai jaučia nerimą ir baimę. Nerimas iš esmės kyla iš subjektyvaus vertinimo, kad kilo grėsmė fiziniams ar psichologiniams „aš“. Mokiniui labai sunku susidoroti su tokia psichologine būsena ir jeigu šalia nėra žmonių, kuriais gali pasitikėti, jis praranda saugumo jausmą. Tokia ilgalaikė būsena gali turėti skaudžių pasekmių.
Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti Kauno miesto bendrojo lavinimo vidurinių mokyklų VI – IX klasių mokinių saugumo mokykloje ir patiriamo nerimo sąsajas.
Tyrimo metodai ir tiriamieji. Tyrimui naudotas Mokyklos aplinkos saugumo klausimynas, Patyčių testas ir Mokyklinio nerimo testas. Tyrime dalyvavo 590 mokiniai: 296 mergaitės ir 294 berniukai. Tirti šeštų – devintų klasių mokiniai. Mokinių amžius nuo 11 iki 17 metų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School safetly is one of the major problems in Lithuania and whole world as well. This problem prevails everywhere, in the shools and outside their borders.
The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between school safety and shool anxiety among 6 th and 9 th class students. Drug dealing or alcohol outlets anywhere near a school increase the likelihood of substance abuse-fueled antisocial behavior, either by students or against students. Children who feel safe are both psychologically and physiologically more receptive to learning.
Material and methods. The date of the anonymous survey OFM 590, sixth, seventh, eighth and ningth - grade students (aged 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 tears respectively) from six secondary shools of Kaunas, conducted in the spring of 2009, were analyzed. The studentas completed the school safetly questionnaire, school bullying test that included self-report being bullied by others, and school anxiety test. The response rate was 90 %.
Results. The statistic date analysis shows that 9,2 % boys and 5,8 % girls doesn‘t feel safe at shool. Most not safetly places for girls at shool are: shool yard (44,6 %), school corridors, (42,3%), breake time (40,1 %). Most not safetly places for boys at school are: break time (32,5 %), school yard (31,7 proc.), school corridors (31,6 proc.), answearing in class (24,8 proc.), at school parties (22,0 %.), canteen (18,9 %).
Conclussion. The reasearch doesn‘t indicate relationship between safetly of school... [to full text]
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Development and initial validation of a modified School Anxiety Inventory for use in pediatric chronic painGibler, Robert C. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Pradinių klasių mokinių konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajos / Correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of primary school pupilsLapašinskaitė, Neringa 18 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajas. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti, ar berniukai ir mergaitės patiria vienodą nerimo lygį mokykla, ar yra savęs vertinimo skirtumų tarp berniukų ir mergaičių, kaip intelekto koeficientas pasiskirsto tarp berniukų ir mergaičių. Taip pat siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar aukšti intelektiniai gebėjimai įtakoja vaikų mokyklinį nerimastingumą, somatinius nerimastingumo požymius, aukštą / žemą savęs vertinimą. Nerimastingumo sąvoka šiame darbe apima mokyklinį kontekstą.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas, naudojantis J. C. Raveno Spalvotomis progresuojančiomis matricomis – vaikų konstrukciniam intelektui nustatyti, ir S. Saransono sukurta, S. Feldo ir J. Levio modifikuota „Vaikų mokyklinio nerimastingumo skale“ – mokykliniam nerimastingumui nustatyti. Tyrimas atliktas dvejose Kauno miesto mokyklose. Apklausta 150 mokinių. 9 anketas teko anuliuoti, kadangi mokiniai anketas atliko neatidžiai ir žymėjo bet kokius atsakymus, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar jam atsakymas tinka, ar ne. Duomenų analizei buvo panaudoti 141 tiriamojo duomenys. Aukštesnio už vidutinį konstrukcinio intelekto kategorijai priskirti vaikai, kurių IQ lygus ar didesnis už 112.
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad patiriamas nerimas dėl kontrolinių darbų nepriklauso nuo konstrukcinio intelekto lygio, mokinių, kurie patiria rūpestį mokykla, intelektiniai gebėjimai gali būti aukšti, žemi ar vidutiniai. Aukštą ar labai aukštą nerimą dėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of research is to define the correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of junior pupils. This work is aimed to define whether boys and girls undercome the equal level of anxiety that is related to school and the presence of differences in self-esteem between boys and girls, as well as the intelligence quotient proportion between boys and girls. It is aimed to clarify whether high intellectual faculties influence shool anxiety of children, the features of systemic worries, high/low self-esteem. In this paper the definition of anxiety covers school context.
The research was made by applying Raven's coloured progressive matrices to define the structural intelect of children and using "School Anxiety Scale for Children" that was developed by Saranson and modified by Feld and Lewis in order to define the school anxiety. The research was performed at two schools of Kaunas. 150 pupils were interrogated. 9 questionnaires had to be cancelled as pupils were not attentive while filling in the questionnaires and marked irrelevant answers, despite the fact of its personal actuality. The data of 141 investigated persons was used for the data analysis. The children that were attributed to the above the average structural intellect category were the ones with IQ equal or over 112.
The study has revealed that anxiety related to tests does not depend on the level of structural intellect of the pupils that experience school related anxiety and their intellectual faculties... [to full text]
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Vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumai bei sąryšis / The Reletion and specialities of academic achievement and fear of the leavers of secondary schoolSugaudis, Svajūnas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumus bei sąryšį. Buvo ištirta 111 moksleivių. Darbe naudota metodika - „Diferencijuotas mokyklos baimės aprašas“ - (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), leidžiantis nustatyti abiturientų baimę provokuojančių veiksnių, baimės apraiškos formų bei baimės įveikos ir įtvirtinimo būdų lygius. Ji panaudota du kartus – vieną kartą likus mėnesiui iki egzaminų buvo naudojamas ilgasis variantas, o kitas trumpasis pakartotinis variantas – prasidėjus pirmiesiem įskaitų laikymam. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad abiturientų įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumas pirmojo bei pakartotinio tyrimo metu skiriasi, o taip pat šie rodikliai skiriasi priklausomai nuo lyties, bet fiziologinės baimės apraiškos pakartojus tyrimą išlieka nepakitusios. Humanitarinį ir realinį mokymosi profilį pasirinkę abiturientai įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumu nesiskiria. Tik pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad į humanitarinius mokslus linkę abiturientai labiau nei linkę į realinius kontroliuoja baimę. Be to, pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad abiturientai, pasirinkę didesnį valstybinių egzaminų skaičių, mažiau linkę į išorinį ir vidinį baimės įtvirtinimą nei abiturientai, pasirinkę mažesnį egzaminų skaičių. / The aim of this research is to assess the connection between fears of school – leavers and academic achievement peculiarity. 111 school-leavers participated in this research. These method were used for investigation – Discriminating Fear of School Inventory (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), which lets to assess factors provoking fear of school- leavers, fear‘s expressions, coping ways with fear and levels of fear fix. School – leavers were assessed two times. The results indicated that fear index are different at testing first and second time. These indexes are different to men and women, but at first and second time of testing the physiological expresses of fear are the same. The index of fear are the same in school leavers with humanitarian and real profiler (first time testing), but humanitarians can control fear more effectively than real profiler schoolchildren (second time testing). One more thing – school- leavers who have chosen more exams were more prone to fix fear than school- leavers who have chosen less exams.
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5 ir 8 klasių mokinių mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir emocinės būklės sąsajos / Connection of the school anxiety, adaptation at school and emotional state of the students of the 5th and 8th formsBašytė, Ainė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo objektas – 5 ir 8 klasių mokinių mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir mokinių emocinės būklės sąsajos.
Darbo aktualumas
Mokykloje kiekvienas mokinys pereina kelis vystymosi ir adaptacijos etapus. Vienas iš ryškiausių etapų prasideda, kai mokinys, baigęs pradinę mokyklą, pradeda lankyti penktą klasę ir susiduria su daugeliu jam nežinomų socialinių ir asmeninių problemų: dalykinė mokymo sistema, daug dalykų mokytojų, pereinama į kabinetinę sistemą ir vaikas praranda nuolatinę mokymosi vietą - klasę, prie kurios buvo pripratęs, prasideda pasiekimų vertinimas pažymiais, dažnai keičiama mokykla, klasė, keičiasi klasės draugai, sunkiai išgyvenamas atsisveikinimas su pirmuoju mokytoju. Mokinio adaptaciją 5 klasėje apsunkina ir tai, kad prasideda ankstyvasis paauglystės periodas.
Adaptacija mokykloje tęsiasi visą mokymosi joje laikotarpį. Ne tik penktoje, bet ir vyresnėse klasėse keičiasi dėstantys mokytojai, mokymo programa, mokinio asmenybė. Mokiniai dėl šių procesų jaučia įtampą, išgyvena nesaugumo, nepasitikėjimo, nevilties ir nerimo būsenas. Nauja socialinė aplinka pateikia vaikui ypatingų reikalavimų, kurie nevienodai atitinka individualius jo gebėjimus ir polinkius. Visa tai labai apsunkina ir pailgina adaptacijos mokykloje eigą, prasideda mokyklinio nerimo sunkumai, kai kurie mokiniai pradeda jausti emocinės būklės pablogėjimą. Mūsų darbe kompleksiškai analizuojama mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir emocinės būklės raiška ir šių procesų tarpusavio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work object: connection of the school anxiety, adaptation at school and emotional state of the students of the 5th and 8th forms.
Actuality of the work: at school every student has several stages of development and adaptation. One of the most specific stages starts when a pupil finishes primary school and starts attending the 5th form, and he/she is confronted with a variety of unknown for him social and personal problems, such as: subject teaching system, a lot of teachers of different subjects; classroom system, because of which a child has lost his/her permanent studying place - a classroom, to which he/she got used; in addition, a new evaluation system - evaluation by marks has started; the school, the class, the classmates are often changed; it is difficult to part with the first teacher. The beginning of the early adolescence makes the situation for pupils of the 5th form more complicated.
Adaptation at school lasts during the whole period of studying. Teachers, school curriculum, student's personality are changing not only in the 5th form but in the upper forms. For these reasons students feel tension, he/she can also be in the state of unsafety, distrust, desperation and anxiety. The child is made special demands by specific social surroundings, which not equally match with his/her individual abilities and likes. All these reasons complicate and lengthen the students' adaptational period, difficulties of the school anxiety are starting at this moment, and some of... [to full text]
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Contribution à l'identification des déterminants psychologiques et sociaux des risques de décrochage scolaire chez des collégiens de 5ème au Liban. / Contribution to the determining psychological and social factors related to the risk of school dropout among adolescents of secondary school in LebanonZein, Rowayda 11 December 2014 (has links)
Au Liban, le taux d’abandon scolaire est élevé entre le primaire et le complémentaire(l’équivalent du collège en France). Notre objectif est d’identifier certains facteurspsychologiques et sociaux impliqués dans le risque d’abandon scolaire. Nous avons choisi lathéorie sociale cognitive d’Albert Bandura (2003) - qui étudie les interactions dynamiquesentre facteurs contextuels et facteurs individuels – comme cadre d’analyse systémique desfacteurs en jeu dans le risque d’abandon scolaire. L’étude a été menée auprès de 504 adolescents scolarisés (à un niveau équivalent à celui de la classe de 5e de collège en France) dans l’enseignement public libanais dans un quartier populaire. Les analyses multivariées effectuées sur les données de notre recherche ont montré que l’anxiété scolaire, les expériences d’apprentissages scolaires, les sentiments d’efficacité personnelle relatifs aux apprentissages scolaires, les attentes par rapport à l’école, les intentions d’avenir scolaire et professionnel, le soutien social dispensé par la famille et les professeurs, sont associés au risque d’abandon scolaire des collégiens au Liban.Notre enquête qualitative par entretiens individuels - conduite auprès de 26 élèves (dont huitd’entre-deux avaient abandonné l’école) - a corroboré les données quantitatives et a apportédes informations supplémentaires. En outre, d’autres facteurs en jeu dans l’abandon scolaireont été mis en évidence et, notamment, les représentations sociales des filles et des garçonsrelatives à la scolarité et à la vie professionnelle, représentations qui participent de façonimportante à leur construction identitaire. Nous avons mis en évidence le fait que les facteurscontextuels ont un peu plus de poids que les facteurs individuels. Ainsi, les résultats relatifs àla différence des sexes montrent que les filles et les garçons semblent avoir les mêmesparcours qui permettent d’expliquer le risque d’abandon scolaire. / In Lebanon, the dropout rate is high between the primary and supplementary school (theequivalent of college in France). Our goal is to identify certain psychological and socialfactors involved in the risk of dropping out. We chose Albert Bandura's social cognitivetheory (2003) – which studied the dynamic interactions between contextual factors andindividual factors - as a framework for systematic analysis of the factors involved in the riskof dropping out.The study was conducted among 504 adolescent students (equivalent to a fifth term class inFrench college) in Lebanese public school in a poor neighborhood. Multivariate analyzesperformed on the data of our research showed that school anxiety, school learningexperiences, feelings of self-efficacy related to classroom learning, the expectations of theschool, the future intentions school and work, social support provided by family and teachers,are associated to the risk of dropping out of college in Lebanon.Our qualitative survey by individual interviews - conducted over 26 students (eight of whomhad two-school dropouts) - corroborated the quantitative data and provided additionalinformation. In addition, other factors involved in the dropout were identified and, inparticular, social representations of girls and boys on education and working life,representations that have significant involvement in their construction identity. Wehighlighted the fact that contextual factors have a little more stress than individual factors.Thus, the results for gender differences show that girls and boys seem to have the same causesthat explain the risk of dropping out.
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