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Analyses of the impacts of bacteriological seepage emanating from pig farming on the natural environmentMofokeng, Dikonketso Shirley-may 03 1900 (has links)
Modern pig farming production may over burden the environment with organic substances, exposure of bacterial pathogens and introduction of resistance gene. This may be caused by the pig’s droppings, lack of seepage management or accidental spillage of seepage which may impact on the environment and its physicochemical parameters. The objective of this study is to determine and assess the level of bacteriological pollution emanating from the pig farm and their impact on the physicochemical parameters of soil and water as well as to identify the presence of antibiotic resistance gene of these prevailing bacteria. Soil and water samples were collected monthly for a period of six months (March- August 2013). Samples were collected at pig enclosures, soil 20 m and 100 m away from pig enclosures, constructed wetland used for treating pig farm wastewater, soil 20m and 100 m away from constructed wetland. Procedure followed for analysing soil and water samples includes physicochemical analyses, viable cell counts of 10-1 to 10-8 dilutions, identification of bacteria using API 20E test kit, antibiotic susceptibility analyses, and identification of resistance gene using molecular procedures. The media that were used for viable cell counts were, Nutrient agar, MacConkey Agar, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD agar), and Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB). Physicochemical parameters of water showed unacceptable high levels of analysed parameters for BOD (163 mg/L to 3350 mg/L), TDS (0.77 g/L to 6.48 mg/L), COD (210 mg/L to 9400 mg/L), NO3 (55 mg/L to 1680 mg/L), NO2 (37.5 mg/L to 2730 mg/L), and PO43− (50 mg/L to 1427 mg/L) were higher than the maximum permissible limits set by Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). For soil samples TDS (0.01g/L to 0.88 g/L), COD (40 mg/L to 304 mg/L), NO3 (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L), and NO2 (7.35 mg/L to 255 mg/L) and PO43- (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L ) were observed to be higher than recommended limits set by Federal Ministry for the Environmental (FME). The viable cells in soil samples 30cm depth ranged from 0 cfu/mL to 2.44 x 1010cfu/mL, in soil 5cm depth ranged from 1.00 x 101 cfu/mL to 1.91 x 1010 cfu/mL, and in water samples viable cells ranged from 5.00 x 101 to 5.05 x 109. Pseudomonas luteola (Ps. luteola), Escherichia vulneris (E. vulneris), Salmonella choleraesuis spp arizonae, Escherichia coli 1(E. coli 1), Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas flourescens/putida (Ps. flourescens/putida), Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia ordoriferal, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Ochrobactrum antropi, Proteus vulgaris group, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella spp, Aeromonas Hydrophila/caviae/sobria1, Proteus Mirabillis, Vibrio fluvials, Rahnella aquatillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Ps. aeruginosa), Burkholderia Cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (St. maltophilia), Shwenella putrefaciens, Klebsiela pneumonia, Cedecea davisa, Serratia liquefaciens, Serratia plymuthica, Enterobacter sakaziki, Citrobacter braakii, Enterobacter amnigenus 2, Yersinia pestis, Serratia ficaria, Enterobacter gergoriae, Enterobacter amnigenus 1, Serratia marcescens, Raoutella terrigena, Hafnia alvei 1, Providencia rettgeri, and Pantoa were isolated from soil and water samples from the pig farm. Isolates were highly resistant to Penicillin G, Sulphamethaxazole, Vancomycin, Tilmocozin, Oxytetracycline, Spectinomycin, Lincomycin, and Trimethoprim. The most resistance genes detected in most isolates were aa (6’)-le-aph (2”)-la, aph (2”)-lb, aph (3”)-llla, Van A, Van B, Otr A and Otr B. Pig farm seepage is causing bacterial pollution which is impacting negatively on the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm by introducing bacterial pathogens that have an antibiotic resistance gene and is increasing the physicochemical parameters for soil and water in the natural environment at the pig farm.
It is therefore recommended that pig farms should consider the need to implement appropriate regulatory agencies that may include the regular monitoring of the qualities of final effluents from waste water treatment facilities. In addition there is a need to limit soil pollution in order to safe guard the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm from bacteriological pollution and introduction of antibiotic resistance gene. It is also recommended that more advanced technologies should be introduced that will assist pig farms to manages the seepage properly. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)
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Seepage Effects on Stream Power, Resistance, Incipient Motion and Regime of Sand Bed Channels including Its DesignSreenivasulu, Gopu January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Common behavioral trends and characteristics of alluvial channels including rivers are extensively discussed in the literature. However, little is known about the hydrodynamic effects of seepage on alluvial channels. Factors like sand bed resistance, stream power of the channel, incipient motion of bed particles, and geometry of the channel cross section are significantly affected by seepage. This thesis presents the experimental investigations that are aimed to find out the quantitative effect of seepage, through a sand bed in downward (suction) direction, on the above mentioned factors.
The problem in the sediment transport analysis is that the knowledge of complex interaction of several parameters with seepage cannot be fully obtained. In order to generalize the results, experiments are conducted in four rectangular smooth walled sand bed flumes under steady and fairly uniform flow conditions. Among the four, one is the Large Tilting Flume (LTF), which is 25 m long, 1.80 m wide and 1.00 m deep and with a seepage length of up to 20 m. This LTF is specially built at hydraulic laboratory, Indian Institute of Science exclusively for the present research work especially on alluvial channel regime. The experimental channels are designed to apply controlled amounts of uniform seepage flow in either direction in one flume (Flume-2), and only in downward direction to other three flumes (Flumes 1, 3 and 4). The application of seepage is perpendicular to the sand bed thickness over a sufficient length of the main channel. Appropriate instruments are used to accurately measure the basic experimental variables such as discharge in the main channel, seepage discharge, flow depth, water surface and bed slope, seepage gradients and cross sectional profiles.
Experiments are carried out at different conditions (plane beds and curved shape channels) as explained below:
Plane sediment beds
Series – 1: Experiments to determine incipient motion of bed particles under no-seepage condition. Series – 2: Experiments on the non-transporting condition of the bed particles under both no-seepage and seepage condition. Series – 3: Experiments on the transporting condition of the bed particles under both no-seepage and seepage condition.
Curved shape channels
Series – A: Experiments to verify Lane’s (1953) geometric profile against higher discharge than prescribed by Lane (1953). Series – B: Experiments to verify the Lane’s (1953) geometric profile by allowing the discharge prescribed by Lane (1953). Series –
C: Experiments to predict the final geometric profile by applying suction to Series – B experiments.
A wide range of sediment particles are tested. Five different sized uniform sands (d50 =
1 mm, 0.56 mm, 0.65 mm, 1.00 mm and 1.77 mm) and gravel of size d50 = 8.00 mm are used for experimentation. Among the six sizes, three sizes (d50 = 0.56 mm, 0.65 mm,
2 mm) are used for seepage experimentation. The experimental data from the present experiments along with the available data from other sources on more sizes of sand are analyzed, thus covering a wide range of sand sizes. The following important results are obtained from the analysis.
A new resistance equation has been developed for plane sediment beds (with little or no-transport) such that the average velocity in the channel depends on the shear velocity Reynolds number. A careful study has been done on incipient motion and concluded that incipient motion is better explained by critical stream power criterion for plane sediment beds. With the help of critical stream power criterion, a straightforward design procedure using design tables/design curves and analytical methods are presented to solve six possible design problems.
For plane and non-transporting beds, in general, the stream power in the channel increases with suction and decreases with injection. The increase and decrease depend on the seepage power intensity parameter (NP), initial value of stream power (Ωbo), and critical stream power of the particles under no-seepage condition (Ωco). An expression relating all the influencing parameters is established to quantitatively estimate the stream power (Ωbs) variation with both the types of seepages, i.e., with suction and injection.
It is found that the seepage has a significant influence in changing critical stream power for incipient motion of the bed material and the value is significantly different from the
no-seepage critical value. An expression is established to quantitatively estimate the critical stream power with seepage (upward and downward) for a given critical stream power (Ωco) of the bed material under no-seepage conditions and initial stream power (Ωbo).
It has been established that critical stream power curve used to define incipient motion is valid only for no-seepage condition of the bed and it cannot be used for sand beds under seepage condition, as seepage effects significantly alters the stream power.
From the wide range of experimental data (including the observations from LTF) it is found that suction (downward seepage through the sand bed) enhances the transport or aids the incipient motion of bed particles which are initially at rest. Thus, suction reduces the stability and increases the erosion of bed particles when compared to no-seepage conditions. However, it is found that injection (upward seepage) affects in an opposite way, i.e., it can reduce the transport rate or even inhibit the incipient motion. Thus, injection increases the stability and reduces the erosion of bed particles when compared to no-seepage conditions. Therefore, it is concluded that suction increases the mobility of sand particles where as injection decreases their mobility.
An expression to find the incipient motion with seepage (both suction and injection) is established in terms of stream power’s (Ωco, Ωbo and Ωbs) based on the present experimental data along with others' data. With the help of these expressions design
procedure is developed for ten types of possible problems.
A numerical model for spatially varied flow has been developed with the help of the seepage governing equations, developed in this thesis, to compute flow profiles along the channel length. A methodology of predicting the location of incipient motion section in sand bed channels affected by seepage is also presented.
Channel geometry affected by seepage (suction) is established in the form of regression relationships for perimeter, flow depth and slope of the channel. Different combinations (bi-variate and tri-variate) of dimensional and non-dimensional regression relationships are developed. An approach to channel design has been developed based on the application of functional analysis of the
salient variables that control the channel behavior. And also, it has been established that, Lane’s (1953) profile almost matches with experimental profile for no-seepage condition.
The present investigation clearly shows the significance of seepage in altering the hydraulic and sediment transport behavior of sand bed channels. From the practicing engineer’s point of view it is hoped that present design procedures will be helpful in safe guarding the seepage affected channels.
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Zpětná analýza sypané přehradní hráze a predikce jejího chování při mimořádných zatěžovacích stavech / Back analysis of embankment dam and prediction of its behaviour during accidental design situationsKrajčovič, Ján January 2019 (has links)
Diplomová práce představuje vytvoření softwarového 2D MKP modelu přehrady Slezská Harta v České Republice za pomoci softwaru PLAXIS 2D. V úvodu práce je analýza vodní nádrže, vytvořené jako zásobárna vody a protipovodňové dílo. Analýza sleduje geomorfologii, geologii, konstrukci tělesa hráze, použité materiály a metody, a stávající monitorovací zařízení. Pro pochopení tvorby 2D MKP modelu jsou předloženy a definované metody použitých analýz - metoda konečných prvků, analýza prosakování, materiálové modely, citlivostná analýza. Následně byla definována tvorba struktury modelu - určení posloupnosti použitých analýz, definování vstupních dat a mezních podmínek a tvorba kalibračního segmentu. V závěrečné části práce je analýza dosažených výstupů rozsáhlého testování modelu, jejich korelace s reálnými naměřenými hodnotami a celkové shrnutí přínosu vytvořeného modelu pro jeho využití při předpovídání chování přehrady v extrémních případech.
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Zdravotně technické instalace ve výškovém domě / Sanitation installations in a high buildingSlaninová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
My final thesis "Health technical installations in high-rise building" is developed in the form of a project presentation containing all requirements according to applicable regulations for presenting a building construction plan. The design documents a tall building with twenty floors above ground with 3 underground floors handled by distribution of plumbing, and water system, including drainage systems. This property consists of underground garages, offices, restaurants and apartments. Documentation includes projects of connections - water, sewer, individual floor plans, sections, and axonometric diagrams. The thesis is developed by including specialty architectural design and includes the seminar work “Drinking water supply for high-rise building.”
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Erosionsbeständigkeit nichtbindiger Lockergesteine: Abschlussberichte zur Forschungs- und EntwicklungsarbeitZiems, Jürgen January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of seepage, contaminant transport, compaction and safety of the Zhaoli ditch dam, a tailing reservoir : A modeling study of a tailing reservoir with GeoStudio / Att analysera föroreningstransport, vattenläckage samt stabilitet och säkerhet baserade påZhaoli ditch dammenWang, Veronika Wei January 2021 (has links)
Inthe mining industry people remove rock from the ground to obtain a metal ore. Afterprocessing , the uneconomic fraction called tailings is deposited as a slurry in large reservoirs .The processing adds water and chemical agents to the tailings so that the original structure ofthe material therefore changes, which make storage of tailings complicated. If a tailingreservoir c ollapse s , it can damage p roperties and life downstream . In addition, tailings maycontain contaminants that disturb living organism s and contaminated groundwater in the localarea even under normal operation s . Therefore, tracing the contaminants and study ing thestability of the tailing reservoir s are important. The aim of the thesis is to investigate seepage,contaminant transport, tailings compaction and slope stability of the Zhaoli ditch tailingsreservoir (China) during its construction and afterwards. Simulations are performed with thecomputer program GeoStudio . According to the simulations and the conditions , contaminanttransport was highly related with total head. Total head boundary conditi ons have also a largeeffect on slope stability. The area that has most vertical displacement is at the middle of thetailing s reservoir , and the greatest change of vertical displacement is located near the slope,w here the vertical displacement can increa se 0.5 meter over a 1 0 30 meter distance. Theslope stability can be different from case to case, but the original designed tailing reservoirhave a good safety factor, indicating that the slope is not going to collapse easily. / Vi människor villutnyttja malm erna i marken för att skapa ett mer effektiv t industrisamhälleF ör att utvinna så myck et användbara metaller som möjligt tillsätts kemika lier och vattenunder anriknings processen, vilket gör att deponering av de vattenmättade restprodukt erna isandmagasin blir en utmaning med avseende på dammstabilitet och föroreningstransport.Eftersomdet är svårt att ändra på en färdig byggd damm för anrikningssand e n använder dettaexamensarbete av Geostudio för att simulera hur olika parameter påverkaföroreningstransport i dammen, vattenläckage från dammen samt da mmens stabilitet ochsäkerhet. Projektet har simulerat förhållanden i Zhaoli ditch damm i Kina .Simulering i GeoStudio visar att förorening sspridning är stark kopplad till den totalahydrauliska potentialen och materialets hydrauliska konduktivitet. Rand villkoren medavseende på den hydrauliska potentialen utanför dammen även har en stor inverkan pådammvallens stabilitet. De största vertikala sättningar sker i mitten av dammen, och denstörste sättningsgradient finns i dammvallens sluttning, där en vertikal sättning på 0.5 meteröver ett avstånd på 10 3 0 meter beräknas. Deformation är störst på första lagret överberggrunden. Simuleringarna visar att dammvallens sluttning är stab il med en tillräcklig högsäkerhetsfaktor.
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The Fate of Nutrients in Two Coastal Freshwater SystemsKnights, Deon Hanley January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Warning Signals and Time Lag Analysis for Seepage Prediction in Hydropower Dams : A Case Study of a Swedish Hydropower PlantOlsson, Lovisa, Hellström, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Hydropower is an important energy source since it is fossil-free, renewable, and controllable. Characteristics that become especially important as the reliance on intermittent energy sources increases. However, the dams for the hydropower plants are also associated with large risks as a dam failure could have fatal consequences. Dams are therefore monitored by several sensors, to follow and evaluate any changes in the dam. One of the most important dam surveillance measurements is seepage since it can examine internal erosion. Seepage is affected by several different parameters such as reservoir water level, temperature, and precipitation. Studies also indicate the existence of a time lag between the reservoir water level and the seepage flow, meaning that when there is a change in the reservoir level there is a delay before these changes are reflected in the seepage behaviour. Recent years have seen increased use of AI in dam monitoring, enabling more dynamic warning systems. This master’s thesis aims to develop a model for dynamic warning signals by predicting seepage using reservoir water level, temperature, and precipitation. Furthermore, a snowmelt variable was introduced to account for the impact of increased water flows during the spring season. The occurrence of a time lag and its possible influence on the model’s performance is also examined. To predict the seepage, three models with different complexity are used – linear regression, support vector regression, and long short-term memory. To investigate the time lag, the linear regression and support vector regression models incorporate a static time lag by shifting the reservoir water level data up to 14 days. The time lag was further investigated using the long short-term memory model as well. The results show that reservoir water level, temperature, and the snowmelt variable are the combination of input parameters that generate the best results for all three models. Although a one-day time lag between reservoir water level and seepage slightly improved the predictions, the exact duration and nature of the time lag remain unclear. The more complex models (support vector regression and long short-term memory) generated better predictions than the linear regression but performed similarly when evaluated based on the dynamic warning signals. Therefore, linear regression is deemed a suitable model for dynamic warning signals by seepage prediction.
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Ein Verfahren zur Wertermittlung von bergbaubeeinflussten Immobilien unter Verwendung des DCF-Verfahrens und der Fuzzy-LogikRomańska-Sobol, Anna 17 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung einer Methode zur Wertermittlung von bergbaubeeinflussten Immobilien, welche die wesentlichen Bergbaurisiken berücksichtigt. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass das Risiko von Investitionen in bergbaubeeinflusste Immobilien durchschnittlich dreimal größer ist als das Risiko von Investitionen in Immobilien ohne Bergbaueinflüsse. Für die Ermittlung des Risikos kamen eine immobilien- und eine bergbauspezifische Komponente zum Einsatz. Letztere umfasst Prognosen zu potentiellen Oberflächenvernässungen, zur Sickerwassergefahr und zu bergbaubedingten Wertminderungen von Gebäuden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gebäudeempfindlichkeit gegenüber bergbauinduzierten Bodenbewegungen. Für die Wertermittlung von Immobilien kam das Discounted Cash Flow-Verfahren zur Anwendung. Der Diskontfaktor wurde mit Hilfe eines speziell entwickelten Fuzzy-Modells bestimmt. Die erstellte Bewertungsmethode kann als relevante Entscheidungshilfe für Investitionen in Bergbaugebiete dienen.
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Modélisation des inondations en tunnel en cas de crue de la Seine pour le Plan de Protection des Risques Inondations de la RATP (PPRI) / Modeling of tunnel flooding in the event of Seine floods for the the RATP Flood Risk Protection Plan (PPRI)Bouchenafa, Walid 03 February 2017 (has links)
La crue de 1910 de la Seine a eu une incidence directe sur le fonctionnement des différents réseaux (réseau électrique, assainissement des eaux usées, transport, eau potable). Le réseau RATP a été particulièrement atteint dans son fonctionnement. Les dommages qu’une crue centennale pourrait engendrer aujourd’hui risquent d’être plus importants encore car le réseau actuel est plus vulnérable du fait des nombreux équipements électriques et informatiques qu’il comporte. La majorité des émergences (les entrées d’eau) de la RATP est située en zone inondable. Lors d’une crue majeure de la Seine, les écoulements dus aux inondations se propagent directement dans la partie souterraine et centrale du réseau (Métro et RER) par le biais de ces émergences. Cette thèse s'intéresse à la simulation hydrodynamique des écoulements dans le réseau RATP en utilisant le logiciel MIKE URBAN dédié à la modélisation des réseaux d’assainissement. Cette modélisation nécessite une bonne connaissance de l’origine des écoulements pour mieux les prendre en compte. En effet, le réseau RATP est inondé par les eaux superficielles et les eaux d’infiltration. Afin de mieux quantifier les volumes entrants dans le réseau, un modèle physique d’une bouche de métro type a été réalisé. Les résultats des essais physiques ont permis de valider un modèle numérique qui caractérise les écoulements autour d’une bouche de métro et quantifie les volumes entrants. Cela a permis également de proposer une formule théorique de débit tenant compte de la géométrie d’une bouche de métro. Les écoulements par infiltration sont quant à eux modélisés en fonction de la charge de la nappe et validés avec des mesures in situ. Ce travail de recherche a comme objectif d’améliorer et valider un modèle de simulation. Il s’agit de mettre en œuvre un outil opérationnel d’aide à la décision qui permettra à la cellule inondation de la RATP de bien comprendre le fonctionnement de son réseau afin d’améliorer son plan de protection contre le risque inondation. / The 1910 flood of the Seine had a direct impact on the functioning of the different networks (Electricity network, sewerage, transport, water distribution). The RATP network was particularly affected in its functioning. The damage that centennial flood could cause today may be even greater because the current network is more vulnerable because of the numerous electrical and computer equipment that it comprises. The majority of the emergences (The water ingress) of the RATP is located in flood areas. During a major flooding of the Seine, the flows due to the floods propagate directly into the underground and central part of the network (Metro and RER) through these emergences. This thesis is interested in a hydrodynamic simulation by MIKE URBAN, Model used to model the RATP network due to its MOUSE engine developed by DHI for the sewerage networks. This work also presents the results obtained on a physical model of a subway station. The experimental data were used to model water ingress within the RATP network from the subway station. Network protection against infiltration requires a thorough knowledge of underground flow conditions. Infiltrations through the tunnels are estimated numerically. The aim of this research is to improve and validate a simulation model. It is a question of implementing an operational decision support tool which will allow the flood cell of the RATP to understand the functioning of its network in order to improve its flood risk protection plan.
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