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Silicon-based electrodes are the most promising negative electrodes for the next generation high capacity lithium ion batteries (LIB) as silicon provides a theoretical capacity of 3579 mAh g-1, more than 10 times higher than that of the state-of-the-art graphite negative electrodes. However, silicon-based electrodes suffer from poor cycle life due to large volume expansion and contraction during lithiation/delithiation. In order to improve the electrochemical performance a number of strategies have been employed, such as dispersion of silicon in active/inactive matrixes, devising of novel nanostructures, and various coatings for protection. Amongst these strategies, silicon-carbon coating based composites are one of the most promising because carbon coating is comparatively flexible, easy to obtain, and scalable with various industrial processes.
Low cost and renewable lignin, which constitutes up to 30% dry mass of the organic carbon on earth, is widely available from paper and pulp mills which produce lignin in excess of 50 million tons annually worldwide. It is a natural bio-polymer with high carbon content and highly interconnected aromatic network existing as a structural adhesive found in plants. Generally burnt for energy on site, lignin is gradually finding its way into high value-added products such as precursor for carbon fibers, active material in negative electrodes, and raw material for supercapacitors.
This dissertation focuses on high performance silicon-based negative electrodes utilizing lignin as the carbon precursor for conductive additive, binder, and carbon coating. To my knowledge this is one of the first works attempting to utilize and summarize the performance of lignin in silicon-based negative electrodes. The first part of the dissertation shows that silicon-lignin composites treated at 800 ºC displayed good capacity and cycling performance. The second part goes to generalize the effect of temperature on silicon-lignin composites and shows that a low temperature treatment granted an electrode with superior performance and cycling properties owing to the preservation of polymeric properties of lignin. The final part of the dissertation discusses the current research trends in SiOx based negative electrodes and extends lignin to that field.
This dissertation will, hopefully, provide knowledge and insight for fellow researchers wishing to utilize lignin or other renewable resources in devising advanced battery electrodes.
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Imperfections in Recycled Aluminium-Silicon Cast AlloysBjurenstedt, Anton January 2015 (has links)
In striving to produce high quality cast components from recycled aluminium alloys,imperfections have to be considered, because recycled aluminium usually containsmore of it. However, there are great energy savings to be made by using recycledaluminium; as little as 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminium productionmay be required. High quality castings are dependent on, besides alloy chemistry, bothmelt quality and the casting process; the focus of this work is related to the meltquality.This thesis aims to increase knowledge about imperfections, foremost about Fe-richparticles, oxides/bifilms, and porosity. Experiments were performed at industrialfoundry facilities and in a laboratory environment. Melt quality was evaluated byproducing samples with the reduced pressure test (RPT), from which both densityindex (DI) and bifilm index (BI) could be measured, results that were related to tensiletest properties. Data from tensile test samples were analysed, and fracture surfacesand cross sections were studied in both light microscope and in scanning electronmicroscope (SEM). For the purpose of investigating nucleation of primary Fe-richparticles (sludge) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used.In the analysis of results, a correlation between the morphology of particles and tensileproperties were found. And elongated Fe-rich β-particles were seen to fracturethrough cleavage towards the centre. However, DI and BI have not been possible torelate to tensile properties.The nucleation temperature of primary Fe-rich particles were found to increase withincreased Fe, Mn, and Cr contents, i.e. the sludge factor (SF), regardless of cooling rate.For a set SF, an increase of cooling rate will decrease the nucleation temperature.
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A comparative study of die attach strategies for use in harsh environmentsMoreira de Sousa, Micaela Filipa January 2012 (has links)
Well-logging and aerospace applications require electronics capable of withstanding elevated temperature operation. A key element of high temperature packaging technology is the Si die attach material, and a comparative study of two die attach systems for use in harsh environment has been performed. Die bond sample packages, using commercial adhesives and an Au-Si eutectic solder, have been manufactured and were subsequently thermally exposed for various times at 250 and 300°C respectively. The adhesive die bond packages comprised a high temperature co-fired ceramic (HTCC) substrate with W, Ni and Au metallisations whereas the Au-Si die bond packages used thick film Au metallised on a Al₂O₃ substrate. Optimisation of the eutectic die bonding parameters was successfully performed for the Au-Si system by an experimental design method, which improved mean and spread of maximum bonded areas and consequently, the shear load to failure. Bonded area was systematically assessed by scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) followed by digital image analysis (DIA). Accelerated testing comprised thermal cycling and thermal shock and although showing some degradation, Au-2wt%Si die bonds were surprisingly robust, showing excellent subsequent stability during industrial device testing investigations.
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Ischemic Preconditioning Protects Adult Rat Cardiomyocytes Against Necrosis but not Apoptosis, via Activation of PKGCaligtan, Marc J. 01 January 2005 (has links)
The role of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) dependent protein kinase (PKG) in necrotic and apoptotic pathways of many cell types is well established; however its role in the ischemic preconditioning (IPC) of cardiomyocytes is not clearly defined. In the current study, we assessed the hypothesis that PKG protects against cell death following ischemidreperfusion injury in myocytes subjected to IPC. Freshly isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes were subjected to IPC by incubating in ischemic buffer for 30 minutes (min) followed by incubation in normal medium for 30 min. Prolonged simulated ischemia (SI) was created by incubating myocytes in the ischemic buffer for 90 min and reoxygenation (RO) for 120 min in the normal medium. Necrosis was determined by trypan blue exclusion and apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL assay. IPC reduced necrosis as shown by significant decrease in trypan blue positive cells as compared to virgin non-preconditioned myocytes subjected to SI and RO alone (p<.01). Similarly, the number of TUNEL positive myocytes following SI and 18 hrs of RO were significantly reduced in the IPC group. Treatment with PKG inhibitor, KT5832 (2pM) completely abolished the protection against necrosis by IPC. However, KT5832 failed to abolish the protective affect of IPC against apoptosis. Furthermore, myocytes infected with an adenoviral construct of PKG-la (1 x 1 o4 particles/cell) significantly reduced the number of trypan blue and TUNEL positive cells. These results suggest that the PKG signaling pathway plays an essential role in the preconditioning of myocytes against necrosis following SI / RO injury. Furthermore, while the overexpression of PKG protects myocytes against necrosis, as well as apoptosis, IPC may not induce a sufficient level of PKG during 18 hours of RO to induce protection against apoptosis.
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Étude numérique des mécanismes d'autodiffusion dans les semiconducteursEl-Mellouhi, Fedwa January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Proposition d'une approche unificatrice pour la gouvernance des systèmes d'information / Proposition of a unified approach for the governance of information systemsMakhlouf, Mohamed 04 June 2012 (has links)
La gouvernance des SI a été étudiée par les chercheurs et par les praticiens sous différents angles de vue. Du point de vue académique, des études ont été faites sur les structures de prise de décision, sur les facteurs impactants et sur les caractéristiques de la gouvernance des SI. Les praticiens se sont plutôt intéressés aux mécanismes de gouvernance de SI. Ainsi plusieurs approches et référentiels pour la gouvernance des SI ont vu le jour, ayant chacun des objectifs spécifiques (gestion de projet, gestion de service informatique, audit et contrôle de SI, maturité des processus, gestion de risques, qualité, etc.). Ces approches sont en général basées sur une vue processus. Comme elles affichent des objectifs différents, on peut observer, dans certaines grandes entreprises, des projets de mise en place simultanée et indépendante de plusieurs approches processus. Dans un tel cas, malgré les bénéfices apportés à l’entreprise par chacune des approches, on peut supposer que vont apparaître des problèmes de cohérence. Mais aucune étude ne semble avoir été faite pour savoir quels sont les apports et les conséquences d'une mise en place simultanée de différentes approches processus dans l'entreprise. De façon plus large, malgré la richesse de la recherche sur la gouvernance des SI, il n y a pas eu d’étude prenant la gouvernance des SI dans sa globalité et sous tous les angles de vue. Dans cette thèse, nous allons donc étudier la question suivante : Est-il pertinent d’adopter une approche globale de la gouvernance des SI ? Si oui, comment peut-on procéder ? Deux études sur le terrain chez deux grands opérateurs de télécommunications européens de deux ans chacune ont été menés. La première est une recherche-intervention en tant que observateur-participant complet, et la deuxième est une étude de cas avec une position d’observateur privilégié. Ces deux études ont permis d’apporter des éléments de réponses à cette question. La thèse est structurée de la façon suivante. D’abord, une étude approfondie de la littérature sur la gouvernance des SI (ch.1) a conduit à établir un méta-modèle unificateur de la gouvernance des SI (ch.2). La problématique (ch.3) et la méthodologie de recherche (ch.4) sont ensuite exposées. Puis, la première étude terrain teste la pertinence et la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une approche unificatrice de la gouvernance des SI : elle comporte une phase de diagnostic (ch.5) et une phase thérapeutique (ch.6). La seconde étude terrain permet d’explorer les conséquences d’une situation de mises en place simultanées et non coordonnées de plusieurs approches relevant de la gouvernance des SI : les données collectées sont décrites (ch.7) et analysées (ch.8). La thèse s’achève par la proposition du modèle GISUF « Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework», qui constitue une approche permettant de considérer la gouvernance des SI dans sa globalité. Après une première description de GISUF (ch.9), nous détaillons le système d’information sur lequel s’appuie la gouvernance, c’est-à-dire le référentiel de gouvernance (ch.10). Puis, nous décrivons le fonctionnement idéal d’une gouvernance globale unifiée à travers ses processus (ch.11). Enfin, nous exposons comment on peut mettre en place GISUF dans l’entreprise (ch.12). La conclusion indique les apports et les limites de la recherche / IS governance has been studied by researchers and practitioners from different angles. From the academic point of view, studies were made on the structures of decision making, the impacting factors, and the characteristics of IS governance. Practitioners are rather interested in the mechanisms of IS governance. Thus, several approaches and frameworks for IS governance have emerged, each with specific objectives (project management, service management, audit and control of IS, process maturity, risk management, quality, etc..). These approaches are generally based on a process view. As these approaches have different objectives, several process approaches simultaneous implementation projects can be observed in some large companies. In such case, despite the benefits of each of these approaches, we can assume that coherence problems will appear. Yet, no study has been conducted to find out what are the contributions and the consequences of several process approaches simultaneous implementation. More broadly, despite the richness of the research on IS governance, there has been no study that considers all the angles of view of the IS governance in a holistic manner. In this PhD, we will therefore consider the following question: Is it appropriate to adopt a holistic approach to IT governance? If so, how can we proceed? Two field studies at two major European telecommunications operators of two years each were conducted. The first is an action-research as a full participant-observer, and the second is a case study with a position of privileged observer. These two field studies permitted to answer this question. This thesis is structured as follows. First, a thorough review of the IS governance literature (ch.1) led to establish a unifying meta-model of IS governance (ch.2). The research problem (ch.3) and research methodology (ch.4) are then exposed. Then, the first field study tests the relevance and feasibility of establishing a unifying approach of IS governance: it consists in a diagnosis phase (ch.5) and a therapeutic phase (ch.6). The second field study explores the consequences of a situation where several IS governance approaches were implemented simultaneously and without coordination: the data collected are outlined (ch.7) and analyzed (ch.8). The thesis concludes with the proposed model GISUF "Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework", which is an IS governance holistic approach. After an initial description of GISUF (ch.9), we detail the information system on which governance is based, that is to say, the repository of governance (ch.10). Then, we describe the ideal operational functioning of the unified holistic governance through its processes (ch.11). Finally, we discuss how we can implement GISUF in an organization (ch.12). The conclusion shows the contributions and limitations of research
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The influence of microstructure on mechanical and tribological properties of lamellar and compacted irons in engine applicationsGhasemi, Rohollah January 2016 (has links)
Lamellar graphite iron (LGI) is commonly used in diesel engine applications such as piston rings–cylinder liner where an excellent combination of physical and tribological properties is essential to avoid scuffing and bore polishing issues. The excellent tribological behaviour of LGI alloys is related to the graphite lamellas, which act as solid lubricant agents by feeding onto the tribosurfaces under sliding conditions. However, increasingly tighter emissions and fuel economy legislations and the higher demands on enhanced power and durability have encouraged both engine designers and manufacturers to introduce pearlitic compacted graphite irons (CGI) as an alternative material replacing LGI, although the poor machinability of pearlitic CGI alloys compared to the LGI remains a challenge. The focus of this study is placed on investigating how the microstructure of LGI and CGI alloys affects their mechanical and tribological properties. This was initially undertaken by investigating representative, worn lamellar cast iron piston rings taken from a two-stroke large-bore heavy-duty diesel engine. As known that it is tribologically essential to keep the graphite open under sliding conditions, in particular under starved lubrication regimes or unlubricated conditions to avoid scuffing issues; however, this study revealed the closure of a majority of graphite lamellas; profoundly for those lamellas that were parallel to sliding direction; due to the severe matrix deformation caused by abrasion. Both microindentation and microscratch testing, which were used to crudely simulate the abrasion under starved lubricated condition in combustion chamber, suggested a novel mechanism of activating the graphite lamellas to serve as lubricating agents in which the matrix deformation adjacent to the graphite initially resulted in fracturing and then extrusion of the graphite lamellas. Additionally, in order to investigate the relation between matrix constituents, mechanical properties and machinability of cast iron materials, solution-strengthened CGI alloys were produced with different levels of silicon and section thicknesses. The results showed significant improvements in mechanical properties and machinability while deteriorating the ductility. Moreover, multiple regression analysis, based on chemical composition and microstructural characteristics was used to model the local mechanical properties of high Si ferritic CGI alloys, followed by implementing the derived models into a casting process simulation which enables the local mechanical properties of castings with complex geometries. Very good agreement was observed between the measured and predicted microstructure and mechanical properties.
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Parlons de l'irréel : L’expression de la contrefactualité en français, en espagnol et en italien et par des apprenants hispanophones et italophones de français / Let’s talk on irreality : The Expression of Counterfactuality in French, Spanish and Italian and in French L2 by Spanish-speakers Learners and Italian Learners / Hablemos de lo irreal : La expresión de la contrafactualidad en francés, español e italiano y en aprendices de FLE hablantes de español y hablantes de italianoRepiso, Isabel 17 December 2013 (has links)
Le raisonnement contrefactuel est un procès cognitif universel par lequel la réalité est comparée avec ce qui aurait pu se passer autrement (Kahneman & Tversky 1982). L'expression de la contrefactualité repose traditionnellement sur l'analyse des constructions conditionnelles si A (alors) B (Grevisse 1986, Chevalier et al. 1964, Riegel et al. 1994). Le but de notre étude est de décrire l’ensemble des constructions et des moyens grammaticaux par lesquels des locuteurs natifs expriment la contrefactualité en français, en espagnol, en italien et en français langue étrangère (FLE).Notre étude est fondée sur des données conversationnelles auprès de deux groupes d'apprenants FLE – trente hispanophones et trente italophones – et de trois groupes de contrôle : français, espagnol et italien. Pour l'enquête, nous avons utilisé comme stimulus un récit présentant une chaîne causale menant à un aboutissement malheureux (Wells & Gavanski 1989). Suite à la lecture du stimulus, nous avons demandé aux participants de proposer plusieurs alternatives afin d’éviter le dénouement malheureux (tâche mutationnelle).Nos résultats mettent en évidence que les noyaux mutationnels produits par le groupe de contrôle français combinent, le plus fréquemment, un marqueur du passé et un verbe modal (i.e., elle aurait pu choisir toute seule son plat). Les implications sémantiques de ce type de construction rendent difficile son acquisition en FLE, puisque l'apprenant doit produire un scenario alternatif lequel signifie sa propre subjectivité. L'emploi natif de ce conditionnel modalisé n'émerge que dans les variétés d'apprenant les plus avancées en termes d'immersion dans le milieu de la langue cible et d'études FLE. Nos résultats montrent que les constructions en si- ne constituent pas le moyen le plus fréquent pour parler de ce qui aurait pu se passer autrement ni en français, ni en espagnol, ni en italien. La non-prééminence des constructions conditionnelles dans l’expression de la contrefactualité devrait amener à une réflexion sur les limites de la conditionnalité en tant que procès de conceptualisation de l’irréel. / Counterfactual thinking is a universal cognitive process in which reality is compared to an imagined view of what might have been (Kahneman & Tversky 1982). The expression of counterfactuality has been traditionally analyzed from conditional sentences if P (then) Q (Grevisse 1986, Chevalier et al. 1991, Riegel et al. 1994). The present study aims to describe the whole constructions and grammatical devices used when speaking about counterfactual worlds by native-French, Spanish and Italian speakers and by Spanish-speakers learners and Italian learners of French.The study analyzes how 30 Spanish-instructed learners and 30 Italian-instructed learners express counterfactuality in spoken French as an L2 and by what grammatical devices counterfactuality is encoded by one native-French control group, one native Spanish-speakers control group and one native-Italian control group. Guided interviews were conducted in both L2 and L1, in random order. Participants were presented with a story that led to a particular outcome and were asked to provide alternative scenarios that prevented such an outcome to happen (mutation task). The same method was used with the control groups.The more frequent construction in the mutation cores in French is a combination of a past marker and a modal verb (i.e., elle aurait pu choisir toute seule son plat; she could have chosen her own dish). The semantic implications of this type of construction make difficult its acquisition in French L2, since the learner must construct alternative scenarios which denote, in addition, his own subjectivity. The native use of this modalized conditional merges in the most experimented Learners Varieties in terms of immersion and time of studies in French L2.Conditional constructions are not the most frequent way of encoding counterfactuality, neither for the native-French speakers nor for the Spanish and Italian speakers. The non-predominance of the if- clauses to speak about what might have been should hence a delimitation of conditionality as a conceptualization process within irreality. / El razonamiento contrafactual es un proceso cognitivo en el que la realidad es comparada con lo que podría haber pasado (Kahneman & Tversky 1982). La expresión de la contrafactualidad se basa tradicionalmente en un análisis de las proposiciones condicionales si A (entonces) B (Grevisse 1986, Chevalier et al. 1991, Riegel et al. 1994). El objetivo del presente estudio es describir la totalidad de construcciones y elementos gramaticales mediante los que los locutores nativos expresan la contrafactualidad en francés, español e italiano y en francés lengua extranjera (FLE).El presente estudio se basa en datos conversacionales obtenidos de dos grupos de aprendices FLE -30 hablantes de español y 30 hablantes de italiano- y de tres grupos de control: francés, español e italiano. Como estímulo hemos utilizado un texto que presenta una cadena causal que desemboca en un final desafortunado (Wells & Gavanski 1989). Tras la lectura del estímulo, hemos pedido a los participantes que propongan varias alternativas para evitar el desenlace desafortunado (tarea mutacional).Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto la tendencia del francés de marcar los núcleos mutacionales mediante la combinación de una marca de pasado y de un verbo modal (i.e., elle aurait pu choisir toute seule son plat; habría podido elegir su plato ella misma). Las implicaciones semánticas de este tipo de construcción dificultan su adquisición en FLE, ya que el aprendiz debe producir un escenario alternativo que signifique su propia subjetividad. El uso de este condicional modalizado emerge en las variedades de aprendiz más experimentadas en términos de inmersión y de estudios FLE.Nuestros resultados prueban que las proposiciones condicionales no son la construcción más frecuente para hablar de lo que podría haber pasado ni en francés, ni en italiano ni en español. La no preeminencia de las condicionales introducidas por si- en la construcción de escenarios alternativos debería acarrear una reflexión sobre los límites de la condicionalidad en tanto que proceso de conceptualización de la irrealidad.
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Processamento e propriedades de tiras metálicas fundidas da liga Al-Si A413 produzidas por reolaminação /Oliveira Neto, Pedro Barbosa de. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio de Pádua Lima Filho / Resumo: A liga Al-Si A413 foi utilizada para fabricação de tiras metálicas fundidas por cilindro único e por cilindro duplo, aqui chamado processo de reolaminação. Esta liga não é adequada para obtenção de tiras metálicas por laminação convencional devido às partículas frágeis de Si. Por outro lado, a reolaminação é um processo viável para obter tiras metálicas dessa liga. Neste trabalho, a liga Al-Si A413 foi fundida e vazada com diferentes temperaturas em uma calha metálica inclinada a 20º numa vazão de 14 cm³/s para se obter um material semissólido que alimenta um bocal cerâmico (150 cm³) junto ao cilindro inferior. Na reolaminação, o espaçamento entre os cilindros foi de 1,5 mm. Os cilindros na cadeira de laminação são feitos de aço ao carbono comum e têm aproximadamente 105 mm de diâmetro e 100 mm de largura. A região coquilhada/colunar formada no cilindro inferior arrasta a lama metálica a uma velocidade de 0,2 m/s para ser processada tanto por cilindro único como por reolaminação. Para ambos os processos as tiras metálicas fundidas têm uma espessura de 2 mm, aproximadamente. Na saída da cadeira de laminação, as tiras são resfriadas até a temperatura ambiente por chuveiros de água. O equipamento utilizado para a fabricação das tiras metálicas, chamado de “Strip Caster”, passou por inovações durante este trabalho de mestrado: molas de alívio de pressão foram instaladas no cilindro superior e o cilindro inferior foi substituído por um outro cilindro com refrigeração interna. O “S... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Al-Si A413 alloy was used in order to produce metallic strips with the single roll and twin roll processes, this last one is known as rheolamination. This alloy is not suitable to obtain metallic strips with the conventional lamination due to the brittle particles of silicon. On the other hand, the rheolamination is a suitable process to obtain metallic strips of this alloy. In this work, Al-Si A413 alloy was melted and poured at 680 ºC on a cooling slope at 20º with a flow rate of 14 cm³/s in order to obtain a semisolid material feeding the ceramic nozzle (150 cm³) at the lower roll. The two rolls of the roll stand are separated with a gap of approximately 1.5 mm, have approximately 105 mm in diameter and are made of carbon steel. The chill/columnar layer formed at the lower roll drags the metallic slurry at a rate of 0.2 m/s to be processed by single roll or twin-roll. Both processes obatin a metallic cast strip with a thickness of 2 mm, approximately. At the exit of the stand roll, the strips are cooled to the room temperature with water showers. The equipment used to produce metallic strips, called “Strip Caster”, suffered some inovations during this work: springs was attached to the upper roll in order to reduce the lamination pressure and the lower roll was substituted with an other roll with internal cooling. The Strip Caster was instrumented with two load cell in order to measure the forming forces and with thermocouples to measure the temperatures during the fabr... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Silicium de type n pour cellules à hétérojonctions : caractérisations et modélisations / N type silicon for heterojunctions photovoltaic solar cells : characterizations and modelingFavre, Wilfried 30 September 2011 (has links)
Les cellules à hétérojonctions de silicium fabriquées par croissance de couches minces de silicium amorphe hydrogéné (a-Si :H) à basse température sur des substrats de silicium cristallin (c-Si) peuvent atteindre des rendements de conversion photovoltaïque élevés (η=23 % démontré). Les efforts de recherche ayant principalement été orientés vers le cristallin de type p jusqu'à présent en France, ce travail s'attache à l'étude du type n pour d'une part déterminer les performances auxquelles s'attendre avec cette nouvelle filière et d'autre part les améliorer. Pour cela, nous avons mis en œuvre des techniques de caractérisation des matériaux composant la structure et de l’interface (a-Si :H/c-Si) couplées à des outils de simulations numériques afin mieux comprendre les phénomènes de transport électronique. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux cellules à hétérojonctions avec substrats de silicium multicristallin de type n, le silicium multicristallin étant le matériau le plus répandu actuellement dans la fabrication des cellules photovoltaïques. / In this thesis we focus on the silicon heterostructure combining thin films amorphous silicon (a-Si :H) deposited at low temperature on crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrates. We study the different materials and the interface between them through both characterizations, modelling and numerical simulations. The goal is to better understand the influence of the different parameters (doping level, defects density, band offset, ...) on the photovoltaic solar cell's performances in order to get them improved. Structures with multicrystalline silicon substrates are also studied.
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