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Upprorsbekämpning i Sierra Leone : Counterinsurgency in Sierra LeoneLestander, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Peace operations are considered to be hard to solve but Sierra Leone is by many thought to be a success despite major problems during the operations. Solving this conflict involved several dif-ferent actors which all contributed to the creating of peace. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether similarities between the way the conflict in Sierra Leone was solved and the method that Galula presents led to the positive outcome. This will be done by a qualitative textual analysis to demonstrate presence and absence of those parts that Galula claim are crucial to counter an insur-gency. Similarities between the method used at the solving of the conflict in Sierra Leone and Galulas method for counterinsurgency can be found. The similarities are not sufficient enough to claim that it was thanks to similarities to Galulas methods that peace was restored in Sierra Leone. / Fredsoperationer anses av många vara svåra att lösa men i Sierra Leone lyckades man trots att man stötte på stora problem under historiens gång. Vid lösandet av denna konflikt användes ett flertal olika aktörer som alla bidrog till skapandet av fred. Syftet med denna uppsats är att under-söka huruvida likheter mellan sättet man löste konflikten på och Galulas metod för upprorsbe-kämpning ledde till den positiva utgång man hade i fallet. Detta kommer att genomföras genom en kvalitativ textanalys för att påvisa förekomster och avsaknad av de delar som Galula menar är avgörande för att stävja ett uppror. Likheter mellan metoden som man använde sig av vid lösandet av konflikten i Sierra Leone och Galulas metod för upprorsbekämpning går att finna. Likheterna är inte tillräckligt stora för att kunna påstå att det beror på likheter med Galulas arbetssätt som man lyckades uppnå fred i landet.
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La guerre civile en Sierra Leone de 1991 à 2002Nemeth, Stephen-Michael 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire se propose d'examiner la guerre civile en Sierra Leone qui s'est déroulée de 1991 à 2002. Cet événement est extrêmement complexe, voire même unique, en raison de son histoire particulière. Les sources du conflit sont variées et ont des causes politiques, sociologiques, économiques et historiques. Pourquoi le conflit sierra-léonais a-t-il duré pendant plus de dix ans et cela malgré de nombreux efforts visant à mettre un terme au conflit? Afin de répondre à cette question, ce mémoire analyse les différentes dimensions de la guerre civile en Sierra Leone. Il débute par un survol historique afin de comprendre l'origine du conflit. Ensuite, il examine la fragilité de l'État sierra-léonais pendant la guerre et tente d'expliquer pourquoi la faiblesse de l'État a causé l'émergence des forces rebelles. Il se penche ensuite sur l'enjeu du diamant dans le conflit, puis se termine par une analyse des aspects internationaux qui ont influé sur le déroulement de la guerre en Sierra Leone, y compris l'instabilité régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest, le financement des rebelles, le manque de soutien de la part de la communauté internationale, ainsi que les différentes interventions régionales, britanniques et onusiennes. Malgré le nombre important de facteurs qui ont contribué à la poursuite du conflit, ce mémoire prétend que c'est la fragilité de l'État qui en est la cause majeure. En particulier, cette fragilité repose sur l'absence de structures suffisamment fortes pour maintenir l'ordre en Sierra Leone pendant la guerre. Tous les autres facteurs auraient eu moins d'effets à court et à long termes s'il y avait eu un État stable en Sierra Leone. Aujourd'hui, l'espoir règne en Sierra Leone, mais la reconstruction du pays reste importante pour qu'il puisse se redresser suite aux séquelles de la guerre. Le gouvernement sierra-léonais doit renforcer ses institutions nationales et mettre l'accent sur la protection de ses ressources naturelles, soit les diamants.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Sierra Leone, Guerre civile, Instabilité régionale, RUF, Diamant
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Differences in the effect of protein intake on the nutritional status of children whose mothers did or did not participate in the food and agriculture organization program in Koinadugu district of Sierra LeoneJalloh, Neneba Adama January 1991 (has links)
The high rate of malnutrition (180/1000 live births) in Sierra Leone (U N Demographic Year Book, 1985) has become a major concern to the government, development agencies, medical and nutritional personnel. This study was designed to determine whether there were any significant differences between the nutritional status of the children women who participated in an FAO project and those who did not and was conducted in six villages in the Koinadugu District of Sierra Leone.By referring to a list of local protein rich foods, three-day recall of food frequency was done to estimate the protein intake. Anthropometric measures were collected and body mass index was determined. All measures were compared with standards for African-American population.The weight-for-age was significantly greater for the the 50th percentile than that of the non-project children (NPC). Protein intake less than the average of 57 grams, were seen among older children with lower weight-for -height percentile, suggesting that total food intake was inadequate for the older children. This researcher believes that the FAO project should continue but that nutrition education should be an important component of the program. / Department of Home Economics
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Internationalisierte Strafgerichte : eine Analyse der Strafverfolgung schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Osttimor, Sierra Leone und Bosnien-Herzegowina /Braun, Leonie von. January 2008 (has links)
Humboldt-Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2007.
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The African-British long eighteenth century and Sierra Leone a reading of diplomtic [sic] treaties, economic and anthropological discourse, and Syl Cheney-Coker's "The last harmattan of Alusine Dunbar /Caulker, Tcho Mbaimba, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Michigan State University. Dept. of English, 2007. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on Apr. 7, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-220). Also issued in print.
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Women and palm oil processing in Sierra Leone: a case study.Conteh, Juliana Konima, Carleton University. Dissertation. Geography. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 1992. / Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Vivre (dans) des campagnes plurielles : Mobilités et territoires dans les espaces ruraux. : L'exemple de la Sierra de Albarracín et du Limousin / Living in a diversified countryside : Mobility and territory in rural areas. : The Limousin and Sierra de Albarracín as examplesTommasi, Greta 11 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, un renouveau des fonctions et des représentations s'impose dans les campagnes européennes. Malgré la pluralité des dynamiques territoriales, elles sont devenues des espaces attractifs et accueillent de nouvelles populations aux profils hétérogènes. Ces installations s'insèrent dans un contexte sociétal de mobilité et peuvent être motivées par la recherche d'aménités environnementales, mais aussi suivre des logiques économiques. Elles recomposent les espaces ruraux et introduisent de nouveaux modes de vivre les campagnes. Par la comparaison de deux territoires ruraux, l'un en Limousin, à proximité de la Montagne limousine, l'autre dans le sud de l'Aragon, dans la Sierra de Albarracín, ce travail analyse les rapports spatiaux qui se développent dans des espaces ruraux investis par des flux migratoires. L'accent est mis sur les modalités de cohabitation et les relations au territoire qui structurent un espace partagé par des groupes sociaux qui l'habitent, le pratiquent, y tissent des liens de manière différente, laissant apparaître des clivages. Cette hétérogénéité ressort par l'analyse des mobilités spatiales, qui influencent les représentations territoriales et est source de nouvelles formes d'inégalités. Dans un contexte où la mobilité redéfinit les relations aux territoires, les ancrages deviennent réversibles, mais de nouvelles formes d'investissement apparaissent et permettent de construire et légitimer l'« être d'ici ». Ces évolutions représentent un enjeu croissant pour les territoires ruraux et pour les politiques d'accueil, qui font face à de nouvelles formes d'inégalités et de stratification sociale. / Since the second half of the 20th C. rural zones in European countries have undergone a revival insofar as concerns their function and designation. Despite the diversity of their territorial dynamics these rural areas have attracted new populations of a very mixed profile. These newcomers insert themselves into a socially mobile context, the motivation for which can be the pursuit of environmental amenities but can also follow an economic logic. They reconstruct these rural areas and introduce a new way of life into the countryside. Comparing two rural territories, the one in the Limousin region next to the Limousin Mountains, and the other in southern Aragon, in the Sierra de Albarracín, this work analyses the spatial relationships which develop in rural areas having experienced migratory influx. The accent is placed on the means of cohabitating and relating to the territory which creates a space shared by the different social groups which inhabit it, live it, and weave attachments to it in different ways, opening the way for breaches to appear. This heterogeneity comes to light through the analysis of spatial mobility which affects the territorial designation and becomes a source of new forms of inequality. In the context where mobility redefines the relationship with the territory, foundations become reversible with new forms of commitments appearing, permitting the reconstruction and legitimization of who can say “I belong here”. These developments create new stakes for the rural territories and their politics concerning newcomers, faced with new forms of inequalities and social stratification.
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Contribuciones geográficas al desarrollo rural del PerúCórdova Aguilar, Hildegardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Geographic Contributions to the Rural Development of PerúTraditionally, Geography is understood as an academic science which main function is toprovide basic knowledge about territories but of less use for practical means; that is why it has been associated to History and therefore the least interest given by the Latin American policy makers when designing educational programs.The objective of this paper is to show that geographers are significantly contributing tosustainable development issues in different geographical environments, be these urban and rural.To do this I will show an experience on sustainable rural development in the Sierra of Piura, as an example of the application of the geographic and environmental knowledge, sensitizing the rural people to their ecosystems’ potential and the strategies for action in front of climate change.In a preliminary study there were identified the structural problems that impede sustainable development by information workshops and awareness to the teachers and community and municipal leaders. In a second stage we are working with peasants of two different ecological zones to inform them of their potential in plant resources and the ways how they may take advantage to put them at the urban markets, thus increasing their economic assets. To do this, we propose to help them in searching for those markets and provide advice in order to get just prices for their products.It is too early to quantitatively talk on the results because plants have a production cycle that needs to be experimented before they are distributed to the final stakeholders. Of course, this research is interdisciplinary and the geographers’ participation is due to their fine knowledge of the ecosystems and places where the experience is being done. / Tradicionalmente, la geografía es entendida como una ciencia académica que funciona bien proporcionando conocimientos básicos sobre los territorios, pero de poca aplicación práctica; de allí su asociación con la historia y el escaso interés que muestran los estrategas de políticas educativas en América Latina.El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que los geógrafos vienen contribuyendo de manera muy significativa en temas de desarrollo sostenible en los diferentes ámbitos de los espacios geográficos, sean urbanos o rurales. Se tomará una experiencia de desarrollo rural aplicada a la sierra de Piura como muestra de la aplicación de los conocimientos geográficos ambientales, sensibilizando a las poblaciones rurales acerca de los potenciales de sus ecosistemas y de las estrategias de acción frente al cambio climático. En un primer estudio se identificaron los problemas estructurales que impiden el desarrollo sostenible con talleres de información y sensibilización dirigidos a los maestros y líderes comunales y municipales. En un segundo momento se viene trabajando con campesinos de dos zonas ecológicas distintas para informarles de sus potencialidades en recursos vegetales y de la forma cómo podrían aprovecharlos como complementode la agricultura e incrementar de esa manera sus ingresos económicos. También se buscarán mercados para los productos y se les asesorará en la comercialización buscando precios justos.Los resultados todavía no pueden cuantificarse porque las plantas tienen un ciclo productivo que necesita ser ensayado antes de distribuirlas a los usuarios. Por supuesto que el trabajo es interdisciplinario y la participación de los geógrafos está en el conocimiento fino que tienen del funcionamiento de los ecosistemas de los lugares de intervención
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Distribución espacial y análisis de la pérdida de suelo en microcuencas de la Sierra de Vaqueros (Salta, Argentina) mediante el uso de un SIG / Spatial distribution and analysis of soil loss over micro watersheds of Sierra de Vaqueros (Salta, Argentina) by using a GISMoreno, Ramona Ignacia, Campos, Pablo Alejandro, Avendaño, Adrián José, Núñez, Virgilio, Gil, Mirian Norma, Salas Barboza, Ariela Griselda Judith, Medina, Eliseo Pedro Joel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Inmediatamente al norte de la ciudad de Salta, varios arroyos tienen sus nacientes en las laderas orientales de la Sierra de Vaqueros, cuyo piedemonte se encuentra urbanizado. La influencia del hombre sobre el ambiente serrano determina la necesidad de estimar las tasas de erosión, localizar las diferentes clases de pérdida de suelos y llevar a cabo su análisis. Se trabajó con imágenes satelitales, generándose los mapas base y temáticos necesarios de las microcuencas de los arroyos Vaqueros y Los Nogales, mediante la utilización de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). Esto permitió caracterizar las áreas de estudio y lograr la información nece- saria para aplicar la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos (USLE). Los factores R, K y LS se obtuvieron mediante adaptaciones del método, en razón de la indisponibilidad de datos establecidos por los autores. El promedio de la pérdida de suelos actual corresponde a una tasa de 47 t/ha/año para la microcuenca Vaqueros y de 45 t/ha/año para la del arroyo Los Nogales. Las diferentes categorías de erosión fueron localizadas y analizadas considerando la interacción de los factores actuantes. Para el logro de una mejor calidad ambiental, se propusieron medidas sencillas con el fin de incidir sobre los factores que pueden ser modificados. / Immediately north of Salta city, several streams have their sources on the eastern slopes of the Sierra de Vaqueros, whose piedemonte is urbanized. The man influence on the mountain environment makes it necessary to estimate erosion rates the location of their different erosion classes and their analysis. The work was carried out with satellite images, generating the base map and thematic maps of the Vaqueros and Los Nogales microbasins, through the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS); this allowed to characterize the study areas and to obtain the necessary information to apply the Universal Equation of Soil Loss (USLE). R, K and LS factors were obtained through adaptations of the method, due to the unavailability of data established by authors. The average of current water erosion showed a rate of 47 t/ha/year for the Vaqueros microbasin and 45 t/ha/year for the microbasin Los Nogales. The different categories of erosion were located and analyzed considering the interaction of the acting factors. For the achievement of a better environmental quality simple measures to influence the possible factors to be modified were proposed.
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The rural periphery – problems and possibilities of development in the Peruvian North West / La periferia rural - problemas y posibilidades del desarrollo en el noroeste peruanoCórdova, Hildegardo, Czerny, Miroslava 10 April 2018 (has links)
The territory and its inherent natural conditions to each place are given as environmental assets and their configuration respond to dynamic processes which are changing through long time periods. Though, as showed in this paper, the territory may also be understood as the changing element of development. In the simple development model the two more important factors that decide the trajectory, dynamics and structure of changes that favor the geographic landscape are the human and economic capital. To these we may add the relative location which as it interacts, conditions the intensity of processes positioning a region as peripheral or central.In this paper we present an analysis of the development conditions of some Peruvian regions and their status of the peripheral rural economies in contrast with the dynamic development of the central regions (as it is the capital of the country or other urban-industrial and mining regions). / El territorio y las condiciones naturales inherentes a cada lugar son dados como ofertas ambientales y su configuración responde a procesos dinámicos que los van cambiando en lapsos largos de tiempo. Aunque, como se indica en este trabajo, el territorio puede entenderse también como el elemento cambiante del desarrollo. En el modelo simple del desarrollo los dos actores más importantes que deciden la trayectoria, dinámica y estructura de cambios favorables para el territorio son el capital humano y el capital económico. A estos se suma la localización relativa que al interactuar con los otros dos factores, condiciona la intensidad de los procesos haciendo que una región sea considerada periférica o central.En este artículo se presenta el análisis sobre las condiciones del desarrollo socioeconómico de algunas regiones peruanas y el estatus de las periferias económicas rurales en contraste con el dinámico desarrollo de las regiones centrales (como la capital del país u otras regiones urbano-industriales y mineras).
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