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Projektering av en parkourbyggnad med förstärkning vid öppning i betongbjälklag / Designing of a building intended for parkour with a strengthened floor openingMickus, Deividas, Grujcic, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
Parkour är i grunden en konstform som kan utövas i olika miljöer oavsett om det är på enparkouranläggning eller på offentliga platser. Att utföra parkour är konsten att hitta och använda föremålsom hinder eller hjälpmedel för träning och för att utveckla rörelser. Aktiviteten går ut på ta sig frånpunkt A till punkt B på det snabbaste, smidigaste och effektivaste sättet. Bortsett från att parkour idaganses som en laglig idrottslig aktivitet anses den fortfarande som en typ av vandalism. Vad kan det beropå? Det beror främst på att en del parkourister väljer att utföra parkour på offentliga platser istället förspecifikt anpassade platser. Vad är anledningen att välja offentliga platser? Problemet att utföra parkour på specifikt anpassade platser är att de antingen inte är anpassade till enstörre målgrupp eller så är de ensidiga och saknar variation. Med det sagt begränsas aktiviteten till attendast enstaka förmågor kan testas. Projektering av en tvåplans parkourbyggnad i betong med öppningi bjälklaget är ytterligare ett sätt att testa en förmåga inom aktiviteten. Att utföra en sådan byggnad medrätt redskap, utformning och konstruktionslösningar krävde därför vägledning från en arkitekt och enkonstruktör. I rapporten redovisas olika typer av stomplan och studier bakom förstärkningsåtgärder vid öppning ibjälklag, för att besvara frågan: hur kan en öppning förstärkas om den saknar stöd i närheten? Val avstomplan och förstärkningsmetod har tagit hänsyn till dimensionering för böjande moment, men ävenatt projektet handlar om nyproduktion och estetiska aspekter som examensarbetet grundar sig på. Äventekniska och ekonomiska synpunkter är avgörande faktorer för valet. Tre stomplaner analyserades, men endast en stomplan valdes ut för vidare undersökning. Underarbetsgången behandlas olika förstärkningsmetoder som förstärkning med krage i form av armering ochförstärkning för fri kant. Förutom studie av förstärkningsmetoder dimensionerades betongplattan i olikatjocklekar med hänsyn till armeringsbehov. Rapporten grundades på ett finita elementprogram, FEM-Design 3D Structure, som användes förframtagning av moment och tvärkraft för olika modeller. För att underlätta arbetet gjordes ett flertalförenklingar som raka väggar vid hörn, hålet betraktas som rektangulärt, hinder/väggar på plattantolkades som laster m.m. Målet med förenklingar var att minska felmarginal som uppkommer i finitaelementmodell som sedan påverkar resultatet. Den slutsats som kan dras från resultat i FEM-Design, var att öppningen sänkte moment i plattan. Detberodde på att med en projekterad öppning kunde plattan delas upp i två mindre spännvidder. Vidareeftersträvades en förstärkningsåtgärd som inriktas till att förstyva plattan vid de kritiska områden ochsamtidigt uppfylla kraven som examensarbetet grundar sig på. Resultatet visade att det går åt mindrearmering för att öka momentkapacitet än för att minska på dimensionerande moment. Det betyder attdet blir mer ekonomiskt att åstadkomma en högre bärförmåga genom att höja momentkapaciteten än attminska dimensionerande moment med olika förstärkningsmetoder. Det som uppvisade bäst resultat var“stomplan 2” och användning av finita elementstorlek 0,15 m. Med analys av armering m.h.t. plattansolika tjocklekar kunde tjockleken 325 mm säkerställas och valet av 300 mm med förstärkning för frikant kunde visas som det bästa alternativet av de undersökta plattorna. / In general parkour is a form of art that can be performed in many different locations such as parkourparks or public places. The art of parkour is to find and use different objects as obstacles or as asupplement for training and development of different moves. Despite the fact that parkour is a legalactivity, it is still considered to be a type of vandalism. What is the reason for that? It is due to the factthat practitioners of parkour prefer to exercise in public places rather than limiting themselves inspecifically designed ones. Why do practitioners opt for exercising in public places? Firstly, the problem with those places is that they are not adapted for adults or they are ill-equipped andlack variation. Therefore, an activity gets limited because only a few abilities can be worked on.Designing a two-story concrete building intended for parkour with a floor opening is another way totest ability to parkour. In order to design that kind of building with the right appliance, shape andconstructive solutions, assistance from an architect and a constructor is required. This report shows different types of frameworks and studies behind strengthening solutions for a flooropening to find an answer for the following question: how can a floor opening be strengthened withouthaving the support for it in close proximity? Decisions of the framework and strengthening method areprimarily considered by bending moment, but also new productions and aesthetics of the building, whatthis dissertation is based on. The technical and economical aspects are also important for this decision. Three frameworks are analyzed, however only one of them will be chosen for further analysis. Theworking process shows various strengthening methods, for example strengthening by reinforcing theshape of the collar and strengthening the free edges. In addition to the study of strengthening methodsfor the floor opening, the concrete slab is analyzed in different thicknesses by considering the need ofthe reinforcements. The design is based on a finite element software FEM-Design 3D Structure that was used for calculationof moment and shear forces. Some simplifications were made to lighten the work. For example, straightwalls in the corners, floor opening was considered as a square, obstacles/walls on the slab wereinterpreted as a load, and many more. The aim of the simplifications is to reduce the room for errors inthe finite element model which has a potential to affect the results later on. The conclusion on the outcome of the models in FEM-design was that the opening reduces moment inthe slab. As a result of a projected opening, the slab was separated into two smaller spans. It furtherrequired a strengthening method to increase stiffness in the critical area and at the same time archivethe criterium for this dissertation. The results have shown that it requires less reinforcement byincreasing moment of resistance than reducing dimensioning moment on slab. That means that it ismore economical to increase the moment of resistance than to increase stiffness around opening withdifferent strengthening methods. Framework No.2 and usage of mesh size 0,15 m have shown the bestresults in this report. Analysis of reinforcement based on slab thickness gave a result of 325 mm whichled to a choice of slab 300 mm with reinforcement for free edges as the best alternative.
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Interaction between closely packed array antenna elements using metasurface for applications such as MIMO systems and synthetic aperture radarsAlibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B.S., Shukla, P., See, C.H., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Khalily, M., Falcone, F., Limiti, E. 18 October 2018 (has links)
Yes / The paper presents a technique to enhance the isolation between adjacent radiating elements which is common in
densely packed antenna arrays. Such antennas provide frequency beam-scanning capability needed in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
(MIMO) systems and Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs). The method proposed here uses a metamaterial decoupling slab (MTMDS),
which is located between radiating elements, to suppress mutual-coupling between the elements that would otherwise degrade
the antenna efficiency and performance in both the transmit and receive mode. The proposed MTM-DS consists of mirror imaged Eshaped
slits engraved on a microstrip patch with inductive stub. Measured results confirm over 9–11 GHz with no MTM-DS the
average isolation (S12) is -27 dB; however, with MTM-DS the average isolation improves to -38 dB. With this technique the
separation between the radiating element can be reduced to 0.66λo, where λ0 is free space wavelength at 10 GHz. In addition, with
this technique there is 15% improvement in operating bandwidth. At frequencies of high impedance match of 9.95 GHz and 10.63
GHz the gain is 4.52 dBi and 5.40 dBi, respectively. Furthermore, the technique eliminates poor front-to-back ratio encountered in
other decoupling methods. MTM-DS is also relatively simple to implement. Assuming adequate space is available between adjacent
radiators the MTM-DS can be fixed retrospectively on existing antenna arrays, which makes the proposed method versatile. / Partially supported by innovation programme under grant agreement H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET- 722424 and the financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant EP/E022936/1.
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Blast-resistance characteristics and design of steel wire reinforced ultra-high performance concrete slabsWu, Q., Wang, X., Ashour, Ashraf, Sun, T., Dong, S., Han, B. 25 July 2024 (has links)
Yes / Steel wire reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (SWRUHPC) offers exceptional resistance to impacts and blast, making it a promising construction material for infrastructure with blast-resistance demands. However, limited research has been conducted on the blast-resistance characteristics and design of SWRUHPC elements under blast loading, particularly in considering multiple influencing parameters and levels. Therefore, this study employed finite element simulation methods to investigate the influence of scaled distance (Z), reinforcement ratio (ρ) and slab thickness (D) as well as slab length (L) on the failure mode and maximum deflection of SWRUHPC slabs. Range analysis and variance analysis methods were used to quantitively analyze the effects of various factors on the blast resistance performance, culminating in the proposal of a design formula for SWRUHPC slabs. The results demonstrated that SWRUHPC exhibits superior blast resistance compared to ordinary concrete, effectively reducing the occurrence of concrete spalling and splashing, thus enhancing overall structural resilience in blast scenarios. Among the four factors analyzed, their influence on maximum deflection follows this order: D > Z > ρ > L. Notably, the maximum deflection decreases by 82% when the slab thickness increases from 40 mm to 90 mm. Additionally, the established design formula for SWRUHPC slabs under different scaled distances shows good agreement with the numerical simulation results, offering valuable design guidelines for SWRUHPC slabs in protective engineering structures. / National Science Foundation of China (52308236 and 52368031), and the Major Science and Technology Research Project of the China Building Materials Federation (2023JBGS10-02), Natural Science Joint Foundation of Liaoning Province (2023-BSBA-077), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT24GJ202). / The full text will be available at the end of the publisher's embargo: 22nd July 2025
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Návrh betonové konstrukce hudebního pavilonu v Poděbradech / Design of concrete structure of Music Pavilion in PodebradyJuda, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the roofing of the stage in spa park in Poděbrady. This construction is designed in two variants. In each variant is determined load on the structure and internal forces acting on the structure. Of these two variants, only one variant was selected. This selected variant was design in detail. In this variant was dimension their parts. Under the roof construction is located stage, which was not solved in the diploma thesis. All elements are dimensioned to the ultimate load condition by ČSN EN 1992-1-1. Drawings of the foundations, shapes construction, reinforcement and visualization are processed in the drawing part.
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Střešní deska nad parkovištěm mezi bytovými domy / Roof slab above the car park between residential housesMichna, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the design of roof slab in two options. Internal forces are calculated by software rfem. The thesis also includes design of column, manual calculation and comparision with finite element method and drawings.
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Solutions et matériaux nouveaux pour guide d'onde Térahertz / Novel solutions and materials for Terahertz wave guidingMalek Abadi, Seyed Ali January 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, une étude approfondie sur des matériaux et des solutions pratiques est réalisée afin de répondre aux difficultés rencontrées dans la propagation des ondes à des fréquences térahertz (THz). Deux matériaux ont été identifiés comme étant prometteur: le graphène et le silicium à haute résistivité (HR-Si). Une première solution, basée sur des guides d’ondes à plaques parallèles (parallel plate waveguide-PPWG) avec des conditions de fermetures conducteur parfait (perfect electric conductor-PEC) -- graphène et graphène -- graphène a été analysée dans un premier temps. En considérant l'excitation du graphène par un champ électrique seulement, puis par un champ électromagnétique statique, les équations de Maxwell ont été résolues sous ces deux conditions et les constantes de propagations des différents modes ont été extraites. La démonstration de l'existence d'un mode propagatif hybride à l'intérieur du guide est faite dès que le graphène est excité par un champ magnétique. De plus, il est montré que l'intensité de chaque type de modes, transverse électrique (TE) ou transverse magnétique (TM), peut être ajustée suivant les champs d'excitation du graphène. Bien que le guide à plaques parallèles utilisant du graphène permette d'avoir des propriétés agiles, soit le contrôle des modes selon l'excitation du graphène, il n'en reste pas moins vrai que la faible conductivité intrinsèque au graphène conduit à un problème d'atténuation importante de l'onde. De plus, la difficulté d'obtenir des couches de graphène de taille adéquate entrave le développement de composants et de circuits fonctionnels, utilisables et à un coût raisonnable. La thèse porte ensuite sur l’étude du silicium haute résistivité pour guider des ondes aux fréquences térahertz. Tout d’abord, un guide composé d'une couche de HR-Si, de section rectangulaire dont la largeur est très grande par rapport à la hauteur, est caractérisé en utilisant un système de spectroscopie dans le domaine du temps, système permettant d'obtenir un large spectre de fréquences dans le domaine THz. Par cette caractérisation, les faibles pertes et la faible dispersion du HR-Si est démontrée. Cependant, il est aussi démontré que la géométrie du guide n'est pas optimale, conduisant à des pertes par dispersion de l'onde à l'intérieur du guide au fur et à mesure de sa propagation. Aussi, pour éviter cette dispersion, un confinement de l'onde est proposé en réduisant la largeur de la couche HR-Si pour la rendre de l'ordre de la hauteur (confinement en x et y, propagation en z) conduisant ainsi à la réalisation d'un guide d’ondes diélectrique en ruban (dielectric ribbon waveguide-DRW). Une analyse approfondie de la propagation d'une telle structure a conduit à concevoir un guide à faibles pertes d'une part, mais également à propagation monomode sur une large bande de fréquence. Une méthode de fabrication simple a été développée pour réaliser ce type de guide et un banc de mesure spécifique a été mis en place pour caractériser ce nouveau guide. Les mesures réalisées utilisent un analyseur de réseaux vectoriel (un PNA-X d'Agilent) auquel est branché deux têtes de mesure de la compagnie Virginia Diode Inc's (VDI) pour obtenir les bandes de fréquences désirées. Les sorties sont alors en guide rectangulaire standard, soit WR-8, soit WR-5 selon la plage de fréquence visée. Les résultats des mesures se comparent très bien avec les simulations réalisées avec un logiciel utilisant la méthode des éléments finis en trois dimensions (HFSS de la compagnie ANSYS) permettant d'obtenir les paramètres de la matrice de diffraction (S) mesurée par l'analyseur de réseau vectoriel. Finalement, dans le chapitre 6, un filtre passe-bande est développé comme preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du guide DRW utilisant le matériau HR-Si. Outre les faibles pertes et la propagation monomode d'un tel guide DRW, il est aussi montré dans cette thèse la facilité du processus de fabrication, le faible coût de ce procédé ainsi que la possibilité d'intégration avec d'autres composants passifs et actifs. Avec toutes ces caractéristiques très intéressantes sur différents plans, le guide DRW en HR-Si apparaît comme une solution très compétitive pour devenir un standard dans la bande de fréquence des THz.
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Material properties of concrete used in skewed concrete bridgesSaad, Ahmad January 2016 (has links)
This thesis has discussed both properties and geometry of concrete slabs used in bridges. It gave understanding on behavior of concrete in both tension and compression zones and how crack propagates in specimens by presenting both theory of fracture and performing concrete tests like tension splitting, uniaxial compression and uniaxial tension tests. Furthermore, it supported experimental tests with finite elements modelling for each test, and illustrated both boundary conditions and loads. The thesis has used ARAMIS cameras to observe crack propagations in all experimental tests, and its first study at LNU that emphasized on Brazilian test, because of importance of this test to describe both crushing and cracking behavior of concrete under loading. It’s an excellent opportunity to understand how concrete and steel behave individually and in combination with each other, and to understand fracture process zone, and this has been discussed in theory chapter. The geometry change that could affect stresses distributions has also described in literature and modelled to give good idea on how to model slabs in different angles in the methodology chapter. Thus, thesis will use finite elements program (Abaqus) to model both experimental specimens and concrete slabs without reinforcement to emphasize on concrete behavior and skewness effect. This means studying both properties of concrete and geometry of concrete slabs. This thesis has expanded experimental tests and chose bridges as an application.
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Rocking shear wall foundations in regions of moderate seismicityVan der Merwe, Johann Eduard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In regions of moderate seismicity it has been shown that a suitable structural system is
created when designing the shear wall with a plastic hinge zone at the lower part of the
wall, with the shear walls resisting lateral loads and all other structural elements
designed to resist gravity loads. A suitably stiff foundation is required for the
assumption of plastic hinge zones to hold true. This foundation should have limited
rotation and should remain elastic when lateral loads are applied to the structure.
Ensuring a foundation with a greater capacity than the shear wall results in excessively
large shear wall foundations being required in areas of moderate seismicity for
buildings with no basement level.
This study aims to investigate the feasibility of reducing the size of shear wall
foundations in areas of moderate seismicity for buildings with no basement level. The
investigation is aimed at allowing shear wall foundation rocking and taking into account
the contribution of structural frames to the lateral stiffness of the structure. An example
building was chosen to investigate this possibility.
Firstly, lateral force-displacement capacities were determined for a shear wall and an
internal reinforced concrete frame of this investigated building. Nonlinear momentrotation
behaviour was determined for the wall foundation size that would traditionally
be required as well as for six other smaller foundations.
The above capacity curves against lateral loads were then used to compile a simplified
model of the structural systems assumed to contribute to the lateral stiffness of the
building. This simplified model therefore combined the effect of the shear wall, internal
frame and wall foundation.
Nonlinear time-history analyses were performed on this simplified model to investigate
the dynamic response of the structure with different wall foundation sizes. By assessing
response results on a global and local scale, it was observed that significantly smaller
shear wall foundations are possible when allowing foundation rocking and taking into
account the contribution of other structural elements to the lateral stiffness of the
building. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is reeds getoon dat ʼn voldoende strukturele sisteem verkry word in gebiede van
gematigde seismiese risiko indien ʼn skuifmuur ontwerp word met ʼn plastiese skarnier
sone naby die ondersteuning van die muur. Skuifmure word dan ontwerp om weerstand
te bied teen laterale kragte met alle ander strukturele elemente ontwerp om gravitasie
kragte te weerstaan. Vir die aanname van plastiese skarnier sones om geldig te wees
word ʼn fondasie met voldoende styfheid benodig. Só ʼn fondasie moet beperkte rotasie
toelaat en moet elasties bly wanneer laterale kragte aan die struktuur aangewend word.
ʼn Fondasie met ʼn groter kapasiteit as dié van die skuifmuur lei daartoe dat uitermate
groot fondasies benodig word in gebiede van gematigde seismiese risiko vir geboue met
geen kelder vlak.
Hierdie studie is daarop gemik om die moontlikheid van kleiner skuifmuur fondasies te
ondersoek vir geboue met geen kelder vlak in gebiede van gematigde seismiese risiko.
Die ondersoek het ten doel om skuifmuur fondasie wieg aksie toe te laat en die bydrae
van strukturele rame tot die laterale styfheid van die struktuur in ag te neem.
Eerstens is die laterale krag-verplasing kapasiteit van ʼn skuifmuur en ʼn interne
gewapende beton raam van die gekose gebou bepaal. Nie-lineêre moment-rotasie
gedrag is bepaal vir die skuifmuur fondasie grootte wat tradisioneel benodig sou word
asook vir ses ander kleiner fondasie grotes.
Die bogenoemde kapasiteit kurwes is gebruik om ʼn vereenvoudigde model van die
strukturele sisteme wat aanvaar word om laterale styfheid tot die gebou te verleen, op te
stel. Hierdie vereenvoudigde model kombineer gevolglik die effek van die skuifmuur,
interne raam en skuifmuur fondasie.
Nie-lineêre tydgeskiedenis analises is uitgevoer op die vereenvoudigde model ten einde
die dinamiese reaksie van die struktuur te ondersoek vir verskillende fondasie grotes.
Resultate is beoordeel op ʼn globale en lokale vlak. Daar is waargeneem dat aansienlik
kleiner skuifmuur fondasies moontlik is deur wieg aksie van die fondasie toe te laat en
die bydrae van ander strukturele elemente tot die laterale styfheid van die gebou in ag te
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Increased Traffic Loads on Swedish Highway Bridges : A Case study of the bridge at highway interchange VäröForsberg, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish government is planning to increase the maximum vehicle gross load regulations on parts of the national roads from the present 60 t, for the load carrying capacity class BK1, to 74 t, for the proposed new load carrying capacity class BK4. The initial implementation of the new load carrying capacity class for 74 t vehicles will only regard major highways and important roads, however, at a later stage the plan is to implement the new BK4 class on the full current BK1 road network. The biggest obstacle which arises when implementing these increased traffic loads is insufficient load carrying capacity for the bridges on the road network. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to examine and analyze the effects of the increased traffic loads on Swedish road bridges. In order to identify the structural effects of the load increase, and draw general conclusions regarding the effects on the bridge network as a whole, a case study with load carrying capacity calculations is carried out on a two-span concrete slab fram bridge at a highway interchange in Värö in western Sweden. The bridge is classified as critical by Trafikverket. The load carrying capacity calculation is carried out using the Swedish standards, in which maximum load values for the axle load, A, and the bogie load, B, is calculated. The load effects acting on the bridge are calculated using the finite element software BRIGADE/Standard, with input traffic A and B loads amounting to 12 t and 21 t respectively for the new BK4 class and to 12 t and 18 t respectively for class BK1. In addition to the load carrying capacity calculations with BK4 traffic loads, a comparison is carried out between the results obtained when using the axle- and bogie loads from the BK1 versus the BK4 load carrying capacity class in the load carrying capacity calculations. The load carrying capacity calculations performed on the studied bridge shows that the capacity of the bridge, both in regards to moment and shear force, is insufficient to meet the new, increased, BK4 A/B – requirements. The critical A/B – values for the whole bridge are 17 t and 18 t respectively, to be compared with the required 12- and 21 t limit for the new BK4 load carrying capacity class, thus, making the load carrying capacity of the bridge inadequate. The critical A/B – values appear for the longitudinal shear force load case at the point where the shear force reinforcement over the column support ends. Moreover, the difference between the results obtained when using the BK1 versus the BK4 traffic loads in the calculations were found to be negligible. Due to the differing properties and characteristics of each individual bridge on the Swedish road network it is difficult to make general statements regarding the effects of the increased traffic loads on the bridge network as a whole. Specific load carrying capacity calculations will need to be performed on each individual bridge in order to evaluate its capability to withstand the new increased BK4 traffic load. However, capacity calculations regarding the BK1 load carrying capacity class can, with sufficient accuracy, be used to evaluate the capability of a bridge to withstand the increased traffic loads in the BK4 load carrying capacity class, thus, making it easier to evaluate the strengthening needs for the bridge network as a whole. / Sveriges regering planerar en utökning av den maximalt tillåtna bruttovikten för fordon på delar av det allmänna vägnätet från den nuvarande begränsningen på 60 t, för bärighetsklass BK1, till 74 t, för den nya föreslagna bärighetsklassen BK4. I det första skedet kommer den nya bärighetsklassen, för fordon med bruttovikt upp till 74 t, bara att implementeras på stora motorvägar och andra ur transportsynpunkt viktiga vägar, men, i ett senare skede finns också planer på att implementera den nya bärighetsklassen, BK4, på hela det nuvarande BK1 vägnätet. Det största problemet som förväntas uppkomma under införandet av de nya, ökade, trafiklasterna är otillräcklig bärighet på vägnätets broar. Således är målet med denna uppsats att undersöka och analysera effekterna av dessa ökade trafiklaster för broar på det Svenska vägnätet. För att identifiera effekterna, och dra generella slutsatser, gällande denna ökade trafiklast för broarna på det Svenska vägnätet i sin helhet kommer en fallstudie med bärighetsberäkningar utföras på en plattrambro vid trafikplats Värö - en bro som Trafikverket bedömer som kritisk. Bärighetsberäkningen utförs enligt svenska standarder, där maximala tillåtna värden på axellasten, A, och bogielasten, B, beräknas. Lasteffekterna som verkar på bron beräknas med hjälp finita element programvaran BRIGADE/Standard med trafiklaster, A och B, som uppgår till 12 respektive 21 t för den nya BK4 bärighetsklassen och 12 respektive 18 t för bärighetsklass BK1. Som tillägg till bärighetsberäkningarna med BK4 laster utförs också en jämförelse av resultaten som uppkommer när axel- och bogielasterna från BK1 respektive BK4 används i beräkningarna. Bärighetsberäkningarna på den studerade bron visar att brons kapacitet, både gällande moment och tvärkraft, är otillräcklig när den belastas med de ökade BK4 trafiklasterna. De kritiska A- och B- värdena för bron är 17 respektive 18 t, värden som skall jämföras med kraven på 12 respektive 21 t för den nya bärighetsklassen BK4 – därmed är brons bärighet otillräcklig. De kritiska A- och B-värdena för bron uppkommer för lastfallet med longitudinell tvärkraft vid punkten där tvärkraftsarmeringen över mittstödet slutar verka. Jämförelsen mellan beräkningsresultaten som uppkom med trafiklaster enligt BK1 respektive BK4 visade att skillnaden mellan beräkningsresultaten var försumbar. På grund av de varierande egenskaperna hos varje enskild bro på det Svenska vägnätet är det svårt att dra generella slutsatser gällande effekterna av lastökningen för vägnätet som helhet. Specifika bärighetsberäkningar måste utföras på varje individuell bro för att kunna utvärdera dess kapacitet att klara av de nya, ökade, BK4 trafiklasterna. Emellertid kan bärighetsberäkningar som beträffar bärighetsklassen BK1, med tillräcklig tillförlitlighet, användas för att bedöma en bros möjlighet att motstå de ökade trafiklasterna i den nya bärighetsklassen BK4, vilket förenklar utvärderingen av vilka broar som kräver förstärkning.
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Statická analýza konstrukce pro zpracování odpadu / Static Analysis of Waste Treatment Plant StructureLuliak, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis deals with static analysis of construction of hall type for waste treatment. Thesis includes design and structural assessment of main support elements of construction. This is two-aisled combined skeleton object. The roof system is composed of steel truss structure.
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