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Verification of the fluid dynamics modules of the multiphysics simulation framework MOOSE : A work to test a candidate software for molten salt reactor analysisGustafsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
This is a report of a verification study of the multiphysics simulation framework MOOSE which was preformed at the company Seaborg Technologies. In the process of designing molten salt reactors there is a special need of making credible multiphysics simulations since the fuel is in motion. In this study the incompressible version of Navier-Stokes equations of finite volumes available in the Navier-Stokes module of the MOOSE framework is verified by modelling and simulations of fluid flow and heat transfer in two different systems with available benchmarks. The first system, a thin buoyancy driven molten sodium hydroxide test loop which is verified by a similar model made with the high fidelity CFD software STAR-CCM+ as benchmark. The second system, forced convection of air through a straight pipe with heated walls which is verified by comparisons with an analytical solution. The resulting velocity profiles from simulations of the first system corresponds well with the benchmark but certain conclusions can not be drawn from it since the the transient simulations stops to converge before reaching equilibrium. The results from simulations of the second system corresponds well with the analytical solution and no convergence issues arise. The conclusion from the results is that the incompressible version of Navier-Stokes equations of finite volumes available in the Navier-Stokes module of the MOOSE framework has potential to be used in multiphysics simulations of molten salt reactors but seemingly not in cases of buoyancy driven flows in thin geometries. Two proposals for further work is recommended. The first is that this implementation is applied in a context with forced fluid flow or a context with thicker fluid domain. The second proposal is that the other available abilities of MOOSE such as finite element method and/or the compressible version of the Navier-Stokes equations should be tested. Read more
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Små modulära reaktorer i Sverige – ett nuläge / Small Modular Reactors in Sweden – Current SituationÖstlund, Theo, Olsson, William, Kärrman, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Sweden has long had the goal of phasing out its nuclear power. However, both public opinion and politics have shifted in response to the climate and energy crisis, which demands fossil-free energy production. At the same time, small modular reactors (SMRs) have begun to be developed, and several players in Sweden have started exploring this technology. SMRs are smaller versions of conventional nuclear reactors but built in a modular fashion. The advantage of modularity is that the reactors can be produced in series, easily maintained, and their smaller size allows for more flexible placement and lower initial investment. Based on the above, this study examines how current nuclear power actors in Sweden view the development of SMRs. To answer this question, semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from Fortum, Sydkraft Sverige (Uniper), and Kärnfull Next, all of which are active in nuclear power in Sweden. The study shows that the actors see the biggest advantages of SMRs as their modularity, relatively low investment requirements, and more flexible placement, which enables more efficient utilization. However, they believe that the development of SMRs is heavily constrained by current legislation and licensing processes. These are designed to promote the limitation and decommissioning of conventional nuclear power, and according to the respondents, they make successful SMR development impossible. The consequence is that the regulatory framework is more restrictive towards SMRs and hampers the ability to leverage the advantages of SMRs over conventional nuclear power. Furthermore, the respondents believe that there is a skills shortage in nuclear power that will need to be addressed in order to successfully develop SMRs in Sweden. / Sverige har länge haft målet att avveckla sin kärnkraft. Däremot har både opinionen och politiken vänt i frågan och ändrat uppfattning i spåren av klimat- och energikrisen som efterfrågar fossilfri energiproduktion. Samtidigt har små modulära reaktorer (SMR) börjat utvecklas och ett flertal aktörer i Sverige har börjat utforska tekniken. SMR är en mindre version av en konventionell kärnkraftsreaktor men modulärt uppbyggd. Fördelen med modulariteten är att reaktorerna kan serieproducerads, lättare underhållas och dess mindre storlek möjliggör friare placering och mindre initial investering. Med bakgrund i ovanstående undersöker arbetet hur ser nuvarande aktörer inom kärnkraft på utvecklingen av SMR i Sverige? För att besvara frågeställningen genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från Fortum, Sydkraft Sverige (Uniper) och Kärnfull Next. Samtliga företag är aktiva inom kärnkraft i Sverige. Arbetet visar att aktörerna ser de största fördelarna med SMR som dess modularitet, relativt låga investeringskrav samt dess friare placering, vilket möjliggör mer effektiv användande. Däremot anser de att utvecklingen av SMR kraftigt begränsas av dagens lagstiftning och licensieringsprocesser. Dessa är designade för att främja begränsning och avveckling av konventionell kärnkraft och enligt respondenterna omöjliggör det framgångsrik utveckling av SMR. Konsekvensen blir att den är mer restriktiv mot SMR:er och försvårar möjligheten att utnyttja de fördelar SMR har gentemot konventionell kärnkraft. Vidare anser respondenterna att det råder en kompetensbrist inom kärnkraft vilket kommer behöva hanteras för att framgångsrikt utveckla SMR i Sverige. Read more
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Etude de la fiabilité des composants à ondes acoustiques de volume (BAW) pour des applications Radio FréquenceBen Hassine, Nizar 29 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une collaboration tripartite entre STMicroelectronics, le CEALeti et le TIMA. Elle a pour objet la caractérisation et l'étude de la fiabilité des composants à ondes acoustiques de volume (ou BAW pour Bulk Acoustic Wave) fabriqués à partir de couches piézoélectriques minces déposées sur un miroir de Bragg réalisé sur silicium (la technologie SMR pour Solidly Mounted Resonator) pour des applications Radiofréquence (RF). Dans ce travail, on s'intéresse particulièrement aux résonateurs et filtres à modes longitudinaux à base de Nitrure d'Aluminium (AlN) excités et piégés dans des capacités de type Métal-Insolant-Métal (MIM) dans le but de caractériser leur adéquation à répondre aux critères industriels et de permettre la compréhension et la modélisation des phénomènes physiques entrant en jeu dans la dégradation des composants. Le premier chapitre introduit la problématique des composants radiofréquences pour la téléphonie cellulaire et plus particulièrement les composants à ondes acoustiques de volume. Ce chapitre décrit le principe de fonctionnement de la technologie BAW, ses avantages ainsi que la problématique de la fiabilité comme étant un point clef dont l'étude est nécessaire avant la commercialisation. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'analyse des propriétés électriques et acoustiques de la brique de base de la technologie BAW SMR qui est la structure MIM. Dans le troisième chapitre, on s'intéresse à l'étude de résonateurs sur miroir de Bragg sous différentes conditions de fonctionnement afin d'évaluer leur stabilité, de mettre en évidence les modes de défaillance et d'expliquer les phénomènes physiques observés. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre de ce manuscrit est consacré à l'étude d'un filtre complet exploitant ces résonateurs comme éléments d'impédance. La conclusion du mémoire reprend les principaux résultats des travaux effectués et fournit des lignes directrices en vue d'améliorer la stabilité et la fiabilité de la technologie BAW. Read more
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Etude de la fiabilité de composants BAW pour des applications RFBen Hassine, N. 29 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une collaboration tripartite entre STMicroelectronics, le CEA-Leti et le TIMA. Elle a pour objet la caractérisation et l'étude de la fiabilité des composants à ondes acoustiques de volume (ou BAW pour Bulk Acoustic Wave) fabriqués à partir de couches piézoélectriques minces déposées sur un miroir de Bragg réalisé sur silicium (la technologie SMR pour Solidly Mounted Resonator) pour des applications Radiofréquence (RF). Dans ce travail, on s'intéresse particulièrement aux résonateurs et filtres à modes longitudinaux à base de Nitrure d'Aluminium (AlN) excités et piégés dans des capacités de type Métal-Insolant-Métal (MIM) dans le but de caractériser leur adéquation à répondre aux critères industriels et de permettre la compréhension et la modélisation des phénomènes physiques entrant en jeu dans la dégradation des composants. Le premier chapitre introduit la problématique des composants radiofréquences pour la téléphonie cellulaire et plus particulièrement les composants à ondes acoustiques de volume. Ce chapitre décrit le principe de fonctionnement de la technologie BAW, ses avantages ainsi que la problématique de la fiabilité comme étant un point clé dont l'étude est nécessaire avant la commercialisation. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'analyse des propriétés électriques et acoustiques de la brique de base de la technologie BAW SMR qui est la structure MIM. Dans le troisième chapitre, on s'intéresse à l'étude de résonateurs sur miroir de Bragg sous différentes conditions de fonctionnement afin d'évaluer leur stabilité, de mettre en évidence les modes de défaillance et d'expliquer les phénomènes physiques observés. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre de ce manuscrit est consacré à l'étude d'un filtre complet exploitant ces résonateurs comme éléments d'impédance. La conclusion du mémoire reprend les principaux résultats des travaux effectués et fournit des lignes directrices en vue d'améliorer la stabilité et la fiabilité de la technologie BAW. Read more
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Acoustic wave biosensor arrays for the simultaneous detection of multiple cancer biomarkersWathen, Adam Daniel 11 August 2011 (has links)
The analysis and development of robust sensing platforms based on solidly-mounted ZnO bulk acoustic wave devices was proposed. The exploitation of acoustic energy trapping was investigated and demonstrated as a method to define active sensing areas on a substrate. In addition, a new "hybrid" acoustic mode experiencing acoustic energy trapping was studied theoretically and experimentally. This mode was used as an explanation of historical inconsistencies in observed thickness-shear mode velocities. Initial theoretical and experimental results suggest that this mode is a coupling of thickness-shear and longitudinal particle displacements and, as such, may offer more mechanical and/or structural information about a sample under test. Device development was taken another step further and multi-mode ZnO resonators operating in the thickness-shear, hybrid, and longitudinal modes were introduced. These devices were characterized with respect to sample viscosity and conductivity and preliminary results show that, with further development, the multi-mode resonators provide significantly more information about a sample than their single-mode counterparts. An alternative to resonator-based platforms was also presented in the form of bulk acoustic delay lines. Initial conceptual and simulation results show that these devices provide a different perspective of typical sensing modalities by using properly designed input pulses, device tuning, and examining overall input and output signal spectra. Read more
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Strategies for assessing health risks from two occupational cohorts within the domain of northern Sweden / Strategier vid utvärdering av hälsorisker baserade på två arbetarekohorter från norra SverigeBjör, Ove January 2013 (has links)
Background Studies based on a cohort design requires access to both subject-specific and period-specific information. In order to conduct an occupational cohort study, access to exposure information and the possibility and permission to link information on outcomes from other registers are generally necessary. The analysis phase is also aggravated by its added complexity because of the longitudinal dimension of the cohort’s data.This thesis aims at increasing the knowledge on hazards from work on fatalities and cancer within the domain of cohort studies on miners and metal refiners and to study the complexity of the analysis by discussing and suggesting analytical strategies. Methods The study population for this thesis consisted of a cohort of 2264 blue-collar aluminium smelter workers (paper I) and a cohort of 13000 blue-collar iron-ore miners (papers II-IV), both followed for over 50 years. The outcomes were collected from the Swedish Cause of Death Register and the Swedish Cancer Register. The primary methods of analysis were either Standardized Morbidity Ratios (SMR) or internal comparisons based on Cox or Poisson regression modeling. In paper IV, a g-estimation based on an accelerated failure-time model was performed to estimate the survival ratio. Results The results from paper I suggested that working as a blue-collar worker metal refiner was associated with increased rates of incidental lung cancer. Elevated rates among short term workers were observed for several outcomes. Paper I also showed that the choice of reference population when calculating SMR could influence the conclusions of the results. In paper II, several outcomes were elevated among the miners compared to the reference population from northern Sweden. However, no outcome except lung cancer was associated with cumulative employment time. The most recurrent pattern of the results was the negative association between cumulative employment time underground and several outcomes. The results from paper III showed that cumulative employment time working outdoors was associated with increased rates of cerebrovascular disease mortality. However, employment with heavy physical workloads did not explain the previously observed decreasing rates in the selected groups of outcomes. The adjustment for the healthy worker survivor effect by g-estimation in paper IV suggested that exposure from respirable dust was associated with elevated mortality risks that could not be observed with standard analytical methods. Conclusion Our studies found several rates from the cohorts that were elevated compared to external refererence populations but also that long term employments generally were associated with decreasing rates. Furthermore, incidental lung cancer rates was found elevated for the metal refiners. Among the miners, mortality rates of cerebrovascular diseases depended on if work was performed outdoor (higher rates) or underground (lower rates). Methodologically, this thesis has discussed different analytical strategies for handling confounding in occupational cohort studies. Paper IV showed that the healthy worker survivor effect could be adjusted for by performing g-estimation. Read more
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Carbon Dioxide Removal In Steam Reforming: Adsorption Of Co2 Onto Hydrotalcite And Activated SodaFicicilar, Berker 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Conversion of natural gas and other light hydrocarbons via steam reforming is currently the major process for hydrogen production. However, conventional hydrogen production technologies are not cost effective and therefore, cost is the biggest impediment to use hydrogen in fuel cell applications. In order to optimize and overcome cost problems in hydrogen production, sorption and membrane enhanced reaction processes are the two novel technologies for in situ operation of reforming and removal of carbon dioxide.
Adsorption of carbon dioxide onto activated hydrotalcite and activated soda, obtained from either trona or NaHCO3, had been studied using a stainless steel packed bed tubular reactor as a function of temperature. Adsorption of CO2 in the presence and absence of steam onto activated hydrotalcite was conducted in the temperature range of 400-527 oC, whereas sorption studies with activated soda were performed for 80 to 152 oC in the presence of steam. Also, two-parameter deactivation model was developed to justify the experimental data and predictions of the breakthrough curves by deactivation model indicated a good agreement with the experimental results. In order to obtain physical properties of the sorbents, untreated and calcined sorbents were characterized by using TGA, B.E.T (N2 adsorption), and Hg porosimetry techniques.
When hydrotalcite was used as the sorbent, total adsorption capacity of the material reduced from 1.18 mol/kg to 0.66 mol/kg as the temperature was increased from 400 oC to 527 oC. On the other hand, activated soda exhibited a total adsorption capacity 1.15 to 0.68 mol/kg for a temperature change from 80 to 152 oC.
For high temperature removal of CO2, hydrotalcite and its promoted forms (using K2CO3 or Na2CO3) are pretty good sorbents to be used in single step hydrogen production processes, such as SERP. On the other hand, activated soda could also be used for CO2 abatement of the effluent gas from the reformer only when the temperature is lowered enough to obtain efficient adsorption capacity within the multi-bed adsorbers. Read more
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Technical Verification and Validation of TIS-B using VDL Mode 4Fredriksson, Daniel, Schweitz, Anders January 2004 (has links)
<p>This report is a technical verification and validation of Traffic Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) using the data link VDL Mode 4. </p><p>The main objective of the report is to examine the usefulness of TIS-B considering the results from tests performed in the Stockholm Terminal Area and for the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) at Arlanda airport. The results are compared with the requirements that have been set by the standardisation organisations ICAO, RTCA, Eurocontrol and Eurocae. TIS-B is however such a new concept, so most of the operational requirements have not yet been defined.</p><p>The process for performing the evaluation of TIS-B involves three stages: </p><p>· Study the requirements on TIS-B, ADS-B, radar and A-SMGCS. </p><p>· Verify TIS-B by performing tests at Arlanda airport. </p><p>· Validate the test results through analysis. </p><p>A theoretical study of slot allocation optimisation is performed to decide how the slot allocation is to be implemented. </p><p>The report includes a Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA). The FHA is done to see if the applications for TIS-B are ready for implementation or if more hazard preventing actions has to be taken, before any operational actions can be performed. </p><p>The report also involves a theoretical introduction to Air Traffic Management (ATM), Surveillance techniques and TIS-B. </p><p>All parts included in the report results in conclusions and recommendations regarding the TIS-B service.</p> Read more
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Technical Verification and Validation of TIS-B using VDL Mode 4Fredriksson, Daniel, Schweitz, Anders January 2004 (has links)
This report is a technical verification and validation of Traffic Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) using the data link VDL Mode 4. The main objective of the report is to examine the usefulness of TIS-B considering the results from tests performed in the Stockholm Terminal Area and for the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) at Arlanda airport. The results are compared with the requirements that have been set by the standardisation organisations ICAO, RTCA, Eurocontrol and Eurocae. TIS-B is however such a new concept, so most of the operational requirements have not yet been defined. The process for performing the evaluation of TIS-B involves three stages: · Study the requirements on TIS-B, ADS-B, radar and A-SMGCS. · Verify TIS-B by performing tests at Arlanda airport. · Validate the test results through analysis. A theoretical study of slot allocation optimisation is performed to decide how the slot allocation is to be implemented. The report includes a Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA). The FHA is done to see if the applications for TIS-B are ready for implementation or if more hazard preventing actions has to be taken, before any operational actions can be performed. The report also involves a theoretical introduction to Air Traffic Management (ATM), Surveillance techniques and TIS-B. All parts included in the report results in conclusions and recommendations regarding the TIS-B service. Read more
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Etude du rôle des inhibiteurs de kinases-cycline-dépendantes (CKI) de la classe des SIM/SMR en réponse au stress abiotique chez Arabidopsis thalianaLamy, Geneviève 29 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, les protéines SIAMESE-RELATED (SIM/SMR1 à 13) forment une famille plante-spécifique d'Inhibiteurs de Kinase Cycline-dépendante (CKI), homologue des Kip-Related Proteins. SIM et SMR1 sont des régulateurs positifs de la transition du cycle mitotique vers l'endoréplication. L'expression des gènes SIM/SMR est induite en réponse àdes stress. L'un des stress abiotiques majeurs pour les plantes est la sécheresse. Les SIM/SMR pourraient être dégradées par la voie de la protéolyse spécifique de l'Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS). Les SIM/SMR sont de bons candidats pour relier l'activité du cycle cellulaire aux stimuli de l'environnement. Ce travail a démontré l'implication de la protéolyse UPS dans le contrôle posttraductionnel de tous membres SIM/SMR testés. Il démontre que SIM, SMR2 et SMR1 sont nécessaires à l'endoréplication des cellules foliaires. Lors d'un stress hydrique, l'expression des gènes SIM, SMR1, SMR3 et SMR5 est induite. Le profil spatio-temporel de ces inductions a mis en évidence deux groupes de gènes avec des fonctions distinctes. Les mutants sim, smr5 et sim.smr1.smr2 sont hypersensibles au stress hydrique.
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