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Efeito da administração de octreotide, cabergolina e a associação de ambos nos níveis de ACTH e cortisol em pacientes com doença de Cushing: correlação da resposta clínica com a expressão tumoral dos receptores de dopamina (DRD2) e de somatostatina (SSTR2 e SSTR5) / Effect of the administration of octreotide, cabergoline and the association of both on ACTH and cortisol levels in patients with Cushings disease: correlation of clinical response with tumoral expression of the dopamine (DRD2) and somatostatin (SSTR2 and SSTR5) receptorsDaniella de Jesus Patrick Carminatti Romanholi 31 August 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A doença de Cushing apresenta elevada morbimortalidade. Seu tratamento de escolha é a cirurgia transesfenoidal que possui resultados satisfatórios em cerca de 70% dos casos. Na doença persistente ou recorrente, reabordagem cirúrgica, radioterapia e adrenalectomia bilateral podem ser realizadas, porém, essas opções apresentam como desvantagens o desenvolvimento de hipopituitarismo e a dependência de terapia de reposição. Até o momento, nenhuma droga tem se mostrado eficaz no tratamento do corticotrofinoma. Os esquemas terapêuticos mais eficazes são os inibidores da esteroidogênese que não atuam no tumor hipofisário. Objetivos: avaliar o efeito do octreotide e da cabergolina administrados isoladamente e em associação nas concentrações urinárias de cortisol e plasmáticas de ACTH em pacientes com corticotrofinomas; correlacionar esse efeito com a expressão tumoral dos receptores SSTR2, SSTR5 e DRD2; correlacionar a expressão tumoral desses receptores através de RT-PCR quantitativa e imunohistoquímica; avaliar se o uso prévio dessas drogas altera a expressão desses receptores. Casuística e Métodos: grupo controle composto por 11 pacientes (10 mulheres e 1 homem) entre 21 e 43 anos sem tratamento prévio à neurocirurgia e um grupo tratado formado por 11 pacientes (2 homens e 9 mulheres) entre 22 e 53 anos que receberam o seguinte tratamento antes da cirurgia: coleta de três amostras de cortisol urinário e ACTH plasmático, seguida da introdução de octreotide 100 g, subcutâneo, 8/8h durante 30 dias e nova coleta de três amostras de cortisol urinário e ACTH plasmático. Em seguida, iniciou-se a cabergolina 0,5 mg via oral 3 vezes na semana durante 30 dias com nova coleta de três amostras de cortisol urinário e ACTH plasmático. A seguir, o octreotide era associado por mais 30 dias com nova coleta de três amostras de cortisol urinário e ACTH plasmático. Resultados: Os valores de cortisol urinário apresentaram queda significante após o uso de cabergolina isolada (P = 0,016) e em associação ao octreotide (P = 0,012). A eficácia do tratamento combinado não foi maior que a da cabergolina isolada. Os valores de ACTH plasmático não revelaram diferença significante durante o tratamento e não se correlacionaram com os valores de cortisol. A média de expressão do mRNA do gene DRD2 foi maior no grupo tratado (1,170 ± 0,417) quando comparada ao grupo controle (0,776 ± 0,252) (P = 0,036). Houve dissociação entre os conteúdos de mRNA e da proteína desse receptor. Não foi possível analisar a expressão do mRNA do gene SSTR5, pois o tratamento das amostras com DNAse causou degradação do RNA. A imunorreatividade para SSTR5 esteve presente em todos os pacientes e não foi alterada pelo tratamento prévio. Não houve diferença estatística na expressão do gene SSTR2 entre os grupos controle (1,253 ± 0,511) e tratado (1,267 ± 0,386) bem como diferença significante da imunoexpressão do SSTR2 entre os grupos. Houve correlação entre os conteúdos de mRNA e da proteína desse receptor (P = 0,021). Não houve correlação entre a expressão dos receptores analisados e a resposta ao octreotide e à cabergolina isoladamente ou em associação. Conclusões: a cabergolina isolada representa opção terapêutica na doença de Cushing persistente ou recorrente. A associação de octreotide na dose estudada por 30 dias não foi mais eficiente em reduzir o cortisol urinário. A resposta a essas drogas não está relacionada à expressão dos receptores SSTR2, SSTR5 e DRD2 / Introduction: The Cushings disease presents high morbimortality. Its treatment of choice is transsphenoidal surgery which has satisfactory results in about 70% of cases. In persistent or recurrent disease, a second transsphenoidal surgery, radiotherapy and bilateral adrenalectomy can be carried through, however, these options present disadvantages as development of hypopituitarism and lifelong dependence on hormone replacement therapy. Presently, no drug has shown efficacy in corticotrophinomas treatment. The most efficient agents are the inhibitors of steroidogenesis which have no effect at pituitary tumor. Objectives: To evaluate isolated octreotide and cabergoline effects and their association on plasma ACTH and urinary cortisol in Cushings disease patients, to correlate this effect with tumoral expression of SSTR2, SSTR5 and DRD2 receptors; to correlate tumoral expression of these receptors by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry; to evaluate whether these drugs modifies these receptors expression. Patients and methods: control group with 11 patients (10 women and 1 man) between 21 and 43 years who underwent pituitary surgery with no prior treatment and a treated group with 11 patients (2 men and 9 women) between 22 and 53 years that received the following treatment before surgery: : after three baseline urinary cortisol samples and one plasma ACTH sample, patients received octreotide 100 g, subcutaneous 8/8h for 30 days collecting three urinary cortisol samples and one plasma ACTH. After that, cabergoline was introduced 0,5 mg 3x/week for 30 days collecting three urinary cortisol samples and one plasma ACTH sample. Then, octreotide was associated to cabergoline for another 30 days followed by three urinary cortisol and one plasma ACTH sample. Results: Urinary cortisol concentrations significantly decreased after isolated and combined cabergoline use (P = 0,016 and P = 0,012, respectively). Combined treatment efficacy was not greater than isolated cabergoline administration. Plasma ACTH did not change statistically during treatment and did not correlate with urinary cortisol. The average of DRD2 gene expression was higher in control group (0,776 ± 0,252) in relation to treated group (1,170 ± 0,417) (P = 0,036). It had dissociation between mRNA and protein contents of this receptor. SSTR5 gene mRNA expression was not analyzed due to RNA degradation after DNAse tissue treatment. SSTR5 immunoreactivity was present in all patients and it was not modified by previous treatment. No statistic difference was observed between SSTR2 gene expression in control group (1,253 ± 0.511) and in treated group (1,267 ± 0,386). There was no significant difference in SSTR2 immunoexpression between groups. It had correlation between the mRNA and protein contents of this receptor (P = 0.021). No significant relationship was found between hormonal response to isolated and combined therapy and receptors mRNA expression levels. Conclusions: cabergoline represents therapeutical option in persistent or recurrent Cushings disease. Octreotide-cabergoline association in the studied dosage and for the period of 30 days was not more efficient in eliciting urinary cortisol reduction. The responsiveness to these drugs did not correlate to SSTR2 and DRD2 mRNA expression
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Síndrome da apnéia do sono na acromegalia: impacto do tratamento sobre o metabolismo dos carboidratos / Sleep apnea syndrome on acromegaly: treatment impact on carbohydrates metabolismFelipe Henning Gaia Duarte 05 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A acromegalia é uma doença rara, caracterizada pela produção aumentada de hormônio do crescimento, causada geralmente por um adenoma hipofisário, ocasionando uma série de comorbidades como apneia do sono e resistência insulínica que acarretam um aumento na mortalidade e redução da expectativa de vida. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto da terapêutica da apneia do sono com um dispositivo de pressão positiva contínuas nas vias aéreas (CPAP) e avaliar o impacto desta terapêutica na resistência insulínica pela realização do clamp euglicêmico hiperinsulinêmico (CEH). Pacientes: De 156 acromegálicos regularmente atendidos na unidade de Neuroendocrinologia do HC-FMUSP, foram selecionados 12 indivíduos com apneia do sono de moderada a grave em uso de análogos da somatostatina (AS). Método: Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos com seis integrantes. O grupo A iniciou o tratamento com CPAP, e o grupo B, um adesivo dilatador nasal com efeito de placebo. A avaliação basal incluiu a polissonografia, determinação do GH, IGF-1, HbA1c, ácidos graxos livres, lípides, CEH, bem como os índices de resistência periférica à insulina (HOMA, HOMA2 e QUICKI). Após 3 meses de tratamento, os pacientes foram reavaliados pelos mesmos exames, sendo trocado o tratamento entre os grupos e feita nova avaliação, após mais 90 dias. Resultados: Analisando os resultados finais de todos os pacientes que fizeram uso do CPAP, foi observada uma redução significante na resistência periférica à insulina, verificada pelo índice de sensibilidade derivado do clamp (ISCLAMP, pré e pós- CPAP, 3,83 versus 6,11, p=0,032). Esta redução não foi observada no grupo que fez uso do adesivo nasal (ISCLAMP, pré e pós-adesivo, 5,53 versus 5,19, p=0,455). Não houve diferença significante nos níveis de lípides, HbA1c nem nos índices de resistência periférica à insulina. Conclusão: O tratamento da apneia do sono moderada a grave com CPAP, em pacientes acromegálicos em uso de AS, levou a uma redução da resistência periférica à insulina aferida pelo CEH, dado não observado por meio dos índices HOMA, HOMA2 e QUICKI / Introduction. Acromegaly is a rare disease, characterized by the production of high GH levels usually by pituitary adenoma leading to comorbidities as sleep apnea and insulin resistance, bringing increase of mortality and life span reduction. Objective: This study aims to assess the impact of treatment of sleep apnea with a continuous positive air pressure device (CPAP) on the insulin resistance by performing the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (HEC). Patients: From 156 acromegalic patients regularly attended on Neuroendocrine Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo Medical School, 12 subjects on somatostatin analogs (SA) harboring moderate to severe sleep apnea were selected. Methods: Patients were randomized in two groups of six subjects. Group A started treatment with CPAP while group B started treatment using a nasal dilator adhesive with placebo effect. Basal assessment included polysomnography, determination of GH, IGF-1, HbA1c, free fat acids, lipids assays, HEC as well as insulin resistance indexes (HOMA, HOMA2 and QUICKI). Patients were reevaluated after three months of treatment by the same tests and then the treatment was switched between groups with new assessment 90 days later. Results: A significant reduction on insulin resistance determined by the clamp derived sensibility index was observed after assessing the final data of all patients on CPAP (SICLAMP, pre and post CPAP, 3,83 versus 6,11, p=0,032). This reduction was not seen in the nasal dilator adhesive group (SICLAMP, pre and post adhesive, 5,53 versus 5,19, p=0,455). There was no significant difference on lipids, HbA1c or on peripheral insulin resistance indexes. Conclusion: CPAP treatment of acromegalic patients on AS with moderate to severe sleep apnea leaded to significant reduction on peripheral insulin resistance assessed by the HEC. HOMA, HOMA2 and QUICK did not detect this data
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Nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques en développement pour les tumeurs neuroendocrines d'origine gastroentéropencréatiques et hypophysaires : preuves de concept in vitro / New therapy in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine cells and pituitary adenomas : Proof of concept in vitroMohamed, Amerh Amira 05 November 2013 (has links)
Les GEPNETs (tumeurs neuroendocrines gastroentéropancréatiques), représentent le deuxième cancer digestif. L’octréotide (agoniste Sst2) contrôle efficacement leurs sécrétions et plus modérément la croissance cellulaire. Au cours de ma première partie de thèse, j’ai développé la culture primaire de GEPNETs humaines. Ceci m’a permis d’étudier l’effet antiprolifératif et antisécretoire du pasireotide (pan agoniste Sst) et de l’évérolimus (inhibiteur de la voie pi3 kinase Akt) en comparaison avec l’octréotide. J’ai mis en évidence un effet inhibiteur significatif et similaire de l’octréotide et du pasiréotide sur la viabilité cellulaire et la sécrétion de chromogranine A. Cependant, le trafic intracellulaire du Sst2 est diffèrent en présence de pasireotide. L’évérolimus inhibe la viabilité et la secretion cellulaire des GEPNETs de manière similaire aux SSA. Nous n’avons pas retrouvé d’additivité entre l’évérolimus et les SSA. Dans la deuxième partie de mon travail j'ai étudié l’effet de la surexpression du Sst2 dans les cellules de prolactinomes et NFPA humains. Apres surexpression de Sst2, l’octréotide est capable d’inhiber la sécrétion de PRL et la prolifération cellulaire des NFPAs. Cette surexpression n’améliore pas la sensibilité aux dopastatines (agonistes chimériques Sst2-D2DR) des prolactinomes alors qu’une amélioration est bien observée dans les NFPAs. En conclusion, la culture primaire des GEPNETs représente un bon modèle d’étude pharmacologique. La coopération Sst2–D2DR dans les NFPA est effective dans ce modèle et permettra l’étude des mécanismes mises en jeu par les dopastatines. / GEPNETs represent, in terms of prevalence, the second digestive cancer. Octreotide (Sst2 agonists) effectively control their secretion and partially cell growth. we developed a primary cell culture of human GEPNETs. Cell culture allowed the study of antisecretory and antiproliferative effect of pasireotide and everolimus, alone or in combination, as compared to octreotide, in 20 tumors. We highlighted a significant and similar maximal inhibitory effect of octreotide and Pasireotide either on cell viability or on chromogranin A secretion in all analyzed tumors. However, the intracellular trafficking of Sst2 was strikely different in the presence of pasireotide and octreotide. In all analyzed tumors, everolimus inhibits cell viability and secretion of GEPNETs similarly to SSA. We couldn’t reveal any additivity between everolimus and SSA in cell viability suppression.My second goal was to study the effect of overexpression of Sst2 by adenoviral transfer in cells of human prolactinomas and NFPA. In both cell types. Nevertheless, octreotide efficiently suppressed PRL secretion and cell proliferation (NFPA). Overexpression of Sst2 did not improve the efficcacy of dopastatines (chimeric Sst2 - D2DR agonists) on prolactin secretion in prolactinomas, but clealy improved suppression of cell proliferation in NFPA. These results suggest that dopostatin promotes a Sst2 D2DR cooperation in NFPA, but not in prolactinomas, where DRDR activation remains dominant. In conclusion, GEPNETs primary cell culture represents a good model for pharmacological In pituitary adenomas, Sst2 overexpression opens an interesting perspective for gene therapy in recurrent NFPA after surgery.
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Comparison of the 111In-DTPA-octreotide scintigraphy scoring system and 68Ga- DOTATOC PET/CT quantitative measurements in patient assessment for peptide receptor radionuclide therapyWenngren, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Neuroendocrine tumours generally show an overexpression of somatostatin receptors on their cell membranes, mainly subtype 2. This is taken advantage of in diagnosis and therapy by using synthetic somatostatin analogues that can be labelled with radionuclides to visualize and treat tumours with an overexpression of somatostatin receptors. The method traditionally used for visualization is somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) with 111In-DTPA-octreotide but this method is gradually being substituted by 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT. To evaluate patients for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, it is mandatory for the patient to be examined by both methods. In the evaluation, the tumours are graded according to the Krenning scale on the images from the SRS. Patients with sufficient tumour uptake of somatostatin analogues are eligible for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). The aim of this study was to compare the tumour’s Krenning scores from SRS to the Krenning scores, quantitative indices and TNR-values from the 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT images. This was done to investigate if the Krenning scale could be applied to PET/CT enabling the patient to undergo only PET/CT for diagnosis and evaluation prior to PRRT. This study, including 28 patients, found no strong correlation between the Krenning scores from the SRS and the scores from 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT. However, a better correlation was shown between the Krenning scores from SRS and TNR-values where the quantitative indices SUVmax and SUVmean were divided with the SUVmean of the spleen. These findings could be worth exploring further in future studies, incorporating larger number of patients.
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Functional relationship between forebrain cholinergic projections and somatostatin neurons in the ratPerry, Theresa Fried 14 March 2009 (has links)
The two neuron types that initially degenerate with Alzheimer's Disease are the cholinergic projections from the septum to the hippocampus and from the substantia innominata to the cortex, and the somatostatinergic neurons in the hippocampus and cortex. The functional relationship between these two types of neurons was investigated using folic acid, a neuro-excitant, and cysteamine, a somatostatin depleter.
Folic acid causes a neuron to fire at a much higher rate than normal (Spector, 1971). Folic acid was injected into either the septum or the substantia innominata, and the long-term effect of the resulting acute hyperactivity of the cholinergic neurons on somatostatin neurons was measured as somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the hippocampus and cortex. Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, a marker for gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) neurons, was also measured because it has been shown to decrease in the cortex after injection of folic acid into the substantia innominata. The administration of folic acid to the cholinergic neurons did not have a significant long-term effect on somatostatin-like immunoreactivity nor glutamic acid decarboxylase activity; therefore, a hyperactivity of the cholinergic neurons did not result in degeneration of GABAergic nor somatostatinergic neurons.
Cysteamine causes a short-term depletion of somatostatin. Cysteamine was injected subcutaneously and the effect of an acute decrease of brain somatostatin on the cholinergic neurons was studied by measuring high affinity choline uptake, an indicator of cholinergic activity. Administration of cysteamine had no measured effect on high affinity choline uptake in the hippocampus or frontal cortex; therefore, a depletion of somatostatin did not effect cholinergic activity. The assay for high affinity choline uptake was tested by injection of pentobarbital, a drug known to decrease high affinity choline uptake. We detected a decrease in high affinity choline uptake after pentobarbital administration, indicating that if cysteamine were decreasing high affinity choline uptake, the assay would have detected it. / Master of Science
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Regulation of Receptors in Neuronal Cilia with Development, Seizures, and Knockouts: Implications for ExcitabilityShrestha, Jessica 08 1900 (has links)
Neurons commonly have a primary cilium, which is a non-motile organelle extending from the centrosome into the extracellular space. In most brain regions, neuronal cilia are enriched in either somatostatin receptor type 3 (SstR3) or melanin concentrating hormone receptor type 1 (MCHR1), or both. The present immunohistochemical study provides novel evidence that primary cilia regulate neuronal excitability via G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), and that their identity is governed by brain region and by competition, both in adulthood and in postnatal development. The hippocampus, which is particularly vulnerable to seizures, has opposing gradients of SstR3(+) and MCHR1(+) ciliary GPCRs. We hypothesized that there is a competition between these two ciliary GPCRs, which might take place on any level from gene expression to presence in the cilium. We examined whether receptor colocalization occurs transiently in development before ciliary GPCR dominance is established in neurons in the CNS. In postnatal CA1 and CA3, the first GPCR to appear in cilia was the one that will dominate in adults: MCHR1 in CA1 and SstR3 in CA3. Some days later, the second GPCR was expressed along with the first; dual-receptor cilia were the exclusive type until single-receptor cilia emerged again around P14. Single-receptor cilia then increased in numbers through adulthood. By identifying ciliary receptors that modulate seizure activity in mice, the present study lays a foundation for therapeutic approaches to reduce neuronal excitotoxicity underlying cell death in epilepsy, CNS injury, and neurodegenerative diseases.
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Métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives : développement de modèles animaux pour l’étude des mécanismes biologiques et l’évaluation préclinique des thérapeutiques / Liver metastasis of digestive endocrine tumors : development of animal models for the study of biological mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of the therapeuticWalter, Thomas 10 November 2010 (has links)
Les métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives sont hypervasculaires et hétérogènes. Les mécanismes de développement de ces métastases hépatiques, en particulier le rôle de l’angiogenèse tumorale associée à ces tumeurs, sont complexes. Ceci explique la difficulté de prédire le profil évolutif de ces tumeurs et de trouver des facteurs prédictifs de réponses aux traitements médicaux utilisés. L’objectif de notre travail a été de mieux comprendre : le rôle de l’angiogenèse dans le développement des métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives ; les mécanismes d’actions et en particulier leur activité anti-angiogénique, de deux types de molécules (analogue de la somatostatine et inhibiteur de mTOR). Nos résultats nous ont permis à travers une double approche expérimentale, in vitro et in vivo de : (a) montrer la complexité de la régulation de la synthèse et de la sécrétion du VEGF par les cellules endocrines néoplasiques ; (b) confirmer expérimentalement la dissociation entre expression du VEGF et capacités angiogéniques d’une part, propriétés invasives et métastatiques d’autre part, dans les tumeurs endocrines digestives ; (c) montrer expérimentalement que l’inhibition de l’angiogenèse peut contribuer à l’effet anti-tumoral de substances d’intérêt thérapeutique dans les tumeurs endocrines digestives / Liver metastases of digestive endocrine tumors are hypervascular and heterogeneous. The mechanisms of development of these metastases, especially the role of angiogenesis, are complex. This explains the difficulty to predict the natural history of these tumors and to find predictive factors of response to medical treatments. Our aim was to evaluate: the role of angiogenesis in the development of liver metastasis from digestive endocrine tumors; mechanisms of action, especially antiangiogenic activity, of two drugs (somatostatin analogues and mTOR inhibitor). We were able to demonstrate through an in vitro and in vivo experimental approach that: (a) the regulation of VEGF synthesis and secretion is complex, with different roles according to the cell studied; (b) there is a dissociation between VEGF expression and angiogenic capacities, on one hand, and invasive and metastatic properties, on the other hand; (c) the inhibition of angiogenesis may contribute to the anti-tumoral effect of several drugs of therapeutic interest in digestive endocrine tumors
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Análise da expressão da filamina A nos tumores hipofisários e suas implicações clínicas e terapêuticas / Analysis of filamin A expression in pituitary tumors and its clinical and therapeutic correlationsSickler, Thaís de Paula 23 February 2018 (has links)
A filamina A (FLNA) é uma proteína de citoesqueleto com diversas funções, dentre as quais estão motilidade celular e ancoragem de receptores de membrana. A alteração de sua expressão foi anteriormente descrita em diversos tipos de neoplasia. Em tumores hipofisários, demonstrou-se que sua expressão se correlacionou à expressão de receptores de dopamina tipo 2 (DRD2) em prolactinomas, e com a sinalização intracelular do receptor de somatostatina tipo 2 (SSTR2) após ativação por agonista, em somatotropinomas. Neste estudo, avalariam-se a expressão da FLNA, DRD2, SSTR2 e SSTR5 em diversos tumores hipofisários: prolactinomas, somatotropinomas, corticotropinomas e adenomas clinicamente não funcionantes (ACNF). Avaliou-se também a correlação entre a expressão da FLNA e resposta aos tratamentos medicamentosos, com agonista dopaminérgico (AD) ou com ligantes do receptor de somatostatina (LRS), e entre FLNA e as características de invasividade e/ou agressividade tumorais. Houve correlação entre a expressão de FLNA e a expressão de DRD2 e, entre FLNA e a resposta ao AD, nos ACNFs. Nos corticotropinomas, houve correlação entre a expressão da FLNA e critérios de invasividade tumoral. Portanto, o papel da FLNA nos tumores hipofisários pode depender do tipo celular implicado. Além disso, o envolvimento da FLNA nos mecanismos de resistência aos medicamentos utilizados nos tumores hipofisários, AD ou LRS, não deve estar relacionado apenas à sua ação na ancoragem e reciclagem dos receptores DRD2 e SSTRs, mas também à sua ação na motilidade celular, propiciando caratecterísticas de invasividade / Filamin A (FLNA) is a cytoskeletal protein with a variety of functions, including cell motility and membrane receptor anchorage. Changes in FLNA expression has already been described in several types of neoplasia. In pituitary tumors, its expression has been shown to correlate with the expression of dopamine type 2 receptors (DRD2) in prolactinomas and with intracellular somatostatin type 2 receptor (SSTR2) signaling after agonist activation in somatotropinomas. The expression of FLNA, DRD2, SSTR2 and SSTR5 in different pituitary tumors: prolactinomas, somatotrophinomas, corticotrophinomas and clinically nonfunctioning adenomas (CNFA) were evaluated. We also correlate FLNA expression to sensibility to drug treatments with dopamin agonists (DA) or somatostatin receptor ligands (SRL), and to tumor invasiveness and/or aggressiveness. Positive correlation between FLNA expression and DRD2 expression and between FLNA and DA response were found in CNFA. In corticotrophinomas, there was correlation between FLNA expression and tumor invasiveness. Therefore, the role of FLNA in pituitary tumors seems to depend on the cell type involved. Additionally, FLNA involvement in the mechanisms of drug (DA or SRL) resistance in pituitary tumors could not be related only to its action in the anchoring and recycling of DRD2 and SSTR receptors, but also to its action on cellular motility and invasiveness
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Vers des peptoïdes fonctionnalisables à forme contrôléeCaumes, Cécile 28 October 2011 (has links)
Les peptoïdes sont une classe de peptidomimétiques pour lesquels les chaînes latérales de chaque résidu sont déplacées du carbone α sur l'azote d'amide adjacent. Le travail présenté dans ce document s'intéresse à l'étude et à l'utilisation de plateformes moléculaires de géométrie contrôlée de type β- et α,β-peptoïdes alternés. Une nouvelle méthode de synthèse "submonomer" en solution des différentes familles de peptoïdes a tout d'abord été mise au point. Elle permet de s'affranchir des purifications intermédiaires par chromatographie, grâce à l'utilisation d'amines primaires volatiles et de solvants permettant des précipitations sélectives, et ainsi d'accéder rapidement à des tétrapeptoïdes simples. Sur ce type de composés, la possibilité d'introduire de la diversité chimique par des post-modifications sur les chaînes latérales a été étudiée. Une plateforme β-peptoïde modèle pouvant présenter trois pharmacophores différents a été obtenue grâce à des ligations orthogonales sur les chaînes latérales par Cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire catalysée au cuivre entre un alcyne et un azoture (CuAAC), couplage thiol-ène photochimique (TEC) et alkylation d'amine tertiaire. Une méthode efficace d'accès à des glycoclusters a également été développée : elle fait intervenir la ligation multivalente de 1-thiosucres non protégés sur des plateformes peptoïdes portant des chaînes latérales allyles grâce à la réaction de TEC photochimique. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude sur le contrôle l'isomérie cis / trans, corollaire du lien amide tertiaire présent dans les peptoïdes, est présentée. Elle a permis d'observer qu'un groupement triazolium sur la chaîne latérale permet de sélectionner de façon très efficace la géométrie cis grâce à des interactions électroniques. Le groupement tert-butyle a une influence similaire grâce à des effets stériques. La dernière partie décrit la synthèse d'analogues de la Somatostatine (hormone humaine impliquée dans la régulation de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques) possédant un squelette β-peptoïde en vue d'étude pharmacologique. / Peptoids are a class of peptidomimetics in which the side chains of each residue are moved from the α-carbon to the adjacent amide nitrogen. The work presented in this document focuses on the study and use of β-peptoid and α,β-alternating peptoid molecular scaffolds with controlled geometry. Firstly, a new method for solution-phase synthesis of peptoids was optimised. This method derives from the submonomer synthesis of peptoids and allows suppression of intermediate chromatography purifications thanks to the use of volatile primary amines and solvents allowing selective precipitations. It gives rapid access to simple tetrapetoids on which the potential of side chains post-modifications was investigated. A functionalised β-peptoid scaffold was decorated through orthogonal ligations on side chains using the Copper-catalysed Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition (CuAAC), thiol-ene coupling (TEC) and tertiary amine alkylation reactions. An efficient method allowing access to glycoclusters was also developed : it consists in multivalent ligation on allyl fonctionalised peptoid scaffolds with unprotected 1-thiosugars using the photochemical TEC reaction. Secondly, a study was conduced on the control of the subsequent cis / trans isomerisation of tertiary amide linkage present in peptoids. It allowed us to observe that a triazolium side chain induces efficient selection of the cis geometry due to electronic interactions. The tert-butyl group has a similar effect due to steric effects. The last part of the document describes the synthesis of somatostatin (human hormone involved in the regulation of numerous physiological functions) analogs possessing α,β-peptoid scaffold with the aim of pharmacological studies.
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Coordination of transition metals to peptides: (i) Ruthenium and palladium metal clips that induce pentapeptides to be α-helical in water; (ii) Synthesis of peptides incorporating a cage amine ligand for chelation of copper radioisotopes.Ma, Michelle Therese January 2010 (has links)
Coordination of transition metals to peptides, either through the incorporation of unnatural chelating groups or amino acid ligating side-chains, expands the utility of peptides for biological studies. The first part of this project describes induction of α-helical secondary structure in pentapeptides upon side-chain coordination of inert transition metal ions. The second part of this project describes the syntheses of biologically active peptide species that contain a macrobicyclic hexaamine ligand that can complex radioactive metal ions for diagnostic imaging purposes. / Short peptide sequences do not form thermodynamically stable α-helices in water. The capacity of two metal clips, cis-[Ru(NH3)4(solvent)2]2+ and cis [Pd(en)(solvent)2]2+ to induce α-helicity in peptides that are five amino acids long, Ac HARAH NH2 and Ac MARAM-NH2 has been explored. In all cases at pH < 5, the metal ions bind to the side-chains of amino acid residues at positions i, i+4 of the pentapeptides resulting in formation of bidentate macrocyclic species. Circular dichroism and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance data indicate that the metal complexes of Ac-MARAM-NH2 are highly α helical in water, and in the most spectacular case, coordination of Ac-MARAM-NH2 to cis-[Ru(NH3)4(solvent)2]2+ results in up to 80% α-helicity. In contrast, metal complexes of Ac-HARAH-NH2 exhibit significantly less α-helicity in water. / 64Cu-radiolabelled peptides have been investigated for their ability to target specific tissue or cell types. These peptides require a chelating group that binds copper ions strongly. Macrobicyclic hexaamine ligands, based on the compound commonly referred to as “sarcophagine”, have demonstrated extremely high stability under biological conditions. Here we describe the synthesis of diaminosarcophagine chelators with carboxylate groups for conjugation to peptides. These new chelators have been attached to the N-terminus or lysine side-chain of biologically-active peptides, including Tyr3 octreotate, Lys3-bombesin and an integrin targeting peptide. Spectroscopic and voltammetric studies of these species suggest that the conjugated sarcophagine group retains the high metal binding affinity and structural properties of the parent species, diaminosarcophagine. These are among the first sarcophagine-peptide compounds that have been properly characterised. The new sarcophagine-peptide conjugates can be easily radiolabelled with 64Cu2+ over a wide pH range at ambient temperature.
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