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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paläoproterozoisches Krustenwachstum (2.0-1.8 Ga) am Beispiel der Västervik-Region in SE-Schweden und dem Kamanjab Inlier in NW-Namibia / Paleoproterozoic crustal growth (2.0-1.8 Ga) illustrated on basis of the Västervik-area in SE-Sweden and the Kamanjab inlier in NW-Namibia

Nolte, Nicole 18 October 2012 (has links)
Um Hinweise auf die geodynamische Entwicklung und zur Rekonstruktion der magmatischen und tektono-metamorphen Geschichte der Västervik-Region (SE-Schweden) und dem Kamanjab Inlier (NW-Namibia) zu erhalten, wurden isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, K-Ar, U-Pb) in Kombination mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalytik sowie Untersuchungen zu den P-T-Bedingungen an metamorphen Gesteinen durchgeführt. Beide Gebiete vereint eine gemeinsame Entwicklung innerhalb des Superkontinentes Columbia. Sowohl die Västervik-Region als auch der Kamanjab Inlier sind durch ihre Lage entlang eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes geprägt. In beiden Arbeitsgebieten konnte eine mehrphasige Entwicklung erkannt werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der granitoide Magmatismus entlang des südlichen Randes des Laurentia-Baltika Systems durch zwei paläoproterozoische Phasen charakterisiert ist. So konnten fünf granitoide Einheiten unterschieden werden, die in ihrer Zusammensetzung von Tonaliten bis Syenograniten variieren. Geochemische Klassifikationen haben für drei der fünf Einheiten einen „magnesian“, metaluminösen Cordillerancharakter gezeigt, der in Verbindung mit einem aktiven Kontinentalrand steht (2. Phase 1.81-1.77 Ga). Die übrigen zwei Einheiten zeigen einen Wechsel zu „ferroan“, peraluminösen Granitoiden mit einem A-Typ-Charakter, die während einer Extensionsphase gebildet wurden (1. Phase 1.87-1.84 Ga). Während die Ältere der beiden A-Typ-Gruppen mit der ersten Phase korreliert werden kann, zeigt die Jüngere Affinitäten zur sogenannten Granit-Pegmatit-Einheit. Das bestehende tektonische Modell für die Bergslagen-Region (N‘ Västervik) setzt eine Verlagerung der Subduktionszone in SW‘ Richtung voraus, die einhergeht mit einem Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes. Die für die Västervik-Region definierten fünf granitoiden Einheiten passen gut in dieses Modell und liefern Argumente für einen neuen tektonischen Zyklus im Süden der Bergslagen-Region. Der Kamanjab Inlier zeigt eine ähnliche Entwicklung, wie sie in der Västervik-Region beobachtet werden konnte. Der granitoide Magmatismus wurde auf ein paläoproterozoisches Alter von 1.88-1.81 Ga datiert und fällt vermutlich mit einem ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis zusammen, in dem es unter anderem zur Ausbildung von Migmatiten kam. Die ermittelten Sm-Nd-Modellalter der Amphibolite zeigen eine systematische Zunahme von tiefen zu höheren Krustenstockwerken (Rooikop/Aandgloed[S]: TDM 2.10-1.96 Ga; Suiderkruis/Aandgloed [N]: TDM 2.40-2.12 Ga; Ehobib: TDM 2.74-2.30 Ga). Das Einsetzen der Kibarischen Orogenese bzw. des kibarischen Riftereignisses im Mesoproterozoikum (~1.6 Ga) wird als Auslöser für eine großräumige Überprägung des südlichen Randes des Kongo-Kraton gesehen. Sowohl K-Ar-Datierungen (1.3-1.4 Ga) als auch die Ergebnisse der Rb-Sr-Isotopenanalyse (~1.5 Ga) deutet auf eine solche Überprägung hin und können mit einem zweiten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis sowie dem bimodalen Magmatismus entlang des Kontinentalrandes korreliert werden. Untersuchungen der P-T-Bedingungen zeigen eine Unterteilung in eine nördliche (T=650-750 °C; P=8-11 kbar) und eine südliche (T=500-600 °C; P=5-9 kbar) Domäne. Ausgehend von zwei diskreten Metamorphoseereignissen scheinen die Geländebeobachtungen (Ausbildung der Migmatite) die Bedingungen des ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignisses widerzuspiegeln. Wohingegen die durch Laborbefunde ermittelten, das zweite Ereignis zeigen.

Sr behaviour during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros exposed at Hess Deep : implications for 87SR/86SR compositions as a proxy for fluid-rock interaction.

Kirchner, Timo 26 May 2011 (has links)
Mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems are known to extend to deep levels of the oceanic crust, including the plutonic section, but little is known about the timing and nature of fluid-rock interactions at these levels. To investigate the temporal and spatial characteristics of hydrothermal alteration in the lower crust, this study investigates a suite of hydrothermally altered (<5 to >20% hydrous alteration) gabbroic rocks recovered from the Hess Deep Rift, where 1.2 Ma fast-spreading East Pacific Rise crust is well-exposed. These samples were altered to amphibole-dominated assemblages with chlorite-rich samples occurring in a restricted region of the field area. Hornfels, indicative of reheated, previously altered rocks, are clustered in the central part of the field area. The entire sample suite has elevated 87Sr/86Sr (mean: 0.70257±0.00007 (2σ), n=16) with respect to fresh rock (0.7024). Bulk rock 87Sr/86Sr is strongly correlated with percentage of hydrous alteration and weakly correlated with bulk rock Sr content. The distribution of Sr in igneous and metamorphic minerals suggests that greenshist-facies alteration assemblages (chlorite, actinolitic amphibole, albitic plagioclase) lose Sr to the fluid while amphibolite-facies secondary assemblages (secondary hornblende, anorthitic plagioclase) take up Sr. The temperature-dependent mobilization of Sr in hydrothermal systems has implications for the 87Sr/86Sr and ultimately fluid/rock ratio calculations based on the assessed 87Sr/86Sr systematics. Considering Sr behaviour, minimum fluid/rock ratios of ~1 were calculated for the plutonic section. Due to the large uncertainty regarding fluid Sr composition at depth and the sensitivity of fluid/rock ratio calculations on this parameter, a model combining the sheeted dike complex and the plutonic section to one hydrothermal system is introduced, yielding a fluid/rock ratio of 0.5. This value may be more realistic since the fluid composition entering and exiting the sheeted dike complex is better constrained. The regional distribution of hornfelsed material with elevated 87Sr/86Sr suggests that fluid ingress into the upper plutonics at Hess Deep occurred on-axis in a dynamic interface of a vertically migrating axial magma chamber (AMC) and the base of the hydrothermal system. / Graduate

Receptor scavenger BI: efeito de polimorfismos e atorvastatina na expressão gênica em indivíduos hipercolesterolêmicos / Scavenger receptor class BI: polymorphisms and atorvastatin effects on gene expression in hypercholesterolemic individuals

Álvaro Danilo Cerda Maureira 20 May 2009 (has links)
O receptor scavenger classe B tipo I (SR-BI) media a captação seletiva do colesterol da lipoproteina de alta densidade (HDL) e participa no effluxo do colesterol livre para aceptores lipoprotéicos. A HDL tem um importante rol aterogênico associado com sua participação no transporte reverso do colesterol. Polimorfismos no gene que codifica para o SR-BI (SCARB1) foram relacionados com alterações do perfil lipídico sérico e outros fatores de risco associados com doença cardiovascular. As estatinas são inibidores da síntese do colesterol utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia. Vários polimorfismos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo intermediario de lipideos foram relacionados com diferenças na resposta a hipolipemiantes. Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito de polimorfismos do SCARB1 sobre o perfil lipídico sérico, expressão gênica e a resposta a estatinas, foram selecionados 185 indivíduos normolipidêmicos (NL) e 147 pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos (HC). Os pacientes HC foram tratados com atorvastatina (10 mg/dia/4 semanas). DNA e RNA foram extraídos de amostras de sangue periférico. Os polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP) G4A, In5C>T e Ex8C>T foram detectados por PCR-RFLP. A expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em células mononucleares de sangue periférico (CMSP) foi analisada por PCR em tempo real usando o gene da Ubiquitina c (UBC) como referência endógena. Nos indivíduos HC, as freqüências dos alelos raros G4A (12%), In5C>T (7%) e Ex8C>T (40%), no grupo HC, foram similares às encontradas no grupo NL (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, e Ex8T: 35%, p>0,05). O alelo SCARB1 4A (genótipos GA + AA) foi associado com valores diminuídos de apoAI no grupo NL. O alelo In5T foi associado com maior concentração LDL-C sérico (p=0,029), em NL, e com apoB e razão apoB/apoAI elevadas (p>0,05) no grupo HC. O SNP SCARB1 Ex8C>T não foi relacionado com o perfil lipídico sérico basal, embora os portadores do genótipo Ex8CC foram associados com resposta reduzida ao tratamento com atorvastatina mostrando menor variação de colesterol total, LDL-C, apoB e razão apoB/apoAI. O SNP Ex8C>T foi associado com maior probabilidade (OR=3,1; 95% IC: 1,00-9,5; p=0,044) de ter uma resposta à atorvastatina diminuída. Os SNPs SCARB1 In5C>T e Ex8C>T estão em desequilíbrio de ligação. O haplótipo G1C5C8/G1T5C8 foi associado com concentrações basais elevadas de triglicérides e VLDL-C em NL e diminuídas de HDL-C e apoAI em HC. Os haplótipos G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e C5C8/C5C8 tiveram variação diminuída da apoB quando comparados com os outros haplótipos, G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e o diplótipo C5C8/C5C8 também apresentou uma variação reduzida da razão apoB/apoAI. Os SNPs G4A e In5C>T estão associados com diminuição da expressão gênica do SCARB1 em NL. O tratamento com atorvastatina não modifica a expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em CMSP nos HC. Esses resultados são sugestivos de que os polimorfismos no SCARB1 estão associados com valores basais do perfil lipídico sérico e de expressão de RNAm do SCARB1, assim como de resposta à atorvastatina. / The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and it participates in the free cholesterol efflux to lipoprotein acceptors. HDL has an important antiatherogenic role associated with important activity in the cholesterol reverse transport. Polymorphisms in the SR-BI gene (SCARB1) have been related to variations on plasma lipoprotein profile and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Statins are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis prescribed for treatment of the dislipidemia. Several polymorphisms in genes involved in intermediary metabolism of lipids have been related to differences in response to lowering-cholesterol drugs. In order to evaluate the effect of SCARB1 polymorphisms on serum lipids, gene expression and lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin, 185 normolipidemic (NL) and 147 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals were selected. HC individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). DNA and RNA were extracted from peripheric blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). SCARB1 mRNA expression was analyzed by real time PCR using ubiquitin c gene (UBC) as endogenous reference. The frequencies of the rare alleles in HC group (G4A: 12%; In5C>T: 7%, and ExC>T: 39%) were similar to those found in NL individuals (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, and Ex8T: 35%, p>0.05). The SCARB1 4A allele (GA+AA genotypes) was associated with lower apoAI concentration in NL. The In5T allele was associated with higher serum LDL-C (p=0,029) in NL individuals, and with higher apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio (p>0,05) in HC group. SCARB1 Ex8C>T SNP was not related to serum lipids profile, however Ex8CC genotype carriers had lower variation of total cholesterol, LDL-C, apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio in response to atorvastatin. SCARB1 Ex8C>T was associated with higher chance to have a lower atorvastatin response (OR=3.1, 95% CI: 1.00-9.5; p=0.044). SCARB1 In5C>T and ExC>T were in linkage disequilibrium. G1C5C8/G1T5C8 SCARB1 haplotype was associated with higher level of triglycerides and VLDL-C in NL and lower HDL-C and apoAI levels in HC individuals. G1C5C8/A1C5C8 haplotype and C5C8/C5C8 diplotype had lower variations on apoB than the other haplotypes, and G1C5C8/A1C5C8 had also lower variation on apoB/apoAI ratio. G4A and In5C>T SNPs are associated with lower SCARB1 mRNA expression in PBMC of NL individuals. Atorvastatin therapy did not modify the expression level of the SCARB1 transcript in HC. Our results suggest that SCARB1 polymorphisms are associated with basal serum lipids profile, mRNA SCARB1 expression and atorvastatin response.

Estudo da bioacumulação de cobre e chumbo pela macrófita aquática Eicchornia crassipes em solução hidropônica / Bioaccumulation study of copper and lead by the Eicchornia crassipes in hydroponic solution

Szymanski, Nayara 11 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:08:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nayara Szymanski.pdf: 2166541 bytes, checksum: d5ebf09357be44af458b98aeeb5d43bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Aquatic macrophytes are known to remove heavy metals from the surface by adsorption or absorption and incorporate them into systems, in different ways. The main objective of this work is to study the multicomponent bioaccumulation of copper and lead by the living aquatic macrophyte Eicchornia crassipes. The experiments were performed in triplicate using about 30g healthy young plants and 5L Clark s hydroponic solution doped with non-toxic concentration of copper and lead metals combined. All experiments have been carried out in a greenhouse, for 20 days, monitoring the loss of water volume and adding deionized water as it was needed. Samples were performed in predetermined collection times (2, 4, 7, 12 and 20 days) to determined the metal content by the synchrotron radiation re&#64258;ection X-ray &#64258;uorescence technique (SR-TXRF), and the measurements of SR-TXRF were performed at the Brazilian Light Synchrotron Laboratory (LNLS). It was observed that at least 90% metal concentration was removed of all experiments by bioaccumulation process, this indicates that the adsorption process is quick in roots, but slow if accumulation process takes place in aerial parts. The kinetics of biosorption that better fits the experimental data was Irreversible Langmuir for Cu and Pb, and Pseudo-first order and Pseudo-second order for Cu and Pb, respectively at the multicomponent experiment. / Macrófitas aquáticas são conhecidas por removerem metais pesados pela superfície, por adsorção ou absorção, e incorporá-los em seu sistema de diversas formas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é estudar a remoção multicomponente de cobre e chumbo pela macrófita aquática flutuante Eicchornia crassipes viva. Experimentos foram realizados em triplicata, utilizando em média 30 gramas de plantas, jovens e sadias em 5L de solução hidropônica de Clark dosada a uma concentração não tóxica de metais cobre e chumbo em três combinações. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos em estufa externa, durante 20 dias, monitorando-se o nível do volume de água pela adição de água deionizada quando necessário. Coletas de amostras foram feitas em tempos pré-determinados (2, 4, 7, 12 e 20 dias). A determinação das quantidades de metais foi feita utilizando-se da técnica de espectroscopia de Raios-X por Reflexão Total (SR-TXRF), e as medidas de SR-TXRF foram efetuadas no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS). Foi observada redução de até 90% nos valores de concentração dos metais, nos experimentos realizados, indicando que cobre e chumbo foram removidos pela macrófita pelo processo de bioacumulação, ou seja, rápida adsorção pelas raízes e um lento processo de acumulação nas partes aéreas. As cinéticas de biossorção que melhor ajustaram-se aos dados experimentais foram de Langmuir Irreversível para Cu e Pb, e de Pseudo-primeira ordem e Pseudo-segunda ordem para Cu e Pb, respectivamente no experimento multicomponente.

Aplicação da técnica de eletro-floculação no tratamento de efluentes de curtume / Application of electroflocculation technique for the tannery effluent treatment

Fornari, Marilda Menchon Tavares 12 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:08:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilda M T Fornari.pdf: 813038 bytes, checksum: 1672b5ca9a95a70d2125540cf442fb8a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-12 / In the present work has been studied the electro-flocculation efficiency on the reduction of organic and inorganic material concentrations such as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), turbidity, total solids and metal, mainly chromium, on an untreated tannery effluent using a pair of electrodes. For this purpose, a lab scale Electro-Flocculation (EF) reactor was constructed using an 8-L plastic cylindrical container, containing a valve in its lower part for sludge evacuation and a horizontal support in its upper part for fixing a pair of electrolytic cell in upright position into a 5-L available reactor volume. The electrodes plates, made of iron or aluminum, were connected to terminals of direct current power supply. All the physical-chemistry parameters were measured following the Standard Methods for water analysis, while metal concentrations were determined using the Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence technique, available in the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory. In order to determine optimal operating conditions, the effects of current intensity, electrodes distance, effluent initial pH, and EF time have been experimentally examined, according to a statistic planning and correlation analysis. For each electrode, a total of 11 EF experiments were carried out for maximum and minimum values of EF reactor operating parameters. Applying a 95% confidence level into the correlation analysis between EF parameters, the physical-chemistry parameters and metal concentrations were reduced in all of them when the effluent initial pH was increased, while the EF time and the applied voltage were reduced for small electrodes distances. Moreover, the EF treatment efficiencies tend towards higher values with an increasing on the current intensity. In order to determine the best reactor operating values, other EF experiments were performed varying the effluent initial pH from 6.5 to 9.0 and from 6.0 to 8.5 for iron and aluminum electrodes, respectively, fixing the distance between the electrodes in 4.0 cm, the current intensity in 5.5 A and the EF time in 30 minutes. Nevertheless, these EF experiments have shown that the reduction factor on parameter concentrations due to an increasing of effluent initial pH was not significant compared to prior experiments. Henceforth, the effluent pH value was maintained near to the original one for the next EF treatments, avoiding introducing other substances into the effluent. Keeping effluent pH value in 7.5, other EF experiments were performed changing the EF time from 15 to 120 min., fixing current intensities and electrode distances in 5.5 A and 4.0 cm, respectively. For these reactor conditions, the EF time setting up in 30 min. was enough to get a good efficiency according the reduction factor in the most of parameters examined, without increasing a lot the reactor electrical power, for both kinds of electrodes. The EF reactor purpose and examined has shown a high efficiency on turbidity and chromium concentration reduction factor (98%). Furthermore, this system can be also used to reduce other elementary concentrations such as calcium, potassium and zinc, for both kinds of electrodes (Fe/Al). In comparison with iron electrodes, aluminum one has reported a better reduction factor (80%) on COD values and a good reduction factor (50%) on iron concentration. On the other hand, the EF method for tanneries effluent treatment system was also compared with conventional method using coagulating and flocculating agents, showing a great similarity between them in the reduction factor. In the EF method is not necessary to introduce substances to start the coagulation and flocculation process in effluent treatment. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da eficiência da eletro-floculação na redução das concentrações de substâncias orgânicas e inorgânicas expressas através dos parâmetros: Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), turbidez, sólidos totais e metais, principalmente o cromo, em efluente de curtume não tratado, utilizando um par de eletrodos. Para esse propósito foi construído, em escala laboratorial, um reator confeccionado a partir de um recipiente plástico de 8 litros, contendo uma válvula na parte inferior, para a retirada dos sedimentos, e um suporte horizontal na parte superior para a fixação do par de células eletrolíticas, em posição perpendicular dentro do reator com volume útil de 5 litros. As placas de eletrodos, de ferro e alumínio, foram conectadas a uma fonte de alimentação de energia.Todos os parâmetros físico-químicos foram determinados seguindo o Método Padrão para análise de água, enquanto que as concentrações de metal foram determinadas através da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total, (SR-TXRF), disponível no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncroton. A fim de determinar as condições ótimas de operação, os efeitos da intensidade da corrente, distância entre eletrodos, pH inicial do efluente e tempo de eletrólise foram avaliados experimentalmente, de acordo com um planejamento estatístico e análise de correlação. Para cada eletrodo, foram realizados 11 experimentos de EF com valores máximos e mínimos para os parâmetros de operação do reator. Empregando um nível de 95% de confiança na correlação de análises dos parâmetros a análise de correlação entre os parâmetros de EF, os modelos mostraram tendência de redução nas concentrações dos parâmetros físico-químicos e de metais, quando o pH inicial do efluente foi elevado, enquanto o tempo de EF e a voltagem aplicada apresentaram tendência de redução nos valores para uma menor distância entre os eletrodos.. Além disso, a eficiência do tratamento de EF tende a valores mais elevados com o aumento na intensidade de corrente. A fim de determinar as melhores condições de operação do reator, outros experimentos EF foram feitos variando o pH inicial de 6.5 a 9.0 e de 6.0 a 8.5 para eletrodos de ferro e alumínio, respectivamente, fixando a distância entre os eletrodos em 4.0 cm, a intensidade da corrente em 5.5 A e o tempo de EF em 30 minutos. Entretanto, esses experimentos mostraram que o fator de redução percentual na concentração dos parâmetros, causada pelo aumento no pH inicial do efluente, não foi significativo comparado aos experimentos anteriores. Nos tratamentos posteriores de EF, o pH do efluente foi mantido próximo ao original, evitando a introdução de outras substâncias no efluente. Mantendo o valor do pH do efluente em 7.5, outros experimentos de EF foram realizados variando o tempo de eletrólise de 15 a 120 min., e fixando a intensidade da corrente e distância entre os eletrodos em 5.5 A e 4.0 cm., respectivamente. Nessas condições, o tempo de EF fixado em 30 min. foi suficiente para alcançar uma boa eficiência, de acordo com o fator de redução, para maioria dos parâmetros analisados, sem aumentar muito a potência elétrica do reator, para os dois tipos de eletrodos. Os experimentos realizados com reator de EF mostraram uma alta eficiência na redução da turbidez e concentração de cromo (98%). Ademais, esse sistema também pode ser utilizado na redução de outras concentrações elementares como cálcio, potássio e zinco, para ambos os tipos de eletrodos (Fe/Al). Em comparação com os eletrodos de ferro, o eletrodo de alumínio apresentou um melhor fator de redução nos valores de DQO (80%) e um bom fator de redução de ferro (50%). Por outro lado, o método de EF para o tratamento de sistema de efluentes de curtumes foi também comparado ao método convencional utilizando agentes coagulantes e floculantes, mostrando uma grande semelhança entre eles no fator de redução. No método EF não é necessário introduzir substâncias para iniciar o processo de coagulação e floculação no tratamento de efluente.

Composição isotópica de Pb-Sr e Nd da mineralização de ouro do depósito Córrego do Sítio, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG): implicações na modelagem conceitual / Composition isotópica of Pb-Sr and Nd of the mineralization of gold of the deposit stream of the small farm, Quadrilateral Ferrífero (M.G.): implications in the conceptual modeling

Marta Edith Velásquez David 22 September 2006 (has links)
O Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG) é uma importante unidade geotectônica do Cráton do São Francisco que alberga jazidas de ferro e ouro hospedadas na seqüência greenstone belt Rio das Velhas e cuja evolução geodinâmica esteve regida por vários eventos tectonometamórficos. Depósitos de ouro gerados por fluidos epitermais e remobilizações orogênicas proterozóicas se associam intimamente com camadas bandas de ferro e raramente disseminados em metapelitos no topo do greenstone. Nas mineralizações é comum uma paragênese que cristalizou mediante diversos processos e em distintos estágios com predomínio de sulfetos de ferro. Em geral os minérios possuem forte controle estrutural por dobras, falhas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes, desenvolvidos durante vários eventos deformacionais de diversa índole e estreita relação com processos de alteração hidrotermal como sericitização, carbonatação, cloritização, entre outros de menor incidência. O depósito de ouro Córrego do Sítio hospeda-se na seqüência silisiclástica de origem turbidítica metamorfisada em fácies xisto verde denominada Associação de Litofácies Ressedimentada que faz parte do Grupo Nova Lima, se apresenta disseminado em metapelitos e em veios de quartzo com carbonato. A mineralização que acompanha o ouro cristalizou em vários estágios principais nos que predominaram (i) pirita + pirrotita, (ii) arsenopirita + pirrotita + pirita com texturas finas e orientadas, (iii) arsenopirita com pirrotita e sulfosais em veios de quartzo, (iv) pirita grossa pervasiva em todas as rochas hospedeiras. O estudo da composição isotópica Pb, Sr e Nd, permitiu identificar que as fontes dos fluidos mineralizantes foram as rochas hospedeiras, que na evolução policíclica da mineralização participaram eventos metamórficos e hidrotermais a 2.2, 2.0 Ga. e sobreimpostos a ~600 Ma. os quais induziram os processos de circulação hidrotermal na área de estudo. Mediante comparativa com outros depósitos da região, sugere-se que os metais formadores do minério depositaram-se em Córrego do Sítio à idade de 2.2 Ga. originados a partir da BIF tipo São Bento e remobilizados por fluidos através de falhas inversas. Análises geocronológicas U-Pb (SHRIMP) e K-Ar embora não decisivos em quanto à determinação da idade da mineralização, revelaram a idade de ~2.7 Ga. como o limite temporal para a deposição das rochas hospedeiras. No contexto geológico aplicado se estabelece a potencialidade para a prospecção aurífera que apresentam as rochas metapelíticas do topo do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velas associadas a camadas bandadas de ferro com ouro, e que os alvos mais relevantes seriam zonas com falhas inversas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes. / The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is an important geotectonic unit of the São Francisco Craton that host iron and gold deposits within the vulcanosedimentary rocks of the greenstone belt Rio das Velhas. The geodynamic evolution of this greenstone includes several tectonometamorphic events. Gold deposits were formed by epithermal fluids, remobilized during the Proterozoic orogenic processes, are associated whit the banded iron formations and are sporadically disseminate in metapelitic rocks within the top of the greenstone sequence. In the ores is common the crystallization of iron sulfide minerals during diverse stages. Gold deposits have an important structural control by folds, reverse faults and strike-slip shearing zones, and are commons several hydrothermal alteration processes like sericitization, chloritization and carbonate usually related to the deformation. The Córrego do Sítio gold deposit is hosted in turbiditic siliciclastic rocks that are metamorphosed in the greenschist facies. The gold is associated with the iron sulfide arsenopyrite and pyrite, which are disseminated in metapelitic rocks and quartz-carbonate veins. The mineralization includes vary stages of crystallization, (1) pyrite and pyrrotite (2) arsenopyrite, pyrrotite and fine pyrite, (3) arsenopyrite whit pyrrotite and sulphosalts in quartz vein, and (4) pervasive pyrite. An integrated Pb, Sr e Nd, isotopic study of the Córrego do Sítio deposit allowed to identify that sources of the mineralizing fluids was the host rocks, that in the policiclic evolution the gold mineralizaton had participation events of metamorphism and hidrothermalism to age 2.2, 2.0 and 0.6 Ga. respectively the wich induced the hydrothermal circulation processes in the study area. The isotopic character of this deposit and its comparison with similar ones, suggest that the gold and its metals associated it is deposited in Córrego do Sítio to age 2.2 Ga. and that metals were derived from the banded iron formations, and remobilized by hidrothermal fluids across reverse faults. Although U-Pb (SHRIMP) and K-Ar geochronologic data were not conclusive to constrain the age of the mineralization, they provide to age ~2.7 Ga. that a good limit for the sedimentation of the host rock. It is suggest that there is a potential for gold prospection within the metapellitic rocks associated with banded iron formation of the Greenstone Rio das Velhas, and that the more relevant targets include areas with inverse and strike-slip fault.

Metody akvizice pro DCE-MRI / DCE-MRI Acquisition Methods

Kudlička, Petr January 2013 (has links)
In my master’s thesis I describe basics of magnetic resonance measurement. I focus on methods of DCE-MRI with T1 weighting image. I mention some basic contrast agents which are used in MRI imaging. I describe some of pulse sequences which are used in experimental part of my thesis. There I measure contrast in the sample. The measurement is performed in accordance with an acquisition protocol I have proposed. The experiment part was realized on 1.5 T magnet at Masaryk Oncological Institute in Brno. I improved software which is use to research of MR IR TurboFLASH’s data and made software which is use to evaluation perfuse analysis ours measured sequences. At the end I made a discussion about gained facts.

Histoire de l’érosion de l’Himalaya durant le dernier cycle climatique : approches sédimentologiques, minéralogiques et géochimiques des sédiments de la partie proximale de l’éventail sous-marin profond du Bengale / Erosional history of the Himalayas during the last climatic cycle : sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations of sediments from the proximal part of the Bengal deep-sea Fan

Joussain, Ronan 08 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de reconstruire le régime de l’érosion des chaînes himalayennes, et de relier ces paramètres aux variations climatiques globales et à l’intensité de la mousson. Dans ce travail, Les sédiments de 3 carottes prélevées dans la baie du Bengale pendant la mission MONOPOL ont fait l’objet d’analyses minéralogiques (XRD et granulométrie) et géochimiques (majeurs, traces, la composition isotopique du Nd et du Sr). La mise en âge des carottes, est basée sur les enregistrements de δ¹⁸O de foraminifères planctoniques (G. ruber), et des datations au ¹⁴C (AMS). Ces 3 enregistrements sédimentaires couvrent les derniers 180 ka. L'approche multi-traceur menée sur ces carottes, nous donne des informations essentielles sur les sources, afin de reconstruire les changements au cours du temps des sédiments transportés vers la partie proximale du cône sous-marin du Bengale, et de mieux comprendre ses liens potentiels avec les changements climatiques (mousson indienne et/ou des changements au niveau de la mer). Les résultats de cette étude, donnent également des clefs sur les processus d'altération chimique et de la dynamique du transport des sédiments au cours du temps. En outre, une étude à haute résolution, sur un site localisé sur la levée du chenal actif du cône sous-marin fournit des informations sur les changements dans le degré d'altération et la dynamique de transport des sédiments du système himalayen au cours de l'Holocène. Ainsi, il est possible de quantifier l'impact de la mousson d’été sur la sédimentation au niveau de la levée durant cette période climatique. Les résultats de cette étude ont été utilisés pour estimer les changements dans les sources sédimentaires (plaine Indo-Gangétique vs haute-chaine) et retracer l'altération chimique du matériel détritique au sein du bassin versant du système fluviatile du Ganges-Brahmapoutre. / The aim of this study is to reconstruct the erosional history of the Himalayan ranges, in order to connect these parameters to global climatic events and variations in the intensity of the monsoon. In this work, sediments from 3 marine cores collected in the Bay of Bengal, during the MONOPOL cruise were analyzed using mineralogical (XRD and grain-size) and geochemical (major, trace, Nd and Sr isotopic composition) methods. Chronological framework of studied cores were based on δ¹⁸O from planktonic foraminifera (G. ruber), and ¹⁴C ages dating (AMS). These cores cover the last 180 kyr. The multi-proxy approach conducted on these cores, gives us critical information about the source, to reconstruct the temporal variability of sediment export to the proximal northeastern Bengal Fan and its potential links to climatic changes (Indian monsoon and/or sea-level changes). Results also give insights on the chemical weathering processes and the dynamic of transport of the sediments through time as well. Moreover, a high-resolution study, on a site located on the active middle fan channel levee of the fan provides information on changes in the weathering pattern and the dynamic of transport of sediments from the Himalayan system during the Holocene. Thus, it is possible to quantify the impact effect of summer monsoon rainfall during that time interval. These results have been used to assess changes in the sedimentary sources (Indo-Gangetic plain vs highlands) and document the chemical weathering states of the detrital material within the Ganges-Brahmaputra river basin catchment.

Vznik a vývoj davelského vulkanického komplexu / Petrogenesis and evolution of the Davle Volcanic Complex

Santolík, Václav January 2021 (has links)
The Davle Volcanic Complex (DVC) situated in the Teplá-Barrandian unit (TBU) of the Bohemian Massif, is considered as a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian magmatic arc that developed on the northern active margin of Gondwana supercontinent during Cadomian accretionary orogeny. This study combines data obtained from fieldwork, petrography, rock-forming mineral microanalysis, major and trace element analysis, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics and U-Pb zircon geochronology in order to reveal the petrogenesis and evolution of the DVC. At least three-stage metamorphism including Cadomian seafloor alteration, Variscan regional metamorphism as well as contact metamorphism related to the emplacement of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex affected the DVC. The studied rocks follow calc-alkaline trend whereas tholeiitic trend previously reported is rather related to younger magmatic events. The northern part of the DVC is dominated by felsic subvolcanic (plagiogranite), volcanic (dacite- rhyolite) and pyroclastic (dacitic-rhyolitic tuffs and breccias) rocks with a few outcrops of basaltic andesite-andesite pillow lavas documenting the subaqueous activity of the DVC. These rocks are Na-rich, but K-poor, the plagiogranite contains albite most likely primary in origin, and exhibit highly radiogenic εNd values (~ +6 to +11),...

Analysis of small business social responsibility practices in South Africa

Masarira, Spiwe Kursawa 06 1900 (has links)
Social responsibility (SR) is a business management concept that originated in the early 1930s after the Wall Street crash of 1929 exposed corporate irresponsibility in large organizations. Whilst the initial interpretation of SR has been modified and refined since it was first used, the significance of this multidimensional concept for the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector has continued to be overshadowed by its application to large and multinational organizations. The knowledge of social activities in the SME sector, particularly in South Africa, has remained unexplored due to relatively little attention being given until recent years. In cognizance of the above mentioned, this study wishes to expand the body of knowledge in respect of the social responsibility of small businesses. This study presented a qualitative content analysis of annual reports from 2008 to 2012 of companies listed on the JSE ALT exchange to explore small business social responsibility practices using NVIVO to analyze data. Findings from this study support the view that small businesses are not always profit driven and that they are therefore fundamentally distinct from large organizations. South African small businesses are however not yet strategic about SR. Creating and maintaining their reputation as good corporate citizens through relationships with stakeholders is their primary motivation for participating in social activities. The study results show that SR in small businesses is still evolving and that year after year there is an increase in involvement and interest in SR issues. The findings of this study, and confirmation of the new knowledge gained will assist policy makers and practitioners in designing plans and policies that will increase socially responsible behaviour of small businesses and develop a comprehensive theory of SR in small businesses in South Africa. This can potentially enhance inclusive economic growth while simultaneously dealing with the country’s socio economic problems. Future studies can be extended to include other SMEs in South Africa, specifically micro enterprises and comparisons formed by a larger population may demonstrate and explain trends more clearly. The results of this study can also be compared with large companies listed on the JSE and to other African economies. A longitudinal study investigating SMEs’ participation in SR in different economic conditions could test the fact that a change has occurred in the attitudes of small businesses from 2008 to 2012 towards social responsibility / Business Management / D.B.L

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