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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logopedi och appar : En tvådelad studie om appanvändning i intervention vid språkstörning, samt utvärdering av språk- och uttalstränande appar

Dahlberg, Moa, Levisson, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Barns användande av surfplattor och mobila applikationer (appar) har de senaste åren ökat. Flera studier har sett att barn har god förmåga att lära sig specifika kunskaper via appar. Allt fler logopeder har börjat använda sig av appar i intervention för barn med språkstörning. Apputbudet är idag stort, vilket kan göra det svårt för logopeder, pedagoger och föräldrar att avgöra vilka appar som är användbara. Olika verktyg har utformats för granskning av barninriktade appars pedagogiska egenskaper men det saknas idag ett utvärderingsverktyg för granskning av appar utifrån dess logopediska egenskaper. Syfte Studiens syfte var att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning logopeder i Sverige använder sig av appar i intervention för barn med språkstörning, samt att utvärdera de vanligaste apparna för SSD respektive DLD ur ett pedagogiskt och logopediskt perspektiv.  Metod Studien bestod av två delar; en webbenkät som besvarades av 61 logopeder och en apputvärdering. Vid utvärdering av apparna användes befintliga principer och utvärderingskriterier för att bedöma apparnas pedagogiska egenskaper. Utvärderingen kompletterades med en kvalitativ utvärdering utifrån ett logopediskt perspektiv. Resultat Hälften av deltagarna använder appar olika frekvent i intervention vid SSD respektive DLD. De vanligaste apparna som används avser att träna fonologi och uttal, fonologisk medvetenhet, grammatik samt semantik. Apparna som utvärderats innehåller goda pedagogiska- och logopediska egenskaper, med viss förbättringspotential. Slutsats Apparna som utvärderades kan vara användbara i både direkt- och indirekt intervention för barn med SSD respektive DLD. Författarna ser ett behov av ett utvärderingsverktyg som lägger större fokus på appars logopediska egenskaper.

Training Images

Tahrir Ibraq Siddiqui (11173185) 23 July 2021 (has links)
500 of 690 training images used in optimized training runs.


Tahrir Ibraq Siddiqui (11173185) 23 July 2021 (has links)
Annotations for 500 of the 690 images used for training.

Performance-Untersuchung von NoSQL-Systemen auf Basis von SSD-Speicher mittels Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmarks (YCSB)

van der Sanden, Tobias 24 January 2022 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Datenbankmanagementsysteme MongoDB, ScyllaDB, OrientDB, Aerospike und Redis mit dem Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark unter der Verwendung von SSD-Speicher getestet. Dazu werden zuerst die verschiedenen NoSQL-Systemtypen beschrieben. Besonderheiten von SSD-Speicher werden zusammengefasst. Anschließend werden Besonderheiten der ausgewählten Datenbankmanagementsystemen und des Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmarks beschrieben, um die durchzuführenden Benchmarks zu planen. Weiterhin wird die verwendete Hardware beschrieben, um eine Replikation dieser Benchmarks zu ermöglichen und ein besseres Bild der zu messenden Performance zu bieten. Nach der Planung der Durchführung der Benchmarks, werden die verschiedenen Datenbankmanagementsysteme auf der oberen Grenze getestet, welche die gegebene Hardware bietet. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser werden weitere Benchmarks unter diversen Bedingungen geplant und durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse werden jeweils ausgewertet und in dieser Arbeit eingebunden. Diese sind von den gegebenen Umständen stark beeinflusst, sodass allgemeingültige Aussagen nicht möglich sind. Zuletzt wird im Ausblick, welche inhaltliche Lücken und Fragen offen stehen oder weitere zusammenhängende Problemstellungen beschrieben.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Vorgehensweise 2 Gegenstand des Benchmarks 2.1 Modell 2.1.1 Key-Value Store 2.1.2 Document Store 2.1.3 Wide-Column Store 2.1.4 Graph Store 2.1.5 Multi-Model 2.2 Medium 2.2.1 SSD 2.2.2 In-Memory 3 Technische Randbedingungen des Benchmarks 3.1 Ausgewählte Datenbankmanagementsysteme 3.2 Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark 3.3 Genutzte Hardware 3.4 Testlauf des Benchmarks 3.5 Erzielter Vergleich 4 Erste Testreihe: 150GB 21 4.1 Aufgetretene Probleme 4.2 Verwendete Einstellungen 4.3 Ergebnisse: erster Versuch 4.4 Ergebnisse: 150GB 5 Testreihen: Übergreifende Szenarien 5.1 Testreihe 50GB 5.2 Testreihe 10GB 5.3 Testreihe Großes Feld 5.4 Testreihe Sekundärindex 5.5 Testreihe Latenz 5.6 Testreihe Discord 6 Ergebnisse DBMS-intern 6.1 MongoDB 6.2 ScyllaDB 6.3 OrientDB 6.4 Aerospike 6.5 Redis 7 Schlussteil 7.1 Auswertung 7.1.1 YCSB-Tool 7.1.2 MongoDB 7.1.3 ScyllaDB 7.1.4 Aerospike 7.1.5 OrientDB 7.1.6 Redis 7.1.7 SSD-Speicher 7.2 Zusammenfassung 7.3 Ausblick

Electronics and Communication Technology for a Surface Stimulation Device

Howe, Daniel S. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Efficient Storage Middleware Design in InfiniBand Clusters for High End Computing

Ouyang, Xiangyong 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Towards On-Device Detection of Sharks with Drones

Moore, Daniel 01 December 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Recent years have seen several projects across the globe using drones to detect sharks, including several high profile projects around alerting beach authorities to keep people safe. However, so far many of these attempts have used cloud-based machine learning solutions for the detection component, which complicates setup and limits their use geographically to areas with internet connection. An on-device (or on-controller) shark detector would offer greater freedom for researchers searching for and tracking sharks in the field, but such a detector would need to operate under reduced resource constraints. To this end we look at SSD MobileNet, a popular object detection architecture that targets edge devices by sacrificing some accuracy. We look at the results of SSD MobileNet in detecting sharks from a data set of aerial images created by a collaboration between Cal Poly and CSU Long Beach’s Shark Lab. We conclude that SSD MobileNet does suffer from some accuracy issues with smaller objects in particular, and we note the importance of customized anchor box configuration.

Reliability Characterization and Performance Analysis of Solid State Drives in Data Centers

Liang, Shuwen (Computer science and engineering researcher) 12 1900 (has links)
NAND flash-based solid state drives (SSDs) have been widely adopted in data centers and high performance computing (HPC) systems due to their better performance compared with hard disk drives. However, little is known about the reliability characteristics of SSDs in production systems. Existing works that study the statistical distributions of SSD failures in the field lack insights into distinct characteristics of SSDs. In this dissertation, I explore the SSD-specific SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) attributes and conduct in-depth analysis of SSD reliability in a production environment with a focus on the unique error types and health dynamics. QLC SSD delivers better performance in a cost-effective way. I study QLC SSDs in terms of their architecture and performance. In addition, I apply thermal stress tests to QLC SSDs and quantify their performance degradation processes. Various types of big data and machine learning workloads have been executed on SSDs under varying temperatures. The SSD throughput and application performance are analyzed and characterized.

Optimisation des performance des logiciels de traitement de données sur les périphériques de stockage SSD / Performance optimization for data processing software on SSD storage devices

Laga, Arezki 20 December 2018 (has links)
Nous assistons aujourd’hui à une croissance vertigineuse des volumes de données. Cela exerce une pression sur les infrastructures de stockage et les logiciels de traitement de données comme les Systèmes de Gestion de Base de Données (SGBD). De nouvelles technologies ont vu le jour et permettent de réduire la pression exercée par les grandes masses de données. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux nouvelles technologies de mémoires secondaires comme les supports de stockage SSD (Solid State Drive) à base de mémoire Flash. Les supports de stockage SSD offrent des performances jusqu’à 10 fois plus élevées que les supports de stockage magnétiques. Cependant, ces nouveaux supports de stockage offrent un nouveau modèle de performance. Cela implique l’optimisation des coûts d’E/S pour les algorithmes de traitement et de gestion des données. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle des coûts d’E/S sur SSD pour les algorithmes de traitement de données. Ce modèle considère principalement le volume des données, l’espace mémoire alloué et la distribution des données. Nous proposons également un nouvel algorithme de tri en mémoire secondaire : MONTRES. Ce dernier est optimisé pour réduire le coût des E/S lorsque le volume de données à trier fait plusieurs fois la taille de la mémoire principale. Nous proposons enfin un mécanisme de pré-chargement de données : Lynx. Ce dernier utilise un mécanisme d’apprentissage pour prédire et anticiper les prochaines lectures en mémoire secondaire. / The growing volume of data poses a real challenge to data processing software like DBMS (DataBase Management Systems) and data storage infrastructure. New technologies have emerged in order to face the data volume challenges. We considered in this thesis the emerging new external memories like flash memory-based storage devices named SSD (Solid State Drive).SSD storage devices offer a performance gain compared to the traditional magnetic devices.However, SSD devices offer a new performance model that involves 10 cost optimization for data processing and management algorithms.We proposed in this thesis an 10 cost model to evaluate the data processing algorithms. This model considers mainly the SSD 10 performance and the data distribution.We also proposed a new external sorting algorithm: MONTRES. This algorithm includes optimizations to reduce the 10 cost when the volume of data is greater than the allocated memory space by an order of magnitude. We proposed finally a data prefetching mechanism: Lynx. This one makes use of a machine learning technique to predict and to anticipate future access to the external memory.

Detekce objektů pro kamerový dohled pomocí SSD přístupu / Object detection for video surveillance using the SSD approach

Dobranský, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The surveillance cameras serve various purposes ranging from security to traffic monitoring and marketing. However, with the increasing quantity of utilized cameras, manual video monitoring has become too laborious. In re- cent years, a lot of development in artificial intelligence has been focused on processing the video data automatically and then outputting the desired no- tifications and statistics. This thesis studies the state-of-the-art deep learning models for object detection in a surveillance video and takes an in-depth look at SSD architecture. We aim to enhance the performance of SSD by updating its underlying feature extraction network. We propose to replace the initially used VGG model by a selection of modern ResNet, Xception and NASNet classifica- tion networks. The experiments show that the ResNet50 model offers the best trade-off between speed and precision, while significantly outperforming VGG. With a series of modifications, we improved the Xception model to match the ResNet performance. On top of the architecture-based improvements, we ana- lyze the relationship between SSD and a number of detected classes and their selection. We also designed and implemented a new detector with the use of temporal context provided by the video frames. This detector delivers enhanced precision while...

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