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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo eletroquímico e estrutural do eletrodo de hidróxido de níquel modificado com cério para estabilização da fase α-Ni(OH0)2 / Electrochemical and structural study of the electrode of hydroxide of nickel modified with cerium for stabilization of the phase 945;-Ni(OH)2

Gislaine Maria Bragagnolo 25 November 2005 (has links)
O Ni(OH)2 é amplamente utilizado como principal componente ativo do eletrodo positivo na maior parte das baterias secundárias como: Ni/Cd, Ni/Zn, Ni/Fe, Ni/H2 e, recentemente na pilhas de Ni/MH. Estes acumuladores possuem variadas aplicações como: satélites geoestacionários, alimetação de recarga de computadores, aparelhos portáteis. Apesar do eletrodo de Ni(OH)2 possuir boa durabilidade, após vários ciclos de oxidação/redução ocorre a transformação do par redox α-Ni(OH)2/β-NiOOH para β-Ni(OH)2/γ-NiOOH o qual ocasiona uma diminuição na capacidade de carga. Por essa razão, é necessário o estudo do efeito de aditivos para estabilização da capacidade de carga no eletrodo. Neste trabalho, hidróxido de cério foi utilizado como aditivo para estabilizar o α-Ni(OH)2. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os íons cério são incorporados no eletrodo estabilizando a fase α-Ni(OH)2 e com isso aumentando a capacidade de carga do mesmo. Nas análises de espectroscopia no IV e Raman foi possível verificar modificações estruturais causadas pela presença de íons Ce3+ na estrutura, principalmente, a partir de 21,33% em mol do aditivo. Nos estudos de ciclagens sucessivas a fase α-Ni(OH)2 foi estabilizada na presença de 21,33% em mol do aditivo uma vez que a capacidade de carga do eletrodo manteve-se constante ao longo de 90 ciclos de oxidação/redução. / Ni(OH)2 is widely used as main active component for positive electrodes for secondary batteries such as Ni/Cd, Ni/Zn, Ni/Fe, Ni/H2 and recently in cell of Ni/MH. These accumulators show certain characteristics and they have several applications, such as: geostationary satellites, recharge feeding of computers, portable devices. Although the electrode of hydroxide of nickel have a good durability, after several oxidaction/reduction cycles, the material suffer modification from α-Ni(OH)2/β-NiOOH to β-Ni(OH)2/γ-NiOOH, decreasing its charge capacity. For this reason, it is necessary to study the role played by some additives for stabilization of charge capacity the electrode. Our results show that the cerium ions are incorporate in the electrode, stabilizing the α-Ni(OH)2 and therefore increasing charge capacity of the electrode. In the IV and Raman Spectroscopy analyses it was possible to verify structural modification caused by the presence of Ce3+ ions in the structure, mainly for 21,33% in mol of the additive. Potentiodynamic cycling experiments have shown that the phase α-Ni(OH)2 was stabilized with 21,33% of additive and the charge capacity of the electrode remains constant throughout 90 oxidation/reduction cycles.

Controle de uma plataforma inercial estabilizada com três graus de liberdade. / Control of an inertial stabilized platform with three degrees of freedom.

José Batista de Oliveira Júnior 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma inercial autônoma com três graus de liberdade para aplicação em estabilização de sensores - por exemplo, gravimétricos estacionários e embarcados - podendo ser utilizada também para estabilização de câmeras. O sistema é formado pela Unidade de Medida Inercial, IMU, desenvolvida utilizando um sensor micro eletromecânico, MEMS - que possui acelerômetro, giroscópio e magnetômetros nos três eixos de orientação - e um microcontrolador para aquisição, processamento e envio dos dados ao sistema de controle e aquisição de dados. Para controle dos ângulos de inclinação e orientação da plataforma, foi implementado um controlador PID digital utilizando microcontrolador. Este recebe os dados da IMU e fornece os sinais de controle utilizando as saídas PWM que acionam os motores, os quais controlam a posição da plataforma. Para monitoramento da plataforma foi desenvolvido um programa para aquisição de dados em tempo real em ambiente Matlab, por meio do qual se pode visualizar e gravar os sinais da IMU, os ângulos de inclinação e a velocidade angular. Testou-se um sistema de transmissão de dados por rádio frequência entre a IMU e o sistema de aquisição de dados e controle para avaliar a possibilidade da não utilização de slip rings ou fios entre o eixo de rotação e os quadros da plataforma. Entretanto, verificou-se a inviabilidade da transmissão em razão da baixa velocidade de transmissão e dos ruídos captados pelo receptor de rádio frequência durante osmovimentos da plataforma. Sendo assim, dois pares de fios trançados foram utilizados fios para conectar o sensor inercial ao sistema de aquisição e processamento. / This work presents the development of a three-degree of freedom autonomous inertial platform for the use in sensors stabilization - for example, stationary and embedded gravimeters. It can also be used to stabilize cameras. The system is composed by the Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU, developed using a micro electromechanical sensor, MEMS - which has an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer in the three axes of orientation - and a microcontroller for data acquisition, data processing and data sending to the control and data acquisition system. To control the platform angles and its orientation, a digital PID controller was implemented using a microcontroller. It receives data from the IMU and provides the control signals using the PWM outputs that drive the motors to control the platform position. In order to supervise the platform operation, a real time data acquisition software was developed in Matlab, where IMU signals, inclination angles and angular velocities can be displayed and recorded. Data transmission via radio frequency between the IMU and the data acquisition and control system was tested in order to evaluate the possibility of not using slip rings or wires between the rotation axis and platform frames. This approach was unsuccessful due to the low speed of data transmission and to the noise that affected the radio frequency receiver during the platform\'s movements. In view of that wire was used to directly connect the inertial sensor to the acquisition and processing system.

Influência do lançamento do efluente da estação de tratamento de esgoto doméstico no igarapé Grande em Boa Vista/RR

José Lopes Satelles 15 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O corpo hídrico, objeto deste estudo, o igarapé Grande, localiza-se no Município de Boa Vista, Estado de Roraima, na região Norte do Brasil. O igarapé Grande possui como afluente à sua margem direita, o igarapé da Paca, tendo sua foz no rio Branco. O presente estudo visa avaliar, através da determinação de parâmetros físico-químicos e biológico (clorofila-a) o nível de contaminação do Igarapé Grande após receber efluente da ETE/Boa Vista-RR e o impacto ambiental causado pelo aporte de substâncias no igarapé e possivelmente no rio Branco. Na realização deste estudo foram selecionados seis pontos de coletas considerados estratégicos para o alcance dos objetivos propostos. Foram analisados os parâmetros: cor, turbidez, condutividade, pH, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrito, amônia, fósforo total, cloreto, DBO5, DQO, clorofila-a, cobre, manganês, zinco, ferro e níquel. As técnicas de coleta, transporte e preservação e análises das amostras obedeceram às recomendações da NBR n 9898 de junho de 1987 e os métodos padrões descritos no Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wasterwater. Através das observações realizadas pode-se verificar que o igarapé sofre o impacto humano através da retirada da cobertura vegetal, impermeabilização do solo pela ocupação das imediações e lançamentos de agentes poluidores. Através dos resultados, com exceção das espécies metálicas, foi possível confirmar o impacto do lançamento do efluente sobre igarapé Grande. Parâmetros como fósforo, amônia, nitrito e clorofila-a demonstraram que o igarapé Grande não possui capacidade de assimilação, em especial nos períodos de seca, dos nutrientes e espécies contaminantes durante o percurso até a sua foz no rio Branco. / The water body, the object of this study, the creek Grande, located in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, in northern Brazil. The river has as large tributary to the right bank of the creek Paca, and his mouth in the rio Branco. This study aims to evaluate, through the determination of physico-chemical and biological (chlorophyll-a) the level of contamination of the igarapé Grande after receiving STP effluent/Boa Vista-RR and the environmental impact caused by the injection of substances into the creek and possibly in rio Branco. In this study we selected six collection points considered strategic to the achievement of objectives. Parameters were assessed: color, turbidity, conductivity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, ammonia, total phosphorus, chloride, BOD5, COD, chlorophyll-a, copper, manganese, zinc, iron and nickel. The techniques of collection, transportation and preservation of samples and analysis followed the recommendations of the NBR N. 9898 of June 1987 and the standard methods described in Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wasterwater. Through the observations can be verified that the stream is impacted by human removal of vegetation, soil sealing by the occupation of the surroundings and releases of pollutants. Through the results, with the exception of metal species, it was possible to confirm the impact of effluent discharge on igarapé Grande. Parameters such as phosphorus, ammonia, nitrite and chlorophyll-a showed that the creek does not have great capacity to assimilate, especially in periods of drought, nutrient and contaminant species en route to its mouth on the rio Branco.

Estabilização segmentar lombar e TENS na hérnia discal lombar: um ensaio clínico randomizado / Lumbar segmental stabilization and TENS in lumbar disc herniation: a randomized controlled trial

Fabio Jorge Renovato França 01 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hérnia de disco lombar (HDL) acomete cerca de 5% dos pacientes com de dor lombar e o tratamento cirúrgico nestes casos é cada vez menos indicado, optando-se, na maior parte dos casos, pelo conservador. Embora o método estabilização lombar (EL) e a estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) tenham mostrado bons resultados em indivíduos portadores de dor lombar inespecífica, há escassa literatura que tenha verificado a eficácia destes tratamentos isoladamente em sujeitos acometidos por hérnia de disco lombar. OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficácia dos exercícios de estabilização lombar e da TENS na dor, incapacidade funcional, e capacidade de ativação do músculo transverso do abdome (TrA) de indivíduos com hérnia de disco lombar. METODOLOGIA: Participaram da pesquisa 40 indivíduos com idade variando de 25 a 58 anos com dor lombar e hérnia de disco, e foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo estabilização lombar (EL) (exercícios específicos para os músculos TrA e multífido lombar(ML)) (n=20) e Grupo TENS (GT) (n=20) que receberam atendimento com corrente de estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea. Foram avaliados quanto à dor (Escala Visual Analógica e Questionário McGill de Dor), incapacidade funcional (Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry), e capacidade de recrutamento do TrA (Unidade de Biofeedback Pressórico-UBP). Os grupos foram tratados em duas sessões semanais com duração de 60 minutos por oito semanas. Cada indivíduo foi avaliado antes e após o tratamento. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de alfa=0,05. RESULTADOS: Após oito semanas, o grupo estabilização lombar mostrou melhora significativa na dor (p < 0,001), incapacidade funcional (p < 0,001), e capacidade de ativação do TrA (p < 0,001). O grupo TENS apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante apenas na dor (p < 0,012). A estabilização foi superior à TENS na melhora na dor (p < 0,001), incapacidade funcional (p < 0,001), e capacidade de ativação do TrA (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que a estabilização é efetiva na melhora da dor, incapacidade funcional, e capacidade da ativação do TrA, e a TENS apenas na dor. A estabilização foi superior à TENS em todas as variáveis / INTRODUCTION: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) affects about 5% of low back pain (LBP) patients. Surgical treatment in these cases is increasingly less suitable, opting, in most cases, for the conservative. Although lumbar stabilization method and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) have shown good results in patients with nonspecific low back pain, there is scarce literature that has verified the effectiveness of these treatments alone in subjects suffering from lumbar disc herniation.OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), on pain, functional disability and activation of the transversus abdominis muscle (TrA), in individuals with lumbar disc herniation (LDH). METHODS: This study involved 40 patients (age range 25-58 years) with lumbar disc herniation randomized into two groups: Stabilization group (SG: n=20); which received of stabilization exercises (transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus muscles) and TENS group (TG: n=20), which received electrotherapy. The following instruments were used: visual analogue pain scale and McGill Pain Questionnaire for pain, Oswestry Disability Index for functional disability, and pressure biofeedback unit (PBU) for ability to contract the TrA. Analyses within and between groups were performed after treatment. Groups underwent 16 sessions, for 60 minutes, twice a week and they were evaluated before and after eight weeks. Significance level was set at alfa= 0.05. RESULTS: After eight weeks, lumbar stabilization group showed significant improvements in pain (p < 0.001), functional disability (p < 0.001), and the ability to contract the TrA (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in TENS group in terms of disability (p < 0.264) or ability to contract the TrA muscle (p < 0.181), however, improvement in pain was demonstrated (p < 0.012). The stabilization was superior to TENS in terms of improvements in pain (p < 0.001), functional disability (p < 0.001), and ability to contract the TrA (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that stabilization is effective in improving pain, functional disability, and the ability to contract the TrA in individuals with LDH. In the TENS group, the only improvement after treatment was in terms of pain. Stabilization was superior to TENS in all outcomes

Class-F Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) Mixtures for Enhanced Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Applications

Sharma, Anil Kumar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Fly ash and blast furnace slag are the two major industrial solid by-products generated in most countries including India. Although their utilization rate has increased in the recent years, still huge quantities of these material remain unused and are stored or disposed of consuming large land area involving huge costs apart from causing environmental problems. Environmentally safe disposal of Fly ash is much more troublesome because of its ever increasing quantity and its nature compared to blast furnace slag. Bulk utilization of these materials which is essentially possible in civil engineering in general and more particular in geotechnical engineering can provide a relief to environmental problems apart from having economic benefit. One of the important aspects of these waste materials is that they improve physical and mechanical properties with time and can be enhanced to a significant level by activating with chemical additives like lime and cement. Class-C Fly ashes which have sufficient lime are well utilized but class-F Fly ashes account for a considerable portion that is disposed of due to their low chemical reactivity. Blast furnace slag in granulated form is used as a replacement for sand to conserve the fast declining natural source. The granulated blast furnace slag (GBS) is further ground to enhance its pozzolanic nature. If GBS is activated by chemical means rather than grinding, it can provide a good economical option and enhance its utilization potential as well. GGBS is latent hydraulic cement and is mostly utilized in cement and concrete industries. Most uses of these materials are due to their pozzolanic reactivity. Though Fly ash and GGBS are pozzolanic materials, there is a considerable difference in their chemical composition. For optimal pozzolanic reactivity, sufficient lime and silica should be available in desired proportions. Generally, Fly ash has higher silica (SiO2) content whereas GGBS is rich in lime (CaO) content. Combining these two industrial wastes in the right proportion may be more beneficial compared to using them individually. The main objective of the thesis has been to evaluate the suitability of the class-F Fly ash/GGBS mixtures with as high Fly ash contents for Geotechnical and Geo-environmental applications. For this purpose, sufficient amount of class-F Fly ash and GGBS were collected and their mixtures were tested in the laboratory for analyzing their mechanical behavior. The experimental program included the evaluation of mechanical properties such as compaction, strength, compressibility of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures at different proportions with GGBS content varying from 10 to 40 percent. An external agent such as chemical additives like lime or cement is required to accelerate the hydration and pozzolanic reactions in both these materials. Hence, addition of varying percentages of lime is also considered. However, these studies are not extended to chemically activate GBS and only GGBS is used in the present study. Unconfined compressive strength tests have been carried out on various Fly ash/ GGBS mixtures at different proportions at different curing periods. The test results demonstrated rise in strength with increase in GGBS content and with 30 and 40 percent of GGBS addition, the mixture showed higher strength than either of the components i.e. Fly ash or GGBS after sufficient curing periods. Addition of small amount of lime increased the strength tremendously which indicated the occurrence of stronger cementitious reactions in the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures than in samples containing only Fly ash. Improvement of the strength of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures was explained through micro-structural and mineralogical studies. The microstructure and mineralogical studies of the original and the stabilized samples were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction techniques respectively. These studies together showed the formation of cementitious compounds such as C-S-H, responsible for imparting strength to the pozzolanic materials, is better in the mixture containing 30 and 40 percent of GGBS content than in individual components. Resilient and permanent deformation behavior on an optimized mix sample of Fly ash and GGBS cured for 7 day curing period has been studied. The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a measure of subgrade material stiffness and is actually an estimate of its modulus of elasticity (E). The permanent deformation behavior is also important in predicting the performance of the pavements particularly in thin pavements encountered mainly in rural and low volume roads. The higher resilient modulus values indicated its suitability for use as subgrade or sub-base materials in pavement construction. Permanent axial strain was found to increase with the number of load cycles and accumulation of plastic strain in the sample reduced with the increase in confining pressure. Consolidation tests were carried on Fly ash/GGBS mixtures using conventional oedometer to assess their volume stability. However, such materials develop increased strength with time and conventional rate of 24 hour as duration of load increment which requires considerable time to complete the test is not suitable to assess their volume change behavior in initial stages. An attempt was thus made to reduce the duration of load increment so as to reflect the true compressibility characteristics of the material as close as possible. By comparing the compressibility behavior of Fly ash and GGBS between conventional 24 hour and 30 minutes duration of load increment, it was found that 30 minutes was sufficient to assess the compressibility characteristics due to the higher rate of consolidation. The results indicated the compressibility of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures slightly decreases initially but increase with increase in GGBS content. Addition of lime did not have any significant effect on the compressibility characteristics since the pozzolanic reaction, which is a time dependent process and as such could not influence due to very low duration of loading. Results were also represented in terms of constrained modulus which is a most commonly used parameter for the determination of settlement under one dimensional compression tests. It was found that tangent constrained modulus showed higher values only at higher amounts of GGBS. It was also concluded that settlement analysis can also be done by taking into account the constrained modulus. The low values of compression and recompression indices suggested that settlements on the embankments and fills (and the structures built upon these) will be immediate and minimal when these mixtures are used. In addition to geotechnical applications of Fly ash/GGBS mixture, their use for the removal of heavy metals for contaminated soils was also explored. Batch equilibrium tests at different pH and time intervals were conducted with Fly ash and Fly ash/GGBS mixture at a proportion of 70:30 by weight as adsorbents to adsorb lead ions. It was found that though uptake of lead by Fly ash itself was high, it increased further in the presence of GGBS. Also, the removal of lead ions increased with increase in pH of the solution but decreases at very high pH. The retention of lead ions by sorbents at higher pH was due to its precipitation as hydroxide. Results of the adsorption kinetics showed that the reaction involving removal of lead by both the adsorbents follow second-order kinetics. One of the major problems which geotechnical engineers often face is construction of foundations on expansive soils. Though stabilization of expansive soils with lime or cement is well established, the use of by-product materials such as Fly ash and blast furnace slag to achieve economy and reduce the disposal problem needs to be explored. To stabilize the soil, binder comprising of Fly ash and GGBS in the ratio of 70:30 was used. Different percentages of binder with respect to the soil were incorporated to the expansive soil and changes in the physical and engineering properties of the soil were examined. Small addition of lime was also considered to enhance the pozzolanic reactions by increasing the pH. It was found that liquid limit, plasticity index, swell potential and swell pressure of the expansive soil decreased considerably while the strength increased with the addition of binder. The effect was more pronounced with the addition of lime. Swell potential and swell pressure reduced significantly in the presence of lime. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the expansive soils can be successfully stabilized with the Fly ash-GGBS based binder with small addition of lime. This is also more advantageous in terms of lime requirement which is typically high when Fly ash, class-F in particular, is used alone to stabilize expansive soils. Based on the studies carried out in the present work, it is established that combination of Fly ash and GGBS can be advantageous as compared to using them separately for various geotechnical applications such as for construction of embankments/fills, stabilization of expansive soils etc. with very small amount of lime. Further, these mixtures have better potential for geo-environmental applications such as decontamination of soil. However, it is still a challenge to activate GBS without grinding.

Maintien du couplage optique entre une ECDL et une cavité de haute finesse : application à la mesure ultrasensible de biréfringence induite par effet Kerr / Maintenance of the optical coupling between an External Cavity Diode Laser and a high finesse cavity : application to ultrasensitive measurement of birefringence induced by Kerr effect

Durand, Mathieu 23 July 2009 (has links)
Ce travail se place dans le cadre de la mesure ultrasensible d’anisotropie de phase optique que permet l’emploi adapté des cavités de très haute finesse. Pour stabiliser la fréquence laser sur une résonance de la cavité, un schéma d’asservissement reposant sur la rétroaction optique est utilisé.Une première partie décrit le couplage optique entre le laser et la cavité à travers l’analyse du comportement de la fréquence d’émission du laser auto-réinjecté. Une comparaison analytique théorie expérience a permis d’identifier les signaux d’erreur nécessaires au maintien durable de la fréquence du laser à l’exacte résonance d’un mode de la cavité. Après une description détaillée du dispositif d’asservissement, sa réalisation expérimentale sur une cavité de finesse de quelques milliers (F = 3 000)a démontré la possibilité de stabiliser la fréquence laser sur plus de dix heures avec une excursion résiduelle à la seconde de 375 Hz.Dans la deuxième partie, le développement précédent a été mis en œuvre sur une cavité de très haute finesse (F = 250 000) et a permis la mesure ultrasensible de biréfringence induite dans des gaz par effet Kerr. L’originalité du dispositif repose sur la mise à profit de la biréfringence résiduelle des miroirs de haute réflectivité.Elle est utilisée d’une part comme source à la rétroaction optique, et d’autre part comme biais optique à la mesure de la biréfringence du gaz. Une étude théorique et expérimentale détaillée des sources de bruit présent dans la chaîne de détection en fonction de la valeur du biais optique a permis de réaliser la mesure de déphasage au niveau du bruit de photons avec quelques mW de puissance laser. Ainsi, une sensibilité référence sur la mesure de déphasage Kerr de 3.10−13 rad a été démontrée pour un temps de mesure de 800 sec. Cette valeur record améliore de trois ordres de grandeur les déphasages Kerr précédemment mesurés. Le dispositif a été de plus mis à profit pour la mesure à faible champ électrique (< 40 V /mm) et à pression atmosphérique, des constantes de Kerr de différents gaz moléculaires et atomiques jusqu’à l’He. / The context of the work is the ultra-sensitive measurement of phase anisotropy permits by well-used of very high finesse cavity. To stabilize the laser frequency at the exact resonance of one cavity mode, a servo control based on optical feedback is used.In the first part, the optical coupling between laser and cavity is described through the comportment of the frequency of the self-locked laser. A comparison between experience and theory has permitted to identify the error signals in order to keep enduringly the laser frequency at the exact resonance. The experimental realization of the servo control into a 3 000 finesse cavity had demonstrated the stabilization of the laser frequency during more than ten hours with a residual one second excursion of 375 Hz.In the second part, the previous development has been used with a very high finesse cavity (F=250 000) to measure static Kerr birefringence in gases. The originality of the set-up is the use of the residual high reflectivity mirrors birefringence, firstly as the source of the optical feedback and secondly as an optical bias to measure the weak gas birefringence. An experimental and theoretical study of the noise according to the value of the optical bias has permitted a photon noise limited measurement (laser intensity of few mW). A record sensitivity of the phase shift induced by Kerr effect has been demonstrated at 3.10-13 rad with 800 s integration time. The scheme has been used to measure, in weak electric field (<40 V/mm) and in standard condition of pressure and temperature, the Kerr constant of molecular and atomic gases, even He gas

Analyse de l'influence des conditions aux limites thermiques sur la stabilisation des flammes non-prémélangées / Analysis of the influence of thermal boundary conditions on nonpremixed flame stabilization

Lamige, Sylvain 23 October 2014 (has links)
La problématique de la stabilisation des flammes non-prémélangées reste primordiale. Il faut pour la résoudre déterminer l’importance relative des phénomènes aérodynamiques, thermiques et chimiques intervenant dans les mécanismes de stabilisation. La démarche expérimentale utilisée pour cela au cours de cette thèse porte une attention particulière sur l’influence des conditions aux limites thermiques, et comporte deux volets à travers lesquels le rôle des transferts thermiques est mis en exergue. D’abord, la zone d’attachement d’une flamme stabilisée derrière la lèvre du brûleur est examinée, en considérant les couplages entre le positionnement du bout de flamme à proximité du brûleur et la température de la lèvre. Différentes régions ont ainsi pu être identifiées selon le comportement du bout de flamme, qui évolue depuis une nature diffusive vers une nature propagative à l’approche des limites aérodynamiques de stabilité. Par ailleurs, une modification des propriétés thermiques du brûleur a permis de mettre en évidence une évolution, avec la température de la lèvre, du rôle relatif des modes de coincement thermique et chimique de la flamme par la paroi du brûleur. Ensuite, l’étude concerne non plus un état stabilisé de la flamme, mais les transitions entre les différents régimes de combustion, et plus particulièrement le décrochage d’une flamme attachée. L’examen des conditions conduisant à la déstabilisation de la flamme est un moyen d’apporter des éléments-clefs de compréhension quant aux couplages et aux équilibres aérothermochimiques prévalant préalablement au décrochage. Une évolution du processus de décrochage a ainsi été mise en avant avec l’augmentation de la température initiale des réactants, en lien avec l’évolution de phénomènes transitoires d’extinction locale de la zone de réaction. / Non-premixed flame stabilization is still an important issue in combustion. Addressing this issue requires to evaluate the relative importance of aerodynamic, thermal and chemical phenomena involved in the stabilization mechanisms. This thesis develops to this end an experimental approach, with a particular focus on the influence of thermal boundary conditions, examining the role of heat transfer in a twofold analysis. At first, the attachment zone of a rim-stabilized jet-flame is investigated, by careful consideration of the coupling existing between the burner lip temperature and the flame attachment location relative to the burner. Several regions have been identified according to the flame leading edge behavior, which evolves from diffusive to propagative closer to the aerodynamic stability limits. Besides, by modifying the burner thermal properties, a change has been shown in the relative roles of thermal and chemical quenching of the flame by the burner wall, depending on the burner lip temperature. Secondly, the attention is directed to transitions between different combustion regimes, namely attached and lifted flames. In particular, beyond the stable state of an attached flame, its lifting process is investigated. Examining in which conditions destabilization of the flame occurs indeed appears to be an ideal opportunity to gain insight into the aerothermochemical coupling and equilibriums existing prior to lift-off. Thus, the lifting process has been shown to be modified by the reactant initial temperature, in close relationship with the change in occurrence of localized transitory extinction events of the reaction zone.

Condensation de Bose-Einstein multiple dans les modes d’ordre supérieurs d’une cavité optique bi-fréquence / Multiple Bose-Einstein condensation in higher order modes of a dual frequency optical cavity

Kuyumjyan, Grigor 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les gaz quantiques dégénérés des atomes neutres sont d’excellentssystèmes avec les applications importantes dans les études de la physique à plusieurs corps, de la matière condensée, de la mesure de haute précision et de l'information quantique. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons la production des condensats de Bose-Einstein de 87Rb dans les différents modes transverses de la cavité qui a une configuration en papillon (bow-tie cavity). La cavité est résonante à deux longueurs d'onde, 1560 nm et 780 nm. Nous utilisons la radiation à 1560 nm, une longueur d'onde accessible dans la télécommunication (bande C) pour obtenir le condensat de Bose-Einstein dans un piège dipolaire intra-cavité. La cavité optique permet de réaliser un piège dipolaire profond à partir d'une source optique à puissance modérée (3W), grâce à l'amplification de la puissance au sein du résonateur. Les modes non dégénérés du résonateur permettent d'obtenir de multiples condensats dans les modes transverses supérieurs. Comme exemples représentatifs, nous avons réalisé le condensat de Bose-Einstein dans le mode fondamental et le mode TEM01 de la cavité. L'utilisation de ces modes nous permet d'avoir un et deux puits de potentiels pour le piégeage où l'échantillon atomique ultra-froid est couplé au mode du résonateur. En contrôlant la puissance relative entre le mode fondamental et les modes transverses supérieurs (TEM01, TEM10), nous arrivons à réaliser la division et la recombinaison d’un 'ensemble atomique ultra-froid. De plus, dans ce manuscrit nous présentons le développementd'un système d'asservissement autour de la cavité optique qui nous permet d'obtenir les deux radiations asservies sur le résonateur ainsi que la stabilisation de la longueur de la cavité sur les atomes de rubidium. La deuxième longueur d'onde provient du faisceau à 1560 nm après le doublage de fréquence. Par la suite, les deux longueurs d'onde sont asservies sur la cavité par la technique de Pound-Drever-Hall. Une partie du composant doublé en fréquence est comparée en fréquence avec un laser à 780 nm asservi sur les atomes de rubidium par la technique de battement optique. Ensuite, le signal de battement est converti par un synthétiseur de fréquence et est envoyé vers le contrôleur de transducteur piézo-électrique de la cavité via un régulateur PI pour éviter la dérive à long terme liée aux fluctuations de la température. La résonance à 780 nm sera utilisée comme faisceau de sonde intra-cavité. Cela nous permettra de réaliser une mesure quantique non-destructive et de générer des états comprimés de spins induits par cette mesure / Quantum degenerate gases of neutral atoms are excellent systems with important applications in the study of many body quantum physics, condensed matter physics, precision measurements, and quantum information processing. In this thesis we demonstrate the creation of 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in different transverse modes of a bow-tie cavity. The cavity resonant at two wavelengths, 1560 and 780 nm. We are using the radiation 1560 nm accessible in telecom (C band) to create BEC in the cavity enhanced optical dipole trap with only 3 W of optical power from the source. The non-degenerate cavity modes enable the creation of arrays of BECs in the higher transverse modes. As representative examples we realize the BEC in the fundamental TEM00 and the TEM01 mode of the cavity which are the single well and double well trapping configuration with ultra-cold atomic simple well coupled to the cavity modes. By controlling the relative power between the fundamental and the higher transverses cavity modes (TEM01, TEM10), splitting and merging of ultra-cold atomic ensemble is shown. Moreover, in this manuscript we present the development of a lock system around the optical cavity which allows us to obtain both radiations locked to the cavity as well as the lengthe of the optical resonator is referenced on the rubidium atoms. The second wavelength is derived from 1560 nm beam by frequency doubling and then both radiations are locked to the cavity by Pound-Drever-Hall technique. One part of the frequency doubled 780 nm is referenced to an independent 780 nm laser locked on the rubidium atoms. The beat signal between these two lasers is frequency synthesized and through the PI controller is sent to the piezo-electric transducer driver to avoid long-term drifts of the cavity due to temperature fluctuations. The cavity resonance at 780 nm will be used as a probe beam for cavity aided quantum non-demolition measurements to generate measurement induced spin squeezed states.

Sur la synchronisation et le cryptage de systèmes chaotiques à temps discret utilisant les techniques d'agrégation et la représentation en flèche des matrices / On synchronization and encryption of discrete-time chaotic systems using aggregation techniques and representation of arrow form matrices

Filali, Rania Linda 04 June 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer une méthode de synthèse de commande par retour d’état puis par observateurs offrant des conditions de synthèse non contraignantes dans le cas de systèmes non linéaires à temps discret. Dans cette méthode, est mise en exergue l’importance du choix de la description des systèmes sur l’étendue des résultats pouvant être obtenus lorsque la méthode d’étude de la stabilité est fixée. Ainsi l’utilisation des normes vectorielles comme fonction d’agrégation et du critère pratique de Borne et Gentina pour l’étude de la stabilité, associée à la description des systèmes par des matrices caractéristiques de forme en flèche de Benrejeb, a conduit à l’élaboration de nouvelles conditions suffisantes de stabilisation de systèmes dynamiques discrets non linéaires, formulées en théorèmes et corollaires. Ces résultats obtenus, sont ensuite exploités, avec succès, pour la formulation de nouvelles conditions suffisantes de vérification des propriétés de synchronisation pour les systèmes hyperchaotiques à temps discrets. Ensuite, le cas de synthèse d’observateur est validé dans deux types de transmission chaotique / The objective of this thesis was to develop a method for synthesizing control state feedback and observers by offering soft synthesis conditions in the case of nonlinear discrete-time systems. In this method, is highlighting the importance of choosing the systems description of the scope of what can be achieved when the stability study method is fixed. The use of of vector norms as an aggregation function and the practical Borne-Gentina criterion for stability study, associated to arrow form matrix of Benrejeb for system discription, lead to the development of new sufficient conditions for stabilization of nonlinear discrete dynamical systems, formulated as theorems and corollaries. These results are then used, with success, for the formulation of new sufficient conditions for checking properties of hyperchaotiques synchronization for discrete-time systems. Then, the synthesis of observer is validated in two types of chaotic transmission

Système de stabilisation de la tension batterie pour la fonction Stop-Start automobile : solution à composants de puissance commandés en linéaire / Battery voltage stabilization system for automotive Stop-Start function : a linear power electronic solution

Chiappori, Guido, Jose 10 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un nouveau système de stabilisation de la tension batterie spécialement destinés aux véhicules Stop-Start, économique et compact, nommé LVSS (Linear Voltage Stabilization System). Le LVSS se comporte comme une résistance variable et limite le courant à l’aide de transistors MOSFET fonctionnant en mode linéaire. Il permet donc de stabiliser la tension de la batterie pendant le démarrage du moteur à combustion interne (ICE). Un prototype a été conçu et testé sur une voiture. Les résultats ont montré que la tension était stabilisée tout en limitant le courant de démarrage. De plus la solution proposée n’impacte pas sur les performances globales du système Stop-Start et comme les transistors fonctionnent en mode linéaire, cette solution n’émet pas de perturbations CEM. / This thesis presents a new Linear Voltage Stabilization System (LVSS) specially designed for µ-hybrid vehicles using the Stop-Start function. The LVSS stabilizes the battery voltage during the start-up of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) limiting the start-up current using parallels MOSFETs working in linear mode. A prototype was developed and tested in a car. Results have shown the battery voltage properly stabilized limiting the start-up current. Furthermore the proposed solution does not impact on the overall performance of the Stop-Start. Main advantages are its small volume, low price and the fact that there is no EMC perturbation as transistors work in linear mode.

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