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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pesquisa de genes codificadores de adesinas em Staphylococcus spp. isolados de mastite bovina / Search for adhesins-encoding genes in Staphylococcus spp. isolated from bovine mastitis

Zuniga, Eveline 05 February 2013 (has links)
No universo da pecuária leiteira, a mastite representa um importante desafio, sendo responsável por perdas econômicas consideráveis relacionadas principalmente com redução na produção de leite. O gênero Staphylococcus assume elevada importância como agente etiológico das mastites devido à sua ampla distribuição e freqüência de ocorrência. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de fêmeas bovinas com mastite subclínica para exames microbiológicos e contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Após o isolamento e identificação dos micro-organismos, as amostras positivas foram submetidas a análises das medianas das CCS, testes de susceptibilidade \"in vitro\" frente a diferentes antimicrobianos, assim como pesquisa de genes codificadores das adesinas - genes que codificam para proteína ligadora de colágeno (cna), proteína ligadora de laminina (eno), proteína ligadora de elastina (ebp), proteína ligadora de fibrinogênio (fib), proteína A ligadora de fibronectina (fnbA), proteína B ligadora de fibronectina (fnbB) e proteína associada à formação de biofilme (bap), por meio da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). De acordo com os achados do presente estudo, dentre as bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus isoladas, os S. aureus foram verificados com maior freqüência, seguido por Staphylococcus coagulase-negativos - S. intermedius, S. chromogens e S. warneri. Com respeito às medianas das CCS, o gênero Streptococcus spp. apresentou o maior valor. O perfil de sensibilidade e resistência aos antimicrobianos testados foi semelhante entre as espécies de Staphylococcus coagulase-positivos e negativos, sendo os antimicrobianos cefalexina, cefalotina e ceftiofur os que apresentaram maior frequência de sensibilidade, e penicilina, amoxicilina e ampicilina os que apresentaram maior resistência. Com exceção do (fnbA), todos os outros fatores de virulência estudados foram detectados, sendo os genes eno, fib e a associação dos genes \"eno/fib/bap\" os mais freqüentemente detectados. Nas amostras coletadas dos tanques de refrigeração não foram detectadas todas as espécies de Staphylococcus spp. isoladas dos quartos mamários. Tais informações acerca do assunto permitem o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficientes de tratamento e controle desta enfermidade, possibilitando o aumento da produtividade leiteira. / In the world of dairy cattle, mastitis is a major challenge, accounting for economic losses related mainly to reduction in milk production. The genus Staphylococcus assumes greater importance as a etiologic agent of mastitis due to its wide distribution and frequency of occurrence. Milk samples were collected from cows with subclinical mastitis to microbiological examinations and somatic cell count (SCC). After isolation and identification of microorganisms, positive samples were analyzed for the medians of SCC, tested for susceptibility \"in vitro\" against different antimicrobials and polymerase chain reaction will be used to search for genes encoding adhesins - genes that code for collagen-binding protein (cna), lamininbinding protein (eno), elastin-binding protein (ebp), fibrinogen-binding protein (fib), fibronectin-binding protein A (fnbA), fibronectin-binding protein B (fnbB) and protein associated with biofilm formation (bap). According to the findings of this study, among the bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus isolated, S. aureus were found most frequently, followed by coagulase-negative Staphylococcus - S. intermedius, S. chromogens and S. warneri. With respect to the medians of CCS, the genus Streptococcus spp. showed the highest. The profile of sensitivity and resistance to antimicrobials was similar among species of coagulase-positive and negative Staphylococcus, and antimicrobial cephalexin, cephalothin, and ceftiofur showed higher frequency sensitivity. Penicillin, amoxicillin and ampicillin showed the highest resistance. With the exception of (fnbA), all other virulence factors were detected, with genes eno, fib and the association of genes \"eno/fib/bap\" the most frequently detected. The samples collected from the cooling tanks were not detected all species of Staphylococcus spp. that were isolated from the mammary glands. Such information on the subject allow the development of more efficient strategies for treatment and control of this disease, allowing for increased milk production.

Aptitude de Staphylococcus carnosus et Staphylococcus xylosus à former des biofilms. Etude d'une souche"biofilm-positif" par une approche protéomique

Planchon, Stella 10 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Staphylococcus xylosus et Staphylococcus carnosus sont utilisés comme ferments de salaisons. S. xylosus est fréquemment isolé dans l'environnement des ateliers de transformation alimentaire alors que S. carnosus l'est rarement. Ainsi, nous avons étudié la capacité de ces deux espèces à former des biofilms sur divers supports abiotiques. Les souches de S. carnosus sont hydrophiles, adhèrent à des supports hydrophiles mais ne forment pas de biofilms. Certaines souches de S. xylosus sont hydrophiles, d'autres moyennement hydrophobes et elles forment des biofilms quelque soit le support. S. xylosus C2a, choisie comme souche d'étude, forme des biofilms denses avec des agrégats intercelluaires séparés par des canaux et englués dans une matrice constituée de polysaccharides dont la synthèse ne semble pas liée au gène icaA. Nous avons mis en evidence les gènes atl et bap codant des protèines de surface impliquées dans la formation de biofilm chez S. aureus. Pour étudier l'ensemble des protéines de surface impliquées, nous avons développé une méthode d'analyse des protéines pariétales et membranaires. Un total de 101 protéines a été identifié dont 51 sont prédites comme protéines de surface et seulement 9 sont cmmunes aux deux fractions. La comparaison des profils protéiques des fractions pariétales, membranaires et intracellulaires a révélé une expression différentielle de 115 protéines dont 74 sont surexprimées en mode sessile et 41 en planctonique. Cette étude a révélé la modification de nombreuses voies métabolliques. Leur analyse permettra de mieux appréhender les mécanismes mis en jeu par S. xylosus lors de sa croissance en biofilm

Personers upplevelse av att vara bärare av MRSA : En litteraturstudie

Jonsson, Mats, Tunc, Sevgi January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av att vara bärare av meticillin-resistensta Stafylococcus aureus (MRSA) samt att kvalitetsbedöma de valda artiklarnas urval och bortfall. Artikelsökning i databaserna Cinahl, Medline och PsycInfo resulterade i inkludering av 12 artiklar. I resultatet framkom faktorerna: Upplevelsen av att vara smittbärare, MRSA:s påverkan på det dagliga livet, Stöd eller frånvaro av stöd från familj och vänner, Information och kunskap, Bemötande från vårdpersonal samt Upplevelsen av isolering. I resultatet framkom att personer bärare av MRSA upplevde rädsla att smitta andra, framförallt sina familjemedlemmar, och avstod från fysiskt kontakt. Personerna upplevde begränsningar i arbetslivet, i dagliga livet samt begränsningar av fysisk aktivitet. Stöd från familj och vänner hade stora betydelser för personernas anpassning till livet som bärare av MRSA. Flera personer med MRSA upplevde att de hade brister i kunskap och information om MRSA, vilket påverkade dem negativt. Positivt bemötande från vårdpersonal gjorde att personerna anpassade sig lättare till sin situation. Isoleringsvård upplevdes antingen som positiv eller som diskriminerande och en begränsning till deras självständighet. Urvalsprocessen beskrevs i tio artiklar och bortfall beskrevs i elva artiklar. Slutsatsen blev att personer med MRSA upplevde adekvat information om sitt tillstånd som en påverkande faktor vid livsstilsförändring. Brister som uppstod vid kunskapsförmedling, i relationer till vänner och familj samt i bemötandet från vårdpersonal upplevdes som negativa erfarenheter. / The aim of this study was to describe the experience of being a carrier of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and to evaluate the quality of the selected articles sample and dropouts. Articles were search in databases Cinahl, Medline and PsycInfo which resulted in an inclusion of 12 articles. The result showed factors: The experience of being a carrier, MRSA's impact on daily life, Support or absence of support from family and friends, Information and knowledge, Encounter from health professionals and The experience of isolation. The result showed that individuals carrying MRSA experienced fear of infecting others, especially their family members, and refrained from physical contact. Participants experienced restrictions in the workplace, in everyday life, and limitation of physical activity. Support from family and friends had great meaning for persons adjusting to life as carriers of MRSA. Several people with MRSA felt that they were deficient in knowledge and information on MRSA, which affected them adversely. Positive attitude from health workers led to a facilitated adaption to the carriers’ situation. Isolation care was either percieved as a positive experience or caused discrimination in which subjects felt that their autonomy was restricted. The sample process was described in ten articles and dropouts were described in eleven articles. The conclusion of this study was that people with MRSA felt that adequate information about their condition as an influencing factor to lifestyle change. Deficiencies in sharing of knowledge, in relationships with friends and family as well as in the encounter with health professionals were perceived as negative experiences.

Prevalence of colonization and antimicrobial resistance among coagulase positive staphylococci in dogs, and the relatedness of canine and human Staphylococcus aureus

Rubin, Joseph Elliot 04 July 2011
Coagulase positive staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, are important causes of infection in human beings and dogs respectively. The rapid increase in the incidence of methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in people and its emergence in dogs has raised the profile of this organism in the veterinary community. Similarly, human S. pseudintermedius infections have also been recognized as the awareness of bidirectional human-dog transmission increases. Antimicrobial resistance has been complicating the treatment of S. aureus infections since the first penicillin resistance was observed in the 1940s. Methicillin resistance (resistance to the majority of â-lactams), is particularly troublesome as the â-lactams are a safe and effective class of antimicrobials for treating susceptible staphylococcal infections in both human beings and dogs. Additionally, resistance to other antimicrobial classes such as the macrolides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides and chloramphenicol, further complicates the treatment of staphylococcal infections. Particularly in small animal private practice, infections are often treated empirically, requiring knowledge of locally prevalent susceptibility patterns. The emergence of resistance to commonly used drugs necessitates surveillance to monitor the dissemination of resistance, and to guide antimicrobial therapy. In the last decade there have been many studies attempting to address gaps in our knowledge of the ecology of S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius in dogs. In particular, the prevalence of colonization with methicillin resistant staphylococci has been documented in different dog populations. However, failing to sample all relevant sites of colonization, may have decreased the sensitivity of these studies. The sites where coagulase positive staphylococci colonize dogs have not been systematically evaluated. The clinical and infection control implications of S. aureus infections, or colonization in the case of MRSA, requires timely laboratory identification. The tube coagulase test is arguably the most important tool used for identifying of staphylococcal species. Studies dating from the 1970s and 1980s suggested that the use of rabbit plasma, which is the current standard, may not be the ideal media for all situations and that different plasmas may need to be considered in different diagnostic situations. In this thesis, the ecology of coagulase positive staphylococci in dogs was studied from start to finish including sample collection, bacterial identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and molecular epidemiological investigations. This thesis will serve as a template to be used for follow up studies or by investigators setting up a surveillance program in their region. We found that multiple sites of colonization (nares, pharynx and rectum), are involved in both S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius carriage in dogs. Single site colonized dogs were identified, suggesting that maximal screening sensitivity requires sampling multiple body sites. When canine and rabbit plasma were compared, the time until clot formation was found to be significantly shorter with canine plasma. Although, the availability of canine plasma may limit its use in the diagnostic laboratory, investigators should be aware that rabbit plasma may not be ideal for all applications of the tube coagulase test. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of canine S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius and human S. aureus isolates was done. Consistent with previous reports from Saskatoon, the S. pseudintermedius isolates were found to be overwhelmingly susceptible: pan-susceptibility was the most common phenotype identified. Antimicrobial resistance was more common among S. aureus than S. pseudintermedius including resistance to drugs which all S. pseudintermedius were susceptible to. No resistance to vancomycin, linezolid, daptomycin or quinupristin/dalfopristin was found. All isolates remained susceptible to at least one of tetracycline, clindamycin, chloramphenicol or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole which are often used for treating infections caused by multidrug resistant staphylococci. Finally, DNA fingerprinting revealed that the canine and human S. aureus isolates tested did not belong to mutually exclusive populations. Using AFLP, IS-typing and spa typing, many human and canine isolates were indistinguishable suggesting a common population, supporting the hypothesis that interspecies transmission occurs. The complex and under-characterized ecology of S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius requires more study so that risk factors for infection can be defined and effective infection control measures implemented. Because multiple species are involved, collaboration between veterinarians and human health professionals is imperative, and will no doubt yield the most success in our efforts to understand these potential pathogens.

Prevalence of colonization and antimicrobial resistance among coagulase positive staphylococci in dogs, and the relatedness of canine and human Staphylococcus aureus

Rubin, Joseph Elliot 04 July 2011 (has links)
Coagulase positive staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, are important causes of infection in human beings and dogs respectively. The rapid increase in the incidence of methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in people and its emergence in dogs has raised the profile of this organism in the veterinary community. Similarly, human S. pseudintermedius infections have also been recognized as the awareness of bidirectional human-dog transmission increases. Antimicrobial resistance has been complicating the treatment of S. aureus infections since the first penicillin resistance was observed in the 1940s. Methicillin resistance (resistance to the majority of â-lactams), is particularly troublesome as the â-lactams are a safe and effective class of antimicrobials for treating susceptible staphylococcal infections in both human beings and dogs. Additionally, resistance to other antimicrobial classes such as the macrolides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides and chloramphenicol, further complicates the treatment of staphylococcal infections. Particularly in small animal private practice, infections are often treated empirically, requiring knowledge of locally prevalent susceptibility patterns. The emergence of resistance to commonly used drugs necessitates surveillance to monitor the dissemination of resistance, and to guide antimicrobial therapy. In the last decade there have been many studies attempting to address gaps in our knowledge of the ecology of S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius in dogs. In particular, the prevalence of colonization with methicillin resistant staphylococci has been documented in different dog populations. However, failing to sample all relevant sites of colonization, may have decreased the sensitivity of these studies. The sites where coagulase positive staphylococci colonize dogs have not been systematically evaluated. The clinical and infection control implications of S. aureus infections, or colonization in the case of MRSA, requires timely laboratory identification. The tube coagulase test is arguably the most important tool used for identifying of staphylococcal species. Studies dating from the 1970s and 1980s suggested that the use of rabbit plasma, which is the current standard, may not be the ideal media for all situations and that different plasmas may need to be considered in different diagnostic situations. In this thesis, the ecology of coagulase positive staphylococci in dogs was studied from start to finish including sample collection, bacterial identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and molecular epidemiological investigations. This thesis will serve as a template to be used for follow up studies or by investigators setting up a surveillance program in their region. We found that multiple sites of colonization (nares, pharynx and rectum), are involved in both S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius carriage in dogs. Single site colonized dogs were identified, suggesting that maximal screening sensitivity requires sampling multiple body sites. When canine and rabbit plasma were compared, the time until clot formation was found to be significantly shorter with canine plasma. Although, the availability of canine plasma may limit its use in the diagnostic laboratory, investigators should be aware that rabbit plasma may not be ideal for all applications of the tube coagulase test. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of canine S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius and human S. aureus isolates was done. Consistent with previous reports from Saskatoon, the S. pseudintermedius isolates were found to be overwhelmingly susceptible: pan-susceptibility was the most common phenotype identified. Antimicrobial resistance was more common among S. aureus than S. pseudintermedius including resistance to drugs which all S. pseudintermedius were susceptible to. No resistance to vancomycin, linezolid, daptomycin or quinupristin/dalfopristin was found. All isolates remained susceptible to at least one of tetracycline, clindamycin, chloramphenicol or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole which are often used for treating infections caused by multidrug resistant staphylococci. Finally, DNA fingerprinting revealed that the canine and human S. aureus isolates tested did not belong to mutually exclusive populations. Using AFLP, IS-typing and spa typing, many human and canine isolates were indistinguishable suggesting a common population, supporting the hypothesis that interspecies transmission occurs. The complex and under-characterized ecology of S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius requires more study so that risk factors for infection can be defined and effective infection control measures implemented. Because multiple species are involved, collaboration between veterinarians and human health professionals is imperative, and will no doubt yield the most success in our efforts to understand these potential pathogens.

Phänotypisierung und Genotypisierung von Staphylococcus aureus-Isolaten aus Rohmilchproben Thüringer Milchviehherden

Schlotter, Anna Katharina 19 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Staphylococcus aureus ist einer der bedeutendsten Erreger boviner Mastitiden. Die Vielgestaltigkeit der Resistenzmuster und Virulenzfaktoren seiner Stämme macht ihn zu einem Problemkeim aus therapeutischer und prophylaktischer Sicht. Seine Fähigkeit zur Bildung hitzestabiler Enterotoxine verleiht ihm lebensmittelhygienische Relevanz. Mehrfachresistente Stämme stellen gefährliche Zoonose-Erreger dar. Ziel der durchgeführten Untersuchung war es daher, Aufschluss über Resistenzdeterminanten und Virulenzfaktoren der in Thüringer Milchviehherden vorkommenden Staphylococcus aureus zu erhalten, wobei eine Microarray-gestützte Genotypisierung zum Einsatz kam. Weiterhin sollte analysiert werden, ob der Genotyp der Isolate mit dem Phänotyp korreliert. In 34 Thüringer Milchviehherden wurde der gesamte Bestand der laktierenden Kühe zweimal auf Basis von Viertelgemelksproben bakteriologisch untersucht. Die Beurteilung der Kulturen erfolgte im Nativausstrich nach 48-stündiger Bebrütung und zusätzlich nach Voranreicherung in einer Glucose-Bouillon mit anschließender 24-stündiger Bebrütung. Staphylococcus aureus-positiv waren 1902 von insgesamt 81 567 Milchproben. Aus diesen wurden 189 für die Herden repräsentative Isolate ausgewählt und mittels Microarray-Technologie umfassend charakterisiert und klassifiziert. Zudem wurde der Phänotyp der Isolate auf Äskulin- und Columbia-Blutagar erfasst und das Resistenzverhalten mittels Agardiffusionstest ermittelt. Die 189 typisierten Staphylococcus aureus konnten elf verschiedenen klonalen Komplexen (CC) zugeordnet werden. Der Großteil der Isolate (80,4 %) zählte zu CC133, CC151 und CC479. Diese Isolate besaßen mit einer Ausnahme das Leukozidin-Gen lukF-P83/lukM. Die übrigen Isolate, die negativ auf lukF-P83/lukM getestet wurden, gehörten acht vergleichsweise sporadisch vorkommenden CC (CC7, CC9, CC20, CC45, CC50, CC97, CC101, CC398) an. In nur 0,7 % der zu den drei dominanten CC zählenden Isolate war das Beta-Laktamase-Gen blaZ vorhanden, während es bei 54,1 % der sporadisch vorkommenden CC detektiert wurde. Das Methicillin-Resistenzgen mecA wurde bei lediglich vier Isolaten (2,1 %) nachgewiesen, die alle CC398 angehörten. Sie verfügten neben Resistenzen gegenüber β-Laktam-Antibiotika über eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz. Darüber hinaus wurde in einem Isolat das Makrolid/Lincosamid/Streptogramin-Resistenz vermittelnde vgaA und in einem Isolat das Aminoglykosid-Resistenz vermittelnde aacA-aphD detektiert. Humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxin-, Exfoliatin- oder PVL-Gene wurden in den vier Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nicht gefunden. Im Agardiffusiontest zeigten diese Isolate eine Penicillin- und eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz, jedoch keine Resistenz gegenüber Oxacillin, welches als MRSA-Marker gilt. Die Gene der klassischen, humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Enterotoxine A, B und C waren bei 12,7 % der Isolate vorhanden, wohingegen die Gene von Enterotoxin D und E nicht vorkamen. Insgesamt fanden sich Enterotoxin-Gene bei 78,3 % der typisierten Staphylococcus aureus, wobei die für Enterotoxin G, I, M, N, O und U kodierenden dominierten. Phänotypisch unterschieden sich die CC bezüglich Hämolyse und Pigmentierung, wobei alle CC398-Isolate als eierschalenfarben mit doppelzoniger Hämolyse auftraten. Hämolysin-Gene besaßen alle Isolate, ein Zusammenhang zu den phänotypisch ausgeprägten Hämolysezonen bestand jedoch nicht. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen zwei epidemiologisch unterschiedliche Varianten von Staphylococcus aureus existieren. Die in dieser Studie dominierenden, lukF-P83/lukM-positiven CC133, CC151 und CC479 verursachten einen Großteil der Infektionen und gelten als auf das Euter beschränkte Erreger. Sie können daher als „euterassoziiert“ angesehen werden. Dagegen verfügten die anderen in dieser Untersuchung detektierten, lukF-P83/lukM-negativen CC über Charakteristika „umweltassoziierter“ Keime. Sie besitzen ein breites Wirtsspektrum und treten auch außerhalb des bovinen Euters in der Umgebung der Kühe auf. Die Prüfung auf lukF-P83/lukM erwies sich als zuverlässige Methode, zwischen beiden epidemiologischen Varianten zu unterscheiden. Folglich lässt die An- oder Abwesenheit dieser Genkombination einen Rückschluss auf die in der Herde verbreiteten CC zu. Das ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung der CC-spezifischen Erreger-Eigenschaften bei der Etablierung von Sanierungsprogrammen, die somit effizient gestaltet werden können. MRSA waren in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen wenig verbreitet und nur schwach mit Resistenzdeterminanten und humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Pathogenitätsfaktoren ausgestattet. Diese MRSA aus Rohmilchproben sind daher nicht mit multiresistenten Isolaten aus der Humanmedizin zu vergleichen. Gene für humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxine, für die ein Zusammenhang mit Lebensmittelintoxikationen belegt ist, wurden selten, andere Enterotoxin-Gene jedoch häufig nachgewiesen.

Résultats à long terme de l'éradication du portage nasal de Staphylococcus aureus méthicilino-résistant (SAMR) sur la prévalence des infections graves provoquées par ce germe chez le malade cirrhotique hospitalisé

Baranes, David. Campillo, Bernard. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse d'exercice : Médecine. Médecine générale : Paris 12 : 2006. / Titre provenant de la p. de titre du document imprimé. Bibliogr. f. 66-74.

Patienter med MRSA - Upplevelser och erfarenheter av livet med MRSA. / Patients with MRSA - Experiences of life related to MRSA.

Starck, Caroline, Toivonen, Heidi January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: MRSA, metcillinresistenta staphyloococcus aureus, ökar idag i Sverige och i hela världen och bidrar till längre vårdtider, kostsamma behandlingar och mycket lidande för de drabbade patienterna och deras anhöriga. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur patienter med MRSA upplever sin livssituation.Metod: Litteraturstudie  baserad på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tre teman benämnda ”Att vårdas”, ”Upplevelse av social förändring” och ”Att vara smittad med MRSA” med tillhörande subteman. Patienterna beskriver att bristfällig eller utebliven information om MRSA, dess symtom och effekter var ett problem. De beskriver också rädsla för att smitta sina närstående och vänner. Många av de patienter som fått MRSA känner sig orena och smutsiga, som de fått spetälska eller pesten och de känner skam och skuld över att ha fått MRSA. Diskussion: Ett stort problem var diskrepansen i vårdpersonalens kunskaper om MRSA och deras handhavande av patienter som var smittade med MRSA. Många patienter blev oprofessionellt bemötta och fick felaktig och inadekvat information, vilket ledde till mycket oro och psykisk lidande. Att inte få information eller få felaktig information i vid sjukdom kan få stora konsekvenser för patientens livssituation. / Background: MRSA metcillinresistenta staphyloococcus aureus is increasing both in Sweden and worldwide and contributes to longer time in the hospital, expensive treatments and suffering for the affected patients and their relatives. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how patients with MRSA experience their life situation. Method: Literature study based on ten qualitative articles. Result: The results are presented in three themes, the "Caring", "Experience of Social Change" and "Being infected with MRSA" and related subthemes. Patients describe that inadequate or lack of information regarding MRSA, its symptoms and effects were a problem. They also describe the fear of infecting family and friends. Several of the patients with MRSA feel unclean and dirty, as they had leprosy or the plague, and they feel shame and guilt about being diagnosed with MRSA. Discussion: A major problem was the discrepancy in health professionals' knowledge of MRSA and their management of patients who were infected with MRSA. Several patients were treated unprofessionally and were given an inaccurate and inadequate information about their illness which contributed to anxiety and suffering. If patients do not receive information or receive incorrect information in the event of an illness, this can have major consequences for the patients´ life situation.

Pieno bakterinio užterštumo nustatymas / Determination of milk bacterial contamination

Melkūnienė, Ingrida 18 June 2014 (has links)
Maisto produktų bakterinis užterštumas yra labai svarbi ir aktuali tema, ypač šiuo metu, kai žmonės grįžta prie natūralaus maisto. Nors maisto produktų saugą reglamentuoja ne vienas teisės aktas, tačiau dėl bakterinės maisto produktų taršos, vis dar kyla dideli epidemijų protrūkiai, kurie sukelia sveikatos sutrikimus tūkstančiams žmonių visame pasaulyje. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti karvių žalio ir pasterizuoto pieno bakterinį užterštumą. Rezultatai: Surinkus žalio ir pasterizuoto pieno mėginius iš skirtingų prekybos vietų ir atlikus tyrimus, nustatyta, kad 44 proc. žalio pieno mėginių viršijo didžiausią leistiną bakterinio užterštumo lygį (EB Nr. 853/2004). Tuo tarpu, nei vienas pasterizuoto pieno mėginys neviršijo leistinos EB Nr. 853/2004 ribos. Palyginus žalio pieno bakterinį užterštumą tarp skirtingų prekybos vietų nustatėme, kad didžiausias užterštumas buvo mėginiuose, imtuose iš ūkininkų, kurie gautą produkciją suvartoja savo reikmėms. Vidutiniškai užteršti – iš ūkininkų, kurie gautą produkciją parduoda, o mažiausiai užteršti mėginiai, imti iš prekybos centruose, esančių automatinių pieno aparatų. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad 50 proc. žalio pieno mėginių buvo užteršti S. aureus bakterijomis. Nei vienas mėginys neviršijo nustatytos leistinos normos pagal HN 26:2006 „Maisto produktų mikrobiologiniai kriterijai”. Tuo tarpu nei viename pasterizuoto pieno mėginyje S. aureus bakterijos nebuvo išskirtos. Escherichia coli bakterijos nei viename žalio pieno bei pasterizuoto pieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bacterial contamination of food products is a very important and relevant topic, especially nowadays, when people are beginning to use natural food again. Although food safety is regulated by more than one legal act, however, due to bacterial contamination of food, there is a large epidemic outbreak, causing health problems for thousands of people around the world. Objective: to determine bacterial contamination of raw and pasteurized cow milk. Results: After collecting samples and carrying out researches of raw and pasteurized milk from different markets, it is determined that 44 % of raw milk samples has exceeded the maximum allowable level of bacterial contamination (EB Nr. 853/2004). Meanwhile none of the samples of pasteurized milk exceeded allowable limits (EB Nr. 853/2004). Comparing bacterial contamination of raw milk between different markets we determined that the highest contamination was found in samples from farmers, who consume production for their own needs. On average contaminated samples was taken from farmers who sells their production. The lowest contamination was found in samples from automatic milk machines from supermarkets. The results showed that 50 % of the raw milk samples were contaminated with S. aureus bacteria. None of samples exceeded the limit laid down in accordance with the HN 26: 2006 "Microbiological criteria for foods". Meanwhile in pasteurized milk samples S. aureus bacteria were not found. Escherichia coli bacteria were not identified in... [to full text]

Identification and characterization of helper phase gene products involved in mobilization of staphylococcal pathogenicity island SAPl1 /

Tallent, Sandra McKenzie, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Commonwealth University, 2007. / Prepared for: Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology . Bibliography: leaves 130 - 137 . Also available online via the Internet.

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