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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financování podniků prostřednictvím vstupu na alternativní trh BCPP / Financing of Companies Through Entry into the Alternative Market PSE

Štěpánek, Marek January 2020 (has links)
Master‘s thesis is focused on the possibility of financing a company through entering the alternative market of the Prague Stock Exchange Ltd. The alternative market of the Prague Stock Exchange is the START Market, which is suitable for smaller and innovative czech companies. This is about an unregulated market, which means that the conditions of admission conditions and trading rules are set by the stock exchange. The thesis defines the basic starting points, which are connected with the capital market, the market organizer and the initial public offering of stocks (IPO).

Volba optimálního portfolia cenných papírů jakožto investiční hlavolam / Optimal Stock Portfolio Selection as an Investment Conundrum

Bradová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The portfolio theory is microeconomic discipline which deals with the exploration of capital markets and assets that are traded on them. This diploma thesis is focused on optimal stock portfolio selection. The main aim is to find a final portfolio fulfilling the requirements. The first part provides the theory needed for the subsequent establishment of a practical case of the optimal portfolio. The second part is devoted to the actual calculations leading to finding the portfolio with the desired rate of return.

Obchodování s měnami / Currency Trading

Gazsi, Ján January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of electronic stock trading of currency pairs. It analyzes the basic conditions and criteria which trader needs to meet to be able to participate on this market. This master’s thesis describes the use of technical indicators and fundamental messages through electronic trading platforms. Further thesis graphically compares the types of trading according to the time horizonts and then concludes suggestions and recommendations.

La structuration de l'essor du marché financier de l'Afrique de l'Ouest : enjeu d'une mutation / Structuring of the financial market boom in West Africa : issue of a mutation

N'Dah, Hartmann 19 February 2016 (has links)
Ces deux dernières décennies ont été marquées par une montée spectaculaire des marchés boursiers des pays en développement. Cette augmentation de l’activité boursière a favorisé, selon certains auteurs, l’amélioration des performances économiques de quelques pays dits émergents. Cependant, les pays africains peinent encore à bénéficier des avantages liés à l’activité boursière, compte tenu de l’étroitesse,de la faible liquidité et de l’inefficience de leurs marchés boursiers. Les marchés boursiers de ces pays accusent un retard manifeste par rapport aux pays en développement des autres continents. Cette thèse examine les facteurs qui expliquent le niveau de développement des marchés boursiers des pays en développement en général, et des pays africains en particulier à partir d’un échantillon de 106 pays. L’analyse empirique est articulée autour des tests statistiques et économétriques. Les résultats montrent que le capital social mesuré par la confiance influence considérablement le développement des marchés boursiers dans les pays en développement. Cette confiance, puisqu’elle est très faible en Afrique, explique le retard des marchés boursiers africains par rapport aux marchés des pays en développement des autres continents. Par ailleurs, la faiblesse de la confiance en Afrique est due à l’hétérogénéité des populations caractérisées par une forte fragmentation ethnique, linguistique et religieuse. Les résultats montrent également que le développement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication influence positivement le développement des marchés boursiers à travers la réduction des coûts des transactions. Enfin, le développement des marchés boursiers africains est également compromis par leur ouverture précoce au reste du monde. En effet, l’ouverture financière affecte négativement l’activité boursière dans ces pays. Pour favoriser l’essor des bourses africaines, il est donc nécessaire de prendre un certain nombre de mesures. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’environnement institutionnel de manière à mieux protéger les propriétaires de capitaux afin de réduire l’effet de la faiblesse de la confiance ; de mettre en œuvre une politique qui favorise le brassage socioculturel entre les populations ; d’œuvrer pour augmenter le nombre d’entreprises cotées sur les marchés boursiers à travers l’ouverture au privé du capital des sociétés étatiques par le biais de la bourse ainsi que des mesures incitatives vis-à-vis des entreprises privées et enfin de promouvoir le développement des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication. / The last two decades have seen a dramatic rise in stock markets in developing countries. This increase in marketactivity promoted, according to some authors, the improved economic performance of some so-called emergingcountries. However, African countries are still struggling to enjoy the benefits of market activity, given thenarrow, low liquidity and inefficiency of their stock markets. The stock markets of these countries clearlylagging behind compared to developing countries on other continents. This thesis examines the factors thatexplain the level of development of stock markets in developing countries in general and African countries inparticular from a sample of 106 countries. The empirical analysis is based around the statistical and econometrictests. The results show that social capital measured by the confidence greatly influences the development ofstock markets in developing countries. This confidence, since it is very low in Africa, explains the delay ofAfrican stock markets compared to markets in developing countries of other continents. Moreover, the lowconfidence in Africa is due to the heterogeneity of populations which are characterized by high ethnic, linguisticand religious fragmentation. The results also show that the development of new technologies of information andcommunication positively influences the development of stock markets by reducing transaction costs. Finally,the development of African stock markets is also compromised by their early opening to the world. Indeed,financial openness negatively affects market activity in these countries. To encourage the growth of Africanstock exchanges, it is necessary to take a number of measures. This is to improve the institutional environmentin order to better protect the owners of capital, this will reduce the effect of low confidence; to implement apolicy that promotes the socio-cultural mixing between populations; to work to increase the number of listedcompanies on the stock market through the opening to the private, the capital of state owned companies throughthe stock market and incentives vis- à-vis the private sector , and to promote development of New Technologiesof Information and Communication .

Kvinnliga vd:s och lönsamhet : En studie om vilken påverkan kvinnliga vd:s har på lönsamheten för bolag noterade på svenska börser.

Nyman Wänseth, Evelina, Etminan Lundberg, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar bidra till den rådande jämställdhetsdebatten vad gäller könsdiversitet hos svenska noterade företag där kvinnliga vd:s är underrepresenterade. Syftet är att identifiera om det finns ett samband mellan kvinnliga vd:s och företags lönsamhet. Studien tillämpar kvantitativ metod där en multipel regressionsanalys utförs på ett datamaterial inkluderande 643 svenska noterade bolag på Nasdaq Stockholm, First North och Spotlight Stock Market räkenskapsåren 2018–2019. Som proxy för lönsamhet tillämpades både redovisningsbaserade mått i form av avkastning på totala tillgångar (ROA) och avkastning på eget kapital (ROE) och som marknadsbaserat mått tillämpades Tobin’s Q. Testvariabel utgjordes i studien av kvinnlig vd med vidare applicering av kontrollvariablerna företagets storlek, ålder och skuldsättningsgrad. Undersökningens resultat påvisar inte något statistiskt signifikant samband mellan vd:s kön och företags lönsamhet, vilket är en diskrepans till de flesta tidigare studier inom området som tyder på förekomst av både negativa och positiva samband.

Hur ser sambandet ut mellan de mestomsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen ochde svenska bostadspriserna ut? : En företagsekonomisk studie om de mest omsatta aktierna påStockholmsbörsen med koppling till bostadspriser, bankernasutlåning och ekonomisk tillväxt.

Mattsson, Andreas, Nilsson Sparf, Philip January 2020 (has links)
I denna C-uppsats med fördjupning företagsekonomi, har förhållandet mellan Sveriges bostadspriser och aktieindex studerats. Vidare undersökts huruvida bankernas utlåning och Sveriges ekonomiska tillväxt kan komma att fungera som en indikator på OMXS30. I uppsatsen diskuteras metodval och en presentation genomförs av diverse teorier som kan ligga till grund för analysen. Dessutom sammanfattas tidigare studier inom detta område och resultaten analyseras. Denna studie är begränsad till att analysera kvartalsvis data med ett tidsintervall på 23 år, från 1996 till 2019 i Sverige. Författarna ämnade att studera kvartalsvis data för att undersöka förekomsten av trender. Dessa trender kan sedan komma att nyttjas av framtida investerare. Data har analyserats i en korrelationsanalys och i en multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Resultaten visar att det på lång sikt finns en positiv korrelation mellan variablerna “bostadspriser” och “OMXS30”, dock visar resultaten också att sambandet mellan variablerna är negativt, det vill säga att när bostadspriserna ökar, minskar aktieindexet i värde. Bostadspriserna och OMXS30 långsiktiga korrelation kan förklaras av variablerna “bankernas utlåning” och “den ekonomiska tillväxten”, som i stor utsträckning har en positiv inverkan på OMXS30. Resultaten visar även på att det finns en långsiktig positiv korrelation mellan variablerna “bankernas utlåning” och “aktieindexet” enligt studiens korrelations- analys. Dock är sambandet negativt mellan variablerna “bankernas utlåning” och “aktieindexet”, enligt den multipla linjära regressionsanalysen. Utfallet innebär att en ökad bankutlåning, leder till att OMXS30 minskar i värde. Den ekonomiska tillväxten har däremot ett positivt signifikant samband med OMXS30, enligt korrelationsanalysen och den multipla regressionsanalysen. / In this bachelor thesis in business economy, the relationship between the Swedish stock market and real estate prices has been studied. Further an examination was conducted on whether bank lending and the economic growth in Sweden may act as an indicator on OMXS30. The thesis holds a discussion regarding the method of choice, a presentation of the chosen theories that could be used as a foundation for the analysis. Besides that, a summary is conducted on earlier studies on this field and an analysis based on the results was made. This study is limited to analyse quarterly data with a time interval on 23 years, between the years 1996 and 2019 in Sweden. Quarterly data was chosen in order to investigate the presence of different trends, which future investors could use. The data was analysed using a correlation analysis as well as a multiple regression analysis. The result showed an existence of a positive correlation between the variables “real estate prices” and “OMXS30” in the long run, but the result also shows a negative connection which means that a rise in real estate prices will result in a price fall on OMXS30. The long run correlation between real estate prices and OMXS3, can be explained by the variables “bank lending” and “economic growth”, with to a large extent har a positive impact on the OMXS30. The result also show evidence of the existence of positive correlation between bank lending and OMXS30 in the long run, but the connection is negative which means that a rise of bank lending will result in a fall on OMXS30. Contrariwise, according to both the regression and the correlation analysis, there is evidence of a positive significant connection between the economic growth and OMXS30.

Trump sentiment: Dopad novinek v médiích na finanční trh Spojených států / The Trump Sentiment: The Effect of News on the US Stock Market

Pinteková, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how the American economy is affected by the market sentiment that arises from the news about actions and decisions of the American President Donald Trump. The news articles are obtained from Reuters for the period between the 1st of May and the 30th of November 2018, based on which a sentiment variable is created using natural language processing methods. Firstly, the impact of Trump sentiment on the returns on the S&P 500 Index is examined. The results show a positive and statistically significant impact of sentiment from the previous day on today's S&P 500 Index return. A statisti­ cally significant effect of the sentiment from a week ago is also found, however, this effect is negative. This result indicates that there is an initial overreaction to the new information, followed by subsequent market correction to the mean. Such result is consistent with the findings of the field of behavioural finance, which incorporates the idea that investor psychology is involved in investment decision making. Secondly, the impact of the news sentiment on the performance of individual sectors of the American economy, as measured by the returns on S&P 500 sector indices, is analysed. A statistically significant effect of sentiment on sector index return is found in the case of Consumer...

Forecasting the OMXS30 - a comparison between ARIMA and LSTM

Andréasson, David, Mortensen Blomquist, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
Machine learning is a rapidly growing field with more and more applications being proposed every year, including but not limited to the financial sector. In this thesis, historical adjusted closing prices from the OMXS30 index are used to forecast the corresponding future values using two different approaches; one using an ARIMA model and the other using an LSTM neural network. The forecasts are made on three different time intervals: 90, 30 and 7 days ahead. The results showed that the LSTM model performs slightly better when forecasting 90 and 30 days ahead, whereas the ARIMA model has comparable accuracy on the seven day forecast.

Investigating the collective behaviour of the stock market using Agent-Based Modelling

Björklöf, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
The stock market is a place in which numerous entities interact, operate, andchange state based on the decisions they make. Further, the stock market itselfevolves and changes its dynamics over time as a consequence of the individualactions taking place in it. In this sense, the stock market can be viewed andtreated as a complex adaptive system. In this study, an agent-based model,simulating the trading of a single asset has been constructed with the purposeof investigating how the collective behaviour affects the dynamics of the stockmarket. For this purpose, the agent-based modelling program NetLogo wasused. Lastly, the conclusion of the study revealed that the dynamics of thestock market are clearly dependent on some specific factors of the collectivebehaviour, such as the information source of the investors.

Luck or skills for short sellers

Nagy, Jonathan, Gustavsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
This study has examined the ten most shorted shares belonging to the Swedish Stockholm Stock Exchange's Large Cap list, by following randomly selected financial institutions that have chosen to take short positions. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether it is possible for short sellers to generate an excess return compared to the index OMXS30GI. The theory is mostly about short selling in general, efficient market hypothesis, behavioral finance, opponents of short selling, technical analysis of an index and the theory also includes previous research regarding short selling. The method used is based on collected secondary data from different databases. Via the secondary data, we have artificially followed randomly selected financial institutions that have glossed over and done the same as them to see if it can generate an excess return. In this study we will not take the cost associated with short selling into account which normally would be costs as margin interest, stock borrowing costs and commissions to brokers. The results show that it is possible for short sellers to generate an excess return that outperforms index OMXS30GI. We can also conclude that short sellers follow a pattern that indicates that they do not act in a way to destroy market efficiency and we can question whether the market is efficient or not.

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