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財務報酬波動之預測:靴帶抽樣方法與應用 / Volatility Predictions: the Bootstrap Approach and its Applications張愉佳, Chang,Yu Chia Unknown Date (has links)
金融資產報酬的波動一直都是財務市場熱衷研究的主題, 由於真正報酬的波動無法確知, 造成無法判斷何者為衡量報酬波動最佳的模型, 進而導致預測未來報酬的風險增加。因此, 本文利用靴帶抽樣法(Bootstrap)反覆抽樣的估計方式, 建立報酬與報酬波動的預測區間來衡量由估計模型參數產生的不確定性, 希望能藉此更瞭解資產報酬的變化以降低投資風險。鑒於目前衡量報酬波動的模型眾多, 文中將採用文獻上普遍最能掌握金融資產報酬波動現象的GARCH模型, 作為衡量報酬波動的方法, 再以靴帶抽樣方法估計其報酬與報酬波動的預測區間, 透過有限樣本的模擬將估計模型參數不確定性的靴帶抽樣方法與其他方法比較, 證明靴帶抽樣法最能適當的捕捉報酬波動真實的情況。最後, 由台灣上市股票市場中選取四支不同類股的各股以日報酬進行實證研究, 結果顯示各股的日報酬都具有波動變異的現象, 進一步估計樣本外不同範圍的波動預測區間, 發現利用估計模型參數不確定性的靴帶抽樣方法可以適當地涵蓋波動的變化。
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Vertybinių popierių portfelio formavimas finansinių krizių laikotarpiu / Portfolio formation during the period of financial crisisPaškevičius, Paulius 25 June 2014 (has links)
Cikliškas ekonominis augimas yra natūralus ir neišvengiamas reiškinys, tačiau kuo mažesnės šių ekonominių ciklų svyravimo amplitudės, tuo patrauklesnis šalies ūkis yra. Didžiausi ekonominiai sunkumai šalis ištinka tuomet, kai šalyje įvyksta finansų krizės, kurioms pastaruoju metu dažniausiai pasireiškia kainų burbulo sprogimu. Dabartinė finansų krizė, prasidėjusi nuo antrinių būsto paskolų krizės JAV, sprogus nekilnojamo turto kainų burbului, išsiplėtė per visą pasaulį, kur ji neišvengiamai pareikalavo aukų: žlugo du didžiausi pasaulyje investiciniai bankai Lehman Brothers ir Merill Lynch, du didžiausi JAV hipotekos bankai Fannie Mae ir Freddie Mac, stipriai nukrito visų pasaulio akcijų indeksai. Akivaizdu, jog pasaulis supranta šios problemos mastą ir galimas pasekmes, kadangi XX a. tokių krizių jau buvo, jos stipriai paveikė to meto ekonominį bei politinį regionų kursą. Tačiau dabar šalių ekonomikos yra žymiai labiau susijusios, todėl būsimos šios krizės pasekmės bus gerokai didesnės. Įdomu, kaip tokiomis sąlygomis bankai bei kitos finansų institucijos tvarko turimus aktyvus finansų rinkose, kyla klausimas ar geresnio turto diversifikavimo siekis netaps finansų rinkų griūties priežastimi. Tyrimo objektas – vertybinių vertybinių popierių rinka finansinių krizių laikotarpiu. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėjus ir apibendrinus mokslinę – teorinę literatūrą, suformuoti vertybinių popierių portfelį apsaugotą nuo ciklinių ekonominių svyravimų. Išsikeltą tikslą padeda pasiekti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Cyclical economical growth is natural and unavoidable phenomenon, at the same time the less amplitudes of economical cycles fluctuations are, the more attractive economy of a country is. Countries sustain ultimate difficulties when financial crises happen in a certain country. Latterly such crises mostly come into play as the prices bubble burst. The current financial crisis started from the crisis of secondary dwelling credits in the USA. After prices bubble burst it has spread worldwide and unavoidably claimed following victims: crashed two most famous underwriting banks of the world Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, two biggest mortgage banks of the USA Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, substantially fell down all stock indexes. It is evident that the world realizes the extent of this problem and probable results because similar crises had place during XX century. They impacted on economical and political regional course of that time rather strongly. But modern economies of various countries are involved in more noticeable degree, so forthcoming consequences of this crisis will be rather heavier. It is interesting how in such circumstances banks and other financial institutions manage their assets in financial markets. Also the question is whether an object of the better property diversification wouldn’t become the ground for a financial markets fall. Research object – stock market during financial crisis period. Purpose of this study is to explore and summarize theoretical... [to full text]
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Investigating New Multifactor Models with a Conditional Dual-Beta : Can a Conditional Dual-Beta in the Market Factor add Explanatory Value in New Multifactor Models? A study of the Swedish Stock Market between 2003 and 2015Lind, Joakim, Sparre, Lars January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates pricing-performance of two recently developed multifactor asset-pricing models with the implementation of dual-betas dependent upon prevailing market-conditions. The models included in the study are the Fama and French five-factor model and the Q-factor model by Hou, Xue and Zhang. We test the models on cross-sectional Swedish stock-market data between 2003 and 2015 from the Large-, Mid- and Small Cap-lists and their respective precursors. The models are tested in their ability to explain portfolios sorted on firm beta-values, on a twelve-year period as well as a six-year period characterized by changing market directions and high market volatility. In our study, we support the presence of changing risk-return relationship in up and down market states by estimating separate market betas with the risk-free rate as threshold. However, we do not find the isolated and volatile period to give rise to a larger difference in the up and down market betas. We consistently find the models to have a decreasing explanatory power on the portfolios of firms with lower beta values. We also find the largest difference in the up and down market betas occurring in the low beta portfolios, suggesting that this is causing measurement problems in the models. While making the models conditional, the measurement problem with the static beta seems to be reduced for the portfolios where the difference between up and down betas differ most. In the applied context, we conclude the conditional dual beta adds explanatory power in the models when the market beta differs in up and down market states. The insights of this thesis support the method of making the market-beta conditional as suggested by Pettengill, Sundaram & Mathur (Pettengill, et al., 1995), in new multifactor models.
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Die EurokrisePreunkert, Jenny, Vobruba, Georg 29 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel des Artikels ist, die Entwicklung der Eurokrise im Spannungsfeld von Institutionen und Handeln zu erklären. Dazu rekonstruieren wir im ersten Schritt die Krise in zwei Perspektiven, zum einen als Verkettung ökonomischer und politischer Funktionszusammenhänge, zum anderen als Arena von Verteilungskonflikten. Darauf aufbauend analysieren wir den Verlauf der Eurokrise, den wir in fünf Phasen unterteilen. Im Zentrum stehen dabei folgende Fragen: 1. Welche Akteure werden jeweils in die Problemkonstellation „Eurokrise“ hineingezogen? 2. Welche Relevanz haben die unterschiedlichen Akteure für das Funktionieren der gemeinsamen Währung und wie setzen sie diese Relevanz in den Verteilungskonflikten, die sich aus der Eurokrise ergeben, ein? Es geht also um die Entwicklung der Akteurskonstellation im Zuge der Eurokrise und um die Funktionsrelevanz dieser Akteure als Handlungsressource in den Konflikten um die Verteilung der Kosten der Krise. Im dritten Schritt der Untersuchung fassen wir unsere empirische Rekonstruktion der Eurokrise zusammen. Unser Fazit ist, dass die Eurokrise die defizitäre Institutionalisierung der gemeinsamen Währung manifest macht. Weiter gehende Regulierung, also zusätzliche Institutionenbildung steht aber vor dem schwierig auflösbaren Widerspruch zwischen funktionalen Erfordernissen und Interessen, bzw. zwischen Erwartungsstabilisierung und Interessenverfolgung.
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Essays on Financial Markets and the MacroeconomyFausch, Jürg January 2017 (has links)
Asset pricing implications of a DSGE model with recursive preferences and nominal rigidities. I study jointly macroeconomic dynamics and asset prices implied by a production economy featuring nominal price rigidities and Epstein-Zin (1989) preferences. Using a reasonable calibration, the macroeconomic DSGE model is consistent with a number of stylized facts observed in financial markets like the equity premium, a negative real term spread, a positive nominal term spread and the predictability of stock returns, without compromising the model's ability to fit key macroeconomic variables. The interest rate smoothing in the monetary policy rule helps generate a low risk-free rate volatility which has been difficult to achieve for standard real business cycle models where monetary policy is neutral. In an application, I show that the model provides a framework for analyzing monetary policy interventions and the associated effects on asset prices and the real economy. Macroeconomic news and the stock market: Evidence from the eurozone. This paper is an empirical study of excess return behavior in the stock market in the euro area around days when important macroeconomic news about inflation, unemployment or interest rates are scheduled for announcement. I identify state dependence such that equity risk premia on announcement days are significantly higher when the interests rates are in the vicinity of the zero lower bound. Moreover, I provide evidence that for the whole sample period, the average excess returns in the eurozone are only higher on days when FOMC announcements are scheduled for release. However, this result vanishes in a low interest rate regime. Finally, I document that the European stock market does not command a premium for scheduled announcements by the European Central Bank (ECB). The impact of ECB monetary policy surprises on the German stock market. We examine the impact of ECB monetary policy surprises on German excess stock returns and the possible reasons for such a response. First, we conduct an event study to asses the impact of conventional and unconventional monetary policy on stock returns. Second, within the VAR framework of Campbell and Ammer (1993), we decompose excess stock returns into news regarding expected excess returns, future dividends and future real interest rates. We measure conventional monetary policy shocks using futures markets data. Our main findings are that the overall variation in German excess stock returns mainly reflects revisions in expectations about dividends and that the stock market response to monetary policy shocks is dependent on the prevailing interest rate regime. In periods of negative real interest rates, a surprise monetary tightening leads to a decrease in excess stock returns. The channels behind this response are news about higher expected excess returns and lower future dividends.
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Does the Fama-French three-factor model and Carhart four-factor model explain portfolio returns better than CAPM? : - A study performed on the Swedish stock market.Rehnby, Nicklas January 2016 (has links)
This essay will compare the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Fama and French threefactor model and Carhart´s four-factor model, to see which of these models that can explain portfolio excess returns best on the Swedish stock market. This thesis will tempt to validate the three and four-factor models because of the limited amount of research done on the Swedish stock market. The results indicate that the three-factor model improves explanatory power for portfolio returns in comparison to the CAPM, and the four-factor model gives a small improvement in the explanatory power compared to the three-factor model. The results also indicate that all models have a low explanatory power when the market is volatile.
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Aktieprediktion med neurala nätverk : En jämförelse av statistiska modeller, neurala nätverk och kombinerade neurala nätverkOskarsson, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
This study is about prediction of the stockmarket through a comparison of neural networks and statistical models. The study aims to improve the accuracy of stock prediction. Much of the research made on predicting shares deals with statistical models, but also neural networks and then mainly the types RNN and CNN. No research has been done on how these neural networks can be combined, which is why this study aims for this. Tests are made on statistical models, neural networks and combined neural networks to predict stocks at minute level. The result shows that a combination of two neural networks of type RNN gives the best accuracy in the prediction of shares. The accuracy of the predictions increases further if these combined neural networks are trained to predict different time horizons. In addition to tests for accuracy, simulations have also been made which also confirm that there is some possibility to predict shares. Two combined RNNs gave best results, but in the simulations, even CNN made good predictions. One conclusion can be drawn that the stock market is not entirely effective as some opportunity to predict future values exists. Another conclusion is that neural networks are better than statistical models to predict stocks if the neural networks are combined and are of type RNN. / Denna studie behandlar prediktion av aktier genom en jämförelse av neurala nätverk och statistiska modeller. Studien syftar till att förbättra noggrannheten för aktieprediktion. Mycket av den forskning som gjorts om att förutspå aktier behandlar statistiska modeller, men även neurala nätverk och då främst typerna RNN och CNN. Ingen forskning har dock gjorts på hur dessa neurala nätverk kan kombineras, varför denna studie syftar till just detta. Tester är gjorda på statistiska modeller, neurala nätverk och kombinerade neurala nätverk för att förutspå aktier på minutnivå. Resultatet visar att en kombination av två neurala nätverk av typen RNN ger bäst noggrannhet vid prediktion av aktier. Noggrannheten i prediktionerna ökar ytterligare om dessa neurala nätverk tränas för att förutspå olika tidshorisont. Utöver tester för prediktionernas noggrannhet har även simuleringar genomförts som även de bekräftar att viss möjlighet finns att förutspå aktier. Två kombinerade RNN gav bra resultat, men här visade även CNN bra prediktioner. En slutsats kan dras om att aktiemarknaden inte är helt effektiv då viss möjlighet att förutspå framtida värden finns. Ytterligare en slutsats är att neurala nätverk är bättre än statistiska modeller till att förutspå aktier om de neurala nätverken kombineras och är av typen RNN.
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Aktielikviditet på Stockholmsbörsen och NGM - prissätts likviditet i aktiehandeln? / Stock liquidity on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and NGM - Does liquidity affect the pricing of common stocks?Olofsson, Niklas, Törnqvist, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan aktiers likviditet och avkastning. Metod: Vår studie består av en kvantitativ metod där vi med hjälp av databasen Eikon från Thomson Reuters samlat in finansiella data. Vi har sedan med hjälp av Excel sammanställt och gjort beräkningar och slutligen gjort korrelationstester i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Studien skiljer sig från tidigare forskningsresultat då ingen signifikant likviditetspremie kan fastställas vid årlig ombalansering av portföljerna. När portföljerna behåller samma aktier under hela tidsperioden (6 år) finner vi däremot att den minst likvida portföljen genererar betydligt högre avkastning jämfört med den mest likvida portföljen. Bidrag: Studiens teoretiska bidrag stärker tidigare forskningsresultat om att beta inte är ett komplett riskmått vad gäller illikvida aktier. Ingen likviditetspremie uppkommer då innehavsperioden är ett år men då vår innehavsperiod istället är sex år finner vi stora skillnader mellan vår minst respektive mest likvida portfölj. Studiens praktiska bidrag riktar sig till investerare och företagsledare. Investerare kan vid längre tidsperioder nyttja LM12 som en investeringsstrategi för att skapa en överavkastning och företagsledare kan undersöka nyttan med att öka likviditeten i företagets aktier för att sänka företagets WACC och därmed öka värdet på företaget. Förslag till vidare forskning: För att studera aktielikviditeten vidare skulle andra innehavsperioder (längre än ett år) för portföljerna kunna undersökas. Att undersöka längre tidsperioder för studien hade också varit intressant för att undersöka hur likviditetspremien varierar över tid. / Aim: The aim is to examine if there is a relationship between the liquidity and return of common stocks. Method: This study consists of quantitative research method in which we have collected financial data using the Eikon database from Thomson Reuters. We then compiled and made calculations using Excel and finally made correlation tests in the statistics program SPSS. Result and conclusion: The results from this study differs from previous research results since no significant liquidity premium could be determined while using annual rebalancing of the portfolios. When the portfolios held the same stocks for the entire period (6 years), we found that the least liquid portfolio generated significantly higher returns compared to the most liquid portfolio. Contribution of the thesis: The study's theoretical contribution strengthens previous research results in that beta is not a complete risk measure in terms of illiquid shares. No liquidity premium arises when the holding period is one year, but when our holding period is instead six years, we find great differences between our least and most liquid portfolio. The practical contribution of the study is aimed at investors and business leaders. Investors can use LM12 as an investment strategy to create an excess return during long holding periods, and business leaders can examine the benefits of increasing the liquidity of the company's common stock to lower the company's WACC and hence increase the value of the company. Suggestion for future research: In order to study the liquidity premium further, other holding periods (longer than one year) for the portfolios could be investigated. Investigating longer time periods for the study would also be interesting to investigate how the liquidity premium varies over time.
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Uma análise da utilização do coeficiente Beta no setor elétrico brasileiro / An analysis of the coefficient beta in the context of the Brazilian electricity industryPinto, Rinaldo Caldeira 30 June 2008 (has links)
O coeficiente beta, definido no contexto do modelo de avaliação de ativos denominado Capital Asset Pricing Model, tem sido amplamente utilizado no Setor Elétrico Brasileiro. Sua aplicação tem sido importante não apenas no âmbito das revisões tarifárias conduzidas pelo órgão regulador, mas também para análise das empresas do setor pelos investidores em mercado de capitais. Embora a aplicação do modelo CAPM seja simples, ele é construído sobre hipóteses rigorosas, que nem sempre são observáveis no mercado real, principalmente em países emergentes. Inserido no referencial teórico deste Modelo, o presente trabalho tem como o objetivo analisar a utilização do coeficiente beta no setor elétrico brasileiro, identificando potenciais distorções que decorram de sua aplicação. Adicionalmente, este trabalho busca analisar o comportamento desse coeficiente de mercado ao longo do período de 1999 a 2007, identificando possíveis tendências. Para isso, lança-se mão de dados que são amplamente utilizados pelos agentes do mercado de capitais, oriundos de uma amostra de empresas que, por possuírem dados disponibilizados em bolsa de valores tornam viável gerar este coeficiente. Das análises realizadas é possível concluir que o coeficiente beta obtido com dados do mercado brasileiro apresentou valores bem próximos aos coeficientes obtidos em mercados desenvolvidos. Também foi possível constatar que os segmentos de distribuição e geração apresentam, no mercado brasileiro, betas desalavancados de mesma ordem de grandeza entre si, embora o segmento de geração seja mais concorrencial e, no de distribuição, predomine um contexto de monopólio natural. / The coefficient beta, defined in the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model, has been widely applied within the Brazilian electricity industry. Its application has been conducted not only by the regulatory authority regarding tariff review of regulated electricity concessionaires, but also largely used by investors in Brazilian the capital market. Although the CAPM tool is a straight forward one, the Model itself was built under strict assumptions which are not often found in the real world, mainly in developing countries. Departing from this theoretical framework, this master thesis analyses the coefficient beta within the Brazilian electricity industry, identifying potential distortions derived from its application. Additionally, this work examines the coefficient beta behavior throughout 1999 up to 2007, pointing possible trends. For generating the beta coefficient, it is used the same sort of data usually selected by market investors, applied to a set of select companies belonging to the Brazilian electricity industry that have their information publicly disclosed in the financial and stock markets. The result of the analysis pointed that the coefficient beta generated for the Brazilian companies analyzed did not differ much form those of companies belonging to the electricity industry of developed countries. It was also perceived that the segments of electricity distribution and electricity generation presented unlevered betas of the same magnitude although generating companies operates in a competitive market and distribution concessionaires face predominantly a natural monopoly context.
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Institutions, développement financier et croissance économique dans la région MENA / Institutions, financial development and economic growth in MENA regionGazdar, Kaouthar 21 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse examine (i) l'impact du secteur bancaire et des marchés financiers sur la croissance économique, (ii) l'effet de la qualité institutionnelle sur la détermination du développement financier, (iii) Comment la qualité des institutions affecté la relation entre le développement financier et la croissance économique. A cette fin, nous construisons un indice de qualité institutionnel pour les pays de la région MENA. Appliquant la méthode d'estimation des moindres carrés généralisés (MCG) pour un échantillon de 18 pays de la région MENA pour la période de 1984-2007 nous constatons que ni le secteur bancaire ni les marchés financiers ne contribuent à la croissance économique et qu'ils l'affectent même négativement. Adoptant l'approche d'estimation sur données de panel et celle des variables instrumentales (IV) nos résultats montrent l'importance de l'environnement institutionnel dans la détermination du développement financier de la région MENA. En outre, nos résultats montrent que la qualité des institutions a un important effet dans la relation entre développement financier et croissance économique. Plus précisément, elle permet d'atténuer l'effet négatif du développement financier sur la croissance économique. Par conséquent, nos résultats fournissent une évidence empirique, que pour que le développement financier puisse contribuer à la croissance économique, les pays de la région MENA doivent avoir un certain niveau de développement institutionnel. Examinant l'effet non-linéaire de la qualité des institutions sur la relation entre développement financier et croissance économique nos résultats montrent que la relation entre développement du secteur bancaire et croissance économique présente la forme du "U-inversé", par contre cette forme n'est pas observée lorsque les marchés financiers sont considérés. / This thesis examines (i) the impact of banks and stock markets on economic growth (ii) the effect of institutional quality in determining financial development and (iii) how institutional quality affects the finance-growth nexus in the MENA region. To this end, we construct a yearly institutional index for MENA countries. Applying the generalized method- of-moments (GMM) estimators developed for dynamic panel data for a sample of 18 MENA countries over 1984-2007 period, we find that both bank and stock market development are unimportant or even harmful for economic growth. Considering both a panel data and the instrumental variable (IV) approaches of estimation, our results outline the importance of institutional quality in determining financial development in MENA region. Moreover, our results show that institutional quality affects the finance growth nexus in MENA countries. In fact, it mitigates the negative effect of financial development on economic growth. Therefore, our results provide empirical evidence that in order for financial development to contribute to economic growth, MENA countries must possess certain level of institutional quality. Examining the non-linear effect of institutional quality on the finance-growth nexus, our results show that banking sector development and growth exhibit an inverted-U shaped relationship. However, we do not find the same pattern in the stock market-growth relationship
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