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Avaliação de sistemas de produção de revestimentos de fachada com aplicação mecânica e manual de argamassa / Production evaluation of rendering façade with mechanical and manual application of MortarParavisi, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
A falta de uma gestão mais efetiva e de uma visão sistêmica e os baixos níveis de racionalização e industrialização da produção de revestimento de argamassa no Brasil têm sido responsáveis pela alta variabilidade na produção, por índices insatisfatórios de produtividade e perdas e por problemas de qualidade do produto. Uma das etapas desse processo que permanece muito dependente da mão-de-obra é a aplicação de argamassa. Embora alguns autores sustentem que o uso da projeção mecânica para essa atividade introduza aumentos de qualidade do produto em relação ao método convencional, ainda é reduzido o número de empresas que a utiliza. Ao mesmo tempo, poucos são os estudos que abordam de forma sistêmica os possíveis ganhos em eficiência proporcionados pela mecanização dessa atividade. Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as dificuldades e os benefícios do uso de sistemas de produção de revestimentos de fachada com aplicação mecânica e manual de argamassa através de dois estudos de caso. Para tanto, foi aplicado um método de avaliação da produção, com o qual os dois sistemas foram analisados e obtiveramse índices de produtividade e de perdas, bem como dados referentes aos custos de produção e à qualidade do produto. Além disso, o método possibilitou a identificação de oportunidades de melhoria e de barreiras à utilização de sistemas com aplicação mecânica de argamassa e aspectos relevantes à sua implantação. Os resultados apontaram que o sistema mecanizado gerou ganhos de qualidade do produto e redução nas perdas de argamassa, aumentando a confiabilidade da produção nesses aspectos. Por outro lado, o uso desse sistema não representou ganhos de produtividade na empresa. No entanto, verificou-se ainda a existência de um grande potencial de melhoria de desempenho, que poderia ser obtido com maior esforço na organização do trabalho. Apesar disso, o levantamento de custos revelou que o sistema é viável economicamente em relação ao sistema manual, principalmente em função da redução de perdas de argamassa. Pode-se concluir também que as principais barreiras à utilização de sistemas com aplicação mecânica de argamassa são a falta de visão sistêmica, a ausência ou ineficiência de projeto e de planejamento do sistema de produção e o despreparo da mão-de-obra. / The high amount of production variability and materials waste and the low productivity and quality level of rendering in Brazil are a consequence from the lack of effective management and systemic approach in the production process allied with low levels of rationalization and industrialization. The projection of mortar is still handmade and greatly influenced by labor skills. The mechanical projection has shown a great potential to increase rendering quality when compared to handmade conventional projection. Thus, a few constructors are using mortar pumps, leading to the development of studies about the feasibility and efficiency of mechanized production systems. The case studies shown in this work were done by applying an evaluation method to handmade and mechanical projection systems of rendering production to analyze cost, productivity, waste and quality levels and identify improvement opportunities. Relevant aspects of mechanical projection system implementation and its difficulties were studied. The results show that the best benefits of mechanical projection systems were the potential to increase quality and reduce the waste of mortar, thus contributing to cut the costs. However, better planning of the production system is necessary to improve the production level, even though there was a great potential to increase performance. The barriers to the use of this production technology are the lack of systemic approach, production design and management and well-trained manpower.
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This paper presents the parameters that should guide an environmental management
system for a car dealership in Santa Maria, RS. taking as a basis the technical
recommendations contained in ISO 14001. To this end, carried a diagnosis in the
workshops of the company, at which time it was possible to observe, record, analyze and
propose the guidelines compared to the management system of the undertaking, taking
into account their specificities. The work has taken as a strategy to identify the waste
management practices recommended in the technical literature, proper waste
management in workshops, and the diagnosis of environmental auditing, verifying the
conditions of waste management, wastewater and other related aspects potentially
polluting activities; the diagnosis of environmental auditing, verifying the conditions of
waste management, wastewater and other aspects related to the potentially polluting
activities, and a comparative analysis of the environmental management practices
outlined in ISO 14001, and the critical aspects of risk of pollution found in the workshops
of the company studied. The research presented is applied to the type of qualitative
approach, and the introduction is presented in five chapters, which include the review of
theoretical concepts on the subject, the company characteristics and environmental
conditions of their interaction, and an analysis on the issues essential to the
organization's environmental management. From the study it can be inferred that the
company has, in many respects, good management of the processes that can impact the
environment, however, need to formalize an environmental management system in order
to excellence necessary procedures for sustainability legal compliance and
competitiveness. / Este trabalho apresenta os parâmetros que devem nortear um sistema de gestão
ambiental para uma concessionária de veículos do município de Santa Maria, RS,
tomando por base as recomendações técnicas constantes na ISO 14001. Para tanto,
realizou-se um diagnóstico nas oficinas da empresa, ocasião em que foi possível
observar, registrar, analisar comparativamente e propor as diretrizes para o sistema de
gestão próprio da empresa, levando em conta suas especificidades. A realização do
trabalho tomou como estratégia a identificação das práticas de gestão de resíduos
preconizadas na literatura técnica, adequadas à gestão de resíduos em oficinas
mecânicas; o diagnóstico de auditoria ambiental, verificando-se as condições de gestão
de resíduos, efluentes e outros aspectos referentes às atividades potencialmente
poluidoras; e uma análise comparativa entre as práticas de gestão ambiental
preconizadas na ISO 14001, e os aspectos críticos de risco de poluição, encontrados
nas oficinas da empresa estudada. A pesquisa apresentada é do tipo aplicada, de
abordagem qualitativa e, além da introdução é apresentada em cinco capítulos, que
incluem a revisão dos conceitos teóricos sobre o tema, as características da empresa e
suas condições de interação ambiental, e uma análise sobre os aspectos essenciais à
gestão ambiental da organização. A partir do estudo, é possível inferir que a empresa
apresenta, em muitos aspectos, boas condições de gestão dos processos que podem
impactar o ambiente; entretanto, precisa formalizar um sistema de gestão ambiental,
tendo em vista a excelência necessária aos processos de sustentabilidade, atendimento
à legislação e competitividade.
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Management Control Systems in Not for Profit Organization / Management Control System: In selected profit and non-profit organizationsDe La Cruz Marquez, Michelle January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about management control system. The first part contains the analysis of the subject, the factors, components and tools of management control. In the second part is about the difference of management control in profit and non-profit organizations.
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Implementace podnikového informačního systému: teorie a praxe / Implementation of business information system: Theory and PracticeJonáš, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The work try to familiarize the users with information systems in contemporary business and show the greates weakness in the implementation of information systems in enterprises. The issue of implementation is addressed in the work from all sides and angles. First, the implementation process itself analyzed and its parts. The following are general methods applicable to software development and evaluated their use in the implementation process. In addition to the implementation process is part of the work given to the management. In the work is discusses how to look at the company's management can influence the implementation process. Another problem to be solved are the key factors influencing the course and success of implementation. In addition of these factors are mentioned the most important risks affecting various stages of implementation. Based on these risks are created by three specific scenarios which could arise in individual cases of emergency. Gradually, readers are drawn into the issue and during the actual implementation in real practice. The individual parts are reminded of the most significant weaknesses or places that none of the parties should not be underestimated. In addition to the actual weaknesses of the implementation process are discussed and two basic Casework across the entire spectrum of companies. At the conclusion of the implementation process is displayed in a graphic sketch, where the individual problems of implementation are shown in the very way the implementation process. The reader can better imagine the implementation process, including the sequence of steps. Complete implementation issue is addressed in the work of all views of interested parties. So your company owner will find thinking about the implementation, or project manager who deals with the issue. The work is based on the author's years of experience in information systems implementations themselves.
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Řízení zátěže datových skladů s využitím architektury Teradata Active System Management / Workload management in data warehouses using Teradata Active System Management architectureTaimr, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This work is focused on the workload management of data warehouses based on Teradata technologies using Active System Management architecture. Objectives of this work are to characterize and analyze Active System Management architecture and types of rules, used in the workload management of Teradata data warehouses. These objectives have been achieved by a search of available resources and their subsequent analysis. Informations obtained from the analysis were empirically verified on a particular instance of a data warehouse and their synthesis is presented in this work The contributions of this work are in the documentation of technology that is currently not well known and widespread in the Czech Republic. Another contribution is identification of risks, drawbacks and presentation of recommendations in the workload management using Active System Management based on empirical tests. The repeatable implementation procedure based on induction has been proposed in the work. Maturity of the architecture for a production environment is evaluated. The work is hierarchically divided into several chapters that are dedicated to Teradata database technologies, workload management, Active System Management and implementation procedure. The first three chapters are focused on theory, however, they also contain practical informations related to the processed theory. The latter chapter is focused practically, therein is designed a repeatable Active System Management architecture implementation procedure.
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Utmaningar inom agila utvecklings- och förvaltningsprocesser som orsakar ofullständiga leveranser : En intervjustudie hos ett försäkringsbolag / Challenges in agile development and management processes that cause incomplete deliveries : An interview study of an insurance companyAbrahamsson, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
IT-avdelningar är många gånger pressade att leverera ett värde med kvalitet och inom en tidsbegränsad period, vilket kan resultera i ofullständiga leveranser. För att möta dessa krav behöver IT-avdelningar arbeta med att effektivisera sina verksamhetsprocesser och kontinuerligt lärande. Genom tvärfunktionella team kan effektiviteten öka genom en förbättrad samordning och minskat beroende av nyckelpersoner.Den här intervjustudien riktar sig mot en IT-avdelning inom ett försäkringsbolag, med syfte att studera fallföretagets nuvarande verksamhetsprocesser inom utveckling och förvaltning för att identifiera utmaningar som orsakar ofullständiga leveranser. Därtill avser studien att föreslå förändringsåtgärder som kan eliminera dessa orsaker. Inledningsvis genomfördes en litteraturgenomgång för att anskaffa kunskap inom området. Utifrån insamlad kunskap från tidigare studier och litteratur har en analysmodell tagits fram för att sammanfattningsvis visualisera faktorer som kan öka graden av avslutade uppgifter inom en leverans. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex respondenter från fallföretaget har deltagit i studien, där samtliga respondenter har ett direkt beroende till fallförtagets utvecklings- och förvaltningsprocesser. Utifrån en analys av resultatet med stöd av analysmodellen har studiens undersökningsfrågor besvarats.Slutsatserna som kan dras av denna studie är att fallföretagets utvecklings- och förvaltningsprocesser är strukturerade i tre huvudsakliga områden: Fokussprint, Förvaltning och Projekt. Uppdelningen av nyutveckling och förvaltning i olika team har förbättrat effektivitet och fokus för teamet. Däremot har flera faktorer identifierats som orsakarofullständiga leveranser, inklusive komplexitet som upptäcks sent i genomförandet, brist på formella uppföljningar och kompetensglapp inom teamet. Studien resulterade i föreslagna förbättringsåtgärder för fallföretaget som inkluderar behovetav förbättrad tidsestimering, formella uppföljningar och en kultur av kontinuerligt lärande. Genom att införa mer strukturerade metoder för lärande, feedback och uppföljning kan företagets verksamhetsprocesser och resultat uppnå en omfattande förbättring.
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Analýza a zavedení systému řízení jakosti v oblasti výchovy a vzdělávání / Analysis And Implementation of a Quality Management System in EducationŠÍMOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The analysis of the quality management system and the implementation of the quality management system in the realm of the school system. To propose the methodology of the procedure and practical verification of individual steps of the methodology, including the analysis, if the matter of the quality management is meaningful also in this realm.
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Akreditace a certifikace v řízení kvality služeb / Accrediation and certification in a system of the services´ qualityVALENTOVÁ, Jiřina January 2008 (has links)
This work concerns a quality management in the area of health service. The aim of degree work is anallysis and comparison of National accreditation standards in health service and downloading quality management system in hospital with destination obtaining certification. On basis of analyse both of processes it defined difference in extent and raiting certification and accreditation in hospitals. Process certification was analysed in Hospital Strakonice who in year 2006 got certification according to norm ISO 9001:2000 on the all hospital, also as on medical part, so another traffic. Process accreditation was analysed in Hospital Písek who in year 2006 successfully passed accreditation by SAK CZ and got certificate of hospital`s accreditation. From this work follow suggestion and recommendation on the optimal framework quality management system and application of the most suitable process in South Bohemian hospitals.
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Role supervizora v rámci krizového řízení / The Role of Supervisor in the Crisis ManagementKŘENKOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The theoretic part of my dissertation is devoted to the management by crisis and the integrated salvage system, their organization, single components and system of their management. Farther I occupy here with the chapter of supervision, namely with its function, course, role and position of supervisor and supervider. In the first part of my dissertation I mention a mediation and debriefing too as the possible options of supervision. The research objective in the practical part of my work is characterize the possibilities of a participation of supervisor or supervision into the system of the management by crisis. This part of my dissertation was worked up both by the quantitative and qualitative method. I have chosen data collection for the anonymous interrogatory. The workers of IZS in the South Bohemian Region formed the target group. 82 informants formed the total research set. The data processing was by the qualitative method by means of SWOT analysis. I surveyed two hypotheses. Hypothesis No.1 {--} The IZS workers have poor awareness of the supervision advantages and risk of its absence. In Hypothesis No.2 {--} I presumed that according to the IZS workers the supervision in the workplace is not important.
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GestÃo do Sistema Tutorial, Ã Luz do ImaginÃrio do Tutor e do Aluno / Management of the Tutorial System, to the Light of the Imaginary one of the Tutor and StudentsElisa Maria de Assis 30 November 2007 (has links)
nÃo hà / A gestÃo de sistemas de EducaÃÃo a DistÃncia deve acompanhar os paradigmas da
contemporaneidade, que valorizam a subjetividade em que o homem à visto como um ser
multifacetado e controverso. Partindo dessa percepÃÃo foi realizado estudo cujo objetivo foi
compreender o imaginÃrio da relaÃÃo entre tutor on-line e alunos de cursos superiores
ofertados na modalidade à distÃncia em uma instituiÃÃo de ensino superior do sul do paÃs.
Para tanto optou-se por estudo exploratÃrio, com abordagem metodolÃgica o estudo de caso.
O estudo à quanti/qualitativo, dado que associa anÃlise estatÃstica à pesquisa dos significados,
privilegiando melhor compreensÃo do tema estudado e a interpretaÃÃo dos dados obtidos. O
instrumento de pesquisa utilizado foi composto de questÃes abertas e fechadas, aplicado a
alunos e tutores on-line As questÃes objetivas de tal instrumento de pesquisa abordaram uma
avaliaÃÃo do tutor pelo aluno e uma auto-avaliaÃÃo da prÃtica tutorial pelo prÃprio tutor
participante. O imaginÃrio tanto dos alunos quanto dos tutores foi apreendido por meio da
anÃlise do discurso das falas registradas na questÃo de fala livre, sobre a prÃtica tutorial. A
anÃlise dos dados foi realizada por meio da abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Os dados
quantitativos foram submetidos a tratamento estatÃstico especÃfico para a identificaÃÃo de
freqÃÃncias. JÃ a analise qualitativa foi baseada na analise do discurso, considerando recortes
de falas significativas, utilizando a categorizaÃÃo de tais recortes. Do processo interpretativo
emergiram trÃs categorias: o tutor como ser presenÃa e mediador da aprendizagem;
Dialogicidade e Interatividade, e Afetividade e proximidade psicolÃgica. Tais categorias
foram discutidas à luz da literatura, da observaÃÃo e da subjetividade do pesquisador. Os
resultados obtidos permitiram o delineamento de uma proposta de gestÃo do sistema de tutoria
on-line a ser implementada na instituiÃÃo objeto do estudo. Espera-se que a adoÃÃo de uma
forma de gestÃo fundamentada no imaginÃrio, seja o inicio da inserÃÃo do novo na gestÃo de
sistemas em EducaÃÃo a distÃncia. / The distance Education system management must follow the paradigms of the contemporary
times, valuing the subjectivity that considers the man as a multifaceted and controversial
being. From this starting perception, the present study aimed at clarifying the imaginary of the
relationship between on-line tutors and undergraduate distance learning students at a
university in the south area of Brazil. This study is quantitative and qualitative and associated
statistic analysis with the meaning research, conferring privilege on the researched topic
comprehension and the gathered data interpretation. As a research tool, a questionnaire with
open and closed questions was applied to the students and on-line tutors. The closed questions
dealt with the online tutor assessment by the student and a tutorial practice self-assessment by
participant tutors. The studentâs imaginary, as well as the tutorsÂ, were grasped through the
analyses of the discourse produced during the free speech question about the tutorial practice.
The data analysis was conducted through the quantitative and qualitative approach. The
quantitative data was submitted to a specific statistic treatment to make it possible to identify
frequency. The qualitative analysis was based on the discourse analysis and meaningful
speech excerpts were categorized and considered. From the interpretative process, three
categories emerged: The tutor as present being and mediator; dialogicity and interactivity;
affection and the psychological proximity. The emerged categories were discussed based on
the relevant literature, the observation and the researcher subjectivity. The results allowed an
on-line tutor system management proposal delineation to be implemented in the researched
institution. It is expected that the adoption of this imaginary based type of management comes
to be the beginning of the insertion of novelty in the distance learning system management.
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