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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An overview of the approaches for automotive safety integrity levels allocation

Gheraibia, Y., Kabir, Sohag, Djafri, K., Krimou, H. 21 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / ISO 26262, titled Road Vehicles–Functional Safety, is the new automotive functional safety standard for passenger vehicle industry. In order to accomplish the goal of designing and developing dependable automotive systems, ISO 26262 uses the concept of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs), the adaptation of Safety Integrity Levels. ASILs are allocated to the components and subsystems that can cause system failure and malfunctions that lead to hazards. ASILs allocation is a hard problem consists of finding the optimal allocation of safety levels to the system architecture which must guarantee that the highest safety requirements are met while development cost of the automotive system is kept minimum. There were many successful attempts to solve this problem using different techniques. However, it is worth pointing out that there is an absence of a review that provides an in-depth study of all the existing methods and highlights their merits and demerits. This paper presents an overview of different approaches that were used to solve ASILs allocation problem. The review provides an overview of safety requirements including the related standards followed by a study of the resolution methods of the existing approaches. The study of each approach provides a detailed explanation of the used methodology and a discussion of its strength and weaknesses including the main open challenges.

Är den standardiserade testmetoden för antändlighet av underlakan applicerbar på påslakan?

Habib, Nadja, Leander, Maja January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om textila materials brännbarhet och antändlighet, framförallt bäddtextilier i bomull. Idag finns det lagkrav på att utföra antändlighetstester enligt SS- EN ISO 12952-1:2010 på bland annat fyllda bäddtextilier, till exempel täcke och kudde. Ikea of Sweden (IoS) har beslutat om att göra ytterligare antändlighetstester på ofyllda bäddtextilier så som underlakan, påslakan och örngott i säkerhetssyfte. Då det inte finns en testmetod för ofyllda påslakan i standarden har metoden för underlakan använts för test av påslakan. I detta arbete undersöks testmetodens relevans för test av påslakan. Det primära problemet med detta utförandet är att tester enligt ISO 12952-1 på ofyllda produkter resulterat i en stor spridning i utfallen mellan replikaten. Studien syftar därför till att undersöka om det finns faktorer som kan påverka denna inkonsekvens. För att göra denna undersökning har IoS egna testrapporter analyserats och testresultat sammanställts från år 2017. Ett urval av de produkter som visade spridda resultat valdes ut användes som testmaterial i egna utförda antändlighetstester enligt ISO 12952-1 på RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, i Borås. Litteratursökning, datainsamling och tester har legat till grund för denna studie. Projektet i sin helhet består av två delar; dels undersöks vilka faktorer som kan påverka utfallet och dels utreds frågan om testmetoden för lakan är relevant för test av påslakan. En hypotes om att val av tvättmedel kunde påverka testresultatet undersöktes närmare genom att fyra replikat tvättades med ett fosfatinnehållande tvättmedel före test. Tre test av fyra utförda tester visade godkänt resultat (75%), vilket ledde till slutsatsen om att tvättmedel är en känslig parameter och därför bör ej tvättmedlet avvika från standardens rekommendationer. Resterande tester, som tvättats enligt standardens rekommendationer, visade 100 % godkänt resultat, oavsett om lakan, påslakan (dubbelt lager) och påslakan (enkelt lager) testades. Utifrån testresultatet på de resterande testerna drogs en slutsats om att testmetoden för lakan är relevant för test av påslakan, oberoende om dubbelt eller enkelt lager testas. Dock ifrågasätts testets relevans ur ett miljöperspektiv, samt om tillräckligt många tester har utförts för att säkerställa trovärdigheten. / This study regards the combustibility and ignitability of textile materials, especially cotton bedlinens. Today, there is legal requirements for performing flammability tests according to SS-EN ISO 12952-1: 2010 on filled bedlinen, such as blankets and pillows. Ikea of Sweden (IoS) decided to make additional ignitability tests on unfilled bedlinen such as sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases for safety purposes. Since there is no test method for unfilled bed linens in the standard, the method for sheets was used for test of the duvet cover. In this report, the test method's relevance for the test of the duvet covers is examined. The primary problem with this is that tests according to ISO 12952-1 of unfilled products results in a spread in the output between replicates. Therefore the study aims to investigate if there is any factors that may cause this inconsistency. IoS test reports from yeas 2017 was analysed and complied. A few of the products that showed dispersed results were selected as test material for ignitability tests according to SS-EN ISO 12952-1: 2010 made at RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, in Borås. Literature research, data and test results have been the solid ground for this study.   The project consists of two main parts, one aims at investigating whether there are parameters that can affect the outcome of test results and the other analyses whether the test method for sheets is relevant for test of duvet covers. A hypothesis that choice of detergent had an effect on the result was further investigated by washing four replicates with a phosphate containing detergent before testing. Three tests of four showed approved results (75%), which led to the conclusion that detergent can be a sensitive parameter, thus the detergent should not deviate from the standard recommendations. The remaining tests, which were washed according to standard recommendations, showed 100% approved results, regardless of which test product. whether the sheet, duvet cover (double layer) and duvet cover (single layer) were tested. Based on the results of this study, the conclusion is given that the test method for the sheet is relevant for the test of the cover, regardless of double or single layer. However, the relevance of the test is questioned from an environmental perspective, and if enough tests have been conducted to strengthen credibility.

Le corps de la personne au travail selon le droit social / The body of the person at work depending on social law

Ursini, Carine 12 October 2013 (has links)
La révolution industrielle du XIXème siècle, marquée par la création des grandes usines, a entraîné une mutation de la classe laborieuse constituée d’ouvriers dont les conditions de travail étaient d’une dureté que l’on peine à imaginer aujourd’hui. L’état de santé des ouvriers représentait pourtant un enjeu économique et politique d’une grande importance. L’Etat a, en conséquence, produit une législation tutélaire visant à protéger les corps des travailleurs : une législation industrielle devenue droit du travail, dans le cadre de ce plus vaste ensemble que l’on dénomme le droit social. Le droit du travail assure un équilibre entre les acteurs des relations du travail. Il est, essentiellement, un droit de compromis à des fins de pacification des relations sociales, un compromis social entre les intérêts des entreprises et ceux des travailleurs salariés. Le « droit social », qui recouvre, au moins, le droit du travail et le droit de la sécurité sociale, est à la fois un droit de protection et un droit de réparation des atteintes portées aux corps des salariés par le travail. L’homme au travail a longtemps été considéré comme une machine de production et le corps perçu uniquement du point de vue mécanique. Mais le corps est le substratum de la personne ; il n’est pas une chose : il est la personne protégée par des règles pénales, les règles composant le droit civil des personnes – au lieu de relever du droit des biens – et celles qui consacrent et garantissent ce que l’on appelle volontiers, aujourd’hui, les droits et libertés fondamentaux. Aujourd’hui, le travail, activité productive, est beaucoup plus diversifié que celui du XIXème siècle. Les conditions sociales et du travail ont évolué avec le droit du travail qui est bien différent d’alors. Les risques professionnels sont différents et l’homme au travail, considéré comme une personne à part entière, peut subir des atteintes à sa santé physique et mentale. Si le droit du travail poursuit les buts partiellement antagonistes de préserver, à la fois, le capital et le travail, la question est de savoir quels instruments juridiques visent à prémunir les salariés des atteintes à leur intégrité physique et mentale que pourrait provoquer le travail. Celui-ci étant, cependant, source d’accidents et de maladies, il s’agit de connaître les outils utilisés par le droit positif afin de permettre la réparation de ces atteintes. / The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century saw the creation of large factories, leading to a change in the living and working conditions for the proletariat, whose working conditions were more difficult than we could imagine today. Worker's health became an economic and political issue of great importance. The State, therefore, passed guardianship legislation to protect workers' health: the industrial legislation become labor law, a subset of broader social laws. The labor law provided a balance between the actors of labor relations. It was essentially a law compromise for the purpose of pacification of social relations, a social compromise between the interests of business and those of employees. "Social law", which incorporates both the labor law and the social welfare law, is composed of laws to protect and rules to govern awards for damages for injuries incurred in the workplace. The working man has long been considered a production machine viewed only from a mechanical point of view, but the body is the substratum of the person; it is not a thing. A person is protected under criminal law and civil law, not property law; what we now call fundamental rights and freedoms. In today's workforce, productive activity is much more diverse than in the Nineteenth Century. Social and labor conditions have evolved, as has labor law. Occupational hazards are different and the working man, considered as a whole person, may suffer damage to his physical and mental health. If labor law continues tries to encourage capital gain and workforce safety at the same time, how effective are the regulations that are in place to protect workers from physical harm. Workplace injuries and illnesses will occur, so it becomes important to know the tools of french positive law created to insure reparations in the instances.

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