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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vigilância sanitária de serviços de vacinação: um roteiro para inspeção sanitária / Health surveillance of immunization services: a roadmap for sanitary inspection

Aragão, Juliana Alves 18 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O controle sanitário de serviços de saúde com atividades de vacinação é realizado pela Vigilância Sanitária, através da Inspeção Sanitária (IS). A inexistência de um roteiro para sua realização resulta em condutas divergentes para serviços com condições semelhantes, em face da ausência de parâmetros classificatórios dos elementos que compõem as diretrizes regulamentadoras. Objetivos: elaborar, validar e classificar um Roteiro de Inspeção Sanitária (RIS) para serviços de vacinação. Método: pesquisa aplicada realizada em três etapas: 1) pesquisa documental, 2) elaboração do RIS e 3) validação do conteúdo e classificação do RIS segundo risco sanitário, através da Técnica Delphi, por 6 profissionais com experiência na área de vigilância sanitária e de vacinação. A validação de conteúdo foi orientada pelos critérios de simplicidade, clareza, pertinência e precisão e na avaliação de cada item do RIS adotou-se a escala de concordância, do tipo Likert de 5 pontos; para avaliar a concordância entre os especialistas que foi medida através do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) > 0,90. Na classificação do conteúdo do RIS segundo o risco sanitário presente nos serviços de vacinação foi utilizado o critério de criticidade: imprescindível (I), necessário (N) e recomendável (R). Resultados: o RIS foi composto por cinco blocos temáticos: 1. Origem, recepção e armazenamento de vacinas, 2. Processo de Trabalho, 3. Estrutura Física, 4. Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde, 5. Documentos gerais. Na primeira rodada de validação de conteúdo, dos 79 itens avaliados, 54 tiveram IVC < 0,90 em relação à clareza, 42 em relação à precisão, 34 em relação à simplicidade e 26 quanto à pertinência. Na 2ª rodada, após reformulação, o conteúdo foi julgado pelos especialistas como satisfatório nos quatro critérios. Na avaliação do risco sanitário segundo critério de criticidade, os 93 itens foram classificados: 70 como (I), 17 como (R) e seis como (N). Conclusão: o RIS pode ser uma ferramenta útil para a prática da IS; seu uso poderá favorecer a sistematização e minimizar a ocorrência de condutas desiguais para serviços com condições semelhantes, tanto para emissão de licença de funcionamento, como de sanções. / Introduction: The Health Surveillance Department conducts sanitary inspections to ensure that sanitary control services perform immunization activities appropriately. The absence of a roadmap for its realization results in a different behavior of services with similar conditions, caused by the lack of classification parameters constituting regulatory guidelines. Objectives: To develop, validate, and classify the Sanitary Inspection Guide (SIG) for immunization services. Method: Research was conducted in three phases: 1) documentary research, 2) development of the SIG, 3) validation of the content of the SIG and classifying it according to sanitary risks, using the Delphi Technique to identify the views and opinions of 6 professionals with experience in the sanitary surveillance and immunization field. Content validity was assessed using the following four criteria: simplicity, clarity, relevance, and accuracy. Each SIG item was evaluated using a 5-point Likert-scale to measure agreement among experts, which was defined as a content validity index (CVI) of >0.90. To classify SIG content according to the health risks associated with immunization services, the essential (E), necessary (N), and recommended (R) criticality criteria were used. Results: SIG content comprised five thematic blocks: 1. Origin, reception, and storage of vaccines; 2. Work process; 3. Physical structure; 4. Health services waste; and 5. General documents. In the first round of content validation, 54 of the 79 items evaluated for clarity, 42 for accuracy, 34 for simplicity, and 26 for relevance had a CVI < 0.90. In the second round, after the items were revised, the experts agreed that the content met the four criteria. When health risks were evaluated according to the criticality criterion, the 93 items were classified as follows: 70 as (E), 17 as (R), and 6 as (N). Conclusion: The SIG can be a useful tool for sanitation inspections; its use can help systematizing the SI and minimizing the occurrence of different behaviors of services with similar conditions, both for the issuance of operating license and penaltys.

Políticas públicas de esgotamento sanitário no território da região metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) / Public policies os sanitary sewage in the territory of the metropolitan region of São Paulo (RMSP)

Leal, Greisse Quintino 06 October 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de Geografia Urbana é um diagnóstico do Esgotamento Sanitário na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Objetivou-se apresentar as Políticas Públicas (PPs) de Saneamento Básico, as Instituições do Saneamento Básico e a infraestrutura existente nos municípios metropolitanos a fim de evidenciar, com detalhe, o quadro de degradação hídrica urbana e seus motivos. A tese é de que as PPs são capazes de promover mudanças no território quando cumprido o processo de implementação das mesmas pelas instituições do Saneamento Básico. A relação entre as instituições apresenta conflitos, sobreposições de poder e lacunas que promovem o esvaziamento parcial das PPs. O policy cycle de Frey (2000) e os 3 Es (Eficácia, Eficiência e Efetividade) de Arretche (1998) são o fundamento teórico para identificar os rebatimentos territoriais produzidos pelas PPs. Com esta investigação obteve-se os seguintes resultados: existe uma fragilidade institucional na esfera dos municípios que precisa ser combatida, pois o ente municipal está desterritorializado dos sistemas sanitários dentro de seus limites administrativos; a participação popular junto às decisões sobre o Saneamento Básico é diminuta e que urge sensibilizar as populações sobre esta questão urbana e política; a gestão do esgotamento sanitário apresenta falhas e torna as PPs morosas e ineficazes. Este conjunto de pontos instáveis em todos os níveis administrativos desabilitam a efetividade das Políticas Públicas de Saneamento Básico na RMSP, em especial no que se refere ao esgotamento sanitário. O setor é complexo e exige uma série de reformulações quanto à execução das PPs e a atuação das instituições do Saneamento Básico. / This research of Urban Geography is a diagnosis of Sanitary Sewage in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP). The objective was to present the Public Policies (PPs) of Basic Sanitation, the Institutions of Basic Sanitation and the existing infrastructure in the metropolitan municipalities in order to evidence, in detail, the urban water degradation framework and its reasons. The thesis is that PPs are able to promote changes in the territory when the implementation process of the same by the Basic Sanitation institutions is completed. The relation between institutions presents conflicts, power overlaps and loopholes that promote the partial emptying of PPs. The Frey (2000) policy cycle and the 3 Es (Efficicacious, Efficiency and Effectiveness) of Arretche (1998) are the theoretical basis for identifying the territorial results produced by the PPs. With this investigation the following results were obtained: there is an institutional fragility in the sphere of municipalities that needs to be combated, since the municipal entity is deterritorialized of sanitary systems within its administrative limits; the popular participation in the decisions on Basic Sanitation is small and it is urgent to raise the awareness of the population about this urban and political issue; the management of sanitary sewage presents flaws and makes PPs sluggish and ineffective. This set of unstable points at all administrative levels disables the effectiveness of the Public Policies of Basic Sanitation in the RMSP, especially with regard to sanitary sewage. The sector is complex and requires a series of reformulations regarding the execution of PPs and the actions of the Basic Sanitation institutions.

Remoção simultânea de matéria organica e nitrogênio total em reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente tratando efluente composto por esgoto bruto e efluente de ralf

Wendling, Ana Cláudia 05 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-02-05T17:21:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Ana C Wendling.pdf: 1711610 bytes, checksum: 68dc677af063a5833bd222516d408814 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-05T17:21:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Ana C Wendling.pdf: 1711610 bytes, checksum: 68dc677af063a5833bd222516d408814 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O consumo do oxigênio dissolvido nos corpos hídricos é um dos principais problemas resultantes da poluição nas águas por matéria orgânica. Outro ponto importante é a eutrofização, que é o crescimento excessivo das plantas devido ao excesso de nutrientes presentes nesse meio. As estações de tratamento de esgoto brasileiras costumam utilizar processos biológicos para a remoção da matéria orgânica e do nitrogênio. Nesse sentido visando a remoção simultânea da Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e de Nitrogênio Total (NT) do esgoto sanitário, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de um reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente, com períodos de aeração de 60 minutos seguidos de 120 minutos sem aeração, a cada ciclo de 180 minutos. O reator foi operado com Tempo de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH) de 8 horas, temperatura de 30 ± 1ºC, alimentação contínua e razão de recirculação igual a 2. Foram realizados 5 ensaios que se diferenciaram em a composição do afluente. Os afluentes foram compostos por uma combinação de parcelas de esgoto sanitário bruto da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) Verde e efluente de Reator Anaeróbio de Leito Fluidizado (RALF) da mesma ETE. As concentrações de cada parcela no afluente foram de 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% e 100%. Como meio suporte para a fixação dos microrganismos foram utilizados 13 cilindros de espuma de poliuretano dispostos verticalmente no reator. Para avaliação da eficiência do processo, foram realizadas as análises de pH, alcalinidade, Nitrogênio Total Kjeldahl (NTK), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH4+), nitrito (N-NO2-), nitrato (N-NO3-), Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e fósforo. A eficiência mínima de remoção de DQO obtida foi de 76% e a máxima de 95%, porém os resultados apontaram que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os ensaios para esse parâmetro. A melhor eficiência de remoção de NT foi de 78%, com afluente composto apenas por efluente do RALF, que foi o ensaio 3. Nestas condições o efluente apresentou teores de DQO de 14 mg.L-1, de N-NH4+ de 3 mg.L-1, de N-NO3- de 2 mg.L-1 e de N-NO2- de 3 mg.L-1. Diante dos resultados foi possível concluir que o reator de leito estruturado e aeração intermitente é eficiente para a remoção simultânea da matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada com afluente contendo uma mistura do esgoto bruto e efluente de RALF nas mais diferentes proporções. / The consumption of dissolved oxygen in water bodies is one of the main problems resulting from water pollution by organic matter. Another important point is eutrophication, which is the excessive growth of plants due to the excess of nutrients present in this medium. Brazilian sewage treatment plants usually use biological processes for the removal of organic matter and nitrogen. In this sense, aiming at the simultaneous removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Nitrogen (TN) from sanitary sewage, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a structured bed reactor with intermittent aeration, with aeration periods of 60 Minutes followed by 120 minutes without aeration, with each cycle of 180 minutes. The reactor was operated with Hydraulic Detention Time (HDT) of 8 hours, temperature of 30 ± 1ºC, continuous feed and recirculation ratio equal to 2. Five trials were performed that differed in the composition of the influent. The influente were composed of a combination of raw sewage plots from the Green Sewage Treatment Station (ETE) and the Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor (RALF) effluent from the same ETE. The concentrations of each plot in the affluent were 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. As a support medium for Microorganisms were used 13 polyurethane foam cylinders arranged vertically in the reactor. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the process, pH, alkalinity, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4+), nitrite (N-NO2-), nitrate (N-NO3-), Chemical Demand Oxygen (COD) and phosphorus. The minimum COD removal efficiency obtained was 76% and the maximum of 95%, but the results showed that there was no significant statistical difference between the tests for this parameter. The best effluent removal efficiency was 78%, with an effluent composed only of RALF effluent, which was test 3. Under these conditions, the effluent had COD contents of 14 mg.L-1, 3 mg N-NH4+.L-1, N-NO3- of 2 mg.L-1 and N NO2- of 3 mg.L-1. In view of the results it was possible to conclude that the structured bed reactor and intermittent aeration is efficient for the simultaneous removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous organic matter with a influent containing a mixture of crude sewage and RALF effluent in the most different proportions.

Modelling of catalytic aftertreatment of NOx emissions using hydrocarbon as a reductant

Sawatmongkhon, Boonlue January 2012 (has links)
Hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) is emerging as one of the most practical methods for the removal of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from light-duty-diesel engine exhaust gas. In order to further promote the chemical reactions of NOx-SCR by hydrocarbons, an understanding of the HC-SCR process at the molecular level is necessary. In the present work, a novel surface-reaction mechanism for HC-SCR is set up with emphasis on microkinetic analysis aiming to investigate the chemical behaviour during the process at a molecular level via detailed elementary reaction steps. Propane (C3H8) is chosen as the reductant of HC-SCR. The simulation is designed for a single channel of a monolith, typical for automotive catalytic converters, coated with a silver alumina catalyst (Ag/Al2O3). The complicated physical and chemical details occurring in the catalytic converter are investigated by using the numerical method of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupled with the mechanism. The C3H8-SCR reaction mechanism consists of 94 elementary reactions, 24 gas-phase species and 24 adsorbed surface species. The mechanism is optimised by tuning some important reaction parameters against some measurable data from experiments. The optimised mechanism then is validated with another set of experimental data. The numerical simulation shows good agreements between the modelling and the experimental data. Finally, the numerical modelling also provides information that is difficult to measure for example, gas-phase concentration distribution, temperature profiles, wall temperatures and the occupation of adsorbed species on catalyst surface. Consequently, computational modelling can be used as an effective tool to design and/or optimise the catalytic exhaust aftertreatment system.

Engine performance and particulate matter speciation for compression ignition engines powered by a range of fossil and biofuels

Rounce, Paul Lindsey January 2011 (has links)
Fuels: Non-renewable fossil fuels are the largest man-made contributor to global warming. Biofuel market share will increase, promoted by renewability, inherent lower net CO\(_2\) emissions, and legislation. The environmental and human health impact of diesel exhaust emission particulate matter (PM) is a major concern. Fossil diesel PM aftertreatment systems exist. Near future fuel PM research and the evaluation of current aftertreatment technology, highlight a route for future development. Using a holistic approach this body of work studies the interdependence between the fuel, the CI engine and associated aftertreatment system. The overall objective of this thesis is the evaluation of current diesel aftertreatment using renewable near future fuels. Diesel blends with 1st and 2nd generation biodiesel fuels are viable. Carefully selected blends like B20G10 can make all round regulated emission improvements. Green additive dimethyl carbonate (DMC) enhances diesel combustion by oxygenation. Regulated emissions of THC, CO (>30% reduced) and PM (50% reduced) for 2% DMC in diesel. 1st generation biodiesel (RME) is widely available. Combustion produces significantly less solid PM than diesel (<50%) and slightly more liquid PM. RME produces less particulate at nearly all particle sizes, but more of the small nano sized liquid SOF. The potentially negative health effect of nano-sized SOF material raises questions. There is a case for more research into the health effects of nano-sized SOF material. Oxygenated fuel combustion PM contains more voids (facilitates DPF oxidation), plus unregulated carcinogenic compounds are reduced. ii Aftertreatment: The efficiency of the oxidation catalyst for the near future fuels was comparable to diesel and PM matter at all particulate sizes is reduced for all near future fuels tested. Aftertreatment total PM filtration levels are >90% by mass >98% by number, for all fuels. For synthetically produced 2nd generation gas to liquid (GTL) fuels there are potentially DPF regeneration implications. Current aftertreatment solutions are as effective for bio alternatives as they are for fossil diesel. Biodiesels, green additives and aftertreatment are effective clean emissions improvements, until the promise of true zero emission vehicles is realised.

Study of energy efficient supercritical coal-fired power plant dynamic responses and control strategies

Mohamed, Omar R. Ibrahim January 2012 (has links)
The world is facing the challenge of global warming and environment protection. On the other hand, the demand of electricity is growing fast due to economic growth and increase in population. Since the growth in demand is also a heavy factor in energy equations, then the renewable energy alone is not able to generate enough electricity to fill the gap within a short time of period. Therefore, fossil fuel such as coal fired power plants cannot be ruled out immediately due to their generation capacity and flexibility in load following. However, any new coal fired stations should be cleaner compared with traditional power plants. Supercritical power plants are one of the most suitable choices for environmental enhancement and higher efficiency. However, there has been an issue of whether or not to adopt this technology in the UK because it is not clear whether the performance for SC plants can satisfy the British Gird Code requirement. This thesis reports a study of dynamic responses of SC power plants through mathematical modeling, and simulation for Gird Code compliance. It also presents a new control strategy based on an alternative configuration of generalized predictive control for power plant control.

The synthesis, characterisation and properties of self- assembled hollow and low density microspheres

Mee, Stephen J. January 2011 (has links)
Hollow low density microspheres were prepared by adsorbing kaolin nanoparticles onto a polystyrene (PS) template. A cationic polyelectrolyte, poly(diallydimethylammonium chloride), was initially adsorbed on the PS to render the surface cationic enabling the kaolin nanoparticles to form a shell structure due to electrostatic attraction forces. An increase in ionic strength by the addition of 0.1 M NaCl increased the amount of polyelectrolyte adsorbed at the PS surface. Solvent relaxation NMR experiments indicated that solvent molecules were bound at the PS surface suggesting attached polymer chains. Zeta potential experiments indicated a change in the surface potential at the PS interface due to the addition of a polyelectrolyte, as little as 0.1 g m-2 of polyelectrolyte was required to change the PS surface potential. Surface saturation of the PS resulted in a zeta potential of 63.5 \(\pm\)2.6 mV, at pH 6.6 \(\pm\)0.2. Kaolin adsorption was determined by reduced sediment volume experiments and observed by the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of an increase in the kaolin ratio and the calcination process on the microsphere structure was investigated. When calcined at 1000 ºC for 60 min the microsphere properties exhibited a particle size (d50) of 11.2 \(\pm\)0.4 \(\mu\)m and a bulk density of 0.13 \(\pm\)0.01 g/cm3. The internal structure of the calcined microspheres were characterised by the use of SEM and focused ion beam (FIB) instruments. The characteristic properties of the calcined kaolin microspheres were determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

Co-digestion of agricultural and industrial wastes

Callaghan, Fergal James January 1998 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion technology has not gained widespread acceptance on UK farms due mainly to the long return on investment periods involved. It has been suggested that co-digestion of agricultural and industrial wastes may enhance the economic viability of such installations. Batch and continuous digestion of cattle slurry and organic industrial wastes was carried out in specially constructed pilot plant digesters, to determine optimum mixtures of waste and digester loading rates. A total of 10 different wastes were tested, on a batch digestion basis, for their potential to co-digest with cattle slurry. Of these, 3 were chosen for continuous pilot plant trials, due to either a need to provide a disposal route for the waste, or positive effects of the waste on methane productivity. Chicken manure was found to slightly enhance methane productivity, but ammonia inhibition of methanogenic bacteria was noted over time. The organic fraction of municipal household waste (OFMSW) significantly enhanced digester methane productivity, while fish offal (FO) slightly enhanced methane productivity when added to the digester in small quantities, but quickly caused digester failure when added in larger amounts. An economic model of a digestion facility was developed and used to show the financial benefits of co-digestion.

Research on a new hybrid wind turbine system

Sun, Hao January 2014 (has links)
Electrical power generation from wind energy has been recognised as one of major realistic energy sources in CO2 emission reduction worldwide. However, matching power generation with the load demand remains a great challenge, due to the nature of wind energy intermittency. The thesis addresses this issue by developing a new system with the structure of a hybrid connection of the wind turbine and compressed air energy storage. A scroll air motor is adopted to serve as an “air-electricity transformer” to compensate the power output during the period of low wind speed. The complete mathematical model and a suitable management and control strategy for the whole hybrid system are developed in the thesis. The simulation study has demonstrated that the proposed new hybrid wind turbine system is feasible and has potential for industrial applications. The prototype of hybrid wind turbine is successfully constructed in the author’s group. And the experimental results finally prove the concept of the new hybrid wind turbine. At last, the experimental system result analysis is described in this thesis. Simulation and experimental study shows that the proposed hybrid wind turbine system is technically feasible with energy efficiency around 50%.

Avaliação do tratamento de esgoto sanitário combinado com resíduos sólidos de restaurantes em biodigestor chinês e reator UASB

Stockmanns, Ádrian Juchem 30 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-11-17T13:39:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ádrian Juchem Stockmanns_.pdf: 9128543 bytes, checksum: 4439d237e66a4448ce2e08a6e7298d7d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-17T13:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ádrian Juchem Stockmanns_.pdf: 9128543 bytes, checksum: 4439d237e66a4448ce2e08a6e7298d7d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-30 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho teve os objetivos de estudar o tratamento de esgoto sanitário através de um biodigestor do tipo chinês (Etapa 1) e de um reator UASB (Etapa 2), além do tratamento de esgoto sanitário em conjunto com resíduos sólidos de restaurantes através de um reator UASB (Etapa 3). O experimento foi realizado na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos da UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), aonde inicialmente foi dada a partida nos sistemas (biodigestor e reator) através da utilização de lodo do UASB existente na ETE da UNISINOS como inóculo. Relacionando as etapas 1 e 2, as análises de cor aparente, cor verdadeira e turbidez apresentaram valores superiores nas análises de Saída durante a Etapa 1. Na Etapa 2 os resultados de cor aparente e turbidez apresentaram uma redução de 41% e 77% respectivamente. As análises de DBO apresentaram uma redução de 32% entre a Entrada e Saída do reator na Etapa 2 contra 17% na Etapa 1. Nas análises de DQO, a média considerada de remoção foi de 20% na Etapa 2 contra 52% na Etapa 1, porém as últimas análises da Etapa 2 chegaram a uma redução de 80% nas análises de Saída. Relacionando as etapas 2 e 3 as análises de cor (aparente e verdadeira), DBO e DQO apresentaram valores superiores na Saída devido a adição de RSR. Comparando com a etapa aonde não foi adicionado RSR (Etapa 2) os parâmetros analisados (com exceção do pH e turbidez) apresentaram-se superiores após a adição de RSR. Em relação a geração de biogás foi comprovado o aumento na produção de biogás após a adição de resíduos, algo que de fato ocorreu principalmente após a segunda adição de resíduo, impulsionando um aumento de aproximadamente 80% em sua geração, havendo, portanto, um indicativo da possibilidade de tratamento combinado, no mesmo reator, de esgoto sanitário e resíduos sólidos de restaurantes. Os resultados sugerem que a configuração de reator UASB (Etapa 2 e 3) possui um poder de remoção de matéria orgânica superior a configuração do biodigestor chinês (Etapa 1), o que impulsiona estudos com um período maior de operação com a introdução de RSR para um tratamento integrado (ES e RSR) em reatores UASB. / This work had the objectives of studying the sewage treatment through a Chinese-type digester (Stage 1) and a UASB reactor (Stage 2), besides the sewage treatment together with solid waste from restaurants through a USB reactor (Stage 3). The experiment was performed at Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos da UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), where the systems were initially started (biodigester and reactor) through the use of UASB’s Iodine existing in ETE from UNISINOS as inoculum. Relating stages 1 and 2, the analysis of apparent color, true color and turbidity presented higher values in the reactor outlet analysis during stage 1. In stage 2, the apparent color and turbidity results presented a reduction of 41% and 77% respectively. The analysis of DBO presented a reduction of 32% between the inlet and outlet of the reactor in stage 2 against 17% in stage 1. In the DQO analysis, the considered mean of removal was 20% in stage 2 against 52% in stage 1, however the stage 2 latest reviews came to a reduction of 80% in the reactor outlet analysis. Relating stages 2 and 3, the color reviews (apparent and true), DBO and DQO presented higher values in the outlet due to the addition of RSR. Comparing to the stage in which no RSR was added (Stage 2), the parameters analyzed (except for pH and turbidity) presented higher after the addition of RSR. About the generation of biogas, the increase in biogas production after the waste addition has been proven, something that actually occurred mainly after the second waste addition, boosting an increase of approximately 80% in its generation, having, therefore, indicative of the possibility of combined treatment, in the same reactor, of sanitary sewage and solid waste from restaurants. The results suggest that the UASB reactor configuration (Stages 2 and 3) has a power of removal of organic matter higher than the Chinese-type digester configuration (Stage 1), which boosts studies with a longer period of operation with the introduction of RSR for a integrated treatment (ES and RSR) in UASB reactors.

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